The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 06, 1906, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA. GEORGIAN. TnrnsnAY, reptembkr 6, 1900. II BBS OIIIET II IK ms Fii-st Prices Were About as Expected on the Early Cables. LATER ACTED STEADY Trade Was Restricted by Approaching Condition and Ginners’ Reports. Private F.cased Wire. Kew York, Sept, a.—Business at the owning of the local cotton market was quiet, first prices being un- honred to 2 points loner, or about as ..nested on cables. After the call the unacted steady, trading being re- ifrirted by the approaching condition sinning reporta The private ca uls received were a little bullish. There was likewise some apprehension .‘ .. over a heavy storm that Is sched uled to strike the Florida and Carolina AAtJts tonight. At the Opening the market for cotton ..lions was quiet with prices about If due on the early Liverpool advices. Th*t market opened about as expected i notions, while spot was * points hirtie? With sale of 7.000 bales at 6.41 for middling; but as the aeaalon ad vanced »prices improved, until at the close advances of from 5 to 6 points were recorded ' Under this Influence and a wet map, New York’s opening was practically at the lowest point of the morning. Good buying was noted, some of the early lollers changing front and buying free- * , The morning advance was continued nn- Ul !rsr the close, which was steady 9811 Mints higher on heavy hnying and ahort Jmerlng on further report# of deterioration S fen ring tropical a torn: a. hew Or- W is nnd the aonth good buyers; commie- NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. kens "ugtob, I>. C., wlrea: "Storm nc on the Atlantic conat will enuao heavy precipitation In the southern states to- "Kttaated receipts tomorrow^ Now Orion MB 5° ,1'j (klrentnli to 19, Houston.. 1906. ..7,500 to 8,500 SPOT COTTON MARKET. Lirernool. cotton apot demand Increared, with prlrcn steady; middling upland* 5.41d: n tfn 7.000; Ainerlcnn 6.700; speculation and export 700; receipt* 4,000, all American. Atlanta, steady at 9%e. New York, quiet lit 10c. New Orleans, "teady at 9Vfce. Augusta, steady at 9!4c. Havnnnsh. quiet at 815-16c. 8t. Louis, quiet nt &Hc. Houston, steady at 0S-16C. Boston, quiet at 9.90c. ItoJrestnM, steady at 9J4C. Memphis, quiet at 9Hc. Baltimore, nominal at 9%c. Norfolk, quiet at 9%c. Charleston. steady at 8%c. Wllmlngtou, nominal. By- Private.Wire to Ware & Leland. -^e\v York, Sept. 6.—Futures opened in Liverpool quiet I up; at 12:15 p. m, * U P an< > steady. Sales 7,000 spots at 6.41, 3 up. Due to come unchanged to 1 up. The New York market opened quiet and steady, and at about unchanged prices from last night's dote. Trade * ra ?,..7® h ** oomtnlssion houses buying a little, and locals sold. Schlll sold October and December. The market has had a quick advance since the opening on local covering and buying by commission houses, due probably to atorm signals reported for the Atlantic coast. New Orleans good buyer here. Schlll, N. Wilson and Wallace buying December. The New York Commercial In Its yearly cotton review this morning, soys of crop conditions: Yield will surely, exceed last year's with Texas expecting a bumper yield. All of western belt has had Ideal weather. Rain on east coast. Trons-Mlsslsslppl section com plains only of shortage of labor. Ar kansas crop will be greatest on record. Oklahoma farmers enthusiastic over prospects. Deterioration reported from Carolines and Eastern Georgia on ac count of. excessive rains. The second annual of the National Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union convened at their hall In Tex arkana yesterday morning and will continue for three days. The order claims a membership of 600,000. In discussion by the convention of the conditions of the cotton crop through the territory represented, the reports showed an average deterioration of 20 per cent In crop within the laat 20 days, due mainly to Insects and exces sive rains. At a late hour last night the delegates of the National Farmers' Union, by unanimous vote, reaffirmed the decision to hold cotton for a min imum price of 11 cents for middling basis at Interior paints for this year's crop. New Orleans, Sept. 6.—The market Is steady on light offering. While It Is still largely a professional market, the country la getting In on the long side to some extent -We are too high for Europe and ex porters complain that they are unable to do much business. One of the larg est exporters here says that he did only 50 bales over night. It Is claimed that the lack of export demand Is causing the light movement and that cotton Is fast piling up on farmers' hands. The weather map shows considerable rain over the cotton belt Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr, Lively’s twenty-fire years* experience of ed iting markets In Atlanta and the South has made him a recognised au thority In his specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS. The following tubie shows receipts at tht INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following table shows receipts at the THE COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New York, Sept. 6.—The market for rot- ton sped oil was strong, with n further ml- Tnnre shown fn nil deliveries at the start. Thorp was n good demand for October nnd November. In which most of the trading Ue* Teloped. September advanced to Sic an ad- Tanrp of «c from the low point, recent ly *ppn. The firmness continues to be based on Hip light stock* of oil. small tenders on 8cptpml»cr nnd a belief that there will be Bo pressure of new oil until later In the sea- •n«. nml in the menntlmn the demand will iavp to Iip smmlied from the small stocks carried over. The market at the close was flnlpt with prices unchanged to higher.— ” a r<‘ k I.plnnd. - . , Opening. Closing. •**» November \ fcremlwr Jsnunrv.. .. .. March... V~7S -YT JM May at 12, 100 October at •04 110 Derember at 1044. Heady. CIBERT & CLAY’S ... „ , DAILY COTTON LETTER if™." hrlesne, Sept. 6.—In Liverpool on. ti™« mini very sternly ntnl showed a fair .i™?,"". 0 " covert nit by ahorta. Anally - f| om site points higher than the S' ;’”' ■Jay'a levels. Store demand was 2S"V, , "l f01 ’ spot cotton, antes today ‘“"i"' 1 "* to 7.000 (tales at 2 point# high- 1 , "'father la the tantamount In- HT*E J® “Ofctln* the conrso of the mar- u* ‘“'J. w II fontlnne so nntll the crop “praftlrnliy nsenred. The unmoruus re- P" r, » Of Insoot damage are all traceable in,, t? Br "" morp nnmerona after frequent fk. > rn,n *- Thus, a wet map and n* J’l 'fi’ie of a storm off the Sooth At- Sf" with IndlcaUona for heavy l ” iV " caused widespread oneaalneaa kml J 1 * I 1 *"' 1 "- " bo, tbroagh their coyertng, M. "o'faced ami malntalneil conatilera- T .tee, i n market plrcea today, fro-. TJ'i 1 "t the present time. Judging m numerous reports received, has By Private Wire to Gtbert & Clay. New York, Sept. 6.—Liverpool open ed 1 to 2 up. About as expected. Femle, Wilson & Co and Norden bid ding up markeL Norden, who sold on the opening, now buying. Shorts show a disposition to cover Journal of Commerce says: “A healthy and steady tone of the market noted for some time back on quiet days pervaded the dry goods district during the day. Trading was In small lots wjth scarcity still pronounced In many lines. Buyers of out-of-town houses are being pushed to And goods for deliveries asked for by their Arms, and they are kept hustling about the market for any spot goods that ap pear.” New Orleans, Sept. 6.—Liverpool Is as expected and furnishes neither bullish nor bearish Influence. The market has advanced on wet map and the receipt of some unfavor, able advices from Texas, although sen. tlment has undergone but little change, A dispatch from Crockett, Houston county, Texas, says: "Cotton la being picked out and hauled to the gins very fast In this county now. The crop Is much shorter than wns expected on account of the numerous rains and ths ravages of the boll weevil. There will be no top crop of cotton In this county, and all cotton Is about matured now. The crop will practically all be out of the Holds by the middle of October.” The western forecast Indicates for western Texas fair weather tonight nnd Friday, and for balance part cloudy weather with probable scattered show, era In Louisiana tomorrow. Today's map Is agsln cloudy and shows fairly general rains throughout. The continued rains In Texas will no doubt cause further reports of dete rioration to be received. In which event eotne Improvement In prices would probably occur. WARE ALELAN^DA^LY letter was scored. The advance, however, had all the earmarks of manipulation, and It look ed as If the largest operators In New York were trying to run In the abort#. Offering! were limited from the owning and on on at but persistent buying the price grsifualfr rose nntll Deeemlier sronnd noon was sell- png at 9.26. Even at this level offerlnas were scanty. For the ttae being the Irotta had the market nnder control, aborts gen erally aeemed that the rooting burean report on Monday would ahow n deterioration of at least 6 per cent nml that the amount of cotton ginned Prior to Hen- temlier 1 would fnll far short of the 446,- 000 bale# alnned before September 1 last year. During the larger part of the season offering# came only from aatlaOed longs. The weather waa not favorable. Heavy rnlna were Indicated over n Itreat portion of the cotton belt and stories of lioll weevil dnmnge rime thick and faat from Texse, I.lvernool met exportation. on futures and reported an Increased demand for spole. The movement continued moderate and waa a bull movement of eonnldernble force wltl some pedple. Sno** W, '"L Bp 11 * n<l demand, but limited offering; prohibited anything like heavy traffic. Many opera- tora regarded the meeting of the Southern Cotton Aaaoelntion at Hot Rprin»# aiin fac tor of no little Importance to the bull able, at ono of the main object# of the gathering la to «i a minimum price for marketing this aenaon't crop. It goes without saying that the price rtxed will be above the level now prevailing, nnd a manlfeato from the aaaoelntion ought to encourage farmera to withdraw from the market to a great ex tent! Until after the bureau reports are Issued, the market will be anrroonded wtth much uncertainty and a too decided stand fimt now la rather n dangerons thing ex cept for fnt iwckctlKioks. NAME OF STOCK. Amalgamated Copper.. Atlantic Conat Line. .. American Sngnr Itef. .. Anaconda. American Locomotive.. , do, preferred. . . . Amor. Smelting lief. . do, preferred. . . . Atchison do, preferred. Canadian Pacific. . . _ Chic. & Northwestern.. Chesapeake A Ohio. . . Colorado Fuel A Iron.. Chic. & Great Weat’n. Chic., Mil. A St. P. . . Delaware A Hudson. .. Distiller's Securities. .. General Electric. Illinois Central. . . . Amer. Ice Securities. . NAME OF STOCK. S. Y.. Ont. A Western. National Lead Northern Pacific. . . . New York Central. . . Norfolk A Western. . . Pennsylvania.* ...... People’s Gas. ...... Pressed Steel Car. . . do. preferred. . . . Pacific Mall Reading Republic Steel Rock Island do. preferred. . . . United States Rubber. do. preferred. . . . Southeru Pacific. . . . Southern Railway. . . do; preferred. . . . SloM-SItofTield Tenn. Coal A Iron. . . , Texas & Pacific. . ... , Union raclflc United States Steel. . do. preferred. . . . , Va.-Car. Chemical. . . , do. preferred. . . . , Western Union. . • . • , Wabash. ....... . , do. preferred. . . . , Wisconsin Central. . . , do. preferred. . . . ■ Total stock sales today, 1,316.0007 NEW YORK. The following la the range in cotton f« turea in New York today: . steady. LIVERPOOL. Following table rivri opening range and cloae, compared with yeaterday'a closing: Futures opened standi. Opening Previous _ . , ltange. Close. Cloae, September ..5.<* 6.09 5.02 Sept.^pct. . . . .'..4.96^.9414 4.99 4.9J Oct.-Nov 4.92-4.92 4.96*4 4.9114 Nov.-Dec 4.93 4.97 ’ " Dee.Jan 4.94-4.92V Jgn.-Feb. 4.97-4.J61 Feu.-March 4.97-4.98 Marrh-Aprll 6.01-6.00 ■prll-May 6.01-4.9814 6.06 a.oo' lay-June ,.6.03-6. Of 6.08 6.02 Closed very steady. NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on. Provisions. undoubtedly deterloraterl <mu»blerably. Irat then It must not I* forgotten tnat w fore this deterioration became feneral a very high condition had l>een r f°fbed. ;2r that possibly the nesslml.m of today wan r:s SrfeKrHS 7r:fl‘*-«i.d l tssrwf’ 1 w jay?x needed together the cotton now made. GIBERT & CLAY * *- ALABAMA BT. STOCKS. BONDS, COTTON, OHAtN, COFFEE, PROVISIONS ATLANTA, OA. . Private Wire* to all Exchange*. " t * 1 and Lonti Distance Talaphone 5298, Vf. n. FAGAN, Managarv ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main 858. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Private Wire to Ware & Leland. Chicago, Sept. 6.—Wheat market Is Inclined to be little steadier. Ranklln la about the best buyer of December wheat, with scattered Belling of May by commission houses. Minneapolis stocks of wheat de crease 690,000 bushels for five days. A little buying of wheat, notably by a couple parties who sold at the close yesterday. Market tone barely steady. Situation continues heavy owing to the buying power not being sufficient to absorb hedging sales, and wneat will probably drag lower yet. Langston started to sell December and the crowd wilted. Trade quiet. Logan Tias Just sold 100 May corn at 431-Sc. Oats opened steady, with local par ties selling May. Buying mostly by commission houses. Trade rather light. Light offerings In provisions. Mod erate buying of nearby options of lard by shippers. This would Indicate bet ter demand for cosh lard. Trade light. The general crop report September 10 Is to be Issued at 4 p. m. and will show the condition September 1 of corn, buckwheat, tobacco and pota toes, and the condition, when harveet- ed, of Spring wheat, oats, barley and rye. The Mlrtneapolls flour output lost week Increased 20.176 barrels, the quantity turned out being 217,176 bar rels.* This week the figures promise to be even smaller. Not only iwere all the mills Idle on Monday for Labor day, but one or two less are In opera tion than a week ago. The output Is likely to approximate 250.000 barrels. About all the mills found trade In flour last week less favorable. Sales were smaller than In the preceding week and those made were usually In ■mall lota Private Wire to Glbert A Clay. Chicago, Sept 6.—Can see nothing In the situation to warrant changing our views on either grain or provisions. The market Is heavy, due to absence of outside trade and fear of heavy run of spring wheat which, we believe. Is hardly probable, as the prevailing price Is practically below the price of production. Would buy wheat now and more on every soft spot This Is the third day of the break In wheat, and on general principle we ught to have a rally. The Record-Herald says: "By a vote of 621 to 177 the Chicago board of trade voted down the proposition to reduce commission charges. "Sales cash grain in Chicago were 275,000 wheat, 190,000 corn and 190.000 oats. The wheat Includes 236,000 No. 2 hard to go eaat and 40,000 mixed lots to local mllla.” Corn trade)alow. Market a abode easier. Weather and crop outlook beat Imaginable. Kldson good seller September wheat. There was good buying on the decline of December by Ranklln and Kneeland. Provisions quiet and barely ateady. Pit trade Inclined to sell, but aqy buy ing would change temper of crowd quickly. NORTHWEST CARS. The following 0gore# give ths northwest cars today, last week end laat year: Last Last Today. Week. Year Mlnenpoll* }* 64 231 Duluth 1»> IS « THE COFFEE MARKET. New York, Sept. 6.—The opening, waa ateady at an advance of U to 26 points In response to higher cables and s renewal of unfavorable crop advice* from Krnxll. There waa very heavy realising on the Ini tial bulge. On# broker anpnoaed to repre. sent Wall afreet people, sold a block of ».■ CO) bsga of December, and with some scat tered offering! prices lost 6 to 10 points of the advance. There was a goqd demand, however, and It looked aa If the trade In terests were hnying the coffee thrown over by the Wall street longs Prices conse quently rr""' —- * the early at prartli inee of i . . • uck more active than the last two or ..tree days, and In the transactions daring the first half of the areslon about 60,0m lets* were handled. BnutUan markats were unebeared to 75 rela lower. Havre was s franc higher and llamhnrx was 1-20 3-4 pfenning higher. The European mar kets have been Inclined to steadiness re cently. and Europe, bre been a moderate buyer bare.—Ware k (.eland. Following la tho openlug range and cloae of the New York coffee market for to day: Opening Uenga. Close. January 4.604.0 SET*:::::::::: - .7. w: ;9» tEB g&ii:: ••'.••:g4 1 o gSgS Oftotor »• .6M-6.15 WM,® November ..»»*• M04.4& peeembet •••• •• .M0U5 LfiOiH Clveed Ann. TRADE WAS LIGHT IN WHEAT MARKET Opened with Prices Lower and the Room Sentiment Still Bearish. By Trieste Leased Wire. Chicago, Sept. 6.—Wheat bulls were a happy lot because of the reported tailings of sixty boat loads, 430,000 bushels, for export. This caused the market to become firmer late, driving some of vhe shorts to cover. The close showed prices at l-8@l-4 cent oft with reactions of 3-*c from the bottom. Corn was tame as a pet fawn and It closed l-4o up to l-801-4c off. Oats un changed to 1-801-40 lower. Provisions were mainly eaisler. •Primary receipts of wheat for the day, 603,000 bushels, and com 672,000 bushels, compared with 761,000 bushels and 930,000 buahels, respectively, a year ago. Clearances from the seaboard were 376,000 bushels wheof, 11,390 bushels com and 59,000 bushels oats. Winnipeg receipts of new wheat were liberal and the grading moat excel lent. Argentine shipments for the week are estimated by Broomhall at 800,000 bushels wheat and 2,000,000 bushels com. Today's sales were 6,000 bushels No. 1 Northern wheat and 100,000 bushels corn; 60 loads wheat at seaboard. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. for today Open. WHEAT- K:::v ^ May.... 77 OAT8U fapta... 4 n«w 3 May i FORK- JOn!" iiiiiik 13-4214 ii!37V4 I.ARD-- CASH WHEAT— <770. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat—OppiiiHl *4c lower; at 1:30 p. m., %c lower; closed Hr lower. Com—Opened unciuuiged; at 13) p. m., He lower; do»ed H©He lower. NEW ORLEANS. The following i« the range In cotton fu* lures In New Orleani today: Hept. Oct. J Nov. . I Doc.. J Jan. . Feb. .1 March [ay . losed TlM8 9.13- 14 9.14- 15 9.16-17 9.24-25 0.3042 9.37-38 9.60-62 y. 67-00 9.06- 07 9.07- 09 9.08- 091 9.18-11 9.20-2J 9.27-28] 0.44-46 BULL LIQUIDATION PAUSED DECLINE ew York. Sept. 6,-The Sun l vcrnopl wonlii hnve none of the ndvsnco nlahdy sniffed at taloa of detei' 1 , ln T.xae. Expected to rise, at 1™.., }L. Amcrt ^ a Pjdate, It declined nearly ,? luc . h ’ .I 1 " 1 nil,| a 1“ Ha dispatches 5°»l h .*** offering cotton more freely and that bulla on the other aide were disposed to liquidate. And there ZV? ''71 wanting _ thoee on this side J}®, opined that New York bulls were selling in Liverpool. They seemed to be ftB wbI1 ' though appearances may have been deceptive. However that may be. there was more dlsi>osltton to aell tp* 0 .‘here was to buy, not only among American, but Southern, operators. It looks very much like a purely traders* market, and as though anybody who takes It for anything more than that will be £ miscalculation which may turn out to be more or lest expensive. Th»: consensus Is that unlesa the crop retires * *£tback than It hna na yet, the drift of prices will he downward, with occasional upturns at the expenso of a con gested short Interest, fn the mean time, many are holding aloof, awaiting the gov* eminent reporta on tha condition of the crop and the ginning up to September 1, which will appear on Monday, Hentember olb5rt’ p i'cC * “• New Orleans* Sept, 6.—The Timrs-Dem __*rat:> ••Yesterday’s cotton market was a small affair, In part the result of tho con- •■■■■ant bureau repqrfaJ ability of rrlcnda of the ttaplr V price In tho face of rather covj erlng by ahorta proved conclusively euoi ’ that, bearish sentiment has uot yet mu .... course. As a matter of fact, liquidation by longa decreased values Just about na much aa did fresh short selling. Hence, the logical Inflneuce of a wet weather map and the probability of bullish de-| Ivelopments next Monday, when the gov ernment will give out a lot of Information, failed of efTect. With Liverpool uot In clined to father an advance, nnd n goodly portion of tho cls-Atlnntie talent favoring the bull aide foi a quick turn over bu reau day, consequential price changes dur ing the remainder of ;ho week are hardly l>e expected In tb» absence o( s better mind fnp flu* upfiiil «tnfV .Wnri* c»w?o<H>ooooDoooCH>ocK3ooaoao O BANK STATEMENTS O ARE CALLED FOR. O By Private Leased Wirt. O Washington, September 6.—The O comptroller of the currency to- 0 day Issued a call for a statement 0 of the condition of the national O . banks at the close of business 0 0 September 4. 0 CH>4KJCOO4>4K>O^Oa^OO0OOO<KJa TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Private Wire to Wore k Leland. New York, Bept. A—London strong. lc higher. Secretary Shaw* In extending relief through facilitating gold Imports, should help the money market materially, and look for easiness in rates. There Is very lmlltsb talk on Coppers, and good authorities maintain that the Ilnr r man Pacifica. Atchison, Rt. Paul nnd Hal timoro nnd Ohio will work higher. ft is expected that tho ore deni will he put through on Judge Gary's return this month, and should the Rteel stocks sell off any. would buy them. The mar ket will probably be more or less Ir* regular, but look for good li pear whenever weakness dev_. We hnve Indisputable evidence this morn Ing that the Flower crowd are bullish ou Amalgamated. The Gates following Is In it also, but the Flower brokers bought the stock this morning. The stock, heretofore opposing n moderate advance, la reported to us ns being removed. The way should be open for 5 points up from 111, according to our calculations, uuder the circum stances. Foreign buying of Atchison was report ed to a big house by a specialist this morning. It was stated at the time that a block of stock would have to lie taken be fore much of a move np could be forced. Gates soys looks like Heading Is going up quick. Private Wire to Glbert k Clay. New Y’ork, Sent. 6.—Daniel Odell k Co.: The market will prolmbly have a good re covery this morning, but wortd not follow It too far, aa the money renef Is only In sight and not yet at hand. Marshall, Spader ft Co.: The stock mar- the fiscal year i June 30: Gross earn ings 88.031.950. Increase t*.**#*,*.'., iui«. ...■ come 18.356.S&5, Increase $1,574.116; net In come after taxes and fixed charges $2,742,- 962, increase $1,139,734. The net income In isl to 6.09 per cent on the capital stock _ the company. Deducting charges for bet terments nnd additions, Ihere was left a surplus of &162.009, an increase of $1,012,- 676. New Y’ork Financial Bureau says: We expect to see extensive short covering this morning on the Shaw relief. We expect also to see n great deal of profit taking by those who knew the relief would come. They were few. The government seems to have entered into the husluesa of specula tion. We would not follow up too closely the adrnnees, hut would buy on recension*. The relief is In sight, hut not at hand. In timation* of government relief Just of the character extended have been persistently received and submitted, but It seems to bo the fashion now to circulate these rumors till they have whiskers and then suddenly give them a shave. We hav8 always hold, that with money nermltting, tho big bull fundamentals would Irresistibly work for higher prices, and at the same time said there could be no serious declines even in the face of high money with stocks and y In the hands of the powers, and we io reason to change our opinion. Wa recommend conservatism still* hut think the situation for the dally operator a little brighter nnd would accordingly act, looking lore specialty movements upward and governed by reason. The tiding over of the drain will mean tiu|t In the forepart of the year money will bo In supply amply sufficient to enable outsiders to carry stocks actions will be experienced. LONDON 8T0CK MARKET. STOCK— Anaconda.. Atchison ’nnsdinn Pacific., .. .. .. •hie., Mil. and St. Pant.... •Irle Illinois Central..., ,, .... aoulsvllle and Nashville.. .. leading 1 Pennsylvania 1- Southern Pacific.. .. 1 Jnlon Pacific Jnlted States Steel., do, preferred.. ... AI GENERAL GAINS On the Advance Room Trad- ex’s Hurried to Take Profits. REACTION FOLLOWED Buying While the Reaction Was in Progress Was Confident. PRICE CURRENT CROP REPORT. 6.—The Price Current —’The week has been favorable for the growing corn crop. Will be practical- out of danger from frost In two weeks, fall acreage of winter wheat likely to lie sown. Interior grain movement light. Packing 390,000, against 340,000 last year." # MONEY ON CALL. Money on Call: Open 20; high 26; low 6. By Private Leased Wire. New York, Sept. 0.—The professional traders saw fit to consider Secretary Shaw's action in facilitating gold im ports disappointing, and when the mar ket opened at advances over last night’s close, they sold stocks in sufficient vol ume to cause some recessions in the first half hour of the trading. Here and there, however, there were some fairly aggressive buying by bull cliques, notably in the case of Amalgamated Copper npd one or two other active stocks which tended to impart a rather strong tone to the general list, though the advances were not up to London’s higher range. When the first rati loan was made at 20 per cent, and then fell a few points, a fresh buying movement started, and led by Brooklyn Rapid Transit, there were numerous recov eries in prices. Reading soon became the leader, scoring a sharp advance which held the list. On tho whole, the market, while active and In the main strong, showed a narrower distribution of business, always a symptom of the outside interest in speculation. Sen timent was mixed, the money market continuing to be the principal deterrent to extensive committments on the bull side. At the same time, the stock mar ket gave every Indication that with a decline In the Interest rates, the pools and cliques would not And It difficult to mark up prices and stimulate out side trading. The stock market opened generally high- Transit 1 per cent in nil; United Steel preferred Baltimore and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Chesapenkt* nnd Ohio %, Southern Pacific H and Delawnre end Hud son \ per cent Amalgamated H higher and advanced In all 1*4 per cent on good news, and the feature* of the first the highest range of the first 1 o minutes. The buying, though, while this realizing was In progress, wns confident, nnd most of It by Important financial inter ests In tho street. The losses on the ren net ion* were easily recovered, and at tho end of the first hour shorts liccamo nerv ous and wpro anxlnnt to rover, although there was little supply then in sight trouud prevailing quotations. London wns tho heaviest buyer In the first few minutes, arbitrage purchases nt nnd Just nfter the opening being estimated at over 50.000 shares, but In the later trndlnif foreign bouses did little. Government bonds unchanged. Railroad and other bonds active and firs. THE METAL MARKET. in the hid for spot nnd nearbl deliveries, flpelter wns firmer nt 5 points advance. Copper ruled strong. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldeet Establlshofl Office South. COTTOK STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter nnd market manual mailed on application. Wheat Corn «; 2J Ont# 168 217 Hog* 29990 19000 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Wheat-Receipt* 606.000 liu.hela, agalnat 760.090 trash el* U«t year: •blpment* 431.- 000 bushel*, against 642,000 bushel* last T Corn—Receipt* 672,000 bnshel*. agslnst 990,000 bnshel. I«*t yetr: »hlpnient» 000 bnahele, ngaluet 909,000 bushel* last year. L.J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, 6RAIN Correspondent’s Capital $250,000 REFERENCE. THE NEAL. BANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLDG New Orleans. iSlm, ^ro^isionsIstocksPbonds, W. COTTON, Gfi Me. 2 Wall St., Peters Belldla§, Atlanta. Ca. UZM81RS: Kew York Cation luhanee. ! f 1 i ndt " *- Orleans Cetloe taebange. CbUago Sto<k Ixckaege. .... . . York Coffee Cichseje. B. C. COlUBAN. Manager. Standard Phene 2M. liter coo! Co'too Association. Private Wires to New York. How Orleans. CNeaga. Bell Phane 126. 31 % Compound Interest Is # the rats your monsy will draw If depoilttd In the 8AVINGS DEPARTMENT of CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION CAPITAL $500,000.00. CANDLER BLDG. STRONG, SAFE, CONSERVATIVE You ere Invited to cell and Impact our quarter* and Inveatlgat* our facilities to serv* you. A hearty welcome await* you at thla bank. A8A G. CANDLER, President. W. H. PATTERSON, Vlce-Prei. A. P. COLE8, Cashier. JOHN 8. OWENS, Vice-Pret. WM. D. OWENS, A«at. Caihler. (T ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. E. CURRIER, President. A. E. THORNTON, VIct-PreeldenL H. T. INMAN, Vlce-Preildent. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Caihler. JAMES S. FLOYD, Aie't Caihler. Capita! $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. HUBBARD BROS & CO., MERCHANTS Atlanta Officfes. 2I9-2JI Century Building. Member* New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Bustneaa solicited for the above exchange*. Direct wire aervlcc. Correspondence Invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Hustace. Mgr. WSI. !„ IT.UI.. President ROBERT F. MADDOX, Vlre PraaMant A1ADD0X-R UCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL . . . $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well as large, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi annually in our Savings Department. Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaults in the basement of the Empire {Building for only $5.00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences You should not be without one. IVc invite you to call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co.