The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 21, 1906, Image 10

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in THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. \ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lees than 25 centa, the price of four tinea. Six words of average length make a line. Tho following ratee are for coneecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 6 times 4>/g cents a line. 26 times ..... 4 cents a line. 52 times ..... S'/J cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suits and sura returns. Ads. far Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four linos. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN. OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. V Wanted help—male. WANTED—COOP STRONG WHITE MEN • ■ helpers In tbs foundry to lei rra' treat. Good pay lo start better pay In two or three moot three with cowl references net lie Loach Mill Ufa. Co. South Pryor. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHE1 WORKS. Take Luckio St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED - GOOD WOODO Good uitjrc*; steady Job. rhopi rlngo Factor?. .Inrknoiivllb*, Fla. ml draftsmen. WANTED - EXPERIENCED 1 rajiher and typewriter. Apply c R. van Winkle Gin and Macnlne Works. Thurmond afreet. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. CARE THE GEORGIAN. on easy work, abort honra and i Experienced operator* make frotr. 112.00 per week, and we will give good da; wages to those without experience until they learn. If you live out of Atlanta, write ua and we will glre you Information S hout boarding place*. Nunnalljr Bros. A IcCraa, 36 W. Alabama street. WANTED—GOOD COOK FOR SMALL family. Apply 1123 Peachtree street. WANTED—8ALE8MEN. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSES Call on street John T. Stock* A Co. DON’T GO BLIND. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—GOOD TOOK FOR FAMILY of three; no children; good horn right person. Addre** John T. Gainesville. Ga. (’has. D. Barker. 20 Peter* *treet. MISCELLANEOUS. ■♦reel. R. W. Rill*. Atlanta. ter*, dyes and repairs. Atlanta phot SI. ICS Whitehall street. WANTED TO BORROW OF PI party, for three years, at 8 per i Improve large lot on ear Hue, $l.20< for \xn\d. Address Huburlnut, ear EXCHANGE. NORTH GEORGIA OH FLORIDA HOMES and cash to exchange for emiltles In At lanta renting property. Cbos. D. Barker, g Peters st.. Atlanta. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. RAILROAD frontage-all YOU ARK looking for; either side of the Southern f I way, near Anuour. Address Boa 231, GsUutsrlUtg GA | GO 8EE .SOUTHERN AUTO AND ISQUII*- in^nt Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change, buy and sell antofooMlas.' Garage. 1MJ Mitchell atreet. Atlanta. Ga. Bell phone 4*34-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU bo Sturm. Par high xmde work rail or | Kent. ,1)4 jf. Pryor. Phone 2921. BERT JELLiro LUMP COAL 34.60 A TON. Prompt delivery. John T. Stocks A Co. WE ARK lIF.AIigl AUTKRR FOR FU» Ida lime*. Write us for price*. Wilson k Huddleston. Miami. Fin.. FOR TEX AK LAND BAROAINH IN farms, ranehea or town property, write 1. \\. Parker A torn. Knnta Anna. Tex. REMOVAL NOTICE. John T. Htocka A Co. have moved their offices and yard from til Marietta to 2» Feter* street, where all orders for coal sad wood will lie given prompt nttention. I'honee 4781 JOB for samples. Cha*. Barker, 20 Peters t., - Atlanta. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINT*. ■■Don't let 'em fool you. Jhu Burnett (formerly of Burnett A Willis) 1* not dead nor missing. He Is contracting wall pn|»er and painting. Office and show room 12 LOST. who i* Burnett? of course. you've beard tell; Ha's the man who doe* papering and No «r B W condition your wall* ere He'll mnke them look both smooth nnd • And when'it la finlahed. then you will aee As perfect a Job aa over eonld lie; - A look at hi* wimple* la rnrtslnly n treat. Go aee him at 12 East Hunter street- Both 'phones 650. LOST—A PARROT .FROM 74 ANOIBB avenue. -Will tiny llliernl reward for Ita FOR RENT—STORE ROOM. 7 FOR BENT. CHEAP—STORK, 186 WHITE- hnll street. 23x100; also room* For aale, 10 nerra on Peachtree road, 426.000. ohn II. James. FOR RENT—ROOM8. FOR RENT—t-ROOM, 2-8TORY HOURS, dose In; only 325.00. Apply 67 Crew at. Hell phone 4261. FOR RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED front room. Apply to 267 Peachtree st. FOR RENT—FURNI8IIED ROOMS SUIT- able for young men: close 1n, on north side. All conveniences. Meals next door or across street. 137 Spring atreet. At lanta 'phone No. 46w». for rent. FOli RENT-12 DOANB ST.. A 0001) SIX- room houae, writer, Rna and bath; eloae to new Pryor atreet achoot house: rent reasonable to n permanent tenant. Owner. 574 Wn.lilngton street. PERSONAL. DAVID W. tARBRODOH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1266. 20 E. Hunter St WILLIS W ALL PAPER COMPANY. largest stock In South. 64 N. Brand St MAY: DECATUR. CALL AT GENERAL delivery. Atlnntn. for letter addressed to Mr*. K. May. It explains. W. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE REST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at 94H N. Tryor St Alex Kent Phone 4844. OLD HATS MADE NEW .... PANAMA AND MILAN STiiAW UATS Bo?t n *nd 0I atia M felU2*ta cleaned nnd «■ shaped, 35c. Hand* or sweat*. Be eaeh extra. ACME HATTERS. €V4 Whitehall 8t SHOE REPAIRING. G WINN VS SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIB. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Dell 2135. Men a served half aolaa. Tie. BUSINESS DIBEOTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholeaale and ratall distributor!) of Vic tor Talking Machines and Rocorda. Just racslvcd largo consignment of machines and over 10,000 rocorda. Immediate nttention given mall ordita. We want tho namoo of ill talking macnlne dealers In tho oontb. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyen Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LAIIOE8T bleycle nnd sundry dlalrlbntors In th, t •oath, douthern sgonta for Plorco. Yale, Knell and Hudson bicycles. Writ* for oar 1106 catalogue and price Hat. Alexander- Elyra Co. WE MOVE, STORE. PACK AND BIIIP household goods; insurance rote one per cent Office and warehouse 161C Walton street Both 'phones. Cathcart’e Trane- f,r • REYNOLDS. THE SION PAINTER. Klfus, banners, dags and flag decorations for special occasions. 30% K. Alabama 8t. . Rro»IopaTiul itF.MifDiKK UTHiK scalp diseases and mnke hair grow, i Kronra Medicated 8oap makes you hr- glenlcally clean. (90 years aucceas.) J. J. . Kmiu, specialist, 613 "The Grand," At lanta. Oa. $, CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. * IIALL WOODS, IDEAL* V and all other makes at l»argaln prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for $ any business, at a price ttfnt cannot help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register \ guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Resister Co., Branch of American Hecond- " Hand Cash Register Co., 24 9. Broad street Atlanta. Ga. GLORE & JUSTIN, * S 215 Peters Building. f AT NO. 454.205 W. FOURTH. WE HAVE 2 * three room cottages, lu first-class shape. \ rentlug to white tenants nt 37 each, nnd small house on rear of one lot. This la a bargain nt $1,400 i*n*h. AT KART IDIXT ON TUB CAR LINE. eplcndld & ro«>m cottage with i*ablnet man- tels, tiling, lot 75x190 to alley. $1,700. Oue- third cii*b nnd iKilancc monthly. 6 ROOM MODERN HQC8F., EAST FRONT. ■ on Central avenue. I^»t 50x123. ik*e ua If you want n nice home. Terms. NEW FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot. on Little street. 32JJOt». Term*. ] NEAR GEORGIA AVENUE. WE HAVE two new three-room cottngi»« renting (It ~ 36 eaeh- We can sell the two for |300i T This 1* nte kind of an Investment that you have l*een looking for. 8eg u* ijtib'k. |„ WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your ad over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do’the work. THREE ROOMS AMI IIALL; LEVEL lot* splendid nefglil»orho«Ml. Western Heights; $700; $100 essh and $10 per mouth. NEAR THE DKCATt’R CAR LINE. NICE flve-romii lioitse. with # foot hail, on l acre lot; lot lord; ha* sereral fruit trees ml grape JI lies now lies ring; plenty of Ideal suburb home; SIX ORDINARY WORDS I MAKE ONE —-ttni: . • THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Suburban Homas. The first month will, be given FREE months will ba given FREE at the these bouses. These ere located on the River eleetrto car Una only twenty JOHN J. WOODSIDB, 12 Auburn Avenue. $12,000, A BARGAIN. GEORGIAN “WANT ADS” Take the load off your mind.. QTry Theml lc. A WORD. Phone 4927. PEACHTREE PARK HOME city limits, 200 feet of car line, 16 minutes' ney within one year. M. McNEIL and W. S: SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. REAL ESTATE, 4. South Broad St.—Bell Phone 2644—Atlanta Phone 3803. 1,600 BUYS BKAUTIFFI. * ROOM, TWO story, up-to-date in every particular. N, (•'knoll at. Barn, stable*, etc. ul well lorn ted on N. Jackwm at. Heo nnd up-to-date In fronts, mile* from Atlanta. Hnrgalu. mente. This I" a wire Imrgntn. j^roviN^jiTo^er^v^J^j^iOljinrrs^e^jW^dt^. LOOK At THIS. fk fou KXfLrajvE hai.k a store 7. E. SAUNDERS & CO., 57 Inman Building. Bell Phone 1485. FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. shaded with young oaks; lit** nicely, and i next to the home of Mr. Samuel Wejr- ..isn, and Immediately across the street from the home* of Mr. Ileury Johusou nnd Mr. Eugene Callaway. Quick sole price 63,600. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. Ilvll phone 4595. and fronting 2,600 feet on Southern rail- house Itself Is unusually well built, occu pies an eminence, 'giving a splendid view of Atlanta's sky-scrapers, has greatest lunch, chestnut, twenty-five pecans, sweet- nutoiuoldlea,. and atilt la In thq, road neigh* buy a place on the road, you •will bare to wait ten years for the fruit* and other improvements to retch the present status of this place. If you are Interested, see ua AT ONCE, or call na up. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Bldg. n. O. Medlock Henry H. Jackson R. O. MEDLOCK CO., Corner Peachtree and Edgewood, Bell ’Phone 3794. 43.16:)—FIVE-ROOM nOUBB, CLOSE IN, William* afreet.* 42.555—KIX-ROOM ' HOUSE, SIMPSON^ near Peachtree. $7,000—TEN-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, furnace-heated; block of Peachtree. 57.000—EIGItT-ROOkl HOUSE. NEW. mmlerti; orar raruer Pleilmont ami Eighth. tt.ono—REVEN ROOM HOUSE. NICE LOT; 297 Crew atreet. 33.250—8EVEN-ROO&! HOUSE, CREW; noar school. $5,600—SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 60 BY 160, Coart land. $10,006—APARTMENT HOUSE. NEAR Peachtree and Harrle; rente $100 month. 46,500—HE YEN-ROOM HOUSE; LARGE t'oruer lot, orar Peai-btree anil Baker; room for two Date bealilea. 44,250—NICE HOME; LARGE LOT; HAU- rla, Dear Wllllama; lot worth money. $2.600—PRETTY COTTAGE. FURNACE heated; shaded lot; $600 cnah and $20 month; bouse would cost price to build. 430 FRONT FOOT; VINE LARGE SI1AD- cd lot; Peachtree roeil. near Brook wood. 32.600—HEVEN’-ROOil COTTAGE, NEAR lllghlaml avenue. 4 $2.760—SIX-ROOM COTTAOB, NEAR North Boulevard. $3,160—SEVEN-ROOM, NEW, MODERN, near comer Jacknon and Angler. 412.600—ELEVKN'ROOM TWO • RTORY ■late rooferl realrlence: Iroru anil ont hoiiaea: line lot. ( acre*; moat attractive home In aiiliurlie. 47.000 BUYS TENROOSl FUBNACB- hentml honee, abadeil lot, barn, chicken houae, two-room aorvanta' houae, orchard. 5 acre* of laud; atreet car elation In front. 34.600-BRICK STORE PROPERTY; RENT $45 uiouth; good ntnnd. 42.100-FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, STORE, GAS and water; lot 100 by 250; flneet garden apot In the city. $3,600—TWO SIX-ROOM HOUSES, WOOD- ward avenue, near III11 atreet. $3,160—PRETTY NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE near Fair street school. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, GET IN I.INW nnd come quick. It'a here, but wiling, and the buyer, will aoon get nil that a choice. Atlanta In growing; central prop erty Incrcnalug In value. September 1. not n vaeant houae ran Ire found, an.1 rent, then will moke yon wl*h you hod Irought a homo, when wo wll from IIM'caah Ur dll caah, nnd ault tho buyer*. • STATISTICS. Washington St. Lots We have two fine elevated lots in Washing ton Heights at $1,000 apiece. These lots face east, the dimensions are 50x175 with Alley iu Rear. Let us show them to vou. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Te*a*--Ty!«» r rjoar and warm. Honaton partly demly and pleasant. Dallas cloudy and warm. Fort Worth partis cloudy nnd hot. Han Antonio partly cloudy and hot; light sprinkle this morning. Mississippi—Yaaoo City partly cloudy and warm. J*rk*oii partly cloudy and plena- nut; hard rain yesterday afternoon. Natch- ex dear and pleasant. Hattiesburg clear and pleasant; hard rain late yesterday afternoon. Meridian clenr nnd warm. Wi nona partly dandy and' pleasant. Haile- hnfxt clenr and hot. Vicksburg dear ®°d hot; bard rain yetterduy afternoou. R^hharen clenr and plenannt. . Alabama—Ilnntavllle, Birmingham, MiP Idle, 0|»ellkn dear nnd warm. Montgom- ery partly cloudy and warm. Troy clenr and pleasant. Georgia-—Atlanta clear nnd pleasant. Thomnavllle and Albany dear and not. Co- Iiimhus clear nnd warm. Macon and Ainer- leua clenr and warm. leoulslniia—New Orleans clenr and plena* ant. Hhreveport cloudy and plensaut. . . WEATHER-FORECAST. Louisiana nnd East Texas-Shower* Fri day; Saturilny partly cloudy; light to fre*h south wind*. Georgia—Partly cloudy Friday and Satur- day; oeenslonnl showers In the Interior; “nt to fresh south to southwest winds, ky estern Florida and Alabama—Shower* Friday; Mntnrdny partly cloudy; light to freah south winds. Mississippi—Shower* Friday; wnrmer In mthwest portion; Saturday partly cloudy; ght to fresh south winds. Western'Texas—Generally fair Friday and Saturday. Arkansas—Showers nnd cooler Friday af ternoon or night; Saturday fair nnd warmer. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy &■» tn IS ■Iwire** (I>flt1urw1 ruin I, local to 7* elHtve: genrrxl ntln,'o{lnb™u y: „|!} Missouri; local In Hauaaa, Illinois sad WEATHER CONDITIONS. south during the over the South Atlantic states. Low pres sure prevail* went of the Mississippi, espe cially lu Montann nnd North Dakota. The temperature ha* remained practically tntlonnry during the past few days. Showers have occurred In portions of Texas, Mississippi. Tennessee, Nprth Caro lina nnd a few scattered stations In the lake region. Clear weather prevails at moat stations. The conditions favor generally fair lght and Satur weather In this section tonight i STATE FORECAST. GEORGIA, ALABAMA AND SOUTH CAROLINA—Generally fair tonight and Saturday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. BASS ST. HOME. Just off Washington St., good seven-room house on fine lot. Terms reasonable. Price $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. FOR RENT. 5 ABBOTT STREET I WEST END). This two-atory seven-mom brick, on lot which contains about 2 acres ami lies el- ernted. Is on the weat able of Abbott street, at the Infcrseetlon of Greeiisfer* ry avenue, and Is k'nowu aa the Torn Alex ander home plnee; haa no gas. but city wa ter. bath. stationary wash stand, sink In the kitchen and hydrant lu tbe yard. Pe ebles the aeven-moR) house, there la a t wo rt mm servant's house on tbe lot; also, sta ble and cow house; haa plenty of garden s|H»t and plenty of shade, ami la lu goiid repair for mi old house. West view cars two blocks away. Rent, 626 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones lit. THE SUGAR MARKET. New York. July 26.—Local refined and BIRTH8. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Bradley, at Ul Graut street; a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. IL K. Finch, at 632 Chestnut street: a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGehee, Jr., at 126 Juniper atreet; a son. To Mr. and Mra. H. F. Rainey, at 26 McAfee atreet; a daughter. DEATH 8, Ethel May Hudson, '21 years old. died at 414 I.uckle afreet. Agnea loin Pickett, 3 years old, died of meulngltls at 223 Weat Fair street. * BUILDING PERMITS. 175—Mrs. S. A. Owens, to build 'Addition to frame house nt 61 Ponders aveuue. $40—8. L. Ulllyer. to re-cover ouo-story frame dwelling at 83.Gardner atreet. $46—A. J. Mayfield, to re-cover onu-stoT frame dwelling at 14 Crumley atreet. $115—1* C. Fischer, to add to ope-story frame dwelling at 160 East Georgia ave nue. $4.000—J, M. Wright, to build two-atory frame dwelling at 2*3 Gordon street. $6.000—8. T. Mnrett. to build two-atory frame dwelling at 239 Pouce DeLeon ave nue. PROPERTy"tRAN8FER8. $800— Frank M. Itimuh to Mrs. I*evl B. Hlondrlege, lot on Grady place, near Gor don street. Warranty deed. 33,850—Mrs. Ophel t „ 8. Anderson and Miss 8. C. Stockton, lot on West Peachtree atreet, near Plue. Warranty deed. $3,ou>— Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany to Mrs. O. M. Leethc, same lot. War ranty deed. $325—G. W. Cooley to Mrs. Kate F. Bog- man. lot on Blsboe avenue, tupr Joneslioro road. I .os li deed. $4.UOO—Mrs. Mary J. Collinga to trustees of Euiory college, lot cn Whitehall atreet. near McDaniel. 1-oan deed. $806—Alltcrt Ilovl-ston. administrator, to W. W. Medlock, lot mi McAfee street, upup Gresham atreet. Adtnlni*trntnr’* deed. $2.000—Mrs. I.ucy T. Ilutchcium, lot on Highland avenue, near Hatupsnn atreet. I sum deed- 3306—Warren A. Beik to Union Savings bank, lot on Oaklnmlavenue. Loan deed. 3866—1. F.. Nichols t« II. Thadeu. lot on f.nclle avenue, uesr Iloldenieas street. Warranty deed. TWO ARRESTS MADE- IN JEWEL ROBBERY By Private lenwi! Wire. New York. July 20.-Conpled with the mystery of the theft of 366.000 worth of dlamomls ami Jewelry from Mrs. Halsey Corwin, 4'siue the arrest of a young, hand some and richly dressed woman, who de- ■erilied herself as Kllxahetb McBetty. Orders were Issued not to euter tbe ar rest npon the hooks at headquarters, ami this kept the news of the youug vouwu'i Imprisonment from the reporters. It was nearly daylight when the examination was ended. Hb** was assisted frptu the room where she bad been kept. Apparently she was In w fainting state. From 1uforuMti4»n gained by the police from the girl, Alfred King. 31 years old. a book-maker, was arrested this morning at the Cadillac hotel. Shortly after King's arrest, however. Mra. Corwin arrived at po- KTATIONS OF ATLANTA D18TRICT. Gainesville, clear ... Greenville, clear .... Griffin, clenr ........ •Macon, clear Montlcello. clear .... Newnan. dear Rome, clear Spartanburg, pt. cloudy Tallapoosa, dear Toecon. clenr West Point, dear • Minimum temperatures are for 12-hour period ending nt 8 this date. i Received late; not Included In averages. HEAVY RAINFALLS. Taylor, Tex. 1.64 Tulsa. Okln 2.84 Max. Min. ~W CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta .. . Angnatn .. , Charleston .. Galveston .. Ittle Rock 16 Dlst. Averages. Temp'(ure Max. Mfn. sr IJ| 1*1 Mold . .. Montgomery New Orleans Oklahoma .. Savannah .. Vicksburg Wilmington T Indicates Inappreciable rainfall. REMARKS. Slightly wanner weather prevailed over most of the eastern portion of the belt the past 24 hours, with about stationary tem peratures elsewhere. Rainfall was gen eral. the amounts being moderate aa a rule; a few henvf falls occurred in Texas and Oklahoma. J. 15. MARBURY. Bectlou Director. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit iii Produce exchange. Letnon,. 15.00 to 45.50. I.lnie* 50 to 75c. . I'cnrhc*. per crate, 60c'to 11.00. Pineapple., 41.50 to 4150. Ilanauaa, straight*. te- bunch 41.50 ta 41.75. Cull*. per bunco, 41 to 41.25. Watermelon*, 47.50 to 420.00 per 100; dr. “po'ul/ritY AND COUNTRY PBODUCE - Lire bena 35 to 17He; frtea 22H to 25c- broilers 15 to 22Hc. Ltv# dacha, Pekin » to 26e: puddle 2Vto 27Hc. " Dreaaed bena, per lh., 12o to 14c. Eip, per doaeu. 16 to lie. Bolter, table, per lb., 20 to 22Hc; cook. Ini. |>er lb., 12Hc to 16c. Honey—New 4010c lb.; In 1-lb. rack, 1, ^VEGETABLES.—Irttb potatoea. No. 1 •took 44 barrel; No. 2 etock 42.60. Tomatoes, per • crate. 75c to 41.25, Old Irlah potatoea. per buahel, 41.40. Old aweet potatoea, per buahel. 41 to 4L2S: new aweet potatoea 41.50 boahel. Cherrtea. M-quart crate, 41.60 to 41.TJ. Cantaloupe*, per crate, 41 to 41.50. Ulackberrics 10 to ;2Hc ouart. Dewberrl.a 10 to 12tac .mart FLOUR. DRAIN. PROVISIONS. FI.OUR^—I'oatels Illeinnt 44.10; Dlamonl patent 45..5; fancy pntent 44.85; half patent Jt.iO to ll.*; i.iieY a40: aprlng wheat patent 45.25 to 45.75. CORN.—Choice red cob 74c; No. 2 whit, 74c; No. 2 yellnw 72e; mixed 72c. OATS-Cho!^ white clipped. 62c; choir, white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texn, run proof, 50c. HUAL.-Plain water sround, per hu.hrl, 73c7 Ixtlled 140-lb. lutea. per bn.hel, Or. Short*, white. 41.40; medium, St.S; brown, 41.40; pure bran,. 41.2U; mixed bran, 41.15. IIAvT—'Timothy, choice large lialea, luo; do., choice aiuail bale. 51.14; do., No. I CLOVER.—Choice 00c. Tho abort price* are f. o. b. Atlanta, and •ubject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. 8UOAR.-Htnndiru granulated 4c. New York Refined 4H to 4Hi plantation* 4!4 to •He. Market atronxer. COFFEHi.—Roasted Arbuckle’a 415,50: bulk. In ban or barrel*. 12Vr; greta U w 12c. Market weak. IlICE.—Carolina 4H to 7Hc, according to grada. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy fall cream dairy, 14Uc; twin* Nc: brick, I4c. Market atronx. , PROVISIONS.—Supreme bams 15c. Doro ■ [mint 1514c. California hams 1014c: Red Croai hnma 16c. Itry salt extra riba 10.00; Iwlllra 20-5 lha. 10.76; fat hack, 5H; plate* St4- Supreme lard 10. Bed, Croaa 10c. Snow Drift compound 7H- Red Cron 7\. 8T0CKS AND BOND8. Rid. Aakrd. Georgia 4Ha. 1015 112 113 Georgia, II. R. 6*. 1910..... 105 10C54 Savannah 5a, 1900. 10214 1031k Mncon On, 1910 100 . ... , i*. 1911.. 105 j. 4H«. 1122 Ml Atlanta 4a. 1934 106 Atlanta and West Point 165 Atlanta and West Point Debt*. 107 C. R. of Georgia drat Income do. second Income K>4 do. third lncom..e... 87 Georgia 2M Augusta and Snvnnnah 115 sputbweatern 108H LIVE STOCK MARKET. Sogn— Receipt* today. fair; left over. tlnmted for tomorrow. 12,000. Uxht, If 6$ P. h xi"k7« jorkers. 36-8606.90; good to choice heavy, •*i? 0 W! ,W Vw_^_._AL -swan. Strnnc; •r to Cattle—R*elpta, 3.000: market quality fair. Beeves, 33.0006-10: poor - *• - •* AA 1«.15; Stockers and foed< medium^ 34.00Q6. ^'ShSp—Estimated recelots, 5.000- GAMBLING RESORT CLOSED BY DUNNE By Frivate !*oaaed Wire. Chicago. III., July 20.—Jim O Lear)-» famous naloon and gambling resort known all over the world, eipeclally among the stock and horaemen. "*• dark last night for tho first time In many yearn. On a recommendation by Chief Collinn. Mayor Dunne this after noon revoked the aaloon llncenae. The blinding with red pepper of hi* detectives who are trying to break Into the gambling rooma in O'Leary a pl«f« wan the final blow which Induced the chief to demand the revocation or O'Leary*! license. ilutterteni f luspectoi UcUnghU- |fou Can Save &im and trouble BY ’PHONING YOUR (To &he Georgian, WE WILL CHARGE AND COLLECT LATER. SELL PHONE: 4927. MAIN. ATLANTA PHONE: 4401. CIRCULATION 24,000 DAILY.