The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 08, 1906, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN 10 WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for fees than 25 cents, the price of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time . . 3 times . 6 times . 26 times . 52 times . 78 times . 6 cents a line. . 5 cents a line. • 4'/& cents a line. . 4 cents a line. , 3/g cents a line. 3 cents a line. Written notice Is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re sults and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME8SENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. J FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS III'SINI'SS flOlYsI should hare U(b grade slrns Call i Kent Sign Co., 91)4 North Pryor stret 81*0 t 2928. TUB SOUTHERN AUCTION rage Company, at 30 Sonth I’i tIDMr *>f •"I* Jrou out COAL. DRV rrOVRWOOD-PROMFT OK MASON feet to done on $800. Wl.. The Georgian. FOR SALE—DEBT RUDDER nery anti a corn and n wheat ml; Mnery In good condition: good l< Apply to 8. A. John*on, Slloam. Ge. 6,000.000 , KgfeT OF SECOND GROWTH pine: wlah to-flint market for lumber. Ad- WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN as helpers in the foundry to lasrn wild- •ra* trade. Good pay to start with uod better r*7 In two or three months. r '“ , “ those with c * * h Mill WANTED. TWENTY GOOD, RELIA BLE BOYS BETWEEN 14 AND 17 YEARS OF AGE FOR SEVERAL HOURS’ WORK IN AFTERNOON. ADDRESS, IN OWN HANDWRITING, B. X. L„ CARE THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. , . wanted—yoitxo man to learn the drug business. Address “Druggist," rare The Atlanta Georgian. IP YOU ARK A !II()H*CLAHH MAN. competent to 11)1 a high class position, we have It for you. Posit Iona In nearly every line from 150 to $300 per month. Good poel- W ANT ED—A GOOD. RELIABLE IHORHE- shoer nml general plantation smith; none other need apply. Steady job and good wages to the right man. Address Lock Dos 37. Jackson, Ga. FOR SALE - SEVERAL cheap. Atlanta Gas Lift works, Thurmond street. DON’T GO BLIND. iuii line oi irunaa. travelers supplies J-’ Off.I <• lied. Tile rhea peat •old. We buy, #♦**II or exchange everytl FOR SALB-rTWO CAR LOADS QroekwaJ atirrles, runabout* and wagons. Nothing better made. < WANTED—MI8CELLANEOU8. 71 Whltehnll street. FOR 8ALE— REAL ESTATE. 289 CREW STREET; BEST room home In Atlanta for the m< Kelly aty«et r largo four-room hou_ ero. Seven • rooms »and bath, ^mttage, 22 Hnusell; half block Grant park. Devon rooms and hall. 619 East FAIL Five large rooms, bath and basement, on Tfi.* hall on I.uckle. near Pine. Six-room < tnga on Cherokee avenue, near Goon fronting Grant park. Three nice new I and six-room cottages on Georgia nvan an, 296. 2977 corner Cooper aud Raws 151 Gordon street, West End, ten-ro residence. 108 Kelly street, six-room hoi Six-room cottage on Capitol avenue. lllll, a shady building lot. 200-acre fi near Lakewood; will sell nil or part, reasonable In price and terms, stevei & Co., real estate agency, city and ci try real estate, 1529 Candler building, 'phono 1061;. Atlanta 906. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ift'l We own a chain of barber shops In Atlanta In which we work only our own graduates. Full coarse. $91 Commission paid from day you enter. Atlanta Barber Oollage. 162 Whitehall street. ATLANTA BARBER ASSOCIATION. 162 Whitehall street. Good shave—I>ept. C, 3c.: Dept. B, 6c.; heir cut. Dept. C. 6c.; Drift, if, 7c. Free abioe In both depart* WANTRD-ONE EXPERIENCED MALE Monographer and two fairly competent Maeen Apply et once to the Smith Premier Typewriter Company, employment -of. 121 Cendler building. r I epsrtmen' Candler l WANTED HELP—FEMALE. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - INDUS- trloua, middle aged, of good character am| with good health, for housekeeper’* post lion or assistant. Would need to under stand the care and mending of linen, and he wlllltig to learn. A good, home with WANTED - EXPERIENCED DINING mom glrln; also pantry woman. Good * mpaid and steady —' ‘ Lunch Company, Went Baker street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—POSITION BY KXPKRI cored drug clerk at present, employed; good reasons for changlug. Best refer- • urea. State salary expected to pay. Box 201, Tilton, G»- MISCELLANEOUS. AT C08T-MY 8TOCK Or IRON SAFES street. Kills, Atlanta. FRESH SHELL OY8TEK8. crabs, and shells York on sale at " ‘ | -ret' . atreet. HYGIENIC SANITARIUM IS NOW ready for the reception and treatment of all lurallds. I*ast price $1 per day. Dr. J. M. Armstrong. Morrow. Ga. WE WANT A POEM. AND FOR ONE that suits our needs we will pay 115. For conditions of contest and other Informa tion. address The Mocking Bird, Box 15. Newoan. Ga. FOR RENT— ROOM8. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; on second floor; two rooms on third floor for gentlemeu; nil coove- . 117 Spring St. Atlanta phone 4668. FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED CON- L. Main. WANTED—ROOM8. PLEASANT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO Catholic gentlemen, with references; pri vate family; good nwghbortmod. Address A. i'.,' raw Georgian. Kent. »1H X. Pryor. Who puts your paper And guarantees (hat It Does your painting.'.do,. AnJ "srwsya lowest.In, the pricer* Burnett: of course! Your "UnrJe Jim" Is hard to-beat; eiinmcled elssp, diamond center. . . 17 Formwslt street and Chnmherlln-Johu- anti-Du Bose's store, or on Ptaehtr* tween potpts named. Liberal re returned to 17 Forrawslt. - FOUND. •RANKLIN/tHH CLKAN /H.jtAN low. cleans suits $1 to $1.60. l*anti II Whitehall 8t. I'boues. Roll 629. A. MONEY TO LOAN. Established 1590. WBYMAN A CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. lend money for purchase tnone; straightloans made fori.per cent and up wards. According to desirability of loan. W. A. - Foster, J2 South Broad street. TUB UNION HAVINOH »ney notr Atlanta purchase tuone; on Improved Atlanta property able rates. Bell phone 78$. 0< ws. MONKY TO LOAN AT I I ANI> 7 PER rent Intomt, areordlu, to arenrll* of.; .111,11 .xp#na. and prompt attention. Only on mil r.tat. In aud near Atlanta. H. It. Turman. LOAN BO ON HUAI. KBTATB. < YEAR*. « PKR t'RNT. JOHN II BAHT ALABAMA HTIIKKT. M'RCIAL HOME FINOS TO LEND FAUSI LOANB-WB AIIK I'LAUINO loan, on'Georgia farm, at th, loweat offered. Tho Mortgage 1— WANTED—MONEY. WANTEO—HKVKRA1. t» N E D O L 1. A It ,nld ideeea; will par good premium. Cold, WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER ANP I’AINTH. "Don'l lat >m -tool you." Jim of A Wllll.l I* nut dand miming. II. I. contracting wall pa— painting. Offlca and .how room llunter atreoL Both 'phouoa M0. PERSONAL. david w. VAiutr.orcn. MASTKH PLLMBER. ITS*. SO R. Hant.r BL “KENT LIGHTS.” THR BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW aold at MM N. Pryor St. Al», Phono IMS. KROM'S SKIN.. BCAI.F and hair wain: aohl at drng aad deimrt- m.ut atom: aak for It or writ, J. J. Krom, Benin aad Hair HprcUliat, <11 Tha Ora ml. Atlanta. Oa. FOR RENT—OFFICES. > SB or call at UM Cam OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA ANP ’ MILAN " HTHAW^ilATnt Bind, or aweata, Sc curb >itra. ACME MATTERS. (10 Whitehall BL SHOE REPAIRING. 3 GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. t- 4 Lt.TKIK. OPPOSITF, PIEDMONT. Bell 23S't. Men’s sewed half soles, 75c. K FOR FINE SHOE RE- B . PAIRING •s go to J. W. Carroll, 47 Tloutb Pryor street, iv opposite coort bouse. All work first-class. No cheap prices. ■J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALK4NG MACHINES AND RECORD A— Wholesale and retail dtatr1buti>ni of Vic- '• tor Talking MaoMoea nr.d Records. Jnst , received large consignment of nmrblnes ami over 10.000 recorda. Immediate attention given mall ord«#s. Wo wont the names of nil talking machine dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Eire* Co. BJCYCLEH AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST . bicycle and sundry distributors In tbs , sonth. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale, ' Hnell and Hudson bicycles. Write for oar K IM! cntnlogve and price Hat A/exander- K1 yen Co. ; BfTNOLDa THE SION PAINTER. , Signs, banner*. Lngs and flag decorations for special occodons. 20ty E. Alabama 8L ~ KltOMpPATU!-. ItEMEDIEH djlil! scalp diseases and make hair grow. Kroin s Medicated Soap makes you by- K glenlrnlly dean. (30 year* success.) J, J. n Kroin, specialist. 613 ‘The Grand," At lanta. G*. ! CASH REGISTERS. 1 . j (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. I1ALLWOODB. IDEALS > and nil other makes at bargain prices. We can sell you n register, suitable for any business, at a price that cannot help - but pleose you. Cosh cr monthly payments. Every register . giiR'-nr « '»>l fur iivii y*-iir*. Southern Ciiah - Reglste- Co.. Branch of American Second- > Hand Cc-sh l.eglater Co.. 24 8. Broad street, Atlanta. Qa. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 24 8. Broad 8t., Atlanta, Ga. 2 M. A. SHELTON, ' DON'T FORGET M. A. BHELTON IS A practical atoye and range repairer; heat work and material guaranteed. Both phones •278. 61 8. Pryor atreet , . Have good tenant for house on the nbrth side. ' Will pay good reht.. SBB - LIEBMAN REAL ESTATE AND RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Bo Wise and Invest Your Money "Where It Is Safe and Where It Will Pay You Large Amount Net ’Interest. WILL BELL YOU TWO OB FOUR NEW , t aud .room bout.. In cholre whit, neigh, hnrhood. rented so as to pay you • per cent net first year and 9\ j*er cent second J-’-r. Onlj *8,360 or SI6.5M nredrd; half 1 iaah. Oil rA.\ SkLts YOt; (.’lIOK’fcJ CORNER near the now pout office, with Improve- « menta, that is paying « per cent net; ft will double In value within three years. C m rrowjrwu'viiM m 1 on Peachtree; aow paying not less than 6Vi per cent net; said property has doubled In vnlue within the last four yeara and will advance within the next four years not leas than 6 per cent. Can prore all wc ear. WILL HULL YOU TIIK GltKATBKT - bargain In railroad frontnge close In (with Improvements worth $12,000). Say, 200 feet on rallnmil^ly 30 fret on street, for the ^ lit! Vlll' WANT A NBW IIOMK OF FHOM j « to 10 room, on th. north, aoath or Wpat V aid. nt from *1.700 to II' : Or lota In nnj , IHtrt of tha I'lt.r. with t.riua on all tbo ' nlHivr. Call and m ui. Will be plraarel , to arrr. jtou. ^ | M. McNEILL and $ WM. S. SHERWOOD, Room 514 Empire Building. $12,000, A BARGAIN. OVER 10 ACRES OF LAND, WITHIN ~ city limits, 300 feet of car Une, 16 minutes* ^ ride from center of city. 1,000 feet street frontage. Private tract privilege of over 1,900 feet In center of property. All for n your money within one year. p M. McNEIL and T W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empiro Bldg. R HENRY H. JACKSON. $4,60A—TEX-ROOM MODERN NORTH .. side home: $500 cash and $60 month. House " will rent $40 month. Couie quick liefon* •old or rented. « *7.006—N1NB-HOOM UOI'HK: COST 0,600 to bnltd; 10 acres fine grove, worth $5.0)0 t . to |7Joo; on atrret rar lla.v Moat arit — uulck. Can .get you $1o,ojo oc more In short w Oin.. . • . *3.600 lU'YH 960 At'IIBR LAND. FOUR jr h«mne«; full stock rnrin: only $1,000 cash. 1 Owner got to have this quick. p FARM IVfc MILKS OF MACON, GA. IIAS II kaoffn bed* and brick clay; *<tJoining farms sold $3 to $90 per acre. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $3,600—BRAND NEW 6-BOOM COTTAGE. Just completed, on North avenue, near Jackson street; you will hare to see this cosy little cottage to appreciate Its value. Beat of material and workmanship used, beautiful cabinet mantels, tinted walls, etc. Can make attractive terms to right parties. THIRTY ACRES UP THE PEACHTREE road, lying Juat off the main road; splen did S-room cottage, splendid orchard, ail kinds of fruit, splendid wire fences and Iron gates, good pasturage, springs, etc. We want to show you this and point out sev eral features not mentioned here, and then make you a price. $6.2S0—X. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 9-room house on large lot. In prettiest part of this street, being near North are- nd Ponce DeLeon. This Is a beauty and no mistake. Can make very easy terms tbts to desirable party. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. NEAR GEORGIA AVENUE WU HAVE two new three-room cottages, renting nt $6 each. We can sell the two for $900. Let us show you this. i.\ # d.S'fi (H* CAR LINE IS* WfitW End wc hare a nice corner lot, 2SS by 320; only $9.000. KiVE-ltuoM iinrsK T>S nklhoN i:\v itvi: icci.Vm him m: wrni n.u.r and 22 acres of land. one-fonrtti of a mile nf « hurt roinl. inllcs from center of city; k'K HAVE A 6l^ EIIIHT IIOOM IIOt’HK. UOIINEII I.OT. M l,y 131, In fl Mix k of rer lino. Prim 33.000. IIHAMi .VKIV HI.XTinuM i'llTTAIIE lenwood avenue—$2.250. Ensy Lcrms. :iu:kns: Manufacturing Sites No use for an Atlanta manufacturing concern to start up business on a small lot only to outgrow it in a year or two. Let us show you a superb tract of land just be yond city limits on Georgia railroad, 7 or 8 acres, ly ing level. Price $12,000; easy terms. The possession nf this fine site would be a good asset for a manufacturing concern to start off with. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. homo of ulno rooms, on the prettiest 80 by 180-foot lot In the city; house Is furnace- heated and up to date. Can assist you to is on this. room house, lot 60x160 to alley; elevated, rooms, two stories. In good condition, on Peachtrees, we have a lovely 2-story 8- THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Suburban Homaa. The flrat month will bo given FREE be given FREE at the i house.. Tbese are located on the 7 and 8 room,; have la cheaper than living In the city It now has a new church, neatly Rent (20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODS1DE, II Auburn Avenue. Investments. Call nod see STATISTICS. BIRTH8. To Mr. and Mrs. K, Slegal, at 178 Gilmer street, a daughter. To 3Ir. and Mrs. N. <L Cassell, at 176 Yen able atreet, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dcckner, at 425 Luckle street, a daughter. DEATHS. George P. Veal, 1 year old, died of bron chitis at 72H Houston street. Eugenia E. Bailey. 16 months old, died of pneumonia nt 141 l'etcrs street. Mrs. Martini 8. Chandler, 72 years old, died of old age nt 90 Carlton avenue. 3Irs. Rebecca Brewn, 22 years old, died at 133 West Fnlr atreet. J. B. Davenport, 82 years old, died at 19 West Cain street. Christine Grant. 14 years old, died of typhoid fever at 195 Euclid avenue. Miss Tryphosa Marshall. 21 years old, died of typhoid fever at 69 Luckle street. I.lxxle Coker. 31 years old, died at Presby terian hospital. Katie Mne McKinnon, 16 years old, died at 214 Windsor street. PROPERTY~TRANSFER8. $1,600— Edward Baugh to F. C. Lacy, lot on Donne street. Loan deed. $5. Love and Affection—George Jordan, to Annie K.. George E. and Mary K. Jordan, * it on Crew street. Warranty deed. $4,690—J. W. Strickland to J. T." WII- ..atns and R. H. McDougal, lot on Trinity avenue, near South ITyor. Warranty deed. $2,000—8. W. Sullivan to Mrs. Agnes G. Clark, lot on Angler avenue, near Summit avenue. Warranty deed. $1.750—51 rs. Florence T. Cheshire arid Mrs. F. T. Jordan to A. P. Herrington, lot on Little street, near Hill street. Warranty deed. $1,260—Mrs. Beatrice Mathews to Mrs. M. K. Daley, lot on Gnrtrell street, near Fits- gerald street. Warranty deed. BUILDING PERMIT8. $50—Sam Feldman, to re-cover one-story frame dwelling at Irwin and Randolph streets. $176—Philip Maler. to repair frame dwell ing nt 2» West Mitchell street. $1.875—W. W. Landrum, to repair two- story frame dwelling at 87 East'North are- Fourteen Are Charged with Forming Trust to Cor ner Market. By rrlT.t. Learnt Wire. Philadelphia, Aug. 7.—Fourteen members of the local Ice trust have been Indicted by the grand Jury for forming a combination to corner the Ice market. 1 FOR RENT. 'fftnrsvjrTf’rjrnrrtW ONE TWENTY-ROOM FLAT. our tenants free. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, - 12 Auburn Avcpuo, Both Phones 611. A NICE COTTAGE BEAUTIFUL SHADE and papered; large lot; block of car line; ools and colleges. Price $2,600. Box 02, Decatur. J. H. GARNER & CO. BAL ESTATE AND INVESTMEN 308 and 306'Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. PEAi’IITREK—VACANT Pine; 60 feet rronf^ P.760. PEACHTREE Pl.ACB-kiGUT- : o*rner lot; 4 One fifth cash. —large corner lot; cioee In$6,600. • One- of Fifteenth street LB. TllE llttAD t; lot UMBHiH 100 feet front; oa before trading. THINKS SHEPHERD DIDN'T KILL ALBERT It Un't probable, In fact It-la hardly posalble, that Jim Shepherd, the negro who Is said to have confessed to the murder of Policeman Albert, can be brought back to Atlanta for a trial. Colonel John Monaghan, assistant to Solicitor Charlie Hill, had quite a lit tle to say on the matter Monday morn ing. Mr. Monaghan stated that Shep herd could not be brought back here on his own confession, nor on the statement of his relatives. "Before Albert died," said Mr. Mon aghan, "ha told those near him that he was not certain whether a negro or a white person did the shooting, but that If his assailant were a negro, he was a very light mulatto* Shepherd, according to those who are In a position to kndw. Is a negro of the blackest Ethiopian type, and If he con fessed to the killing of the police officer he belled the dying statement of the murdered man. Mr. Monaghan seems confident that Shepherd will never be punished for th# killing of Albert. ENJOYMENT A8 A VRTUE. TD INVITE BLOUNT TO MAKE ADDRESS Senator 13. S. Miller Introduced a res olutlon in the senate Tuesday to invite Hon. James H. Blount, of Macon, to address a Joint session of the assembly of Georgia on August 10 at noon, on conditions In the Philippine Islands. Judge Blount Is a son of former Congressman Blount, and has served in Cuba as a Federal Judge and non- holds a similar position In the Philip pines. He Is one of the codifiers of the laws of both Cuba and the Philippines. Judge Blount delivered an address on the Philippines before the Georgia Bar Association nt Warm Springs on July 4. It made n profound lmpres slon and shed such light on the sub Ject that Senator Miller thinks It would profit the general assembly to hear him. The senate adopted the resolution and It was immediately transmitted to the house. The Dootrlne of Human Happiness as Opposed to Renunciation. All pessimism, all asceticism. Is found ed upon the existence of what Tolstoy calls the "lllueory thirst for enjoy ment." Now, however numerous the ca^s where enjoyment proves Impos sible or mischievous, the continued ex istence of the human race shows that ntnety-nlne times out of a hundred neither the enjoyment nor the thirst for It Is Illusory, but, on the contrary, a genuine advantage, making subse quent enjoyment not leas, but more, possible by perfecting the sensibilities. The healthy activity of the whole In dividual. with Its Inevitable hierarchy of Impulses, both secures pleasure and forestalls cloying, and, by Its Inclusion of Intellectual and sympathetic Inter ests, Its subordination of others to these. It diminishes conflict with others quite as effectually as does Tolstoy's Renunciation. And here let me say that there Is surely something mean In this reciprocal renunciation, resulting In the cessation of struggle and disap pointment. Such renunciation Is often needful In our Imperfect Individual case; our eye gives us trouble, and we cast It from us. But such rough and ready, such wasteful, destructive meth ods are surely not admissible In a philosophy of life, -In a counsel of per fection! The universal, as distin guished from the Individual, rule for greater haplness Is not self-diminution but assimilation, expansion, the non ego becoming. In Imagination and feel ings, an Integral part lot the ego. Ai- cltlclsm preaches voluntary Impoverish ment; my nelghbdrp cease to steel be cause I possess nothing; I cress to covet because they possess nothing; 'tie Epictetus' safety after the thieves had carried away his brass lamp. But the law of human life Is barter; asking freely and giving fully; mutual enrich ing through each other's superfluity. Asceticism refuses to admit this law; for all asceticism moves In the logical circle of pain as cause and effect.— Vernon Le» In The North American Re view. JACKSON CO,VOTERS HEARJOKE SMITH Bpeclal to The Georgian., Jefferson, Ga., Aug. 7.—There' Is. a large outpouring of the 'voters of, Jack- son county hers today to hear' Hoke Hmith'speak In the Interest of his can didacy for the governorship. The followers of Mr. Smith had plan ned to make this the banner gathering of the campaign In thla county. ESTILL ON STUMP IN CAMDEN COUNTV Special to The Georgian. Woodbury, Oa., Aug. 7.—Colonel J. H. Estln is billed to deliver two speches In Camden county today and there Is expected to be a large gathering of the south Georgia followers of Mr. Estlll. Colonel Estlll speaks at this place and at Klngaland today. Tomorrow he will speak at Folks- ton. VALUABLE DOCUMENTS DESTROYED BY FLAMES By Private Leased Wire. Buffalo, Aug. 7.—Eorly this morning 'the two-story frame building used by the Grand Trunk railway as a freight house at llrldge- liurg was completely destroyed by Are. For a time the yard In which are 1,000 freight cars wes menaced. Many valuable puiiera were destroyed. 8CHOONER IS FORCED . ONTO DANOEROU3 ROCKS By Private Leased Wire. Chatham, Mass., Aug. 7.—The three-mast ed schooner George II. Jordan of New York was crowded on to Pollock Itlp Shoals to- dny l»y nn unknown tug towing four barges, wlhch failed in tha fog'to give the'Jordan enough seaway. The Jordan la leaking badly and her cargo of coal will probably have to be thrown oVerlnanl to get bee free. None of the men on board was hurt. B. 0. MEDLOCK. IN THE GEORGIAN TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN RETAIL DRUGGIST COMMITS SUICIDE 8perlal to The Georgian. New Orleans, La.. Aug. 7.—A special from Boy st. Louts aaya: "Frank Jacobs, a retail druggist, committed suicide this morning by blowing out his brains with a revolver. Jacobs was arrested for sending ob scene letters through the malls, and pleaded guilty, and It wan on this ac count that he took hla life. ■reef cents per thousand entile feet. The “v* pvofiIs of the Manchester_gs« depart- ST?!,. 1 "* f*- 00 * 'OKjaiEtlsd of this snss a little more than Oo.o» was *3!” tu 8* city rand rin air of rates. Sneer as Magazine. .r^Ji'thlnJ™? P 1 *'.?. 1 rating, as la ^7. i* t!r- w 111 * breakfast was a Mt of hroail and dxeie, or a chop and a glass of milk. ^ * THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Toxas—Tylor cloudy and threatening; hard rain yesterday. Houston clear and idonnnnt. Dalian cloudy and warm. Fort Worth clear and hot. .San Antonio cloudy nml warm. Tyler fnlr; temperature 7i. Bonham cloudy; 80. Iteanmont clear, 8t CorHlcaun cloudy; 78. Sherman, *low rsla falling. Waco fnlr; 50. New Braunfels fnlr; «2. Houston clear; 84. Gnlrestoo clear: 83. Oklahoma City cloudy; 73; rain* od nil night. Gainesville cloudy; 74; min ed this* morning. Ardmore cloudy: 75; rain ed last night. Dallas cloudy; b9. Mlnslflftipid-Greenwood dear and pleas ant. Nhfchez clear and warm; rain laM r night. VIckRhurg and Yazoo city door and hot. Hnxlehurst, Jackson nml Brook- haven cloudy and hot. Meridian dear and hot; henry rain yesterday. Hattiesburg cloudy and hot; hard rain yesterday after noon. Amory. Cnlumtius nml Aberdeen clenr nml warm. New Albany cloudy and warm. Tupelo dear and hot. Alnlumii -Troy i r mi.! pleasant. Seims cloudy and warm. Birmingham clear and hot. Montgomery and Opelika 'clear and warm. Mobile clear and hot. Huntsrllls partly cloudy and hot. . . Georgia—Macon clear and hot Americas clear and warm. Albany clear and warrii. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT; Extreme Northwest—Clear; 48 to 12 above. Northwest—Cloudy: 52 to 68 above; gener al rains In 8outli Dakota; local rains In Minnesota; now raining nt Rapid City. . West and Southwest—Cloudy; 58 to 72 above: general rains; now raining in Sioux City, Dubuque, Davenport, Hprlngfletd, Mo., St. Louis and Kansas City. Ohio Volley—Cloudy; 72 to 76 above; gen eral-rains. WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia—Partly cloudy, with local rains ..nd thunderstorms In the mountain, dis tricts Tuesday and Wednesday; light va riable wIihIn. Louisiana, Mississippi. Alabama and East and West Florida—Showers Tuesday and Wednesday: light wluds. mostly east. West Texas—Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. STATE FORECAST. .. WEATHER CONDITIONS. showers hare oc* rtirr.'fl :if stations cast of the Rain was falling this morning nt Rapid ‘Tty. 8. D.. Davenport. Iowa, Rt. * Ixmfs, ern hnlf of the mnp. current temperatures of so decrees occurring nt Boston, Norfolk and on the south Atlantic const. - The pressure continues high over the states east of the Mississippi, south, of the Ohio. The conditions favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonight and Wednesday, with showers. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending nt I a. m., 75th meridian time, August 7, 1906. “ STATIONS OF ATLANTA . DISTRICT. ^Atlanta,. cloudy.... . . ‘Chattanooga, p. cloudy... MOntlcelL. Newoan, dear. . . . . Roma, cloudy. , , Spartanburg, cloudy. . , Tallapoosa, dear. ... . Toccoa. dear. . . . . West Point, p. dowdy., HEAVY RAINFALLS. Blnckvllle, 8. C .1 .. ..106 ■’ovlngton, Tenn .. .. .. ..‘..2.00 'hnmller, Okl.i .. ..2.66 Shawnee. Okla 2.12 Still water, okla.. ..... .. .2-62 Ardmore. I. T .. .. f . 2.3) CENTRAL STATION. ill A ft nut a Augusta Charleston. ..... Galveston 91 90 Little Rock.. . J ‘ Memphis. ...... ... Mobile. ....... 10 » "72 Montgomery. . . New Orleans. . . Oklahoma. . . . Savannah. . . . Vicksburg. . . . Wilmington. ....... T indicates Inappreciable ralafslL REMARKS. 8llghtly higher temperatures were im ported than for the prerlous 24 hours lo moat districts, llnlns occurred In all d*f’ trlcts except In the Charleston district. Heavy ralnralls were reported In Oklabmnn. Mouth Carolina and Tennessee. - J. B. MAR BURY. Section Director. Dllt' Averages. Temp* tu re. Min. fi* I STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Azksd. Atl.ntarU, lvtl IK Atltuti, 4tU Its U7 Atlanta tv 1MI 106 Atlanta .m l Wsat Point lg Atlanta tnl Wsat Point Dsbti. 117 It. of tlsoncta lat In it. Sd v hi Gsarfta a Auxnata and Savannah Us lknthivs.tsrn Ui Inronua . aid A. 1st., THE SUGAR MARKET. Yovh. Aue. 7.-I .oval red nod and n» tnxnv .Irons; reitm-d qtmtsd nt nwbanr' ■ pvlren: quotation- for rnw ndranssd V; •-rntrlfnxnl-. S3 Mnrenvndo. U-Jil- in-I.sasa. B.13S. London hsst marks' nt -August and September quoted at *