The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 21, 1906, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. THE Summer Home IsNofComplete Without A Talking Machine On the piazza or on the lawn you can hear all the music you would hear in New York—only without the cost, (rrandOpera,Comic Opera, Rag-time, Sousa’s Band, Her- lert’s Orchestra and Sacred Music. Rainy days lose their dreariness,and Sunday’s concerts make the day a con tinual feast. They are sold on easy terms: Prices, $16.00 to $100.00 Get one now. D hillips&CrewCo. 37-39 PEACHTREE STREET. Wkotailt nf Ritiil Soitlin Anils. PUBLIC REPRIMAND IS HOT WITHERSPOON TO LOSE TEN NUMBERS BECAUSE SHIP GROUNDED. Private Leased Wire. Washington, Juna 50—Secretary Bo naparte has approved the proceedings of the courtmartlal which found Lieu tenant Commander Witherspoon. t'. H. N guilty In connection with the recent ?i "Undlng of the battleship Rhode Is- le 111, excepting that portion relating to • public reprimand. The court found u 1 herspoon guilty of the several rhnrges and sentenced him to lose ten numbers In his grade. Nursing Mainers and Malaria. The Old Standard, flrove's Tasteless Chill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Bold by all dealers for IT years? Price 40 cents. VALUABLE INFORMATION ON THE BOLL WEEVIL Sp-rial to The Georgian. Raton Rouge. La., June 20. - The crop pet commission continues lie investi gations and experiments with the boll v • mil at the Keatchle farm. Home Teas weevils, known not to thrive In that state, have lived without food for i»" months In the rages. Data of areal value to entoaiologtBta, that will be of supreme Importance In fighting th* weevil, has already been secured. SHIRTS . [ WELL LAUNDERED arc indeed a luxury—also a necessity such weather as this. But the life of the shirt must be considered. We do high-class work with out injuring the clothes. Try Us and See Excelsior Steam Laundry L ao 42 WALL ST. TELEPHONE 4L TECH COMMENCEMENT IS BEGUN WEDNESDAY Senior Promenade Wednesday Evening Starts Off Annual Graduation Exercises. Out at Tech the students are hard at work putting up the electrical dec* orations for the promenade Wednesday evening, which they hope to make the moat memorable social event In the history of the school. Electric lights will be strung over all parts of the campus and music will be furnished by Wedemeyer's band. Tuesday night the banquets of the senior and Junior classes ware held, and at both of them resolutions ware passed requesting the authorities to change the proposed site of the new Carnegie library from between the Knowles dormitory and the academic building to some other point. This Is In the Interest of- the beauty of the campua. Alumni Want Trustees. Much Interest Is being evinced over the formation of the alumni society, and their proposal to secure, If pottl- tile, places on the board of trustees ror two alumni of tbs Institution. Tht authorities are very much pleased over this evidence of Interest In the men who have gone forth In years pssl. The plan Is to have the legislature at Its coming session add two members to tbs board of trustees, end these two members ate to be named by the alum ni society. A meeting will he held Thursday afternoon to perfect plana looking id this end. The alumni so- rlety will also apply at that time to the legislature for a charter, thue giving them a permanent and substantial en- tly. Professor Malheaon announces that In addition to the address of Dean Russell, of Columbia University, that Governor Terrell, Hon. John Temple Craves, Hon. X, E. Harris and Hon. Joe Hill Hall will msks short addresses at the commencement exerclaee at the Bijou theater Thursday night, and will afterwards attend the alumni banquet, where each of them will respond to tossts, in addition to the responses from a number of graduates. Commencement Exercises. The commencement exerclaee at the Bijou on Thureday night will be open tg the public, and Professor Matheson states t[ist he hopes to see as many of the people of Atlanta there as can poa. sibly come. In addition to the medals already announced, there will be a medal given by The Railway Herald for the best thesis In mechanical engineering. Thursday morning the students will don their overall! for tbs last time ihla aesalon, when they report to the shopa and mill to give an exhibition of the practical work which they are trained to do. While the school Is In no sense simply a manual training icbool, yet that part of the training Is considered a very valuable portion of the course, In that It glvaa to the fu ture engineer an Idea of exactly what can be accomplished under ordinary working condlllona. Matheson Will bs Named.. At their meeting on Thursday the trusteee will take up the election of a iroaldent to All the place of the late <yman Hall. Professor K. O. Matheson as chairman of the faculty, has beei tht actual head of the Inetitutlon for the past year, and there seems no doubt whatever that he will be elected for the position. A Southerner, highly cul tured and trained, he will make an Idaal head, it has been due to hla untiring work that the donation of ISO,000 was secured for the erection of a library, something of which the In stitution has stood in need for a long lima. DEPLORABLE SHORTAGE IN DIRECTORY MARKET You Can’t Get a 1906 Name Book For Love or Money—Growth of City the Cause. Thera la a shortage In the Atlanta city directory market. You can't get one foj love nor money. There has been none on the market since the first of March. J. W. Hill.- who gets out the directory, hss been sdvertlelng In the papers regularly for three months In an effort to buy coplee from thoae who have subscribed and possi bly do not need them as much'as they Hint thought they did. Ha can't gat them, however, even by offering the original purchase price, plue s liberal premium. The shortage la due to the great growth of Atlanta, says Manager lull, who waa Importuned Wednesday by a reprsaentatlve of The Georgian, who had orders to get another directory. "I hml a greater subscription list for the 1804 directory than ever before," he said, "but printed an extra 140 copies anyway. Before the first of February nearly every one of these had been purchased and by the first of March not one was left. Beveral new firms In the city, organised since the first of tbs year, have begged and Im plored me to get directories for thsm and I have been advertising, but so far have not been eucceesful In getting one." . If you happen to have a directory you don't need, Just communicate with The Georgian. HERBERTDITTLER'S VIOLIN DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE Herbert Duller, Atlanta's young and gifted vlollnst, made Ills Aral public appearance at the Bijou Tuesday even ing. By 1:10 o'clock the theater wae nearly ntled with an audience of sev eral hundred people—many nf them who felt In Ills young artist a warm personal Interest, who would never have dreamed of being critical, how ever meager the performance; and numbers, on the other hand, who were curious to ascertain for themselves bother Herbert Dlttler really pos sesses the genius accredited to him. When the youth came upon the stage his |ieisonallty Immediately tvon Ihv sympathy and Interest of his audience, end surprised those who hail never seen him. It le evident at a glance ttgu he iHieseasee both genius and tem perament. The slenderness of his fig ure gives the Impression of exceeding rrallty. The sensitive face which re flects every passing emotion, the won derful eyes, dark aa If with some an cient tragedy, and the pensive mel ancholy of his expression belong to the artist who forever commute with "the thlnga which are. unseen.” The hende, long, sensitive, deft, are those of a maestro. A personality which makes Its appeal, and a magnetism which compels response, even before the bow drawn arroaa the airings! Difficult Program. The program rendered by Herbert Dlttler would have taxed the powers or any virtuoso, but It la not too much to nay that to each number he gave an Interpretation which was not only soul ful. hut highly Intelligent and dignified. When he began the "t'oncerto." by Vleuxtempe, there waa evident In hla bearing a nervousness which marred Ihe effect of an attractive stage pres ence. but this disappeared entirely aa the violinist loat himself In hla work. fils rendition of t'urelU's "La Kolia" was mssterly. To It he brought ease and correctness of technique. SS well as sympathy and eantlment. The treatment of Handel's "Honatn A Major" was broad and dlgnlfled. The "Halide at Polonaise," by Vleuxtempe, was well Interpreted and was present- j By SELENE ARMSTRONG. It would scarcely Justify our bestowing wero'hla technical ability not accom panled by something finer. It Is In his rich temperament and In the soul of Ills music that power Ilea. The qual ity of his wurk Is essentially feminine, as the music of I.lsst, for Instance, waa' essentially masculine. Ills range aa yet has none of the terrible power which made people wonder whether I'agunlnrs genius were angel or devil, which seemed to prove tile Hull's kin ship with the greut elements of nature, thunder and lightning anil rain, or which made Joachim the musical itlnnt of Ihe nineteenth century. Ills play ing la marked rather liy u aubtlety, a rare spirituality, ami by such piercing sweetness, surely, ua caused the rucks and trees of hitch Olympus to follow Orpheus' lute. The expediency of Her bert Dlttler'* entering upon years nf study abroad must be decided on the ground of temperament, rather than of technical fltnees. Those who heard him know that he has the tempera ment ,nnd that a great career nwnltg him. Atlanta should rally to his sup port. for he will one day mine back, te us with the wreath of laurel. Ataisted by Kuhrt Mueller. Mr. Dlttler wae ably assisted by Kuhrt Mueller. Mr. Mueller rendered some solos on the piano, each of which wae enthuslaetlcally received. In the rendition of Llest'e Hungarian Rnapho- dy hla technical work wan especially hrtlllam. PACKING HOUSE MEN ARE FINED IN COURT PEN8AC0LA OFFICIALS MAKING RIGID INVESTIGATION OF MEAT 8UPPLY. Special to Tha Georgian. Pensacola, Fla.. June aO.-ln the mayor': court here the manager* of Armour It Co. and Swift It Co. were fined S140 each tor bavlag tainted matt on hand. The Codnby Co. had a car of meat side- tracked, but not In the cold storage, Just received,.which, It Is claimed by the ierea- llgalore, also had tainted meat. Heversl of the markets of the city bars been Is spected md their owners arrested for sell log spoiled meat. EAST ATLANTA SALE T EOGEWOOD AVENUE PROPERTY NETTED SPLENDID PRICES. , ^ ^ If I TH5 TRIPOD PAINT CO., 37 N. Pryor 8t.. and a Tkwftkm ART with facile execution. Dvorak's litiinotwske" was particularly suited I in Dlttler and he rendered It so that none of Its exquisite daintiness was j lost upon his hearers. In this composi tion n whimsical humor alternates with passages of deepest pattest, end while Its technique Is not noticeably brilliant It Is by no means easy lo present Its contrasting themes so aynipathtlrally SB did Dlttler. The "Danse Ttlgeaa" haa ell the swing end lire characteristic of Ihe Hungarian gypey. This number eras notable for the clearness and cor rectness of Ita harmonies. The Intonation of the performer Is excellent throughout. His technique, tn consideration of bis extreme youth— ho le only 1, years of age—Is wonder ful. and Is so five from faults that the years of study before him may be spent In developing and not correcting. His * broad tones are full of color, and he \ never abases the use of vibrato. Ho mark for the technical side of Herbert Dialer’s work. As line so It is. Will kring ysu s sample-card end give ysu an etPmat. on Tinting your wells with OECO-MURA. th. note sanitary Wall Finish. The sole of the East Atlanta Land Company's property on Edgewood ave nue yesterday afternoon waa a great success, and another Indication of the healthy condition of the real estate market In Atlanta. About two months ago this company, owning about 1240,080 worth of lota on Edgewood avenue, turned them over to the firm of Forreet A George Adair, who succeeded In selling quite a num ber of pieces at private sals. The company than decided to offer at pub lic outcry all of the proparty It owned between the Equitable building and Boulevard, At 4 o'clock Tueeday there was a large crowd of capitalists assembled, and the sals was commenced, Forrest Adair acting as auctioneer. The bid ding was spirited from the very begin ning, and In a little over two hours every lot advertised was sold as fol lows: J. Carroll Payne, 75 fe*t, 1140 per foot 210,500.00 J. Lambroa, 47.2 feet, 254 per .foot 2,542.50 Hamilton Douglas, 10 feet, 140 per foot 2,000.00 Itihugh Knox, 25 feet, 215 per foot 200.00 H. Mended, 50 feet, |S7 per foot 1,560.00 T. It. Sawttll, 60 feet, 225 per foot 1,760.00 John E. Murphy, 102, 100.4 feet, |20 per fool 2,(14.40 Mr*. M. H. Dooley, 40 feet, (21 per foot 240.00 W. P. Inman, 50 feet, 261 per foot 1,050.00 W. P. Inman, 60 feet, 241 per foot 2,050.00 Ernest Woodruff, 50 feet, 227 tier foot 1,250.00 Bernstein, 123, 79 feet, $22 par foot J. U. Drummond, 62.2 feet .. Glenn Favef, 46.5 feet, 119 per foot .. .. .l it .. ., 222.(0 J. Lambros, 62 feet, 143 per foot 2,355.00 W. M. Nichols, 26 fact, 233 per foot 121.00 J. M. Nye, 60 feet, 131 per foot 1,650.00 J. Lee Bernes, 60 feet, 220 per foot 1,500.00 Ernest Woodruff, 76 feet, 210 per foot 2,350.00 W. W. Orr, 65.3 feet, (26 per foot 1,232.00 Miss Ads Perrlne, 50 feet, 223 per foot 1,100.00 J. W. Mayson, 26 feet, 221 per foot 526.00 J. W. Mayson, 26 feet, 220 per foot 600.00 Ernest Woodruff. 65 feet, |30 per foot 1,510.00 Ernest Woodruff, 64 feet, lit per foot Hugh Richardson, 62.5 feet .. Glenn Paver, 40 feet, 225 per foot.. Jftls PI feet, 122 per foot,. Hugh Inman, 00 feet Kitshugh Knox, 25 feet, 222 tier foot 675.00 John Dorn, 25 feet, 123 per foot 575.00 G. A. Howell, 6u fret, 221 per foot 1,160.00 John T. Moody. 39.1 feet, 122 per foot W. B. McKemte, 67.1 feet. .. • D. Meador, 57.2 feet, »24 per foot 1,270.40 G. W. Adair estate. 52 feet... 2,600.00 G. W. Adair estate, 40 feet... 976.00 Ernest Woodruff, 25 feet, 924 per foot 200.00 Ernest Woodruff, 26 feet, 225 per foot 035.00 C. I). Meador, 50 feet, (26 per foot 1,150.00 C. D. Meador, 44.7 feet, (10 per foot 715.20 W. Adair eatate, 40 feat... 1,760.00 Morris ttrochl. SO feet 3,650.00 Atlanta Real Eatate Company, 30.7 feet 1.511.00 Frank Hitman. 40.2 feet. $24 tier foot .. .. 1,110.10 A. F. Ltrbmen. 00 feet, 210 per foot 1,710.00 P. A. Myers, 40 feet, 220 per foot 1.100.00 Total $00,002.10 The company still owns several tracts nf very valuable property east of the Boulevard, and a number of attractive residence lots In lnmsn Park. Messrs. Adair will offer these at private eele for a few week*, and will then probably arrange for another auction sale. DRAWING MATERIAL Architects' and Engineers' supplies at Jno. L. Moor* * Sons'. 42 North Broad Bt., Prudential building. EXCELLENT SERVICE TO WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. NORTH CAROLINA. Curing the months of June. July and August the Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate on Ita train leav ing Atlanta at 0:25 p. m., every 8AT- URDAY, a through sleeping car to Wilmington. N. C.: returning the through sleeper will leave Wil mington Thursday nt 3:00 p. m„ arriving In Atlanta at • :30 a. m.. Friday. Arrangements have been made with the street rail way people at Wilmington to have can ready nt the depot to Immediate ly transport passengers to the hotels nt Wrightsvllle Beach. Baggage wilt be checked to destination. WEEK END rate, good for five days, 21.25; SEASON tickets, $18.25. SEABOARD. “How Often? 99 it 87)0 not hot enough, too hot, or out entirely 7 An Estate Gas Range will sim plify all this very quickly. \99 How Often?’ Did you intend to make some nice little dish for your friend, or hus band, and then abandon it, because you did not have one of the Univer sal Food Choppers in the house, with which you can do most anything? “How Often? 99 Has your husband lost his temper, because some anticipated favor ite dish of his has been spoiled in the cooking simply because the proper utensils were not in the house with which to do to perfection all of these little things? ii 99 it How Often? Has poor hard-worked husband left the breakfast table with a very dissatisfied look because the steak was so tough that he was forced to go to work hungry? Get a Leland Broiler, and this trouble will never happen again. How Often? 99 When visitors were present have you felt ashamed of the coffee placed before them, and especially when it looked more like ink than it did coffee? Use the celebrated “Universal.Coffee Percolator” and this will never happen again. ii How Often?” Have you wished and longed for some little new dainty that would somewhat break the monotony of the old dishes? When that is the case try the very newest, “Rosette Irorf,” and the heart-shaped waf fle. You can get one for 50 cents, and the other for $1.00. ii How Often? 99 Has everything seemed to grow dull, and nothing at all that seemed to please the babies or offer them a change of pleasures? Then it’s time to string some large Hammocks across the porch and out under the large shade tree place a large four-passenger Lawn Swing, and then notice how quick the little fellow “gets fixed.” ii How Often? 99 Has it been that you desire to procure all these things just mention ed, and many more, but withpossiblv no knowledge of just where to get the whole bunch together? Well, you’ll never know until you are ac quainted with Atlanta’s big Hardware and Department House, at 53 Peachtree street. You can feel very well satisfied that if it’s a thing that is useful at home here’s where you’ll find it, and always at very economical rates Bell Phone Main 1007. King Hardware Co. amusements SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 8CH00L8 AND COLLEGES. CASINO TONIGHT—MATINEE THURSDAY. Second and Last Week of the WELLS-OUNNE-HARLAN Musical Comedy Company, In George Ada's Great Success. ■THE NIGHT OF THE FOURTH." Next Wsek. VAUDEVILLE. pONCE DELE°|^ DIRECTION JAKE WELLS, PresldsaL THE GARDEN SPOT Of Atlanta. BAND CONCERTS TWICE DAILY. See OSTRICH Farm Tht Stntk't Moil Collejfe.Prsyxratory Homo School Georgia Military Academy College Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga. Your son's destiny is fixed oh# passes from 13 toll yearsofage. Th« paramount question with every parent—What teachers, what cum- * panions, what environment will fully eatisfy the peculiar need* of my fj ton and ineure hia fullest development, social, moral, intellectual. jl physical ? Correspondence with us will aid any parent. la thia academy ever* teacher ia a specialist, every opportunity la afforded every boy. the fall limit of attendance is reached every ymr. Splendid equipment, perfect health, delightful Southern winters of the famous Piedmont region. 1.800 feet above sea level. About 80 boarding pupils live wi'h president and faculty «.f 1<\ Ilishrxt nv -si and social tone. Select patronage from many States. Regular military drills, rood gymnasium, modern reading room, wholesome athletfra d director, thorough preparation for any rollege or the HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. HOTELS AND SUMMEK RESURTS. FULTON TINTED LEAD. Every painter knows what It Is. It Is the best tinted lend made. Manu factured by F. J. COOLEDGE & BRO., D. G. BETTIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office nt End of Car Line. Collect Pfcrk. Telephone Bast Point 222. References: Woodward Lumber Co. Bank of East Point. Dies From Lick on Head. Bp—4*l tn Th- Georgian, s New Orleans, La.. June 20.—Charles Dennis. n negro boy. was struck on tbs head wltb s baseball bat by another negro Isd named Saba Richard, dur ing n flght nt s baseball game on Sun day, and bos died from tbs effects. UP IN THE OZONE “In the Land of the Shy” KENILWORTH INN Situated in a Private Park of U0 Acres, BUtmore, Near Aahe- ville, N. C., 2,540 Feet Above the Sea Level. •—e-eJUST THE 1*1.ACC TO SPINO THC .UMMraii. " _ ••.the leading hotel lo the mountain, of Western North C*rellna. No scenery Tn th* world will compare with the riew rrom tM* hotel. Mount Mltrhell and rtsgab In full view. Adjoin* “Pa* ^rarlooka the Blltmor- eitat*. Cool, Invigorating riimatr. mag- frl !P -”- r . ». r ?.TP l ». S»pten gathered . fresh every morning. Orchestra, ..¥5' * . n teamla, tlverr. beautiful rides and drive*, t oarh meets all trains at niltmore station. Conaumptlvea not ac commodated trader any circumstance*. (*oarh !a operated by man- rj£°»£5L'i n S£f ha * banrbetmeea trolley from AaberHle and the hotel. Open all the year. Write or wire for booklet and ratal. EDGAR B. MOORE. Proprietor. imwipuf ’■FIMTIV BELIEVE THEY CAUGHT A NOTED HOTEL SNEAK Special to Th* Georgian. * Chntanoogs, Tenn., June 20.—The police believe that they have made an Important catch In the arrest of B. Schwab, n noted hotel sneak. who Is In the tolls of the law on the charge of stealing diamonds, watches and oth er Jewelry. A watch was Identified by hattnnoogn barber ss his own, and ilso hud In his possession a Hamp den watch bearing the mark of Free man tc frewshaw. of Atlanta. He wore a diamond solitaire. He la 22 years of age and was arrested hers several years ago ana sent to the penl- tentiary. When lodged In Jail he had nothing to any. CITY TAX NOTICE. Books are now open for payment of second install ment of city tax. Will close 1st July. E. T. PAYNE, City Tax Collector.