The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 12, 1906, Image 10

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ALLAN 1'A (iLOKGiAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for l«>. than 25 cents, tho priea of four lin.*. Six word* of avorago length make a line. Tho following rates aro for' consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents a line. 3 timet 5 cents a line. 6 timet V/z cents a line. 26 timet 4 cents a line. 52 timet S/z cents a line. 73 timet 3 cents a line. Written notice Is required to discontinue classified advertise* monte. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. aro Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suite and euro returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4327 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN te helpers ID the fouudry to learn mold- trade. Good pay to start with and p, .- those w 1 -^. _ ItsLoteb Mlir Mfg. Co. Tift ViM! W’ASf fo lilhtViftE »P Vbtffl inode? If no, rail up 2304 (Hell).'* The LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. . Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED—MAi'HfNfc 'rtXS'im at A?: Imita Table. Company, 97 Bell street. Yof.NG I.AIIY CopViSt.’W; MAf.K «B'- nngraiiher. 160, |76; young mnn for yen- oral office work. *40. Itellnniy Uusluoes Agency, 1330 Candler hnlldlnif. WANTED HELP-t-FEMALE. WANTED — TWENTY- five women and girls in our sewing room. Anyone who can run a machine at home can quickly learn our work. Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 per week, and we pay 60c per day while learning. Apply Nunn ally Bros. & McCrca, 36 W. Alabama street. WILL GIVE REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In our sewing room to girls ami women on easy work, ahort houra ami good pay. Experienced operators make from 18.00 te they learn. If you lire ou_ write us and we will gtre yon Information about boarding places. Nunnally Bros. * McCrea, 34 W. Alabama street. WANTED—AQENT8. AGENTS WANTING BIO AND QUICK money send for oar free circulars. Gen eral Bales and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—SALESMEN. mi responsible, K d men. Regular •ark, Iowa City, Iowa. experienced, hustling .ejjtitar or side line. W. J. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE, with 10 yearn* experience, beat references. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-TUE PUBLIC TO KNOW that the Beat hern Auction and Salvage Co., at JO 8. Pryor, can dlepoae of your household goods, office fixtures, safe#, car- rc.ys, pianos, etc.. i«» advnntage. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ATLAS ENGINES- yiRSTOI. -ATLAS‘BO ILK ItU —All style# and ettee. AtUa Engine Works. Empire Bldg.. Atlanta Ola 84 Buhinkhh should hare blah gran- - Kent Kira Ca, North TTCTiSHR ene. Call on Pryor street. THE SotiTlIfiU.N AUftloS a.n'Ii 8X1, tags Company, at 20 South Pryor atreet, will buy or sell you out. ftoii AaM=WK bfc*K. VoIriruXSTTic laaipa, one ahowcase and one counter. Pete Book Co., 09 Whitehall street. Brockwar surrles. runnbouta and depot wagons. Nothing better uinde. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 and 52 West Mitchell street V5B SALE-RENT ItlTinKH TlllK; workmanship guaranteed. Georgia Ve- hide Mfg. Co.. and 62 West Mitchell at. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN roc IEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.'a new line. Just added a full Hoe of trunks, travelers* supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest aver sold. We buy, sell or exchange everything. S7 and 39 West Mitchell atreet Bell 'phone BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- taent Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change. buy and act! automobile#. Garage. 13-12 Mitchell atreet. Atlanta, Go. Bell Phone 4894-L Main. LUMBEB-WE HAVE THREE MILLS catting south Georgia pi as ihtagtea. Also Dsnnfarture flooring. csUIng, flJdlng and Uth. Writs oa for delivered prices. Kil lian Lumber Company, Box 107, Cord tie, Oa. ALL RTYLBR GATES. WIRE AND IRON fence, nld «n<l erected. .Fencing for farm, Iswn, garden snd poqltrr. ExcTnalrs .gents for “Page Fence. 1 ' IJlil. Fence Co. successors Till* Fence Co., 41 Wait Hunter strset. Phone. M93. FOR THE' jifiXT ■'fUN IiaVb l WItT cat mj *95 suits to *24. Carroll, U>. tailor, 172 Pcacbtrss street, opposite Aragon hotel. AT <>08T-V? Htot'K OF IRON AAFEl< and vanlt doors to be sold at coat during next week; now la your time. 26 8. Broad street. R. W. Ellis. Atlanta. HTENOdlUl'IlERR—D6 V61i DARE call your ooul your own, enough so to stand np and tell the Bom Man that the Kee Lox Carlton taper# and typewriter ribbons are tbe cleanest, longest-lasting goods on the market? Tbla Is the verdict of-stenographers who know their business. Rent on thirty days* trial; satisfaction guar anteed. You are next. Kee l/»x Manufac turing Company, 611 Austell building. 'Phone. Main SOT. HTEMiGuAl'IlERh—1PIU? - iiaVi4 lSTT? fingers, dirty type, gmutty letter*. I»e In a bad humor with ymiraelf? All of these troubles will In* done sway with If you will only use Kee Lox Csrhon papers and typewriter ribliono. Let un prove It to yon. We furnish three ribbons nnd s box of carbon paper thirty days' trial: satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. What more can wo offer? 'Phone, main 2877, Kee tax Man ufacturing Company. 611 Anatelt building. WXNTfi D^foTIT itc I lAliKKM ATintHTsP *er or fiat top desk: sccoml-hand; must be WANT A<l<lr<>, p K ' r nr writ, to simpeon * ll.rper's ofllra. third floor, Fourth National Ilsnk building. 8HOE REPAIRING. N. LAZARUS. 21 8. PRYOR ST. I DO boot nnd shoe*repairing. When I any re pairing. I mean the best repairing only. Huperlor material and oak leather, with the best workmanship. I know how to repair because I know a shoe. I inn a skilful mender and can make comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down and worn out ones. Don't forget tha No., 21 8. Pryor street EDUCATIONAL. smsBTnxsri r~irornmn7TMsnr~ifvnf writing, in.thrmntlr* grammar and .pall ing taught In evening* Rtokclj'. Shorthand nnd Runnem School. 34U I'earhtrc* etreet. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FtTRNIflHRD ItOOSIH IN PRIVATE KAM- Hr, iKMrd optional; .r.rj convenlenc.; north aldn; can get meal. ecroM .tract. Hell phone 3020. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—FCRNIHHBD APABTMJBNTB for young men. Modern flat. 396 Peach tree. / FOIl RENT-MODERN EIGHT-ROOM two-tlory house; 626; close In. Apply 67 Cfew street. ’Phone 4261. PER80NAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phone. 1264. 20 B. Hunter St WILLIS WALL „PAPER COMPANY. targest stock In Sonth. 64 N. Broad fit “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW Mid at 91H N. Prjror BL Alex Kent, Phone 4348. YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN DY AN 1M- proved metbou. All work guaranteed 16 years. Reasonable prices. Lanier Dental Parlora, 39)4 Whitehall fit, over Emmons' clothing store. Bell nboqe 2&P-J. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN 8TUAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt bats cleaned and re shaped, Me. Bands or sweats. 26c each extra. ACME HATTERS. «H Whitehall 8L BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholennle nnd retail dlstrlbutom of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and ovtr 10,000 reoorda. Immediate attention given mall ord#o. We want the names of all talking machine dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Aloxendsr-Elyea Co. IIICYCLEH AND HtTNIllUElt-LAllUEHT htrycle end enndry dlatrihntnra In tb. Moth. Southern .gent, for I'l.rco, T.I., Snell and lludaon bicycle.. Writ, for o«r 1904 cmt.logv. and prlc. 1UL Al.xxnder- Kl yea Co. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS *3 Ur. without pain. All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier Dental Parlora, 39)4 White- ball 8t. over Emmons' clothing store. Bell phone 2663-J. WE MoVfe, HTOltE. PACK AND M1IIP houMhold good.; rate on. par cent, orrtee and w.rchuuM ltJ45 W.lion ■treat. Itoth ’phone* Csthcart'a Trans Reynolds; the 'sign painter. Blgu, ti.nn.ra, Uag. and flag decoration, for .pedal occasion* 30W E. Alabama BL TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier Den tal Parlora. 39)4 Whitehall Bt.. over Em mons* clojh1ng store. Bell phone 2&6S-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HA7.I.WOOP8. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. Wo can tell you a register, suitable for any business, at a price that cannot help but please you. _ Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand Cash Register Ca. 24 8. Broad street, Atlanta, Oa. TEETH BEST BET OF TEETH *00. GUARAN- toed to fit All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier Dental Parlors. 3»H Whitehall fit. over Eounons' clothing store. Bell phone 2&63-J. SUPPOSE YOU MAKE INQUIRIES? We have bad very little to say concerning the circulation of The Georgian. Othera have done the talking for ui. The paper leaped Into mioh Immediate popularity and has maintained the high standard to auch an extent that we have not found It necessary to sound our own borne. We do not Intend tb do ibat now. Some of our friends have been kind enough to tell us that we are printing the heat paper In the South. Tbl( opinion haB been rendered by many who are competent to Judge. While we appreciate theae compliments we. at the same time, realize there might be eome prejudice In the atatement. We have made Inquiries In a quiet aort of way to And out exactly wnat the public thinks of The Georgian.. The other day we made It our business to aak several of the newsboys wblcb of the afternoon paperi waa most popular with tho public. Almost dally we make It a point to aak the various new* dealers which of the afternoon, papers Is moat popular with the public. We are not going to tell yon the answer to these Inquiries. We extend to you a cordial Invitation to aak any newsboy you meet which paper be aells the most of. When you step Into a news stand to purchase a cigar, a magazine, or a newspaper, ask the news dealer what paper Is most popular with him. If you happen to meet one of our carriers ask him how many paper he deliver*. If you are taking a trip on a train ask the news butcher which paper be sells the most of. We are content to let their answers be our answers. It la a simple matter for a newspaper to make extravagant claims. It Is difficult for n newspaper to Induce unprejudiced dealers to make extravagant claims In Ua favor. We do not deal in extrav agance. We simply aak the public, with particular reference to the advertisers who spend money for space In Tho Georgian, to make these Inquiries on its own bohalf. The verdict Is with the news boys, carriers and news dealer*. We are content to stand on IL a THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Three Left of Eight Brand Ntw Suburban Homea. The first montb will be given FREE and If occupied ona year, two more months will be given FREE at tht end ot the year, making only nine month, you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In these bouees. Thee, are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the canter of the city; contain 7 and t rooms; bavt never been occupied; are located In Wsat Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-foot Park, which la set In trees, evergreens and flowers.' Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole some., In the center of this- Pnrlt are the Ferro Phosphate Spring., which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing *1,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the ground* will show you through the house* Rent *20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, ionea 5488. 412 Peters Bldg. *7,000—PEACHTREE ROAD 0-R. COT tags on 7-acre tract, >00 feet frontage. Ilea well. This Is cbeep. Use on west side street, bee nice fruit trees, outbuilding* etc. *7.600—LOVELIEST 10-R. HOUSE ON N. Uonlnrard In choicest block on tbe atreet; hones le strictly modern and up-todatn; would coat *0,600 to build It today. Lot would bring 23,000 to *3,600, Do yon went n bargain? *6,600-66 FEET CAIN STREET. NEAR Pesebtree, house bringing good rent. Chenpast cloee In property on north ride. Lies well, la level and wortb more money than thl* Easy term* | *7,600-SPRING STREET HOME. 0-R., LOT 66x116 to alley, between North avenue and Third street; bouse le a beaoty, furnace bested, elegant finish; an Ideal borne; can make terms on thl* 11.760-RENTS FOR 137.60, JUST OFF N. Boulevard, the prettiest cottage to be found In tbe neighborhood, occupied by owner, refused this rental for cottage and nervant'a house In rear. Special ration for nailing. 27.000-10-R. COTTAGE ON LOT 60x100, nervant'a house. This place la n perfect beauty. Think of It. a 10-r. cottage, nearly brand new, and just off Peachtree; noth ing Ilka It In town. Term* SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business For high grade work cell on Keel, »ltt N. Pryor. Phone 33. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Currier and Fairfax, 6450 each. Frailer •i.; modern; not *nu row waver. i»aia tuba, etc.; 60x160; oiler side nnd rear; good nHghlwrbood, for 63.000. House Itoelf coat uore. A. D. Adair, ( 1323 Empire. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, WE NEED SEVERAL HOUSES. CBN- trnlly located, from to to 20 roma. If you bare them, come In nt once and Ilrt them with us. Our demand far large h<m»ea la great. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones <11. CHASa. M. EOBERTS. REAL ESTATE, 12 AUBURN AVB. NOW OFFERS FOR QUICK SALE A well located north aide block of 7 6-room now cottage*, all modern and In good ahape; corner lot. with atreet Improve ment* down. Tbla la a good, aound rent- paying Investment, renting for |8S per montb, and 68,500 will buy them all. In vestor, you cannot afford to mlan thin. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, . 12 AUBURN AVE. FOR SALE ATTENTION! Are you aware of the fact that the railroads are going to force the Peters street merchants to Whitehall street? Then why not get your location before the price goes up. I have a cor ner fronting 58 feet on Whitehall street, 116 feet on a cross street, 133 feet of railroad front, with a 5-room house on it renting for $20.00 per month. Come‘quick or you may be sorry. $5,250. CLAUDE L. NORRIS, REAL ESTATE, 716 Fourth National Bank Building. WASHINGTON STREET VIADUCT! REMOVAL NOTICE. I IIAVK CL08ED UP MY OFFICE IN the Equitable llldg., and am now with Messrs. 8. B. Turman A Ca, corner Broad ‘ sbama streets, wbera I will ba glad e my friend* find me with their wants In the real estate Una. J. H. LATHAM, With S. B. Turman & Co., HAVE A PIECE OF PROPERTY FOR eels that will be wortb double the price asked by tbe time tbe Washington street viaduct le completed. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. McNEILL & SHERWOOD 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. LOOK AT THIS! > FT. R. R. FRONTAGE, CLOSE IS. Modern building on same, containing 16.- 000 aouare feat of apace, wortb not leas than 611000. if takcu within a week citn sell at 626,000 for entire property. Fog'WIcrT&kcM a»E 'AM clrgnut S-room hone*, lot lOtaiw ft.. In Inman i-erk, near Druid Circle. fllhEK NEW JTutoM ' HOUSES' “li-M beautiful corner In West End. *4,Ed to 14.600. > FIVE NEAT S AND 7.ROOM COTTAGES In lae beet port of West End, from 67,960 TntoiiYNLW horkK, tiSTbd bCAl'flFt L NEW l'MUIOM klOUgE ON Peachtree, with over one acre of ground. Price 69.600.' IJberal term# or will ex- ft. £ PKtSmc . city limits. Urge and^ •mail lots.. Prices THEATERS At tha Casino. Patrons of the Caalno are more then pleased with the bill thin week, and they have rvxxl reason to be so. aa the oflering la one of the' best vaudeville performances ever seen In Atlanta. Green and Werner as -The Babes In the Jungle" are the hit of the show, and San? Elton, the comedy Juggler, le a clone second. I-awrence (Tran* ma gician; blaster Gary Oaien, juvenile tramp Impersonator, and A pd ale’s troup of trained bears, monkeys and doge, complete the bill with the cam- eragraph's moving pictures. Fireworks Thursday Night Fireworks Thursday night at Ponce DeLeon! Atlanta will witness an ex cellent display of aerial firework* Im mediately after the performance In the Casino the display qvlll be given on the old site ot the lake acrosd the tracks from Ihe perk. Seats have been placed to accommodate the crowds and the spectacle le In charge of Mr. George Hickman, who for yearn baa handled the fireworks display at Man hattan beach. New York. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and &as Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. Atlanta 37. STATISTICS. DEATHS. Cherlee B. niack, 24 years old, died of (iinehot wound at Howells Ht.tlon, Res idence, I Longley avenue, Howells Sin lion. Joneph Grant Hodmen. . died Of Cholera Infantum at tbe residence month. old, firriiuT How Hairston, 6 ysnrs old, 103 Cbnpel BUILDING PERMIT8. Jlfl-Georg. Alexander, to add to dwell- Incut 27 Chestnut. 144ljMie N ' Turiler ' t0 * M to dwelling at P. Gaffney, to recover dwelling at 439 Central avenue. OJJrH- A ‘ Williams, to add to dwelling at 237 Formwalt. 1150—city of Atlanta, to raise and un* dejyln wnrd at Grady hospital. . 17.M0-W. 1». Kelley & Co., to bnlld dwelling at SB I'roupect place. 6650—-J. B. Henry, to raise, underpin and dwelling at 670 Central avenue. $4,400—fc. M. Daniel, to build two two- Jtorjr fiUpe dwelling# at 276 and 278 South 6460—A. c. Woolley, to add to frame build* ig nt 4 ISfafiop. <1,750—W. B. Ilanby, to build dwelling at •5 Cameron. 62.500—Mra. Mary G. Thurman, to put In ne*' ■tore front at 6S and 60 Whitehall. . T - Alrnand, agent, to re-cover dwelling at 16 Wells. Mfi—Mro. M. C. Hayden, to re-cover dwell* 63.000— J. H. Znchery, to build tw*o-atory frame dwelling at 73 West Baker. ^fln^Aj^Kamp, to build frame awnlug at PROPERTY*TRANSFERS. 6426—Jamea J. Barne* and J. T. Hall to Andrew L.. Arnold, lot on Aahby street, near Beecher. Warranty deed. 6126—C. W. Whitworth to C. R. Garner, lot on Itucker street, near Franklin. War ranty deed. 6600—John B. Richards to E. T. Morris, lot on Kalb avenue, near Berean avenue. Warranty deed. 61.000— Jaraea M. Hughe* to John B. Rich ards, lot on Kalb street, near Berean nve- “ *' deed. Jono, administrator to Jamea —.—. lot on Kalb avenue, near Kerenn avenue. Warranty deed. 6776.60—J. W. Ferguson to Harper A Weather*, lot In land lot No. 151, 14th dis trict. Warranty deed. 6600—M. C. Hardin to Mr*. Clan# D. Han kins, lot on Jackson atreet. Warranty deed. 62,660—Msrcellus Holbrook to Melville C. Ilsrdln, lot on Jackson street. Warranty deed. 6670—South Atlanta Land Company to Courtland 8. Winn, lot on corner Jonesboro road and Tblrklold avenue. Warrauty deed. 12.000— Jerome O. Palmer to Bomuel A. Ox- burn. lot on Jackson, near Ponce DeLeon avenue. Warranty deed. 6320—T. G. Kchola and W. C. Richards to Joseph II. Harris, lot on corner Plue and Fourteenth street*. Wararntr deed. 61.200—T. K. Abernathy to llll>eriila 8ar- iga. Building and Loan Atisoolatlou, lot >i Bryan, near Grant street. 6800—Fi C. Lacey to T. N. Abernathy. ,jt on Bryan, near Grant Warranty deed. Sarah I. Wether*. Mayaon and Turners avenue, deed. CANDIDATE BREAKS DOWN DURING CAMPAIGN Special to The Georgian. Dallas, Tex., July II.—Hon. T. M. Campbell, candidate for governor. In uerioualy III hern at a hotel and In not able to go to hie home at Paleatine. Mr. Campbell's break-down la due to the hard work that he has been doing In hie candidacy for governor. Appointment Requested. Special to The Ueorglnn. Savannah, Qa., July 12.—The ap pointment of Dr. G. M. Corput as phy- slcan In charge of the Savannah ma rine hospital haa been requested by City Health Officer Bruner and Mayor Myers. Dr. Corput' le at present con nected with the service at New Or leans. BUILDING LOTS. "Get you a building lot in Atlanta now; you will never be able to buy one for any lest money.* ADAIR. Alta Avenue. Juat outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, only three lots left In this subdivision. 50x194, for *450; 150x150 tor *800, an* 125x167 for *800. Theie are sure money-makers; easy terms. Connally 8treet, only five-eights of a mile from center, 15 minuter walk ffom Century building, half way to Grant park. level lot 40x120 to alley; gas, water and sewer down; price *450; faces pretty residences in front Lawn Street In West End. near Park and, 116 feet front run ning back 150 to alley, opposite the new cottages; price *1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly bad form to do so when yon can pay your own money back la your pocket, by coming to me. Juet run your eya over thin! We'll bnlld you a house juet like you went It, on cany payment* from jjo. to *6,000, If yon buy tho lot *-room, modern, new house on corner lot *100 cetk, bnlnnee easy monthly payment*. 4- room modem new bouse, same term* 5- room, new, modern house on largo corner lot; *260 caeb; balance easy monthly payment* 7, 8 and 10-room bonne* Tbe College Park Land Company hare 2,000 Iota to. select from, *100 to R00 each. Come oot and sen me, or call me up. Office at end of car line. Bell Phone 17-J Eaat FMot Exchange, College Park, Oa. I sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, Tho College Park Real Estate Dealer. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. Unsettled weather ami shdwers tonight an«l Friday with plenatiut temperatures. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texas—Belton cloudy, 80; Hillsboro fair, 80; Hhermnn cloudy, 72; New Ilraunfel* fair, 69; Galveston dear, 82; Muskogee cloudy, 75; hard rain last night. Joplin cloudy, 80. Ok- Jahonia City fair, 78. Texarkaua cloudy, 77. Waco fair, 75; hard rain last night. Gainesville cloudy. 74. Ardmore cloudy, 70. Bouhnm rloudy, 76. 1'lauo fair, 70. Dal las fair, 74. Texas rainfall: Abilene 1.90. Ballinger .96, Rlnhco .78, Krenham trace, Browuwood .24. Coralcaun .34, Dallas .78, Dublin .36. Fort Worth .12, Ualventon trace, Greenville .44. " * .34, Huntsville 3.48. Lamnaaas lew 20. Mexla .16, Nacogdoches trace. I’aleatliie .42, Faria .80, Sherman £J0, Taylor .54, Temple .20, Waco 1.84* Wax#- hachle .10, Weatnerforu .44. 3f(Ml**(ppf—Yaxoo City cloudy and plena- ant; light rain yesterday. Winona cloudy and sprinkling; hard rain last night. Vicks burg cloudy aud warm: hard rain last night. Rrookhnven, Ilaslehurst and Jack- son cloudy uml warm. Greenwood cloudy and warm. Corinth dear mid hot. Hat tiesburg cloudy and cool. Meridian partly cloudy and cool. Grenada, rained last night; raining hard now. Natchex cloudy and pleasant; rained Inat night. Alabama—Opelika partly cloudy and pleas ant. Mobile dear and warm; rain yester day. Montgomery cloudy . nnd plensnnt. Huntsville partly cloudy and pleasant. Troy cloudy aud pleasant; hard rain yes terday afternoon. Fufauln clear and pleas ant; ralu yesterday afternoon. Georgia—Columbus cloudy; hard rain last night. ThomnsvIMu dear aud warm; hard rain yesterday afternoon. Albany cloudy aud pleasant. Rome partly cloudy nnd cool. Atlanta cloddy and cool. Mncon showery nil day and night; now cloudy and Wfmn. luo noOTr prices are r. o. o. ah Tennessee—Knoxville cloudy nnd cool. tff Imminllate secepUncg. Memphis cloudy aud warm. Chattanooga partly clondy and cool. Louisiana—New Orleans cloudy and threatening: bard rain yesterday afternoon and (last night. Ntarereport cloudy and warm; hard rain last ulglit. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit sad Produce exchange, lemons 66.50 to 66. Limes 50 to 76c. Peaches, per crate, 61 to 61.60. Pineapples 62 to 62.50, market at present time well stocked. Hannans, straights, t**»« bunch $1.60 to 11.76. Culls, per bunen, 61 to $1.26. \\ itertneldns, 67.60 to $20.00 per 100; de. table, per lb„ 20 to 22%c; cook- iuk« per lb., 12Vfcc to 16>c. IIouey-New 84610c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 012c. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. No. 1 stock $3.50 barrel; No. 2 stock 2.76. Tomatoes, per crate. $1 tA #1.80. Corn, new, 10 to 124c per dosen. Okra, per crate. 61 to 61.60. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, 61.20. Old sweet potatoes, per bushel, $1 to $1.26; new sweet potatoes $1.75 buahel. Cherries, 24-*juart crate. 61.60 to 61.75. Cantaloupes, per crate, 6L50 to $2.60. Blackberries 16 to I2Hc auart. Dewberries 10 to uuart. [•wherries 10 to liV*-* uuart. FLOUR* GRAIN* PROVI8ION8. FLOUIt.—Postels Elegant 66.36; Diamond patent |6; fancy parent $5.10; half patent $4.10 to 64.36; i«.asy $3.90: spring wheat patent 66.6006. Market strong. CORN.—Choice red cob 76c; No. 2 whits 74c; No. 2 yellow 73o; mixed 72c. OATS—Choice white clipped, 62c; choice white, 50c; choice mixed. 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL.—Plain water ground, per bushel, 78c 7 bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, 63c. Shorts, white. $1.40: medium. S1.S5; brown, 61.30; pure bran, 6L2U; mixed bran, 11.15. IIA\.—'Timothy, choice large bales, 61.10: do., choice small bales 6Lf4; do., No. 1 o. 3 closed mix* WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy, 62 to 1 —* * — thw : g< South Dukota; local In Minnesota. West and Southwest—Generally clear; 62 > 76 nlmve; general ralna In Oklahoma; lo ll In Nebrnnka, Kanonn nnd Mlsaourl. Ohio Valley—Clear; 72 to 74 above. WEATHER FORECAST. RAILROAD SCHEDULES dbowTni th. Arrival .Qd Uvpurtarr ot i*»,- B-nrvr Train, of Following Bond.: IVEKTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arriv* From— N* Dwmrt To—_ •3 Ki.livlU. i:l}nm'2 Nubvllt. . IdSiai 4 a i a ■* ™s*. ** p “ . 8:00 am . 4:00 pm 9:15 pm central oV-ijgGTtuiAiaiLWAV. • Arrive From— . D#p»rt To— Savannah ... 1:10tm Mina 13:<lam Jacksonville . 2*0 am S.v.nn.b . Mncoa UjMimMacoa ....... Savannah ... 446 pm Savannah ... Macon 1:94 pm larkaonrillr . I:» pm AfLAStA A~Kl> R WasT~FuiNt Rail:- rimaV.f^ulo am •MMpxnmJr**:3Sam life p2SSS'*::iii£ •Dan*. All othor trains dallj except Sna- < **/’ll tralne of Atlanta end West Point Railroad Com pony arrive at and deport from Atlanta Ternilnel atatlan. comer atreet end Madlaon avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrive From- Depart To— -Augusta .... 6:0#am -Anguate 7:Cam - ... 1:44am Utbonla lenaam am ’Augusta iM pm pm Conyers 1:00 pm pm Covington ... 4:10 pin pm ’Angaeta ....11:44 pm “ train, dally txcept Sun- ’Aeguata Utbonla fry ithAUOAHD AtB LINE'BAILlVAV. Arrive From— Depart To— Wa.hlnrtoa . IX am Birmingham . 4:43 am Abbeville ... *M am Monroe . . . 7:20 am Memphis. . .11:44 am New York . .12X4 m Georgin-’Showers Thursday and Friday; light east winds. LouInIiiim and Mississippi—Showers Thurs day: Friday partly cloudy and warmer; va riable wind*. East and West Florida nnd Alabama— Shower# Thursday and Friday; variable winds. East Texas—Partly cloudy Thursday; showers In northeast portion; warmer In IVest •bowers In north portion; Friday fair, Arkansas—Showers Thursday and proba Ir Friday. Illinois. Indiana—Fair toulght except thunderstorms aud cooler. Missouri—Scattered showers tonight aud Friday; somewhat «*ooler. Upper Mlchignn, Wltu-onain, Minnesota, Iowa—Thunderstorm* tonight nnd F ‘ * Lower Michigan. Dnkotn*. Montana braska—Fair tonight aud Friday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. barometer, oue centered over the north east nnd the other over Montnua. The advance of the northwestern high pressure area lias rcdwwl tho temperature In the vicinity of Its center, Imt over nearly the entire United States there has lieen prac tically uo change In temperature In the and showers have occurred from the Da kotas south Into Texas and thence east ward over most of the cotton belt. The conditions continue favorable for un nettled weather ami showers In thta sec tion tonight and Friday with pleasant tem peratures. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. inicngo. juiy is.—nogs— Ksumatea rr celpt* tinlay l!»,00t). Market barely steady miw. i^ghf 36.&)£6.70: mixed' 66.50&7; heavy 66.2607; rough *.2506.46; pigs 65.70CM.86; yorkera *5007; good to choice *9007. Cattle—Recslpt* 5,006. Market steady to to ine<llnm 64.20-85.2>; stocker* and feeders $2.6094.46. 8hee|»—Receipts 16.000. Market ffenerallf 16c lower; nunllty fair: native *2D96.]5; western *2006; “ * *38.30; western THE DRY GOOD8 MARKET. vigor In the dry goods market. Under wear and hosiery mills have the major por tion of their products for the next four months assured. Bleached goods are sold ahead In many instances and np close to current production in all. In export quali ties Inquiry seems to presage business In the nesr future, snd tbe whole market Is much stronger In consequence. PRICE CURRENT CROP REPORT. Cincinnati. July 12.—Winter wheat tbreshlug Is progressing; yield altgfatlr above expectations; high quality realised; harvest season satisfactory. Corn advanc ing. Imt warmer weather desirable. Oats Improved snd prospects wore encouraging. Backing 47),000 bogs, agayist 416,0001 clover mixed 61.06; do., 90c. CLOVER.—Choice 90c. Tho above prices arc f. o. b. Atlanta, and mediate scceptgr GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Standard granulated 6c. New York Refined 414 to 4V4; plantations 4)4 to IHc. Market stronger. COFFEE.—Roasted Arbuekle's 615.50; bulk, rbays^or ^barrels, 12%c; green 10 to HICK.—Carolina 4V4 to 7%c, according to grade. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 14*4c; twins 14c; brick, 14t. Market strong. PROVISIONS.—Supreme bams 15c. Dor* hams 1514c. California bams l<H6c; Red Cross burn* 15c. Dry unit extra riba 10.00; bellies 205 lb*. 10.75; fat back# 8)4; plates Supreme lard 16. Red Cross 10c. 8now Drift compound 7)4. Red Cross 7& STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgia 4)4#. 1915 112 113 Georgia, R. R. 6a. 1910 106 1064 Savannah 5*. 1909 102)4 1<B* M nrt m 6s, 1910 106 Atlanta, te, MIL. 106 Atlanta, 4ti* 1922 107 Atlanta 4* 1934 104 Atlanta and West Point 166 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 107 C. It. of Georgia first lucome do. second Income 88 do. third Income 86 Georgia 26S Augusta and Savaunah 116 Southwestern 116 - - , g 106)4 K 170 COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian time, July STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. ^Atlanta, cloudy •Chnttnnoogu, cloudy Columbus, cloudy Gainesville, cloudy . Greenville, cloudy .. Griffin, cloudy Macon, rloudy ........... Moutlcello, cloudy Ncwnnn. cloudy n 1*1 . part cloudy., Tntinpoosn. cloudy Toccoa, dear West Point, cloudy j — • Minimum temperatures are for twejr* hour period epdlng at 8 a.m. HEAVY RAINFALLS. „ Gainesville. Fla 3.10 Clanton, Ala - <f£4 Batesburg. «. C J-g Mansfield, La J-g Melville, La 2-g Malvern, Ark *. J-g Texarkana. Ark Corinth. Miss J-g Huntsville, Texas J-g Lampasas, Texas J-g Sherman. Texas Waco, Texas.. CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta Augusta Charleston .... Galveston Little Hock.... Memphis ...... Mobile Montgomery .. New Orleans.. Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington Dirt. Averages. ii| 312 72 j M REMARKS. The temperature, were lower orer ...tern inrtlon ot the belt, with no’ » ol teri.1 rh.uRv. In other fell In .11 port, of tbe l>elt »»'2P t h £? v r I* ton dl.triel: tbe .mount, were portion, of South ('.retina, FlorlO* * , l.euix, Ulutnlppl. Lout.Una, Ark.p«* T '“*' J. *»• -ABBOO. * Section Dlrcotur. Church Builder Die* We.t Point, O*.. July **■—t M- nuperintenrient of conntructlon on J Methodist church her* died home of T. W. Wood la«t nl*h'i T remain, were taken to Columbus interment.