The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 20, 1906, Image 3

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MH THE ATLANTA GEOIidlAN. man WORTH $5,000,000 PLEADS ON HIS KNEES TO BE SENT TO "PEN’ ADDITIONAL SPORTING NEWS FOR FULL PAGE CF SPORT8 SEE PAGE TWELVE. Bj Printe Le«ee<l Wire. Waahlngton, July 1*.—"Jail-seeker" G-utrdaln, of Chicago, appeared at th« office of the United State* supreme court yesterday with a petition for a writ of mandamus upon Judge Gross- cup. of Chicago, to compel the latter to tend him to the JotleL III., peniten tiary. -1 will not eat. sleep nor drink until I ret back to Joliet I did that once, and I can do It again. Some men worship money: some worship Ood, and some, like myself, worship honor. I promised the court and Jury which tried me that If they found me guilty I would not ap peal the case. They found me guilty In about 15 minutes, and I went to Joliet and stayed there for Just one month, less one day, and If It had not been for the treachery of my counsel I would have been behind the bars today.” He Has $5,000,000. This was the beginning of an extra ordinary statement made at the Raleigh hotel last night by Louis A. Oourdaln, of New Orleans. "I have <5,000,000,” he continued, "and today I shall ask Postmaster Gen eral Cortelyou to require every post master In the country to set up In his office a notice declaring that I am ready to pay back every cent of money Invested In my enterprises, together with 8 per cent Interest. "The government has found me guil ty of fraud, and I purpose to serve out the sentence of four years and a half to which I was sentenced In Just the same manner I would were I Inside the walls of Joliet. I shall build my own penitentiary. I shall turn all of my money back to the people whom the court said. I defrauded, and after that I shall leave the United States. Would Destroy Family. "In my closing argument to the Jury I told them that the conduct of Judge Landis met my approval; that I knew Judge Landis was absolutely honest, and that I was positive the 12 men who were sitting on the Jury were of the highest Intelligence, as well as abso lutely honest, and that If they had the faintest suspicion of a doubt In their minds that I was one whit less honest than they were themselves, I should demand that they find me guilty, and that I should demand at the hands of the court to be sentenced to the full ex tent of the law and to be sent to the penitentiary Immediately. "I gave them my sacred word as a OOOOOOOOOOOOOdCHJOOOOOOOOOO o O FORGETS HIS PROMISE a AND ORDERS FOOD. By Private Leased Wire. New York, July It.—Tele grams to the number of nearly, a dosen came from Chicago to day for Louis A. Gourdaln. They were delivered to him at the Hotel Savoy, where he spent the night. The telegrams, It was learned, came from Mrs. Gourdaln and friends of the convicted man. They begged him to come West at once and end his search for a Judge kind enough to let him enter the penitentiary gate*. He Ignored them utterly. The young man evidently for got his determination not to cat until his petition was filed with the United States supreme cotlrt, also his vow not to speak. He had an early breakfast In his costly apartments, consisting of strawberries, cantaloupes, oat meal, fried mush and a large pot of coffee. “Get me some molasses,” he said to the waiter, "and be sure It's from Louisiana.” DOOtWDDODOGODOGODOOOOOOOOO gentleman that when I came out of prison I would deed all my fortune, consisting of cash, real estate, national bank stocks, private banks, trust com panies and bonds and securities of every civilised nation on the face of the globe, and then by unanimous con sent of the entire Gourdaln family we would wipe ourselves off the face of the map of the United States so that this government would never have any more trinity* with us. He Starves Himself. "I told the warden In my last appeal that I would neither eat, sleep nor drink until I had filed this mandamus proceeding before this honorable court and had It granted or refused. "So for this reason. If for no other, I most humbly beg on my knees that this honorable court Immediately Issue a writ of mandamus directed to and against Judge Grosscup. of the United States district court of appeals at Chi cago, to set aside the supersedeas which he granted on July 5, 1905, and that he order the marshal to send me back Immediately to the Illinois state peni tentiary." PETIT JURY DRAWN IN TfilALJtf NEGROES Alleged Murderers of Lyerly Family To Bo Arraigned Soon. Special to The Georgian. Charlotte, N. C., July 19.—A special term of the superior court of Rowan county will 'be held on Monday, Au gust «, for the trial of the live negroes now In Jail at Charlotte, charged with the murder of Isaac Lyerly and fam ily. The order for this term of court came from Atlantic City, N. J., where Gov. ernor Glenn ha* gone for a rest, and was received by Sheriff Julian. The county commissioners at once held a meeting and drew thirty-six petit Jurors for the trial, twelve of whom will decide the fate of the ne groes now under arrest. Of the thirty- six men whose names were drawn only one resides near to the scene of the crime. The court has been set for a date Just as soon as Is possible, according to the cod* of the state of North Caro lina. LYNCHING CASES TO SUPREMECDUBT Defendants Are Released on $3,- 000 Bond for Their Appearance. nuowxxiniirDoin:^ PHOTOGRAPH OF SYDNEY GORHAM, ONE OF THE 8TARTER8 IN THE GILDDEN TOUR IN HIS THIRTY HORSE POWER “WINTON.” THORNTON CHAMPION OF SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES Special to Tho Georgian. Augusta. (J#.. JuJjr 11—Atlanta plnyer* hnve curried off nil the tennlg honor* no far and the double* nnd final* thl* after noon atand a good ihowlug of going their wny. Nut Thornton Ima cnplured the South At lantic championship, an Uotlgera wit* not here to defend the title, and B. M. Grnnt, of Atlanta, has carried off the consolation prise. The following are the reunite up to noon today. Dr. Wragg defeated George Jack- ton In the eamt-flnela for the conaolntlon. B. M. Grant defeated Dr. Wragg for the consolation and won by the following scores: 6-0, 7-0 and 6 4. Nat Thornton defeated Hnm Williams for the Routh Atlantic chiimplonahlp by the following acores: 6-3, 7-6 and 6-0. Heuil-flnala: Sam Williams, of Atlitnta, defeated J. A. Yarbrough, 6-4, 6-1 1-6, 61. Soinl-flnnlfl, doqblea: Williams nud Helden defeated Hldgely and Yarbrough, 6-S, 6-4, 7-6. Consolation aloglea: B. M. Grnnt, of At lanta, defeated Marlon ftldgely, 6-3, 6-4. James Dawson defeated A. W. Harper, 6-4, 6 2. George Jackson defeated Ram Martin, 6-4, 3-6, 8-6. TRY A WANT AD IN THE QEORCHAN FAMOUS OLD TAVERN 18 TO BE REMODELED. B.r Private Leased Wire.” New York, July 19.—Plans have been filed for the remodeling of Kreuce’s tavern, the hlstbric five-story h'dei at the southeast corner of Broad way and Pearl street!, which Is to be made over for the Sons of the Revolu- tlon. The two upper storle* are to be removed and replaced by a mansard ,,or L and the facade rebuilt with co lonial windows. There will be a porch- el entrance on Pearl street, with a bal cony ornamented with a bronxe railing. The first floor will contain a smoking f??™' with a library adjoining, and a kitchen In the rear. The long room on 5, j "ccond floor, where Washington bode farewell to hla officers, will be refitted, and there will be a muaeum for Washington relics on the third noor. The renovation of the building 1» to coet <50,000. Special to The Georgian. Charlotte, N. C., July 19.—The prom Ised sensational trial of the twenty one alleged Anson county lynchers was brought to a dead halt yesterday after, noon, after a morning spent In argu ment and searching of the atate laws, and It was decided that a case without precedent la Involved In the affair which the state supreme court will have to settle. In a nutshell, It Is this: "Can the grand Jury of Anson county Indict man who la taken to Union county for trial?" Judge Shaw held that there was no precedent to Justify him In continuing the trial wherein a Union county grand Jury on Monday of this week had found a bill of Indictment against an Anson county defendant, or that It was legal to transfer the case from Anson to Union under the existing clrcum stances. The bonds of the defendants have been flxed at <5,000 each, as before, and they have been given permission to re. turn home, the cases against them go. Ing up to the supreme court on appeal, and they being bound over to appear ‘ “ Y, at a DOG AND TIGRESS BESTOF FRIENDS By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 19.—Just an ordi nary yellow dog and a fierce tigress occupied the same cage aboard the German freighter Vandalla, which nos ed her way Into a slip at the Bush ter minal warehouses. Tha Vandalla la from the Far East. The dog Is from the Straits Bettle menu, and some one, when the tigress was young, forced the Ill-mated pair Into terms of Intimacy, until they would lie down and share their rations ther. _ le tigress, a beautiful beast of the Bengul variety, made every human be ing aboard the ship respect her long, cruel claws, but she had a soft place In her tigerish heart for the waif dog. <r ONLY =TO= GAINESVILLE P RETURN VIA= SOUTHERN RAILWAY Leave Atlanta ,Z‘S9 *' m Arrive Gainesville .....10i$S a. m (Eastern Tims) Returning. Leave Gainssville 2:42- 9:05 p. m Arrive Atlanta 10:05 p m In visiting Gainssville and the “Famous Chattel Park” you will have the advantage of boating, etc., cool Blue Ridge Mountains of Northeast Georgia. J. C. BEAM, JR„ District Passenger Agent. LIST OF NE W INDUSTRIES ESTABLISHED PAST WEEK Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Teuu., July 19.—'T|u» follow ing list of new Industries 'natnlillMketl In the South during the week Is compiled'from re port* made to The Tradesman and verl fled bjr that publication.. It Includes only the more Important among the new Indus tries of tho week, and the amount of cap italisation la atated wherever obtainable. The Hat affords Ayfolr Idea, uj Industrial progress In the South during these midsum mer days, and sbowtf that there Is no espe cial decrease tn Interest shown along these lines. The capital Interested In the various lines of development aven ” “ i high ns at other seasons of PL, week’s record showing « aamlter of new concerns capitalized at 6500,000 or more. The Tradesman's Hat for the week fol lows: Alabama. Sloeouib—66,000 hardware company. Jasper—Laundry. Bell wood—616,000 I dm her ocmpnny. Birmingham—65,000 coal coni|»nny; 625,000 car chute manufacturing company. Gunteravllle—613.000 water works, Montgomery—6100,000 light nnd plant: 660,000 door company. Mobile—620,000 lumber Gndsdcn—Car works. power r company. Florida. Bluff Rprinss-Saw mill. DeFunlnk—Flanlng, mill. Silver Sprlug—HnW mill. Georgia Columbus—640,000 brick jrorks; 630.000 desk setory. Lumpkin-615,000 electric light plant. Snvannnh-615.000 barrel head factory. Dalton—6360.000 cotton mills. Newborn—6*20,ooo supply company. Summerville—Cotton mills. Mississippi. Kpley—6300.000 lumber company. Cun ton—610.000 concrete company. Vlrkaburg-612.0oo construction cotnpti ortatlou company. ‘ J “*‘ furniture company. TEXAS CLARK IS RELEASED MEMPHI8 TEAM LANDS IN AT LANTA AND 18 READY FOR THREE HARD GAMES. Charles Babb and his Memphis Hus tlers and Secretary Thomas McCuI- lough arrived In Atlanta Thursday morning and the bunch la now quar tered at tho Aragon. Pitcher Clark, who has been with the Hustlers up to the present, has been turned back to Galveston. That leaves Memphis four pitchers—Llebhardt, iiggs, Stockdale and Loucks. The only new man on the team since was last In Atlanta, Is Haldt, a Texan, who ha* recently Joined the Babblers. COMING!!! SATURDAY. JULY. 21 it, The Manufacturer’s Surplus SEE FRIDAY AFTERNOON’S PAPERS. BASS -GOSSIP OF= STATESMEN AND POLITICIANS >1* have been curjoua to know Many _ -tmt waa tin* difference between the child labor bill recent and the measure __ la at ne Baton, which the aenate killed. Til# main difference rent a In the prmlalon re lating to the liability of preafdenta or an- perlnteudeiita of e«itton mill*. Ill laat year'* menaure. auch officer* wrte liable to proeecutlon when they employed children under twelve year* of age, whether they were In Iguornnre of their real age ”~ not. a the opinion of a majority of the — . tbla put .the mill men absolutely at • mercy of deafening parent*. It la atated that the aenale laat year wonld have paraot to make not under twelve, and If there la any mla- representation, the parent would be amen able. Where the mill man waa — gent, of courae, ha wonld lie liable, waa the main negll- , ... Thl# distinction In tha mtaa- Bi-Benator Wortham, of Monro#, la bead- unions <•! I IIP Him AII'UIUI' WHUiira. Mx-Henator Worahain think# the bill will paaa the aenate, but aa the Piko and Mon roe memlwra are onpooed to tho maaaure, It may meet a snag In tha houaa. I by a party d measure, that many measure# pa^^^B upper houae by what la known aa “aenal torlal courtesy. * It waa suggested that tha honae waa about aa but this did not meet wit Senatorial pretty hard, and ►ly expressed that this cv nidged If the best !»•; to be attaf There will h* no die# non thla year, from present Indications. Xone auch nava been . uad so far. ami many reason* will contrlb- teay was «U- opinion freely e* mint to* abridge*. .. results are to be attained. There will h# no diet i tn*. No many reasons will < session." but no means that the session 1 The mouther* will bav# very little Win between the adjournment of the MlaUtni and the primary on Auguit SI Tb<* ♦ «hi..u irobahly not clooe till o That may i loggerhcai atate. Many a Mff waa given the railroad mission by those who wished to c the method of choosing them, but modified their attaeka with a ctea claliner of formulating any charges a. the rate-makers, but Jacks* 2 '-makers, bu __ „ a bull by the horns and flatlj ’In hla place,” that tb done tnalr duty. Politics! Politics! Polities! It’s every nook and corner of the boost crop* out on every opportune occi* The hurricane a weep la plainly noth c at the Cipltol. It holdied up nerench the discussion of tha railroad com mi* There haa Iveen shifting of positions along the line— polltlcnl lines aumt present gubernatorial campaign w ■ t: thla won't bring forth another card fi •aome” of the very ’’tonchoua'* refo PRESENTS CREDENTIALS FOR ADMITTANCE TO JAIL 630,000 tranaiHirtatl* Hchlater—*» t Ynxoo City—6200,0 Pan/ North Carolina. Newton—Electric light plant; water works. Albemarle—626,000 furniture factory. Gin aa—Cotton mill. Gret»na|K>ro-65,u)i) manufacturing com pany; cold storage company. 1 Ht. J’aula— Lumber company. High Point—610.000 construction company. Durham—Fertiliser factory; brick works. Wlllnrdvllle—6100,000 cotton mills. Hooky Mount-Two 615.000 distilleries. Goldsboro—66,000 gin and milling company. 8outh Carolina. Gaffney—Ice factory, leiturrns— Klectrle power plant, rleaton—Icy nnd col* /lierry—Ice factory. Aiken—Ice factory. Tennessee. mve mniiurncuiriiig company; ao.uuv c In; 630.000 nmimfnrttiring company. Nashville—628,000 Investment compel Chattanooga—610,000 manufacturing any. Johnson City—Knitting mill. Cleveland-620,000 Ice factory. IMPRESSION OF BRYAN FAVORABLE ABROAD 8peclal to The Gaorgbin. New Orleans, La., sly 19.—A. O. ... . .. neehle, of Amsterdam. Is la tbu city to make nn examination and report upon the —leal condition qf the property of the Orleans Hallway Company, for which r . 9#e he waa sent hr Amsterdam hold ers of the securities of that comi the distinguished American made a most favorable Impression, and be* lleres hereafter he will be authority vn colonial matters. GEORGIANS IN ATLANTA. AT THE PIEDMONT. Tali-: Min I Ipahaw, Mil Mr,. W. II. I tawaon: M. tint** CaIhhiI IlaVln. a>nnn>n. TV IllllTl l/ll 1 ■ ■*, __ .... W. Parka, Mllledgevllle; J. K. Britt, Columbus. AT THfTRAGON. r. D. Allen, WljKton; it. It. Dorset!, Macon; W. L. Adair, Covlngtoo; J. O. Crowley, Roswell. COMPETITIVE SHOOT WILL GO TO Macon will get the competitive rifle ahoot for the aelectlon of a team from Georgia for the national ahoot at Bea- glrt, beginning September 4. While no offlclal announcement haa been made to thle effect, It la practical ly assured that the ahoot will go to the Central City. , It la expected that 50 or (0 men will compete for the Seagirt team. The ahoot will probably take place Au- guet 27, after the Chlckamauga, en campment AT THE KIMBALL. K. L. Whitehead and wile. Home; 8. Ken- sedy. Fltagenild; William It. Boweo. Flts- iterald; I. I. Oxford. Fltigerald; II. M. Warren. Fltigerald: W. 1. Ball and wife, Oaklleld: Hamilton McWhorter, Lexington; A. F. Perhim, Waremeaj Min C. I'erham. Wayrrean; W. J. Griffin and wife, Rome; Min A. Griffin. Rome; MJn R. Ton-no, Rome; W. F. Water. Harannah; M. K. Bntta, Dublin; I'. S. t-uminlnaa, Ida; J. L. Brook*. Minton; J. U. L. Brown, rolomlHia; J. K. Panllln, Fort tialne*; C. II. Itlibon, Aahliern; W. A. Green. Aahhurn; W, L edge*. Hartwell; II. I'. FI,her, Newnan; r. and Mr*. Robert Triple, Covington; ill Mercer. Fltagerald; Jautea II. Hedge* AT THE MARION. II. Stark, Commerce; A. C. Howard, Dee re*; W. I. Roebuck, rordele; M. II. Dor- t, Macon; Felton William*. Jaoper: M. ... Ilarrloon. Harannah; it. W. Drannan and family. Mtlled*erllle; A. J. Tbomi-aon and wife. Cochran: M„ Thnmpaon. Ilawklua- vlilc; A. D. Wilcox, Macon; W, A. Comer, Cate Spring. , OF SUPERINTENDENT At a meeting of the board of trus tees of the Soldiers' home, held Thurs day morning In the office of Captain "Tip" Harrison, It was decided to ae- cure legislation empowering the board to Ax the salary of tha superintend ent of the home. It la proposed to strike from tha act the lines Axing the salary at 9500 and to leave the matter within the discre tion of the trustee*. Dr. Amo* Fox atated that It would be impoaalbla to retain a competent man at the home at a salary of <500. Captain J. A. Thompson has tendered his realgnatlon aa superintendent of the home, effective August 1. At tbe meeting of the trustee* Thursday morning It waa left with President Bell to appoint a temporary superintendent until the next meeting of the board on the third Wednesday In October. Captain Langdon Bowie, former su perintendent of the home, le an appli cant for the place again. Other ap plicant, are certain, especially If the amendment to permit the Increase of salary Is passed by the generally aa- Work-outs At Gravesend. By Private Lrao**! Wirt*. Gravoaenil, N. Y., July 19.—Weather dear track goo*l. Bowling Bridge, mile and a furlong In 2:08 hreexlng. Not much. Aleneon, alx furlong* In 1:M hreexlng. t-'onvllle, four furlouga In :64 breezing. Clover Great, alx furlonga In 1:16 6-6 breez ing. Garnlab, four furlonga In 4:16 66 hreexlng. Looking well. Hkylark, three furlonga In :I7 36 breezing. Geo. H. Darla, alx furlonga In l:16.brees- Ins. 1 Accountant, three furlonga In gallop ing. Mingle Life, seven furlonga In 1:M handily. Very nice work. Colonel While, mile In 1:44 14 driving. Fickle Dams, four furlonga In l.-M 14, ill out. Illaay lasy, alx furlonga In 1:17 5-5 driving. Lltljo Flea, alx furlonga In 1:1514 handily. Of very Utile account. Memorlea, three furlongs In :1D galloping, Argentina, four furlonga In :52 handily. Guiding Klar, all furlonga In 1:20 24 Itrecsing. Look* well. IN THE ROPED ARENA Ily Private Leased Wire. Now York, July lt.-At the Rrotdway Athletic Club, Philadelphia, tonight. Rat tltng fltlngrr and Kid Mtlnger, of Ronth wark, will fnrnlah the wlml-up. Tha hoy* met leat week and boxed to a draw. Spike Rnhaon, tbe IM pound champion of Kngland, la Inking no chance* of being taught overconfident In hla kont with Tommy Murphy, of Ronton. Tbe clever lit He Kngllahinnn baa returned to hla train ing quarters In Jersey, and haa aettled down to bard work for the bout Mondey night. Joe Gaud la following the footstep, of Jo* Waleott, and haa drawn tho color line. Gana claim* that be een't get eny more money by lighting colored men, and soya tbet In future be will only box white Alex Gregolaa. the light promoter, le try ing lo match Charley Neery, of Milwau kee, and Rattling Kelaon, for a twenty- round bout. Rennie Vanger and Kid Herman, of Chi cago, have ablfted their bout from Terre Ilnute to tbe lodlenapolfa Athletic Club. The boye were to have met at Terra Haute Annual 1, but tbe manager of tbe clnb would not poet a forfeit to pall Ibe bout off, and the boye decided to accept tbe offer of the IndUnepolle Athletic Club. Rube Smith, of Denver, end Mike (Twin! HuMIvno, Ibe New England boxer, have been re inn idled lo meet at n private club Just outside of Denver. They will meet on July 20 and will go flfleeo round• al catch weight*. Special to The Georgian. Newberry, 8. C„ July 19.—An unuau- procedure waa witnessed at tha county Jail here when Sim Bandera, a negro, presented hlmaelt to Sheriff Bu ford at the same time handing the sheriff a commitment from a magis trate at Whitmire. In addition to thl* the negro also gave the officer a let ter from the magistrate etatlng that aa another warrant for It seams that tha constabl* bringing the prisoner through country to the Jail whan hla anca brokt down. Ha thereupon ga the negro hla commitment papers, el and dtractad him to the county Ji The hegro, true to tho truat rer>""ed him, came to Sheriff Buford, nnd k« lilmaolf up. tho GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS Naw Poatoffiea Stations. Special to Tha Georgian. Columbue, Oa., July 19.—Three sub elation* war* put In operation yeeler- day In the northern auburbe of Bibb City, Jordan City nnd Eaal Hlghlanda by I'oatmaatar Oarratt. To Build Court Houaa. Special to Tho Georgian. Brunswick, Ga., July 19.—After hold Ing a ■ pedal meeting the commlealon- era of roads and ravanuas have Juat an nounced that everything le now li readiness for tha commancament of work on Glynn county’* naw court houae and will probably be started be fore the end of thle week. Prlaon Formally Opened. Special to Tha Georgian. Columbus, Ga., July 19.—The new police barracks and city prlaon waa nrmally occupied yeaterday by the po lice, the piece having been kept open from 11 to 2 o'clock for the Inspection of the public. I Will Extend Steamship Lin*. Special to Tha Georgian. Brunswick, Ga., Jul/ 19.—The Cum beriand Route ateamer line, which op- eratea a regular schedule between Da rien and Brunswick and between Fer nandas and Brunswick, haa announced •hat on August 1 the lln* will extend the regular achedul# from Mmandlna to Jackeonvllle, Fla. The steamer At- taquln, which Is now running between Brunswick and Bt. Blmons Island, will be put on the new run from Feman dins to Jackson villa. Killed on Running 8aw. Special to Tha Georgian. Bparts, Oa.. July 19,-Whll# working at a sawmill on the farm of Boyd Bur ton, a short distance from here, Ik# Allen, a negro farmer, fell on the run nlng saw and waa almost Instantly kill ed, both of hla arms and ona leg hav ing baen severed. Farmer* Hold Rally. Spatial to Tb* Georgian. Dallas, Oa., July 19.—Tho Farmers' Union of tha county held a rally at a Baptist church near here Monday. O. F. Hunnlcutt, J. N- Roger*, W. B. Weir of Atlanta, and Hon. ft. T. Cheatwood of Cherokee county were the speakers. ANNUAL CONFERENCE MEETS AT DOUOLA8VILLE. Special to The Georgian. Douglaavllle, On., July 19.—The an nual district conference of the Rome district of the North Georgia Confer ence of the Methodlat church began Its aeaelon here yeaterday morning. Ther* are about 200 delegate* preeent from all parts of the district. Rev. 8. D. Ledbetter, the presiding elder In charge, will preach the Initial sermon at M o'clock. MERCHANT FALL8 DEAD ON GRAVE OF WIFE By Private Lenaed Wire. Wltkeabarre, Pa., July 19.—Peter Malxei, a well to do merchant, went to Hanover Oreen cemetery to decorate the grave of hla wife. He wan placing a wreath of flower* on the mound when he waa stricken with heart d I tease and fell dead. • Young Man Will Recover, Special to Tbe Georgian. Opelika, Ala., July 19.—Millard Wastcott, the young man who fell from a trestle on the Waatern of Alabama railroad, a distance of <0 feet, to tb* rocks beneath, la In a vary encouraging condition. He suffers considerably from the Injuries to hla limb, but miracu lously ther* were no bone* broken. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN THEATERS jj | At the Caalno. Patrons of tha Caalno hava no came for complaint In the remarkably clever vaudeville bill being furnished thla week at the summer theater. Ono might travel the hlg vaudeville circuits over to And a better one, nnd then not succeed. There U a pleasing rilw-rxitv In the acts and a high standard of ex cellence with nil which makes tha thealar-goer feel that he Is getting full value for hi* money. Poealbly thin explain* tilt gOOll 11-n.!;,n. -• lliln week despite the rather uninviting weather that has prevailed most of the time. One of the moot talked-of acta nn tho bill la that of the Jupiter llroth-ua. Usually one hears half a dozen solu tion* of the most mysterious trick*, hut In the prsaent case no one hue volun teered a aolutlon, although IOW the trick la done. It Is cl say”the least, and aa the parlies lay no claim to occult art, one muet come to - Ihe conclusion that the party In tho cabinet tins found eome unexplainnhlo way of getting loose from the cords that bind hla arm* to the chair. Atony rate. It Is a novelty which hna cn-ar.-,i much talk from those who acknowledge themselves antirely baffled and unable to explain how It Is dona. With good weather the Casino will doubtless gat fln*.crowds during tb balance of the engagement, aa the show certainly deserves It. Muaical Comedy Next Weak. Vaudeville will give way to musical comedy next week at the Casino, ns It la announced that Crlihmlna and Gore, assisted by their own company, will of fer their latest muelcal comedy success, vntltled "A Warm Match." It la sai l to bt a merry melange olmu-i . fun. dancing and everythftg that goes t > make up an up-to-date muaical cora- dy with lot* of vaudeville feature- throw n In for good measure. A selected choru- of pretty girls fetchlngly costumed w ill be seen In the.musical numbers. The sale of seats will go oh Friday morning at the Grand box office. CONFEDERATE VETERAN8 WILL HOLD REUNION By Private Leased Wire. Barnesvllle, Oa.. July 19.—The i federate veterans of Pike county have a big reunion at Bluff Spring Thursday, July M and preparation! being mad* for a pleasant day e Tha arrangements aye in • liatg.- Hon. John F. Madden, of Concord, commander of Pike camp. He lui> cured Judge E. J. Reagan, .if M l ough; Colonel Y. A. Wright, or J son, and Professor George D. God of Moultrie, to make addresses. A big basket dinner will b* sp and a gala day la promised. TWO VERY LARGE. CENTRALLY LOCATED. SECOND FLOOR OFFICE ROOMS, WITH STREET FRONTS, STEAM HEAT, ELECTRICITY AND GAS. NOTHING BETTER IN THE CITY FOR THE PRICE. FURTHER PARTICULARS SEE ROBSON A RIVERS,