The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 02, 1906, Image 10

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]fT THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lets than 25 cente, the price of four Unot> Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are fop consecutive insertions! 1 time 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cente a line. 6 times 4/t cente a line. 26 times ..... 4 cents a line. 52 times 3/t cents a line. 78 times 3 cento a line. Written notice ie required to discontinue olassifidd advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ade. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- eulte and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ade. pay for at rates quoted above. J WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—-GOOD STRONO WRITE WEN as beli**rs In the foundry to learn mold- era* trade. Good pay to start with and better pay In two m * " jfljfi those with rood DeLoach Mill Mf« DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OP TOUR foods 1 If bo, cell up 2106 (Ilell). The Fout hern Auction and Salvage Company, 30 South Pryor. rlftgc Factory, Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED—TWENTY GOOD RELIABLE BOYS BETWEEN FOURTEEN ANI SEVENTEEN YEABH OF AGE FOR BEV EBAL HOURS WORK IN AFTERNOON, ADDRESS. IN OWN HANDWRITING, B. X. L. ( CARE TIIE ATLANTA OEOIt GIAN. WANTED - THE APPLICATION OF every commercial, technical nnd mechani cal men wanting positions or advance ment. We secure positions. National Em ployment Association, 1022-1021 Century UlMIng. . HTENOGRA ____ young man preferred, State salary wanted. Address Poatofflce Box 18, Monroe, (in. Magazine of Aspiration;*’ Instructive, en tertnlnliiff, amusing: It will appeal to you, Address Lock Box 16, Newunn. OB. STENOGRAPHER. 178. STENOGRAPHER nnd nfTI«-.» man. $ffi. Young Indy stenoers pher. tsa Ri-llatny Business Agency, 1*30 WANTED HF.LP—FEMALE. \\NTED-Y<)l’N(l I.AlHEH TO T \VORK In envelope nnd papeterle department, pply Montsg Bros. WANTED - SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS waiters. Transportation niul first-class pay for competent, reliable men. Perma nent positions. Address Hotfl Racine, Co- WANTED HELP— Mafo and Farnale. MEN AND WOMEN CAN EASILY SELL SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHER OF EXPERIENCE On COL- lege graduate ns principal of Oakland school. Meriwether «*>wiit\ 1 G*->ruln Sul ary for two months guaranteed. Apply £^BB*=^»E==^99sessgeK9nR9 MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST-MY 8TOCK OF IRON SAFES FnF.SH SHELL OY8TBR8, CLAMS, crabs, and shrimps Just arrived from New York on ssle at Bpero's restaurant every Quick service. Spero Athens, Prop, Peachtree street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. should have high grslle signs. Call on Kent Sign Co., Fllb«Mortb Pryor street. Phone 2928. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND 8AL y, at 20 I l you out COAL, DRY 8TOVEWOOD—PROMM* DE FOR SALE—AUTQMOB1LE. AN OLDS ruruibout. In flrat-elaas condition; engine, tire and transition; newly painted; $260 DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.’i MW IlM. Jn.t addOd > full tin. of trunk., trur.l.r.' rapplln .ad nlM of tier auppllra. Th. rhea peat aver SKfissr mot *JL BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. UO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex- ebsuge. bay and sell automobile*. Garage. 10-12 Mitchell street. Atlanta, Ca. Bell phone 43M-L Mala. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL^ BRINO YOU work call oe A Huddleston, Miami. Fla. r inference*, exceptional ability. fiftecu keara* experience; only large commercial nnd financial people considered. Address M. L. J., care Georgian. Who put* your p*i>er on so allck, And guarantees that It will stick; Doe* your painting, does It nice, And ‘‘always lowest In the price?** Burnett, of course! Your "Uncle Jim" la hard to beat; lie's at Number 12 E. Hunter street Both Phone* 660. FOUND. FRANKLIN, THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL* low. cleans suits $1 to $1.60. -rants 30c. 168 Whitehall 8t. Phones, Bell 829, A. 3&8L FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. GET OUR LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR sale on different streets. Your address on a postal will bring It. It helps In the locating of homes and Investments. Stev enson k Co., real estate agency, 1629 Can dler building. Bell 1061 3f, Atlanta 306. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY- HO M E— A seven-room cottage, with nttle and storage room. Built less than year ago for a home. Largo new barn and servants* house. Plenty of shade and fruit trees. Lot 280 by 600. Opposite Dr. Rid ley’s estate, near Decatur. To avoid rent ing. will sell at a bargain. $2.600—A 7-ROOM COTTAGE. NEWLY painted nnd papered; lot 106x160; con venient to schools, church and car; fine shade. $8,760—SEVEN-ROOM TWO-STORY RB8I- dence, newly painted and papered; lot 68 by 200: near Agnes Scott College and car line; electric light. Terms, Box 62, Decs* tnr, Ga. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. I HAVE $2,600 CA8II THAT I WOULD like to Invest In good renting property, white or blaek. No real e«tnte agents need apjd^. Address J. A. K.. care Georgian. MILLINERY. SPECIALS FOB COMING WEEK-A large assortment of shapes 10c; stylish sailors, 49c; frames, 10c; remodeling, $1. .All trimmed hats half price. Ostrich feather* cleaned, dyed and curled. Straw and Pan ama hats cleaned. Mrs. C. ]!. Smith, 180 Peachtree street. Bell phone 4815-J. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUOn, MASTER PLUMBER, Pbanre 1266. 30 B. Hnnter St WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largaat stock In Bontb. 64 N. Broad fit KltOM’H MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP and Imlr aoan! sold at drug and draart- mrnt atorra; aak for It or writs J. J. Kraut Sralp and Hair HpwlalUt, 4U The Grand, Atlanta, Ga. A YOUNG MAN WANTS INFORMATION In drawing and In sketching. Addremi No. 28$ Peachtree atreet. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at 91Vk N. Pryor 8L Alex Kent, Phone 4848. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—SEVERAL TABLE BOARD- era. Excellent menu and service. Apply 86 Cone street WANTED-BEVERAL TABLE BOARD- era; excellent menu and tervlce. Apply 36 Cone atreet. FOR RENT—ROOM8. FOR RENT-SECOND FLOOR. THE L. P. Grant home, on St. Tanl avenue; porce lain bath, nil conveniences. Apply at resi dence, or to Dr. Foster, Inman Bldg. ONE OH TWO PimNIHHlil) ROOM8 IN private family,- with or without board, North able, cloao In, every convenience. References required. Bell phono 2030. PLEASANT ROOM FOR ONE OH TWO rate family; gooil mdghborhond. Address A. Ca. care Georgian. . FOR RENT—OFFICES. . OFFICE SPACE* IN NICELY FURNISH- ed office. Phone 2$33 or call at 1330 Can dler Bldg. 8H0E REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. « I.CCK1E, OPPOSITB FIBDMONT. Ball SB. M.n’a aawad bait aolta, 75c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 South Pryor street, opposite court house. All work flratclas*. No cheap prices. MONEY TO LOAN. Established U*0. WEYMAN k CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purchase money notes; straight loans made for 5 per coat and up- warus. According to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 South Broad atreet. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes and lends money on Improved Atinntn property at reason able rates. Bell phone 76*. Gould llldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 l'ER ml lllt.n'.t, arrordlnK to awurltjr of- form!; small cipanso nnd prompt atli'ntlnn. Only on rant aalala In aud naar Atlanta. H. 11. Tannnn. MONEY LOANED ON BEAT, ESTATE, i to 6 yearS. • pen cent. joiIn CARET. 1« EAST ALABAMA STREET. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wbolaiala and retail dUIrlbnlorn of Via tor Tnlklng Marhlnaa sad Karnrd*. Jolt recalTsd larga conalgnmant of machlna* and •nr 14,000 records. Immadlala altaallou glrsn mall ord^t. Wa wiot «ba namaa of all talking maektna daalara la tha aooth. Wrlta for aatalogna. Alasandar-Elyaa Co. DICTCLEB AND 8UNDRIKS—LARGEST birxcla and auadrj distributor* la tka Ktoo, T ils 004 retatogua aad prlca tut Alaiandar- REYNOLDS. TIIE 8I0N PAINTER. SlgnA bannara. Lag* aad Sag dacoretlona for spaalal occatloaa. Mi E. Alabama it KIIOMOPATII1L REMEDIES CURB scalp dlsaaas* and make hair grow. Krom’a Medlcatad Soap tnakaa yon hr- gtanlcally clean. |30 yaara anccaaa.) J. J. Krom. *parlall,L 616 "Tba Orend,” At- laata. Ga. A COMMON MARKET PLACE la a market place for all the people. It la a placo where the people may go and linger, and wander through at will. They can huyor not buy, Juat aa they pleaae. They have no offensively polite dorks to make It unpleaaant for them. Chances are they will admire the displays, comment on the reasonableness In price of the ware and end by making a purchase. Such a place la the want page of The Georgian. It offers no end of opportunities. It contains news of value, even If you do not wish to purchase. Take It and sit quietly down In your home. You will be surprised at the Interesting matter It contains. Think over the things you read. See If there Isn’t an opportunity there for you. If there is you should act promptly. We call your attention particularly to the real estate columns. Atlanta real estate Is just as sound as government bonds and a far better Investment You will get better returns for your mos sy. You will cultivate tho habit of economy. You will become more reliable by virtue of the re sponsibility you assume. You will end by being a better dtlsen. Better take a look at The Georgian's market place. You’ll find food for thought SIMPSON STREET LOTS We want you to look at those fine lots we have for sale on Simpson street at $350. We sell them on terms of $25.00 Cash and $5.00 a Month. Sidewalks in front and water mains down, just beyond Sunset avenue. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW cleaned and reshaped. 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cl< shaped, 36c. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. ON THE NORTH SIDE, NEAR Wit- Hams street school, ws have r room cottage—good lot—only $1,81 !• a bargain at $1,400. looking for. See ua about thla. IIUU1, uu I.cuuai BM'iiue, i home. Let ua abow you this. BUSINESS OPPORTU NITY. MORE WILL INTEREST OUGH INVESTIGATION MANUFACTURER, WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. •■Don't let 'em f-'l you." Jlu, Hum,ft (fi-Tm.rlv uf Born-tt A Willi.) I. no( dead -r uiiMiB*. II. I. .‘..ntractlng wall paper •pd |..liiiluf- OBI,-,, and ibow room 13 iluunt street. Dots ’pfeoan tin CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALI.W00D8. IDEALS and all othar niak.a at tiarfita prices. Ws can 0*11 yon a register, ialtabi* foe ay business, at n pries that cannot help at ptasM yon. man oe monthly payments. Every rfft.ter wennteed for two years Southern i'll! egtater Co,. Branch of American fccond- and Cash Refiner Ca. It 8. Broad street. Hants, Ua. I LU—--m TRY A WANT AD T N THE GEORGIAN FOR RENT! No. 5 Viaduct Place be appreciated. Call to A. F. LIEBMAN, 28 Pcachtreo. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Three Left of Eight Brand Now Suburban Homaa. Tba first month will ba given FREE and If occupied ona year, two more month, will ba glvan FREE at tba and of tha year, making only nlnn month, yea wilt bava to pay for. Nona but good famlllaa will ba allowad In tbaaa houses. Thaos are located on the River electric car line only twenty mlnutaa ride from tha center of tha city; contain I and I room,; have never bean occupied; are located In Waat Atlanta Park. Every hotue front, a fifty-foot Park, which la eat In treaa evergreens and Pure air: na tive oaks; an Ideal apot for children. It la cheaper than living In tha clt^ and tha aurroundlngi are more whole some. In tha canter of thla Park era tha Farro Phosphate Springs, which will cure any csss of stomach or kidney trouble no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a atore. a school-house cost ing 55.500.04 will soon ba completed. Captain J. T. Mills who lives on tha grounds will show you through tha houaaa Rent 130.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, IS Auburn Avenue TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN S SANDERS, SMITH & - CONWAY. Phones 6488. 412 Peterg Building $3,250—BAILEY ST., 7-ROOM HOUSE, good condition; shady lot, <0x230; think of It, 60x220. Within 4 blocks of tba ter minal station. Renta well; good neighbor hood. Yon can’t beat this In the city. £ 54.260-WEST BND-TWO-STORY. BRAND- 4* new house, on large lot. Car line, chert ■treet; splendid community, near new 3 school This house la strictly flrst-cltis In every way. Can make easy terms on It If desired. 5 62,660—N. BOULEVARD LOT. 50xi00, FOB i, $2,660; east aide, between Highland ave. e and East avenue; nothing else along here D for lets than $3,000. P 61,750—SIMPSON ST., NEAR ORME. A 5 * good 6-room cottage on nice Inclosed lot; \ house only occupied by owner for years; ). special reason for aelllag; will rent easily for $17.50. y $600—61 TENNELLH ST., I-ROOM COT- tage, right at Elaaa-Mny mills. In fine r ihape; rent, readily at 50.75 par mooth; • will rant for 17.60. This la a gllt-adgad pleco of proparty for the money. $2,300—RANKIN ST., 6-ROOM COTTAGE, just off the Boulevard. This cottage has every convenience, Is In splendid condition, on large lot: rents rendlly at $18. Can make attractive terms on It. $3,500—N. AVENUE. BRAND NEW 6-ROOM cottage on large north front lot. This cottaao la near Jackson at., In splendid neighborhood, and ono of the coziest, beat l built cottages In the city. Best thing for the money on the north side. Can make l terms easy for right parties. 51.96D—GARDEN ST., NEAR ’ GEORGIA ave., we have a modern 6-room cottage . about S years old, with all conveniences. , on nice lot, that we are Instructed to sell at once, ns party la leaving the atate and will make a sacrifice for quick sale. Cap make easy terms. • J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 306 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. MILLS STREET-NEAR SPRING, TWO blocks of Williams street school, good nelghlHirhood; 8-room house; large, elevated lot; belongs to non-realdent; offered for quick sale at the low price of $3,000. One- fourth cash. 1 ELLIS STREET—NEAR COURTLaND; vacant lot, fronting 60 feet; good location for a close-in home or rent-paying propoal- i tlon. Values In that section tending up ward. $1600. Fourth cash. CENTRAL AVE.-NHAn MITCHELL: A good business lot for $3,760. Fourth cash. FOR RENT. TWO BRAND NEW HOUSES. * NO. 134 MILLS ST.-THIB BRAND NEW, „ 5-room cottage on lot $2x60, which 1RT level, la on the south aide of Mills street, » lie tween Fowler and Lovejoy streets; has t gas and water, porcelain bath, closet, sta- e tlonnry withstand, porcelain sink In the u kitchen. If you are looking for something real nice. In a good nelahltorhood and right on the Mills street car line, this Is your op- n portunlty. Rent $19 per month. ). NO. 166 MILLS ST.—THIS BRAND NEW J t-room cottage on lot 53x50, which Ilea “ level, la on tba aoutb aide of Mllta atreet. f between Fowler and Ixivajoy streets; baa *. gna and water, porcelain bath, cloaat, ata- tlonnry waahitand. porcelain sink In the g kitchen. If you are looking for something r real nice. In a good neighborhood and right - on tho Mllla •Treat car Una, thla la yonr opportunity. Rent 516 par month.. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 1 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Fhonea (It. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON 18 A * practical atova and range repairer; beat work and material guaranteed. Doth phonea , 6276. 61 R. Pryor atreet. •! •t oc cc SEEM. M’NEIL AND S WM.’ S. SHERWOOD g tl Room 514 Empire Building. S 15' YOU WANT RAILROAD FRONTAGE- J •mall or large—at from 51 do 5100 par rront » foot. . in IF YOU WANT A HOME OF FROM 8IX to ten rooms at from $1700 to $3,000, $4.- 000 to $12,000; any part of the city; with terms. “ at IF YOU WANT A LOT. PURCHASE same from us. and we will build for you \\ on long time. Lots from $600 to $2,600. w 15' YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY, *" which we wnl guarantee to double your money; dose In. near the postoffice; 100 _ by 100, for $3,000. th at IF YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY at with 6 or $ per cent net Income and sure be to Increase—call and see us. WK CAN 8ELL ANYTHING YOU HAVE ™ for aale. •• In H. C. PENDLETON, Real Estate, lanta Phone 1237, 6141 ters Building. N. KIRKWOOD—EIGIIT-ROOM COTTAGE and 2ft acre* of land, within two blocka car lino, at $3,000. Thla la a bargain, and farm In about one mile of thla village, In of 6 and 7 rooms each, facing Georgia railroad, that can be bought at good bar gains. It will pay to lnveptlgate these. BUILDING PERMIT8. $500—H. D. Terrell, to move and repair wo-story frame dwelling at 116 Washington treet. W.000—J. W. Grant, to make alteratlona t 8 South Broad atreet. $700—J. B. Leg*. to build ona-atory frame [welling at $17 chestnut atreet. $1,400—F. P. Starry, to build two one-atory rarae dwellings at 48-60 Chamberlin atreet. $680—W. A. Whiteskle, to build one-atory [welling at 61 Wellborn atreet. property’transfers. $1,000—J. W. McDade to Mrs. Alice G. Isk, lot on Greggs alley. Warranty deed. $3,000—W. B. Hammond to F. M. Coker, at on Columbia avenue, College Park, Ga. Varranty deed. $400—Annie Itecae to Henry Thomas, lot n Ashby atreet. Warranty deed. $1,200—Charles E. Adams to A. O. Adams, Dt on Hendrix avenue near South Pryor treet. Wayranty deed. $760—W. H. Atwood to Jacob Adler, lot n corner Rosalyn and Clark streets. War* anty deed. $4,800, Penal Sum-W. W. Dunlap to D. DEATHS. Mrs. Martha A. Lindsey, M years old, tied of Influenxa at 84 Cooper atreet. William N. Gilmer died of railway sect* lent at Central railroad yards. Ciarenca Preanell, 18 months old, died of roup at 660 Crew. 81ns O. Holland,. 9 months old, died of holers Infantum at 281 Crew ktreet. Margaret H. Goldsmith, 10 years old, died t 271 E. North avenue. Infant of W. O. Gifford died at 71 Broyles STEVENSON & COMPANY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Negotiate sales for owners. Locate homes nnd Investments for purchasers. Conduct n clean, hlgh-clnss agency business on a straight commission basis, n,* best service and fhlrest treatment. Get our FOB SALE list. L. C. Stevenson e J. Moon, John Moody, Malcolm Smith, salesmen. 1529 CANDLER BLDG., BELL PHONE M. 1051; ATLANTA 306. HIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS HISJHOTOGRAPH G. R. CochranUnique Method of Announcing for Doorkeep er of Next House. . It. Cochran, of Gainesville, Is candidate for the poelUon of doorkeep er of the next house. Mr. Cochran announces hls candl dacy by distributing photos of him. self, on the back of which are printed hls reasons for wanting the office. He has served as assistant door' keeper and as principal doorkeeper In 1*06. Mr. Cochran says: ”1 endeavored to the best of my abll Ity to give the members a fair and Im partial administration as- doorkeeper and the public who visited the legisla ture. “When any one called at my door to see any member I took great Interest In finding the memter. Every call re celved Its prompt attention. I am self-made man and I assure you that will appreciate your support.” SIXTY-THREE COUNTIES GAIN $1^500,000,00 Indications Point to an Aggregate Total Gain for State of $35,- 000,000 to $40,000,000. PAID UNDER PROTEST At 12 o’clock WMneaday, the books of rering. Wmi meadsy* morning. J. E. Maddox Felder committee, secretary of the Maddox Ittee. and sent over the $300. The was returned by Mr. Allen, who de- office. Shelby , uj air. aiii'u. nuu ur- At twelve minutes to Hmlth returned to Mr. i fact. The receipt SEEKS A CHARTER Application for s franchise from th« At- .Inn Wednewla' dnreday commit- tec for Invretlsslloa and report. The application set forth the fact that the road Is to pass from Conyers to West SPECTERS VOUCHED FOR. Tho ghost of Poet Byron, seen by The ghost of the brother of Colonel Ooethe, the German poet, declared came convinced of the. reality of the ghoaL Sixty-three counUes making returns to data show an aggregate gain 612,600,000 over 1606. Few of tho larger counties have made returns yet, but It Is believed'at the same ratio of Increase the total for the state will reach 636,000.000 to 640,- 000,000 for the 146 counties over last year. It Ie hardly probable that all the counties will be In before the part of August. Not until all reported can the governor and trailer general flx the tax rate. Deaths ahd Funerals. W. B. Jones Dlts. Special to The Georgian. terment being from the M church, Mr. Jones was about 66 years of age, and was well known In the city and county, having resided here for the past 66 years. Mrs. S."MTshivsr. Special to The Georgian. Abbeville, S. C, Aug. 1.—News was received here laat night of the death of Mrs. s. M. Shiver, who died at a hospital at Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Shi ver was the wife of S. M. Shiver, one of the best known and most popular engineers on the Seaboard rbad. Funeral of B. F. Brsdlsy. Special to The Georgian, Washington, Ga, August 1.—At Tlg- nell cemetery this morning occurred the funeral of B. F. Bradley, a prominent planter of this county, whose death occurred Monday night. Mr. Bradley was (8 years old. a Confederate veteran and pioneer cltlsen of the county. JIM WAKELY’S BAR IS CLOSED FOREVER By Private leased Wire. New York. Aug. 1.—On the stroke of 1 o’clock this morning "Jimmy” Wake- ly’s saloon at Forty-second atree and Sixth avenuo was closed and bolted never to reopen. For *1 years It had been a meeting place of men about town, sports, gamblers and horsemen. In a tew months a high office build ing will be on the site of the building, which was famous throughout the United .Rates as a place where big wa gers could be made on any kind of sporting contests. 2,000 ARE SEARCHING FOR DROWNED MAN By Private Leased Wire. Chl-agt., Aug 1.—Search for tho body of Wesley Martin, of Dayton. Ohio, is being mode tndnv by 2.A04 campers near Michigan City, Ind. Martin was swept from a raft with Clarence Hick* and br \h drowned. The men were from Dayton, Ohio, ami were guerts In the vacation camp of the National Cash Register Company. The body of Hicks '.vo* recovered. Five men were on the raft when a heavy sea swept over It. The two drowned men were -ashed overboard and came up under the fl at. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. For Atlanta nnd Vicinity—Partly rlotf* tonight and Thursday, with occasional show- WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texas—Now Braunfels, hard rain slur* 4 a. m. Galveston clear, 80. Fort Worth clear, 78. Beaumont clear, 79. Temou clear, 71. Shawnee clenr, 78. Chlckasht clear, 73. 'lexnrkann clear, 80. Musko»e« Hear. 80. Joplin clear. 80. Vinltn eB*7 79. South McAlester clear, 66. 8an Ant tonlo raining, 80. Dallas clear, 78. Mississippi—Natchez nnd Y’nzoo citv clenr nnd hot. Meridian clear and plosnant Vicksburg, Haxlehurst, Greenwood, Jackson and Brookhaven clenr and hot. Alabama—Kelma, Birmingham and Trot* clear and pleasnnt. Mobile clear and warm Montgomery, clear and pleasant. Opelika clear aud cool. Huntsville clear and warm. Tennessee—Nashville clear and hot. Chat tanooga clear and pleasant. Georgia—Columbus clenr and warm Home clear and pleasant. Atlanta partlj cloudy and warm. WEATH EfTfORECAST. Georgia—Showers Wednesday and prob ably Thursday; variable winds. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama * - .ICnlw WmlnA - — and West Florida—Fnlr Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy; variable winds. Eastern Texas—Fair Wednesday; Thur»- dat partly cloudy; ahowers In the Interior; light to fresh south winds. Western Texas—Fair Wednesday, except STATE FORECAST. Georgia and Sonth Carolina—Showers to light and Thursday. Alabama—Fair tonight and Thursday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. eastward during past 24 hours, and naqt now coTers the Great Lakes nnd the coun try eastward to the coast. There hss been Mont. Clou along WfiStl* „ __ _ -r nessee, the Carollnas, Georgia and Florida Cloudy .Jong the Atlantic const nnd In the pc west. lUIn has fallen In portions of Triw norl and at a few stations In the northwest. IUln was falling this morning at Norfolk, Asheville and Davenport. The conditions favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonight and Thursday, with occasional showers. " B. MARBURY, Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at S a. m., 75th STATIONS OF ATLANTA DI8TRICT. Temp’ture. Max. Mia. •Atlanta, p. cloudy. . . . . •Chattanooga, clear. • ... Columbus, clear. • . . . Gainesville, clear. • • . . Greenville, clear. • . . . . Griffin, clear. . • • • . •Macon; clear. . dontlcello, clear. • • • . s’ewnnn, clear. . . • • . Rome, |T. cloudy Spartanburg, cloudy. , . Tallapoosa, clear. .... Toccoa, clear. ....... West Point, clear. . . . . M 93 85 | 96 8 § 8f 81 87 66 66 76 65 62 64 69 65 65 63 65 63 <3 67 HEAVY RAINFALLS.’ CENTRAL STATION. / hnrlcston. , . , Galveston .... Jttle Rock. . . Jemphls. .... Joblle. Montgomery. . . New ()rleant. . , Oklahoma. ... Savannah. . . . Vicksburg. . , . Wilmington. . . Indicate* Inappreciable rainfall. REMARKS. . material temperature changes were noted 111 the belt the |iast 24 hours. Show er* »»ccurred In the coast district* and in Atlauta aud Vicksburg districts. /. B. MARBURY. Section Director. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Dlst. Averages 1j| m Chicago. Aug. * 1.—I log*: Estimated re ceipt* today, Market light, ■teadv; quality fain left over. 7,7tt; bulk. estimated for tomorrow, 26,000; light. receipts, 2L000. Mark sternly to 10c lower, w—..., R 1084.26; com, tLOO&Sl: better*, l-’ - i 6; rslvee. 16.00**f.00; good Pflsie rtrera. 65.l6eo.26; pan, to median.- 6M0et6. ’i; stackers snd feeders. 13.4004.06. Sheep—E.tlmsted receipts, 22,000. Slerket stesdr:- quality fair; natlre, S2.W; westers. STOCK8 AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgia «4«. 1*15 lit U> Ms can it. 1*10 104 Atlanta, 6s, 1*11 US Atlanta, 1*S 107 Atlanta «*. 1XM 106 Atlanta snd West Point.......... 116 Atlanta and Wet Point Debts. 107 C. R. of Ueorxi* Drat Income do. second Income.. Mi do, third lacorn..* 17 Georgia 2*6 Angnsta and Sarennab 116 Southwestern 116 Ceorgli Partlle lit* 120 C. c. and A. 1st 113 TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN i&» u;