The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 16, 1906, Image 10

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=!N WANTED—FURNI8HED ROOM8. ! COUPLE DESIRES TABLE BOARD AND I furnished room, or simply table board, I In neighborhood of Jneksou nnd Forrest. State terms. T. t\, The Georglaii. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISII- ed rooms at 267 Peachtree. Rent reason able. FOR RENT—0FFICE8. OFFICE SPACE IN NICELY FURNISH- office. Phone 2833 or call nt 1330 Can dler Bldg. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don't let 'em fool you." Jim Burnett tformerly ofcBurnett A Willis) Is not dead nor missing. He Is contracting wall paper and painting. Office and show room 12 East Uuuter street. Both ’phones 550. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. IF IT IS REAL ESTATE YOU WANT to buy or sell, call to see me. II. C. Pen dleton, 614 peters building. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. WANTED-FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM COT tnge, with modern conveniences. North side preferred. Permanent, cure Georgian. LOST. Who put* your paper on so slick. And guarantees that It will stick; Doe* your painting, does It nice. And ’always lowest In ths prlcef* Burnett, of course! Your ‘‘Uncle Jim” Is hard to bent; He's nt Number 12 E. Hunter street. Both Phones Bad. STRAYED FROM *245 WASHINGTON street, fox terrier dog; has one black V spot on tall. Dog answers to name of Teddy. Finder return to 7 East Mitchell - street nnd receive reward. ™ J FOUND. : FRANKLIN, TUB CLEAN CLEAN FEL- ' low. clonn, ■ult, *1 to »1.M. I'Ant, 60o. Whitehall St. Phone,. Bell 629. A. 388L i MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie nnd others. American InTeatment Co.. 794 Candler Bldg. Established 1890. WEYMAN A CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on resl estate. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purchase money notea; straight loans made for 6 per cent and up- wards. According to desirability of loan. , W. A. Foster, 12 South Broad street. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes nnd lends money on Improved Atlnnta property at reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of- fered; small expense and prompt attention. Onlv on real estate lu and near Atlauta. S. B. Turman. MONEY LOANED ON HEAL ESTATE. 3 TO 6 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. JOHN . CAREY, IS EAST ALABAMA STREET. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; f any amount, 4’A. 3 n,, 'l P** r cent. Write _ or rail S. W. Carton. 24 S. Broad atroot. j FAUM LOANS—WE ABE PLACING loans on Georgia farms nt the lowest 0 rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgnge t Company. Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE nt very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-3 Temple Court. WANTED—MONEY. I WANTED -YOU TO ASK YOUR GROCER „ for Money Flour, nnd Insist on getting It, j because there Is money lit It. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OO SUB SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- mrnt Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change, l»uy nnd sell automobile*. Garage. » 10-12 Mitchell street, Atlauta. U*. Bell phone 4X94 L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on j Kent, 91Vi N. l’ryor. Phone 2928. AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY > nt io a. n». at ‘he Southern Auction and Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. J PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, * Phonaa 1266. 20 B. Ilunt.r At .. WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. 6 largest stock In South. 64 N. Broad BL "KENT LIGHTS.” , THE BEST OP MANTLE LIGHTS NOW aold ,1 91H N. l’ryor it. Alel Kent, r Phono 4*48. * KROSI'S MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP * and hair tMtnp; sold at drug nud depart* . inent stores: ask for It 4>r write J. J. Krotn, $ Sen ip nnd Hair Specialist, 613 Thu Grand, Atlauta, Ga. £ SHOE hEPAIRINO. E GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. * 4 LPCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. |j Deli 2335. Men's sewed half aotes, 75c. FOR FIXE SHOE RE- PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 South Pryor street, * opposite court imuao. All work first-class. — No cheap prices. $3 M. A. SHELTON, j! DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON ISA practical *t»ne nn J range repairer; best, L work and material guaruutccd. Both phone* 6275. 6l S. Pryor street. , SNOOK’S Big Furniture Values To- - ihorrow. n , Full Quartered Oak Dining Tables, big l*K*, only 610.00 O' Full Quartered $45 Sideboards rut ti>... 27.59 ^ $ Leather Dining Chair* t6) only.. 12.5‘ The biggest values ever shown In Iron Beit*. ' $6.00 Circle Head nnd Fn»*t Piece* only. .$3.6*> $39.00 extra heavy Bed*, all color* 6.50 $15.00 2 Inch Pillar Beila only 8.5" All-steel Spring only LW Don't inlss these big values. H $49, $.'*»*. $69. $v) Davenport*, cut t«» $25. $35. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leet then 25 cents, the price of four line*. 8ix word* of average length make a line. The following rate* •re for conaecutive insertion*^ 1 time 6 cent* a line. 3 times 5 cent* a Ijne. 6 time* cent* a line. 26 time* . 62 time* . 78 time* . . . cent* a line. . 3/z cents a line. . 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re sults and sure return*. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME8SENGER SERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elye* Co. nmiurru iu( i ierw. i|i«, and Hudson bicycles. Write for oar ntalogu# and price list Alexander- 20V4 R. Alabama 8L WANTED HELP—MALE* as helper* In the foundry to learn mob ere' Good pay to start tilth better pay In two or three month*, tboae with rood references need oi |>eI.onrh Mill Mfg. Co. foods? If Southern Auc South l'ryor. call up 2306 (Hell). WANTED. TWENTY GOOD. I?ELIA CARE THE GEORGIAN. WANTED—YOUNG MAN T< the drug bualneft*. Address care The Atlanta Georgian. Imrber? Easiest trade In the tvorld lenru. We own a ehalu of borlMT shopi Atlanta In which vre work only our • graduates. Full course, $20. ( ommlai paid from dny you enter. Atlanta Hai College, 102 Whitehall street. WANTED—THREE YOl’NG MEN collectors. Address nt once Collector, « The Georgian. WANTED—TWO HOY JOB AND WANTED HELP—YOUNG MAN Ixtokkeepcr and stenographer. Must hsv* hnd experience. Send references, steady, reliable and sober. Addres handwriting. It. A 8., rare The Oc WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—FEMALE. roMl’KTENT HEM Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 11* Peach TO INQUIRE ABOUT WANTED—IJ8EH8 OF MONEY FLOUIt. niy nt Guthtnau 8ten hall and Prothertr- - MISCELLANEOUS. and vault door a to be aold at coat during next week; now la your time. 26 8. Broad street. It. W. Ellis. Atlanta. the reception and ■Wof till ...... .. ■■ Autry Greer. 1312 Empire building. Atlanta, G*.H HE A F1II8T GLASS BARBER, EAS1 trade learned. Full course $20. We aevernl shops In Atlanta where we en only our griwluater Uommlsslon paid I day you enter, i * ” ‘ ‘|h printing. Broad at OASn REGISTERS. (Secondhand.) « a i IONAL8. IIALLWOODS. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. ‘> can sell you a register, suitable for it business, nt a price that cannot help it please you. Caah or monthly payments. Every register naranteed for two years. Southern Cash tegtater Co.. Branch of American Second land Cash Register Co., 14 8. Broad street Atlanta, Ga. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 24 8. Broad St., Atlanta. Ga. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $3,600—BRAND NEW S^ROOM COTTAGE, Just completed, on North nvenne, near Jackson street; you will hnvc to see this coxy little cottage to appreciate Its value. Bent of material and workmanship used, lieautlful cabinet mantels, tinted walls, etc. Can make attractive terms to right parties. W. E. WORLEY, 325 Empire Bldg. Atlanta Phone 3983. THIRTY ACRES UP THE PEACHTREE road, lying Juat off the main road; splen did 8-rootu cottage, splendid orchard, all kinds of fruit, splendid wire fences and Iron gates, good pasturage, spring*, etc. We want to show you this and polut out sev> cral features not meutloued here, and then make you a price. $6.250—N. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 9-room house on large lot. In prettiest part of this street, being near North ave nue and Ponce DeLeon. Thla la a beauty aad no mistake. Can make very easy terms thla to desirable party. WANTED. Houses to rent. LIEBMAN, Have AND RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION ASH age Connuuiv will bnv or sell yon FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. nR8T^A88^nKiiTNE}^ l!OU8fc should have high grads signs. Call < JCcut Sign Co., VIVt North l’ryor atroa livery. John T. Stocks A Co., 2W Street. Bell 'phone 15 west; Atlautu 'phono 4793. FOR RALE-ONE SET LARGE OAK folding «loora, one steel celling. Cole Book Co.. 69 Whitehall at. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OB office flxtnrcs to sell, see the Houtherni Auction and Salvage Company, 20 South ■B^sBsasaBsaBBneBsaa-w-^ WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—ALL KINDS OF SALABLE achool, law, medical booka for caah. J. C. On van. 71 Whitehall street. 'Phone 1S22. WANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There Is money In every sack. ART SCHOOL. WANTED THE PUBLIC TO VISIT Mappy's School of Art and Inspect por trait* palnte.1 hv Ida large classes. Corner _ OLD HATS MADE NEW . _ _ t-A»AMX^.MT'MTTAN~STUA\V~UATS cleaned and reshaped, GOc. ■oft and stiff felt hats cleaned and ra* »c. Btnrt* or «wfi.t». > nt.h acme matters, evi wmt.iuu at WM. S. SHERWOOD • large-at from $8 to $100 per front s ai iroin *i,<uu io u.uuu, ««.- any part of tho city; with nmiii- iia, iin*i wV win uiini mr on long time. Lots from $600 to $2,500. e wM guarantee to double your mejr; close In. near the poatoffice; 100 100, for $26,000. $6.250—A BEAUTIFUL FIFTH STREET home of nine rooms, on the prettiest 50 by 180-foot lot In the city; house la furnace- heated and up to date. Caa assist you to get terms on thla. $2,760—GRANT STREET BARGAIN OF 6- rootn house, lot 50x150 to alley; elevated, on car Hue; can make terms to acceptable party of $400 cash and $25 per month. $3,000—COLLEGE PARK HOME OF SEVEN rooms, two stories, In good condition, on corner lot (102x172), shady and pretty; near car line; we can make terms of $1,000 cash, balance easy on this. $4,000—A BOUT COMPLETED; NEAR THE Peachtree*, we have a lovely 2-story 8* room home, finished beautifully Inside and out; If you want a bargain, let us show you thla place at once, aa It Is tho only thing of Its kind In the city situated so favorably and to be bad on easy terms. SEPTEMBER 18 MOVING MONTH. you are moving out of a rented house Into another rented house, you are not wise, when 1 can put you In a brand-new home of your own on easy terms. I CAN PUT YOU IN POSSESSION OF nil the new houses advertised below lu one hour. Small caah payments; balance Just like rent. HRANDNEW TWO-STORY SEVEN-ROOM house near Hurt's park 111 Edgewood. Price I* $2,250. $100 cash and $15 per mouth; r lot. "‘d| “—*■ f—* 9ja * — could less WK.HT LINDEN, NEAR HPKINU, ready for occupancy, a new five-room house; $2,200; $300 cash, $25 per month; will rent nt $20. It’a n bargain. Washington Street: brand- Cash or terms. CLOSE TO MARIETTA AND AEEXAN- der streets 1 have three brand-new five- room houses Just completed; ready for pancy. price $2,000; $300 cash, $25 u iy. If you will take a look at these houses you will never pay auother dollar for a rented house. St:Alt JACKSON ASU PONCE HE 1.BON* avenue, 1 have tho awellest and most up- to-date nine-room house In the city; shady, east front lot, nud side alley, 60 by 190 feet. Price $7,500; $2,500 cash, balance to suit. KEEP VOL'K EYE ON MV 1MJI.V AG. JUST COMPLETED. IN EDGEWOOD, between two cur lines, a beautiful five- room house. Price $1,600; $300 cash. $15 per month. Thla Is above the average five-room house. Flue mantels lu every room. SEVERAL NEW FOUK-IIOOM HOUSES In Edgewood at $1,250 each; $69 cash and $12.50 per mouth. Why will you keep puy- lug rent? ON WEST PEACHTREE, I HAVE A beautiful nine-room bouse Just as good as there Is. nt $8,250, ou attractive terms; lot 60 by 231 feet, and elevated. KEEP YOLK EVE ON MV DAJLV AD. WEST ATLANTA PARK. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New- Suburban Homes. will get same for you. K. O. Medlock Henry H. Jackson R. O. MEDLOCK CO., Bell Phono 3794. Atlanta Phono 4794. i*. King street. i’oU 11 \ Unarm cottage, si ms street. Terms. FolC SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO- m hoiiNc, rents J'J't. Negro property, Ft >Rsi\iini)M( t nr a t; e. sit. a m t. near ear line. l l>It six-litH>M t'OTTAGE, WHITE- COTTAGE, t’AP- SI: V E NltOOM COTT AG E. FOR BbVRN ROOM COTTAGE, Foil SEVEN ROOM l EIGHT ROOM Whitehall; near * 155 ACRES TWO STORY In. I. AND 20 lea «>f city; good Improvement*. » FOR TEN RotlM HOUSE, 1" ACltES In lid. «n ear line, at a big bargain, rm eiuents worth the money. ii LOT 5d BY ON PONCE DE- Tha first month will ba given FREE, and if ocoupiod on* year, two moro months will be given FREE at tho end of tho year, making only nine months you will have to pay for. Nona but good families will ba allowed in these houses. These are located on tho river electrio car line, only twenty min utes* ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and 8 rooms; have never been occupied; are loceted in Weet At lanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty- foot park, which ia set in trees, ever* greens and flowers. Pure air) native oaks; an ideal spot for children. It ia cheaper than living in the city and tha surroundings ara mora wholesoma. In tha center of this park are the FERRO PH08PHATE 8PRING8, which will cure any cat# of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a etore, a school house cost ing 62,500 will soon bo completed. Capt. J. T. Mills, who lives on tha grounds, will show you through tho houses. Rent $20 per month. JN GRANT J’AJIK SECTION I HAVE Just completed four beautiful six-room homes; all modern: tllo sidewalks. Price $2,350; $350 cash, $£> per month. ll3,000 WILL PUUCHA.SE ONE OK THE moat beautiful homes In the city; lot 105 by 335 feet; beuutlful ten-room house nnd very fine burn. It is second to none. Easy uni nun a* ri.viiri. i uivi n A iiv.i* room house that cost la.OOO alone to build. Can sell thla week for $4,509. Part-cash. I AOVEtmSE .NOTHIN 11 HUT BAIL FOR RENT. 47 WEST NORTH AVENUE. Thla two story, eight-room frame, on lot 60 by 2ixi. which lien level, Is on the north aide of West North avenue, between Bprltvfc and Williams streets; ban gas. hot and cold water, porcelain bath, closet, ntu- tionary washstaud on Imth floors; sink lu the klchen nud sink In the puutry; Is heat ed with hot nir furnace. If you arc look ing for an extra nice house In the lw»*t of repair hood: IN iml In one of our best netghhc this la your opportunity. We htree ears block nnd a half away. W JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phone. <11. GJiORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. WEST EM). CI.ONE TO GORDON AND Lee streets, and ou nn elevated corner, neat six-room house in apple-ple order, nt $2,650. It would Interest you. AS1IRY STREET, WEST END, SEVEN- room house; lot 58 by 258 feet, at $3,j00; one-fourth cash. KOIl BARGAINS, NOTICE MY~A03 Two Houses On North Boulevard. We will sell Nos. 95 and 101 N. Boulevard for $5 Too cash. These are 8-room houses, between Edgewood ave and Auburn ave.; lot is 106x160, with good elevation. An out-of-town owner wants to sell these two places for cash. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. CENTRAL AVE.. NEAR MITCHELL. A good business lot for $3,750. Fourth cash. PEACftTREK-THREE B E A U T I F U I, homes ot easy term*—$11,500, $13,000, $17,* PEACHTREE-CHOICE VACANT LOT between Thirteenth and Fourteenth at*., 68 by 210 to alley, $7,860. Ouly $1,000 cash, balance >1,000 annually. PONCE DeLEON AVE.—ON TOP OF THE hill !>eyond the “* the city; corner THURSDAY Snook’s China Closet Day. $25.00 round corner China Closet only..$15.50 Glass end Colonlnl only 12.00 Full double-leaded $50 round corner only 35.00 Full Mission leaded front and ends only 21.00 Tables, Chairs, Buffets to match. Don't miss It; they are big values. P. II. 8NOOK FURNITURE CO.. 56 North Broad Street. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Private Wire to Ware & Inland Russian affairs showing | mc menu 1 tendencies are still u Pt , P and higher prices can be expected 0,„ nn..lK.lf,.i .-, ar drIve ^ n B * Fuel and a few oih. display er stocks. All the southwest rails strength due to large prese CLAUDE L. NORRIS, BELL ’PHONE 4439. 71< FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 1 AM BUILDING AN UP-TO-DATE FOV’iV- room house on South avenue, near Grant. It will be ready lu ten days. Price $1,650, ou easy terms. CLONE IN COHNKU,’ NORTH HIDE, IN block bounded by Peachtree and Baker, go4>«| seven-room house uml ro4im enough left for un apartment house. Price $6,6uu; one-third cash, baluiice one and two year* at 6 per cent. Think of it, having 100 feet front. Somebody will come along In one year hence and offer you $8,000 for It. IN JUST ONE BLOCK OF I’EACllTKEE nnd this side of Baker street, tine apart ment corner, with good house. Price $8,* 600. Owner adjoining lot wants $16,000. Note the difference and coine to see me. LINT YOUR I’Roi’EitTY WITH ME IF you wunt it sold quick. 1 CAN SHOW YOU 19 PER CENT IN brand-new white property on Jones ave nue. Jt will tuke $2,400 to handle the prop osition. BRAND-NEW CORNER STORE AND brand-new dwelling of *lx rooms In Grant nark section. Hundreds of houses being built ull uround It. Good business. Price, $4,500. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE ON UEMP1ULL avenue. It’s well built nnd a beauty at $2,000, ou easy term*. CHEROKEE AVENUE, FACING GRANT park; lot 50 by 200 feet to alley. It ought to aell quick nt $3,500; part cash. WATCH MY AD THE COMING WEEK. IVY STREET—THIS SIDE OF it ARRIS; good 9-rooiu house nt $5,600. The only one loft at the price. EAST CAIN-VERY NEAR PEACHTREE: right here Is n pick-up at $5,250; lot is 6o by 100 feet; 6-room bouse. NEE -ME Foil CLONK-IN PROPERTY. GOOD (i-HOOM HOUSE ON WILLIAMS street; lot 50x200; side alley. This side «»f Harris; rents $38. Price $4,500. ON I.LCKIli STREET-OOOD 7-ttOO.M house In stone’s throw of Piedmont hotel. Price $3,5»W; part cash. CLOSE IN—ON AUDI IIN AVENUE: »- r«H»m house; goo4| lot: sunn Ih* buslucsa property. Price $4,500. It’s cheap. PEACHTREE HOME-BUILT- OF GRAN- ite, and a beauty, at .$16,000. It’s the best thing there Is. JACKSON STREET-NEAR NORTH AVE- nue; g«HM| 9-room house; elevated lot nud well worth your $5,200. Half cash. w. north avenue—close to Peachtree; ft 9 room house; built for a home; nothing but good material. Sacrifice at $8,500. SPRING STREET—N J EAR NORTH AVE- nue; giuxl 9-room house nt $5,quo; $1,000 ensh. $50 jH*r month. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW EOUII FINE West Peachtree homes to persons who know how to appreciate something good. SOUTH SIDE COTTAOE-NO DOUBT you hare realised long ago In paying ret t ycu give away something for nothing. Here t Is your chance to quit. Hill street, ‘cottage, up to date lu every way; a beauti ful elevated lot, 60x160, $3,150; $3U0 cash ami $20; easy. This house Is practically near and actually coat inure money than NORTH SIDE COTTAGE-A BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage In one of the best neigh borhoods on the north aide, $4,750; $500 cush, hula nee easy. COTTON SCORED A SMALL DECLINE New York, Aug. 15.—A amall decline took f dace In ctdton, owing largely to nulling by eadlng local operator* nnd spot Interests and dlsuppolntfiig cables from Liverpool. The fluctuations •luring the day, however, were not very wide uor was the tradlug on a large scale. After opeulug slightly lower on the foreign news, prices rallntl nud ad vanced moderately under the stimulus of reporttt of Increasing weevil damage In Texas, where further showers occurred nnd where, moreover, the government weekly report states that less ruin and more suu- shlne Is needed in many counties. Then, too, a rainfall of 1 to 2 luchea was reported lu Georgia und nt S4)ine points In North Carolina, and many wero disposed to regard the preclpitutiou lu that section us a bullish feature. A precipitation of 4 luches was reported at Mcrldlun, Miss. Shorts, large ami small, covered to some extent nnd there was a certain uuiouut of new buying. The average trader, however, sees little Incentive to take the long side on nn extensive scale. The buying Is merely for quick turns or to cover shorts, and unless some wide spread dnmngc from Insect* or other cause takes place it is the opiuiou of many close observers that nothing but teiui»orarv ral lies nre llkc-ly to occur for the time being, especially ns the movement of the m*w crop continue* to Increase and outside In terest lu the speculation ia absent.—Gibert & Clay. of tangible steadiness, yesterday's uiurket ithout spetdnl significance except In short covering was Impelled by ... , „ .. reckon It It accumulating crop dnmngc reports, hlch, while ns ye.t -Indicating nothing really serious, nevertheless umy be ex pected to carry sentimental Influence suf ficient to at b*ast aid the reactionary ten dency ouce It shall have developed alotig practical lines.—Wn Linden. I’rlee $3, FOR SALE. SEVEN BOOM COTTAGE WITH ATTIC room. Built less than a year ne. Large new barn and se r Plenty of shade and fruit » by fsrt. Opposite Hr. ltldley's m<**tnr. Town Is growing In Tt <Jrnnt park! 1,490. TWO SIX ROOM COTTAGES NEAR TER- ulnnl station; sidewalks and *ewer; cab- I net mantels; splendid renting section; $1.- 500 each; mie-thlrd cash and monthly pay- NIC E LOT ON Affirnv fc'niEMT. BY 2h0 feet, east front, and covered with nice oak trees; only $250. bargain. TERMS. Box 62, Deeatur, Ga. on to be appre- In solid Mahogany. Wen tin und Golden Oak. Watch out for our big coming 6^* roll matting sab-: best grade of J.tpnUCM- Matting. Will be l*>' s e. i». 1! SNOOK FURNITURE CO., 56 North Broad Street, FOR SALE Deeatur Cottage. iKVKN ROOMS, m:\vi.v PAINTED ► ip.’i.d; large lot; <*f enr line; elands ami colleges. I’rlee. «». e\ en room two story Box 62, Deeatur. NEW 1‘UOl’EUTY; RENTS $12 PER month; <»i0. I^»t ns show you this. FIVE ROOM HOUSE OS NELSON street; lot S') by 125. This Is close In. Price C.000. 8IX-UOOM HOUSE, ItANKIN STREET; $13Ml Terms. AT 3 »l 3 -*? WEST FOURTH STREET" WE ba\e two three rcuntt cottages In first class shape, renting to white tenants nt $7 each, nnd a small house In rear of one lot. This Is a bargain nt $1,400. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN NEAT COTTAGE ON E. PINE STREET, between Piedmont avenue nud Courtlnnd. Price $3,000. G«*od neighborhood. NOT1UK MY AD FOR BARGAINS. VERY PLUSH IN—UENTUAI. AVENUE: I have 10-room house nt $4,250. Good place for boarders. Easy terms.’ GOOD 6 ROOM HOUSE ON MILLS ST. Price $2,600: ensh payment und $20 per month; would rent nt $25. fci,5n»—CLOSE TO STATE CAPITOL AND best home that you can %find for the money: 10-room houst*; lot 60x2<>0; able drive and giNMl barn. FACING GRANT PARK. 1 HAVE A NEAT 5 room bouse: lot 50x1X5 to another street, at $2J>0); $1,000 can run 5 years nt 6 per j cent. S. BOULEVARD FINE HOME OF NINE rooms nt $3,350, on easy terms. Lit 60xl9») feet. MOVE INTO A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON Park avenue; 83-foot street. 9 mom house; $3,500, $35" cash. $35 per month. PONCE DeLEON AVEN4B I.OTS-TIIIS side 4if Jackson street; beHUllfiil and ele vated. at $4» per foot. Adjoining lots owner asks Sift) per foot. T^ist call. 128 FEET FRONT ON I’o.V E DeLEON nvenne, 2<»7 f****t deep, at $20 |ier foot. Nothing cheaper: near the springs. i:« mills stkekt-Cornkr of ormk street; store and large corner lot; mom for two ilwelllngs. Price $1,850; part cftsli. HERE IS VOIR MONEY MAKER—Or mond *tn*et lot*, facing car Ilm*. at $475 each, on your own term*. I Just want 12 months to clear you $209 on each lot. I TWO LOTS NEAR CAPITOL AVENUE. on Rtmt. 41122-i pneb, at $.t:f pat'll. Own tpritts. MY ADS Wil l. RE ATTRACTIVE ALL NEXT WEEK SEI.EPT BARGAINS NND NOTHING EWR. Ji ff NEW RiniM HOUSE: RENTS l?>. ii.-p. Pont IIOI SES: RENT AT F?T ; $x.5i«u THREE HOUSES: RENTED AT lion $5.4"0—THREE HOUSES: RENT AT $54. §5) ACRES OU LAND 5i MILES FROM ' Atlanta ou Si*(dM»nrd Air Line railroad, one tulle on railroad front and station ou place. Price $10,900. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN prospective business. ” ‘ “ nt alul It niay be wise to accept profits Fil'.l!?. S !“ t ® s . .® teel8 .rase of sharp a ,"p out that Southern Pa. clflc will make a new high record to. day. The stock sold nt 811-4 |„ i 9u2 . Southern Pacific crossed 80 8 .‘; , 1 ,’ a , ul bought and lock, as It Union Pacific would cross lUu Copper seems to be In demand knd steels should work higher. Believe it will pay to secure profits on upturn, today. 1 ** Dow 4k Jones Co. .. stocks lu Londou firm ut parity. London settlement 4*oneluded trainv Tencent fate question coat t., seriously Rapid Transit btislne,, Joseph' Ranuiey’a projected New York- PlttabuK-CWcsgo electrfe mail auiiom,.-,..!, but nothing said about securing terminals Canadn export trade Increased nearly Jv. 000,000 Inst year. Demand for Canadian Pnelflc in the loan crowd, but stocks 4,therwl*e plentiful, r uundry Iron still reporter! s4-arcr* fruu* gust show iwr cent. Crop currency movement begins with St. Louis and New Orleans drawing heavily on New York. ' Paris reports n more optimistic sentl- ntent with a illsposltoln to cut locst* from Uusslnn Infiuences. Twelve industrial* advanced .17 per cent. r P in-rmt v ootli-o t i .... ’ Private Wire to Gibert & Clay. New York, Aug. 16.—Marshall, .Spa- der & Co.: "Most reviews tnukc it up- pear that what la known an the public are not largely Interested and that the market Is at most entirely patronized by large banking and seml-speculatlve Interests, but all agree that there Is full evidence of tho scarcity of the best Is- sues and that there Is nothing in ths forecast of events to Justify less fidenee In the market. Most everything points to a higher market today.” The Financial Bureau says; "Exten sion of short covering and specialty prominence seem likely In the stock market owing to the lack of pressure of stock ns Indicated by light transactions and dullness on declines. The decided tendency evinced on the part of the street to go short nt every sign of re cession forms a support that defeats the object of the bears temporarily. Until the large Interests take profits, however, we do not expect serious de clines, nnd at present we are at a los* to find buyers for them, so the manip ulation of the last few days Is likely to continue, especially as the outlook fa vors a good bank statement, which should Induce short retirements to soma extent, ns money Is the factor still. Developments over night show no al teration of the financial outlook, and we still regard the market a* a whole as being confined within trading lim its, of course with specialties easily raised ns usual when the general list Is held at a certain level. We recom mend the neutral policy of conserva tlsm, but with the mind alert for spe cialty betterment as heretofore stated.” . ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit sol Produce exehnuge. Lemons, $4.<oji5.00. Limes 60 to 76c. lb-aches, per rrnte, $l.f¥V?n.60. Pineapples, $1.60 to $2.60. . Bnuanas, straights, !»-•■ bunch $1.60 t* $1.75. Culls, per bunco, $1 to $1.25. Watermelons, $7.50 to $20.00 per 100; de. broilers 15 to 22Hc. Lire ducks, Peklo $1 to 36c; puddle 25 to 27*Ac. Dressed hens, per lb., 12c to 13c. Eggs, per dozen, 20c. Butter, table, per lb., 20 to 22ftc; cook* , lug, per lb., 12Hc to 15c. , .. New York. Aug. 15.—The Sun says: After Ilouey—New SfalQe lb.; In 1-lb. rack* w nn 4»peiilng mark»Ml by Mtrength and activity, ! . v . to which Brooklyn Rapid Transit was tin* VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. No. only lmiM»rt;int exception, some of the lead- »h*ok, $2.jO barrel; per bushel. J"*'- lug stocks like Uuiim Pacific nnd Southern' Onions, $Lj») bushel; eal»biige..c p<*nn Pacific eased off a little on profit-taking. | new aweetpotatoea $1.60 bushel. without, however, exerting any Important . FLOUfv GRAIN. PROVISIONS. Influence. Dullness succeeded, and tnla pre- FLOUR— Poatela Patent. $6.00; Dlatn- vailed during the greater part of tin* nes- patent, $5.50; Mnsenutnh Star, $4.66: ra«i''y without the element of underlying i patent. $4.66; Red Engle, $4.40; Blue Itlbuefc. ■»rength. but lu the last hour recovered , H»«)j fancy, $3.90; spring whtat puteut, $> t0 Ct)itN—Choice red •»ob, 76c; No. 2 white 75c; No. 2 yellow, T4e; mixed. 73c. OATS—Choice white clipped. 52c; choice white, 50c; choice mixed, 48c; Texas rust proof, 50c, . . . MEAL—Plain water ground, per busn*' 1 ; 734*; ludb-d 140-lb. Jutes, per bush'd. Shorts, white. $1.66, medium. $14"; brew a, $1.36; pure bran. $1.10; mixed bran. $1 HAY.—Timothy, elnnce Inrge bales. Il-Dj do, choice small bale*, $1.06: timothy bales **• **•* v clor« 90c. n the list. Steel 4*omun Baltimore and ntuong the active favorites, sell- i new high record figure In nutlet- tin* 3 per cent dividend which will come 4>ff today. Pennsylvania showed fair strength In the last hnnr, nnd among \nv prleeil issues Erie gnve a good ue ount of itself.—Gibert & Ulay. ranked Ohio wn Ing up t< pathm • THE SUGAR MARKET. Br Private Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 15.—I.ocnl refined nnd raw sugar steady nnd unchanged. London beet VI lower. August 8s lVl; 8ept*mt»er Georgia, R. R. 6s. 1910 " '' '' ^i 3s. 1»J9 t. 1919 •orgla 1st inrome.. iy. choice inrge nniei. •».< , ill iwlei, 11.06; do. No. 1 UIUUUO I«ir», $1: do., .No. 2. $1; do.. N" 1 clover mixed, $1.00; do, No. 2 clo*e«l mixed, “Oc. Cf.OVER.—Choice 90*?. The almve price* are f. o. b. Atlanta, anu subject to Immediate -cceptnace. GROCERIE8. , . v _ SUGAR—Rtamliird granulated, $5.2o^ * York Uefin«*d, 6',i; plantations, 54- 3I.irk*t ' cS^FEK—Roasted • Arbnckle’s W bulk. In bag* or barrels, 13c; green, 1 12e. Marker strong. RICE.-Carolina 4tt to 7Hc, according « grade. Market very strong. ....... CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy. 14 < c * twins 14c: brick. 14c. Market strong. PROVISIONS—Supreme hama. 1- bnma l&‘,tc. California hams 10‘/ie: Red • ^ hams. 16c. Dry salt extra ribs. $y>.: i" 111 • 20 5 lbs., $10.50; fat bucks. 8e; tda -*- Bupremo lard, $9.75; Red Cross. 10c. Drift comi>ouud, 7%c; Red Cross, 7»*c. Snow THE DRY GOODS MARKET. New Vork, .Auk. 15,-TIi.’ dry An advance of V* n 7 nr ‘* Will Ih* n uoilliced tomorrow the day Inekerl n llttl- Amoske •* si 4 4 she W. E. WORLEY. IN THE GEORGIAN of merchandise bought waa very large.