The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 16, 1906, Image 10

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WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Six words of avsrage fengt make a line. The following rate are for consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents a lint 5 times ..... 5 cents a line. 6 times 4Yt cents a line, 28 times 4 cents a line. 52 times 3Vz cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re* aults and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. ere* trade, better pay those with rood r< DeLoach Mllf Mfg. WANTED. CARE THE GEORGIAN. tne a rug nnainess. Aiinrei care The Atlanta Georgian. harbor? Easiest trade In'the worh learn. We own n chain of hnrlwr hIio|i Atlanta In which we work only our graduates. Fall coarse. $20. Comm]* paid from day yon enter. Atlnntn Ita Oollege. 162 Whitehall atreet. WANTED—THREE YOUNG MEN collector*. Address nt once Collector, t The Georgian. WANTED—TWO HOY JOB AND WANTED HELP-YOUNG MAN bookkeeper and stenographer. Must I had experience. He ml references. Mils steady, reliable and solier. Address In owi handwriting. H. A 8., care The Georgian. rapher* for permanent positions; two years* experience, t*» operate o gle keytxiord. II. M. Ashe (.'o., den <*. Smith Visible. WANTE1V-TWO HOYS TO WORK , spring »ied shop. Southern Spring Co., Hell .street and Georgia railway. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—FEM ALB. WANTED—USERS OK MONEY FLOUR. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE player with band or orchestra. B. II. H., 8 8. Forsyth street. If. Whaley. Ansley. Ga. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE MISCELLANEOUS. and vault doors to be sold at cost durlnj next week; now la your time. 26 8. Uroai atreet. IL W. Ellin. Atlanta. 162 Whitehall atreet. vage Company will buy i FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS UOUSE8 should have high grade alrna " Kant Htgn Co.. 91*4 North Prj Phone 2928. a * Whitehall *t. IF YOU HAVE office fixtures Auction sad Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. ’Phone Bell 2306. FOR SALK—REST RUBBER TIRE; workmanship guaranteed. " Sg * hide Mfg. — FOR sil.E~TVYO CAR LOADS Brock wav surriea, runabouta and Wuona. Nothing belter made. < Vehicle Mfg. Co.. and 52 West 3 •treet. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTBD-ALL KINDS OF SALABLE school, law, medical books for cash. J. C. Oavnn. 71 Whitehall street. 'Phone 1821 WANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There Is money iu every Back. ART SCHOOL. WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO VISIT fiiappy's School of Art and Inspect por- traits painted by his large classes. Corner Peachtree nnd Auburn. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN HTRAW HATH cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cleaned and re- shaped, 36c. Banda or awests. 25c each -xtra. ACME HATTERS. 6*4 Whitehall fit. uni 11 nil WANTED—FURNISHED ROOM8. COliri.B DEHIIIKH TAHLK IIOAKIl ANI) furnished room, or simply table board. In neighborhood of Jackson nnd Forreat. State terras. T. C„ The Georgian. WANTED—ROOMS. WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD FOR fniher and two Imys, age 6 and 3 years; moderate price. Address X. \. Z. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURNI8II- 1 ed rooms at 267 l'eaehtree. Rent reason able. FOR RENT—OFFICES. OFFICE SPACE IN NICELY FURNISH- ed office. Phouo 2833 or cull at 1330 Can- f dler Bldg. “ )) FOR RENT—HOUSES. NEW FLAT-SEVEN LARGE ROOMS. A cabinet mantel*, porcelain Imtht all Itn- provements; walking distance; rent reason able. Owner, 88 William* street, near W. r Baker. ^ <i WALL PAPER. / WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. •'Don’t let ’em fool you." Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett k Willis) la not dead P nor missing. He Is contracting wall paper and painting. Office nnd show room 12 p East Hunter street Both ’phones 660. & 4 FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. S IF IT IS URAL K8TATB YOU* WANT -4 to buy or aell, enll to see me. 11. C. Pen- 9 dleton, 614 Peters building. . c FOR 8ALE—D0Q8. FRENCH POODLE H—REGISTERED L> stock. 2 months old, nnd little beauties; > male $20, female $15. McMillan Heed Co., 23 South Broad *tre«ff. LOST. u Who puts your paper on so slick, . And guarantees that It will stlrk; Does vour painting, does It nice, n And •'always lowest In the price?" ^ Burnett, of eourso! 4- H Your "Uncle Jim" Is hard to bent; ^ > lie's at Number 12 E. Hunter atreet. „ \ Both Phones 650. [ n STItAYCli FROM 41* PULLIAM STREET, 11 r one black horse with brand on left shoul der. Bet urn to 61*4 E. limiter street nnd get reward. *! LOST—YVATI’II AND FOR WITH MASON- le charm. Heturn to 498 Kiser building. J _ Iteward. H FOUND. I franklin, tub clean clean fbl- low. I’h'iin« milt, $1 to 11,'A Pant. Wo. ; ICS Whitehall St. Phono., Roll D2D, A. 3SS1. 1 MONEY TO LOAN. r SIDNEY ADVANCED HA LABI ED PEG- pie and others, American Investment Co., 704 Candler Bldg. Established 18JW. WEYMAN A CONNEHH, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estnte. ^ Font I’KIt CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purchase money notes; 11 straight loans made for 5 per cent nnd up* . wards. According to desirability of loan. * \V. A. Foster, 12 Honth Brand atreet. THE UNION HAVINGS BANK IIUYH ,r ’ purchase money notes nnd lend* money 11 ob Improved Atlanta property at reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of- fered; small expense and prompt attention. . Only on real estuto In and ueu|, Atlanta. H. It. Turman. H MONEY LOANED ON REAL ENT ATE, 3 TO 5 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. JOHN CARRY, IS EAHT ALABAMA Hi’BEBT. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND: " any amount. 4*4. 6 nnd 6 per cent. Writ* or enll H. W. Carson. 24 H. Broad atreet. FARM LOANS WE ARE PLACING .» loans ou Georgia (arm* nt the lowest * rates ever offered. The Houthern Mortgage i Company, Gould building. *' MONEY TO LOAN ON RRAI. ESTATE S nt very lowest rate*. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 2023 Temple Court. jjj WANTED—MONEY. <l WANTED -YOU TO AUK YOUR IIIIOCBR l’l for Moiicv Flour, and Insist ou getting It, because there Is money In It. SI PICTURE FRAMES. FirTUni* FRAMES MADE To nUDE'lL 11. W. Yarbrough. 24 Auburn uvvuuc, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn nvejme BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE HOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- ment Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change, buy and sell automobiles. Garage. 10-U Mltchell street. Atlauta. Us. Bell phone 4894 L Main — ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call ou Kent.-91*4 N. Pryor. Phone 2928. AUCTION SALE F..VEUY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. at tin* Southern Auction aud Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. II \V. IlOl’NTUEE A- BUO. TRUNK AND RAO UO. R.'tnll and ri'nnlrltiit. No. 77 Whitehall .treet. Plume 157«. '' IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY “«i faster and easier than ever before, come tw to see me nt once nnd get on the real — tblnir. A.k for II, 1574 Marietta atreet. gp PERSONAL. r “’ Ml DAVID W. YARBROUGH. \ master PLUMBER. ,,p| Phones 196$. 99 B. Hunter fit — WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY largest stock In South. 64 N. Broad St. ‘'KENT LIGHTS.” THE REST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW obhl at M74 N. Prj-or St. Alci Kent. — Phoae 4748. s| . K ROM’S MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP il and hair soap; sob! ot drug and depart- D' 1 meat stores: ssk for It or write J. J. Krora, M ‘ r S-'nlp and Ilalr Specialist, 613 The tiiand, J r,> Atlanta, Ga. ————— , — , , — lug SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 Month I’ryor atreet, ommsite court house. All work flrst-claas. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributor* of Vie* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just for special occasions. 20*4 R. Alabama St. If. W. Yarbrough. 2*4 Auburn avenue, orner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn nve- SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488. 412 Petera ,BulIding. $3,600—Hit AND NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, Just completed, on North avenue, near Jackaon atreet; you will hare to see this coay little cottage to appreciate Its value. Rest of material and workmanship used, beautiful cabinet mantels, tinted walla, etc. Cau make attractive terms to right parties. THIRTY ACRES UP TUB PEACHTREE road, lying Just off the main road; spleu- dld 8-room cottage, splendid orchard, all kinds of fruit, splendid wire fences and Iron gates, good pasturage, springs, etc. We want to show yon this and polut out sev eral features not mentioned here,/and then make you a price. $6,250—N. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 9-room house on large lot, In prettiest part of this street, being near North ave- nnd Ponce DeLeon. This Is a beauty and no mistake. Cau make very easy terms this to desirable party. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Be Wise and Invest Your Money Where It Is Safe and Where It Will Pay You Large Amount Net Interest. WILL HEM. YOU TWO OB FOUR NEW 8 and 9-room houses In choke white nelgh- borhood, rented so as t/» pay you 9 per cent net drat year and 9% A year. Only $8,260 or $16, cash. MIT YOU CHOICE CORNER postofflre, with Improve- BBBL r . jrlng 6 per rent net; It will double In value within three years. Hit CAS HELL YOU THE BENT CORNBll CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) UALLWOODS. IDEALS Mad all other maker at Caab or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- REGISTER EXCHANGE. 24 S. Brood St., Atlanta, Ga. M. A. SHELTON, —. . FOROBT M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stov# and range repairer; best SALE. LLH BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS: jrlce, only 16%c; Japanese and (ring. Oriental designs, 16*4c, 29*4c, •111 double the price. • P. Snook : Company, M North Broad street. WANTED. Houses to rent. Have LIEBMAN, IEAL ESTATE ANI) RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. $6,30-A BEAUTIFUL FIFTH STREET home of nine rooms, on the prettiest 60 by ISO-foot lot In the city; bouse Is furnace heated and up to date. Can asslat you to get terma on this. $2,760-GRANT STREET BARGAIN OF 6- room house, lot 60x160 to alley; elevated, on car line; can make terms to acceptable party of $400 cash and $25 per month. $3,000—COLLEGE PARK HOME OP SEVEN rooms, two stories, In good condition, on corner lot (102x172), shady and pretty; near car line; we can make terms of $1,000 cash, balance eaty on this. $4.000-ABOUT COMPLETED; NEAR THE Peachtrees, we have a lovely 2-story 8- room home, finished twautlfully Inside and out; If you want a bargain, let us show you this place at once, as it Is the only thing of Its kind In the city situated so favorably and to be had on easy terms. WEST ATLANTA PARK. in value within the Inst four rears and will advance within the next four years ndt less thnu 60 per cent. Can prove all we say.• Will hell you tITk greatest 1 bargain In rnllrond frontage close In (with Improvements worth $12,000). 8ny, 206 feet on railroad by 250 feet ou atreet, for the sum of $25,000. l>o votf WANT"A S'fcW HOME OF Flioii 6 to 10 rooms on the north, south or west side at from $1,700 to $10,000! Or lots In any I tart ot the city. WITH TERMS ON ALL THE ABOVE. CALL AND SEE US. WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU. M. McNEILL and WM. S. SHERWOOD, Room 514 Empire Building. Two Houses On North Boulevard. We will sell Nos. 95 and 101 N. Boulevard for $5,700 cash. These are 8-room houses, between Edgewood ave. and Auburn ave.; lot is 106x160, with ( good elevation. An out-of-town owner wants to sell these two places for cash. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. GET A HOME WITHOUT MONEY. INVESTMENT. Wo have listed with us big rent. This Let 57 Imnan Building. FOR SALE. The equipment, fixtures presses, milling ma- s, gear cutters, black- tools, patterns and ies. Your chance to bargain. ,T. H. CRUTCHFIELD, 2:?8 People’s Building, Phone 1132. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. Tha first month will bo given FREE, and if occupied ona year, two mora montha will ba given FREE at tha and of tho year, making only nino months you will have to pay for. Nono but good families will ba allowsd In thaea houses. These are located on the river oloctrie oar lino, only twenty min utes’ ride from tho center of tho olty; contain 7 and 8 rooms) hava navar been occupied) are locatad In Watt At* lanta Park. Evary houa# fronts a fifty, foot park, which is act in trace, ever greens and fiowsrs. Pure air) native oaks) an idaal spot for children. It it cheaper than living in tha city and tha surroundings are more wholesome. In tho center of this park ara tha FERRO PH08PHATE SPRINGS, which wilt euro any case of otomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a now ehureh, neatly furnlshtd, a ators, a school houeo cost ing $2,500 will soon be completed. Capt. J. T. Mills, who lives on tho grounds, will show you through tho houses. Rent $20 per month. , FOR RENT. WILL TRADE YOU A $6,600 MODERN 8- room home In fine condition, flrat-clam neighborhood, on large lot, for vacant prop erty on north side. M. M’NEILL and W. S. SHERWOOD. 2 LOTS OF FURNITURE AT AUCTION. FBI DAY, AUGUST 17. AT 10 A. M., AT 120 Whitehall street. They are consigned and must l»e sold nt once, ns parties are going away and must have the cash. Bed room suits, dining room furniture, several Iron beds, refrigerators, steel range and several odd dressers ami washstands. brass pre serving kMtle, brass nndlroi/. inu^ej. clocks and silverware; also, several oil paintings and steel engraving. Great hnrgfflns for all. LEO FRESH, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Decatur Cottage. near schools and colleges. Price, $2,500. Also seven-room two-story residence next to above property, newly painted and pa pered; house has electric lights and Is screened. $3,760. Terms. Box 62, Dccatux. 47 WKHT NORTH AVENUE. This two story, eight-room frame, on lot GO by 200, which lies level, Is on the north side of West North avenue, between Spring id Williams streets; has gas. hot and cold water, porcelain bath, closet, sta tionary wushstand on both floors; sink In the klchcn and sink In the pantry; Is heat ed with hot air furnace. If you are look ing for an extra nice house In the best of repair and In one of our best neighbor hoods, this Is your opportunity. West Peachtree ears block nud a half away. Will be vacant September 1. Kents, $75 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonos (II. J. H. GARNER & CO. ,L ESTATE AND INVKSTMEN 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4498. 68 by lrt* h, balance In; $5,.tim). Fourth vlth stable* In Address Market, this uffhk FOR SALE. ig*» room. Built let r a home. Large new ms**. Plenty of shade 280 by 6<io. opposite md fruit Dr. Uhl Is grow raid ranting, will Bui 46, St. Joseph, Mich. Box 62, Decatur^ Ga- GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. FOUR NICE, I.EVKI. AND 8IIADY LOTS •near Grant p«rk$l,400. nick Tot on aMiAiV street, 64 by 209 fe**t» east front, and covered with nice oak trees; only $260. REST HAROAIN ON SOl Tlt SIDE; NICE live-room modern cottage, with hall: w'ell elevated; needs to be seen to be uppru- elated; only $1.850. NEW PROPERTY month: $9*. I I VI! Boom RENTS $12 PER show yon this. HOUSE ON NELSON Street; lot 50 by 126. This Is close In. Price $2,090. six BOOM HOUSE, RANKIN STREET; $2.390. Tei AT 394-Si# WEST FOURTH STREET, WE have two three-room cottages In first ela*m shape, ranting to white tenants at $7 each, and a small house in rear of one lot. This Is a bargain at $1,4*8). ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the court of or dinary of said county, granted nt the-Au gust term, 1906, will lie sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday III September, 1906. next, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty of the «*state of Susan W. Jones, de ceased. to wit: A house and lot. known ns No. 72 East Linden street. In the city of Atlanta and described an follows; Being on the northwest corner of Linden and Court- land streets and fronting seventy-five i76) feet on East Linden street, and running back one hundred and eleven (ill) feet on CourE;;;:.! street same width as frent, nud Imtinded on the north by property of Mrs. I<owe and on the weat by property of Mrs. E. S. McCandlcs*. and being a part of land lot No. 60, In the Fourteenth district of orig inally Henry, now Fultftn. county, Georgia. Sold for the purpose 6f payment of dents and distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased. * Terms cash. CARLTON II. MILLER, Guardian and ex-officio Administrator of the Estnte of Susan W. Jones, Deceased. UOURTLAND S. WINN, Attorney. This August, 9 1906. SHELNUT CAUGHT Blf A "SUCK" RUSE In capturing J. J. Shelnut, the young white man %4ho was fined $100 and costs Wednesday afternoon, Officer C. L. Camp went through the motions of a Sherlock Holmes up-to-date. Shelnut was charged with having Insulted Mrs. Ladell Saturday after noon at her sister's home, on Ogle thorpe avenue, for which he was fined Wednesday afternoon. Shelnut dvas neatly dressed at the time and was given a copy of charges, but when his trial came up he had skipped. Chief Jennlngk* notified all the men to be on the lookout for Shelnut, and every of ficer on the force had been looking for the man. Nothing had been seen of him, how ever, since he was given the subpena. Tuesday evening Officer C. L. Camp, dressed In citizen's clothes, was op hfs way to Waco, Ga., to visit some rela tives, and while waiting for his train at the Terminal station he saw a man who fitted the description of Shelnut. The train pulled out with Camp and Shelnut aboard. Camp asked the con ductor to read out the names of those who had return tickets to Waco, Ga., knowing that to be Shelnut's home. The name of Shelnut was among the list. The train had left Atlanta far behind when Camp went up to the man and sat down beside him, shaking his hand and Inquiring: "How are you, Shelnut,- old boy?" "That's my name," said Shelnut. "Well, Chief Jennings would like to see you, old fellow’.** The officer and his prisoner rode on to Waco, where the prisoner was left In charge of the marshal until the next morning, when Camp brought his cap tive back to Atlanta. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit ao4 Produce exchange. Lemons, $4,764:6.00. Limes 50 to 75c. l’oaches. per crate. $1.(KVR>1.60. Pineapples, $1.50 to $2.60. Bananas, straights, i*-»- hunch $1.60 to $1.75. Culls, per bunch, $1 ro $1.25. Watermelons, $7.60 to $20.00 per 100; de. Band good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Lire hens 35 to S7*4c: fries 22*4 to 26c: broilers 15 to 22*4c. Live ducks, Pekin 90 to 36c; puddle 26 to 27*4c. Dressed hens, per lb., 12c to 13c. Eggs, per doxen. 20c. Butter, table, per lb., 20 to 22*4c; cook* log. per lb., 12*4c to 15c. Honey—New biflOc lb.; In Mb. racks 10 ©12c. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. No. stock. $2.60 barrel; per bushel. 90c. Onions, $1.50 bushel; cabbage, 2c pouud. new sweet potatoes $1.60 busheL FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—PoateIs Patent, $6.00; Diamond patent, $5.50; Mnscoutnb Star, $4.66: fancy patent. $4.66; Rod Eagle, $4.40; Blue Ribbon, $4.00: fancy, $3.90; spring wheat patent, $5.25 to $6.76. CORN—Choice red '•ob. 76c; No. 2 white, 76c; No. 2 yellow, T4c; mixed. 73c. OATS—Choice white clipped, 62c; choice w’hlte, 50c; choice mixed, 46c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL— Plain water ground, per bushel, .Jc; bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, 66c; Shorts, white, $1.5o, medium, $1.10; brown, $1.35: pure bran. $1.10; mixed bran, $1.05, IIA1 .—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.10; do, choice smnll hales. $1.05: do, No. 1 timothy bales, $1: do.. No. 2. $!; do., So. f clover mixed, $1.00; do. No. 2 closed mixed, 90c. CLOVER.—Choice 90* The above prices are ?. o. h. Atlanta, and subject to immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR—Standard granulated, $6.20. New York Refined, 6*4; plantations, 6*4. Market pry strone COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle’a $16.60, hulk, In bags or barrels, 13c; green, 10 to *'!c. Market strong. UICE.-Carollna 4*4 to 7*4c, according to grade. Market very strong. CIIEK8E—Fancy full erentn dairy, 14*4c: twins 14c^ brick, 14c. Market strong. hams 16*4c. t’aliform ha him. 16c. I 20-5 lbs.. " > hams 10**0; Red Cross TIPS PLASHED From Wall Street t-rlrnte Wire to Ware fc Lei,mil. .New York, Aug. 1#.—I.omlon atrium Iiam, rate urn-banged. ‘ *' au * Uulnii J-ae|do 16174 la the hlglii-at ever reached, ami prolmuly work higher with Southern' Pacific on M,!!!?t,„loi? dividend announcements today, but l»«ii! for heavy liquidation along with 4he elimi nation of the short Interest. Ji ‘ Sentiment is bullish on low and medium priced rails and some public interest develop In them. In view of the lid !! con (lit tons, conservative high priced wto* l- shou <1 be observed, and believe profits should be accepted on any little advance Brooklyn Rapid Transit bid up by shorts- also Missouri Pacific. Seems to b« a lit il realising going on. 1 01 Meeting of 8t. Paul directors takes nine* tfils afternoon, but it is not expected tliSt any announcement will lie made on ths floor. The declaration of a 4 per cent dlvi. , on Southern Pacific Is regarded as ■StW. The gossip concerns Itself tunliilj with the question whether It will be seiuf. annual or a quarterly dividend. Coppers are acting a good deal In-tter Amalgamated Is .behind the market, and should now have its tnru. Prlrnle Wire to Giber) & Clay. New York, Aug. 16.—We never saw a bail time to take profits. This looks especially tied specialty improvement In the market. We would not Ignore reasonable returns, however. The shortage is ret rent ing ami the nubile Is buying to some extent because of the flue bank outlook, which Is favorable on the surface at least. The gen- .•pul fusing.i> ulmein.. ' * . man Mtocks Is doing considerable toward attracting outside operations, ns those bn vs come to be looked upon as the principal feature of the stock market. The Morgaa ‘ssues may lx* taken up later on. The ex pectation ot a dividend action on Soul hern Jnclflc today may be disappointed, although If a quorum enu he obtained a meeting will be held. There can be no question that tha fundamental factor under the market at present, however. Is the enormous harvest which makes assurnnee doubly sure with regard to the earning power of various en terprises Justifying Increased dividends even In the face of tight money condttelns. We recommend conservatism for the time, until we are out of the woods.” Dow-Jone* summary: American stocks In London stendy, with Harrlman stocks the meetings of Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and fit. Paul today. Dividend declaration on Southern Pacific tonight thought probable today. Brooklyn Rapid Transit gives receipt for 6-cent fare pending final court declslou. Bank of Englnud' rate unchanged. Strike of Mexican Central employees in shops ended. Heavy purchases of Bessemer and Foun dry Iron for 1907 delivery feature of the Iron trade. Early movement of Texns cotton may taks considerable eash from New York. Central of Georgia annual report shows full Interest on nil Income bonds earned and over 10 per cent on the stock. Twelve Industrials advanced .24 per cent. Twenty active railroads advanced .17 per STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York. Aug. 16.—The Sun saj-s: Trans- notions In the stock market yesterday to taled nearly 1.000.000 shares, hut four stocks —Union Pacific, Houthern Pnclfle, Rending, Pennsylvania—furnished more than half tha day's hnafness. There was thus mom for only moderate activity in the balance <>f the llst.nnd In a great number of isues the transactions were much below the usual average. Strength nnd activity prevailed at the opening, storks changing hands In largo blocks, but nt the end of the first hour business fell off considerably, altoougb few prominent Isues continued very nr- 'e without any Interruption of their uje ird course. There wqs no Indication of any Increase of public Interest In the market, the com mission houses generally reporting that* ‘ tinned ndvitnces In n few* stocks had 8TOCK8 AND BOND8. Bid. Asked. Georgia 4*4a, 1916 112 113 Georgia, R. R. 6s, 1910 1W* Savannah 5s. 1909 Macon 6s. 1910....’.’. Atlanta, 6a, 1911.... . 102*4 103% , 206 , 106 . 107 10*4 Dry salt extra ribs, $9.87; boJJJex, Atlanta suit %VmV'pntnt*'*" ** its $10.50* fat backs. 8c; idntes. 8c; Atlanta Ind iSinl* iY«hta ir/7 lard, kW: Cross. lOc. Snow Atlanta and Wjjt Point Dsbfs. 107 notind. 784c: Red Cross. IKc. ' ’.J 1, i*f V <H>r * ,a 1,1 liH-OBie TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN unn*)« ............................ an Augusta nnd Savannah 115 Southwestern 116 Georgia Pacific lsts 120 C« C. sad A. 1st 113 TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN Yorlt SPECIAL BATE MADE TO WELCOME BRYAN In order that Georgia nnd Atlanta may be well represented at the cele bration In honor of William Jennings Bryan on August 30, in New York, the Southern railway on Thursday an nounced n special rate of one far, plus $2.26, from all points In the South, the tickets good on any train on August 28 and 29, and good returning on any train leaving New York not later than September 4. The fore from Atlanta will be $26.25. "The making of a special rate to New York Is very seldom done by any rail road In the South,” a*ated District Pas senger Agent J. C. Lusk. In discussing the matter Thursday. *1 have never known the Southern to do this since I have been connected with them. All railroads throughout the country are to take the same step, and thousands of tourists will be In New York to wel come Mf. Bryan home from his foreign tour. "It Is quite likely that a special train will be made up to accommodate the rowd which will leave Atlanta to at tend the home-coming. Reservations for sleeping car accommodations are coming in as fast as we can attend to { them and extra Pullmans have been 1 ordered to be In the city In time for the excursion party. The fact that the special rate tickets are good on any i train and the unusually ’ow rate you Can SaiPe &ime and trouble •••••••••••••«••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••! ••••••••••••••••fit BY 'PHONING YOUR &o &he Georgian, IVE WILL CHARGE AND COLLECT LATER. SELL PHONE: 4927. MAIN. ATLANTA PHONE: 4401. CIRCULATION 24,000 DAILY.