The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 11, 1906, Image 10

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TilK ATLANTA GJSUKWIAJN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for feet than 25 cents, the prioe of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time ..... 6 cents a line. 3 times .... 5 cents a line. 6 times . . . 4/z cents a line. 26 times . . . 4 cents a line. 52 times . . . V/g cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a tine. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH. Georgian want ads. are Inex pensive, but they bring quick re mits and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER 8ERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE as helpers la the foundry to I earn •re' trade. Good pay to start with better pay In two or three months, those with DeLoaeb th rood refer Mill Ufa. Co. foods! If so, call up SOf . Southern Auction and Salvage Company. South Pryor* WANTED. CARE THE GEORGIAN. WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO LEARN the druf business. Address "Druggist, care The Atlanta Georgian. IP YOU ARE A comneten ‘ have It foi lino from tlons our Association, 'Wmp, r month. Good posl- specialty. National Employment n, 1022-21 Century nidg. piio.-r aim r•» other need apply, wages to ths right 37. Jackson. Oa. man. Address Lock Box learn. W. own ■ chain of bartvei Atlanta In which w. work onljr graduate*. Pull conn., 120. ' too »nt»r. ill vhltohall afreet. WANTED—FIFTY BRICKLAYER once to work on new mill build! Ic,Hi'a from A.hevllle. N. C., on the ] branch of tha Southern railroad. ... .... and ton. Inb, there belo, ten I, to Frank B. Ollhroth, town poaltlon, 971: ateno, female, for dnlrabla pot r. i to $75. Bellamy Una Candler Bid,. WASTED—TEN TRUNK-MAKERS' FROM one to two yearn' experience, f need apply. Enterprlao Trunk Ma GOOD COOK. ’PHONE WANTED HELP—FEMALE. laatnn operator, fnrnlahed l Remlnfton Typewriter Co.. Ill Poachtreo etreet TO INQUIRE ABOUT wanted-csebb or monet flour. WANTED—SALESMEN. poultry aaleaman. ‘JUS* MISCELLANEOUS. *W. Elllo, Atlanta. H Y O IIB NIC \ra want a MIDGET VISITI.NO AND BUS! cards, panto and address, latest I the yenr; cold all erer _ th#__Unlted^ w year; aold aU erer ■x- FOR RENT—HOU8E8. WANTED—ROOMS. UNFU RNTHHED ROOMB-TWO .keeping. vnj airs preferred an act Mdre Addreaa Fair, this ofllre FOR RENT—OFFICES. OFFinB^S! dler BMg.' WALL PAPER. Iforawrly of Burnett A willla) Is not dead ^ FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST CLASS BUSINESS HOUSES afcoQld h#TP high grad* alrna Call on Kent Hlgo Co., 81V6 North Vryor • treat. Phone 2121 THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND 8AL* van Company, at SO Sooth Pryor street, trill buy or aelf you out COAL, DRY STOVEWOOD—PROMPT DE- livery. John T. Stock# A Co., 296 Peter# •treat Bell ’phoiva 11 we«t; Atlanta 'phono 4793. « FOR BALE-A WELL-EQUIPPED OIN- nery snd * corn and s wheat mill: ma chinery Id good condition; goad locality. Apply to B. A. Jobneon, Hlloem, On. 5,605.008 FEET OF SECOND GROWTH pine: wlab to And market for (amber. Ad* drew '‘Lumber," Green*boro, Ga. R. F. D. Box SO. FOR BALE-ONE BBT LARGE OAK folding doors, one Meet celling. Cole Book Co., di Whitehall et WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-ALL KIND* OF HA LADLE school, law, medical book# for caah. J. C. Gavan, 71 Whitehall atraat 'Phone 1822. W*ANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO bay Money Fioar. There le money In nvery Mek. , , FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. 3» CREW STREET; BEST SEVEN- room home In Atlanta for tbs money. On Kelly etreet, Targe four-room bones, mod ern. Seven room, and batb, eottags, 22 Hanaell; half block Ornnt park. »aven room* and hall, 919 Fatal Fair. Five larg* rooma, bath and haoemtnt, on William, ntreet, near Klmpwn and Baker, five min utes walk. Elegant eleven-room houae on Hoaetoo, neer Jnrkaon atreet. Biz roomn nod halt, cottage, near entrance to Grant park. Ten-room residence on Auburn nve- nur. Fine cottaga boma on Ashby, Just off Gordon, Waat End. Five room# and bath near Georgia avenue, on 0«rd«n. Sfi IIIU, ' alx room cottage, 100 feaf on 11111, corner. Eight-room twoetory raaldanca on Georgia - aveuua, near Grant atreet. Six rooms and boll on Lnekl,. near Pine. Blz-room cot tage on Cherokee avenue, neer Georgia, ~ fronting Grant perk. Three nice new llvo 4 end ala-room cottages on Georgia avenne, corner Cooper nnd Rawaon. 03, 2S6, 2/7. 195 Gordon street. West rind, ten-room realdenco. 109 Kelly etreet. all-room home. Blz-room cottage on Capitol avenue. Sll rooms and Moot lull af 111 Kelly atreet. Eight Iota, (0 by 9*.feet. Highland ave- nuc. Comar of Waat Hunter and Doray. lot 40 by 100. On Bass, between Grant and Illll, a shady building lot. JOd-acra farm, nnr Lakaw<Md; will Mil all or part All reasonable In price and term*. Htevennoo fry C Si| r S!..7h&*rar^m‘, n nJ. Tv'll-. ’phone 1091; AtlsnU 90*. A NIC* BEVEN-ROOM. TWO BTORY reoldenee, newly Minted nnd paMred; ha. electric light*. Urge lot. ear Agnes Scott (’allege and schools, on* block of ear. Good neighborhood. Term,. Box 99, iiecatur. FOB BALB-A FHtE FARM IN COL- qultt county, south Georgia; «) acre,: 90 acres cleared. Close to chuteh end achool. Cheap for cash. O. O. Golden, Moultrie, Gs. FOR SALE. Beautiful Country Horae. SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE WITH ATTIC and storage room. Built lass than yaar ago for a boma. Largo naw Imrn and - servant#' non##. Plenty of shads and fruit f EST L«t 910 by W IT. Rid. “ ley'a estate, near Dacatur. Town la grow- I Inc In this direction. To avoid ranting, will sell nt n bargain. TERMS. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. L08T. Who pul, your wper on «o «llch. And ’ilwny, loweet In the pricer . nurnett, of cmiree! » Your "Undo Jim" Is bard to bast. He's st Number 12 R. Hunter straat. B Both Phones 660. FOUND. « FRANKLIN. TI1F. CLEAN CLBAfi rEL- low. cleans *ult, $1 to $1.60. Fan'* Me- * MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED HALAR1ED PEO- pie nnd others. American Invnstment p C £ 705 Candler Bldg. WEYMAN A*Co’NNEnB."r.QUITADLE. Mortgage loans on raal astata. FOUR i’riR CENT HOME M(*NEY TO lend money for puorheoe money notes; ^ ■tralaht loans made for & par cant and up* SSJff According to drairablllty of loan. N W. A. Foatar, 11 Ttouth Broad atraat. TllB UNION HAVINGS RANK BUYS purehtoe money notes and lends money on Improved Atlanta property at mason- ■ able rates. Bell phone Ttl. Oould BUlg. H MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 8 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to aecorlty of* F fared: small expense and prompt attention. Only on real eststa In and near Atlanta. 8. B. Turman. CAREY, U KAHT ALABAMA STREET. 8FECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; A any amount, 4H, 6 and 8 per cant. W rit# or call 8. W. Carson. 24 8. Broad atreat. r, FARM LOAN8—WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgls farm* at tha lowest R rates ever offerad! The Southern Mortgage J Company, Gould building. | MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very loweat rate* No deleya t.baric. WANTED—MONEY. WANTED-YOU TO AHK YOUR GROCER for Money Ftonr, and tnalat on getting It, s becauae there la money In It. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . g GO BEE BOUTUBRN AUTO AND EQUIP- fSSL .S'-^lLTraraS 19-19 Mitchell etieeL Atlanta. Go. Ml Dhone 5W5-I. Mata. h Kent, tm N. Pryor, rhooe tKX. WE ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOR- " Ida Ilmen. Write ue for prices. Wilson A Huddleston. Miami. Fla. PERSONAL. 11 LLUU1 w DAVID W. YARBROUGB, ti MASTER PLLMBKR, Phones 123. MB. nun ter BL M WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In Benth. 54 N. Broad BL “KENT LIGHTS.” „ THE BEST OF MANTLE LIUHT8 NOW mid et MM N. Pryor BL Alex Kent, m Phone 5159. - h] KROM'S MEDICATED RKIN. . 8CALP and hair aoap; sold at dttic and- depart* 11 ment stores: ask for It or wrifit JTj. Kwm, Scalp and Hair BpecUllat, 813 Tha Grand, to Atlanta. Ga. ART SCHOOL. " trait, painted hr his lar(« cl Peachtree and Aubsra. desert Corner SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’8 SHOE SHOP. 4 Lt’CKIB. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men*ii iswe.1 half soles, 74e. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING OLD HAT8 MADE NEW Cleaned sod reshaped. 60c. Soft find stiff felt hats cleaned sod ra- SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6458. 412 Peters Building. m00-IIRAND NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Just completed, on North avenue, i Jackson street; you will bare to see this cosy little cottage to appreciate Its vslne. Best of material and workmanship need, beantlful cabinet mantels, tinted walls, etc. Can make attractive terms to right parties. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Immediate attentloo agH nt catalogue" and price Hat Jy— Co. dp dtu_ , _ n s Medicated Boap makes you hy- afenlcally clean. (.v» ymr* hiktpm. . .i ) •The Grand," At- CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) HI llUMUrai, Eh ■ IIIILV lUB L UBUUUl ut please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register ruaranteed for two years. Southern Cash legtater Co., Branch of American Second- land Cash Register Co., 24 8. Broad street. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 24 S. Broad 8t., Atlanta, Ga. M. A. SHKIaTON, iON'T FORGET M. A. snELTON IS A practical stove and rsnge r.nnlr.r: bust wk and matarlar ' ITS. 51 8. l’ryor GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. ich. W. can acll the two for MOO, Lot ’ you thla. nstmc OF CAB LINE IS WHiT 3d by MO; IN OSB End wi only $3,000. YlfaliObfl—ETOUFE—OS nf.T.soN street. Lot CO by lit. Thla I, cloaa In. ) 11,000. 'fIVEPB .Si IIOtiSB WITH llibL land, one-fourth of a mil# mllea from canter of city; BnTsmfBw—smtorar -tilrnwood . . .. ntM’RB T5fT tlliHF.N*: avenue; rente for 117.10; price 11,900; Bear term. iW~T Mtay term,. WB IIAVB A NUIinfllt of MfiElt gooD Investments. Cell and aee ua. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS SOS and 206 Century Bids. BOTH PHONES 44SS. Paachtree; U noma, eerrant’a houae and FOR RENT. IM rEACIITREH STREET. THE ABOVE NUMBER ON PEACR- -ee ,t.. between Jatnee end Forayth at,.. I will find ona store room, 37x57, with ement about the Mine alia. Thla place suitable for a nice grocery or almost JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones lit. THIRTY ACRE8 UP THE PEACHTREE road, lying Just* off the mein road; splen did 8-room cottage, splendid orehsrd, sll kinds of fruit, splendid wlrs fences snd Iron gates, good pasturage, springs, etc. We want to show you this end point out sev eral features not mentioned hers, snd then make you a price. W.26&-N. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 9-room houae on largs lot, fn prettiest part of thla street, being near North ave nue and Ponce DeLeon. This is a beauty and no mlatako. Can make very easy terms on this to desirable party. GEORGIA—FULTON COCNTY. By virtue ot a power of aale given In a certain mortgage by Frank Martin, Mar shall MarUn. Eli Martin ami Roxanne Mar tin to II. M. Hrooka, dated March 6. 15erj. and forded March 14, 1902. In mortgage book No. 68, page Vf>. of Fulton county rce- orda, there will be aold before the court house door of eald county, within the legal hours of aale, on Sept. L next, for caah. nil that tract or pnrref of land lying and be ing In the city of Atlanta and being part of land lot 84, of th? 14th district of Ftflton county, Georgia, fronting on the north *•!<!#> ..f Mnrkhnm «tn-ft ?.l nnd extt-pd- Ing bark north same width ss (rout. 117 feet, to an alley. Hounded on the met by lot of Mary Kellar nnd on the west by lot of Daniel A vary. Will be sold to the nigh est bidder for the purpose of (eying the debt rinc said R. 31. Brooks and paying the expenses of making such sale. ■ B. M. BROOKS. No. 89 Capitol Ave. Hero is a big residence between Fair and Wood ward Avenue on a lot 1(5 x 200. We will sell this place for $9,000 cash. It is right in town, and in the vicinity of big improvements. FORRESTAND GEORGE ADAIR, THE WORLD OF THE DECLINING SUN By GARRETT P. SERVISS. 88.26b—A BEAUTIFUL FIFTH STREET home of nine rooms, on the prettiest 60 by 180-foot lot In the city; bouse Is furnace- heated nnd up to date. Can assist you to get terms on this. 82,780—GRANT STREET BARGAIN OF 6- room house, .lot 60x150 to alley; elevated, on car line; can make terms to acceptable party of 8400 cash snd $25 per month. $3,000—COLLEGE PARK HOME OF SEVEN rooms, two stories. In good condition, on comer lot (182x172), shady and pretty; near car line; we can make terms of $1,000 cash, balance easy on this. $4.000-ABOUT COMPLETED; NEAR TllB Peachtree#, we have a lovely 2-story 8- room home, finished beautifully Inside and out; if you want a bargain, let us show you this place at once, as It Is the only thing of Its kind In the city situated so favorably and to be had on easy terms. WEST ATLANTA PARK. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. Th, flrat month will b, given FREE, and If ocoupled on, y„r, two more month, will b, given FREE at tha and of tho year, making only nlno month, you will have to pay for. Nono but good famllleo will be allowed In the,, houia,. Theta are located on tha river eloctrlo cor line, only twenty min ute,’ rid, from tha center of tha cltyi contain 7 and 8 room,; have nevor been occupied; are located In Wait At lanta Park. Every houae front, a fifty- foot park, which !• oat in troeo, ever green, and flower,. Pure air; native oaka; an Ideal apot for children. It It cheaper than living in tho city and tha aurroundlnga are more wholeaome. the center of thlo park are tha FERRO PHOSPHATE 8PRINQS, which will our* any cat* of atomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now hat a now church, neatly, fumlahod, a store, a achool houoa coat ing |2,500 will soon be complotod. CapL J. T, Mill#, who live* on tha ground,, will show you through th* houioo. Rent (20 per month. WM. S. SHERWOOD at from n to $100 per (root IF YOU WANT A HOME OF FROM SIX IF YOU WANT A LOT, PtTtCHA oame from us, and we wttl build for ; on Ion, time. Lota from MOO to $2,500. REAL ESTATE WANTED If you have property any where in Atlanta that you want to sell, see LIEBMAN, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. (Copyright, 1009, by Amerlcan-Journal- Examlner.) Although we cannot eay that even now we folly comprehend the myetery of the Pleiades, yet we begin to under stand something of It. We eee that Its stars, to a far greater degree than our sun, bombard surrounding space and one Knottier with the prodm-ts -if atom ic disintegration. Tho electrically chatged purtlf-Ies rush from Pleiad to Pleiad In luminous Hire,-ion so that a continual Interchange of energy occurs among these Marr. and they stimulate one another and pass on the galvanic intoxit ation, round and round the cir cle, os If they were so many Joyous subjects of a parlor experiment with electricity, clasping hands nnd laugh ing at the thrill nnd tltlliatlon of the contorting currents. Prom the Pleiades the captain di rects our course toward the stars form ing ths group known os the Hyadea, nnd also contained within the limit of the constellation Taurus. "I will now show you,” he says, "the antithesis to Slrlua. You remember the optimism that reigned over all the domain of space governed by that groat youthful Sun. We are about to visit n declining Hun, whose planetary system lies under the weight of n no ■ ess decided pessimism, although It In cludes worlds of marvelous beauty. It Is the star Aldebaran that now gleams over our bow, Ohum the peculiar quality of Its light.” The color of Aldebaran Is light rose- red. Seen from the earth It used to sparkle like a ruby among diamonds. An we see It now It dominates all the surrounding region, and Its strange beams growing every moment brighter as we approach Illuminates our car with an aerial blush which reminds ons of the delicate colored light that bathes the Venue of Melos In the Louvre at Parle. ■ Soon we are voyaging among the planets pf Aldebaran. It Is a greater sun than ours, and most of Its planets are also greater than the earth. We approach one of them which seems In magnitude to resemble our own globe. Wo argue that as Its force of gravity Is probably very near the same aa that of terrestlal gravity the forma of life dwolllng upon It may, In average stat ure at least, remind 1 us of what we wore accustomed to at bomb. Arrived at the surface of the planet we debark upon 1L For the flret time In all our wanderings we actually stand upon another world! When we visited the Slrlnns, It will be remembered, we found them dwelling In aerial habita tions, but here on this Aldebarlan plan et life, aa with us, la confined 1 to tho eurface of the solid globe. We look around astonished. We could never have anticipated that mere ly a change In the color and quality of the light transmitted to a planet from Its sun would produce so vast a difference In tho appearance of the liv ing things growing under Its fluence. As near as we can calculate the quan tity of light received by this world from Aldebaran la about the same as that which the earth gets from the sun. Gravitation on this planet also turn, out, as we had guessed, to bo of the same Intensity as on the earth. The only notable difference between the two world,—oura and thla one— arise, from the character of their re spective kind* of daylight. Here the light le red; to our eye, a moat agree able hue. If only on account of the con- fraet which It presents to all that we have hitherto known. But the physical effects of this red sunlight show themselves In an aston ishing manner on every aide. Not only are the color* of object! affected—the peculiar hues being all ahadea and keys of red—but even shapes seem, by rare ■ lilt iMI i-n- e, t" follow a similar law of uniformity. Perhaps thla may bo due to the fact that there 1s relatively so slight a range of vibrations In the light of Aldebaran, nearly all those wares that are shorter than the red be ing absent. We discover a striking lack of the vorlo'y ■ animal and vegetable forms, to which we were accustomed at home. Here are what may pass for grass and what may pass for trees, but the grass seems to be composed simply of minia ture trees, or the trees of magnified grass, "It was thus on the earth once," ■ays the professor. "In the great car boniferous life, whan the coal plants flourished, and when the sun glared red through the thick, vaporous atmos phere, there was little variety of forms In vegetation. The trees were giant grasses, and the animal species were relatively few, and. more or less uni form In physical structure." It Is long before we are able to dis cern with certainty which of the In habitants of the planet are those who take the part played by man upon the earth—not that, when found, they do not exhibit a high degree of Intelli gence, but that their physical make-up le not eo sharply differentiated' from that of the lower orders, as with us. We are dumb with amazement when for the first time we distinguish one of ths Aldebarlans, as we may call that class of the Inhabitants of this planet who give evidence of Intellectual pow ers. Watching a large number ot strange animals, browsing In what Is evidently a pasture filled with ruby-colored plants, we suddenly observe one of them, who at first sight Is not readily distinguishable from the others, direct ing their movements, driving them about at will, and showing In many ways the possession of a degree of In telligence which canndt leave us In any doubt as to his character. He Is, In short, what may pass In this corner of the universe, for a man. Conversing with him, as we would converse with a savage whose language Is unknown, by mean* of signs and ? :estlculatlone, we gradually learn such acts as he can most easily communi cate about hie world. Through him— for he Is plainly only a shepherd—we are brought Into contact with others of his kind whose Intellectual power* are more developed. And, at lost, we are conducted to one of their towns, an aggregation of habi tations, and other structures, some -of which are not without a certain bizarre magnificence, though of a style of ar chttecture that could not bo described by any terms used on the earth. Yet the purposes of shelter and convenience are subservM by them, for lure, as we discover, meteorological condition* ex ist roughly similar te terrestrial ones, but still outre In appearance—red rain falling from rsddlsh clouds, and rud dy mists rising from rivers, and broad bodies of water, which. In the shadows, have a terrifying likeness to blood. But the prevailing tone of this whole world, as ths captain forewarned ue, Is that of depression, pessimism and de spair. It Is the very home of Melan choly. The shadow of doom seems to have settled over It The Inhabitants, as we learn, have known for thousand* of generations that their sun has lonr passed his prime, and that the fate o: ultimate extinction la pressing upon him, and although age, may yet elapM before he ceases to give his fading, monochromatic light In sufficient quan tity to maintain some kind of life on hie dependent worlds, yet all know that he I* In the late afternoon of lslar existence, and that In a short space. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECA8T. For Atlnntn nnd Vlclnltr— * and Saturday. ‘“““J-iralr tonlfH WEATHER IN COTTON*BELT. The weather In the cotton belt tori.. _ nznln reported generally fl».r ,„,i i **« scattered showers only noted. ® h wl ® WEATHER IN WHEAT Brit Extreme Northwest—ClenrTtj to M Northwest—Clour. £8 to 84 „il'l 54 sbota SMB Srf*'- Ohio \ alloy—Partly cloudy. 72 to 7# greea abore; scattered ihowera. 1 * ** . . WEATHER FORECA8T. Georgia, Alabama, Mtsalatlrmf d»y?T/h”t « «*<’■*’ Arkansas—I-nlr Friday indlitL, wanner In north portion Friday. ™ 71 rear le PORECA8T. Georgia, Alabama, and South Caroline Fair tonight and Saturday. WEATHER CONDITIONS, let. T.f.rfn,!'®— "Wjffcdln Tennessee, ths Rons waurtiAA ,,w $!ry"eV£p r , iVMo*n r . Si 1 £#£r” are no we »-d»llned low "r*M There have been no marked chaoses in 1" the Inst 25 boors, snd thl conditions favor continued warm sad (sit wsthtr In this section tonight and Rator. B. MARBURY. Section Director. J. B. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 25 hours ending nt I s. m.. 75tk meridian time, August 1*. lax. * GEORGIA—FULTON COUNTY-To tho Bo- perlor Co«rt of Raid County: , The petition of the Georgia Eclectic bo*. r llnl shows that It Us cor * — county Incorporated by the on fteptember >. 1ML Petitioner* pray: J. That their corporate „ name be changed from Georgia Eclectic hospital to Durham hospital. 2. That under their present charter peti tioners have the right to Iwue capita stock to the amount of twenty Uumaand dollars, ■ad they bow desire that their charter we will gat MSS* for you. I Am* lollaro, tad they now desire tn*t tnetr charter bo amended so that petitioners ou * major ity vote of th* stockholders may have the right to Imu* capital stock from time to time to any amouat sot exceeding forty those#nd dollar*. Bald capital stock may he paid In either money, mad or In other property snltable for carrying on said boa- ,or *\asgrv& Yva*?/- Attorney for Petitioner*. t 10. 1M9. YLE8, Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA, tXJUXTY OF FUL TON. I. Arnold Rroyles, clerk ot the superior court of Mid county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the application for amendment to charier la the matter of Durham hospital, aa the oaqw appears of tie In this of- \v1tneM my official signature and the . - .. -—,,t in. twig. BROYLES, < a Coasty. tin. 9-19-17-2131 . A mighty monarch In tbs days of Made offer of high honor, wealth t To ons who should produce In form codcIm A motto for his guidance, Terse, yet wise— A precept. ■ soothing In his hours forlorn, Yet one that In his prosperous days would wai Many tha mazlma sent the kins, men My; The one ho chose: "Thl«,’Too, Shall Pass Away.’ Oh. Jewel sentence, from the mine of truth I What riches It contains for age or youth. As throe few words Go write them on your hMrt, And make them of your dally Ufa a part. Has some misfortune fallen to Voor lot? This, too, will pass away-absorb the thought. And wait; your watting will nht be In rain— ' Time gllda with gold the Iron links of pain. Are you upon earth’s heights? No clood In view? Go road your motto one* again: Thla, Too, Shall Pas* Away: f*me. ( (jlory.^ pltra^aad power. They are bat little ( warning and be worthy of Odd’s trust. I'ss well your prowess while It lasts; leave bloom Nor blight to mark your footprints to the tomb. The truest gisstbcM Ilea In being kind— The truest wisdom In a happy nund: Ilf*. Is short, wa need to moke It broad; STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. 'Atlanta, clear. 'Chattanooga, dear. Columbas, clear. Galnearlllt, clear. Greenville, clMr. Griffis, clear 'Macon, p. cloudy. .... Montlcello, clear. .... Newnan, clear Rome, dear. .Spurtsinliurg, clear, , , Tallapoosa, clear. .... Toceoa, clear. Wcat Point, clear tW . temperature# are for the i> hour period ending at 8 a. m. tbla date. Temp’tur#. Max. CENTRAL STATION. Ternp’tur*. Atlanta Auguata Charleston. . . Galveston. • . . Little Rock. . . W-::v. Montgomery. . , New Orleans. . , Oklahoma. . . . Savannah. . . . Vicksburg. . , . Wilmington. . . Dlit Avtragtfj III ill T Indicates Innnpreclnb e ralofalL _. , REMARK8. Showers have occurred In sll portions of Ut' belt, except In tbs Montgomery, Htvas- ub and .Vlcksbnrjr districts. Temperatures continue practically stationary, about nor mal for the season. STATISTICS. BIRTH8, To Mr. and Mrs. Furman Cheek, at 1$2 c V“'ro° street, a son. „ Te Mr. and Mra. James E. Bellow, at J5 South Boulevard, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Greer, at 97 English; aronae, a aanabler. To, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coffla, at 51 West Twelfth street, a daughter. „ DEATH 8. Florence Bbetzoo, 7 years old, died of diphtheria at SI W. Fair street. . Mrs. Clara Hchoon, 73 ycara old, died of heart disease at 292 South Pryor street. KU“ Johnson, 50 years old, died of ceo- motion at the Robertson place. Infant of Mr. and Mri. W. II. Mallard died at 53 Winder. BUILDING PERMIT8. $1,00—11. 5.. Mltrhctl, to change etors front at 27 Peachtree street. $50—Mr*. N. A Crawford, to re-cover two one-story frame dwellings at I7I-1S0 Frssor street r $2.H0-Oscar Darla, te build three one story frame dwellings at 70-9-5 Estorls ■treat. $1.730—Oarer Davis, to build two one-story frjffi? dwrlllne* at 29-29 Mannm ittert. . $150—Fltabugh Knsz, to add to frame flwoHtng at 1M Eoclld arenas. $S0O-Fltibagh Knox, to balid atcreboom •t 275 Edge wood avenne. , .8. Miller, to bolld onestory frame dwrIUng at 210 Crew street $2,000—E. K. Allen, to build twestory framed welling at 18$ Reas atrtet _ . $10.000—J. W7 Patterson, to bolld one stnty brick dwelling at $75 West Pcarhtree itrrrt- $50—Mia. A. W. Shepherd, to add to dwell ing at 295 K. Linden street PROPERTY TRANSFERS., , . $25,000-Jtdltu L Brown to Penn Mntnsj Life Insurance Cm, lot on corner of Loyd •nj Decatur streets. Loan deed. II.17.>—Mr*. Carrie K. Benton to Charts# H. Weekly, lot oa Ormond street, »<■** ’ T iM5dJones. W on Orleans street, near Oakland avenue. IMOCt-'fl. Irliabry to Mra. C. V. Asbury. ^L5^T’ M r , A.» n o <r M , ir’ut.« Dr*ft#b*ck. Mm. Mortgage. . „ IS8&-J. II. liMd to Atlanta Banking Savings Co., lot on Pondera ateno*. n»*ar GalUtln atreet. Mortgage. „ . 32.W-W. E. Carson to Atlanta, Bank "/ and Savings Co., lot oa Lakevdood a''" 1 ^ $*900-8. 0*tabes et nL to Hagan Bn* Co., lot oa Anburn avenne, eenr Wlentlue street. measured.In the cosmic flla], he v* 11 ■ase to shine. The dejected looks of the pfnfeeaer s fair companion would alone be ennui" to Induce us to quit this place, and in' appeal to the captain to hasten to nwi* cheerful scenes Is unanimous.