The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 21, 1906, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORG 1 AX. WATt-RPAT. .Tri.T 71. ]?**»£. ONE MILLION DOLLAR OFFICERS: WILMER L. MOORE, \ P. C. WADSWORTH, Vice President and Director of Agencies. FRANK ORME, Secretary and Treasurer. MILES M. DAWSON, Consulting Actuary. t JACKSON S. ORME, Counsel. DR. W. S. KENDRICK, Medical' Director. ' JOS. H. WILLIAMS, Auditor. C. R. HARPER. Assistant Director of Agencies. F. W. EDWARDY, Field Superintendent. MARK PASSED 9 First Policy Issued Tenth Day of May, 1906. “ / -/ ' • This demonstrates that a strong, well-managed South ern Life Insurance Company will be patronized by the Southern people. Our School of Training assists in producing such a result as this. ■ TUITION FREE. School keeps every week day from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. . Salesmen wishing to increase their incomes apply for particulars to * ROBERT F. MOORE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: C. A. ALFORD, FRED k 8? BALL"'"' °*- 'LE A WI8 n H^BECKf 0m ' rT ' A ’*' J.ft CALLAHAN. ° r * M Company. Unlnbrldre. A8A G. CANDLER. JR., J. FErSIs CANN, r ' nV '* ,m,nt Comp * n >- Attorney. Hnvnnnah, Q«. RAYMOND CAY. TENCH C.°COXE: k,0nVl "*' ^ w!'ro^*N , vAV , . ev,1,eiNC Ylr# President Southern 0*11 Telephone and Telegraph company. C. E. HARMAN, L?C? HAy'nE A ** n '’ W ‘ * A ' R - a L P p e *HrLLYER 0nil , '* nk of Au * u ' tlu A 8 B Cr HUL > L D * 0r ' ,la B * nker *' Association, Macon, Ga.* MAmONM.’JACK80Ni bl# P1, ° ,ph ‘ U C °" **''*«**■ j R.w.'johnston: ° f Jackaon * ° rma - w'. 'm'eWEn'JOHNSTON, t ” 0,l0n ***"• MaC °"* 0a - ('HpItallM, Moron, (Ja. j HARVIE J6RDAN, W !> j' , k!'n'ca'|’d hCrn Co,ton 0row * r *’ Association. ( » j J^cS"0E8 LOEB*' C °' and Klnc * ,<1 CoUon MUta * O' I Wholesale < tracer, Montgomery, Ala. jf t T. D. MEADOR, * 4? Vic* Preatdrnt Lowry National Bank. : WILMER L. MOORE, : FRANk'ormE 8outfl * rn 8ut ®* Lllh Inaurance Co. j JOHN " OU ' h,rn 8 "“ M Utt ,M ' C0< I I Y* *8AGE l l,nt c * B,ral D * nk * n ' 1 Tr V»* Corporation. j Contracting Knglneer. : J. M. STEPHENS, • Praaldant Mouth /liver Brick Company. Ra Ja TAYLOR. A ^THORNTON''* 11 Natl0,Ul B * nk ' M,con ’ <»•• j Vlca Praaldent Atlanta National Bank. P. C. WADSWORTH, Vice Problem The Southern Statea Life Ina. Co. I JOHN R. WILKINSON, . J Judge ordinary’* Court, Fulton County. : C. 0. ZIRKLE, Beal Estate, Montgomery, Ala. . THE SOUTHERN STATES LIFE INS. CO. Candler Building, ATLANTA, GA. .!/ By REV. E. D. ELLEN WOOD, PASTOR UNIVKRSALLST CHURCH I N' every community there is a cer tain group of religious leaders who devote thsmeelves with as siduous zeal to the defense of the Bible from all enemtea, real or Imaginary. Their earnestneaa and unfailing watch fulness are certainly to be highly com mended and faithfully emulated, even If the method and the spirit of their welfare be not always entirely In har- mony with the manlfeet spirit of that religious life which they design thus to preserve and to foster. But It la certainly an open question whether this defense of the sacred lit erature as conceived and conducted In so many brains and from «o many pul pits and printing preasea, does not. In a great majority of Inatancea, defeat Its very object.' The reason la not very far to seek Zeal, unaccompanied by rea son and enthusiasm, unhampered by Intelligence, may for a time hold In the leash of superstition the soul which presses forward eargerly In its search after that truth which la the beginning of freedom, but ever the old restraint of the awesome regard of the unknow able grows less and leas powerful as the mind Increases Ita capacity for In dividual thinking, until filially Its burita the bonds of Its captivity and, swinging to the opposite extreme of the pendu lum, declares Its disbelief In everything which will not admit of physical proof and demands for Its existence In the human consciousness the active em ployment of that sixth sense which w* have named faith. Thus doe* the misguided xealot, who Insists that all men shall find In the Bible only that which his own study has developed and shall Interpret It to be and to mean, that which his own thought has determined, become In very truth the Bible's most powerful and most dangerous enemy. It Is a deplorable feet, mournfully re iterated In nearly every gathering of religious teachers and leaders today, that the study of the Bible Is not eo general si it was twenty-five year* ago. We are told that men and women are losing Interest In religious matters. I do not believe that this Is true, men and women are not les* religious. Their religion Is flndlng new mode* of expression, that I* all. And. If the study of the Bible ha* suffered somewhat of a decadence, It Is due not to any actual Indifference to religion, but rather to the attempt of overxealous defenders of the Bible to force those who would gladly read and value It for 11s true worth to And In It that which their rea son and extended study renders them unable to recognise. If a man of an earnest, studious «nd reverent mind find* himself utterly unable to any longer honestly accept a belief In the plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, must It then fol low that tjielr power as a factor In his spiritual development shall be lost to him? Shell the matchless epic poet ry, the stirring dramas, the splendid outbursts of faith and hope In song and prophecy, the compelling Ideals of the decalogues, found throughout this In valuable collection of writings, the se rious literature of an ancient people, fall In their Influence to mold and shape hit character, simply because he Is no longer able to conceive thee* writings to be. In their entirety, the hi*' lory of the chosen people of God? * Here Is a man who believes that the Bible Is Inded the word of God, given by plenary Inspiration, and Infallible in every detail of Information and con- Jumbo's Mother Had Toothache And Delayed Big Circus Train Until Pair of Horses Pulled Tooth Mulljnnvllle, Ky„ July 21.—The Bret train nas delayed an hour at an early hour \Wdneeday morning a few mllee Polished Plate Glass tor stores. Polished Plate Ginas for residences. Polished Plate Glass for show cases. Urgest stock of Plate Glass in the South. F J. COOLEDGE & BRO., 12 N. Forsyth SL Lime. Laths and Shingles Carloads and dray loads. Carolina Port land Cement Co. Bell phone 155, Atlanta, 409. ■ Atlanta, Oa. AWNINGS TENTS UPHOLSTERY AVAIER | VOLBERG 130 So. Forsyth SL south of this city because '•Basil." one of the. big elephants, had the toothache. When the elephant was loaded at Hopkinsville ahe showed signs of pain In the Jaw. Tim Buckley, her trainer and keeper, applied the East India lini ment. which he thought would ease and pacify her for the night, but It didn’t. When nearing thle city there wa* a frightful trumpeting that stlpok the train. The locomotive wa* stopped, and It was found ‘’Basil’' wa* In Intense patn. She was beating her car tn front with her trunk, and kicking It in the rear with her ponderous feet, and the front wa* beat Into splinter* before she could be unloaded. All the elephant* hed to be taken out to get at "Baxll." Tim Buckley took her Into a field, had her stretched on the ground, and a bucketful of cocaine wa* applied to her gums. The forceps were attached to the achlng tooth and a team of horsee wa* brought Into play. A block and tackle srrsngcmrnt gave the neceeeary leverage. There *»** squeaking, grating eound made by tne tooth a* It parted company with the ^‘pllnw. 8 .”™.; she wa. happy and at peace with the world once "lore. She raised herself from the earth and shrugged her mighty ‘boulder*. »nd with her mighty 1 i 1 " master. She wa* delighted. All wa* reloaded and the ehow went to Hen- ^The* extracted tooth will be sent tb the Smithsonian Institution atvtashlng- ton. “Baxll'' Is nearly •* "!* ‘Hi weigh* over six tons, t* morethan 100 years old. end I* the mother of tn* famous "Jumbo." MAY GET EVEN WITH UNCLE SAM By Private 1 .cased wire. I-ondon, July 21.—It le not unlikely that the quashing of the Indictment against Ambassador Reid’s chauffeur will be taken up In parliament in a spirit of retaliation agalnet the United States for the action of Massachusetts some time ago In dealing with the chauffeur of the British ambassador at Washington. There Is still much feel ing In diplomatic circles over the way the latter affair was magnified. There Is little doubt as to the outcome. Under the law of 200 years ago he could not be proceeded agalnet. “BLOODY” SEVENTH TO HOLD REUNION The "Bloody Seventh." which at the battle of Bull Run was brigaded with the "Gallant Eighth," the "Ragged Third," and the "Goober Eleventh” Georgia regiments, will hold Ita annual reunlofl at Roswell on next Saturday, the forty-fifth anniversary of the bat tle of Bull Run, which was fought July 21. 1«(5. Not only will the aurvlvors be pres ent, but the children and grandchildren will be there. HIOH WATER MARK. MAY YET BE REACHED Special te The Georgian Gadsden, Ala.. July 21.—The Cooaa river at thle point has already reached a stage of 1( feet and is still rising rapidly, and It Is now feared that It will reach a much higher stage than It did last spring when It went to 22 feet Should the river go much higher the loss to the farmers will amount to thousands of dollars, as the corn and REV. E. D. ELLENWOOD. cotton crop In the lowlands will be practically ruined. Another heavy downpour of rain lasting for several hours took place laet night. structlon. Her* Is another man, equally sincere, equally pious, equally rever ent. filled with the same desire to know God, and eager tn welcome an Infalli ble revelation of Him, but who finds himself absolutely unable <n regard the Bible In the ssmetllght as dors his brother who accept* the Idea of Ita miraculous origin and Infallible char acter. He reads and studies his Bible often with more real enjoyment and profit than hi* brother, and finds In It constantly new and comforting revela tions of the character of his God: but. If you Insist thst he concur In a belief In Its plenary Inspiration and absolute Infallibility, or else declare that It Is a mere collection of myth* and traditions, a monstrous humbug, you place that man In a position where, because of the very Integrity of his Intellect, he Is much more than likely to become thenceforth a disbeliever In the teach ing* of the Bible and a scoffer at things religious. On the other hand, tell him that he Is privileged, If he so chooses, to consider the Bible aa a marvelous collection of writings, combining his tory, poetry, drama, prophecy, law making, myth and tradition, he will reail hi* Bible with renewed Interest, flndlng In It, unmistakably, a revelation from God Inasmuch as It trace*’ for him the spiritual and moral and Intel lectual development of a great f>*nple from ernes Ignorance and prlmltlvs superstition and low Ideals up to the place of herald of the world's Intel, factual progress, and framer of the world's standards. In all of this he shell recognise a true revelation of the character of God. Thus the Bible shell be found for him to be writ through by the hand divine, end he ahell not cease to give thanks to Him who hath nsver left Himself without n witness In the earth, that He so Inspired those mighty men of old to leave for us the records and results of their own ex periences. The Bible Is always Its own beet and absolutely Invincible defense, just as It Is always Its own most reliable com mentator. Inetead of Inflating that men ehsll accept a* their own any par ticular theory regarding Ita natur* and origin, would It not be far wiser to en deavor to remove all possible obstacles to an Intslllgent and profitable etudy of this sacred library? Thea* feverish zealot* who rush tu multuously to the defense of th< grand old book appear to have forgotten the comforting assurance of one eminently qualified to so declare, "Ye can do nothing against the truth, hut for the truth.” Let your* nnxlnus hearts he at rest, you little men who fear for the overthrow of Ood’a kingdom of troth and righteousness, unlc-e the in.esti- gatlon* and revelations of the "higher critic" shall be discontinued. If the lllble la not strong enough to with stand all the onslaughts which mar possibly bn made upon It by the puny Intellect of finite ninn, what stronger proof can the genffer find of its in.-It of divine origin and Infallibility'’ Be careful, brethren, lest out of your own mouths they condemn you. Be n«*ur*d that whatever there le of priceless value tn the souls of men shall persist, and shall grandly survive the most searching scrutiny and the most fear- lees analysis, no long as truth Is truth, and has Its source In the eternal heart of God. "The grass wlthereth, the flower fadeth. but rh* word of our God shall aland forever." Chicago, July IT. It'll. LADRONE LEADERS ARE IN THE TOILS TRY A WANT AD * IN THE GEORGIAN SISTERS DROWNED IN OHIO STREAM By Prints I-eased Wire. Athens, Ohio, July 21.—Florence May Drencher, aged IS, and her sister, Lau ra, aged 12, daughters of L. D. Drench er. of Neleonvllle, were drowned In the Hocking river at noon.- While sitting on a log on the bank the elder lost her balance and fell In. The other jump ed In, to rescue her and both were drowned. S uitulilit Oritur.f too Winter. Opium, Mur. ellse, Cucuiut., Tubuitu tud Neeraifte- ■ le or tihuutlluu. The Only Keelsy Initi- Mtin Gwrfit. 235 Cuitol An., ATLANTA, 6A. By Print# t-eased Wire. Washington, July _21.—The following telegram has been received by the bu reau of Insular affairs from Governor Ids of the Philippines: “Marcarlo Haky and Francisco Car- reon, self-styled president and vice president of the Filipino republic; Leon Vllliafurtel, X. L., lieutenant general, being Ladrone* heretofore In fasting Rtxat and Istguno provinces Oeneral Julian Montalon, Lucia Devga and Benito Nktlvlded, and their Itn- portu subordinates have surrendered; now In custody In Manila. Absolutely no promises authorised or made, eg. cept a fair trial. Greatest credit due Harry P. Benholtz for hi* prudence end skill In conducting this very diffi cult matter. Ha utilised Domlnador Gomes, but no promises ss to this liti gant hsva been authorised or made. In Cebu, Governor Osmena, by the greatest effort and greatest sscrlflcs, secured the surrender of all remain ing outlaw leaders and all guns Ex pect complete peace now throughout Luton, except as to Fillips Salvador and his fanatical followers. Pros pects of getting him encouraging. Baky Csrreon. Devga and Natlvded have been leaders of ths Ladrone bands that Infested Rlxs and Laguna, and, at tltnea, neighboring provinces." CHILD BECOMES A BROTHER TO HIS OWN MOTHER BYLAW By Private Leased Wire. Marion, Ohio, July 21.—Mr. and Mr*. William Farnaugh, of Rlchwood, yes terday became'the parents of their grandchild, Jesse, Fenton, aged 10 months, who, In turn, became a brother to hie own mother. Shortly after the child's birth Thomas Fenton and hla wife separated. Until recently Mrs. Fenton supported herself and babe, but, growing III, appealed to her parent*, who had frowned upon her marriage. They agreed to adopt the child. father was located at Rockford, Ohm, and objected because he claimed the grandparents separated him and hts wife. Probate Judge Foster then appointed Richard Horn, an editor, as the child’s next best frtend, and, with Horn and Mrs. Fenton recommending the babe * adoption by the grandparents, the nec essary papers were signed. We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock Our repair department is unexcelled, find that wa will sava you money. Give us a ca tains. I and you wilt CARHART Bell ‘Phone 1355. SHOE MANUFACTURING CO., II VIADUCT PLACE. ICE TRUST OFFICERS ARRAIGNED IN COURT By Pflrst. Les leg Wire. Washington. July 21.—Samuel A. Kimberly, general malinger, and George F. Hoover, superintendent of routes, of the American Ice Company; Arthur A. Chapin, president of the Chaptn-Backs Manufacturing Company, a tut Samuel C. Redman, secretary-treasurer of that company, yesterday arraigned before Justice Oould, pleaded not guilty to ln-‘ dk’tments against th.m, charging them with violating the Sherman antl-truet law In restraint of trade. The court limited the time for the filing of demurrer* suggested by the defendants to September 1. . TUB TOt’XG MEK’fi Ultl.PKIt CLASH i Inrltes all yossg turn who do not .fiend Bandar school won.where die to meat with I them Hm.dsy morning at »JO. Trtslty Sun day school. Whitehall awl Trinity arcs**. ‘ We will t* glad to see roe asd gtr. yos a cordial wsWbm to rlelt os, and If you j Ilk. us Join us CHt’gl'H OF OCR tlKUKKilRIt i Lather-1 is)—Corner Trinity asd Capitol place. Rer. I L. C. Crook, pastor. Morning serrlc* with l nt II i Kvenl PERFECT PROTECTION POLICY Insures Against . Any Sickness, 6 Months Any Accident, 24 Months Accidental Death. NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. 703 Prudentnl Building, Phone 5330. AGENTS WANTED.