The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 14, 1906, Image 10

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— I FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, It**. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. r WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leaa than 25 cento, tho price of four linee. Six words of average length make a lino. The following rates are for consecutive Insertions: 1 time 0 cents a line. 3 times S cents a line. 0 times ..... i'/i cents a line. 20 times 4 cents a line. 52 times . , . . . S[4 cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHOffE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. !^adsfor?ituations^wanted^will^bejnserted^free^^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WANTED HELP—MALe. PHARMACY DIPLOMA AND LICENSE In 12 months. Aditr.-.. Houthrru College of Phnriunrj-, Atlanta, (is. month. Dranglinn'e Prnrllrnl Business Col- te e, Piedmont lintel block. 122 Pencbtree. II phone KS». Call, phone or write for catalogue. It will convince you that Dratigbun’s Is the best. MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME steel linnk safes anil vault doors: every thing in safe lino. Jt. W. Ellis, Agent, 26 ». WANTED-WATCHMAN FOB SI NDAYH only from #*> a. in. to 6:J1 p. m. Addmos. with references, "Watchman, cure The Oeorglan WANTEIt—A MAN ON HINCJJi tenoner: also, two maehlne men oi doors and hllnda. Htlte wages. Rns 463, Athena, fia. X I i sash. Apply WANTED—MACHINE MEN . AND CABI net men. Apply to 41. O. Williams Lum ber Co.. 4S1 Marietta afreet. WANTED-BXPERT LEGAL KTKNOOHA pher. 620 per weeh: stenographer and ot her man who understands paint btinlnens 6100: stenographer, beginner. •.»: office iioya for permanent positions 612 to 615: stetto- Imoklteetier for mit-of town pn.ltbin, 6100. Bellamy Business Agency, l»i tendler bnlldlug. WANTED—A TOI'NG MAN KAMII-..— with retail grocery trade of city. Inquire at office. Cudahy Pocking Co. WANTED HELP—FEMALt WASTED-FEMALE. COMPETENT REM- Ington operators furnished jpoaltlona. Remington Typewriter Co.. 116 Peachtree WANTED - HOI HEKEEI'ER IMMBDI- ately for yonng ladles' college. Only com- petent and eiperlenred persons need apply. State salary required and aeml recominenda- tlona. Address at once Shorter College, WANTED HELP—Mala and Fsmals, WASTED-AT ONCE. BOVS AND GIRLS all or part of the time to hnndle a fast selling article. Address with 4c In post age stamps for sample and full particulars. Glolte Supply Co., Iloi 338. Columbtia, Go. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. XPERIENCED (tTKNOGIIAPIIER WITH machine desire* work to do at home. ,'111 go and take dictation, and tronarrll>c t home, and returji. Address C. II., care eorgian. Ffl 7 ATKIN WANTED BY A YOUNO man not sfrsld of wort- * *" l / ur J 1 [~ sod references. Addreos IV. O. 6., core be Georgian. ituations wanted—female. NPEB1ENCBD BTENOORAPHBR DE- alyea position, prefrrably legal work. Ad- rao iilsa >L. 2*» Highland avenue, city. ANTKD-POHITION BY EXPERIENCED young lady atenogmpher: einployeil. but wires to make change; ran give the beat f- references. Address Hteno. No. 2. care corglsn,' iANTED-POHITION 14V YOUNO LADY aa assistant Issthheeper nr office work, ■fereuee*. furnished. Address A. C., care eorgian. ' .' -AGENTS WANTED. INTKD-AGENT 14-boys AND OIRLJ I every down In Georgia and Alabama for !—i Write for free eamnlea and Grfer, Atlanta, Ga. 1612 1 net uny; a mire hihhp/, wihhvi and women; • wilts wow. you won 11 “it. American II.. ft V. Co., Cam- „e, eOblo- iM'llB AOENTS-0END YOllIl WORK <1 ua‘for eulargemenf: fair prices, good tih; » by 20. Rdlaloua and.aeencry pic es cheap. .The (Tamer Company, 11A lere streel. Atlanta, Ga. FOR 8ALE— REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PBOPEIITY TO HELL place It with ne; we give It our apcclnl and personal attention. __ If It's worth the PERSONAL DAVID W. TARBROtJOn. PLUMBER, nes 1266. 6° 6- Hunter 1L FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. J agg I oa alreel. tST-CLASS .. BUglNBSjf UOU« [Quid have high grade stme. Call it Wen Co.. \lH North Yryot ous YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OH Tice dstnreo to sell, m tho -tlou sod Salvoge Compony. 20 South w. 'Phone Bolf 2606. TO'EWlllTKR-A Nil. 2, latesF proved Smith I'reinter: coat It*; will sell for 660. Address W. P. 1>.. cave Georgian. ALE CHEAP—BAULOCK TYPE A. It. Moniker. 515 Peters Bldg. BALK-DEBT ............ ....... r.ITd^We.PSHK.u'G*: l SALE-TWO CAR LOADb FINE rockway aurrlea. runaboota and depot ons. Nothing tretter made. Oyorsla tele Ufg. Co.* 50 sod 52 West Mitchell bond. Address Bond, care Georgian. FOR SALK-AN A 1 DRY GOODS AND shoe Imalncaa; opened April 23: In live town: new county of south Georgia; doing One mtrtetly eaah business: new modern building: electric lights, all conveniences. Owner desires to enter bunking. "System, cars Georgian. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WAKTED-ALL KINDS OF 8ALAI1 WANTED—TEN Tilt buy Money Flour, every sack. Then la money lu OLD HATS MADE NEW IAMA AND MILAN STRAW MATS B^tmI*stl6:**f<dI*hal¥ C clesaod sad ro •UB HATreSg. 6H Wh!tehaH%L IF YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR Ex change property of any kind. It will pay you to see us. C. II. Wells k Co.. ll(H Fourth National Bank Bldg. STORE—132 PEACHTBEE STREET, BUN nlng though to Forsyth street, Includ Ing good basement and upstairs. Apply st office of Guthmsn Steam Laundry, 130 Peachtree street. FOR SALE—FARM. 181 ACRES 4ft MILES NORTH OF DA Iv in*. On., one go*Hl six-room dwelling, ont good three-room dwelling, one tenant house. Plenty good outbuildings, two good wells, two good springs, 80 acres In g<»od state of cultivation, 50 acres In original forest. 40 In pasture, remainder In good l»ottom#. two public roods through place. Flue place for machinery. School Joins farm. Rnr- gain In this property. Box 32, Dallas, ART SCHOOL. WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO VISIT Hlappy's School of Art and Inspect por traits painted by his large daseea. Corner Peachtree and Auburn. BOARDER8 WANTED. THE RON AIR, 2*4 Peachtree st., solicits Inspection, comparison and patronage. L08T $5 REWARD. LOST - NATIONAL BICYCLE. BLUE frame: No. 48,350. Return and receive re ward. 98 Decatur street. FOUND. PRANKL1N. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL- low. dean# suits $1 to IL60. Paata 50c. 168 Whitehall Nt. Phones, Bell 620, A. 3881. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. at the Southern Auction and (Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor, IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OR Ex change property of any kind It will pay you to see ua. C. 11. Wells ft Co.. 1104 Fourth National Bank. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET ADVANCED .SALARIED PRO- pie and others. American Investment Co., 704 Candler Rldg. Established 1890. WEYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loana on rtal estate. T1IB UNION HAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money note* and lends money on Improrcd Atlanta property ai reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT «. « AND 1 l'KR cent Inlereet. nrconlln* to eecurtty of fered; auinll expenoe end prompt attention. Only on real talata In and near Atlanta. 8. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any. amonnt, 41L i and • per cent. Writ* or .all 8. W. Canon, 94 8. Broad otreet. FARM LOANS—WB ARB PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL EBTATR at very lowest rates. No delaya. Charles Herman, rooms 203-3 Temnle Court I HAVE $5,000 TO LOAN, S17MH TO •SUIT, on unencumbered Atlanta realty. Address It R. M... car* Georgian. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; ilso money for purchase money notes. Straight loan* made at 6 per cent and up wards. according to desirability of loan. M. A. Foster. 12 8. Broad street. WANTED—MONEY. WANTED—FOR FIVE YEARS. $10,000. Have three farms In Georgia valued at 120,000 as collateral. Must have money without delay. Address Claudo Robert, Shndydalc, Ga., care Box 27. SEEDS. GET OUR PRICES ON ONION SETS. alfalfa. Crimson. Red, Burr, Alsyke and White clover, gmssea ntid grain seed*. McMillan Seed Co., 23 South Broad street WANTED—ROOMS. WANTED—BY A RETIRED ELDERLY • -•tuple, unfurnished apartment*, lower tair, or a 6-room cottage; good *iirroun«l- ng*. Stnte particular# to G. II., Cap! tol «venue. WANTED—ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN furnished, for light hoii*ekcoping; done In; desirable nelghltorhood. Address W. W„ on re Georgian. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. F O H It E N T-FOUIt UNFURNISHED room# f«»r light housekeeping; no chlldreu wanted. 70 K. Ellis street. M. A# 8HEETON~ DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical atove and range repairer; beat work and material guaranteed, both phone* 6275. 61 8. Prjrer atreet STOP PAYING RENT! BECOME YOUR OWN LANDLORD! PICTURE FRAMES. nerrBE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. U. W. Yarbrough, :5b Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn nvenne. WALL PAPER. ■or missing, lie Is cot end painting. Office East lluater street D THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. of Washington. D. will sell you fr«»ni on* In life i > uulrarti ••ntttllug you to n loan of from $1,000 In $5,000 at 5 per cent simple Intera#!. returnable lu small monthly Installments of 17.60 tier month on e;»rh $!.<*» fx»rn»nef|. enabling you tu beonue C »ur own laui1lor«l anil paying for your *iue for less than you ore now paying reut. For prospectus ami plana of the «tun- pony. mMre*# J. St. Julfen Yate*. State Agent, 3jl Austell Illdg., Atlanta, tin. HONKST. TRUTHFUL, liUBTLINO AGENTS WANTED f.N EYKUY COUNTY IN GEORGIA. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITOR8. ! W. It SHELDON, FELLOW OF THE | American au«l Georgia State Association of Public A.Touiifauta. Sheldon Audit to., public accountants and auditor#, 618-619 Temple Court. Examination#, appeal*#/#, nndlf*. Locnl and long «|l*tsnce phone 1196. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines snd Record*. Just recelvwi large consignment of machines and over J0.000 records, immediate attention given mall orders. We want the name# of all talking machine dealers In the South. Write for rntnlogne. Alexnnder-Llyea Ca . BICYCLE SUNDRIES. __ BICYCLES AND BUND HIES—LARGEST IHcrcIe and sundry distributors In the Soath. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and Ilndaon bicycles. Write for our 1906 catalogue and price Mat. Alexander- El yen Co. ' ME88ENGER SERVICE. FOR I'HOMIT AND RELIABLE ME8- a.n*.ra, 'pbune a. 1. A. Dfltlea and J. C. Uranan. PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. It. IV. Yarbrough. 2ft Auburn aventie, coruer Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- PRE88ING CLUB. „ „ rt PRESSING—ALTERING—THE NEW EU- roka ITessIng Cfluli—Cleaning— Itejmlrlng. Atlanta ‘phone 700, Bell ’phone 247a. _ 106ft Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. Membership $1 per month. 8EWING MACHINE8. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either Singer or Wheeler A Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachment*. Prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 7# Whitehall atreet. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterson furniture bouse, 286 Peters atreet. 'Phones, Atlanta 2472, Bell 794 weat. We buy any thing. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE A BRO. THUNK AND BAG CO. Retail and reimlrlng. No. 77 Whitehall atreet. Phone 15?6. WATCHMAKING. TO TnE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches nro my bobby. Modern Ideas In work and dealings. 11. Walter Lett, Room 1217 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN'S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell Dot. Men a rawed half rain. TSe. D. T. WEST & CO., CONTIIACTOI18. nriLDKltH AND IIEI'AlltERR. H'A N. Foray III Ht. Hell (Mnlm 1*1 and KM. Atlanta 306 and KM. HOMER L. HUNT, 8TKNOGHAPIIKK h CORRESPONDENT. XII Whltehnll HI. K14 S. Brood 8t. Bell Phone No. 5047. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. 1IAI.I.WOODH. IDEALS nnd all other makes nt bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any business, st a price thnt can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 24 South Broad Street, Atlanta, On. GIORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. THREE NICE LOTS ON CORNER, ALL for $600. NICE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. best part of North Jackson street; prac tically new; $6,200; one-half caab. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, WESTERN Ilelghta; lot 100 by 110; for $1,250. NICE LEVEL LOT 50 BY 100; ONLY $225. LOT 104 BY 185, WOODWARD AVENUE, running Itack to another atreet; $1,100. NEAR GRANT PARK. NICE, LEVEL. shady lot, 100 by 185, fronting on three street a; $1,400. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN SEVEN mlnutea* walk of terminal atatlon; aide- walks, aewara, cabinet mnntela; renting at $16; $1,560. GOOD INVESTMENT. Four houses on corner lot. Good street. Rents $!U.0O month. Price $3100.00, Sec LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. FOR RENT NICE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 303 ATLAN ta avenue, with large yard and facing Grant park. $15. SIX IK HIM IIOt‘8K WITH MODKUN CON- venlence and convenient for two am# 11 families, 101 East avenue, $25. S. L. DALLAS, 118 Fourth National Bank Buildiug; Phone 1455. FOR SALE 218 Soutli Avenue, Between Cherokee and Grant. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. I AM OFFERING THE BEST-BUILT hou#e In the elty of Atlanta «h* the atate of tlettrglti. There U not one Iota «»f Itoleli work ulnmt It. Kvery particle of l« waa iloiu* hy utrlvtly lir*t « laKi* tuet hanU**. ami the material I* of the very In-Mt. it wa* hntlt for a home l»y the owner hluiaetf. If you are lookliu: for a liouae thnt hiokN like n in«*ehniile ha«l lieen aromnl when the w»»rk waa going on. eome out to mi- me. The hotiae In live naitna. two hull*, hath mom. large eloneta. whle veranda*, hwth front and rinir. The Interior tlnlali I* eiiual to any llft.ftk) realilenee. and ia put t«*grther like « pier* of fnrnHure. The lot lie* heautlfullr. uml ha* all kind* of fruit* In Itoitrlng. The tielghltorhood eauuot lx* aurimaaetl anywhere tirotitTnr!; furidniiea one of the nicest ami largest pfny ground* In the elty. and la only a few step* away. If >«»ii art* looking for an ltif«*«tment, now U your ehamv. a* the i-oat of r*|xtlra will not l»e anything for rear# to eonte, ami, of eour#e. the rent money will In* rlear profit. |»riee I2.5rt), Take any tlrant Park •nr. ami walk south out- blork ami west i>tie-linlf Idiwk friun the ryehmuiia huilU- lug. A|>pl/ to o»ner, .’is South aieuu«. $3,250—NO. 275 EAST NORTH AVE., 5-ROOMS AND HALL; EVERY CON VENIENCE; BRAND NEW; LARGE LOT. TERMS EASY. LOVELY HOME IN COL LEGE PARK, CORNER LOT, BEAUTIFUL SHADE AND GRASS, FRONTS RAILROAD AND CAR LINE. HAS 8 ROOMS AND NICE INTE RIOR FINISH. OWNER LEAVING THE STATE AND ANXIOUS TO SELL. $4,000. TERMS. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND dUR BIG auction sale of sixteen brand new houses, located on Grant, Sydney, Broyles nnd Or leans streets, and the !>eautlful new St. Paul ‘ avenue. Sale will begin at 3 p. m., Thursday, September 20, on the premises. Take Woodward avenue to Grant park cars, select your home and buy it at your own price nnd on dead easy terms. Call at this office for further particulars. NO. 406 RAWSON 8T.-TWO-8TORY 7- roorn house. All conveniences. Rent $30, price $3,000. Good home or Investment prop osition. EAST POINT-GOOD 6-ROOM COTTAGE, new and well built; no second-claaa mate rial used; large lot; location good. This Is n good pro|>o*ltlon for home or Investment. Price $1,460. Also 6-room cottage adjoining above $1,600. * NEAR GRANT PARK-FOUR .ROOMS nnd hall, on good slse corner lot; dose to three car lines and where several other new houses are being built—$1,600. Terms. McDonough st.—near new south Pryor street school; new 6-room cottage, good lot; rents $17.60. I’rlcs $1,600. Good home or Investment. WEST LINDEN ST.-NEAR SPRING ST.: nice almost uew 6-room cottage home; all city conveniences; good car service. Price $2,100. Terms $400 cash nnd $20 per mouth. IN GRANT PARK SECTION—NICE 8IX- rootn cottage; gas mid water; hard oil finish; elevated lot; cabinet mantels, double- fioored; nearly uew; splendid value for $V 600. Terms, A CORNER IN BELL WOOD, 104x218 FT.. with two old honses on It, for $1,600. Good lot to Improve or hold for future enhance ment. Bell Phone 2027. Atlanta Phone J881. HALES DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK. R. C. EVE. PIEDMONT AVENUE, Near Tenth Street. A MODEL HOME. JUST FINISHED— Convenient to the new Tenth street public school; hns eight large rooms, beside ample closets, dressing room* and pantries; work manship nnd materials of the best; every modern convenience; piped for furnace; hna ga* nnd electric lights, electric door lock, speaking tubes, etc.; very roomy verandas. Price $f,000. AT A’U.A.NTA HBtOHTB-A TRACT having a front of 472 feet on Feachtipe road nnd lying^ perfectly. ^Prtce $6.600. ^ Gordon street, n lot 50x230; high, level nnd Mhnded. for $500. for either of tIik above a!*pi.y tn the owner, nt So. 2 Orant tmlMln*. Admit, phone 4Sd. FOR RENT. • NO. 31 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE- Tlils 2-story ll-raom frame, on lot 60x100, which lies elevated slightly, la on the north side of West Peachtree place, at the cor ner of Spring; has gas. hot and cold water, bath, closet and stationary waahatand on each floor; aluk* In the kitchen and sink In the butler's pantry, with servant’s closet In the yard. This building has five rooms on the first floor, four room* on the second floor nnd two rooms In the basement; It Is In a good ntdghborhood mid tn good repair. Will rent on lease nt $60 per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue. Both Phone* tlS. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR CUSTOM ER A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT TAGE ON NORTH SIDE; $600 DOWN AND $30 PER MONTH. MOORE r GAUNT CO., 609-10 CENTURY. MATHEWS & HILL. 611-12-13 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. Atlanta 172. WANTED—A TENANT ON LONG LEASE FOR A NEW BUILDING CON TAINING 30,000 SQUARE FEET WITHIN F E W FEET OF POSTOFFICE. GOOD FOR SIAN U F A C- TURING. OVER 200 FEET FRONT ON STREET. MOORE-GAUNT CO., 609-10 CENTURY. ON N. JACKSON STREET WB HAVE absolutely the l»est 9-room honse on the street for the money. You only have to W>ok at It to realise that It la a bargain. Only $5,250. Good terms. N. JACKSON STREET NEAR PONCE De Leon avenue, a new S-motn honse; modern in every respect; east front, flue shade, large lot. $7,500. Easy terms. IN WEST END WE HAVE BARGAINS ON nearly every street; come up and let’s talk abont them. We know we enn ault you In this part of the city. ON RAWSON STREET WB HAVE JUST had lifted with us a bargain; you can’t find much property In this section, lint we can sell this at $2,160 cash for a few days only. Come quick. WB HAVE SEVERAL SMALL FARMS near Atlanta, suitable for dairy and poul try raising; come up and look nt the list; It costs you nothing to talk to ua, nnd It Is a pleasure for us to show you wbnt we have. $4,500 9-ROOM, 2-STOE^Y, ON NORTH SIDE AND WALKING DISTANCE. LEASED TO GOOD PAR TIES $40 A MONTH. J. A. BONDURANT & CO., 612 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. EXPERT TAILORING B. KAUFMAN, expert tailor, of fers great bargains In Imported woolens. If you want to save from 210 to $10 on a tailor-made suit, call at his parlors, 308 and 310 Temple Court Bldg., 3d floor. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Bell Phone 2081. BARGAIN. EAST HARRIS STREET. A SEVEN-ROOM cottage on lot 50 by 160 This house Is between Uourttnnd nnd ivy streets, and the lot alone la worth the price. This Is very close In, nnd we consider It ft bar gain $6,000 . LOOK. SOUTH PRYOR HTHKKT, A NINE-ROOM honse on lot 50 by 168. This house was built for a home* and hks all modern Im provements. Very cheap at, $4,500 NOTICE. CHAPEL STREET—HERE WE HAVE A seven-room cottage with all modern Im provements; on lot 38 by 176. Thla house Is rented for $24 $2,800 INVESTMENT. ORMOND STREET-HERB WB HAVE A lot facing Bryan atreet 185 feet, and run ning back 110 feet. Thla lot la on three * tracts. You could build eight boosea ou this lot, and rent them before they are finished . . v $1,000 COME TO SEE. AND IF YOU CAN NOT COME to see us. Just 'phone us, and we will call to see you. J. C. BALDWIN & CO., Heal Estate and Invest ments. 501 Peters Building. City and Suburban Property Farm, Timber and Min- * eral Lands. Phonejj^Bell 5191; Atl. 3310. $6.500—E. PINE STREET, NEAR COURT- land nvenne; 10-rooin 2-story residence, modern; large lot, choice nelghttorhood. Term*. $2,100—\\*OODWARD AVE.,' 6-ROOM COT- tage; water und gas; lot 40x125 feet; on rnr line. Easy terms. tsSO-WELI.HORN ST.. WltHT END. SIX- room 2-story house; first house north of West End nvenne. Rnrgnln. WMtltllWX HT., \V KHT END. 1-llOOM cottage, strictly . white neighborhood; lot 14x119 feet; rents for $8 per month; some cash. IwilaiKv like rent. 1 llAt’i? THREE THICK FAKMM NEAR city for sale. See me Monday. FOR SALE. 28-room brick house at St North For- ■yth atreet. 200.000 good brick and line building material. Bargain for contractor or builder. Addresi W. T. WINN. Box 106. or phone 498. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BI T AND 8KI.I. HOUSES AND LOTS on easy terms. 1SS Auburn avenue. Ansley Park Auction] On September 18th, we will conduct an auction sail of about 80 lots in Auslev Park. Full particulars of tb importaut event will be announced in the papers. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlauta Fruit and Produce Kxehnnfe. Lcmona, 17.7MjS.00. Um**.60676c. Pineapple*, $1.508166. Hananna, atralghta. per bunch. 11.5091.75. Culla, per bunch. $1.0091.25. CALIFORNIA FRUIT—Fancy atock: Klberta peaches, per t»ox, $1.50. Mountain Bartlett peara. per box, $3.25. tfolae -grapea, per crate, $2.50. POUraTItY AND COUNTRY TRODUCB- Uve hens, 3S(r*7%c; frlea, 22%835c; broil* i jve^ducfea, Pekin, 35e; puddle. 25827^4c. Dreaaed hen*, per tKJund, 12913c. Hgga, per iloxen, 25c. Butter, table, ner pound, 2002216c; cook* lug. per pound, 12H9l5c. Iloney, new, 8910c pound; In one-pound rarka. 10812c. VEOKT^BLER-Iriah potatoea. No. 1 FLOUR. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Poatel a patent. $5.75; Diamond patent, $5.20; Mnaroutnh Htnr, $4.60; fancy patent, $4.50; Red Eacle, $4.16; Blue lllbnoii. $3.00* fancy. $3.90; spring wheat paten:, $5.00 05.50. COilN—Choice re’ cob. 76c; No. 2 white. MEAL—Plain water-irn>*ind. per hnahei. 71c; tiolted. 140-nttnnd # otea per tiuahel, 65c; Hhorfa. white. $1.50; medium. $1.40; brown. $1.85; pure bran, $1.10; mixed bran. $1.05. HAY—Timothy, choice large balea, $1.10; do., choice atnali batea. 11.06: do.. No. 1 timothy bolea, $1.00; lvo. 4, $1.00; do.. No. \ cloerr mixed. $1.00; do., No. 2 ctorer mixed, 90c. C feGV E It—Choice 90c. The abore price* are f. o. h. Atlanta, and ■object to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES, ndard granulat _ . 4V4c; plantatloc '^C&FFEkt-Boaated Arbnckle’a $16.50, bulk, In bnga ov barrel*, 13c; green, 10O 12c RICE—Carolina 4V407He. according to grade. New crop will arrive In two weeka. CIIEEKB—Fancy full creatn dairy, 15c; twin*. 14lic. Market atrong. PROVISIONS—Supreme hama, 15c. Dora ham*. 15Hc. California hama, $9.60: Red " * lit extra riba; $9.57Vi ... fat hacks, 8c; plate*. Rc; Supreme lard, S9.82V4; Rod Cro*a, 10c. 8now Drift compound, 7&c; Red Croaa, 7%c. STOCKS AND BONDS. Rid. Aaked. .Ill 113 Georgia 4Vis. 1915 112 Georgia, It. R. 6m 1910 .106 Savannah 6a. 1909 102ft Mnrona 6a. 1910 106 Atlanta, 5a. 191L... 106 Atlanta, 4fts. 1922 107 Atlanta 4a, 1934 105 Atlanta and Wcat Point. , . .165 Atlanta and Weat Point Debts.,107 Central Railway of Georgia lat do. Income ... do. 2d Income do. 3d Income Georgia.... 265 Augnata and Savannah 115 Bonthweatern.. Ilf Georgia Pacific lata 120 C.« C. and A. lata 112 ioivt THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST. For Atlnifta and Vicinity—Genernllr tonight and Saturday, with no mnrko/t • imrnture change*. 1 1 WEATHER LpTcOTTON BELT. Texaa—Tyler and Sherman clmidr warm. Belton, Dalla* and Houston hJj and warm. Temple cloudy and damn phur Springs and Cisco clear ami' • ^ Cl .^* J«ck*on. Natch Hattiesburg, and Meridian clear and 5 Corinth and Amory clear and warm. Alabama—Birmingham eleur and hot ran clear and warm; hard rain Inat „i lluntarllle dear and cool. Opelika *3 Montgomery dear and warm. Trov and pleasant. Mobile partly cloud* pleasant. 3 ** Georgia—Columbus. Macon and Sara mu clear and hot. Araerlcus and Albanr pIm and pleasant. Atlanta dear and wart WEATHER In"wHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Cloudy; 34 to alKive; local rains. Northwest—Generally cloudy; al»ore. West and Southwest—Partly cloudy* so 1 72 al>ore; showers In Kansas and okll WEATHER FORECA8T. Georgia—Thunder showers Friday nj probably Saturday; light variable winds, fc and Sattmlay; fresh south Hinds coast. East Flqtida— 1 Thunderstorms Friday Saturday ‘ —* * West I __ day; cooler In the Interior; Saturday ahol era, variable wind* becoming north.' r Arkansas—Fair Friday; Saturilny shn era. East Texaa—Scattered shower* Friday a- Saturday; fre*h south wind* on the nwsrj Indiana-Fair tonight; tomorrow par cloudy and warmer. Wisconsin—Fair and wanner tonight; morrow partly cloudy and warmer. Minnesota—Fair en*t; shower* w night; wanner tomorrow: shower*. i Iowa—Partly cloudy and warmer touted Saturday shower* and warmer. Missouri, Katina*. Nebraska—Showers I night: tomorrow warmer. North Dakota and South Dakota ShoL era tonight and tomorrow; cooler tonight! STATISTICS. Jossph H. Carter. Special to The Georgian. Athens. Ga., Sept. 14.—Joseph H. Carter was burled at Princeton factory* cemetery’ yesterday. Jle died In Mon roe. He was a brother of W. T. Car ter, of Athena. BIRTHS, To Mr. and Mrs. Volbrecht, at 435 Central avenue, a Imy. ... , To Mr. and Mrs. 1>. II. Watson, st 335 W. North avenue, a girl. DEATHS. Perry Holme*. 39 years old, died of alco holism at 48 Culver afreet. . „ „ C. W. Fisher. 41 years old, died of rail- rood wreck at Ringgold, Ga. .. .. . Cecil Frauds Hopkins. II months old, died of convulsions at 367 Formwalt street. I,awrence Grant. 18 years old, died of typhoid fever at 196 Euclid avenue. infant of Mr*. W. B. Mott, one month old. died at 17 Corley street. Mary Osbtirn, 78 years old, died of old age at 165 Newton street. Mrs. Mnry M. Wallace, 62 years old, died of paralysis at 213 Wgrt'PIne afreet, buildingTpermit8. $125—J. L. Hall, to build addition to one- story frame dwelling In rear of 63 Keune- saw alley. $2,800—Samuel Yonng. to bnlld four one- story frame dwellings at 2S6-8-90-92 Chapel street. $600—Tilly Jennings, to build one-story frame dwelling at 546 W. Mitchell street. $4<V—II. Mhenrd, to build coal house at 333 S. Boulevard. $35— M. J. Quinn, to build frame stable at 241 Enrlld avenue. $40—Carl Flelrhuton, to re-cover two-story frame dwelling at 337 K. Fair street. $30—J. L. Harris, to lmlld Iron stable abed at 148 Piedmont avenue. $30—Arch Avary. to recover frame dwell ing at 320 l'lednuiut nvenne. $40—J. F. Hues, to re-cover frame dwelling at 43 Howell street. $900—J. L. Ervin, to build addition to a frame dwelling at 385 Spring afreet. PROPERTY~TRAN8FERS. $1,300— Mrs. A. It. Bree to William C. Cole, lot on Love street near Crew street. War ranty deed. . yfra. C. D. Cunningham to J. M. Hendrix, lot on Ashby street near Ladle avenue. Warranty deed. $1.000—Mr*. C. I>. Cunningham to J. M. Ilendrlx, lot on Ashby street near Lucll* nvenne. Warranty deed. $1.160—yirs. C. I). Cunningham to J. M. Ilendrlx. lot on Ludle near Ashby street. Warranty dee«L $880—B. W. Betor to Miss U P. Block, lot on feore street near Rhode# street. Ismn deed. $260—J. It. ltlce to W. I-. P. 11. and II. G. Randall, lot on Windsor atreet near !/ne street. I*vtn dee*l. $21—John W. <ln»en to W. W. M<w>re, lot on Kennedy atreet near Goddard afreet. Warranty deed. 15t-Johu W. Green to W. W. Moore. lot on Vine street near Johns atreet. Execu tor's deed. $50>-<’ourtland 8. Winn to C. J. Sheehan, lot on JonestNiro mniI uenr Thtrkldd ave- nue. Adndnlstrator’s deed. $2,500-8. G. Turner to A. T. Dnvls, lot on Ponce DeLeon avenue near Todd atreet. Warranty deed. $7,000—A T. Du vis to 8. G. Turner, lot on Ponce DeLeon avenue near Todd street. $1.850—Joseph O. Smith to Elisabeth Hen drix. lot »»n Kelly streel near Glen wood nvenne. Warranty deed. $700—Mr*. Mary A. Haygnod and Mis# Emma Haygood to Southern States Life In suranre Company, let on Anna street near Ihtrmn street.* Loan deed.. fi.'W-Mr*. Alice K. ThroWer to K. W. Ro#e. lot lit land lot 82. Fourteenth district of Fulton •‘oiiiity, near Strang street. War- ranty deed. SEABOARD EMPLOYEES TO RECEIVE AN INCREASE. 8|>eelal to The Georgian ’Montgomery. Ala, Sept. 14.—The Rhaboard Air Line officials have In* strutted B. W. Francisco, the local agent, to Increase his force In order to give the patrons a better and more efficient service. It Is also understood the employees are to have a raise In WEATHER CONDITIONS. The characteristic features of today' are a well-developed nrr/t of low nr covering the Rocky Mountain district an area of high pressure of considerable « r central over northern Michigan. __ie advance of the high hns camu-d t, slderahl.v cooler weather over the Inkc | glon and the Ohio valley and rains in t. eastern lake region and the uorthenst. Pi ceding the low fa an area of cloudlm** er In this section tonli with no mnrked change In tempernturf. ] J. B. MAUnt’UY. j Section Dlrcctoi COTTON REGION BULLETIN. | For the 24 hours ending at 8 n. meridian time, September 14, 1906. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. ^Atlanta, dear •Chattanooga, clear.. . Columbus, clear. . . . Gainesville, dear. . . , ••Greenville, clear. . . , Griffin, clear •Macon, clear Montlcello, dear. . • • Newnan. dear Rome, clear. ...... Spartanburg, clear. . . Tallapoosa, clear. . . . Toccoa, dear West Point, clear. . . . ••Received late (wlrs trouble); not Incll *1 In averages. 1 CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta Augusts Charleston. . . . , , Galveston Little Rock Memphis, Mobile Montgomery. . . . New Orleans. . . . Oklahoma. . . . . Savannah, . . Vlckahurg’. *. ’.*.*. Wilmington * T Indicates Inappreciable r..lnfnll. REMARKS. Sllghtlv higher temperatures prevail*"*# nearly all district# the na*t 24 hour* Ml rainfall occurred over tue entire belt. I j. B. MAUnniv." Section Direct is A CARD OF THANKS. that nothing |# #•» sweet and consoling* my saddened heart a# the loving #yiu|»« of true and loving friend#. Enpedally to the IlratherhiHMl of L<“ tlve Engineer# and the Mamm* do I deeply grateful, and I pray God that may ever turn with me to the God "f M that He may help your noble pnler* to Untie to l»e n hlotalng to sorrowing »-n| Slid that lie may help me to live lu I continuous attitude of Jove and devotion mr friends, and to my (1ml, thnt we i nil meft our de|»arted friends and J" one* In God*# eternal home, where t»'i thnt arc broken shall lie forever healed I friend shall meet with friend. , ,.J MRS. I. W. NOI.LJ BRYAN MAY VI8IT CHATTANOOGA ON RETUfl H|m l«I to Tho UeorKlnn Chattanooffa, Tenn.. Sept. H llam J. Bryan'a manaff.r believe Mr. Bryan can come to thl* t'Hj hla Southern tour on September A. Hood.'-preatdent of the Br\ an 1 here, haa received a letter fmm Bryan. In which he aaya that It a rtble that he miffltt tetum via Att- to Blrmlnfham and to C'hattan„'>K May Conte.t Election, ftperlel to The (lenqtlan Oadaden. Ala., Sept. U.—A ‘•■■r will probably be tiled with the ei| dlatrlot aenatortal committee by Brown, of 8t. Clair county. defeated for the nomination w n of Atlanta.