The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 02, 1906, Image 2

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TILE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, MONDAY. JULY l 19« J. W. JORDAN WRITES AN OPEN LETTER TO HON. J. POPE BROWN Ron J. I’.ipe Brown, Hawltlosvllle, Go. or to any other charity. It would nelth- Colonel: Complying with your request, 1 called at the new*paper of fice, and ercured a copy of ytiur epeech delivered at Perry, Oa., advocating fair freight ratea and Hon. Hoke Smith for governor. I will further atate I have taken time and palna to read It care fully ami thoughtfully the aecond time. Ami now I come to the laat part of your request: to criticise It and tell you n here you are wrong. To make auch mil, lima I am not accustomed to do, neiiiier la It alwaya the aafe and prop er thing to do; but being frlenda, and believing that It waa genuine frlend- ehlp that prompted you to requeat It, and after reminding you that I am no politician, you having atlll Inalated on It. after aome deliberation and healta tlon I hare concluded to do no. Tour epeech having been delivered before a public and prevloualy ndver tired meeting, and subsequently pub' lirhed In the Atlanta papere, and alao •ent out In pamphlet form over the ■ Mimry aa a campaign document, tr.ak.a It neceaaary that I give thla to t ho newapaper for publication which, If 1 rightly underatood you, you ex pected. 1 will aay la the flrat place, you were «Ire In the selection of the place to make your apeech—Perry—near where grew up, and before your frlenda and the very people who know and love ' i beat. Tou were alao very happy In .... . - tog your Introduction I had almoat the r "no feellnga I would have had If I had ’ < > n prevent. Aa to three two Iteme In your apeech, you I ■ an I congratulation!. In the aecond I .ice, you net nut to be fair to all the >« mildatea, but you noon Jumped on Mr. Howell, aaylng, “We aro told ao nod ao;" It la charged that Mr. Howell claimed ao and ao; It la charged that Mi Howell did, or did not, do certain things. Thua “taking up a reproach iiknlnat your neighbor." The record! and facta ahow three reproachea were without foundation or proof. In the third place, you railed atten- tbni to Mr. Ilowell'a barroom atork, n nd charged that he la a atockholder in tho Capital City Club—a aeven-day i nr room In the city of Atlanta, that run* atl night long and all day Sunday, etc. Thua trying to offset Mr. Smlth’a Piedmont bar and hla temperance i. ord with the Capital City Club and Mr. ilowell’a temi>erance record. Here mim are wrong; you muat know they me not analogoua: one being main- Mined not for gain, but purpoaea of i 1 ,ensure and aortal entertainment and i lilted by Ita member! and their In- Wmm gueata, and entertainment! given Just aa they are frequently given In many home, where wine-and maybe ether Intoxicant!—are enrved. The oilier maintained for money—ond much of It blood money at that—and patron- lied largely by bad men, and maybe by vile women; a aaloon where young men are enticed, their manhood, character mid aoula are wrecked; a place where ihmgn ate done day and night, that ehock.humanlty. Ineulta decency, rnocka God nnd dlagueta the Devil. If t waa a i a iron of that or any other aaloon. If I I nidtually or even ocraaelonally vlalt- < d nich placea, I might regard the Cap ital City club an bad, and In the aame light. Hut aa I aee It, the Piedmont lai. and every aaloon, are among the mot and moet Infernal placea In all ibis commercial world. And I want to to Mr. Smith and all other ownera of saloons, If they were to give even ■ I'.liar of their aarnlnga to the poor and m. k. In book!, mndlclnea or In clothing. er Juatlfy nor expiate their Crimea. “Not all the blond of beaata On Jewish altara alaln Can give the guilty cnmarlence peace Or wdeh away the stain.” Again you aay, “It la alao charged that Mr. Howell'! prominence arleea from hla connection with The Atlanta Conatltutlon." “Hla frlenda claim that because he aucceeded Henry Grady, he la equal to Henry Grady. Hut It la alao claimed the Lord made Henry Orady; that Henry Grady made The Conalltu- tlon, and that The Conatltutlon made Clark Howell." Thla may aound witty, but It la flippant and Intended to dla- parage Mr. Howell. To take It up and repent It la wrong. I am aorry you did It; It waa unworthy of you. Aa you turned away from the peraonal dlacuaalon of Mr. Howell and quoting theee reproachful thlnge, which you nay are aald of him, I don’t wonder /hat you were dleeatlefled with what you had aald and what your hearera would think of you, and that you at once aald: “Now, you can read The Atlanta Conatltutlon and The Atlanta Journal and decide for yourself which la the worat man: Mr. Howell or Mr. Smith. Having aome prejudice on that line, I confer! that I am not a com petent Juror.” The pity la that you did not do thla before you took up theae reproachea: but I reckon It waa better then than not at all. Now. ae to your Inalnuatlone that Mr. Howell la the candidate of the railroad!, you agk: "Why did they have their candldnte aelected before any other candidate announced?" and pro ceed to anawer youraelf: "Becauae they have an axe to grind.” Now, In regard to the flrat complaint or Inalnuatlon, that Mr. Howell la the candidate of the rallroada, I muat aay that you utterly failed to furalah a eclntllla of evidence to ahow It, or any proof that they hod their candidate aelected before you were conducting a very active private ranvaee. Homo of your frlenda who felt aggrieved becauae Mr. Smith butted In and hruahed you out of the race after you had made aucceaaful ant BAtlafactory Inveatlgatlon and perfect ed your plana, and aecured your frlenda and aupportera and hod been eeveral weeka In the race, now begin to under- atand why you ahould an tamely sub- mil anil not ahow the allghteat morti fication nr embarraaaihent. In die- uaalng thla matter with a mutual friend of mire, nnd having expreaeed my dtaapprovat of It and nty dlapleaa- ure at It. he replied: “Oh. you need not feel that way; Smith and Brown fully underatand each other. Smith will take care of Brown, nnd he will get the very beat thing Smith can give him." I want to aay aa to freight ratea, you underatand that aubject better than I do; but you don't want fair freight ratea any more than I do, nor any mure than any other man who lovea hla oeo- pie or hla atate, no more than we have reaaon to think that any other of the candidate! do. Ortatn It la that Mr. Howell haa ahown In every way that lie la not one whit lean ardent and ear- neetly Intereated In thla matter than Mr. Smith or youraelf. And t am eure the people think ao and are aa ready to truet him. Aa what you aay about port ratea, you voted twice on It while you were a member of the railroad commiaalon; once agalnat and once In favor of It. Perhapa I am not competent to paea RESISTS PAYMENT- OF DUTY ON BEAUTIFUL NECKLACE merro c TOM t. Mr. Let-da la prealdent of the Chicago, ltork lalasd and l'aclflc rail- your place on the commiaalon, nnd alao withdrew from the race for governor In Mr. Smlth’a favor, he taking up your alogan, It waa well, 1 reckon, that you did not embarraaa, or put him to dla- advantage, but conelatently placed him aa he had formerly been—on all other queetlona—on both aldea of It, by vot ing for aid agalnat It. For the purpoee for which your vetea were Intended you were right. Tour contention for S centa a mile la good campaign thunder, but I am not euro that It would be either wlae or Juat. it la certain that the prevent rail road commiaalon, or the one from which you realgned, are not to be cen- aured for being allrnt and not moving In the matter when nobody haa de manded or even requeated It. 1 agree with you nnd (eel quite aura, aa every Southern man docs, that the conferring of the ballot upon the negro waa n moat cowardly crime. Further then thla. you any nothing about the Filthy Advertising Is rejected by THIS newspaper. That Is ono reason why It has been given In:,popular esteem the title of Home Newspaper Only Clean Advertising appears In THE GEORGIAN. Are you one of the 23,000 heads of families who indorse this policy? disfranchisement of the negro, except to mention the repeal of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendmrnta of the con- atltutlnn; and Inferential!)' In your compliment to Hon, Thomas \V. Hard wick you aald not one word about thla dlafranchlaement acheme anil hobby of Hoko Smith'!. Tou may feel that to remain atlent la enough, and the prop er thing to do. But let ine any that alnce you are Smltli’a aupporter, and It being undefatood that he la running on your platform. It la not enough that you keep allent on thla achetne to dla- franchlae the negro by paaalng it atate law to fix an educational qualification for ull voters, white or black. Tou can't afford to do leaa than repudiate thla dlahoneat acheme to put on the atatute book of Georgia a law that will Induce the reglatrar In our electlona to violate hla eolemn oath, nerjur aelf, violate the law und hla ronaclence, and defraud a legally qualified voter out of hla ballot, be lie white or black, no matter whether born In Georgia or In Maaeachuaette. The thing la too monatroua, and you ahould at once publicly announce your dleapproval of It. It may be that you regard thla ae a political hobby, that the people do not take It aerlouely, that It la only In tended to appeal to unthinking people, and auch thlnga being common In poli tic!. It la ull right. But not ao, "with what maaaure you meet It ahall ' meaaured to you again;” thla la the Inexorable law of God. Tou drop out a hint In your conclualon which aounda prophetic. Surely you have not aeen a vlalon. Tou aay: ”1 would not be eur- prtaed to aee new allgnmenta and the wiping out of old political llnee.” I have Been the aame thing hinted by othera, and even atrange language like thla, for Inatance, from othera calling themaelvea Southern Democrata: "I feel aure that the next ten yeara will Indicate to you many men who have the courage to dare the prejudice! of faction In the Interrat of real policy and principal, and that theae men may be among the atrongeat and moat auc- ceaaful public men of the next two dec- adea In Southern life." In my opinion, auch propltrclea can never find fulfil ment In mongrel politic!, or leaden of mongrel factlona. I cannot, for my life, are how any Southern man und Demo crat who remembera the daya or re- conatrutlon, who underatand! condl- tlnna In Georgia or anywhere In the South, can have ao little faith In our people or the Democratic party, which delivered ua and brought ua through auch dtffleultlea and to be maatera of the situation, and to hold auch high rank among the atatea of thla Union can believe that our aafety and aoltdlty will ever Buffer from dlaappolnted and aound polltlcana and demagogue!, who cannot comamnd the reaped, con fidence and aupport of thoae who went away from the party and blindly fol lowed men, who proved to be false, and falluree aa leaders. Only auch men aa are embittered by their own folly and mlatakee and dlaappolnmenta and vanity would attempt auch thlnga. All othera aee and appreciate the fact that our aafety la In a aolld South. There are plenty of aafe, aolld and vane men to make and/teep It aolld. Tour friend, • J. W. JORDAN. No. C* Piedmont Ave.\Atlanta, Ua. PETRIFIED COUPLE FOUND BY POSTMASTER Special to The Georgian. I'hattanoofo, Tenn., July 8.—Poet- maater Raulatnn haa received a letter from A. B. Boite, of Elk Valley, Tenn.. In which that gentlempn aaya he haa found a petrified man and woman. He doea not deaertbe hla great find, but aaka that the atory be published. Grace Church Opened. The opening aervtcea of the new Grace Method tat church were held. Sunday morning. Rev. Jamoa E. Dickey preached to a large congrega tion. The night aervlcea were of a union nature, other denomlnatlone be ing repreaented to congratulate the member! of Grace church on getting Into their new home NEGRO IS HANGED T CROWD OF 400 LYNCH BLACK FOR ATTACK ON OIRL Prisoner Admits the Crime When Identified by His Young Victim. By Private Leased Wire. Chickasaw, I. T., July 2.—Charged with having attacked a 16-year-old girl, daughter of Ira Robertson, Will Davis, a negro, was captured by farm ers and hanged. The lynchers then burned the body. By the time the negro was overtaken near Bradley Saturday night fully 400 men had Joined In the chase, and soon after the capture the march to Womack began. It was nearly 3 o'clock SundAy morning when the Robertson home was reached and the negro was brought be fore the assaulted girl. "That's the one.” said |M at OBW, and the negro replied: "Yes. lady. I'm the one. Gentlemen, I admit the crime." Tii»- n.olj tl.**n proceeded vlth their victim past the spot where he had committed the crime and to a tree near the road, where a rope was thrown over II limit iihout eighteen feet high and the other end knotted about the man's neck. Before life waa extinct the body was lowered to the ground and logs and brush were heaped upon It and the mass Ignited. For a moment the body writhed, a few groans were heard and the flames completed the work. Two hours later the charred body was bur led under the same tree under the di rection of a deputy marshal from Pur cell, who had been thwarted In his ef fort to take the negro from the mob. Melsris Makes Pate Sickly Children. Thi* uu\ Standard, Grove** Tasteless Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up the system. 8old by all dealer* for 27 years. Price 60 cents. JUDGE RUSSELL HEARD AT CHESTER, GEORGIA Special to The Georgian. Cheater, Go., July 2.—Hon. Richard B. Russell, candidate for governor of Georgia, addreeeed a large crowd of votera from Laurene, Dodge and Pu laakl countlea at thla place Friday. Tha speaker waa Introduced by Dr. Oeorge W. Bordeaux, In a short but Impressive manner. For two houre Judge Rueeell held hie Immenee audience spellbound while he exposed the evils that are being Un paged upon the common people of ileorgla. He dlscusted all of tne Im portant Iseuea of tha day In-auch man ner ae to be thoroughly understood. Judge Russell attacked the dlsfran chlsement duration with a few brief remarks and left that matter for Hoke Smith to settle. He alto favora nine months free school facilities, which wilt give the itry people the advantage of edu- inat facilities equal with tha cltlee. 'ter a hearty handshaking and greeting with hie many aupportera, Judge Russell left fer Dexter to apeak at night. AT THE THEATERS CLOTHES SATISFACTION. One of our new customers, an At lanta Bnuker, said to us the other day i “Nobody asks me now where I get my lothes. They always say, ‘Who made that suitf’ M Exclusive, personally selected fabrics, a few garments from each piece, with none of the ear-marks of the ordinary clothing store. Ready-made $12.50 to $30.00. ESSIG BROS., CorrtclClothtsforMt« “Correct Clothes for Men. 26 Whitehall St. HOTELS AND SUMMER RE8QRT8.HOTEL8 AND 8UMMER RESORT8. UP IN THE OZONE “In the Land of the Shy ” KENILWORTH INN Situated in a Private Park of 160 Acres. Biltmore, Near Ashe ville, N. C., 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level. —WJUST THE PLACE TO SPEND THE jUMMWiii ' Kecognlred at the lending hotel la tho mountains of Western North Carolina. No scenery In tho werhl trill rompsro with the view from thle hotel. Mount Mitchell and Plagnb In full view. Adjoins and overlooks the Biltmore estate. Cool, Invigorating climate, mag nificently famished, cuisine unsurpassed. Tore water. All vegetables from our private garden gathered fresh every morning. Orchestra, golf, pool, bUItarde, tennis, Ilverr, beautiful rides nnd drives. Coach meets nil trains at liflti % evert morning. Tui rides and dnrt_ fit more station. Consumptives not ac* hotel. Open all % Vaudavills at tha Casino. HI, Chlmmls! Dere goes IJHvera," la the cry that Issues from the throats of New Tork'e newsboys when “Sllv ere" Oakley, the famous clown of the btg Hippodrome, walks along the street. Oakley le not only the great est clown In tha world today, but, more than thle, he le the Idol of the email boy In the metropolis, and l r " walks down Broadway he Is apt t< followed by a half laughing, halt awe struck crowd of boys There Is no doubt that he Is one of the funniest men of the present time, either on the stage or In tha sawdust arena. A clown on the stage la a decided nov elty, and the Ingenious "Silvers" hoe arranged a sort of vaudeville potpourl of hla funniest stunts, which he pre sented to laughing thousand* at the Hippodrome for the whole season Just poet, and at the dose of hla engage- mant there Max llofTman secured his services for the summer with his vaudeville and mualcal comedy com pany, after which the popular clown will go to tho Now York Hippodrome for next season. Max Hoffman's own company, with "Bllvera" oaklsy and many other attractive features, will be the offering at the Casino Monday night and all the week. In addition to "Bllvera" Oakley, there will be such favorites ae Ger trude Hoffman and her six seminary girls; tha mualcal novelty, "In the Bwlm," presented by twelve seminary boys and girls; the Otto brothers. Tony Hart, tha twin atatPra Dolly, and Max Hoffman's latest success, a musi cal tat I re entitled "Everybody Works but Father.'” The performance wtU be a delight ful Intermingling of musical comedy and vaudeville and musical number*. In which a big choru* of- pretty girls will furnleh the light and color for the background. The eale of seal* will be found at the Grand box office aa usual. Aches ef some kind are the heritage of aearly every one. frees the lafant with the colic, Ike middle aged aad the distressing miserable headaches, to the aged with aenrous, maacalar aad rheumatic pains. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills Never fall to rare all rates of pals, b.cases they treat the pala son rev the serves. By eoothlac the Irritated nerves, they lessee the leetloo. bslld ep nerve strength, set the bleed reenleg tbroegh the vrtne, ted thus alley ell pels. "I have seed Dr. Milre' Astl l'sln Pills for rheaaMlIe polar, hssdach* tod an- ralgts. aad I haw then Is aethlag bet ter. I have ased them foe year*, tad they always work like magic.” Mil!. F. LAt.I.EMKNT, Lealerlll#, O. The trvt package will If not, the druggist will retire year money. * doses, S cents. Never s-lJ la bulk. ROUND TRIP Summer and Convention Rates. Round trip Summer Excursions from all points East to Paoifio Coast and Northwest from June 1 to Sept. 15, with special stop-over privileges, good returning to Oct. 31,1906. N. E. A. Meeting at Los Angeles, Julj' 9-13. Elks Meeting at Denver, Colo., July 16-21. Summer rates to Colorado, June 1 to Sept. 30. Hotel Men’s Convention, Portland, Ore., June 25-29. Use the splendid through service of theSOUTH- ERN PACIFIC from New Orleans; UNION PA CIFIC from Kansas City to Chicago. Through Pullman Tourist cars from Washing ton, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc., and from St.Louis and Chicago to California. Write me for literature and information. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent. 124 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Qa. R. O. BEAN, T. P. A. • G. W. ELY, T. P. A. ELECTRICITY TD HEAT WATER ATJILTMORE COILS TO BE SUBMERGED IN A TANK HOLDING 8,000 GALLON8. Specie! I» The (Iranian. Asheville. N. C, July 2.—An advance step In the application of electricity will be Introduced at Biltmore house, the country home of Mr. George W. Vanderbilt. All the great supply of water In the chateau will be heated by electricity, and electric motors will also be used to operate the Ice and ra- frtgeratnr plant of the house. The heating of water on a large scale by electricity Is noveL The house le equipped with an enormous •tael tank, holding 2.000 gallons, which must be heated dally to furnleh hot water for the laundry, kitchen, bath room and great swimming pool. The necessary equipment for the work Is now being Installed under the super vision of C. EL WaddelL the electrical engineer of the Biltmore estate. It la underatood that the electricity will be applied directly to the tank, the colls being submerged In the water. 8CHOOL8 AND C0LLE0E8. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE. Athens, Ga. 1906 1907 The FORTY-EIGHTH session of the Lucy Cobb Institute, an Institution for the education of young women of Georgia, will reopen on WEDNE8DAY, SEPTEMBER 12. For catalogue and room reservations apply to MRS. M. A. LIPSCOMB, Principal. the ALABAMA BREN All ■ ErPAfLA. AI.All AM A. ■■ A high grade College-Conaerratory for young laiilM. Tboroogh <*our»e In lite rary, eprrisl advantages In mtfe. nrt, oratory, nrrhratrn of 15 Inutrumcnta. Beautiful near building* located upon a tiUKTritWnt rt»Tat|on. Ideal winter ru inate, aptendld health record. AU. Rre- nae rhautau«iua taken plare of u*ual t'otnraenreiuent. Specially low prices. Write for lllnatrated catalogue. end Palmer Lewis, located near Silver atreet, wee deairoyed by Are et an early hour Friday morning. The origin of tke Are le unknown. EAn,ROj wa^T 8 BE built:REDUCED R. R. RATES .Praia. The .i=T FOR FOURTH OF JULY. HawklnartUe. tie., July 1—The proponed i The W. A A. R. R. end N. C. A- St. exteaaloa of the Dntdtn and Southwestern ! L. Railway will sell cheap round trip railroad from Kastman to IlawhlaarlUe an I ticketa to all points south of the Ohio wr to Curtate will toad*. Prraldrat and p 0 tomae and east of tha Mlasls- tVrtahtsrille eadTSuSu* raid, whfet X Ov*r, . including St. Louie, ready operates a line to llawfctasTfUe. The Evansville and Cincinnati* at one and IwNIt’ and ont , t hlrd fares; tickets to be raid en " ***** UW *« •" •* "• ■“*- July 2d. 3d and 4th, good to return until July 8th. 1906. For further Information and tick* ett apply to any agent of the W. A A. R. R. CHA8. E. HARMAN, General Pass. Agent LUMBER PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE. Spertil to The C rargtan. Newberry. 8 O. July 2.—The lum ber plant of llessrs. H. O. Workman