The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 19, 1906, Image 10

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m - — ■— THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Le*» Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom- pany out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. J Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. waNTRD-floon strong white wen na helpers In (ha foundry to learn mold* era* trade. Good pay to atart with and Letter pay In two or th thoae with good refer* DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co. MEN AND nOVH WANTED LEARN plumbing, plastering. bricklaying. Bpe- t Ini offer life scholarship fifty dollars, eaay payments; position guaranteed; free nita- Jojjuc. Coyne Pros. Trade Schools, New York, Chicago, fit, Louie. SHOE CLERK FOR OUT-OF-TOWN I’O. altlon, 160. HIMingniphFr for railway of- fire. fts. Law office, $60. I'lnno, violin and cornet nlnyrr*. 180. Foreman for brick yard. $w. Ilellatnj Business Agency, 1330 Candler Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMAl^E. operators make from 83.00 to 812.00 per wc«k, and we will give good day wngea to thoae without experience until they loam. If you live out of At lanta, write ua and wa will give you In formation about boarding placet. Nunnally WANTED—YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN local and long dlstnnee telephone operat ing. A course of Instruction given In train ing school with aalary beginning with en trance to echool. Good aalarlea paid to competent operators, salary being deter mined upon merit* of the operator and not noon length of service. Apply 6th floor, Training School. Telcnhone llblg. TffTNG UI»Y fAMiisft'it with llemlngtoii typewriter for copying work; stenography not required. Apply at 303-10 Kmplre Illdg. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. HELP WANTED. references. Address Box No. 3, Martin, Gn. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. lanta Georgian. WANTED—AQENT8. AGKNTH WANTING BIG AND QUICK money send for our free circulars. Gen eral Sales and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—SALESMEN. lor uingninCTlJi u.w map.; n.w Ir.uir.-., mi; .Hl.ra; .xrlual.a t.rrltor; and llbarat proposition; rxtr.orillnftr; chine for work- »ri. 8t»t. If too ham bad eipartenco. Hudgins Co.. Atlanta, Ua. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WASTED—TIIE PUHLIO TO KNOW that the Southern Auction and Halrago Co., nt 30 H. Pryor, can dlapoao of ;our houuhold foods, ofllra fixtures. lafri, car. pats, ruga, planoa ate., lu advantage. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HATE YOU ANYTHING TO BELLI IF you have, aend It to th. Southern Auction andrtaljjp Co., S) 8. Pryor atreet. Phon* -ATLAS ENGINES ATI.AH 1IOII.RIIH -AH Jtfhi and slsps.- Atlll Engine Worka. Empire Itldg., Atlanta TSI'hiKesh K.ut Men Phony » ■ >ai.i: TW UorsES Call on r;ur atreel. Ilifc 9ALE-tWi> CAR LOADS fTSE Brockwn; aurrlm. nmabouta oud depot wagons. Nothing hatter ronde. Georgia Vaklclo Ufg. Co.. (0 and 5: Went Mitchell SS5;“ AAU:-&Mt—htTfBKU Tilth; 62 Went Mltrhell at. •treat. box, for sale cheap. 196 Peter* DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU BEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking ■ new line. Just added a full Mne of trunks, travelers* aupplles and o-eoergl office supplies. The cheapest ever •old. We buy. eell or exchange everythin*. Sr*"* Mitchell street. Bell 'phone BBAMBAC1I PIANOS. RBTABLIBI BECHT PIANO CO., FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL. PLEABANT BOOMS 82 TO 83 A week. Lodging Ji « week. Meals 82.60 a week. 10ft Tan tty avenue. Bell phone 2241, Atlanta phone 2717. CLEAN. COOL. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for men. 82 per week. No extra a io Trinity avenue. Marge for two la i WANTED—ROO M S. BROTHER AND SISTER WANT THREE furnished rooms centrally located uedT EqaluWe building with light botinekeep- log privilege. Address J. L. P., Georgian. We need help, both male and fe male, experienced and Inexperienced. Apply in peraon at once. EMPIRE PRINTING & BOX CO., 155 MADISON 8T. MISCELLANEOUS. IRON BAFEB DANK BAFEB. VAULT DOOAB. SAFES. fire proof safes. Hleitoslt lioxes. William E. Ellis. 28 B. Brood Ht.. Atlanta. LUiimdl-TVK mVB THREB MIlXs* catting aonth Georgia pine shingles. Also tnanufsHurc flooring, celling, sbllng snd Isth. Writs us for daliv*rad prices. Kll- Ilsn Lumber Company, Box 107. Cordele, Go. ALL STYLES GATES, WIRE AND IRON fences sold nnd erected. Fenring for farm. Inwu, garden nnd poultry. Exclusive agents for “Page Fence/’ Dixie Fence Co. successors Tilly Fence Co., 41 West Hunter street Phones 3093. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. room house with basement. Remodeled nnd In perfect condition. I/)t 60x 214, through to Forrest avenue; cheapest place In the city. Terms. Apply to Edgar Dunlap. 212 Prudential building. Pboues 229 Hell. 121 EDUCATIONAL. SHORTHAND LEARNED IN 5 WEEKS; brat, eaaleat, cheapeat; alao taught by mall. Stokely't Bui. College. 7i Marietta at. PER80NAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Pbonea UK $0 E. Hunter SL WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY, largest stock In South. 64 K Droad St “KENT LIGHTS.” THE REST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold nt 91ft N. Pryor St AJex Kent, Phone 4M* 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCK IE. OPPOBITE PIEDMONT. Dell 2335. Men's sewed half soles, 76c. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE .SOUTHERN AUTO AND Equip ment Co. We repair, reeonatruct, ex change, buy and fell automobile. Garage. 10-12 Mltrhall afreet, Atlanta. Ga. All Phone 4694-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kent, 91ft N. Pryor. Phone 2928. 8HOE REPAIRING. N. LAZARUS, 21 8. PRYOR 8T. I DO iHMit and shoe repairing. When I any re pairing, I mean the beat repairing only. Superior material and oak leather, with the best workmanship. 1 know how to repair because I know a shoe. I am a skilful mender nnd can make comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down nnd worn out ones. Don't forget the No., 21 B. Pryor atreet. WALL PAPER. J. M. QUICK i CO.-WALL PAPER, mouldings. Pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell phone 729, Standard 704. 27 B. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wbolesole and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines nnd Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 records. * Immediate attention given mail ordiffs. We want the names of all talking machlnt dealers In tha qouth. Write for catalogue. Alexander-EIyea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LAROEBT bicycle and eundry distributor, lu th* aouth. Southern agent, for Fierce, Ygl,, Snell and Hudaon bicycle,. Write for our 1904 catalogue and prlca Hat Alexander- EIyea Co. jnh I'ltlhiTINO—LO W fcST PRICES. Bend for samples. Star Office, 20 Peters street, Atlanta. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS $3 UP. without pain. All work guaranteed 16 veers. Lanier Dental Parlors, 39ft White hall St., over Emmons' clothing store. Util phone 2663-J. WH MOVE, STORE. PACK AND SfltP household goods; insurance rate one per cent Office and warehouse 16346 Walton street Doth ’phones. Cat heart’s Trans fer. REYNOLDS. TUB SIGN PAINTER. Signs, banners, flags and flag decorations for special occasions. 30ft K. Alabama St KIlOMOI’ATlIlO ItuMEtriRs iTD'RU scalp diseases and nmko hair grow. Kronrs Medicated Soap makes you hv- rlcnli slly clean. (30 years success.) . J. J. Kroiu, specialist, 613 "Tho Grand,” At lanta. Ga. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier l>en- tal Parlors, 39ft Whitehall St, over Em mons' clothing store. Bell phone 256S-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS, HALLWOODS, IDEALS and all other makea at bargain prices. We can sell you s register, suitable for any business, at a price that cannot help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand cash Register Co.. 24 8. Broad street Atlanta. Go. MONEY TO LOAN. Advertisers on this page are reaping results; why not try an adlet yourself? THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New . Suburban Home*. The .flrat month will be given FREE and If occupied one . year, two more month# will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine month, you will have to pay for. None but good famine, will be allowed In tbeee houses. Theae are located on the River electrlo car line only twenty mlnutea. ride from the center of tbe city; contain 7 and t room.; have never been occupied; are located In Wait Atlanta Park. Every houae fronts a flfty-foot Park, which la act In trcea, evergreeni and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are morn whola- aome. In the center of thla Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springe, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now haa a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house coat ing 12,600.00 will soon bo completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds will show you through the houses. Rent 120.00 per mbnth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fittini 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Mail Atlanta 37. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. FOR gALB. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING site on railroad, containing 00 acres, with creek and rock within 2 ml lea of Piedmont park. Will sell an; part fUoo"W)IX I'L'IicIIaMB AN iJLEdANf 0 room houae. lot 100x200 feat. In Inman Park, Druid Circle. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. UP/g WHITEHALL STREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS ACME HATTERS, <<4 Whitehall I TEETH BEST SET Of TEETH 2S.00. GFAttAN- teed to at All work guaranteed 16 years Uater Dental Parlors 39V, Whitehall St, oxer Emmons' clothing atom. Bell pboan THREE NEW 2-ROOM HOUSES ON Itcoutlful corner In West End. 34,250 to $4,500. FTVk NbAf 4 AMf» i-RCOJ/ COWAaea lu the beet pert of West End, from 13,660 to $3,100. o-uoou j-Atouy nuw uoiiae; walls, cabinet mantela, Mcldrtm street, only $1,700. Terms. iiBAljffFUiA Nfctv loliiooM-irouBB oSf Peachtree with over ona acre of ground. Pries 89.600. Liberal terms or will ex change for vacant property or smaller home. avairpoff vkbt iMiLirazb to 896.000 |>er lot at prices. Buy ‘ J ‘" within a “ - - argnln counter and double your money year. If~yoiI WANT A IMmtNKM Sift}. WB have clients who will buy and Improva for you. Call and nee na FOR SALE. good street, near Petera atreet. with aide- •ptendld bargain. Rent Income 831 par mth. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 1J AUBURN AVE. DON’T SHOUT HELP. suppose you did shout Help? got to help yourself a little bit. do the little bit. We'U do the The Georgian. Your little lehed. We do the big bit. of proposition. We sell gold bricks. W gold-brick business, a legitimate want. lem, haven't you? Forget It. worry. Wi a quarter. for half a dollar. Send a help wan ad to The Georgian. It'll flx you. farma near Atlanta. FOR RENT. 26-R. H.. 62 and 64 Walton at 10- R. H., 70 Cone at 11- n. H„ 30 Logan ave. 4-R. H„ 153 Formwalt iL STURGEON & LANE, REAL E8TATE AND NVESTMENTS. 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. • BELL PHONE 437$. STANDARD 1279. 66.000—FOR 15-R. FLAT, JUST COMPLBT- ed and leased for two years at a monthly rental of $50. Has lot 60xlG5 and In spleu- did, renting section. $4,006 8-ft06M PRYOR HTHEtit home, with all conveniences. House un usually well constructed, being built for a home, and Is storm sheeted snd double- floored. Lot has east front, 00x186. Terms $500 rash, balance monthly. $3,760 FOR TWO-STORY 10-R. HOUSE, ON corner lot. 100x140, near Inman Pork. House was built for a home and Is storm sheeted, the lot Is level, and has good . servant s houae In rear. Terms $500 cosh, balance monthly. ’ $2,660 FOR NEW CAPITOL AVE. HOME. $2,500 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE AND STORE, near 8. Pryor street ou corner lot 60x150, renting now for $26 per'mouth. Terms. $2,600 FOR 6-B. COTTAGE, NEAR INMAN Park. large lot. Terms very easy. ii.600 FOR TWO-8TORV 7-IL IIOliSB, Jnxt off' Wunhlnctnn atreet, atmoat new. • Terra a $100 raah. balance raey. irMCb-4-k. COTTAGE, it!ST OWCUcKIt! fci.400 FOR NEW 3-IL COTTA6B IN 1 WEST End. Term.,. 1 42j400 Fort 6-R. cOWaGE ON CREW ST. Terms. lt,K0 FOR BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE OF 6 rooms and hall, on Oakland avenue, level lot and shaded beautifully. Terms. t’.lOO-S-R. UOTtAUrt, NEAR llILLEDUE avenue. Terms. $2,100 FOB 6-R. COTTAGE ON GRAN? street. Terms. $2,000—f-R. COTTAGE NEAR GRANT park, on shaded lot. Terms very easy. 61.C00 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE. CLOSE TO CAR bam. In good white section. $160 cash, $15 per month. $1,000—7-R. HOUSE, ON CORNER LOT, near (one block from) Decatur street. Can easily be made a store. Now renting for $15 per month. Sidewalk, gas and water. tariOO-FoR Ht. (jOTTAGE, NEAR SOUTH Boulevard school, on lot east front, 84x100. Terras $150 cdsh. $10 a month. >1,100 FOR 4-R. HOME AND fWo BASE- ment rooms, near Grant park, ou nice corner lot, with Improved streets. Terms. $1,J00 FOR NEW 4-R. COTTAGE, NEAR Inman Park. $160 cash, balance easy. $1,060 Fort 6-R. COTTAGE, NEAR 11BMp- hill avenue. >900—t-rt. uOTtagR, Near grant path. Term, rery raay. $900-$-rt. COTTAGE, ON'E-IIAI.F BLOCK off Highland avenue. $50 cash, balance easy. $460 FOR 3-R. Jt6U8E. NEAR B<5UtiT Itonlevard school, renting for H50 per month. Cash. $850—VACANT tfAl'ITOL AVENGE LOT. Eaat front. " ' '. STATISTICS. Special Notices B. P. O. OF ELKS. A special tension of Atlanta Lodga, No. 78, B. P. O. E., will be held Tues day evening, June 19, at 8 o'clock Business of importance. Please I prompt. Fraternally yours, PHILIP M. ESSIG, E. R. THEO. MAST, Secretary. THE WEATHER. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Offlctall; corrected by. Atlanta Fruit nnd Produce exchange. Lemon. $3.60 to $5.75. Limes 75 to 51. Pinettpnlca $2jt0 to $3.60, market at present time well stocked. , Ibinnna*. straight,, per hunch $1.60 to $1.73. Culls. |ter hnneh. $1 to $L!S. Strawberries, Georgia . stock, 24-qturt crate., $1.50 to $3: Tennessee $1 to $1.60 ’"poultry AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Live hens 35 to 37ftc: fries 22ft to 25c: broilers 35 to 22ftc. live ducks, Pekin 30 to 36c; puddle 26 to 27He. Dressed bens, per lb.. 12a to 13c; dressed turkeys, per lb., lfr to 14c; very doll. Eggs, per dozen. 17ft to 18c. Butter, table, per lb.. 20 to 22ftc; cook ing. per lb., 12ftc to 16c. , - Honey—New 8©10c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ^VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. So. 1 stock $1.50 barrel; No. 3 stock $3.50 to It. Beets, cnbboge crates, per crate 82.26 to 82.60. Tomatoes, per crate, 12 to 8160. Beans, green, per crate, 81 to 81.25; wax 60 to 75c. Squash. yellow, 81 to 81.25; white 75c, to 81: market oreratocked. Torn, new, 15 to 20c per dozen. Okra, per crate, 31.60 to 82. Cucumbers, per crate, 60 to 75c, market well stocked. Peaches, per ernte, 81.25 to 81.60. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, 81.25 to Sweet potatoes, per buabcl, 81 to 11.23. Spinach 81 per bushel. Asparagus 12ft to 16ftc bunch. Peaches, per crate, 81 to 81.60. Cherries, 24-qnart crate, 12.60 to 83. Cantaloupes, pe** crate, 82 to 82.60.. Blackberries 10 to liftc quart. ' Dewberries 10 to 12ftc quart FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. ^ FLOUR.—Postels Elegant 80.36; Diamond patent 86; fancy patent 85.10; half patent l.60e«. strong. . Vrt LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075 FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 8 PEACHTREE STREET—AT THE above number on Peachtree street, be tween James ami Forsyth streets, you will CONTRACTOR WANTED. We have* Juat received plana for our ew Stable Rock and Brick Building, d bo built near the Miller Union Stock arda. Marietta 8t. If you want thla contract, aeo ua t once. HARPER-WEATHERS MULE CO., 192 PETERS 8T„ ATLANTA. GA. g. m. McKinnon, 620 Petert Bldg. RENT PER ANNUM $300, PRICE $3,450; rortier «tor. and dwelling, Bflh ward. !* PER UENT lS'VfcVrME>tT AND white nraperty at that, rtoae north side, 5J90 cean and aaaump $3,000 mortjmje. ( Ton but rail and we me fbout this. hi'inilSti' ASlt RI'ViS.1 AtitVb o.n‘ IVarbtree mad- t'olller land lot, ran sell $1 tooVoti VuAi'fluaI.I.V new : sfohY 6 r. and h., on High Point, north aide and on corner. 5-U. w tl.. 3 ittlOMS NOT FINlatIKD AND large lot, lietoreeu two car lines at Copeu- ; price 82,500. LA«t Uvt. JoxiTS. kiUbte. SRaIi nil Al„..x ou». o..,r. Tenth atreet school, new homes s round, tltfo, "rtALL ,M Itir tMWiVfr menta, lot 49xlC« West' End. one third rash, p.xw C!.OHE^>V»RtH>!DF.,W YOUR TEETn FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- prored Inethoo. All wort guaranteed It RSa'ftrS&dtffc. dot king storo, BcU pbaxa *** » Forsyth si c. This P find one atorm room alMnit the same site. for n nice grocery or almost any kind of retail business, and • live man can do a good business at this stand: will b« vacant July 1. Rent 8160 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Phones 618 RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing the Antral and Departure of Pet- 9B Ntahvilla 7:10 am * 2 Nashville . 8:35 am ‘Urietta . 8:35 am 74 Marietta ..12:10 mn „ .lashvtlTe 11:46 am *92 Nashville . 4M 76 Marietta .J*0pm 72 Marietta * 1 Nashville 7:35 pin * 4 Nashville CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart Th- Barannah ... 7:10 am Macon 13r01 am Jackaonrllla . TAOamfaTaanah ... $.00 am Macon U:t*am Macon t.-Otom Savannah ... 4rt»pm Sxrannah ... 9:1, pm Macon ....^ T3$p» lackaonrllle . I:k)pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. Arrir, From- Depart To- •Belma ......11:0 nm .Mniitgorurr; 5:39am Montgom’y .7:0 put 'Mnntcouicry 12:15 Spot 'Selma 4:301 li other train, dally, except Ban <, *fil trains of Atmnra and Went Point Mitchell atreet nnd Madlion arenae. GEORGIA ILAILUOADT Arrlre r •Anguata dmyera Omrngtoi SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrlre From— Depart To— Wa .Mutton . 4:30 am Birmingham . 4:46 am Ahbertlie ... ,u»am Monroe , . . To* am Memphis. . .11:46 am New York . .U.OO m BSlwS.: :||g : 15 S “.wis <!ssr Si2 ,Bf,o “ • •* DEATH 8. Mm. Ida Sevilatx, 66 year* old, died of dyaentnry nt HU North Butler. Richard Church,, 32 years old, died of peritonitis at C9 JLuckle street.' Mrs. B. Lawrence, 23 yean old, died of tuberculosis at residence on Jones boro road. Eola Brown, 31 years old, died of ap pendicitis at 49 Luckle street. Moses H. Wright, 33 years old, died of Insanity caused by cut In the throat at Llthla Springs. Spencer E. Blackman, 32 years old, died of typhoid fever at 201 Peachtree. BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mrs. John Kohke at 9 Latimer street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childress, of 71 Tennllle street, a boy. PR0PERTY"TRAN8FERS. $500—J. C. White to Royal Camp and Gordon Camp, lot on James street, nenr Pierce. Warranty deed. 3335—E. 8. Hildebrand to J. Wolson, lot on Linden, near Williams. War ranty deed. 3350—Jackson Hill Land Company to J. B. Bowen, lot on Rosalie, near Wal do. Warranty dead. 365—Westvlew Cemetery Associa tion to John DeSaussure, lot No. 199, section 11. Warranty deed. 3450—Edgar Dunlap to M. C. Craw ford et al, lot on West Fair, near Lawshe. Warranty deed. 33.600— William J. Campbell to T. J. Phillips, lot on Courtland, near Linden. Warranty deed. 33,500—L. M. Harrison to Mrs. Sarah Krtck, lot at corner of Gilmer and Butler streets. Warranty title deed. $4,000—The Neal Bank to George E. Knott, lot on Gordon, near Peeples. Bond to recover title. buildingTermits. $4,000—J. T. Wlckle to build two- story dwelling at 440 North Boulevard. $$5—W. L. Traynham to re-cover a dwelling at 21 Gilmer street. $500—B. F. Byhleld, to build one- story dwelling at 12 Jeptba. $$00—Ed Brown to re-cover dwell ing at 13$ Capitol avenue. $100—B. Greenblatt, to repair Are damages at (4 Culver street. $100—0. A. Clayton to build tool house at Viola, near Baas street. $1,800—Dr. G. Truax to build dwell ing at 426 Cherokee avenue. 31.600— A. J. Williams to build a dwelling at SIS Ashby street. 33.000— M. L. Thower to build two one-story frame dwellings at 331-836 Ormond street. StO.000—J. W. Kriegshsber to erect a building at 335 Whitehall. 310—J. F. Gaston to build stall at 318 Simpson atreet. 330.000— Georgia Railway, and Elec tric Company to build three-story of- lice building at corner Piedmont ave nue and Armstrong street. 35.000— The Empire State Invest ment Company to build four dwellings at 277-231-285 and 267 Highland ave nue. 3400—W. M. Terry to repair damages by Are at rear 344 Decatur street. Freight Wreck Blocks Track. 8peclal to The Georgian. McCormick. 8. C., June 19.—There was a collision of two freight trains near this place lost Saturday that caused a delay of many trains on the c. and W. C. railroad for several hours. Quite a number of cars were torn to Ileces and the road was badly torn up. Co ona was seriously Injured. ’ CORN—Choice red cob 76c; ,No. 2 white 74c; No. 2 yellow 7$c; mixed 72c. OATH.—Choice white clipped 61c; choice white 60c; choice mixed 49c. MEAL.—Plsln water ground, per bushel, 7$c: bolted 140-lh. Jutes, per bushel, 63c. HAY.—Timothy, choice Inrge holes, 11.10: _o„ choice smnll holes $1.14; do.. No. 1 timothy hales, $1.06; do.. No. 2 $1; do.. No. 1 clover mixed $1.05; do., No. 2 closed mixed 90c. CLOVER.—Choice 90c. The shove prices ore f. o. b. Atlanta, tnd subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Standard granulated 5c. New _ork Refined 414 to 4>4; plantations 4 to 464#. M &M™&ted Arbnckls'a $15.50; bulk, In bags or barrels, 12%c; green 10 to 12c. Market weak. KICK.—Carolina 4ft to 7ftc, according to grade. Market very strong. CHBK8K.—Fancy fall cream, flats 14c; twine. 13ftc; bricks 4c. Market strong. vine 13%c; bricks 4c. Ma 1*110 V181 ON 8.—Supreme Iftffnla hams lOfte. Dry at Miles 20-6 lbs. 10.60,- fat Supremo lard 10. Hnow Drift coin* tteorgia t7l»t ivio.M in Georgia, It. It. 6s, 1910 106 ” 7i 5a. 1909....;; 102ft third Income... LOCAL FORECAST. edne&y* - - Vlcl " l, - r_Fnlr t«**rtt ,14 WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. md hot. Flirt Worth, clear nnd bhainV, Mlsskodppk—Ilstllrafcorg, W,",r. drJ ,M ■■b h«ly Illy mid cool;"*' rnln tint nlsht. ., ...I partly domly :iii<I * Y«Xi-» \ Plsosah't^RrtiJJJ clonr Huntsville, eloodr and warm. Mootgor,,.?;- partly cloudy nml warm. Mobile. elearsZt warm. Klrmlngham. partly cloudy nia-1 cloudy Georgia—Columbus, Mncori, Alhnnr At [cus, clear nn.l hot. Atlnnttf, portly AS anil li"t; light rain this morning. ‘ ^ Florida—Jackkbiivllle. clear and hot nTcnn'-seee-Uart'y cloudy, light rain |, rt WEATHER IN~WHEAT BELT. Extreme N'oribweet-CIsady and xencraii. lower temperatures; 42 to 68- above- wn crnl rains. ' * u * Northwest—Fair to clear; 48 to 60 nhnrs. ■bowers in Dakotas. n w#< West and Bouthwest—Partly cloudv « tn 64 aiKive; general rains lu lows, ininola and UlsourT; hn-sl ahowera Kanw. * Ohio Volley—Cloudy M to 6$ above' cm. ernl rains. * " WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana—Showers Tuesday: not s«t warm In the east portion; Wednesday fair Georgia nml West I'lorlda-Falr Tu'esdav and Wednesday. ’ Alabama and ^MlMlssIppi-ShowerH and cooler Tuesday: Wednesday fnlr. Kast Texas, West Texas and Arkansas- Fair Tuesday and Wedpesday. , Tennessee and Kentucky—Showers and cooler Tuesday; Wednesday fair. JUInois-Showers and cooler lonlghf; W’wlnesday imrtly cloudy. * Missouri, Dakotas, Nebraska. Kansas Minnesota—Generally fair tonight and to^ morrow; cooler. W'lscouslln-Threateqlng with showers to night and possibly northeast tomorrow; tonight; cooler. WEATHER CONDITIONS. An area of low pressure of marked en»>r<rv > I'.r* fit, ru 1 Ira 4 tv., iinno. A f I — 4 l.._ I i.^' low it all stations esst .. HI while nn area of high barometer tbe north Pacific states. Cloudiness covers the Mississippi taller and much of the country eastward to the Atlantic. The temperature has remained practically stationary dnrtng the last 24 hours. The eastward drift of the storm area now in the Mississippi valley will favor fnlr weather In/ - this section tonight nn-i Wednesday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA D18TRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy. •Chattanooga, rnlu......... Columbus, p. cloudy...... Gainesville; p. cloudy...... Greenville, dear.... Griffin, dondy.............. C. t C. and A. 1st PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO/S CENTRAL 5..M STATION. ; ill let showing great weakness, while the new :rop options are very strong. Liverpool ‘ontlnued to take spot cotton on nbout the ue quotations ns yesterday, while fu- es showed a declining tendency. Our tugrket opened down 3 to 4 points, and weakness soon developed In tbe nearby op tions. The apathy or the outside Interest . market In the hands of the pro who are lieorlsb. nnd the idea at the entire crop Is dolug fine, —. — r roper thins to d6 Is to go short •of the new crop options. Texas has been romlsed rain every day for the past ten nys, yet It has not materialised. If the hurts become frightened lu their very decided rally would occur. Stocks—Confirmation of the $69,000,000 Pennsylvania loan, ntinounced thla morn ing, caused a stampede of the sborta In the stock market who have become Tery bold owing to* their, success In marking down snd attacking values. The opening was wide nnd advances were from ft to 2ft per cent, Pennsylvania enjoying tbe great est recovery, while the rally *~ opened down 1% per cent and suffered extreme decline of 6 points, but the mar< ket paid no attention to It, nnd the whole list rebounded with aharp advances. Head ing nnd Baltimore and Ohio, and the granger shares all recovered from 2 to 3 per cent. The pessimistic utterances by one of the New York papers yesterday morning had much to do with depressing prices, but after such a severe decline a rally won due, and on occasions of such weakness as has prevailed In tbe past week, opportunities should be taken advantage of on which to buy stocks. L. J. ANDERSON & CO.'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, June IP.—Selling of July and baying of October cotton were the featnres of today's trading. Kverylwdy seemed to have July for sale, while on tbe other hand there were enough baring orders In the market for October and Deceml>er to hold .those options steady. The decllue car ried July down !>elow October, where It rested on some buying, supitosed to be for milling Interests. The weather news was about the same; very little precipitation over the belt, with some further complaints from portions of .Texas regarding tbe drouth. On the whole the situation seems very little changed. The liquidation In July has removed the fear of manipulation. In that The ldg bulla continue to circulate bullish literature concerning the fan and winter months, and claim to be entirely sangulno ■a to higher prices for those options. COBALT MAY EXIST NEAR DECATUR, ALA Spralxl to The Georgian. Decatur. AM.. June 19.—Thomaa A. Edlaon na In middle Tenneaeee recently, end It M eeld that he bea dleeorered cobalt In eome at the countlei then. It b bettered here br eome tbit thla valuable mineral tor Marine electricity cxbts to some extent near thla elty and narttra here MU n>£' munlrate at ooee with Mr. Edbnn recant ing the robelt of thla faction and .peel mcna will lie eent to him. Montlcello, .... Nett-nan. cloudy. Rome, cloudy Spartanburg, clomly Tnllupooaii, clear. Toccoa, chair.— Wet Point, p. cloudy.I 'Minimum _telnperatur.a are for 12-boar . s III s £ l Atlanta .... Augusta ... Charleston . Galveston . Little Hock Memphis .. Mobile ..... Montgomery New Orleans Oklahoma Kavanunh Vicksburg Wilmington Temperatures continued nrnctlrnlly sta tionary over the belt, with light mlnfsll I# rail .in.tlmiu rarararan* iHieilhlfi (III,I 1 ’ll ft rlPfttOO Dlst. Averages. lis Hi NORTHWEST CARS. Following table give, tbe northweet cat* I of groin today, bat week Today. Vr2li. Y«r Chicago 130 Iffl Mlnnrapolb 107 ,J *j Duluth STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK BUS j New York. June 19,-Tbe New YwkfWI snya: The market was In many resp«*» j erdny more Irregular thr long th»* railroad st«H-ks, Ohio common ohares i „nins l nghout, gaining 2ft points nnd boMlgf ly all the rise upon a gcneml ^j | that they were soon to lie Placed «/><>» 1 .? i per cent dividend paying fmsls. Thj In the market as a whole was admlttH r due almost solrty to the concentrated ■«* lug In the last hour of the railroad and Interborough-Metropolius StnckS. . era The break In Pennsylvania „ wft * 'K.u rumors thsj, although the I eiinajl*** Hnllroad Company’s 150.000,000 lo« JJJ Anally l»een placed In Parts, the *rinasrtWl had. only Ihm*u consummated by the w I ment or such a heavy commission w - French bankers as to make the t*m* tbe loan onerous. While there jvrre I great changes one way or the other^ in monetary situation, sterling excbSHge more than a quarter of a cent i pound and time money was qootnbly flrtnw. ■ —Glbert A Clay. . 1 THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Privmte Lraaed Wire.' „ y. I Chicago, June 19.-ll»g»: nccclpt'- Market atrady to *c lower; oonll' "4 left over, 2,746: bulk. $$.67tt«M6; I for tomorrow, quality fair; bccree. $4.9004,09: cowa. I 4.40: heifer., $L40«4$9: Mlvri. ^ gnml to prime iteera, $416B409. p I medium. $4.0065.10; atockera and $17064.26.’ Hheep— Receipts, 11,000. and steady ** — - Market^ 5007-90; w, lamb., $3.5067. THE *DRY~GOQDS MARKET^ ly Private Leased Wire. , New York, June 19,-The dry net .bowed more atradlnrae today. 1 linn of bleached good, hive been adr*" I I. prlii and redaction. Mil not bc X'"'™ I on Vide aheetinc. for the prraent. Thejowj FOR SALE Beautiful 8-room house, modem in every detail, 467 Spring street, just completed. Apply to W. M. Fain, 3 X. Foi-syth street. Telephone 487. ,mmr rsmang