The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 23, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAT, JULY WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lees than 25 cents, the prlca of four linos. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time i .... 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 8 times V/i cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a line. 82 times . .... V/t cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are Inex- pensive, but they bring quick re- sults and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MES8ENQER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. FOR SALE—FURNITURE. flumes, II Knit Hunter. REMEMBER THAT WE HEM. FURNI turn, limiting unit rugs elieeper than any Imiise In the clly. ItiiTileon A Hemes, IS liner llimler. WANTED HELP—MALE. JOB PRINTING JOB I'ilufTiNoT'MTWEHTT’IlIUEH. SEND for sntuples. Chas. Barker. SO I'eters I. Atlanta. WALL PAPER. ,,n„ I lei t-m . . .. (formerly of Burnett * Willis) Is not ilend nor missing. He la contracting wall paper and painting, office nml show room 12 East limiter street. Both 'phones 660. LOST. OK COURSE, foil Vr lirntii n-MI He's till* man who does papering and painting ao well; ■ No matter the contlltlon your walls sre He'll 'make them look both smooth and sound, when Vlook'sThis aampieti [s'e'ertslniy a "treat Go seo him at 12 East llnnter street— Both 'phones 660. FOR RENT—ROOMS. Ball phono Apply front room. Apply to 247 Peachtree et. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN te helpers In lbs foundry to learn mold- era’ trade. Good pay to (tart with and better pay Id two or three months. Only B " d * ppV DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUR goods? If so. cell up. 2$0« jBell). The LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckio St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED - GOOD WOOD • WORKER. Good wages; steady Jot*. Chapman's Car- flag* Factory, Jacksonville. Fla. SMALL ROY WANTED TO DISTRIBUTE cards. Call at Star Office. 9Q Petera at. WANTED—TWO CITY SALESMEN, $40 each; *teno-t>ookkeeuer, $00; stenographer, $60; stenographer, $75. Call nt our offlco Inunoillately. If you wish a good position. Bellamy Buatneaa Agency, 1890 Cnndler building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. If rlenced operators make from WANTED—YOUNG LADIES TO WORK In stationery factory. Apply at Montag- Brot., $7 South Forsyth street. WANTED—SALE8MEN. SALESMEN—SELL OUK ICE CRUSHEUS to Mloonlato, aoda fountalnlats, confec- tinner*. Ice cream manufacturers, etc. Side line; good commission. Davenport Ice Chip ping Machine Co., Davenport, Iowa. WANTED—EXPERIENCED CALENDAR | salesman to aell In Atlanta our unique el flea. HPi trade. Commission basin. Write fully. The Kenyon Map Co., SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Davlaboro, On. FOR 8ALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. FIR! shook ifid THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- vago Company, at 20 South Pryor street, will buy or sell you out. FOR SALE-INFANT'S TROUSSEAU; fine material; never been uaod, and la a bargain to any one who purchase*. M 150, The Georgia u. A. J. C„ care Georgian. ONE BRAND-NEW HMITII PREMIER typewriter; $80 eash. One Remington, $18; one Y«et. $12; one Crandall nnd three Call- graphs. $5 each. If yon want a tyjH*n rlter, consult u*. Atlanta Typewriter Kxehnnge, II. M. Ashe, president. Atlanta, (in. DON’T GO BLIND. WI1EN YOU REE TIIE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.'a new Hue. Jnat added a full line or trunks, travelers* supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest ever amd. We — «.Ud» fflee supplies. The cheapest ever buy. aell or exchange everything. West liitcliell street. Bell 'phone MISCELLANEOUS. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS I WILL cat my $3S suits to $25. Carroll, the tailor, $72 Peachtree street, opposite Aragon hotel. AT COST—MY STOCK OF IRON SAFES FRANKLIN CLEANS CLEAN: ALSO AL- tera, dyea and repairs. Atlanta 'phone 1881. 168 Whitehall street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ©?«SilicVe phone 48*4-L and sell automobiles. Garage. * **—*- Ga. Bell ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kent. »1* N. Pryor. Phone 2928. A II odd lest on, Miami, Fla. FOR TEXAS LAND BARGAINS IN FOR RENT—HOUBE8. FOR RENT-12 DOANE HTREKT. A OOOD alx-room houae, water, sa» and baths clone to new Pryor afreet school house; rout rcnaonahlc to a permanent tenant. OwnerJTOViihlnjtonjIreet^ wmmmmm FOR SALE—8EED8. TURNIP HEEDS NOW IN ORDER; ALSO, Itcaua. nwoet corn, boats, lettuce, etc. Merit W. Johnaon Heed Co., $5 South Pry or al reel. WANTED—FURNISHED ROOM. WANTED-FURNIBHED ROOM NEAR IN hyeln|je ! ^D j! J\^ s |j j j«re ! Gwrglan i!i| DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phone. 1266. *> E. Hunter St VII,Lift WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In Booth. 54 N. Broad Bt WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your aa over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do’thework. '. * * SIX | ORDINARY WORDS MAKE ONE LINE. • * t \ ' “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW .old at MM N. Pryor St Alt* Kant OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATH Sa?t n 7ud "atlff^fellhata cleaned and re- abapml. »c. Banda or sweats, 26c each extra, ACME HATTERS. «Vt Whitehall 8t SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCK IE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT, Ball 2296. Men a aewert half aolaa. 72c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND BBCORDB- Whalraala and retail dlatrlhutont of Vie- and Records. Juit BICYCLER AND SUNDRIEB-LAltOEST bicycle and aundry dlatrlbutora In tha aanth. Ronthera anal* for Flare*. Yale, Snell and flodkoa blcyclea. Write for our 1204 catalogue and price IUL Alexander- WE MOVE. STORE. PACK AND SHIP household good,; inecrance rate one per rent. Office and warehouae lilts Walton (treat Both 'phones. Cathcart’a Trans- REYNOLDS. THE SION PAINTER. Hlfni, hannere, llaga and Sag decoratlona for npe-clal occaelona. E. Alabama Bt CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. II ALLWOODS. IDEALS and all othar makas at bargain prl We can sell you a register, suitable ___ any business, at a price that cannot help hut please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand Caah Register Ch., 94 8. Broad street, Atlanta. Ga. STEVENSON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENCY. NEGOTIATE SALES FOR OWN ERS. LOCATE HOMES AND IN VESTMENTS FOR PURCHASERS. CONDUCT A CLEAN, HIOH- CLASS AGENCY BU8INE8S ON A STRAIGHT COMMISSION BASIS. STRANGERS IN ATLANTA ARE WELCOME TO ANY INFORMATION AND HELP WE CAN AFFORD OFFICE. FIFTEENTH FLOOR CANDLER BUILDING. BELL PHONE MAIN. 1031; ATLANTA. 306. MANUFACTURING .SITES. ACREAGE. RESIDENCE LOTS; TWENTY-FIVE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE lute. to 21.250 each, 22)4 acrea front- Inn on Ponre lh»I,eon nrenue, Itlfblaml arenue nml North avenue, two flue uiunu- fneturinx eltee on Southern railway, near It,-!e.*i'h Mill Manufacturing Company, all at attractive prices ami ou easy term. Apply to * COPEXHILL LAND CO., 16 BDGEWOOD AVENUE. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Three Left of Eight Brand Ntw Suburban Homaa. The firat month will bo riven FREE and If occupied on* year, two more month* will be given FREE at tha end of th* year, making only nine month* you will have to pay for. Non* but good famine* will b* allowed In thaa* housee. Tbei* are located on th* River eloctrlo car Iln* only twenty mlnutoa rid* from th* cantor of th* city; contain 7 and I room*; havt never bean occupied; are located In Waat Atlanta Park. Every houaa front* a fifty-foot Park, which la eat In tree*, evergreens and flowtrs. Pure air; na tive oaka; an Idaal a pot for children. It Is chaapar than living In th* city and th* surroundings are more whole* i. In th* canter of thla Park are th* Ferro Phoaphat* Springs, which will curs any caaa of stomach or kldnty trouble, no mattor of how loot stand ing. It now has a new church, naatly furnished, a store, a school-houa* coat ing 32,600.00 Will aoon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who llvo* on the grounds, wilt show you through the houses. Rent 320.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 13 Auburn Avenue. $12,000, A BARGAIN. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phonei 5488. - 412 Petere Building OVER 10 AtRES OF LAND. WITHIN city limits, 200 feat of car line, 16 minutes’ ride from canter of city. 3,000 feet (treat frontage. Prirnte tract printers of orer 1,200 feet In center of property. All for 312,000.00, with terms. Buy this and double yonr money within one year.' M. McNEIL and W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. THIS LOT IS *0 BY 200; BEAUTIFULLY shaded with young oaka: ll*a nicely, and U next to th* horn* of Mr. Samuel We 5- man, nnd Immediately acroaa tha atr**t from the hom*a of Mr. Ilenra Johnaon and Mr. Eugene Callaway. Quick tale price $9,600. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 11 AUBURN AYE. Bell *phone CLAUDE L. NORRIS, Real Estate, 716 Fourth National Bank Building; Bell Phone 4439. INVESTMENT 6 PER CENT NET-CEN- tral hu*lu*«* i> aa Peachtree dll uiiitm ui i niuninf it. mrrr wturtra a lot, 58x100. How about thla for $31,000? INVESTMENT—IjI’CKIE 8T.. NORTH- weat corner of Cone street, leaa than one block from the new theater *lte, ltt block* from the new poatdftteo *lte, leaa than 400 feet of the Piedmont Hotel; 12-room hou»e on It, routing for $60 ncr month. The price I* very low at $14,000. 100x100 FT., Jl'RT ACROSS THE STREET from the new postoffloe site. You know what thl* mean*. Price, $60,000. INVEHTMENT-27 ACRES FRONTING 1.- 2tW feet on North Boulevard. 1,600 feet ou rail road. $24,000. FOR RENT. Have the only een- trallv located stores iu the city. Sec LIEBMAX, Real Estate and Renting, PHONES 1076. 28 PEACHTREE BT. •2,260—BAILEY AT.. 7-ROOM HOUSE, good condition; shady lot, 60x220; think of It, 60x220. Within 4 blocks of the ter- mlnnl station. Rente well; good neighbor- hood. You can't lieat thla In the city. 17,600—N. BOULEVARD, 10 ROOM HOUSE, lot 50xM6, In beat block on thl* street, nnd thla Is the heat houae In tho block; would coat Dearly this money to build It today, to tay nothing of the lot, which te eaelly worth $2,260. $2,650—N. DOF LEV ARP LOT, 50x200, FOR $2,650; edit aide, between Highland ave. nnd Eiiat avenue; nothing elae along here for leaa than $9,000. $1,710-81 MPHON 8T., NEAR OBMB, A good 5-room cottage on nice Indoaed lot; houae only occupied by owner for yeara; apeclal reason for. Belling; will rent eaelly for $17.50. $000-01 TENNELLE 8T., 3-ROOM COT- tago, right at Elnaa-Mny mills, in fine ahnpe; renta readily at $6.75 per month; will rent fbr $7.50. This la a* gilt-edged piece of property for the money. $2.300—RANKIN 8T., 6-ItOOM COTTAGE. Juat off the lloulevnrd. Thla cottago has every convenience. Is In aplendhl condition, on large lot: rent* readily at $18. Can niitkn attractive terms on It. $3,500—'N. AVENUE, BRAND NEW 6-ROOM cottage on large north front lot. This cottage Is nenr JnckHon *t.. In *plend!d neighborhood, and one of the coaleat, best built cottages In the city. Beat thing for the money on the north aide. Cau make term* easy for right parties. $1,960—GARDEN 8T., NEAR GEORGIA ave., we have a modern 5-room cottage aljout 3 yeara old. with all conveniences, on nice lot, that we are Instructed to sell at once, na party 1* leaving the Ktate and will make a sacrifice for quick sale. Can make eaay terma. STURGEON & LANE, REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 717-728 EMPIRE BLDG. BELL PHONE 4275, 8TANDARD 1272. $5,00&—FOR CLOAK IN HOME WITH 8 rooms, on IPedmont ave.: lot 50x140; all conveniences, and In splendid condltlou. $4.260—FOR 7 ROOM COTTAGE ON WASH- Ington at., with lot 60x200. House la jn good condition and built for a home. Terms. $4,000—FOR 8. Pit YOU 8T. HOME. WITH 8 rooms, storm wheeled and double floored. House has eaat front nnd good shade; also hn* barn nnd aUble; lot 60x190. Term*. $8,000—FOR OROOM COTTAOE.~ON AU: gueta ave., with larga corner lot. Houae hoe all modern Improvement,. Term, eaay. |2Tio5^for TTice 11608" wiTlTiTtoGMs and long hall, on lot 52x160, near Park ave.. In a locality surrounded with home owners. $3,850—FOR NICE LITTLE 5-ROOM COT- tnge, on W. Raker street, and all city Improvements. Double floored and alorm •heeled. A bargain for a few days only. $2.760—FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. ON MIL- ledge nve., near Park. Terms. $2,600—FOR 2-8TORY, 7-ROOM COTTAGE, near Washington at; modern Improve ments. Terms $900 cash, $25.00 a month. $2.260—FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR Boulevard. Terma $900 cash, $20 a month. $1.150—FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ON IIIOII* land ave., with all city improvements: lot Ilea well and ahaded. lias plenty of fruit and good garden. Terms. $1,800-81 X-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE, ALL city Ihiprovementa, near Park ave. Al ways rented for $18 per month; 12 per cent Investment. Don't fall to aeo this. $1,600—ON THIRD 8T., CORNER LOT, good 6-room houae and long hall. Terms. $1,500—FOR VACANT LOT ON WILLIAMS at.; worth $1,760. $1,500—FOR 6-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE. 10 minutes' walk from new termlual. Houae 1* well fitted up with cabinet mantel* and I* ou a good corner lot. Always rented for $15.00 |»er month. Thla la a good In vestment. $1,600—FOR 6-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE, near Capitol ave.; has all city Improve- menta. including two baths, and always rented for $19.20 per month; IHi per cent Investment. $1,500 FOR NEW (NEVER BEEN OCCU- pled) 4-room house, near Grant Park. Terms. $1,3S0—FOR VACANT LOT. 90x250. IN good section, with all street Improve ment* down; 3-room house* clone by bring ing $7.50 per month. A splendid opportunity to* Invest. $L3JO—FOR 4-ROOM HOUSE. SHORT walking distance from Southern shops, on lot 60x120. House In splendid shape. $75 caah, $12.60 per month. $1.000—FOR 4-ROOM COTTAGE. IM- provetnent* down, near Hill at., always rented for $10.60 per month. $1,400—FOR 3-ROOM COLORED IIOU8E, ou lot 30x65. FOR RENT. 1 ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 2 TEN-ROOM nOUSEfl. 9 NINE ROOM HOUSES. 10 EIGIIT-ROOM HOUSES. 14 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSES. IS SIX-ROOM HOUSES. W. E. WORLEY, 323 EMPIRE BUILDING. Atlanta ’Phone 3983. “NOTHING BUT BAR-. GAINS.” TWENTY-SEVEN ACRES LAND FRONT; Ing 1.600 feet on Bout hern railroad and North Boulevard. A fine propoaltlon at $25.* tm'k.nty-four acres land - (is' ne\v Marietta car line frontlnx 2.200 feet on iame and L660 /eet on Chattahoochee. One price. $2,400, on terms. IIOGBST BARtUlK ON' poNOiJ Limn arenne. Lot 60 liy 106. near Jack- oil. Price 22,760; adjolnlnr lot sold at 22.- West Side Lots For Sale Call and get a plat of the 50 lots we are offering for sale on Simpson St., Jones Ave., and Sunset Ave. on terms of $25.00 cash and $5.00 a month. They are near Wachendorff’s Nurseries, and in a good home-own* ing neighborhood. , PRICES RUN FROM $125.00 UP TO $400.00. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. 6-ROOM HOUSE. EAST FRONT, ON GAR- den at, near Georgia ave.; gaa, water and bath. $2,100; term*. NICE LOT, CLARK ST., 104x160. Only $700. railroad. Price $5,000. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE WITH HALL and 23 acrea of land, 100 fruit tree# and crop planted; eight mllea from city. $1,200. i StrollAftLEfl AVEjJl'tt—a iifiACTi fill nine-room houae. Lot 60 by 200. Price $3,500; $1,600 caah. balance eaay. l'OS‘<‘E DE I.F.O.V A VENUE, THIS StllE Jackaon—Fine houae of nine rooma. Lot O by m. Price $7.100. room two-atory bouse on lot 60 by 192 feet. Price $4,250; $1,000 cash and $600 per ear, 6 per cent Close to the Boulevard. ■ONCE mi LEON AVUKIife-HIX-UTKja bouse nt $3,660. Lot 60 by 193, on terms. i2*“FfiE'TTfi6.N , T 6n TQaS'ctriiTnj-EoN nvonue, 207 feet on another street. Price $20 per foot Nothlfig else aa cheap on this 90-foot street street, ncur North avenue, nt $5,100; hal cash. It's worth $6,600. AS‘^rSlaVK.Ho6>T116U8ti'o>r“gpHTS3 street, near North avenue, east front Price $5,500; $1,000 caah and $50 per month. PIKE“''c s Oft.Nfc'U. CLOtffi W." able, 81 feet front. Good seven-room house and room tor an apartment houae. In block bounded by Peachtree and Baker street. Price $6,500; third caah. fci feAgt X’ain 6Tfcfffl ! r--a66ir- sir- room house; nice shady lot and baro. Very cheap. 33$' WAflll t N'GtoN gThEET^eOSBl^ ulne-rootn houae. Price $4,660. It’s a beau ty. and the only one left. $1,750; can run ui Joins fx-ffooM motae on mills street; close to LuclCo. Suitable for two famillea; $600 caan, oaiance $20 per month; leaa than rent. 2&0 CAMH. $25 PER MoS’i ifTWIOTBUY a beautiful six-room new house, all lm- roveinenta down. Price $2,600. by 290 feet, to suother street. Price $2.- w00; terms. oiaroxir HThfcbt LotfffntfitEnfliinf- wslk* ami car line; second lot from Grant park; 60 by 180 feet each. Price $475; $100 caah and $10 per month. — ¥W(7 PiS'K' ELEVAraDT^Tgr-U RV'-cio feet each; aide nnd rear alley. Price $300 each; easy terms. Could cut Into four lota. foINdUy a^I. Elm l6tiT. 212.60 eaab. 22-60 to 24 per month. A rhance to start here. FOUlOlhAND-NEW 8IX-R0OM HOUHE8 (irniit park: $350 caah, $25 per mouth. These are beauties. ^ ^ Baas street, between Grant nnd Hill; new alx-room house. Price $2,250; part cash. kiOH'r-na&u- -tioTJsr-fyrw^f "fisu: i«cy. It’s a l»eauty at $3.- per month. To see this would mean a sale. MW-WVWSi-tluoSt ildt&ar S’fiVElt' been occupied. Price $2,260; $100 caah, $15 per month. Juat like Vent, only cheaper. EifiAl'WtTlj S‘IS‘E rttfQir iiOITflK 6 TJH Richardson street, close to Washington atreet. Price $3,600, on terma. This la a fine home and close In. 6^ A' BEAIWI'C ELfeVAfKii _ _fteenth atreet lot, Ansley Park, at $3,- 000; 100 by 200 feet; half cash. TTTTFnr Flfteei , ...... 100 by 200 feet; half cash. ’ACRttA'~CASt>'MAMS Tttfi ciTV: nBSTffiiw vr.tammr pwok'$5.s». iitEXtff"^‘p'Eindoxmn[^w«B street, a beautiful nine-room houae that coat $5,000 alone to build. Price $4,650, *ou terma. Hee ine at once, as the owner la In the city for a few days. $4 wfeAt' -nsriiw; new kooM house on dead enay terms, at $2,200; see STATISTICS. DEATH8. .George O. Hutchins, 1 .year old, at 302 East fair atreet. W. P. Green, 46 years old, died of heart disease, at 604 South Pryor atreet. Thomas Cole, 18 veara^old, died of ty phoid fever, at Weafey Memorial hospital. Everett Klrkman. 2 yeara old, died of cholera lufantum, at 29 Ashland avenue. BUILDING PERMIT8. $260—L. P. 8. Keen, to re-cover two frame dwelling* nt 639-641 Edgewood avenue. $150— Emily Cox, to make repairs at 129 frame dwelling at 309 South Boulevard. $10—Mrs. C. E. Knight, to build coal houae at Nl Jett atreet. $30— Edna Freeman, to repair frame dwell ing at 10 Liberty street . $50—Dr. J. F. Dodd, to re-cover frame dwelling at 35 Ponders avenue. $200—J. M» Rivera, to move and repair frame dwelling at 267 Magnolia street. $35—C. R. kuettuer, to build basement under frame dwelling at 38 Jonnson avenue. PROPERTY~TRANSFER8. $450—Joseph Tate, to T. J. Treadwell, lot on n 20-foot street near Kennedy atreet Loan deed. $1,000—Emory S. Mabry to Southern States Life Insurance Company, lot on Sidney atreet, near Loomis atreet. Ixmn deed. $1,400—J. II. Burton to Charles T. Sli der. lot on Magnolia street, near Lowe street. Warranty deed. $5—M. F. May to Charles T. Slider, same lot. Quit claim deed. $1,975—J. M. Hendrix to W. A. McWtaor- ter, lot on Grant street, near Logan street Warranty .deed. $20—Mr*. M. H. Sparka to W. T. McCall, lot on Pryor atreet, near Doano atreet. Quit claim deed. $1,060—W. T. McCall to M. L. Petty, lot on South Pryor street, nenr Ormond. War ranty deed. $1,500—Nathan Cannon to Joseph Olllnger, lot on Jones avenue, near Edwards street. Warranty deed. $4,600—Si. A. Hall, et al.. to Atlanta Real Estate Company, lot on Decatur road, In Inman Park. Warranty deed. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Traina Laavs Atlanta, Naw Tarmlnal Statlsn, corner Mltshall and Madlaon Avanut. X. B.—Following ochodule figure* pub- nihod onlj •• Information sad an not guarantcad: 4:00 A. 11.—No. : mlngham, maklm 23, DAILY. Local to Btr- making all stops; arriving la Birmingham 10:16 a. m. AND CiNCINNATf U^mSD.'^^tolId veatlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with out change, composed of veatlbuled day coaches and Pullman drawing room Bleep Ing cars. Arrives Rome 7:10 a. m.; Chat tanooga 9:45 a. m., Cincinnati 7:90 p. m.; Louisville 1:11 p. m.; Chicago 7:tt a. m. Cafe car service. All meals between At lanta and Cincinnati. 6:90 A. M.—No. 90 DAILY, to Griffin and Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. m.; Co lumbus 10 a. m. 6:16 A. M.—No. 12, DAILY, local to Macon. Brunswick and Jacksonville. Makes all THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. FOR ATLANTA A.»D VICINITY-SI.. era tanlght, Toreday fair. 1 Show ' WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. KiK’SS w.If, ,e i-.t c » - « Alabama—Mobile, clear and warm- rstn*i yeaterdnr. Monlgomery, cloudv and ant; rallied reaterday evening. OaSHT cloudy; rained yealrrday. Blrmlnrt.* cloudy and threatening; hard rain traf- nay. Huntarllle, clear and warm. EuDoU.' cloudy and threatening. Troy. cloudr .^I wnrm: rained yeeterday erenlig. ' “ ,1 Slla.laalppl-Mcrldlan, dear and warm. Hnalchurat, dtoBdy ami warm. Vlcki'ura Brookhaveu and Jackaon. clear and tot' Orecuwuod, clear and warm. Yoaoo at, dear and pleasant. Georgia—Oolambu. rained all yeat.rii,, nml nearly all night; now eloudy and nlV,Z nut. Thoinaarllle, partly cloudy and w.™ AH.any, partly cloudy and hot; rained Yaw night. Attaints, cloudy and threaten". Macon, cloudy and warm: hard rain a^ day and last night Americua. cloudy i"a cool; hard rain la«t night. 1 North Carollnn—Charlotte, raining; had hard rain Saturday night and lnat nlibL, heavy rain yesterday; ££ cloudy aud warm. WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana and Eaat Teiaa-Generally fair Monday and Tuesday; light to frreh »uth wlnda. Georgia—Occailonal ehowera Mondanod Tneadty; light to freah wind,, mostly •onthweet. West Florida nnd Alabama—Occasional ahovccra Monday and Tueidny; winds. Mlisleelppl—Show-era Monday In south poo tlon, fair In north portion; Tucadar fair, warmer in aouth imrclou; variable wlndi. Western Texas—Fair Monday nnd Toe, day. Arkaniaa—Pair Monday; slightly colder I, west portion; Tueeday fair. 8TATE FORECA8T. GEORGIA—Showers tonight; fair. SOUTH CAROLINA—Bhowcre Tueeday partly cloud; ALABAMA—General Tuesday. Tuetdey tonight, dy. lly fair tonight mil WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudiness prevails over the eastern half of the map and the eouthweat: elsewhere east of tho Rookie* the'weather Is moitly clear. No reports recelred from station, on the Pacific coast on account of wit, trouble. During the lnat 24 hour, rain, have or. curved throughout the eouthweat and it nearly ill stations east of the Mississippi. The following stations report one Inch nr more rain In the lnat 24 hours: Macon, l.Cfil Augusta, 2.84; Charleston,; and Washington, D. C., 2.40. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian time, July 23, 18< STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. FINK CAPITOL AVENUE HOME OF TEN rooms, elevated lot. Price 14,300, on terms. This place la worth 26,000. FOR It A RG A IN’S. NOTICE'TTY AD THE COMING WEEK. SfToVtt-ROOM'lipUSES. n~ TIIBEE-BOQM~IIOUHE8. 4*TWO'ROOM~IIOT'BER. COME TO~8EK - l‘H. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 1Z Auburn Avenue, Both Phones ill. W. E. TREADWELL & CO., REAL ESTATE, South Broad St.—Bell Phone 2644—Atlanta Phone 3803. SPECIAL. $2,600 — SKVKN-UOOM f\VO STORY house; near Cnpltnl avenue; modern. ^huuae; near Washington street? ^eorue'r lot. M.-vo-.six iuioM House; rents for $28; well lrihtted. on Ira atreet. $4.900—ElGtlT-ROOM TWt> STORY NKW house; eloae In; on Wnshlngtou street; complete tu every particular. •tSOO-SEVkNHOOM HOtHE; CENTRAL nvonue; modern. $2.6<O-SEVEN-R0OM klot'SE; JTeAU Georgia; np-t$>^late. 2150) - EIGHT-ROOM TiVGATOllV house; Spring street; model home. $j,.w-nk\v ilGusE: mis is a Model home Iii every particular. $1600 BUYS A REAlWi rAND OoM- plete home in every iwrtlcular. Located near Forrest avenue. $4.-0—FOUREST AVENl’E t-IlGllT ROOM house; well located on Forrest avenue. oF Land; two rnllntad fronts; bargain. UOOi> PROPtlfclTtoN TN CbNTIlAL property; also. In Investment property. vlck 4 p. m.; Jackson villa 7:40 p. m. 7tt> A. M.-No. 26. DAILY.—Pullman —‘ — his, Kaniacctu .Arrives Meraphh man to S prlhgsr' Arrivee Memphle l5» . m.; ttansas City Ip Driaga 1:16 a. m. 7:60 A. M.—No. 12 .—mk*. ., Charlotte, Danville, Richmond and Aiha- Tl 7:65 A. M.—No. 7. DAILY. Chattanooga. 12 NOON. No. il, DAILY.—Washington and Southwestern Limited. Electric light ed. Sleeping, library, observation and chib cara through without change. Dining can serve all meals en route. Arrives Wash ington 3:12 a. m.; New York m. 1:00 P. M.-No. 40. DAllS.-Sew York Evpres,. lmy conches between Atlanta and Washington. Sleepers between Atlanta, Charlotte and Washington. Arrives Wash* Ington 11:01 a. m.; New York • p. ra. 12:16 P. M.-No. », DAILY.—Local for Macon, arrlrlng Macon 2:40 n. m. 4:10 P. M.-No. 16, DAILY.—Macon aad llawklnsvllte. Pullman obreirvatlon chair ham. Arrives Birmingham 9:16 Memphis 7:11 a. m. 4:3u P. M.—No. 1A DAILY, Sun- lay. "Air Une Balia" to Toccoa. 4:20 P. M.-No. a. DAILY.-Orlffln and Columbus. Pullman palaca sleeping car ad day cone* — 4:26 P. M.-. . _ ettevllle aud Fort Valley. 4:60 P. M.—No. 16, DAILY.-Thro ugh drawing room aad slteploy car, i« Cm- elnuatl and Mempbta and Chattanooga t* Loulivltle. Arrives Rome 7:M p. m.; Dalton 2:10 p. m.; Chattanooga 2:66 p. m.; Memphis i-20 m m.t Lonlavllle 8:50 a" m.;^ StT 9^eili m.; Cincinnati 2:10 a. m. i P. M.-No *. DAILY.—Makes aU . i. Local to Iieflln; arrives Heflin 10*0 P 'n“l6 P. M.-N*. 14, DAILY.—Florida Urn- Red. A aolld veattbnled train to Jaekaoo- Die. Fla. Through sloaplug cars and day oacbea lo Jacksonville and Brunswick; ar- Ivea Jacksonville 8JO a. m,; Brunswick a. m.; fit Augustine M a. m. U* P. M.-So. 27, DAILY'.—Through ullman drawing room sleeping ear. At- Sts «•: MeGdUn ll a. m.; Jackson 2:96 p. \ lekeburg, 4:06 p. m.; Shreveport 12J2 f- ■«. Sleepers open to receive passengers 1:00 n. m. 12 NIGHT—No. K. DAILY.—United filatee Fast Mall. Solid veettbnlad train. Bleeping rare to New lork. Richmond. Chariotte asd Coachva to Washlngtoa. Dining "If you to In awlramln'." said Tom my's younger brother, *Tll tell maw!" "Tell 'er. If you want to, you naaty little muck raker!” blurted Tommy, plunging Igto (be water.—Chicago Trl- Bo'h PhoMj cit^ office, u: malo: depot. Local AtlaaU-Charle'te 'aleepre ’open % receive naeeeneera at 2:00 p. m. Lecal Attanta-Ashevlltr sleeper open 10:2) p. m. Ticket Office NO. 1 Prechtree. on tfidnet, Petere hnlldlag, end new Terminal Station. •Atlanta, cloudy •Chattanooga, pt. cloudy Columbus, cloudy Gainesville, cloudy Greenville, cloudy Griffin, cloudy •Macon, cloudy Mnntlcelln, eloudy. Newnan, cloudy Rome, cloudy Spartanburg, eloudy fTnllapoooa, pt. cloudy.. Toccoa, dear _West Point, cloudy •"Mlnlmnm temperature* are period ending nt • s.m. this date. HEAVY RAINFALLS. Max. iS3 Dlat. Averaf* CENTRAL Hi Temp'ture. STATION. Ilf Bug Max. Mlo. Atlanta Augusta .. .. .. Charleston .. .. .... Galveston ... .. .. Mobile Montgomery New Orleans Savannah Wilmington 13 1 fi 10 16 17 10 « 90 90 92 88 9* 90 90 90 *8 70 72 70 70 6S 70 72 70 M .W .9* . .s> a REMARK8. .Slight temperature falle were repetw from moat districts. Rainfall w«" * few heavy falls occurring'In doutli R. SIARIIURJ. flection I ■Ircctoc Una and Ueorgla. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Weht'inVjtg CBNtRAL 6V fiBoUOIaTtOT*? 1 Arrive From- D*P* rt uejm vannah 7:10 am Macon. ...- ■*? j,» SavannaL Jackoonrllle.. 7:60 am Macon A .Ilf vanoah cop..... l boad. _ Arrive From— L, U?—-...Ifl * <U jfil I raise of AtUnto and Railroad Company nrrire J,',-* rote* from Atlanta Terminal etalloa. Mitchell street and Uadleoa avew- Shown la Central tlm» afl