The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 26, 1906, Image 10

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liifiiiyinlHHlBBIIHH EDUCATIONAL. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Less Than 23 Cent*. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom- pany out-of-town order*. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. J Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. *. ... i Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inter*' tlon. WANTED HELP—MALE. WAKTBD-tJOOD STBONO WHITE MEN a* helpers In the foundry to learn mold- rr.‘ trade, (lood pay to start with and l.ettar pay In two or threo month* Only tbeag with good references need apply. Kelsrarh Mill Mfa. Co. MEN AND HOYS WANTED LBAUN plumblof. plastering. bricklaying. Spe- rlal „ifer life aeholarablp dfty dollar., eaay payments: position guaranteed; freo rata ls .-e. rnyne llroa. Trad* School., New Yorh. Chicago. St. Loul* SrilNOORAVIIEIt FOB TEMI'llRAIIY mmlllon. SC. Stenographers for periuao • — n«. f- “ - ‘ * 1 — l.*lln i WANTED HELP—FEMALE. IP ... In* room to girls and woman on ea.y work, short hours and good par. Experienced operators make from $3.00 to IlLCO per week, and w# will glra good day wage* to those without experience until they Inara. If you lira out of At lanta. write na and we will Aire you In formation nlwmt lH>ardlnc place.. Manually llroa. A MeCrea. N W. Alabama atrsst. Inc. .A course of Inatrurtbm given la trnln- Inr school with aalary lieglnnlng with en- tr.nea ta school, flood salaries paid to com pa taut operators, aalary being deter- — ■ — the ope mine and led upon merit. : upon length of l lining School, Ti SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. learn, offer their uerrleea Jointly Address Y’ork. ear* lleorglan. It—WALKsilAS. a MoWTIlfl 1 liX- ‘ a. salesman In wx primer, Unarm pool t loti _ dry goftdanr *roct*rjr atori*. AiMtvaa W. E. Auburn aviim*. SITUATIONS^ WANTED—FEMALE. 'XSTTRSTfllXYC* ll.'nnl It..• I. If WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS WANTING 111(1 AND QUICK money send for our fr»s ’elrrulara. Gen eral Salas nod Supply Co., Mobila, A!s. WANTED—8ALESMEN. I or f* giiini rui pew wipBi urw mium. Mo oHItre; exclusive territory and literal j»r « «itIon; extraordinary chance for work Ita la (# vesta ftmvan had acnatianm. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. pRilIc" KNOW __ uthern Auction and Salvage Co, at 20 H. Pryor. can dlepoee of your .. —— -—urea, aafae, c~~ nilvnninyu. An Kaey D. CRANE A CO. Front Now Front New Hepof. WJLSf'til.—ItKl.lAttl.K PA 111’V To TAKE charge of good 18-room hotel nwutly re modeled In the town of Tn Unit ton, Hu. The tewn la overflowing with and there le money In tbU pruponltUm.. The eltliene FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? you have, tend It to the Southern i and ftalvy Co., 20 8. Pryor afreet -ATI.A8 BOII.EHH ahoald hare high grade alrne. Call on K* nt fllgn Co., f!4 North Pryor afreet Phone 3N. iTIlItTIfT™ I’fANt) ■<T<kTT7 i‘P PilF. Addreae Plain*. «• nrr urmyo. Fine Carriage*. Xnrm* Variety. Soft and Billowy. T. I>. CRANK A CO.rHH| Front New lh»pot. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN TOC BEE TIIE ATLANTA Wracking Co.'# new line. Ju.t n.tiled a full llna of trunks, tmxelera’ supplies and graeral office supplies. The rhea|irst ever sold. Wa buy, tell or exchange everything. 17 and » Want Mitchell attest. Bell plume MISCELLANEOUS. LUMBER—WE HAVE THREE MILLS cutting south Georgia plan shingles. Also g iufaetur* flooring, railing, aiding aud . Writs ok for dallrenS pries*. Kll- Lumbar Cecapaay. Box III. Cordrle. ALL STVLM GATES. WIRE .AND IRON fences aold and erected. taorln* f tigs Wagon rmbrellaa. 6l.iQ. E. D. , CtLfNE W A*CO. Front New Tl.< N V*. lUinKKI.Iil’ivV;. {\vE Ing tnught In FTMlBf". Htokriy’a Hboribnnd I and RimlnfHHi Hrbnoi. :«4 IVarhfrw ttrwt. LOST. • 1; r, j J i J J.’TTv, - ■ I:) xr j/i on# Iron gray mar*, with ones on right. Return to MHI Plumbing Oa* SI South PlTor atVeot. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO 8EB SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Ca W. repair, reeoustruct, ex- ebeege. buy end aell uiitomehlle* Otrace. 1012 Ultchell *tr**L Atlnuta, Os. Ilsli phont 4394-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIONS WILL BRING YOU business. Fnr blxb grade work call on Kent. *1>,4 N. Pryor. Phone 2*29. Cuatom Made Harness. To Fit Any Horae. B. D. CRANE A CO. Front New* fM»pot. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. WANT TO EXCHANGE HANDSOME cottage, excellent repair, large lot. fine ahade, etc., on south side, for corner lot In good location north aide, about 100 feet front. Will pay cash for difference. Ad- drewi Exchange, rare Georgian. PIANOS. nilAMIIAcil PIANOB. BRTABLISHEDJgtt RECBT PIANO CO., IS N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT— FUHNI8HED R00M8. COOL PI.KAHANT ROOMS $2 TO $$ A week, lodging $1 g week. Menle $2.10 n week. 1014 Trinity nrenue. Bell phone 224$, Atlanta phone 27*7. , CLEAN. COOL NICELY FURNISHED room* for men. $2 per week. No extra charge for two In room, to Trinity avenue. II. lion* 2343. Atlanta phone 7717. PERSONAL. DAY7D W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phone* 1256. 10 E. Ilnnter BL V/ILLIH WALL PAPER COMPANY. Lar;aat stock tn Routh. 64 N. Broad 8L NIGHT CLANNEM IN STENOGRAPHY AT Houthern Nhorlhnnd Bnslneu University, taught by Mlaa Lula Oaeheti “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BERT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold nt 9114 N. Pryor St. Ales Kent, Phone 4943.. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN'S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT.- Bell 7MR Men’s u>wed half sole*. 76c. WALL PAPER. j. M. QUICK Sc CO.-WALL PAPER. monldlng*iP'.etur*e. picture fiumee, etc. Dell phone 729. Hteudsrd 704. 27 B. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORD#— Wholesale sod reUII dUtrlhuton of Vie- tor Talking Machln*. and Record*. Ju»t recalved large cooslgn.nent of machine* and over 19.000 records Immediate ittentloo given mall ord#*. W* wont th* name* of all talking machine dealer! In the couth. Writ* foe catalogue. Alexander-Elye* Co. BICYCLEH AND HUN DRIER—LARGEHT 'bleyclo and sundry dlstrllmtora In tht ■outh. Roothern agent* for Pitre*. Y*l*. Hnell and Hudson bicycles. Writ* for our 1903 catalogue aud prlc* Bit Alexander- YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS $3 UP, without pain. All work guaranteed yeura. Lanier Dental Parlor., 30M U hit*- hall Ht, over Emmone' clothing ator*. Bell phone 2932J. WU MOVE, I4TOHE. PACK AND WHIP houaehnbl gocile; In.uranre rate on* per cent Office and warehouae ICC Walton straat. Both 'phones. Cstbcart'* Trans fer. • REYNOLD#. THE flIGN PAINTER. Hlgna, Imnnera, Lag* and flag dccuratlmis for spsdal occnslona. 204 E. Alabama 8t* KtltlllOPATlIlO UEMHD1EH ‘ 0UUH scalp dlaeaaea and maks hair grow. Krom'a Medicated Soap make* you hr- TEETH BSTRACTED PMITIVJILY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work don* without pain. All work guaranteed 13 year* Lanier I)*n- tnl Parlor., 33M Whitehall St., over Em mons' slothing flora. Ball phon* 2H$J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HAI.I.WOODS. IDEALS and nil other make* at Ixftgatn price*. Wa can aell you a register, nullable for any luirineaa, at a prlc* that cannot help but plrase you. . _ •’aril nr monthly payment# Erery register guaranteed for two years. Houthern Cash Regtater <’o a Brunch of American Sacood- llaml Cash Register Co., 24 8. Broad alraaL Atlanta, tin. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILkN STRAW HATH cleaned and reahaticd, 50c. Soft and stiff felt bat. cleaned and re- aba [led, 35c. Ithnds nr aweata. 26c each extra. ACME HATTERS. Mi Whitehall St TEETH BEST RET OF TEETH $8.00. GUARAN- teed to AL All work guarantee.) It years. Lanier Dental Parlor*. 39H Whitehall 8t. over Emmons' clothing atom. Ball pboua 2S43-J. NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have several very handaome North Side home*. For Information *• LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Rcutiug. 28 Peachtree St FOR SALE. WE HAVE JUST HAH PLACED WITH ua two brawl new k rooui hou^ea on l*nrk areuae that we « an aetl at a very tow prtee and on attractive t.-rnn. AI no a beautiful aulmrlniu home with eight acrea. that we can aell nltuoat aa «*h«*ni» na It coat to build the honae. Can make tenna. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., Real Estate aud Routing. 67 Inman Bids. Ball Phone 1415 Stop waiting until you have to advertise. Try it when you ought to. GEORGE ADAIR. We are offering at private sale 30 fiine building lots in Inman Park: also a number of building sites on Waddell aud Krag street, near Atlanta Stove Works. We arc closing out all the real estate of the East Atlanta Land Co., and have put the prices to sell quick to you. Call and examine the list. CENTURY BUILDING. EAST CAIN ST. NEAR HIGHLAND AVENUE. a SPLENDID COTTAGES. AI.MOSJ NEW. occupied regularly by high class colored tenants, at a rental of tat par moatb. This la a aperlally good renting property and ran ha bought at It.750. Can or terms. See me for bargain* CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phone* 5488. 412 Peters Building FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, WEH A VEONWltTmsT- V 10 seven room house* 20 alt-room houara. 33 Ore-room hoiiaea. 35 fnur-mom house,. M three-room houses. 7 two-room house* Come to ate. u* JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phone* 618. FOR RENT. 26-R. H., 62 and 64 Walton at 10- R. II., 70 Cone iL 11- R. H:, 39 Logan are. 4-R. H., 153 Formwalt iL LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. BUY A SWEET HOME. tiflil t'openblll, easy monthly payment* line aa rent. 4 room* hot and cold wa ter, porcelain bath and toilet. Dutch man- - ‘ esand cabinet, right In city, on tha m,. 12 nduutca from centar; only out COPENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 603. AtlanU Phone 846. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only On# Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Horn**. The flrat month will be given FREE and If occupied one year, two more months will be given' FREE at tha tnd of tbs year, making only nine month* you will have to pay tor. Non* but good families will be allowed In the** house* Tha#* ar* located on the River eloctrto car lino only twenty mlnutea rtd# from th* cantor of tha city; contain 7 and I rooms; have never been occupied; ar* located In West Atlanta Park. Every boua# front* a fl(ty-foot Park, which la sat In tree* ovargrttna and flower* hurt air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot tor children. It Is cheaper than living In th* city and th* surrounding* ar* mor* whole some. In th* center ot thia Park ar* th* F*rro Phosphate Spring*, which will cur* any case ot atomach or kldnty trouble, no matter ot how long atand- Ing. It now has a now church, neatly furnished, a ator* a achool-houa* coat ing IL600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. ltlll* who Uvea on the ground* will ahow you through the house* Rent 110.66 per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 13 Auburn Avenu* ***7 uinc ss I'Mt i* i*i««'ill, i-gtui/ uuuaer uu lot 60x900. Tbls Is something strictly flrat els as; best neighborhood from here to Col lege Park. $2,400—WERT END, BRAND NEW 3-ROOM 13.000 - COLLEGE PARK. VACANT. shady, level lot, near ear line. JOOxroo. on corner. Owner tone weat to llx*. Instructs ns to sell, win ronaldrr sny reasonable offer. Money In subdividing tbl* Term* $2.750—COLLEGE PARK HOUSE. 3-noOM, 2-story, lot 100x190, ou corner, near car. Honae I* nearly brand new, kj ---- -- 1 year old. If you nre Inter; terms we can suit you. 927,600—Close In, juit off ot Peach tree, a practically brand new prop osition; leased to delightful ten ant* for $3,960. Get out your arithmetic and figure gome on thli special reason for selling. Terms It desired. Call In person for in- ' formation. SALESMEN. I. C. McCrary, L. M. Johnson, McDon ald Eubanka. EMMETT HEIGHT, Dialer In City and County Ileal Estate. 39 N. Forsyth 8t. Ball Phone 1460-At I. 164. 90 aero* in DeKglb county chaap. To the L_, Tbe patltll ... man Cohen, both of Fulton county, Geonria, and A. Flatauor, of FrAklln county, Flor ida. raapoctfnlly abowa: Fint. That they tlealra for themaelrea, their aoooctatea, aucceaaora tad ftaatenf* to *n» Inoornorated undor the name and *trle of ‘AMERICAN HAT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Hecond. Tha capital stock of aald corpora tion la to Ih» fifteen tbonaand (116,000.00) do)- — . . 1 j n ^ rtt j| er j n moner or fair valaatlon, and fa to a majority ot th, capital atovk, accdrvllng to par ralnr, to an amount not axcaadlng on. hundred thousand {$100,000.00) dollar* Third. The object of the proposed cor poration la pecuniary pruflt and gain to Its stockboMars; and -the perttcalar business which petitioners propose to carry on la Jb* manufacturing, buying and selling of hats of every enamour and deecrlpflon. with all klnda of feather* hire* trimmings snd such articles as are usually carried In a mllllm-ry and dry goods store. Petitioners desire the further right to msoufsetur*. buy snd sell any ami all other kinds of parsons) property ae they may deem neces sary or pmfltahle In connection with their Mill bURlnCMf. Fourth. Petitioners desire the farther -*■* -o —*■ —— •— such srUcles of personal wares S‘ ‘ — time ms, Be bust right to arqnlre, owo. buy snd i real estate as from time to time may ha MMIfl by-law* aocumb*. , .. _ mortgage, loan deed, wise for the [ delice of Indel —.....— nnd to ban and enjoy all the right* ( leges and Immunltla* .Incident to Uko — porations nnder th* law* of Georgia. Fifth. The principal office and place of bnaluees of the nrepoaed corporation will be In the city of Atlanta. «ald state and connty. bnt petitioner* desire ■*-*■* — establish branch office* amt p bualness at other places will — thle slate. ..kerefore, petitioner* pray to be made a body corporate nnder th* name and style aforesaid, entitled to tbo right* PriTlIem and Immunities and anhject to to* liabili ties axed by law. This Jun* 11th. 196* WALTER W. VI*ANRKA. Petitioners' Attorney. rtTe TON. Arnold Broyle* clerk of tbo saperioc t of said roenty. do harsby certify that the foregoing I* a true and correct copy of the application for charter‘In the matter of American Hat Mandfactnriag Company, aa th* tame appears of 61* In this office. Witness my official algnatar* and th* seal of «ld conrt «M. A J«e H. Clark Snparior Court * niton Connty, O* encnmtwr any or all of Its property by . t, deed of t e# of eecu ie*a of th nnd to bare and enjoy all the MM*. prlvt- DEATH8. Charles S. Spinks, aged 37: /lied at 170 Nelson street, of apoplexy. Mrs. Mary J. Phillips, aged 3S; died of meningitis, at 2$ Queen street. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Taylor, died at 13 Whitehall ter V.'«* Watte, 34 yean old; died at 704 DeKalb avenue. Miss I.lxxle Shields, aged 21; died of tuberculosis, at 276 Woodward ave nue. 31 rs. M. TIdd, aged 70: died of par alysis. at 64 McDaniel street. William H. Plunkett, eged 20; died at Grady hospital. Mr* I. K. Munger, aged 42; died ot heart disease at Tabernacle Infirmary. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr* Charles Apjieraon; died at 11 Lillian street. Allle May Gordon, 16 months old. died of cholera Infantum, at 112 3Iark- ham street. BIRTHS. To 3fr. and Mr* O. A. Martin, at 4014 Madison avenue; a aon. o Mr. and Mn. W. T. Meadon, at 267 Hunter street; * aon. To Mr. and Mrs. Campbell: a ion. To Mr. and Mra. Conley, at 22 Dunn street; a eon. BUILDING PERMITS. $80—M. A. Sillier, to repair one ■tory frame dwelling at 72 Linden avenue. $1,030—G. N. Morgan, to add story to frame dwelling at 220 Luckle street. $1,000—H. H. Harrison, to remodel three-story brick building at 70 White hall street. $106—C. P. Lynes, to add to one- story frame dwelling at 11 Bryan street. $300—Miss Cora Martin, to build one- story frame dwelling at 11 William* street $140—0. T. and A. E. Warren, to change front of three-atory brick building at 1« East, Mitchell street $1,000—J. 31. Wright, to build three one-story frame dwellings at 1*0-198- 200 Jones avenue. $200—John Bedford, to add to one- story frame dwelling at 13 McAfee streeL $00—H. M. Mendell. to re-cover frame house at 107 Capitol avenue. $1,000—A. L. Dun, to add to one- story frame dwelling at 100 East Geor gia avenue. $10—Neal Wilson, to build awning at 101 Chestnut street. $73—H. H. Williams, to recover one story frame dwelling ht '140 Butler street $1,230—Dr. W. B. Hamby, to build one-story frame dwelling at 211 Ro»a lie street. property"transfers. $300—Lowe Stillman to King Still man; lot In land lot No. 00, Fulton county. Warranty deed. $1.700—W. 8. Analey et al. to X. N. Ragsdale; lot on Cascade avenue. Commissioners' deed. $3—Brown Investment Company to Earl Davis; lot on corner of Butler and Baker streets. Quit claim deed. $17>.Bt—Louis Davis to Atlanta Sav ings bank; lot on Blabee- avenu* Loan deed. $4,500—Hooper Alexander to Empire State Investment Company; lot Greenaferry road. Warranty deed, YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN 1M- l?rb** $m Whitehall »t.. aver _ ctethlkf net* BeU phot 25GJ. WINDER NEGRO SLAYER ARRESTED AND LOOKED UP Special te The Georgia*. Winder, Oa.. June 23.—Marlow Ram sey shot and Instantly killed Floyd Smith Saturday night about 0 o'clock. Both Were colored. Ramsey was arrested and placed In Jail. ARRANGING FOR SPEAKERS FOR FARMERS’ INSTITUTE Special to The Georgina. Covington. O*. June 23.—P. D. Cof fee. ot the farmer* Institute of thle senatorial dutrlct. announces that he la making preparations for one of tho beet meetings that this organisation has ever had. He announces that be le arranging for some of the beet speak ers la the state to be oa band. AN OFFICER WOUNDS A FLEEING PRISONER Special to The Georgian. Griffin, □*, June 23.—Joe Saxton, a negro, who wae wanted In Henry coun ty on a charge of shooting at another man, was caught In Williamson Satur day by Sheriff J. H. Miller, of Pike county. Tho sheriff of Henry waa no tified and he came- to Wllllamsoif and waa met by the sheriff of Pike and the prisoner. Aa th* Henry county sheriff alighted from the train the ne- grob broke loose and made for i swamp about a quarter of a mils dis tant, with tho officers In hot pursuit. Seeing his man was gaining on him and would soon be In the swamp, the sheriff draw hla gun and flred, th* ball entering Just above the right thigh of the negro and brought him down. The wound will not prove serious. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Mi'.iuii'i'ui'- '.\iilv:il iti.ii iipi.u'rtuff of i*iis- ■vnnr Trains of tho FoUoirtaf Road*: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Na Arrlva From— No. Depart To— • 3 NashTllla 7:10 am * 2 Naahvllla « 8:33 nm 73 Marietta • 8:36 am 74 Marietta ..12:10 pm *93 Nashrllle 21:ttam Nashrille . 4*0 pm A Marietta . t£0 pm 72 Marietta .. 6:30 pm • 1 Naakrljla 7:36pm* 4 NubtUk . 8:60pm CENTRAL OF OKOUOIA RAILWAY? Arrtea From— . Depart To— Savannah ... 7:10 an« Macon ....12:01 am iaefcaaoTilla . T£3 am Hnvannab ... 8:00 am Macon ll:44om Macon 4:0) pm Savannah ... 4*6 pm Saeatman ... 9:12 pm Macon 7*6 pm Jacksonville .9:33 pa aTUK*a aKD WEST ROAD. Arrive From— Penart To-. •Salma 11:44 am *Monuomery 6:34 ta •Montfom'y . 7£7 pin *N!onlitomery 12:45 pm •Selma 11:36 pm *s»elma ....... 4:20 pm d> Ait trains of Atlanta ao4 Want Point IUllroad Company arrive at aod depart from Atlanu Tennloal station, corner Milt*bell street and kiadtaon arena*. ' UEOUUIA RAILROAD. Arrive ‘ •Augusts •Augunta Llthontn •Aoxoata •Dolly, day -Pjl-I All other trains dally except Sub- other trains dally except mbDAhD Atu Line raIlWaY. sS?"’ 7 ;s:: Special Notices FUNERAL NOTICE. FRANKLIN—THE RELATIVES AND .frlenda of Mias Helen M. Franklin. Mrs. Kocrnla Franklin. Mr. W. J. Franklin. Mr. ana Mrs. J, II. Franklin and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Ilahr nre Invited to attend the funeral Mis* Ileleu M. Franklin from the family residence. 343 Went lVneht street, nt 19 o’clock Tuesday morning. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Offl- l.-illy corrected by Atl.-mta Fruit and FUNERAL DIHECTORS MAY NEKT MEET HERE The next session of the Georgia Fu neral Directors' Association may be held In Atlant* Every effort will be made by the local undertaken. In at tendance at the convention being held at Macon, G*, to get the convention to this city next summer, and added to their arguments before the association will be the Invitation of Mayor Woodward, who la Monday tending an Invitation to tba association which will be presented by G. H. Brandon, of Bar clay & Brandon. The communication from the mayor reads: Mrs. Katla Baker. Mrs. Katie Baker, 80 years old, died at her residence at Battle Hill at 7:30 o'clock Monday morning of old age. The funeral services will be held at the home at 2:10 Tuesday aftar.ioon, and the Interment will be at'Went- view. MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR CHARLOTTE, N. Hprrlal to The Georgian. Charlotte, N. C„ June 23.—A great southern Institution for the teaching of medlcne la the undertaking of a half score of physicians ■ of Charlotte, who have bought a controllng Interest In the North Carolina Medical college, now located at Davidson, 20 miles above here, and formerly operated In connection with that well-known Insti tution of learning by Dr. J. P. Munro. one of the state’s leading medical au- thorltle* Dr. 3tunro haa decided to dispose of a major Interest In the medical school, which will be moved to Charlotte, where It will be better equipped, and a handsome building erected on the corner of Sixth and Church street* The North Carolina Medical college will be owned by twelve physicians, and will have a capitalisation to start with of $30,000. OPERATE NEVTTRAIN ON THE SOUTHERN Special, to The Georglen. / Charlotte, N. C„ June 25.—The prob ability ot a new train on the Southern from Charlotte to Toccoa, G*. will be of considerable Interest to Atlantans,- aa well as people living at this end of the line. It Is stated that the new train will > put on as soon as arrangements are- completed. ANTI-DISPENSARY WON BEFORE THE GOMMITTE Special to The Georgian. Decatur, ^la, June 23.—The Morgan County Democratic Executive commit tee met at Hartselle Saturday and Ax ed August 27 aa the day of holding the county primary elections. This Is the same date as the state primary. The following new members of the committee were elected to All vacan cies: C. Ed Albe* of Decatur: J. C Sparkman, of Oak Ridge; Tom Holt, of Shady Grove. The question of a dispensary for the Decaturs was brought before the com mittee. Severn! speeches were mads both for and against a dispensary. When the question of calling a primary to settle the question came to a vote of the committee, the antl-dlspenaary people won by only a small majority, BAYS IMMIGRATION SHOULD BE RESTRICTED Special to The Georgian. Decatur, Ala., June 25.—The Ant ■paech In the gubernatorial campaign to be made In this county waa made by B. B. Comer, candidate for govern or, at Hariaell* Saturday. Mr. Comer was Introduced by Judge* O. Kyle, of Decatur. Th* audience wan small, but appreciative. He advocated Increasing the pensions ot old Confed erate eolalera; declared for better edu cation; for a restricted Immigration, and advocated the reduction of rail road rate*. At the doe* of Mr. Comer's speech. Judge Adams, of Clanton, candidate ft r commissioner of agriculture, addressed th* audience. KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN .MEETING IN BUFFALO. By Prtrete Leased Wire. Buffalo, K. Y„ June 25.—The ad vance guard ot the Knights of St. John began pouring Into Buffalo this morning by every train, and the air fa constantly split by the band music of the arriving delegations. The grand parade takes place this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Business houses and private residences am elaborately decorated. Opening exercises took place at 11 o'clock tn the Teck theater building. EXPRESS COMPANY FINED FOR RECEIVING GAME Special to Th* Georgian. Little Bock. Ark.. June 25.—The supreme court has derided that an express company la guilty of a misdemeanor when It accept! gum* for eklpmrut to polnte outride of the ■tat*, regardless of Its knowledge of the existence of the game In the pacxsgea re ceived. The race at lasu* was from th* Polk county circuit court sad dealt with tha detlvary of threo packages of fora to th* Wells-Fargo t'omposj t,j W. II. Graves Armed with u search warrant a roasttMo opened the package aud fsuad a saddle of vealooo aod right wild turkeys The expree* company was found guilty sad a An* assessed. I/MDfll l.liift xrhaDiro J5 to $5.50. “ to ft. Peaches, per crate. $1 to $1.30. Ptaeopple. to $2.50. market at present time well ftorkeiL H.ioanns. straight*. !«-•- bunch 1L6Q tn $1.75 Cull*, per l.unvn. $1 ?o $1.25. Wtaoraielons, $10.0) to $:».00 per 100: di#. nininl good. POUCtBY AJJD^OUNTBY PRODUCE - Lire hen* 3.. to 37V»c: fries tVA to 2fc- broilers 15 to 224c. live ducks, Pekin 3) to 35c; puddle 26to 274<*. Dressed] hens, per Jb., 12c to He; dressed turkeys, per lb.. 15 to 18c. * 1 Eggs, per dozen, 174 to 18c. Rutter, table, per lb., 20 to 224c* conk, lag. per lb.. lJ'-l- to 15c. C00k Honey—Itew Krj 10c lb.; In l ib. rack, 10 X7EOJBTABLK8.—Irish potatoes So. ; stock $4 lmrrcl; No. 2, stock $3. Recto, cabbage crates, per crate, $2 to GO to 7oc. SdlHiflfeHIPHIHI to 61: market overstocked Corn, new, 16 to 2dc per dozen. Okra, per crate. IL60 to 62. Cucurabera, per crate, 60 to 75c, market i pmnioes, per nusnei, ji.20. t potatoes, per bushel, 61 to 61.25; potatoes 61.75 bushel. 24-quart crate, 61.60 to 61.75. Old sweet iMitntoe*. j new sweet i Cherries, ■ Cantaloupes- ,t*er crate, 62 to 62.60. Rlnd'kberriea l*r to 124c auirt. Dewberries 10 to ltv**’ quart. FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR.—Postels Elegant $6.36; Diamond patent $8: fancy patent $5.10; half patent 84.1° to $4.35; fancy 63.90- spring wheat “*“* •* **-rket strong. Ycr a 1 ^ 2 wbl, « 74e: No. 2 yellow 73c; mlzc<l 72c. . OATS—Choice white cIIpihhI, Kc; choice white, 50c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas runt proof, 60c. MEAL.—Ilsln water ground, per bushel. 71c? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel. 63c. Short*, white, 61.40: iue<llum, 61.35; brown. 61.30: pure bran, 61.20; mixed bran, 61.15. IIA\.—■llinothy. choice large bales, $U0; do., choice smnll bales 61.14; do.. No. 1 timothy bales. 61.06; do.. No. 2 61; do.. No. ] clover mixed 61.06; do., Nq. 2 closed mixed ciLOVER.—Choice 90c. The above prices are f. o. h. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES* SUGAR.-Standard granulated 5c. New York Ueflntd 44 to 44; plantations 44 to 'V. Market stronger. COFFEE.—Roasted Arbuckle’s . 615.50; ..ulk, In ba« or barrels, 124c; green 10 to 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina .44 to 74c, according to grade. Market very strong, CIIPCUC-Vflhnv V..1I „r-Zee hums. 15c. Dry salt extra l 20 5 Him. 10.50; fat backs 84; plates 8<4r- Supreme lard 10. Red Cross 10c. Snow Drift compouud 74. Red Cross 74. Georgia. 115 ... . - 10(94 Savannah Sa. 1909 1024 l'*3\ Mncon 6a, 1910 108 Atlanta, 6s. 1911.. 106 Atlanta, 44s. 1922 . . Atlanta, 4a. 1534........ 2064 Atlanta and West Point itt Atlanta nnd Went Point Debts. 107 “ R. of Gcorgln first income 1074 do. third Income , Georgia Augusta and Savannah..i Southwestern Georgia Pacific lsts C., c! and A. 1st ... M WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texas—Houston, •bower yesterday. VPRPMPMHB windy. Han Antonio and Dalian, Hear snd hot. Fort i Worth, clear nnd warm; heavy r hist night. -...jlBsIppI—Holly Spring*, cloudy nnd cool. Macon. Alierdcfn. Atnory and Tupelo, clear and hot. GreciiwwHl, clrar and warm. Winona and Ylckabnrg, clear and hot. Ils* slehnrat. Jackson, Ilrookhaven. Merldlnn snd Yasoo City, partly cloudy and hot. Alaliama—Troy. Knfanla. Itlnnlnghnin nnd Mobile, clear and hot. Opelika. Selina ami Montgomery., partly cloudy and hot. " ■- *•» --- —•— “'antn. Mn- . .Jdear ami hot. m. Nashrllle, partly cloudy and pleasant. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy: 44 to 6B above; local rains. Northwest—CJoudy, 60 to <2 above; mint general. *** at and Southwest—Partly cloudy. 41 ... .. above; general ralna In Nebraska nnd Mlsoourl; Jocsl Illinois, Iowa nnd Kaunas. Ohio Valley—tartly cloudy. 68 to 74 above; local ml us. WEATHER FORECAST. aud cooler era. varlnble wladaJ^ Virginia and North Carolina—Hhowcra to* •jr and tomorrow; variable winds. South Carolina—Partly cloudy Monday; showers In north portlou; Tuesday suowert, light to fresh winds, mostly southwest. Eastern Florida—Generally fair Monday and Tuesday; variable winds. , * . Western Florida-Showcra Monday and Tuesday; light south winds. Alabama and Mississippi—l»c*\ showera Monday and probably Tuesday; cooler Mod- cloudy Mon-l.y- showers In Interior; cooler In western l-’t- tloiij Tuesday fslr, freeli eoutheast to foul# Weetera Texes—Kslr Monday snd Tu«*- "Xrksnms-Showers sod colder Mon-liyi Tneeduy showers. Tennessee—flbower* Moodny: cooler I* ctreme went |-rtl..o: Tuendny rirowera. Keutueky—Showers and cooler Meu-Uf. Tneeday psrtly riontfy. COUNTERFEIT COIN IN ALABAMA TOWN Special 'to The Georgian. Decatur, Al*. June 25.—A report. ertmee from Hartselle, thl* county, to the effect that some one h#» been *hov* Ing the queer In th«t town. The coun terfeit which has been circulated Is Jol- l&rs and half dollars, end It ** s "i'l that It I* e good Imitation, and I®"" almsst like the genuine. ... It Is alao said that a counterfeit 11* gold piece was paused by #n unknown party at Danville recently. EXPOSITION DIES IN CANCELLING MACHINE RpeeiSI to Th* GeecgU* . Portsmouth, V*. June 2$.—In all « the poetoffice* hereabouU new dwe have been placed In the cancell*H®» machine* to advertise the J*mwto» n exponltlon, which will he held °» Hampton roads tn 1907. Th* die goes on every hit of Inc- ™ Ing and outgoing mall at the pd* 10 ^' .. In Portemouth, Norfolk. Newport and Hampton.