The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 25, 1906, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. SATURDAY. AUOUAT 25 1S0L WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for !••• than 25 cents, the priee of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time . 3 times , 5 times . 26 times . 52 times . 78 times . . 6 cents a line. . 5 cents a line. . 4Zz cents a line. . 4 cents a line. . 3/2 cents a line. . 3 cants a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise* ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are iqex* pensive, but they bring quick re* suits and sure returns. 1 ■ ■ ■ cm ===:-•■= Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER 8ERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. J WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTE D-Tl! REE YOUNcT~MEN roller tors. Address at once Collector, The Georgian. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. C. Uavnn. 71 Whitehall street. ‘Phone 1822. WANTKl*-TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There Is money lu every suck. WANTED—TO BUY SEVERAL 1*01108 OF preen oak and hickory wno.l. Coll 1330 Candler Bldg., or phone 2HJ3. NTKD-TWO WHEEL SCRAPERS, w or foToiidlnind. In g«*od n.*iriiUon. Apply N. I*. Pratt laboratory, city. WANTED-A chair at 01 IVtnlerpra*#. !.■ i"Lf. L' J *~ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. \V. II. HIIELDON. FELLOW OF TUB American and Georgia Htntc Association "heldon Audit Co., auditors. 518-619 Local and long illstnun* phone 1196. pin pie Kilts. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINE* AXI) RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received largo consignment of machines and 10.009 records. Immediate attention SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6418. 412 Peters Building. $3,600—G EOltG IA AVENUE; 5-KOOM COT- tsge, on which we can make very attrac tive terms; say. $600 cash and $25 per BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. _ ^ BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and aundry distributors tn "the with. Southern agents for Bierce. Yale, . noil and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 1900 catalogue and price list. Alexander- PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMER MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough. 2V4 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn avenue. ART 8CHOOL. WANTBD-THE I’l'ULlt TO~ VI8IT Slappy's School of Art and Inspect por traits painted by his large classes. Corner Peachtree and Auburn. MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST-11 Y STOCK OF IRON SAFES and vault doors to lie sold at coat during nest week; now la your time. 38 S. Broad street R. W. Kills. Atlanta. MESSENGER SERVICE. . „ FOR PROM IT AND RELIABLE MES* aengers, 'phone 33. J. A. Davies and J PICTURE FRAME8. _ PICTURE Fit AM EH MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough, 2\i Auburn avenue, •* •* ."ntrouce Auburn ore- TRUNK AND BAQ REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE Sc BRO. THUNK AND tiring. N WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: C (IMPLICATED watches arc my hohhy. Modern Ideal In , JOB PRINTING. NOTED EADS. ENVELOPES. 1HLLHEAD8. cards, etc., printed 76c for 600. Address Chas. D. Barker. 20 Peters St.. Atlanta A POEM, AND FOR ONE eking Bird, Dept. G, Newnnn, Ga. bad experience; send references; must he steady, reliable and sober. Address in own bandwriting B. A H.. care The Georgian. WANTED—HELP. YOUNG MAN AS BOOK KEEPER AND STEN OGRAPHER . MUST HAVE HAD EXPERI ENCE. SEND REFEREN CES. MUST BE STEADY, RELIABLE, SOBER. AD DRESS IN OWN HAND WRITING, B. & S., CARE THE GEORGIAN. , . g«Ml Chan. D. Barker, 20 Pete WANTED -A GOOD STRONG ROY TO learn machinist trade. One living at home preferred. Apply 145 Central avenue. WANTED-MAN TO WORK ON TRUCK farm who understands general farm work and >rbo can run truck wagon. Jleg ilia* work lo right party. Apply after 10 a. m. to It. II. SiHdght, corner West limi ter and Ashby streets, at end West Hun ter ear line. TWO EXPERIENCED TRAVELING salesmen for this motion of Georgia; good placea for right parties; state ago, expe rience and salary expected: all correspond ence confidential. Inexperienced Men can tint Ih 1 considered. C, Box 76, Athens. Ga. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED . SHOE salesman (local man preferred). Apply to Rostou Shin* Co.. 2 Whitehall street. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED TRUCK farmer with small family either for wages nr a part of the crop. _ Apply at 58j Empire WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS SOLICI- tors; salary and commission; none hut first-class need apply. Apply 13 Patera St., near Forsyth. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED-FEMALE. COMPETENT REM- Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 118 Peachtree estate trade, at Iteunett PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1268. 80 B. Hunter St ‘KENT LIGHTS.” TO INQUIRE ABOUT WANTED—USERS OF MONEY FLOUR. WANTED-TWO LADIES FOR OFFICE work, writing and flllug. Delamch Mill Manufacturing Company, 400 Highland SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED POSITION—A SOBER YOUNG man of eighteen wlshea to learn phar macy. Addreaa at once, 168 Central avenue. WANTED-BY A COMPETENT BOOK keeper, now employed, a poaltlon with good firm. Can give oatlsfartlnn anywhere. Beat «>f references. Address Rate, cart Gear- WANTED—POSITION IN OFFICE Oil store by a ainart and honest colored bovP rnn give good references. Addreaa ILL. IK M llnvnea street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER L . ••Ires position. Address Miss M, 208 High AGENT8 WANTED. WANTBIL-AGEXTK—BOYS AND GIRLS Iu every town In Georgia and Alatama for midget cards. Write for free samples and| terms. Autry Greer. Atlanta, Gi Empire building. 1313 WANTED—8 ALE8MEN. WAXTEI>—EXPERIENCED in flour and groin; eapabla Address Ini SALESMAN office work Imnuwritlng uge, rxpe- Box gn. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ■ Sff II YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OH nfflro flltnrr. to »ll. wet tin- Souther; A', lion olid hlrin Company, 90 Houtl l-ryer. 'l*hon. Boll 2900. I FOB KALE-BEST RUBBER TIBE; Korkninti.hlp jruirnnteeil. Urordo Y«- bin.-life. i'o.. So in.l 92 n-Mt Mifm.n it. nv ,mrrIrunabout, nbd depot ..... Nothing bottor lun.lo. JRrenrta v.hkle Ml*. Co.. 40 and 19 Wilt Ultch.ll full KALB—BEST 1.IVEBY BUSINESS IN Atlantn. paylnu IS per rent mi Invektiueiit. (In iter runluit look alter the bnwlnewa; term. ,.r will ekrhenae for pr»|iert;r. W1rr« On nor. 9V> Fourth Nntlonol Bank Bldg., Atl'iet*. fin. WALLPAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ••non t let 'em foot joe. Jim Burnett iformcrty of Bnrnrtt A tVIlllal la not deed HI*" . —a II.. I. HHolMdlln. Witll n.iiaa rlnc. Ilf la contracting wall p.n|wr rl I.nli tjag. Offlc. and. .bow room 19 .1 Hunter aU«L Both ’pboura (Ml KltOM'H MEDICATED AKIN. 80 A LI* and hnlr aoap; sold nt drug and depart ment ftorca: n*k for It or write J. J. Krom, Hcnlp and flair Speclallat. 613 Tb« Grand, Atlnnta, Ga. C- W. ItT'HKELL IIA8 MOVED TO 19 Peter* atreet. Have your n*of*, gutter* and wnrm nlr furtmcea put lu *bn|»o before winter conic*. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATH ri.anol and reahapnl, 40c. Boll and ,1111 felt hit, cleaned and re- ■biped, Me. Band, or awretn. Me reeh -ztra. ACUB HATTERS. <M Whitehall BL FOR 8ALE— REAL E8TATE. IF IT IS HEAL ESTATE YOU WANT to buy or *ell, call to see me. II. C. i*en- dleton. 614 I'etera building. IF YOU HAVE l'ROPRRTY TO HEI.L. plnce it tvllb uh; wo give It our apeclal and perannnf artentlon. tf ff*a worfn the price we will sell It. U. II. Wella Sc Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, BELL OB Ex change property of any kind, It will pay you to *eo u*. C. If. Wells St Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank Bldg. GOOD LAN DM FOB HALE—EARY TEBM8, 40 acre* or more; five to alx year*’ time at little more than rent cotton. Addreaa I’hll M. Berg, (V»rdele, On. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. IF YOU WISH TO HUY, HELL OB Ex change property of nny kind. It will pay you to aec ua. C. H. Wella St Co., 1104 Fourth National Bnnk. STABLE WANTED. WANTED. STABLE—IF YOU HAVE A atnble to rent near center of city that will accommodate five lioraen, ndvlnc Walker A Tlnton Co. Phone* 633. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED l*BO- pi, and other,. American Inreatmenl Co.. TH Candler Did,. Katnhllahed 1890. WEYMAN St CONN BBS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage lonuo on real eaiate. FOUR PEB CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purebnae money notea; •trnlght loans made for C per cent and up ward*. According to de*trnh!llty of loan. W. A. Foster, 12 Mouth Broad street. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money note* and lends money on Improved Atlantn property at reason- nhle rates. Bell phono 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; amall expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. 8. B. Turman. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, 8 TO 6 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. JOHN CAIIEY, 18 EAST ALABAMA STREET. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 33V. Men's sewed half soles, 76c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONAL!!. HAI.LWOODS. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. We ran sell you a register, suitable for any Dullness, at a price that cannot help but please yon. Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second* Hand Cash Register Co.. 84 8. Broad strait, Atlanta, Ga. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 24 S. Broad St., Atlanta. Ga. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call oa Kent. 91H N. Pryor. PEone 2928. AUCTION SALK EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. at the Southern Auction and Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OR EX* . of any kind it wlf C. II. Wells A Co. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 4H. 6 and 8 per cent. Writ* or call 8. W. Carson. 24 8. Broad street. FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farms nt the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. Herman, rooms 202 3 Temple Court. WANTED—MONEY. WANTED—YOU TO ASK YOUR GROCER for Mouey Flour, mul Insist ou getting It, beennae then* la money lu It. CWkIhhiatk mokEY. no S'lot. prices paid. Chaa. taught. Beat FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT—CHEERFUL. NICELY FUR nlaheil front roouia, to couple and gentle men In fine location. 387 Piedmont avenue. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms in private family; north Hide; every convenience; clone In. Would pre- Vr young men. or wtrfrfeff. Reference ijnlrcd. Bell ‘phone JQ) M. WANTED—APARTMENTS, WANTED-A FLAT OF 4 OR 5 ROOMS, with tath. «*ii north able. C. II. Harrison. FOR RENT—.HOUSE8. FOR RENT—THE REST 12-ltOOM HOUSE In Atlanta; near In. on ear line; splendid ir moment; new paper ami point: II. Snook. 1»?>B. 68 North Broad ikafl your painting, does It nlca. And •‘always lowest In tha prleaf* Barnett, of course! Your “Unde Jim" Is ban! to beat; Ha's at Number 12 R. Hunter street. Doth I*bones 660. FOUND. FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL* low. clean a suit* $1 to 81.50. Pants 60c. ICS Whitehall ML Pboura, Dell 63. A. 388L MANAGER AN A1 DRY GOODS AND shoe business opened In April In live town, new county of south Georgia, fine strictly cash Inis' Interest to live young fnt*h thr fruft/ne**. »ir i electric lights, all conveniences. Owner desires to enter hanking. System, enre WANTED SECOND - HAND ROLL TOP OR FLAT TOP DESK, WITH SIDE DRAWERS. MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION. STATE PRICE. ADDRESS DESK, CARE GEORGIAN. WANTED. If you have any vacant houses and want them rent ed right away, list them with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. 4X700-IIRAND NEW i-ROOM COTTAGE on Urge level lot In West End, on car line, with every convenience, water, gai, bath, sewerage, etc. A complete little bom®, and we can make you easy term* on this. 196x420, and wa are going Uriell this lot at cost for special reasons. Price $5,700. It‘s a good one. Can nuke easy $4.260—ELEVENTH STREET; SHADY. level lot, 86x204. Your last chance to get one of these lovely lota for a home. Spe cial reason for selling. This Is like silk, and fine silk at that. RONT FOOT-WE HAVE ON THE side, on a good street, 260x150, • ai- >erfectly level, covered with dense $35.00 FRONT 1 north side, o_ moat perfectly .... shade trees, oak, blackgum, etc. prorementa down. rented on lease for one year at 837.80; houst la a dandy and the location can t be beat. $8,600—FIFTH STREET HOME OF NINE rooms, ou lot 60x200 (as perfect a lot aa there Is In the city). This house la furnace- heated, In g< * ■* ‘ " rated for tn $4.400—NINE*ROOM WEST END HOME, brand new, on car line; good location, out* look beautiful; one of the beat built bouses to be found. Can make easy terma on this to good party, and gtve possession 8epteml>er 1. $3,600—NORTH AVENUE COTTAGE.'TIVE rooms and hall, on lot 42x140; Just com pleted; In splendid neighborhood; first va cant cottage next to Hunt street, in this block you would hare for neighbors inch so Cant. Richard attle, Mr. ob Hemp hill, Mr. Perkeroon, etc. Street to U, cherted soon, and then property will go bounding up. WEST ATLANTA PARK. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. Tht first month will b, given FREE, and If oceupltd on* y«ar, two mora month, will ba glv,n FREE at th, and of tha y,ar, making only nln* months you will havs to pay for. Non, but good famlll,, will ba allowad In th„s hou,». Thao, ara located on th, riv.r alactrlo ear lino, only twenty min utn’ rid, from th, c,nt,r of th* eltyi contain 7 and I room,; hav, n«v»r b,,n ocoupladi ara looatod In W„t At lanta Park. Every hou„ front, a fifty foot park, whloh I, „t In tr„,, aver' gr„n* and flower,. Pur* air; natlv* oak,i an id,al epot for children. It {a ch,ap,r than living in tha city and tha surrounding, are more wholesome. In th, e,nt,r of this park are th, FERRO PHOSPHATE SPRINGS, whloh will euro any cum of stomach or kldn,y trouble, no matUr of how long stand Ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school hous, coat ing $2,600 will soon be compl,t»d. CspL T. Mills, who llv„ on the grounds, will show you through ths hous,*. Rant $20 par month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS $06 and 106 Century Dlds. BOTH PHONES d4». GI.ORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. XfcAB (IKOIKilA AVKXfB\VK HAVE two new three-room cottagea. renting at $6 each. We can well the two for $&W. Tb|» la the kind or an In teat men t that you have been looking for. See na about this. IriVfc-RooM iWpTAGg on NET55R street. Lot 60 by 126. Thla ts cloae In. Price 62,000. \VH IIAVK A LOT ON W(W)IHVAlll> AVK- ^nue; 104 by 185, to another atreet; only T\V(* hIX ROOM UOTTAGKH NKAlt Ttlt* nilnal atntlon; aldewalka and aewer; cabi net mnntela; anlendld renting aeetlon; $1.- 60>1 each; one third cash and monthly pw.-. ments. FOTirSlCt: I.KVKI. AN 11 SHAllV I.O+8 near Grant park: $1.4i». IF V()I )iAVrvA» A^T piioHtttYV \VK can rent It. If you have property for sale we can sell It. Give ns a trial. FOR SALE. Beautiful Country Home. ■EVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH ATTIC and storage room. Built less than a year ago for a home, targe new ham and servants* house. Plenty of shade snd fruit frees. Lot 260 by 600. Opposite Dr. Rid ley's home, near Ik*eatiir. Town Is grow ing In this direction. To avoid renting, will ■ell at a Imrgaln. TERMS. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. P E A C I! T R E E—TI1REE BEAUTIFUL homes on easy terma—$11,600, $13,000, $17,- PEACHTREE—CHOICE VACANT LOT between Thirteenth and Fourteenth sts., <8x210 t» alley. f?.tt0. Only $1,860 cash, bal ance $1,000 annually. H. C. PENDLETON, REAL ESTATE, 614 Peters Building; Atlan ta Phone 1237. KABM—25-ACRB FARM SVi MILES OP Atlanta. The Improvement# are ortllrntry, but the land la real good, with orchard, and.In good neighborhood, at $1,000. FARM—19 ACRRM. 7 MILE8 XORTIIKA8T of Atlanta, with tenant house, tarn and orchard. Ten acres In wood and balance In pasture and In cultivation. For quick CLARKSTUX—JU8T OUTRIDE OF TI|18 village. 11 ncres and two-room house, with oak laton and flrat-rate land at $1,000. This Is a big bargain. CLARKRTON—A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. almost In the renter of this village, with mi elght-mnra house and 6 acres of land, and splendid peach orchard at $3,0T~ CLARKHTON—QUITE A STYLISH HOME, with large lawn and 8 seres of land, and $&0iM) 1>rrtt,r **°o»*. desirably located, ai M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FOROKT M. A. KIIEt.TON IS A prertlrel ,tov. sail rang, repairer; test work and material soaraatred. Bath phoare Ki. U b. A’rjroc K(M. RealEstate At Auction 75 Lots. We have subdividec the Blount property into 75 lots and wil sell them at auction on the premises Saturday, Sept. 8th, at 3 O’Clock p. m. This property fronts De Kalb avenue and rum through to' McLendon St. It adjoins the handsome res idences of Messrs. High tower and Morris and within 167 feet of beautiful Moreland avenue (Inman Park). These lots will front on two electric car lines and are covered with pretty shade, lie beautifully, no grading, no fills. Schools and churches are con ient. This entire tract is sit uated on a commanding em inence, which overlooks At lanta. On all sides of these lots are some of the most beautiful homes in Atlanta, insuring to the purchaser an established neighborhood. We are offering very liberal terms to pur- chasers—one -third cash, balance 110.00 a Month, 7 per Plats cent interest and informa tion at office of RoffSims&Co. Real Estate Agents, 319 and 320 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 888. Standard 2880. WASHINGTON STREET LOTS. We recently offered for sale four lots in Washing! ton Heights, at $1,000 each. We have sold these lots as follows: Lot 1—Sold to P. Alexander. Lot 2—Sold to C. J. Haden. Lot 3—Is for Sale at $1,000. Lot 4—Sold to J. Lawrence Harrison. You have thi’ee other purchasers to uphold your judgment on this remaining lot. It’s a bargain for some one. • FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. FOR SALE—DECATUR HOMES. A newly painted and papered two-story, seven-room house, electric lights. Close to Agnes Scott College and Car. Large lot; good neighborhood. Terms. Also seven-room cottage next to above, large, shad ed lot; a good time to invest in Decatur property. Address OWNER, DECATUR, GA. MATHEWS & HILL. 611 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. • Atlanta 172. ON HILL STREET WE HAVE A Nlffc little pick-up that we recommend to you. It'a a good little borne or amnll Investment. N BAR8 8TREET NEAR IIILL WE have a well-built 7-room cottage* lot 45 by 14. There la fine bath aid every needed convenience. $3,450, and on attractive terms. E. A. NESBIT. 3 Edgewood Ave. Bell Phone 3794. Atlanta 4794 APARTMENT HITE, ON WEST BAKER atreet. We unhcaltntlngly My that we have the heat apartment site In that sec tion of the city. It’a only one block from Peachtree and near the business center. The demand for apartment houses Is stead ily on the Increase, and much more desira ble do they become when xentmlly located. Convenience aa to location ns well a a to the conveniences of the apartments la whnt la doalred, and when you can combine tiotli. as In this case. It becomes doubly valuable. The price for this place la $8,000; It lies well. Is a corner location, and Its surroundings are as desirable ns could he wished for. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Be Wise and Invest Your Money Where It Is Safe and Where It Will Pay You Large Amount Net . Interest. WILL SELL YOU TWO OR FOUR NEW 8 and 9-room houses In choice white neigh borhood. rented wo ae to- psy you 9 per cent net first year and 9K per cent second year. Only $S;25Q or $1L5(X> needed; half ca»h. • • olt CAN HELL YOU CHOICE (.'OK.NBlt near the new poatofflce, with improve* ienta, that Is paying 8 per cent net; ft will donhle In value within three years. an OAK MELT V6U TIIR TOy'eoBSEK on Peachtree;* now paying not leas than ^ - yi will advance within the next fonr yeara ~ all we not leas than 60 per cent. Can prove “kt, BULL" Voll fltfii— bargain tn railroad Improvement! worth on railroad ’ “ •* sum of $25. W> VbTTWZK* X SW tloSiii oP Plibtt 8 to 10 rooms on tha north, south or weat tide at from $1,700 to $10,000! Or lots In auy part of the city. WITH TERMS ON ALL THE ABOVE. CALL AND SEE US. WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU. M. McNEILL and WM. S. SHERWOOD, Room 514 Empire Building. JOSEPH P. LONG CO. Real Estate and Renting, Atlanta Phone 4358. Bell 5551 L 213 Edgewood Ave. 700 ACRES OF LONG LEAF GEORGIA pine timber with complete uew mill outfit. Two mile* from the railroad nnd town of 1.000 people. Splendid opportunity for any one who wishes to go Into the snwnilll buof- ness. More timber can lie had If desired. ftsk) ACRES OF IIARDWOOD IN GOB* don county, Georgia, one mile from sta tion. on new line of the L. nnd X. railroad. Cut 3.000 feet per sere. Price In fee $6. lL35b—III' YN eo.Ml'I.KTK - IN OUTFIT. sawmill nnd grist mill. In first-class condition, on n good at.- In DcKalb county. 15 miles from Atlanta. 2V4 miles from station on the 8. A. I* railroad. Terms one-half cash, balance lu 1, 2, 3 yearn at 8 per cent. IF YOU WANT To BUY OIl TRADE KOlt a farm, come nnd see us or write us; we have farms of all sixes nnd locations. No trouble to fit you up with a fnrm. IF YOU IIAVK CITY*. FA lot OH TIMli'/.t lands, list with us for sale, and It will re- celre our personal attention, aa well na the efforts of our Northern ami Western corre spondents. MOORE-GAUNT CO., (INCORPORATED.) Real Estate and Renting, 609-10 Century Bldg. PHONE, MAIN 4234. ALL WHITE INVESTMENT. $6.260—CORNER PROPERTY, RENTING two tennntn for $67 per month, on yearly lease. Grant park district. $6.000—CORNER PROPERTY.- 3 HOUSES. built day lalior, beat material, cabinet manfeIs. complete porcelain bath; walls aro tinted; bringing $60 net. $3,760—NORTH SIDE; NEW. MODERN, up-to-date house; close to West Pcncbtres. $37.60 monthly. 12.600-COTTAGE. WEST. END: NEW, with nil couvenlenees; hslf Mock of two car lines; owner offered $25 rent. 91.675—DOUBLE HOUSE. THREE ROOMfc and tath each aide; renting $19 net; on ear line, south aide. . 41.600—PRACTICALLY NEW DOURLB houre, lirlnaliie 414. $2.300—FOURTH WARD. NEAR EDGE- wood;’ rental value of $33.50. 44,000—PINE ST. PROPERTY. RRINOIND 447JO. $10.250—NORTH AVE. MANSION; YEARLY lease at $80. and many others. Call and see us. WB GET RESULTS. FOR RENT. FOR IlKNT-A LONG LIST OF HOUSES. All alien snd prices. We show our houses snd move our tenants free. Csll Monday and get s bulletin. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 13 Auburn Avenue, Both Pbonee 411. IF YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY TO chance hnnda at once, nt the heat cnah or time price poealblr to lie bnd, Hat jronr property with me, and It you hare renttnc 420,(0) BUY* CENTRAL PROPERTY ON corner; rented now for 4194 per month; hae two atreet fronta ol more than 100 ‘ each. . ,«50 BUY* 4-ROOM WELL-LOCATED rentlue property: lot MilOO feet, corner; 1900 ce.h, balance 414 per month. 000. WITH TERM*. BUY* A MODERN broom residence on Erwin atreet; lot 17 hy 150 feet, awl also another houre end lot . 211 feet; anion-lid well: dealrehly In. rated and would he an Intereatlna Inveet- meni; payln* to per cent now on 44.000. Ilooae on Kroner atreet. j-EITAl. FARM OF 24 At RKK WITHIN ala ml rw of rity and within two tdocka ! ear line, l-etween rity and Fort Mr- l-heraon: frnntln, 1.000 feet on Ktewart are- nue. two htocka from ear line; line track farm ami will arow anythin, th.! we rnlae on (leorrfa noli, price 414300: half caab. balance to ault mtrehaaer. Thia la a very treat barceln and moat so. FOR RENT, Lower Floor of My . Home, 230 N. Jackson St., to couple with out children. Five rooms and bath, every convenience, steam heat. Large lawn, lot 110x300. Ideal home, elegant neighborhood, con venient to three car lines. MRS. KEREN HILL. L. J. ANDERSON A CO.'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York. Aug. 25—The cotton market today waa dull and the flnctiiatlona. while narrow, reflected moderate realisation M!e«. At the name time, then* wa* Juat enough aupport In the nhnpe of abort «*ov* erlng to prevent any real wenkneaa. Hem* tlment. however. In the main, wan l»ear- Uh, due to continued favorable weather, encouraging crop reporta and noaurancea that during the yeor 1908*1907 there will ta ample auppllea to meet the requlra* menu at actual container*. The Imalnff profeaalonala appear to lie In control at the general market at the preaent time; There la talleved to ta atlll a good abort Inteteat In the market, deaplte the exten* alve covering operatloua on the low points of the week, Imt at the anme time there la active weak long account, and this o«*rve* to pret*lnde tha possibility of ex tensive advances, especially since condi tions are quite liearlab. THE SUGAR MARKET. iy IMvate leased Wire. New York. Aug. 25.-ldO$*al refined and raw sugar unchanged; I«ondon l,cct mar ket strong; August ft 8d; September fit 4VW.