The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 04, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. [A] L, ] N] re ililiitil oULJ Lv W liliiil] Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor. Chirlotle Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants. SOCIAL CALENDAR OF THE PAST WEEK Monday evening Ml** Elizabeth Rawnon tea* given a delightful aur- I'rjpp by a number of her frtenda, the party Including Mia* Allen* Gentry, Mlsj Nancy Prince, Mlaa Lida Brown, tile* Ida May Blount, Mlaa Mary An- fereon. Mlaa France* Connally, Mlaa •Thomas, Mr, J. C. Harris, Jr, Mr, f'hnrle* Sciple. Jr., Mr. Hunter Muae, Mr. Dick Gray, Mr. Arthur Hobba, Mr. Charles Collier, Mr. Julian Thomas, Mr. Victor Paine, Mr. Herbert Allen, Mr. Charie* Montgomery, Mr. Loula Farkor. Mlaa Aurelia Spear's party Tueaday afternoon waa a pretty compliment to Mlaa Julia Howell and Mlaa Silver Speer. Tueaday evening Mlaa Hasetle Alexander, the.gurat of Mta* Mildred Hnrrla waa given a caalno party, inrmbera of which were Mlaaea Maxell* Alexander, Mildred and Lillian Harrla, Edith Cofleld and Meaara. Fred Wag ner, Roy Abernathy, Alton Irby and Joe Arnold. Mra. T. P. Weatmoreland entertained at a delightful euchre party Wednea day morning at her home on Wash lngtnn etreet In honor of Mtsa France* Hammond, of Nashville, the gueat of Mr. and Mr*. T. A. Hammond. Invited to meet Mia* Hammond were Mrs. W. H. Hammond, Mr*. H. H. Johnson, Mra. Robert Shedden, Mra Vaughn Nixon, Mra. Henry Johnson, Jr. Mlaa Hart-la Stoekdelf, Mlaa Au gusta Garrett, Mlaa Elisabeth RaWson. Mra Frank Holland antertalned her bridge club Wednaaday morning at her home on Ivy etreet. Thoee present were Mr*. John Barry, Mra. Van Rana- nelaer, Mr*. F. H. Smith, Mra Byard, Miss Brown, Mlaa Kathleen Brown. Miss Aliena Gentry gave a progrea- elve "love" party .Wednesday evening, her gueata Including Mlaa Ida May Hlount, Mlaa May Anderson, Mlaa An nie Caverly, Mies Nancy Prince, Mlaa l.lda Brown, Mlaa Nell Prince, Mlsa Margaret Lewie, Mies Muecke, Mice Fiancee Connally, Mlaa Julia Roseer, Miss Sarah Doraey, Mlaa Charlotta Stewart, of Joneaboro, Oa.; Mlaa Ruby Maya, of Jackaon. Ga.; Mlaa Lllltene McCord, of aadaden, Ala.; Mlaa Nora Rello Rosser, Mr. Hunter Muae, Mr. Charlie Sciple, Jr., Mr. J. C. Harrla, Jr, Mr. Arthur Hobb«, Mr. Clinton Amorous. Mr. Victor Plane, Mr. Hen- bert Allen, Mr. Charles Montgomery, Mr. Lewis Parker, Mr. Dick Gregg, Mr. Marshall Johnson, Mr. Carl Ridley, Mr. Archie Forsyth, Mr. Stuart Wlth- ani. Mr. Edward Gay, Mr. Forrest MIIR Jr., Mr. Charles Colller.^^M Dr. nnd Mr*. A, H. VanDyke gavo an Informal dinner Wednesday even Ing for .Mlsa Norfleet. On this occas ton the guests of Da. and Mra, Van Dyke were Mr. and Mr*. T. B. Felder nnd Mr. Martin Dunbar. Thursday morning Mr*. W. 8. Wil son gave a bridge party In honor of her guests, Mrs R. H. Warrfn, of Al bany. and Mr*. John Twlgga and Mra. W. 8. Tnrver, the gueat* of Mra. A. P. Colas. Mra. Wilson'* guests Included Mrs Warren, Mra. Twiggs, Mr*. Tar ver. Mra. A. P. Coles, Mr*. Alice Muse, Thomas, Mra. Georgs Muae, Mr*. Flor ence Werner, Mr*. E. L. Wright, Mra. William Rushton, Mr*. Thom** Daniel, Mra. Jamea Dougherty, Mlaa Elian Pe ters, Mra. Albert Howell. Mlaa Nannie Nlcolaon’a bridge party of Thursday morning wa* a pretty compliment to Mlaa Allle Joseph, of Coiumiiu.-. I lie no. "IS. Harry F.ngllah. Invited to meet Mtaa Joseph were Mlaa Kathorin* Gholatln, Mia Janie Speer, Mlaa Ilarrle Stockdell, Mtaa Rollne Clark*, Mlaa Martha Woodward, Mlsa Bessie Woodward, ■Mlaa Mary Deaa Tupper, Mlaa Julia Porter. Mlaa Annie Kitten, Mis* Mary duBIgnon, Mlaa Nan dulllgnon, Mlaa - — ‘ — M. A._Ph*lan, Ml party. In honor of her gueat, Mrs. R. H. Warren. Mrs. Muse's gueat* on this occasion were: Mra. R. H. Warren, Mr*. A. P. Coles, Mr*. W. 8. Tarver, Mr*. J. D. Twlgga, Mr*. W. 8. Wilson, Mra. Geo. Howard. Mr*. Alice Muse Thomaa, Mr*. W. C. Rawson, Mra. Joseph Moody, Mr*. B. M. Blount, Mr*. Agnew Hllls- man, Mrs. W. A. Gray. Friday Mis* Evelyn Orme gav* a luncheon In honor of Mra. Edward II. Cabanlas, of Birmingham, Ala. Mlaa Orma’a gueata were: Mr*. Edward Cab- anise, Mra. G. H. Cabanlas, Mra. Charles Harman. Mrs. E. R. Black, Mra. Dan Cabanlas, Mra. Bam Jones, Mra. Charles Black and Mra. H. 11. Randall. Friday afternoon Mr*. W. R. Ham mond gave an Informal tea at her home on West Peachtree, in honor of Mlaa France* Hammond, the gueat of Mra. T. A. Hammond: Invited to meet the gueat of honor were: Mlsa Josle Stockdell, Mlaa Ilarrle 8tockde!l, Mia* Katharine Gholatln, Mlaa Mary Deaa Tupper, Miss Elisabeth Adair, Mlaa Alice Steele, Mlaa Eugenia Oflesb; Mlaa Nannie Nlcolson, Mlaa Sarah Col Her, Mra. Vaughn Nixon, Mr. Lynn Werner, Mr. Hugh Foreman. Mr. Lni Clarke, Mr. Robert Clarke, Mr. Aril Clarke, Mr. Hugh Robinson, Mr. B. Connally, Mr. Edward Auatln, Mr. Alex McDougald, Mr. Dan McDougald, Mr. Myron Freeman, Mr. A. D. Adair, Jr., and Mr. Ulrlc Atkinson. Friday evening Mr. and Mr*. J. Frank Meador gave a dinner party at the Driving Club, complimentary to their guest, Mrs, Joseph Fnu, of Columbua. Th* party Included: Mr. and Mr*. Ed ward Peter*, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Alston, Mrs. Milton Dargan. Mra. Franklin Mlkell, Mlaa Harry Fumade, Mlaa Louis* Joseph, Mr. W. E. Chapin, Mr. Jamaa Nunnally, Mr. Lowry Ar nold and Mr. Chapin. Saturday afternoon Mlaa Mildred Cabanlas gav* a bridge party in honor of Mr*. Edward Cabanlaa, of Birming ham. Saturday evening Mlaa Harry Fumade give* a Caalno party In honor i. Pou, the guest of Mr*. Frank Laura Wltham, Miss Eugenia Oglesby, Mlsa Kata Roblnaon. In the afternoon Mra John Barry gave n bridge In honor of her iueet. Mlsa Haisley, of North Carolina. In vited to meet the gueet of honor were' Mesilomea Albert Collier. Frank Hol land. Van Rensselaer, Samuel Bmlth. Frank rearson, K, W. McCerren, W. E. wilmerdlng and Mlaaea Fiorina Rlch- ardaon, Kathleen Brown and Anala Cay. Mrs. W. E. Foster entertained at a delightful card party Thuraday after nm>n nt her home In West End, It honor of Mr*. Emmett Brown, of Macon. Mra. Foster'* gueata on this (s eaaion were: Mesdames William Peabody, C. T. Lad son, Charles Sciple, Harvey Johnson, Henry Tanner, John Clark. Albert Thornton, Archibald Da vis, Joseph Moody, Nym Hurt. Flem ing duBIgnon, Noah B. Meador, John Kitten, Frank Holland, Jamea Wil liams. Harvey Jackson, Albert Spald ing, Thomaa P. Hlnraan, Clarence May, William Prescott, Logan Crichton. Louis Oholstln, Floyd McRae, W. A. Wlinblsh, George Forrester Hyde, of Albany; Carlton Miller, O, A. Nlcol- son, W. C. Jamlgan. H. Clay Moore, Miss Annie Mary Hall, Mesdames Bar tow Blount, Howard Calloway, R. B. Ridley, J. H. Porter, Frank Butt, C. F. Benson, Henry Hynda, W. A. Speer. Charles Norman and Mlaa Ogtlvle. Thuraday eventng Mlaa Mildred Har ris gav* a straw ride In honor of her gueat, Mlaa Alexander. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mr*. Carl Giles and Included: Mlsaes Haaelle Alexan der, Edith Cofleld, Lillian Harris, Lou ise Norman. Meaara. Joe Arnold, Alton Irby, Fred Wagner, Roy Abernathy, Percy Gentry. Thursday evening Mr. and Mra. Jo- atph Rains were given a surprise par ty by a number of their friend*. The party included: Mr. and Mra. Fred Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldsmith, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed. Mr. and Mr*. Albert Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Van Rensselaer. Dr. and Mra. Robert Ridley. Jr.. Mr. and Mra. Van Aatpr Batchelor, Mr. and Mra. Frank Btoekdell, Mr. and Mra. 8am Hewlett.'Dr. and Mrs. Troy Blvinga Mr. and Mrs. John Ralne, Dr. and Mr*. Baird. Mr. and Mr*. Clifford Hatcher, Mies M. A. Phelan, Mlsa Eflla Beale Phelan, Mias Laura Wltham. Mr. Samuel Sltcer, Mr. Hall Miller, Dr. R. T. Dorsey, Major J. 8. Ralne. Friday morning Mr*. Georg* Muse entertained a few friend* at a “MO* WRENN-RANDAL. The marriage of Miss Mabel Clare Randal and Mr. Jamea Manning Wrann waa solmenlsed at the Presbyterian Church, Sumtervllle, Ala., Tueaday, July II, at I o’clock. This marriage brought together people from more than halt a doaen states, and was the absorbing topic In Sumtervllle for weeks, aa both parties are from prom Inent families of Alabama, and both are by far the moat popular and best beloved young people In that vicinity. Dr. Thames Beard, of Birmingham, performed the ceremony. The church was elaborately decorated with palma ferns, etc., and green vines, the wed ding bell of white petunia* hung from the arch, directly over the contracting S irtles. Mendelssohn's Wedding arch waa played by Mra. Walker, a cousin of the groom. Messrs. Praytor, Ormond, Farker and Randal, the four uehera, entered the church on* at a time, proceeded up the aisles, crossed over and took their place* on each side of the chancel, The groom, bast man and Dr. came from the vestry room. The brides maids, who were Mlaaea Godfrey, Lit tle, Ramsey, Praytor, Bust* Srrtth, Mlsa Smith, Wrenn, Dixon, Hargr-ra, were attired Ip some soft white stuff, lace trimmed, and carried bouquet* of asparagus fern, tied with large bow* of green Illusion. They entered tone at a time, and formed a half circle, uahors behind them. Next cams th* ring-bearers, little Lilian Randal, then the matd of honor, Mlaa Sallle Burwell, attired In a white lingerie gown, bou quet of asparagus fern; next the ma- tron of honor, Mra J. O. Cross, of At lanta, In white lac* over cream taffeta allk; then th* bride on the arm of her uncle, Mr. James Randal. Her gown waa of radium allk, trimmed In rara old lace, veil of white tulle, show- ■ bouquet of bride rosea The bride’s mother, Mrs. Randal, wore gown of black crape de chine. Th* groom's mother wore a dreaa of black allk| There were linen and handkerchief showers, breakfasts, dinings and fes tivities for a week In honor of the bride. She entertained th* bridal par ty the evening before the wedding. Mr. and Mra. Wren went directly to their own handsome home. Among the out of town gneets were Dr. and Mra. Bancroft, of East Lake, Ala.; Mra. A. C. Reynolds, of SL Louts; Mr*. Alfred Reynolds, n£ St. Loula; Mr. and Mra. Randal ot Mississippi; r. and Mr*. J. O. eras* of Collag* rM, Oa., and Professor and Mrs. Blessengame, of Demopolls, Ala. MI8S MARY RICHARDSON TO GIVE HOUSE PARTY. Mlsa Mary Richardson will entertain a large number of her frtbnda at a house party the middle of August. Mlsa Richardson's home In th* country la one ot the moat attractive In the state. They live In the old-fashioned way with a full larder and an open house. A long, wide avenue of pear trees leads up to this home, which la surrounded by beautiful jroae gardens with a great oak tree In front of the house. The Inside has been recently remodeled and furnished exquisitely In old mahogany. —Washington (Oa.) Reporter. COURTESIES TO~THE COMPRESS OFFICIALS. The officers of the Atlantic and Gulf Compress Company, which will meet In annual convention Monday In Atlanta, will be delightfully entertained dur ing their stay In the city by the local officers of thla Important organisation. Monday momlng at the Initiative session Hon. John Tempi* Gravaa will make an address. Monday evening the delegatee will be dined at the Kimball House, when Chief Justice Fltihugh, of Memphis, will apeak. After the dinner the en tire party will go to Ponce DeLeon to enjoy the varied diversions of that charming resort. Mr. C. C. Hanson, who haa achieved ‘Impressive Diamond Argument. There in a great satisfaction in possessing a diamond of unquea- ttoned value. The lover of diamonds loves refinement, too. Bjr our liberal method you can wear a nice diamond while paying for it. That's why our diamond salet are increasing dally. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO., the Diamond Palace. 3 7 Whitehall Street. MI88 LEONORA BALSLEY, of Greensboro. N. C„ guest of Mrs. 'ore. IB* yu John Barry. such signal aucceaa as president and general manager of’ the Atlantic and Gulf Compress Company, will have charge of the arrangements for this notable gathering of Soptfifern cotton men. LAWN FE8TIVAlTtO BE GIVEN BY MRS. J. C. HARRIS Mra. Joel Chandler Harris will give a pretty lawn festival Wednesday evening at her home In West End. The festival wlfl be for the benefit of St. Anthony* Guild of the West End Cathollo Church, and the ladles of the guild will receive th* guests. In the aftern-on the children will be entertained with games nnd other amusements arranged for their pleas ure. In the evening the grown peo ple will be delightfully entertained upon the pretty lawn where all aorta of delicious refreshments will be served. The friends of the Indies In charge of the festival, and the friends of the church are cordially Invited present. SOLOMON^NEWMAN. The engagement of Mr. Hendrix Sol omon, of Atlanta, and Mlsa Molly New man. of Albany, Ga., haa been an nounced, which will be a matter of pleasant Interest to Mr. Solomon's friends In Montgomery. He Is a broth of Mr. Bernard Solomon, and haa many friends In thla city.—Montgomery Time*. MI88 WILKIN8~iNTERTA»N8. Quite a pleasant social function waa the party given by Mlaa Mary Wilkins Wednesday In honor of Mlaa Lucy Yancey, of Atlanta. Brldg* waa fed. he highest score waa made by Mlsa Fannie Seward, who was awarded the prixe, a beautiful lac* handkerchief. Mlaa Wtiktna’ gueata ware: Mlaa Yancey, of Atlanta; Miss Mattie Cha fes, of Aiken; Mra. George Sibley. Mr*. Cleric Jack, Mrs. Rutherford Walton, Miss Grace Boykin, Mlaa Harriet Boy kin, Mlaa Lillian Stubb, Mlsa Fannie Seward, Mias Edith Holiday, Mlsa Clara Knight, Mlsa Sada Stovall.—Augusta Tribune. 8. ETci-llB. The members of tha S. E. Club en joyed a apend-the-day party Thuraday at the home of Mra. T. J. Ray, at Smyrna. A delightful picnic lunch waa served at a table elaborately adorned with a variety of summor blossoms. Mra. Ray's gueata war*: Meadames J. O. Hardwick, Ed Mathews, Howard Crumley, Troutman, William Jenkins, . N. McBachtro, George Sharp, Mary and Leila Culberson, T. J. James of Adrian. IN HONOR OF^U88 KENEFICK. Mlsa Iren* Keneflck, of Kansas City, who la the charming gueat ot Mlsa Annie Adore Anderson, will be the guest of honor Sunday evening at an Informal dinner given by Colonel and Mrs. Clifford Anderson at their hand some home on Peachtree road. A few Intimate friend* have bean Invited to meet Miss Kenaflck, and diner will be served Sunday evening In the beau tiful court of tha Anderson home. THE BARACaTeNTERTAIN. The Baraeas of Central Baptist Sun day school entertalnad the Phllatheas delightfully Thuraday evening at the home ot their teacher, Mlaa Nora Bradley, In East Point. solo was rendered by Mlaa Win chester, accompanied on the violin by Mr. Blackwell and on the piano by Mlsa Klckllghter. After a few games were played, an old-time watermelon cutting was en joyed by all Those present were; Misses Batter- white, Miss Lou Oulda Fella, Miss Maureen Felts, Mlsa Myrtts Haynes, Miss Bessie Haynes, Miss May Beth Todd. Mlsa Klckllghter, Miss Lillian Ramsey, Miss Mell Ramsey, Miss Clara B. Rives, Miss Nellla Rives, Mlsa Nora Bradley, Miss Winchester, Mlsa Fowl er, Mrs. Sanders and Mtsa Stanael; Mr. Carter, Mr. Dowdy, Mr, Caldwell, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Lee Jones, Mr. Loula Jones, Mr. Sanders, TO MISSES CATER. Friday evening Misses Kate and Lu- clle Moyers entertained at a most en joyable moonlight picnic In honor ot their guests. Misses Daley and Flor ence Cater, of Forsyth. The party of young people waa chap eroned by Mrs. W. T. Moyers, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones and Mra. Courtland Winn. Boating and other amusements were enjoyed at Grant park, after which a delicious supper wa* aerved. Those present were Mlsaes Hattie Blackford, Leonle Helfner, Clifford Hall Florence Cater, Delay Cater, Ju lia Bremer, Lena Bremer, Clara May Winn, Bessie Small, Julia Brown, An nie Louise Padcett, Messrs. J. W. Wise, I Alfred Blalock, Harris Specie, James Bachman, Dr. Claude Smith. Messrs. Paul Fleming, Martin Hardin, B. F. I Tate. Jark Small Alfred Harbour, R. B. Sims, Roland Shearer, Ralph Gibb j P. B. Sims. CHIDSEY-WHITEHEAD, Invitations have been Issued to the j marriage of Mias Mamie Whitehead, of Rockmart, to Mr. George Chldaey, of Rome, which will take place Au I guat 11 at Rockmart. CAR RIDE TO MISS BROCK | Miss Marie Brock, of Alabama, the guest ot Miss Mary Jeter, was com pllmentcd w1th a car rid# Thursday evening by Miss Marguerite Harper. After the car ride the young people returned to Miss Harper's home, where enjoyable games were played. After the game refreshments were served on the lawn. Those present were Miss Kathleen Douglass, Miss Ruby Freeman, Miss Leble Ewing, Miss Mary Jeter, Miss Marie Brock, Miss Annie Denk, Miss Marguerite Harper. Miss Grace Terry, Messrs. Morris Hiving, Julius Trottl, Thomas Kline, Ernest Trottl. Frank McGaughey, W. D. Simpson and Earl Cochran. IN HONORldR. BRIDGES. Mr. Ralph Bingham complimented Mr. Russell Bridges with a birthday dinner Thursday evening at the Vlr glnla Hotel In Newnan. Covers were laid for ten. The guests who enjoyed Mr. Blngham'i hospitality were Dr. Edward Burton McDowell, Hon. Luther Manshlp, Mr. J. R. Nutting, Mr. Joseph B. Babb, Mr. Lucius Perry Hills, Mrs.-J. B. Moore, Miss Nell Forbes, Mra. Louise Stewart, Mr. Russell Bridges. TO MI8S~J0SEPH. On Wednesday morning of next week Mrs. George L. Crandall will an tertaln Informally at bridge at her home on Peachtree Place. The occa sion will be a pretty compliment to Louise Joseph, of Columbus, who Is the guest of Mrs. E. C. Peters. Mrs. Crandall's guests will Include only a party of Atlanta women who were together at Warm Springs ear lier In the summer, numbering eight. MISS FUMADE™ENTERTAINS. A moat enjoyable occasion of Satur day evening will be the theater party at which Mies Harrle Fumade will en tertain a small number of congenial people. The event will be tn honor ot Mr*. Joseph Pou, Mra. Frank Meador's guest and of Miss Louise Joseph, .who Is visiting Mra. Edward C. Peters. Miss Fumade's guests will be Mr. and Mr*. Frank Meador, Mrs. Joseph Pou,. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Peters, Miss Louise Joseph and Mr. Luclen Butts. MR6. RUSHTON’S BRIDGE. Saturday momlng Mr*. William Rushton entertained Informally bridge In honor of Mrs. John D. Twiggs and Mrs. W. S. Tarver, whose visit to Mrs. A. r.. .Coles has been the oc casion of numerous pleasant Informal affairs. Mrs. Rushton was assisted In the entertainment of her guest* by her sis ter, Miss Alice May Rushton, and was a most attractive hostess In a gown of white ltnen, hand-embroidered. Miss Alice May Rushton wore whit* wash chiffon trimmed with tiny lace ruffles. • The prise waa a handsome white apanglea fan. : Invited to meet Mra. Tarver and Mrs. Twiggs were Mra. A. P. Colea, Mi'*. High Grade Vs. Cheap Ice Cream. Twiggs were Mra. A. r. uoies, an*. Mark Tolbert, Mrs. James Dougherty, Mra. Frank Boland, Mra. T. 8. Lewis, Jr. A SPEND-THE-DAY PARTY, Next Tuesday Mra. E. L. Wight will be the hostess at a spend-the-day par ty at her country home, "Belmont Farm," near Smyrna. Tha occasion will be a charming compliment to Mrs. John Twiggs and Mrs. W. S. Tarver, of Albany, the attractive gueata of A. P. Colas. SPEND-THE-DAY PARTY. Mrs. James Dougherty and Mr*., Thomas Daniel will entertain at spend-the-day party next Wednesday at their home at Mount Crest. 1 The gueets on the occasion will be Mra. A. P. Colei, Mra. W. S. Tarver. Mrs. John D. Twiggs, Mr*. R. E. Rush- ton and Mrs. W. 8. Wilson. YOUNG MATRONS’ CLUB. The Young Matrons’ Club wa* en tertained Friday by Mrs. Vaughn Nixon. Mra. Albert Thornton won the prise, a pair of allk hose. The guests Included Mlsa Eugenia Oglesby, Mia* Nannie Nlcolson, Miss Allle Joseph, Mrs. Harry English, Mrs. Albert Thornton. Mrs. J. O. Oglesby, Jr, Mra. Evelyn Harris. IN HONOR*OF VISITORS. Friday momlng a delightful card par ty was given by Mlaa Elisabeth Os borne In honor of Miss Helen Mucke. th* guest of Miss Margaret Lewis; Miss Susie Whits, who Is visiting Miss Cecil Lowe, and Mlsa Francs* Rich ards, of Memphis, tha gueat of Mrs. Haralson Bleckley. Eighteen young ladles were Invited to meet the visitors, and a moat en joyable game of euchre waa played upon the veranda. Mtaa Mucke waa the fortunate winner of the guests’ prise, a souvenir spoon. Miss Katha rine Walker won th* first prise, a Christy picture, and Mlsa Helen Thom > erpetual Values. Diamonds are not fads of recurring periods. They are a standard and a lasting mode, and the quality of our ■tone* la as constantly Id : best. Oavis & Freeman, Jewelers. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF —NEW BRACELETS— Just Received. Look at Them. Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweler. Century Building. Whitehall 8L Ice Cream ordinarily found on the market sells for something like one dollar and a quarter per gallon. Nunnally’s Ice Cream sells for two dollars per gallon. What’s the difference? The main difference is that Nun nally’s Ice Cream is pure, of a very high quality and unusually deli cious, while the cheaper grades pos sess none of these characteristics. Nunnally’s product . is real ice cream. It is made of twenty-five per cent cream exclusively, and not of a mixture of milk and waterl Furthermore, Nunnally’s Ice cream is guaranteed pure to the last drop in the bucket. Every ounce of material used is thoroughly tested, and we'know that it is pure, Nunnally’s is a high-class prod uct, sold at a fair price, and really worth every cent that it brings. The lower grades of Ice Cream are a cheap product, sold at a price that is higher in proportion to what you get than is Nunnally’s, and are really not Ice Cream at all, but sim ply Ice Milk or Ice Water. That’s the difference. m won tbs second prize, a pretty pic ture. After the game salads and Ices were served at the card tables. Miss Imo gens Thorn and Miss Susie Osborns presided at the punch bowl. Miss Osborne received her guests In pretty white lingerie waist and white ilrt. Miss Mucke wore a pretty gown of white, lace trimmed. Mlaa White’s gown wa* of white mull with bertha of cream lace. Miss Richards was prettily gowned In white mull, lace trimmed. MI8S CABANISS’ BRIDGE. A very enjoyable event of Saturday afternoon was the bridge at which Miss Mildred Cabanlas entertained sixteen of her friends. Her party wap a pret ty compliment to Mra. Edward H. Cab- antes, of Birmingham, and to Mrs. Jo seph Pou, of Columbus. Miss Cabanlss' home was mad* doubly attractive by quantities of fra grant summer flowers, and the entire ower floor waa thrown open to her guests. M|ss Cabanlss wore a becoming white lingerie gown, and was assisted In the entertnlnment ot her guests bj her mother, Mrs. H. H. Cabanlss. Mrs. Edward Cabanlss and Mrs. Pou, the charming gueetK ot honor, were gowned in white lingerie toilets of sheer material trimmed elaborately with lace and made princess. The first prise was a black spangled fan and the consolation, a patr of silk hose. After the game delicious refresh' ments were served. Mrs. II. H. Cabanlss wore a stylish gray toilet trimmed with lace. Among the handsomely gowned women present were Mrs. C. C. Han son, In a gray plaid vollo with touches of blue about the corsage, and Mrs. J. Frank Meador, In a toilet of white lace. A SOUTH GEORGIA BEAUTY. Screven county, long noted for Us beautiful women, had a charming rep resentative In the house gallery' this morning In the presence of Miss M. S. Reynolds, of Sylvanla, under the es cort of Hon. B. K. Overstreet, the chiv alrous representative of Screven In the house. Randolph Banks, on East Pine street Mr. I. R. Banks, of Macon, Fla., Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. I. Ran' dolph Banks, on East Pine street. Miss May Woodward, of Griffin, Is the guest of the Misses Woodward at their home, 144 Spring street. Dr. DeLOS Hill Is visiting In south Georgia. He will return to the city the latter part of next week. Judge J. H. Alston, of Alabama, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Al ston on Peachtree street. Miss Nannie Nlcolson and Mrs. Har ry English will spend a portion of September In New York. Mlsa Annie Lovelace haa returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. James Heaton, at Rockmart. Miss Grace Deal, of Greenville, S. C., Is visiting Miss Annie V. Sawtell 1*1 Cooper street. Miss Daisy Crlsler, of Canton. Ga.. Is Df Mra. John J. Coggins, 415 Personal Mention ^ horn have many A party of prominent Insurance men ot Atlanta and. their families go to Asheville on the 13th Instant. Among them will be Mr. and Mra Milton Dar gan, Mlsa Jennie Dargan and Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Peter*. They will be at Battery Park Hotel, where many well known Southernirs are already assem bled. Among the notable people now at Battery Park Hotel are Governor* and Mra. William D. Jelks and Miss Katharine Jelks, of Alabama; Mr. and Mra. Joseph L. Hall and Mra. and Misses Pslser, of Montgomery, aqd Hon. Thomaa Sydney Frailer, also pf Alabama, all of whi friends In Atlanta. Miss Florence G. Truax, of West End, has gone to New York and New Jersey to visit relaUves during (he remainder of the summer. She will resume her school duties In Septetm ber. Isa Nina Fuller and Mr. \V. A. Ful ler, who have been having a delight ful trip to Michigan and Canada, re turned to the city Thursday evening. The many friends of Mis* Sara Woodward will be glad to know that aha la Improving ' * abla to be out In i Miss Isabelle Mordue lift Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Emlnger, for Cincinnati Chicago and Ottawa Beach, Mich. Mis* Vera Harty, who baa been vl*r Itlng Miss Bertha Ford for several weeks, returns Sunday to her home In Savannah. Mr. M. J. Guyton, after visiting his mother, Mrs. G. C. Thompson, at At lanta. haa returned to his home tn Dublin, Oa. Mra. J. M. Staples and young daugh- man, Texas, ar* the M. Burke, 51 West Mlsa May Ashby left last Wednes day for Nacooehee Valley, where she will remain during the month of Au gust. Miss Esca Mead Bank*, of Florence, C, Is visiting btr sitter, Mra. L Mr. and Mra. J. O. Cross have re turned from a visit to relatives at Sumtervllle, Ala. Mra Samuel Lumpkin will visit friends at Washington, Ga., the mid dle of August Mr. Charles W. Underwood leaves Saturday momlng for a visit to Se- wanee, Tenn. Miss Annabel Robinson, of Coving ton, Is the guest of her aunt Mrs. J. R. Padgett. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Hines, of Bow ling Green, Ky., are tbr guests of Mrs. Sam Porter. Mra. J. P. Carter entertained In hon or of Miss Esca Mead Banks one night this week. Mrs. C. E. Brunson and Miss Eliza beth Brunson, of Perry, Ga., are at the Marlon. Mrs. J. Lindsay Johnson left Sat urday for Roma to remain until the autumn. Mra. Fred L. Ingraham returned Fri day from a visit to relatives at Au gusta. Mra. Ernest Hyde, of Hattiesburg, Miss., Is visiting Mra. George Forres ter. Mra. W. H. Patterson Is spending a month at Rockbridge Alumn Springs, Va. Mr. C. C. Chapin,' of Richmond, Is visiting hls brother, Mr. W. E. Chapin. Mra. M. J. Callahan is the guest of Mra. Thomas Walsh at Augusta. Miss Nan duBIgnon will leave in a few days for Falrfleld, N. C. Mrs: G. Y. Banks anil children, of olumbus, are at the Aragon. Mtaa Valina Mitchell of Martin, la the guest ot Atlanta relative*. Miss Willie Huston, of Decatur, Ala, Is visiting Atlanta friends. Mr. and Mra. W. M. Bradley, ot Macon, era at the Aragon :lng l Ga Rica at Marahallvllle, Mr. Albert Thornton leaves Saturday night for Toxaway. Mra. Ed. H. West Is visiting rela tives at Martin, Ga. Mr. Lowry Arnold has returned from Highlands, N. C. Mr, Julian Field has returned from Memphis. Mrs. Marlon L. Roberts Is at Ocean View, Va. MUSICAL PROGRAMS. First Baptist Church* Sunday Morning. Prelude* Gullmnnt. Cornet, Schubert. j Voluntary, "O Sing Unto the Lord"— Schackley. Offertory, "Judge Me, O God," Buck —Mr. Jo^in Scott. Anthem, "Come Unto Me, Ye Weary,” Griggs—Mr. Thomas B. Davies and choir. Choir. Mrs. Albert Spalding Soprano Miss Marguerite Dunlap ....Alto Mr. Thomas B. Davies...........Tenor Mr. John Scott Bass Mr. C. T. Wurm............ iCometlflt Mr. J. P. O'Donnelly. .Organist-Director GEORGIANS IN ATLANTA. AT THE MARION. W. W. Lorkhart, Columbus; J. C. Vaughn, Thomasvllle; Mrs. J. It. Miller, Sylvester; Mrs. C. B. Brunson. Perry; Eliz abeth Branson, Perry; Mrs. W. H. Hutton. Augusta; Miss 0. Neal. Rome; Mrs. H. E. Young, Midland; C, H. Daniels, Dawson; Miss I,. Ponder, Columbus: Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Ashley, Valdosta: J. W. D. Lane, Washington; J, F. DeJsrnette, Greensboro; \S. H. Burnett, MIMedgevlIIe; II. U. Williamson, Monroe; L. W. Burkett* Macon. AT THe"kIMBALL. J. H. .Dennis and wife, Jasper: J* M. Mas- »y, Macon; C. 8. Durban, Augusta: J. R. pinks. LaOranae; C. It. Stones Laurence; P. D. Phillips, Tlfton; J. D. Coon, Georcu; J. P. McCord. Augusts: W. A. Kuowlo*. Rome; D. H. Snnford. MilledgevUle. E. X. Reynolds, MllledgevIUe; O. \V. gin; O. D. PerkTsson, Woodst< Park, Blakely; C. T. Bacon, \ J. C. Weaver, Thomaston; G. mie. uwe a; II. Gilbert, Georgia: G. W, Tenleo, .Macon; E. L. Heyward, Savannah; T. W. Loyltss, Augusta; C. 8. Johnson, Georgia. AT THe’aRAGON. William Awklnn, Waynesboro; W. M. Bradley and wife. Moron; Mlsa Maggie Kelly, Valdosta; Mrs. George Y. Banks, bliaren and maid, Columbus. at theIpUdmont. lira. E. P. Graham, McRae; Otto Pfef- farkorn. Gainesville; David Lqlrd, Savan nah; W. A. Carlisle, Gainesville; II. M. I.each, Adalravllle; J. W. Hightower, Americus; John Doxler Pou and Wlfa» Co lumbus; E. P. Grant, Rome. Cain, Ueor* )ck; W. G. V'ayneavillc; Crop 100 Cara Short. Special to The Georgian. Marahallvllle, Ga., Aug, 4.—Tha peach season haa closed at thla place. Tha number of care shipped waa 376, about 100 short of what waa expected. KODAKS AND SUPPLIES All new styles and sizes In Kodaka and Brownie Camera*. Fresh Kodak Supplies OF ALL KINDS. KODAK F1N1SHIN6 WORK. Best In tha South. Develop ing, Printing, Mounting, En larging. A. K. HAWKES CO. 14 Whitehall SL Ball Phone 1990 NOTHING GIVES ROOM THAT AIR OF INDIVIDUALITY, OF CUL TURE. OF REFINEMENT, OF HOMELIKE COMFORT A3 DO WELL- SELECTED. APPROPRIATELY-FRAMED PICTURES. WE CAN SUPPL:' YOUR EVERY WISH IN THI8 RESPECT. COLE BOOK AND ART COMPANY, 69 WHITEHALL STREET. EVERYTHING NEW OR OLD IN THE WORLD OF B00K8. /*5s