The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 13, 1906, Image 10

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WANT ADS MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDING LOTS. ONE CENT A WORD No d. taken for lets than 25 its, the price of four line*. words of average length ke a line. The following rates i for consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 6 times . • • • . 4/z cents a line. 26 times ..... 4 cents a line. 52 times 3/g cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive. but they bring quick re sults and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. V= J EXT TEN DAYS I to $26. Carroll. tb< +t. oppoaltr Angn »F lltuN HAF1 „ _jld >t cost durlD next wf.k; now 1. your time. St H. Broe street. It. W. Kill.. Atlanta. street. It. W. Bill.. Atlanta. WANtfib-TO l-llhdllAHB HMAM. ItoLI. or write to Hlinp*on „ Harper', off!re, third door. Fourth National Hank building. bS''E'HALF""OF ELKGANT l r BA(.'H¥ftfcf atreet atore for rent: rent.r of retail die trlct. Apply C. A., care Oeorglm. EDUCATIONAL. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD 8TRONO WHITE WEN aa belpera In the foundry fo learn mold- era' trade. Good pay to itart with and better*pay In two or three month.. Only thoae with rood reference! n«ad apply. DeLosch Mill Ufa. Co. r>6 Vol; WAs'T to lubl’oitB ot> Volii\ food.I If ao, call up 2308 (Bell). The Bon them Auction and Salvage Company, Booth Pryor. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. WANTfeft-MAbHINft flAN'fm At XT- m lanta Table Company, 9T Ilcll street. rHCKrT-amrjrsreoii^ ETENImTho,, *w, npiofiono- tor, «6: young lady stenographer for law office, 186. Bellamy Hualneaa Agency, 1330 linin', I'nmller building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED — TWENTY- five women and girls in our sewing room. Anyone who can run a machine at home can quickly learn our work. Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 per week, and we pay 60e per day while learning. Apply Nunnally Bros. & McCrea, 36 W. Alabama street. tbsy issrn. If yon lire out or Atmttta. write us sud we will fire you Information about boarding places. Nunnally Broa. A McCrea. 16 W. Alabama atreet. RKPBRIfiFTCEB WANTER-XR atenograpber. Apply to J. J. Maddox. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. ence; thorough English education, wants responsible position. Could handle corre apondenre wltbi Georgian. it bout dictation. Capable, care WANTED—AGENT8. AGENTS WANTING BIG AND QUICK money tend for our free circulars. Gen eral Sales and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—SALE8MeV|. for responsible. experienced, bustling Lorack, Iowa C Aguiar City, FOR SALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. TTlJir&Egg IT6TTSIS bare high grade signs- Call ~®., M44 North T»rj 4Jo.. »144 North Tryor street FETfe" 86l!¥FrKTtN ~ACcTiON~b ftAL- age Company, at 20 South Pryor street, II nuy or sell you out. DON’T GO BLIND. .WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.'s new line. Jnst added a full line oT trunks, travelers' supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest erer sold. We buy. sell or exchange everything. 17 and 8 West Mitchell street Bell 'phono WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS t#*r t«»ecm. steeples raised aud painted; also, rigging and wrecking engineering. George A. Coleman, old First Baptist rhoreji, Forsyth street. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO 8BB SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQU1P- ment Co. We repair, reconstruct ex change. buy and sell automobiles. Garage. 10-12 Mitchell street Atlanta. Ga. Bell phone 484-L Mala. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call for. Phone Kent 9144 N. Pryor. i 298. ar and spelt' __ 'i Shorthand Jtrhool^am Peachtree Street FOR RENT. FOR RENT—FURNISHED APARTMENTS for young men. Modern flat 86 I each- tree. FOR RENT-MODERN BIGHT-BOO* two-story bouse; $25; Hose In. Apply 67 Crew street. 'Phone 4261. DAVID W. TARBROUOH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1266. » E. Hunter Bt “KENT LIGHTS.” TUB BEST OP MANTLE L10HTS NOW Kill at Mtt N. Pryor 8L Ain Kent. I'hona 4848. • OLD HAT8 MADE NEW FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. Hr; board optional; every convenience; north able; can get meals across street Bell 'phone 2000. BOARDERS WANTED.^^H \fA5fTKirriCAW. i .fiff^nriWoinpr Close In. Ladles or gci room* 23.60 prr week. Dtlnwa. Niro cooi CALL AT 124 CAPITOL'AVE. FOR OOOK board, reasonable' rater anil nice cool rooms. shoe Repairing. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2336. M.n'a acwod holf nln, 76c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS lor TalklRff .Machine, and Record* Jnat received Inrge ronalfnment of machine, and over 10,t»1 record». Immedlalo att.ntlon lilCVc'LfCH - A"Nt> HUNDRliB-LAltubST hlcycl. and aundry dlatrlbutor. In tho Kolh. Sonth.rn agents for I’lerce, Yale, and iludaon bicycle* Write ior onr 1901 catalogue and price Hit Alexander- Elyn Co. Wli MOVE, STORE. PACK AND SHIP household goods; rata on. per cent, omen and waraboueo in nr. Walton atreet Both ’phone.. Cathcart'a Tnn. REYNOLDS, Till SION PAtNTBR Hlgns, banner., 0a(. and Ha, ' .acalp JXfm- KBWBBTEfi CTTjn? dlanases and make hair gi Krom'a Meillcatnd Soup makea you by- gtenlcally clean. (90 year, success.) J. J. Krom, specialist, 818 '"Th. Grand,” At lanta, Ga. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOODS. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. Ws can sell you a register, suitable plsaas you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand Cash Register Co., 24 8. Broad street, Atlanta, Gs. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. AT NO. 304-808 W. FOURTH, WE RAVE 9 three-room cottages. In flrst-clsas shape, renting to white tenants at S7 each, and small bouse ou rear of one lot, Thla la n bargain at $1,400 cash. AT HAST POINT ON THE CAR LINE. splendid 6-room cottage with cabinet man tels, tiling, lot 76x190 to alley. $1,700. One- thlrd cnah aud lutlnnee monthly. tROOSTXloIlfiHNTrtfTTKE, EAST Fhrtlrt'. on Central avenue. Lot 60x12$. See ns If you want a nice homo. Terms. Kf.W Five hotUT coTTage. Large lot, on Little atreet. $2,500. Terms. SBXlt PRYOlChTHEET, ON DOANJTSlV we have a flve-room modern cottage thnt we ean sell at a bargain. FOI’R'-ROOM IIOl’HE. 17*4 ACRES ol? Only $1.600. vestment or home, call and see us. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. REAL ESTATE. 12 AUBURN AVE. NOW OFFERS FOR QUICK SALE A well located north side block of 7 6-room new cottages, sll modern aud In good shape; corner lot, with atreet Improve ments down. This Is a good, sound rent- paying Investment, renting for $S5 per month, aud $$,600 will buy them all. In vestor, you cannot afford to miss this. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. 8838 mein. FOB HALE—7-li'MDi IIOI SK 297 CREW *t.; modern; hot and <-old water, bath tubs, etc.; 60x160; alley side nod rear; good neighborhood, for $3,000. House Itself cost more. A. D. Adair. 1323 Empire. For sal .. e— ViakITiIe An offkr ox eld building nt 57 West Mltehell street. I»e removed at oiu-e. W. W. Griffin, White House, 97 I'cScIitree street. FOR SALE By Atlanta Table Co., 97 Bell St., 16,000 feet 3x14x26 Dry Pine. One 40 h. p. Re turn Tubular Boiler. SUPPOSE YOU MAKE INQUIRIES? We hare had very little to say concerning the circulation of The Georgian. Others have done the.talking for ua. The paper leaped into such Immediate popularity and haa maintained the high standard to such an extent that we have not found It necessary to sound our own horns. We do not Intend to do that now. Home of our friend* have been kind enough to tell us that we are printing the best paper In the South. Thla opinion haB been rendered by many who are competent to Judge. While wo appreciate these compliment* we. at the same time, real Ire there might be some prejudice In the statement. We have made Inquiries In a quiet sort of way to find out exactly wnat the public thinks of The Georgian. Tho other day we made It our business to aak several of the newsboys which of the afternoon papers wa» most popular with tho public. Almost dally we make It a point to ask the various news dealers which of the afternoon papers la most popular with the public. We are not going to tell you the answer to these Inquiries. We extend to you a cordial Invitation to aak any newsboy you meet which paper he soils the molt of. When you step Into a news stand to purchase a cigar, a magazine, or a newspaper, ask the nows dealer what paper Is moat popular with him. It you happen to meet one of our carriers ask him how many paper he deliver*. If you are taking a trip on a train ask the news butcher which paper be sells the most of. We are content to let their answers be our answers. It la a simple matter -for a newspaper to make extravagant claims. It Is difficult for a newspaper to Induce unprejudiced dealers to make extravagant claims In Its favor. We do not deal In extrav agance. We simply ask the public, with particular reference to the advertisers who spend money for space In The Georgian, to make these Inquiries on Its own behalf. The verdict Is with the news boys, carriers and news dealers. We are content to stand on IL TJHREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Three Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Horns*. Th* first month will bo given FREE and If occupied one yepr, two more monthe will be given FREE at the end of tbe year, making only nine monthe you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In theee houses. These ure located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and t rooms; have never been occupied; are located In Wait Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a ntty-foot Park, which Is set In trsee, evergreens and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. R Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole- e. In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate 8prlnge, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now his a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing 81,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will ehow you through house* Rent 810.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 11 Auburn Avenue. the SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, 412 Peters Bldg. 87,009—PEAjCBTREIS 4 ROAD 8-B. COT- tsge on 7-acre tract, 600 feet frontage, lies well. Thla Is cheap. Lies on west side street, baa nice frnlt trees, outbuilding*, etc. $7.609—LOVELIE8T 10-R. HOUSE ON N. iloulerard In choicest block on tbe street; honae is atrlctlj modern and up-to-date; would coet $6,600 to build It today. Lot would bring $3,000 to $3,600. Do you want a bargain? $2,000—GARDEN STREET—FIVE-ROOM cottage, near Georgia avenue; nice lot; all Improvements; water; gaa, bath, sew erage, etc. Party leaving tbe city In- atructs ua tp sell thll lovely cottage for $600 cash and balance $20 per month. $7,600—8PRING STREET HOME, 9 I*., LOT 66x196 to alley, between North avenue and Third atreet; houie la a beauty, furnace heated, elegant flnlah; an Ideal home; can make terms on this. $2,280 - GLBNWOOD AVENUE, NEAR Boulevard, one block of new school build ing; a brand-new flve-room cottage, with water, gaa, sewerage, nice porcelain bath $600 caib and $26 per $7,000—10-R. COTTAGE ON LOT 60x300, servant's bouse. This place la a perfect beauty. Think of It, a 10-r. cottage, nearly brand new, and Juat off Peachtree; noth ing like It In town. Terms. BASS ST. HOME. Just off Washington St., good seven-room house on fine lot. Terms reasonable. Price $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, Deaths ahd Funerals. Jama, T. Wilton. James T. Wilson, 68 years old, sex ton of the Jones Avenue Baptlet Church, died nt his residence, 47 Jones avenue, Friday morning at 1 o'clock of paralyels. Funeral services will be held from the Jones Avenue Church nt 10 o'clock Saturday morning, and the Interment will be at Hollywood. Mr*. Rota Qorthon. The funeral of Mrs. Rosa Oershon, who died at her residence, 46 Brother- ton street, at 8 o'clock Thursday morn ing, was held at 8 o'clock Friday af ternoon from the residence. The In terment was at Westvlew. STATISTICS. Deatha. Mra willcraena Wlenholts, 71 years* old, died of cancer at 209 Bass street. “ /•A yea** old, died of gangrene at 69 Luckie atreet. endrlx avenue, tstwu, 23 yc*rs old, died of peritonitis at 107 Logan street. Mrs. Rosa Gersbon, 72 years old, 46 Brotherton street .Mrs. Emms L. Howland, .« died of Bright’s disease at 232 Gordon street Lula Mann, 28 years old, died of con- died at TO years old, mouths old,-died at Births. To Sir. and Mrs. 8. L. Davis, at 213 West Pine street a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Reynplds, at Merrett, at 68 Building Permits. $2,360—J. R. Nutting, to build two 1-story frame dwellings at 409 Auburn avenne. $350—Forrest A George Adair, to recover frame dwelling nt 174 Lee atreet $4,500—D. B. McCall, to build two-stor: S4.0UU-U. u. .mCCS 11. to build two-story frame dwelling at 301 North Jackson street. '**“ **h. I). B. ** *- * *** • $4,000 MTS. A-*. *». MLt.aH) IU Mill IU IWf story frame dwelling at 666 North Boule vard. $700—W. II. Terrell, to repair frame dwell ing nt 168 Haynea street. $600—Julius L. Brown, to remodel house at rear 187 Washington street $76—C. Beasley, to add to one-story frame dwelling at 129 Fort street $76—Knox Ilengge, to add to frame dwell ing at 194 Windsor atreet $250—Dr. W. C. Jernlgnn, to recover frame McCall, to build two- Hnffmnn. to recover one-story frame dwelling at ko Hill street. $260—P. (Toss, to build one-story house at 12 Central avenue. . $100—A. Graves, to add to one-story framw dwelling at 476 Auburn avenue. frame dwelling $170—Mrs. A. M. Rogers, to add to ve randa at 48 Cherokee avenue. $136—C. J. Schehan, to recover one-story frame dwelling at 31 Yonge atreet M.600—W. E. Hancock, to build oi^e-atory frame dwelling at 217 Highland avenue. $3,000— Mrs. Ada B. Rengley. to build two frame dwellings nt 112 East Merrltts avenue. $600—Hehry Minor, to build frame office and stable on Boulevard near Georgia rail- “Get you a building lot In Atlanta now; you will never be able u buy one for any less money." ADAir Alta Avenue. Just outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, ouJ three lotg left In this subdivision, 50x194, for $430; 130x150 for $800 125x157 for $800. Those are sure money-makers; easy terms. % Connally Street, only five-eights of a mile from center, 15 minuteg walk'from Century building, half way to Grant park, level lot 40x12$ alley; b&b, water and sewer down; price $450; faces pretty resldenc* In front Lawn Street, In West End, near Park and Lee, 116 feet front ru .ning back 150 to alley, opposite the new cottages; price $1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and Produce exchange. Lemons $6.60 to $6. Limes 60 to 76c. Peaches, per crate, $1 to $1.60. Pineapples $2 to $2.60, market at present time well stocked. Bananas, straights. r*»» bunch $1.60 to $1.75. Culls, per bum-fi, $1 to $L25. Watermelons, $7.60 to $30.00 per 100; Ue. A,ive ueua » io io «>c: broilers 15 to 22%c. Ure ducks, Pekin 30 to 36c; puddle 25 to 27V4c. Dressed hens, per lb., 12c to 13c. fter, table, per lb., 20 to 22ftc; cook- la^ per Ib,. !^ to . . .. . .. ouey— New 8010c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ^VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoM. No. I stock $3.60 barrel; No. 2 stock 2.76. Tomatoes, per crate. $1 to $1.60. Corn, new, 10 to nlfce per dosen. m w to jjfy Okra, per crate, $1 Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, $1.20. Old sweet potatoes, per bushel, $1 to $1.26; new sweet potatoes $1.75 bushel. Cherries, 24-quart crate. $1.60 to $1.76. Blackberries „ Dewberries 10 to lSfac quart. FLOUR. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUR.—I'oatels Elegant $6.10; Diamond « atent $6.75; fancy patent $4.86; half patent 1.10 to $4.36; i^avy $3.90: spring wheat patent $5.25 to $5.75. CORN.—Choice red cob 76c; No. * white 74c; No. 2 yellow 73c; mixed 72c. OATS—Choice wb*re clipped; 62c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL.—Plain water ground, per bushel, 7$c? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, 63c.- Shorts. white, $1.40: medlutn ; $1.36; brown, $1.30; pure bran, $1.20; mixed tirsn, $1.15, HAY.—Timothy, choice-large * do., choice small bales $Ll4; _ timothy bales, $1.06; do/. No. 2 $1; do., No. 1 clover mixed $1.06; do., No. 2 closed mixed THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECA8T. VlelDlt,-Shower, tonight i M WEATHER IN~CQTTON BELT. Ter., rainfall: Galllnger 1.40. .24. Cornua Christ! tra.-r, Cork|n.E“Mi Dublin 1.80. Fort Worth ti*«™gHLS trace, Houston 2.60, Lampasas 08 iJS view 0S Mails .2*.’ N*c?Jd “be. 06. lor .90. Temple .02. Wharton 1.48. * r pleasant, 'lirookharen. elmy si! Vicksburg, cloudy and wiirni; ralncT £5 evening. Ysjoo City, cloudy and pl2«£? Nstche* partly cloudy and pleasant. ton. misting and cool; light rains jesterSr « r *u»;l«. cloudy and cool; rain laxt night! Meridian, part y cloudy and .Peasant, jfilt tree, slow rsln this morning: hard nl. yesterday. Canton, cloudy, threatening tM A'sbsma—Troy, partly clondy and nleo. ant: light showera last night. Enfaut partly cloudy and warm. -Mobile, dtnfil am) sultry; Huntsville, raining and SS Birmingham, threatening and cool MotT gomery,_ partly rloud^ and cool. Ope|lS| partly clondy and 1 Georgin—Columbus, cloudy and pti-aunt* ltomnavllle. cloudy and warm- ,,i 1 Tbninnsrllle, cloudy nod warm; rain terday. Albany, clear and warm. Atltnti partly clondy and cool. Amcrlcus. elotiX si nt| cool. Maron. nnrtlv rlnml* « n< 4 . * cool, tfneon. partly chmdy'a'nd ^ Tennesaee-Metuphls, clear and w.n* Vn«hrl la a mill* enn.l Annl ' Nashville, cloudy and cool. Louisiana—New Orleana. drtsxllnf tad cool. Shreveport, cloudy sod warm. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. 90c. _ , Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy as •Timothy, choice- large bale*', $1.10: cooler: 46 to 60 atiove; scattered shower*. ‘ - jf 0 j Northwest—Partly cloudy and geoeraU, cooler; 60 to 66 above; showers io Mis. nesots. West and Southwest—Partly cloudy: 58 to 76 abover general rains In lowa; focal b Nebraska and Missouri, Illinois nml Knnsai Ohio Valley—Partly cloudy; 70 to Ji above; local rains. C LO VE R.—Choice 90c. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIE8. SUGAR.—Standard granulated Be. New York Refined 4«i» to 4vb; plantations 414 to Ittc. Market stronger. COFFEE.—Roasted Arbuckle’a $15.50; grade. Mnrkct very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 1444c twins 14c* brick, 14c. Market strong. PROVISIONS.—Supreme hams 16c. Dove hams 15V4c. California hnius 10Hc; Red Cross hams J6c. Dry salt extra ribs 10.00; (tellies Supreme lard 10. Red Cross Drift compound 744. Red Cross 7%. Snow Georgin. ” • ... 10244 « 108 Atlanta, 6s, 1911 106 Atlanta. 444«. 1922 107 Atlnnta 4s. 1934 106 Atlanta and West Point 166 Atlnnta and West Point Debts. 107 * C. It. of Georgia first Income road. Property Transfers. $2,000—Harriet E. Allen to Bulah B. and Helen C. Llebman. lot on corner of Oakland and MlUedge avenues. $630-W. II. George te W. A. Foster. lot on Emmett street, near Hemphill avenue. Warranty deed. $230—W. A. Foster to Union Savings Bankt_same lot. Warranty deed. nui, NUIC (III. Mill I llllt* UBVU. II—u. M. Roao Co. to Robert C. Alston, >r on Forties avenue, near McDaniel atreet. Quit claim deed. 835,000—Mr* Dora C. Lanier to T. Perry, lot on corner of Walton and Cone •treeta. Warranty deed. lot on Mllledge avenue, near Oakland avc- nue. Loan deed. 8500—Elliott Dunn to Mias Lulu M. Enloe, lot on Vine atreet, near West Fair atreet. Loan deed. 810,400—T. R. J. Magruder to Morris Slrochl. lot on Angler avenue, near 8um- Infant of Mr, and Mr* J. H. Crane. The one-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. H. Crane died Thuriday afternoon at S o'clock at 34 Weat Twelfth etreet, of menlngttla. The fu neral aarvlces were held at the real- dence at 2 o.'clock Frida)- afternoon, and the interment waa at Buckhead WE NEED SEVERAL HOUSES, CBN- trally located, from 10 to 20 roma. if you have them, come In at once and list them with ua. Our demand for large houaea la great. George 8iremoor* George Stzemoore, aged 40 yeera, died at coneumptlon at a private aanltarlum Thursday morning. The funeral ser vices were held from Swift A Hall Company* chapel Friday, and the In terment waa at Weatvlew. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 811. Mias Anna Thompson. The funeral of Mias Anna Thompson, who died of consumption at the Home for Incurables at 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon, will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Instead of Friday afternoon, aa at first announced. Mlaa Thompson waa 28 years old at the time of her death. The interment will be at Weatvlaw. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing'’the A'rriVaTaiid.Dmmrtur.oFJ'aa' aengcr Trains of the Following lb-ads: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. 5 NasbVma'li:* atn *M Nashville . 78 Marietta .8:80 pm 73 Marietta Ilia 7 pm * 4 Ni i Xaihvllle 1:86 pm » 4 Nashville . I JO pm icrntral otr oEoadiA iiaILWaY^B Hrrtv. From- ..Depart To— I Arrive From- Depart Savannah ... 7:»am Macon.... 12:01 am Jaekaoavllla . 7*0 am Savannah ... 8^00 am Macon U:80nm Macon 4KMpm Savannah ... Id* pm Savannah ... 9:18 pm klacoa 7*8 pm lackaonvllla . 9:80 Maron 7*8 nm Iickaonvllla . 8:3) pm Atlanta A>tb \»e«r'PgIW Rail-' ROAD. re From— Depnrt 11:80 nm rMenigom ■Mm 11:80 nm •Montgomery 8:30 nm •Montgom'y . 7:40 pm •Montgomery 13:48 pm •Selma J 2 P® UOrang. ... *:20 a at laGrange ...,8:10pm •Montgom'y . 8:40 pm •Montiom'y ..11:15 pm •Daily. All other tralaa dally except Sun- 'Zit train, of Atlanta and Weat Point Railroad Company arrive at and depart irom Atlanta Terminal atallon. corner ■Htchetl .treat and Madison avenne. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Covington"'.'. 7’:k •Augusta .... 8:13 Arrive From— Depart To— •Auguala .... 6:00 am •Augusta 7:43am ... 8:46 am Mtbonla lo.-tsam *:48 am'•Augusta 9 JO pm :89 pm Conyers 6:0) pm :2S pm Covington ... I:10pa> •Anguata .... 8:16 pm 'Augusts ....11:45 pm •Dally. All. other tralaa dally except Snn- d * 7 8tlABOARD AIR LINK RAILWAY. J. G. Rica. J. G. Rice, of Oouglasvllle, Ga., died at a private sanitarium at 1:10 o’clock Thuriday afternoon. Mr. Rice was 62 years old. The body was taken to Douglaavllle for funeral and Intermsnt Friday morning. Mr* Ophalia Morris. Mrs. Ophelia Morris, 28 years old, the wife of J. O. Morris, dlad at her resi dence, 228 Bryan street, Thursday, of typhoid fever. The funeral cervices were held from the latter’s resldenco Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, and the Interment waa at Sardis church bury ing ground. Aged Lady Die*. Special to The Georgian. Waynesboro, Ga., July 18.—Mrs. Charlotte A. Byne, one of the oldest residents of this place, died at the home of her daughter, Mr*. A. O. Whitehead, last night. She had been quite III for some time. HARGIS. ON STAND, Arrive From— ...... Depart To- Wnuhlngtou . 6:39am Birmingham . 6:40 am Abbeville ... 9^)0 am Monroe . . .7:20am hfem^bte. . .11:46 am New York . .12:09 m , 3:30 pm Abbeville 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 9-Xptn ZIem, the great French colorist, la 85 year* of age, but la still able to read without glaasea. Thla wonderful old man haa been painting since he baa seven year a of age. By Private Leaeed Wire. Lexington, Ky^ July 13.-k?urtla Jett and Tom White, who have been return* ed to the penitentiary, were highly pleased with the way they had aa slat ed Hargis and Callahan in their Beat- tyville trial. Jett said If the Jury would believe him they would clear mit avenue. Bond for title. $9,300—Mrs. 8. C. Htevena to Mias Ella Milner, lot on Washington atreet, near At lanta aveuue. Bond for title. * AT THE KIMBALL. A. E. Alexander, Blakeley; Leon Commer ford, Monroe; A. 8. Gentry, Winder; J. 8. Eaten, Savannah; W. B. Neriu, Rome; W. II. Ennis. Rome; W. C. Hammond. Home; Elmo Ballad, Rome; George H. Latimer, Weat Point; W. Z. William*. Macon; J. J. Hall, Horne; J. R. Phillips. lxmlavlUe: C. II. Grant and wife. Greenville; W. E. idc* ’urrv, Fnlrburn; 8. F. 8uiuma. Hylvanla; « iiitt, r iiinmrii, rv. *>. auiuuii, njiYMiiin, R. C. Coleman, Dublin; J. (’. Gate, Nash ville: D. II. Winter, Wlntervllle; Mrs. J. B. • 6167*, At. *8. VVIIlin, 77 lUin v 1I6VT, did. W. IL Smith, Wlntervllle: William A. Little, Jonearllle; J. P. McCord, Augusta; H. A. Ingram, Hparta; J. 8. Horne, Sparta: H. M. Flaher. Neuman; Mrs. 8. J. Sluims, Coving ton; Mlaa Janette Simms, Covington; WU, dtlhh KlllirUD OIIUIUB, X III£ Ml , r*. C. uranaon, Athens; J. W. Wilcox, Macon; C, A. Allen, Macon; G. A. Towne, Colum bus: J. E. Toole and wife. Savannah; 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; W. O. Donovan, Lyon*; rilllntuM. Danville; George McDonald, Cuthbert; W. O. Connor, Cave Hnrlng: II. C. Flaher and wife, Newnnn; Mr*. II. M. Flaher, Newuan; J. E. Cola, AT THE MARION. J. E. Cook, Cochran; Percy Jackson. Ma con; O. L. Mowed, Monroe; It. 8. Critten den, Sbellman; George W. Hammond. Lea ry; II. B. Peepies, Nashville: Ernest Catmt and wife. Monroe; U. M. Cole, Newman; J. D. Fain, Newnnn; C. D. Allen, Macon; W. V. Wall, Elberton. AT THE ARAGON. Fred G. Davlo, wife and children. Ten- nlUa; Mrs. W. A. Paul, Augusta: Mrs. L. F uiiiv, Mr*. »». a. i nui. au|uiw; j* r . Cater and nurse, Perry; L. B. Manley, Georj^a. AT THE PIEDMONT. J. P. Williams. Savannsh; Dr. II. B. Me- Macon; M. M. Parks. Mil- led Seville; C. D. Smith, Albany; J. M. Craw ford, Columbus; Alexander Blair. Macon l«riU, luiuiiii'ui, mrxniMin (tinir, JIICIIII, H. G. Daniel. Mlllen; J. A. Wright, Ma- Young for Hargtn and Callahan that he would save them for 81,000. Hargis Won’t Reaign. Judge James Hargia, who, with Ed Callahan, Is on trial at Beattyvllle on a charge of murdering Attorney James B. Marcum, denies that he will reaign from the Democratic state central com mittee. Hargis was the principal wit ness' In hla trial yesterday and told the story of his life in the feud coun try. He described bis whereabout* when Marcum wa* shot. He saw Tom White come out of the door of the court house Just before the shots were Bred, wit ness said he had no intimation that Marcum was to be killed, and said he had never spoken Io- Curtis Jett or any other man with reference to the kill- do. sccoml Income do, third income Mi Georgin 286 Aiigoata and Rnvftnnnh 115 Houthweatern.... '. 116 Georgia 1’aclfle 1st* 189 C„ C. and A. lat 113 TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Private Wire to Glbert A Clay. New York, July W.-DutUi * ~ * “It would not surprise bl *o«»ii an It does culminate, the preaeut icnle- rally. We recommend the continuance of the trading opposition of selling on rallies and buying only on the declluca." Marshall, Spader A Co.: “Today's mar ket does not promise strength. It appears by the cables that some failures in Lon- conditions there _ _ affected by the decline In South African stocks, while, In France, the Russian sit uation still hangs over the security mar- Uptown sentiment: Although the mar- watching the market closely are Inclined to believe that there Is too much pessi mism for the market to go very much low er. A large room trader, who has been extremely cautious and conservative In his operations for some time, epitomised this idea yesterday In the remark: “It Is get ting too easy to make mouey sclllpg stocks short." Private Wire to Ware A Leland. New York, July 13.—Loudon higher early. ... w loans to lie renewed, and It means further liquida tion. WEATHER FORECAST. Eastern Texas—Local showers Friday and probably Saturday. Illinois nud Indiana—Showera tonight and Saturday: coler tonight In north. Lower Michigan. Wisconsin—Showera to- ..Jssourl—Showers toqlght and Saturday, except fair northwest. Upper Michigan, Minnesota and Iowa- WEATHEh CONDITIONS. During the past 24 hour? there has been a steady decrease In nlr pressure nt nearly all stations, but there Is no decided area of low pressure visible. There Is an area of relatively low barometer centered orer eastern Texas, moving slowly east. There Is an area of high pressure In the north east and a second In the nortuwest The combined Influence of these opposing form _ jns have occurred in the Mississippi valley, Texas, Mississippi. Alabama, por* tlons of Georgia, and on the Atlantic ruHj i liiiiB ui itt-urgm. nun im iiir .-xiiuuin i'hm. from southern Florida to Wilmington, X. C. The temperature has remained practically stationary for the past two days. The conditions favor cloudy weather with showers In this vicinity tonight and Sat- J. h. MABBGBY, Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT* •Atinntn. p. cloudy...... ■’Chattanooga, cloudy..... Columbus.' cloud; ~ • rills. hr... Gainesville, p. cloudy.... Greenville, clondy Griffin, cloudy.; •Macon, p. cloudy.......... Moutlcello, cloudy Newnnn, dear.. Rome, p. cloudy Hpartanburg. p. cloudy... Tallapoosa, p. cloudy Toccon, clear West Point, cloudy.... • .Minimum temperatures are for twelve hour period cudlng at 8 a.iu. CENTRAL station. Atlnnta Augusta The bear party Is strong enough to be ChurleMton j— ---. i* - i — Qalvesf Mobile Montgomery New Orleans —AUIMIU. OL l lUL Mil- •Katy,' dines are too proD«uuc,(L Raliiea again provoke selling operations, but sharp breaks think Atchison. 8t. Paul, rp breaks think Atcmson. m. raui. Mis sourf Pacific, “Knty," Norfolk and West ern, Baltimore und Ohio, Erie and Steel preferred can be bought with safety. Money situation somewhat dearer, though look for a narow, professional market. Dow Jones Summary: American stocks In London-steady, about parity. for three or four weeks. be deposited by treasury with banks. New York Central expected to order 100.- 000 tons steel rails for 1907 from Illinois Steel Company. Clover Leaf earnings first week July In- said Moae Feltntr never received any money from him not to testify against him. He said Feltner wanted him to prepare affidavits for Sam Felt- Hargis and Callahan. He said It waa ner and Russell Sutten. but that he not true that ht bad told Attorney declined to do sa Twelve Industrials declined .67 per cent. Twenty active railroads declined 1.11 per Sals Ordered by Court. 8peciat to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn.,.July 13.—An or der has been Issued for the sale'of the property of the Lookout Mountain Iron Company at Battelle, Ala. This prop* , . erty consists of a 800-ton furnace, coal Interesting, comprising, as \t and lrofl ore mines, valued at $1,500,- best In vaudevllia in their rest^ 000. unea. ill i T Indicate, In.^greriiRilr ralnfnll. Thermal condition, continue pleaanal "J the belt, the temperature changea for ■ pant 24 hour. In-lng unimportant Mg' In Wilmington dlatrict. where It J Rain, were general, heavjr in Florida. j Inna and Texa* maBRI'IIL ' Section Direct* THEATERS Good Bill Next Week. Next week promlaes to be nnotlt ■ record-breaker In point of tale" 1 *®*| attendance If one may judge from • I excellent list of vaudeville acts to-1 nounced. Intereat naturally « nter * I! | the appearance of Eddie G,r * r “ ( Jesale Gardner, who will present t new comedy aketch entitled "Dool and th. Diamonds.'' It Is sal,! , ® one of the most laughable ere* In this line of vaudeville entertalnro ■ and certain It I. that the reputation # this clever pair would lead oae tor I peet something unueually g" ,Kl ln | ***The list of acts Include the Jupl $l Brothers, cowboy thmumalurtfW*- three Cartmella, In a good mush" ' Marseilles, an anatom cal * on “L' ,n I O. Duncan, tha ventriloquist, ano ^ cameragraph. The list of »‘L Interesting, comprising, J , _l r ^ c xir4