The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 22, 1906, Image 10

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MM TillS AXJUiUNXA % WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Lew Than 2$ Cent*. CASH MUST ALWAYS accora- piny out-of-town order*. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. — . — — j : Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. -• WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN AND nova WANTED ■ plumbing, plastering. bricklaying. •!*l offar life scholarship fifty dollara. LCAIIN Spe- caajr ftafoiT" Coyna" Bros." Trad#' Schools, Now York, Chicago, St. Lnula. b«s , 6(igAH>B»r-~i~WAfn r AK bxratir pher; state experience and ** ik Store, cart Geor- ftMKKECl'Kft. flTBS6-li66kiEEW $43; mualrlana, $50; accept^good paring Ineaa carda. Star office, 20 Petert. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL GIVE REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In our Sewing room to girls and woman on caay work, abort hours and good pay. Eipp-rlpneed operator* make from $S.0u to $1100 per week, and we will give .good day wage* to tboee without experience ntll they learn. If yea live oat of laata, write os and we will give voo In formation about boarding places. Nunnally Pros. A McCrva, SI W. Alabama street HELP WANTED. We need help, both male and fe male, experienced and Inexperienced. Apply In person at once. EMPIRE PRINTING & BOX CO., 1SS MADISON ST. I.AD1KH TO LEARN tance telephone operat- tructlon given In traln- lary beglnnlag with en trance to school. Good salaries paid to competent operators, salary being deter mined upon merits of the operator and not upon length of service. Apply Ith floor, Training School. Teleohone Hldg. WANTKR=Wfc“cTM olVK~RM- piorment t« knitting and i lines, cheap . - good water, abundant amusement*, no ..... mtuary, steady work, highest scale of piece work prior* paid. Apply to the Richmond Hosiery Mills, Chattanooga, Tcnn., and Kosavllle, Ga. ■ WASTEfC-INTBlXlORNT. ENERGETIC lady. a. ,|“-cial representative. to rail no SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE rrn hot.l; bar. bail arrrral years' rij Boa i jcr. WASTED-MITI-AtlDN fit ANY SlNft by honeat and hard working white man; hire had experience as night watchman. Adrt^ej^fl^jl^Ieniyr^tT^^^lunterjtreL SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. [ raw alrcat. WANTED—AGENTS. AI1ESTSI' WANTINO BIO AND QUICK WANTED—SALESMEN. Dipii now inniirn; , wvrotf im Imnl proposition; extraordinary chance for work er*. 8tat* If you hat# bad experience. Hudgins Co., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that the Southern Auction and Salvage Ce., at 20 8. Pryor, can dispose of your household goods, office fixtures, safes, car pets. ruga, pianos, etc., to advantage. WA3TfEb-Yol‘ir WAiX“M'EliAS'i> • carpets to clean; also the beat carpet rieaniag preparation on the market, cheap. Jy^Jygggm^foJOjyjcjyytreeL^^ FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? IF you have, send It to the Southern Auction jnd Salvage Co.. 20 8. Pryor street. Pb« tSelll Xf Li if ViN i i i S ESnin'A ; i ; i .* «liUILte fts ———All style# ami klzca. — Atlas Bogin* Works. Empire BUI,. Atlanta Man .. i aw. IIAVt: good IpuhSIIt TIano Fob Address Plano. rin Georgian EDUCATIONAL. smTiMreyi^^ writing, nmthemntlcs, grnminnr and spell Ing tnught In evening*. Htnkely’s Hhorthnnd ■ nOiidnF^OhnHrijJilVtrblrsMSfi MISCELLANEOUS. IRON HAFK8. fire-proof safe*, deposit Imxes. Kill*. 28 H. Broad St. Atlanta. LUSHiifiiiJWft IUVh TilkEB mills cutting south Georgia pine shinnies. Also tanufactiire flooring, celling, aiding and lath. Write us for delivered prices. Kil lian Lumber Company, Box 107, Cordele, ALL STYLES GATES. WIRE AND IRON fence* sold and erected, fencing fr farm, lawn, garden and poultry. Ex clash agent* for “rage Fence, * Dixie Fence C ■ ' Hunter BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED—BY REAL ESTATE I who understand* the business VflMHI* good Hat property, a partner, with few thousand dollar* to aid In making deal*. Address P. O. Box 875. Atlanta.J |GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND KqUIP< mmm'M | ■■(■I txl TB ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on ent, 91% N. Pryor. Phone 29*9. taWa MXil 6ftUmt l»TsTNETrt^WH furnish everything neteseary; only few dollars required; new plan, success certain: coats nothing to Investigate. Mlllmrn Hick*. 258 lH»arl»orn street. Chicago. IRiTKL - BSmfXNVWPORTCNTTV rcniMinnuie rent; money-mnaer; uiuer nuiri*. hoarding houses. W. Jones. Business Bro- ker, 122 Century Hldg. and WANTED—REAL E8TATE. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking C&*a new line. Just added a full line of trunks, travelers* supplies and genera) office supplies. The cheapest ever r and B Waal ar« Ultcl intain < I itrnt. I [) U3. N. FO I j LOST. BYBIWlTTWtirTirif' *tAliLBC^OIiK brawn marr, with whit* alar In forehead. It band, blab, Weight almit 1.200 pounds; rat on bind ankle. Return to Gotbnian Steam Laundry Stable*, 29$ Decatur street. WANT TO EXCHANGE HANDSOME oottage. exrellent repair, large lot. fin# ahnde, etc., on aoutb aide, for r$»rner lot In good location north *lde, about 100 feet front. Will pay caah for difference. Ad dress Exchange, care Oeorglau. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ATWKWrYftTSTKii 7T- >;V liW'TlTTflTt for sale In fine reach tree homes la Hated with ua; ninny home bnrgnltta; easy terms. W. Jones, lluslneaa Hroker, 222 Century nMg. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL, PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO i A week. Lodging $1 a week. Meals $2.50 a week. 10% Trinity avenue. Bell phone 2241, Atlanta phone 2707. CLEAN. COOL. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for men. $2 per week. No extra charge for two In room. 10 Trinity avenue. R. Phone 2248. Atlanta phone 2787. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phone, 1258. 80 E. Huntar SL WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In South. 64 N. Broad SL NlrtllT CLASHES IN HTEN'imllAPIIY AT Southern Shorthand Hnklneas University, taught by Mlaa Lula Oachet. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW •old at 91% N. Pryor SL Alex Kent, Phone 4848. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Iteli ax. Men's sewed half sole*. 75c. WALL PAPER. city; contain navar boon occuplad; an located tn Wait Atlanta Park. Every home front* a fifty-foot Parle, which la aat In trtaa, avergnana and flower*. Pun air; na tive oak*; an Ideal apot for chlldnn. It. la cbeapar than living In tha city and th* surroundings an mor* whola- In tha cantar of thla Park an th* Farro Phoaphat* Spring*, which will cun any caae of atomach or kidney trouble, no matter of bow Ions stand- Ins- It now has a naw church, neatly furnlahtd, a atora, a acbool-houae cost- ins, It,100.00 will soon bo completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who llvaa on the srounda will ahow you tbroush Rent *20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, , 11 Auburn Avenue. houata 1. M. quick * CO.-WALL PAPER, • frame, ate, 27 K. Hunter. BUSINESS DIBEOTORY. .va (Iran mall ordit*. Wa want the name* < BIWLbM aN1» Hraiikiga^-LAktigSV blcyd. and aundry dlatrlbntor* la tha anatb. South.m agent. for PI.rc., Tala, Bnrll and lludaon bicycle*. Writ* for oar ISO. catalOfu* and price UaL AlH.nd.r- ElVM Co. jiin - TutsTtsa-i. <» \v tt ft r ~ T-nrtm Band for uiuploa Htar Office, 90 l*eters itrtot, Atlanta. YOUR TEETH CROWNS $3 tr. ark guaranteed 15 arlora, 19% White- l Ht. over Emmous* clothing store. Bell household goods; insurance ra< cent. Office and warehr - street. Both ‘phones. a nee rate one per iouae ICS45 Walton Cathead's Trans- UfVNOLUB. TIIB aitlN 1‘AlNtfcB: Slyaa banner*, 0*a* and 11,r dMwratlona apadal occaatoaa am R. Alabama St. I liMuPaYIIIo' itKBkblkft 00RB KTTo aralp tllaca r.t...'a Vlo.ll and make hair grow. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier I>en- tal Parlors. )W Whitehall Ht.. over Em- mona* clqthlna store. Pell phone S41J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOOD8. IDEALS -ell you jneaa, ar ■ please you. register, sultab Hou them mM ■••gtstcr Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand rash Register Co.. 24 8. Broad afreet. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned aud reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff fait hats cleaned and re* TEETH UEKT a FT OF TEETH ISM. Gt'ARAN’- tMd to at. All work fnaraotMd U yoara. Ualor Dental Parlor*. Whitehall At. ' clot bla, atora. Bell phaa* Stop waiting until- you have to advertise. Try it when you ought to. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only On* Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Horn**. Tha flrat month will be given FREE end If occupied one year, two mor* month* will b* given FREE at th* end of the yeer, making only nine monthe you will have to pay for. Nona but good famine* will be allowed In theae houses. These are located on the River electric car line only twenty inlnutee ride from the center of the have SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building $3,2tt-IX OAKLAND CITY. ON CAR LINE. w*» bare a lorely 7-room, 2-story house on lot 60x300. This Is' something strictly first niuaxi;, wun wiwr. wwernir, exc.. on level lot, 60x200, close to car line, on terms of $400 cash and 930 to $25 per month. $8,000 - COLLEGE PARK. VACANT. shady, level lot, near car line, 300x200, on corner. Owner gone went to live. Instructs u* to sell. Will consider any • re*son*bio offer. Money In subdividing this. Terms. $2.760—COLLEGE PARK HOUSE, 8-ROOM, 2 »torr, lot 100x190, on corner, near car. House I* nearly brand tiew, bli 1 year old. If you aro Interest terras we can suit you. thn FOR SALE. H.*00 WILL BUY 2 NEW COTTAGER ON k] street, near Peters street, with aide- and all street Improvements down; car line In front; white neighborhood splendid 1 *“ month. bargain. Rent Income $26 per CHAS. M. ROBERTS. It AUBURN AVE. I FOR RENT. It-R. H, 62 and 64 Walton *L 10- R. H.. 70 Cone eL 11- R. H., 19 Logan ave. 4 n. H„ 1E3 Formwalt at. LIEBMAN. • Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075 McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 867. LOOK AT THIS! Ooo Muara feet of .pan*, 'worth not tort* than Jlf.uoo. If takra within a ank itn $27,600—Close In, Just off of Peach tree, a practically brand new prop osition; leased to delightful ten- anta for 63,960. Get out your arithmetic and figure spme on thla special reason for selling. Term* If desired- Call In person for In formation. SALESMEN, I. C. McCrory, L. M. Johnson, McDon ald pubanks. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. NO. 1» PEACHTREE 8T.-AT THE abort number on Peachtree street, be tween James and Forsyth streets, you will find one storeroom 27x47, with basement abont the same rite. Thla place It suitable for a nice grocery or Mlmogt any kind of retail business, and a live man oan do a good business at this stand. Will ba vacant July 2. Rent $150 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Phones 618 RAILROAD SCHEDULES bliuwin, tb. ArTIVrtf'atld D^arture of 1'.,- artneer Train, of the Folluwlns ltoada: WFHTEBN AND ATLANTIC llAILUOAD. No. Arrlr. From— No. Depart To rt 3 Nashville 7:19am• 9 NatbTllla . Ids 72 Marlatt* . *JSam 74 Marietta ..12:10 *93 Naahrlll* U:4Sam>*3 Nakhrlll* . 4:50 pm 71 Marietta . 2*0 pm 72 Martatta .. *:» pm » 1 Xaahvlll* 1:8 pm 1 4 Nathvllla . 1:40 pm CENTRAL OF OUOtfdU RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7:10am Macon 12:01am Jackaonvlll* . TdOamflaranaab ... t:00am Macon 11:40 Oam Macoa , ..JIUI matuu a*.*..** 4;00 pm Savannah ... 4:0Spra Rarannah ... »:13 um Macon 7*1 pm lackaonrillo . I:J0 nm ATUNTA'~ASb' Wrist foist HOAD. Arrlv* From- Depart To— •Selma 11:40 am rtMontxomery 1:20 am Montaom'y , 7:45p n •Jlontxomary 12:46 pm •Salma 11:30 pm ‘Selmfi 4d0pm LaOrant* ... IdOani LaGrange ,...»:»pra •2fontgom*y . 2:0 put •Montjrom'y ..11:15 pm •Dally. All othar tralna dally Sun- dar • :*) pro "KaIUT W. E. TREADWELL & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 24 South Broad Street. Bell Phone 2644. Atlanta Phone 3803. $2,500—RIGIIT-UOOM IIOU8K. HTOttR AT. inched; well locateil; good atand fur buat- neaa; renting nowjTAr IX per month; up to date: should be !40j *lO»-NKW » ltOOl( nut'Mi:. Hl'ItlNU HT. oitoo-viitvi-iitwlf' HoraBr Wftsen lot; Mpring stfeet, wall IpCTted. ftow 1IUYM FOUR b’b)V 4 Hri(ftntdU&Hii and one 8-ro4iui house, modern; close lu; corner lot; well located. ^lISWkoom Udtm 3-WoiSU vhnt's house, twrn, and other outbuild ing*; 601230; central, and sure bargain. 1 fMio 'nr\irg:Ro6^i<TpgErc;LoaK"Ty; 95.000—KltlHT-ltOOM 2-HTtmV UOU8B ■ (new); modal home and a beauty. lIuH'MtouM TWo ktoTtY HOWIB to date In every way. diOOM iTolBB (XBW). ON *Looo-y<)tilt'-ltooil IIoIJHB: BZSQZnU "fidJorpimiNitooB—t Wo. oro'nr? hiiuae mew); lot 50x900. Few day* only.M 50x300. Few dava onlv. fcl.ftVBX SKW cOrtAGfifl IwStorW able: 5 and t room* each, ranging la price Ifrnin 11,500 to tt.250.^1 klik l'H Foil INVkAfMfiWTTtGVitltTiv. We can locate you In Went Bud. If you STURGEON & LANE, REAL ESTATE AND NVESTMENT8. 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. BELL I'lIONB 4275, STANDARD 1272. 16.000-FOn 1S-R. FLAT. JUST COMPLET- eit and le«*«l for two rear* at a monthly rental of 150. Haa lot 50x155 and In aplen- dld renting aeotlon. 14,0(0 FOR IROOM PRYOR STREET inline, with all convenience*, llouae uu- ti,unity well nraatriicted, lielng built for, a home, and la atorm aheeted1 and double. Doored. lot baa eaat front. MxlM. Term* 1500 ea»b. bnlance monthly. 13,750 FOR TWO-STORT 10-R. HOUSE. ON Corner lot, IW>140, near Inman Park. Jouae waa built for a homa and l. atorm sheeted, the lot la level,, and baa good 7il trains of Atlanta and Weit Point allroad Company arrl' - - - Railroad Company from Atlanta Terminal Mitel - lltcbell street and Madlaon arenne. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrlv* From— Depart To— •Auguata ... 6*10 pm rtAugusta 7:46 am Sonyara 1:45 am Llthonla 10:OS am Covington ,. 7:44 am •Augusta •Augusta ...12:20 pm Conyr * Covit Llthonla .... 2:8 pm Covington ... *:li •Auguata .... 1:15pm 'Auguata ....11-41 •Dally. All othar trains dally excapt d*t MtiAb6iTO~AlB~L'iifE raILWay: Arrive From— r>«part To— Washington . 6 JO am Rlrmlnghi Ahhevtlla ... 0:00 am * Memphis. . -.11:46 iua New Tor Monroe, New Bln .j.11^5 a ; . . 3:30 p {%( ¥m i bam . C:40 'orit .'12:00 hbevllle . .4:00 [empbla . . . 6:00 'asblngton . 1:33 pm SENATOR BAILEY HITS ROOSEVELTHAHD BLOW 8AYS TEDDY HA8 C08T MORE AND BEEN WORTH LESS THAN ANY PRESIDENT. By Private leased Wire. Washington. Jun* 22.—Without doubt the moat cutting remark made with reference to the president since he was accused by Senator* Tillman and Bailey of netraylng the Democrats dur ing the railroad rate bill agitation last month, came from the Ups of Bailey In the senate yesterday. The house amendment to the aundry civil bill, appropriating 225,000 for the traveling expenses of the president, was under consideration. Senator McCum- her, Republican, of North Dakota, was In the midst of a vigorous argument against the provision, when the Texas senator Interjected thla observation: “I understand that the present presi dent has Increased the cost of the maintenance of the white house over 2100,000 a year. If this la ao, the pres ent president has coat the country more and bebn worth leas than any president we ever had.” iuccte.1, me uu ■■ ivvn, uu, servant's house In rear. Terms 1600 cash. Five NF.Af *,a.V1> :rooh cottages n me beat part of Weat End, from 32.SSO ‘ $2.100. 4-RGoM. 2 wtGHY Kftw tloUHti/flTsYKh walla, cabinet mantels. MelUrtm at. Only a tlw 6f»tF-f. Meriai aw • chance for vaeant property k. It Flii)S"rA.Hi n(f -T or .mailer home. ‘nnksTHSTfiTrs il small lots. Price, per lot. Buy now and double ,rour muQpy within a • year. T?“yoT~\vas‘t a STSTnbs* hIi%; We have clients who will Imjr ami Improve NOTICE. WILL DO THE RENT. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., 57 Inman Building. Dell Phone I486. E.eo FOR NEW CAPITOL AVE. HOME. 82.509 FOR 5.R. COTTAGE AND STORE, near H. Pryor street, on corner lot 50x160, renting now for IS per month. Terms. 82,500 FOR-4-B. COTTAGE. NEAR INMAN Park, large Int. Terms rery easy. $2,6a) FOR TWO-STORY 7-R. IIOl'HK, tint off Washington street, almost new. Term, ml earth. L*i« nee easy. EjbLtTt."'rtAGE7JUHt LUcttlK $2,400 I'Oll NF\V 9-lt. OOfTAOb IN WEST End. Terms. 82.4W FOlt 6 It. coWXTTe oSl CRfeW St. felOO-$ R. COTTAGE, NEAR illLLED^lfe n venue. Terms. 12.100 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE ON GRANT *trcet. Tenua. * 51,600 FOB 6-R. COTTAOE. CLOSE TO CAR barn, In good whits section. 8156 mb, $15 per montu. 11.606—7-R. HOUSE, ON CORNER LOT, near tone block front) Dacjtnr streot. Can c*al)y lie mad# a store. Now renting tor $16 per month. Sidewalk, gas and water. ff.V^-oR J.ft. votTAGE. Sear »ol"rU Ihinletnnl achool, on lot eait front, 64x166. Term* $150 enth, M6 n month. It,106 FOR NEW 4-H. COTTAGE. NEAR Inman Park. $156 earth. Iwlanc* easy. JOfrl'I'Olt Lr. cGMage. NEAR HEMP- hill avenue. $«L>' Fob 2 ft. nGCSK."' b‘l:Ait kpl'TII Honleranl achool, mtlng for $4.M per month. Cash. ISta-VAi'AW CaHWL AVENUE Lot: East front. 1,000 GONDOLA CARS FOR SEABOARD AIR LINE JSpeclal to The Georgian. Portsmouth, Va., June 21—The-report Is given out tbftt the Heaboanl Air Line has placed an order for additional gondola cars. This la In addition to the equipment recently ordered. Theae caw will In* used In the transportation of coal and coke from the bituminous field*. YOUR TEETH FILLER WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- pmv«d mathou. All work guaranteed 12 years. Reaaonable price*. lAulcr Dental Parlur,. 2944 Whitehall St., over Etataooa' cloth lag atoro. Bell tfhele 2542J, THE COLUMBUS LODGES TO HAVE A NEW HOME Special to Tbo Georgian. Columbus. Oa., June 22.—The Colum bus Ledger Company haa purchased the J. H.. Connor property anil will erect a three-atory up-to-date newspaper of fice on the site. The property front* 25 feet on Broad street, with a depth of 147 feet. = — FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. No. 89 Capitol-avenue, near Fair street, 105x200; large resi dence, very close in; price $12,000. N'o. 105 S. Prjor street, near Mitchell street. 55x105, brick residence; good business alt» price $8,500. Nos. 88 and 92 Ivy street, near Auburn avenue, 93x150; alley on side; price $21,000. No. 40 Kills street near Ivy, 75x123, right In town; price $12,500. CENTURY BUILDING. STEEL MAGNATES HOLD SECBETJONEERENCE DETAILS CONCERNING A NEW PLANT AT GARY, IND., WERE DISCUSSED. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, June 22.—The officials of the United States Steel Corporation and Its various subsidiary corporations began behind closed doors at the office of President Buffington, of the Illinois Steel Company, In the Rookery build ing. yesterday, a conference which will continue today, adjourning this after noon. Nearly all of the chief officials ara In attendance, among them being Pres, fdent W. E, Corey and Vico presidents F. E. House and James Oayley. The details concerning the establleh- ment of the great new plant at Gary, Ind., were discussed at th* meeting. Plana for the location of the operating headquarter* for the entire company will be gone over and an Inspection will be made of the physical property plant at South Chicago. In anticipation of the location of the operating headquar ters In Chicago, four floors of the new Commercial National Bank building at Clark and Adams 'streets have been leased. the weather. LOCAL FORECAST FOR ATLANTA AM? V trim TV „ tonight null 'Soturd«r Tr ,H' shotrrrs Saturday. . "**• P r °l*lily WEATHER IN COTTON BELT l taiV.7ff.:rSKr'^dho“ r TraV ,d c,e a r^ w.rm. Kuf.ulrt. el^r .ud hoL' c,ear an< * TURMAN AUCTION SALE WAS GREAT SUCCESS FARMERS’ INSTITUTE TO BE HELD AT QUITMAN Special to The Georgian. Lumpkin. Ga.. June 22.—The Farmers' In stitute for the Twelfth senatorial district— Quitman. Stewart anil Webster counties— will lie held at Lumpkin July 3-4. with Ron. Barrie Jordnu lu charge. A uumber of prominent speaker* aud experts will Ih< present ami the occasion will be made one of pleasure and prom. On July « there wilt be a basket dinner, with speeches, a brass Iwud and other fea tures On thla day the Stewart county branch of the Southern Cotton Growers' Association will unite with the Clrment A. Brass camp, of rionfedernt* Veterans to make It specially enjoyable. PETITION FOR CHARTER FOR GUANO COMPANY Special to The Georgian. Lumpkin. Ga., Jan* 22.-A petition his been died In Stewart aapertor coart asking for n charter for a corporation to bo known ns the Lumpkin Home Mixture Guano Co. The petlttonen are II. Bussey, Arthur Ros ser. O ri. Rullock and T. W. Hate*, all of riolumban and J. T. Patterson and W. P. The auction sale of 8. B. Turman A Co. Thursday was a great success. More than 500 people attended by ac tual count. Ticket No. 666, held by W. F. Thacker, of 121 Simpson street, drew the free lot. S. B. Turman. & Co. have conducted many of the most successful auction sales held In Atlanta. This depart- ment of the work Ik handled by James L. Logan, who haa had wide experience In'auction sales, and has the unbroken success of every one undertaken. J. W. Ferguson, the auctioneer, In hie Inimitable style, kept the big crowd In happy mood and contributed greatly to the good humor and success of the sale. Many purchaser* of lots were offered profits on what they bought be fore the sale wa* over. The Weat Side la showing marked Improvement. Streets are being im proved, tranelt facilities are good, and the neighborhood la ah excellent one. Llat of lota and the purchasers fol low: Lot No. 1, $725. Mrs. E. D. Hall; tot No. 2, 1470. C. P. Byrd: lot No. 2. $445, C. P. Byrd; lot No. 4, 9445. W. Kitchen: lot No. 5, $445, E. C. Horton; lot No. 6, $450, E C. Horton; lot No. ", $425, George Ware; lot No. 8, 2415, George Ware; lot No. 9. 2460, S. W. Gay; lot No.-lO. 2345, J. A. Everett; lot No. 11, 1376, J. A. Everett; lot No. 12, $525, Mra. 8. C. Dooley; lot No. II, $225, W. M. Kitchen: lot No. 14, 3200, George Ware; lot No. 15, 1185, Gay; lot No. 16, $256, George Ware; lot No. 17, 2210, George Ware: lot No. 1$. $220, William Wither*; lot No. 19. 1405, J. A. Everett; lot No. 20, 2380, W. C. Hughes; lot No. 21, $410, T. Y. Brent; lot No. 22, 8310, W. M. Kitchen; lot No. 23, $275, J. T. Moody: lot No. 24, 2295, T. B. Johnson; lot No. 25, 2295, W. J. Grant; lot No. 26, 2395, J. A. Everett; lot No. 27. 3310, J. Flnketsteln; lot No, 28, 8185, W. J. Jones; lot No. 29, 2220, Mr*. M. P. Beaumont; lot No. 20. 3210, D. Rosiensky; lot No. 31, 8200, R. M. Moselle; lot-No. 82, 8226, Mra. M. ~ Beaumont; lot No. 88, 8230, Miss M. Pickett; lot No. 84, 1230, Dr. R. N, Weaver; lot No. 35, 1290, George Ware; lot No. 38, 8235. J. Flnkelateln; lot No. 37. $356, W. C. Hughes; lot No. 31, 2246. W. C. Hughes; lot No. 38. 8285. T. E. Londen; lot No. 40. 8380. W. E Baker; lot No. 41. 8285, E. G. Black; lot No. 42, 8285, E C. Black; lot No. 48, 3285, W. J. Garner; lot No. 44, 8287. Mrs. S. W. Noyes; lot No. 45. 1116. W. E Ledford; lot No. 46. 8325, Max glnatein: lot No. 47, 2326, M. Peacock, Jr.; lot No. 48, 1660. M. Peacock. Jr.: lot No. 49, 8285, George Ware; lot No. 50, 8280, T. J. Abridge; lot No. 61. 8280, T. J. Akridge; lot No. 52. 8380, D. Roxenslnaky. EXCELLENT SERVICE TO V. RIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA. During the months of June. July and August the 8eaboard Air Line Railway will operate on Its train leav ing Atlanta at 9:35 p. tn., every SAT URDAY, a through aleeplng car to Wilmington, N. C.; returning the through sleeper will le$ve Wil mington Thunday at '3:00 p. m., arriving In Atlanta at C:30 a- m„ Friday. Arrangements have been made with the street rail way people at Wilmington to have cars ready at tho depot to Immediate ly transport pasaengers to the hotels at Wrightavllle Beach. Baggage will be checked to destination. WEEK END rate, good for five days, $8.26; SEASON tickets, $18.55. SEABOARD. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private leased Wire. I'hlcagn. June S.-IIi*i: Batlmaled re- celpta, 99.066. Market aloa- to steady; left over. 7,606; bulk. 64.51wfc4.57H: estimated far tomorrow. 12.0)0; light. KKgsit: mix- steers. $A10fc« W; poor to medium. M.J0C 6.06; stackers and feeder*. 82.70«4.5»; quality cattle poor; qaallty bog* good. Rheep—Receipts. 1,696. Market steady: e* of 8H*>. Tha privilege It asked to rase the capital to SlOO.OeO. The pur- r —JO of th* corporation ar* to manafaetare guano and commercial fertlUsera and to. (tn Tennessee—Nashville, clear and pie.,.., I/oulalana—New Orleans, dear Jin I- Ruston, clear; temperatnre 77 1 hot ' WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. to B £} r ;srr. ! ? o r^T”ri]S‘ nw ’" r « 4°t r .*;s*&£5ffi 7 cioud ' : " <°« to W «S*atI)i d d 00 " 1 west—Qenertlly e in r , U Ohio Valley—Ganerally fair; 5t to g WEATHER~FORECA8T. Oeorela-Falr Friday and dammar ft _»-«■* wind*. North Carolina, South C’arollnn-K«l r Kri. day and^Saturday except ahowcru In tain districts; light to freah wett to urnth WMt winds. Eastern Florida-Fair In north: .bower, In aonth portion Friday and Saturday; light variable wlnda. ' , Western Florida, Alabama and Ml,,Inin, pi, I/oultlana and Eastern T*ia»-Fnlr and continued wanner weather Friday and Hat" unlay; light variable wind#. Western Texas and Arkanana-Falr an$ continued warm weather Friday and «at. unlay. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New York. June 23,-Th* market for «t. ton aeeil oil was moderately active and enaler. There waa trndlng In all the rannlln from July to December, and new crop dr. liveries abowed hearlneas na well aa th# nehr. Prices declined on aranll ollrrliu,. as there wna an absence of support. Tha general position of the spot inarkrt roa- tinned quiet and abont nnehanged. Einort demand waa dnll. ami while lard remain*! WEATHER CONDITIONS. During tbe laat twenty-four linuri th»rt baa lieen a general decrease In the air now extendi from tbe upper lake red' southwest to Mexico. Entering the North I'aclflc const la an area of high preeaura tbat has caused rain In Warthliurlnn and Montana. Showers hare occurred la the northeast. In North Carolina. Fait Tea- neaaee and on the coast of Florida Irma Jupiter to Her West. Flaewbare dear weather prevails. The temperatnre has changed but little over the southern half of the nmntxy. while It la somewhat cooler In the et- treme northwest and warmer In New Kur land. • conditions f*v... , probably ibowefs~8atnrS*y. *” * j. h. MARBrnr. Local Forccaaier. 8TATE FORECAST. Georgia, Alabama nud Moiitb I'arollna- Partly clomly tonight and Saturday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 94 hours ending at I a. mTill meridian time. June 22. 1606. STATIONS OF DISTRICT. •Atlanta ... •Chattanooga Columbus ... Gainesville . Greenville .. Oriffln ... Macon ... . Iljniitlcell,, ... • Mlnlmnm temperature* are ti perloil cucllng at 8 a.m. thla ditto. C Received lute (wire irouhln: not locli ‘ la averngea. ■S3 iii Atiantn Anmiata , CbnrliMitou ... «)aivt**t<>n ... Utile IliK-k ... MiMupbl* itffoiuurj • Orleans Oklahoma Khvniinab ... Vlckabnrit Wilmington Tamp*tcire -■ “■111! Remarks. . Ufht shower* oeeurred oTer »b** ern illstrlct*: el*ewbere fair ereatb^JjJ railed. Tempera tores were lower In nhl*. OnlreaW Uttle Peek nml_ Vjfg bur* dlatricta and allgbtly hlfber in b* 1 * - The other, MARB r.tY Local Koree*»t*n STOCKS AND BONDS- ^ trgla 4Ha. 1*16 }>! »rgla. II. It. 6a, 1910 * 1,3 Savannah So. 1666 ‘ Macon 6a. 1*16 Atlanta, it. J® jji Atlanta, 4H*. 1622 J®, Atlanta, 4«. 1*34. Atlaata ami West Point......... JJ? Atlanta and Weat Point Debt*. ». C. R. of Georgia flret Income. . _ Georgia L do. aeeoml Income..., do. third Income.. HI 3 * Aagaata' and Savannah Sonthweatern '•••• a C., t" and A. 1st »- THE DRY GOODS MARKET, tr Prirate Leased Wlra. . thongh tCT <h ^ l . r ,.'??^S the coarse end of tha market pricer »** aagglag.