The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 22, 1906, Image 14

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14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER T., Rnt. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leie than 25 cente, the price of four line#. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates •re for consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents • line. 5 times ..... 5 cents a line, 6 times 4’/^ cents a line. 26 times ..... 4 cents a line. 62 times 3/z cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. WANTED HELP"-MALE^ nTghtk v m Shorthand. Typewriting, etc., only $4 a ni-.nth. Urnuffhon'H Practical Business Col lege, Piedmont Hotel block. 122 Pencbtre*. Bell phone 889. Cull, phono Drangha ers. Warps $3.50.' Also. fifty laborers nt r day. Apply Robert Russell & Melon. Ga. WANTEI>—TO HELL ROH.EII AND BN- ‘ “ - small tus- 435 l.m*kle WANTED—YOUNG MAN 16 TO 18 YEARS old for general office work. One who can operate typewriter preferred. Widen dtd opportunity for right party. Address In own handwriting, stating age. expert enee and salary wanted. Manufacturer, 1* O, Box 252. WANTED-PARTNER TO TAKE ACTIVE part In printing business, either a drum tner or superintendent of manufacturing de-j psrtment. Good cbsnee for right purty. Address ArtiTe, cwre Georgian. — WANTED—MOTIT WATCHMAN: COM- p.t«nt, «ohfr. young. relUMe; Bring ref.r •ar-M. 1030 C.ntury building. AT ONCE—VOUCHER CLERK WHO IS rapid typewrit.r, »S0. Imok: k,r-|>er. lit. Bookkeeper nnd etenogrnpher. ns. Front man for wholeenle liniiee, tntiet lei quirk, etrtetly tempernte. nffnhlf■ mnl .til. to furnleh bond, MS. Mine dork. rhree dru, clerk.. Trevellnit nmilter. Mulder for foundry. Night wetehmen for ntfleo build- In*. EI*T*tor nun. Toll traffic m.n fm tefephone enchnnge. Help In other lino. National Employment Aaaocintlon, KC2-33 Century Bid*. WANTED—TRUNK MAKERS AND TWO good repair mon. Apply 1’lnnnclo Trunk Mfg. Co.. 62 Peachtree at reel. WANTED-A BOY TO WORK IN OFFICE. Apply at 66 Inman Bid*. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—FEMALE. COMPETENT REM- Ingtoa operator, fornlihed portion*. Remington Typ«wrtt.r Co., 118 Pearlitree hands: siso neipers, p«w»h* «puiru *>• nbllltr for plain and tuner work: good pay, steady junployment. Call early tomorrow momfnff 702 -Tho Grand. HF,r.P WANTED—WE CAN GIVE BM- nloymeiit to thirty more famlllra. cape- daily glrla. In our knitting anil (pinning mllla. Cheap houae rent, healthy location, good water, abundant iimuaementa. High- eat prleea paid. Richmond Hoalery Mllla, RoMi-llle. lie., and Clialtanoogn. Tulin WANTED HELP—Mnl. and F.malt. WK FURNISH HBLIAlll.B DOMESTIC colon d help on ihort notleo. Heeure poet tlnn Ill or out of the city. Wr innki emit: rlnttv of Cooke, malda and Imllcra. South ern Employment Bureau. 61V4 S. Itnuul St. Bell phone 1172 Main. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. JtOOKKEKPERTWO^~TKAHsf~KXFE Hence. Young nuin wishes position with ettablllhcd house as bookkeeper or office assistant. Address Book keeper, care (. flan. WANTED—-MISCELLANEOUS. 71 Whltehnll street. ‘Phone 1622. MISCELLANEOUS. vsge Company will buy t VICTOR MANGANKHE AND steel hank an fern nnd vault dooi R. W. Dills, Agent, 26 FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. plsce It with us; we give It our sperl... and persnnni Attention. If It's worth the price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co., 1104 Fourth Nntlonnl Ibink. change property of any ‘kind, It will ; WANTED—REAL ESTATE. description mid prlci BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. fourth Nntlonnl Rank WANTED—PARTNBR IN PAPER printing business to take charge of I keeping nnd general office work, have a few thousand dollars to Invent. dress Paper, care Georgian. tnurnnts In city; will dear I Ware A Harper, 724 equipped cafe In Atlanta; highest ntrmmgc; buy this nt once nnd dear * $700 next mouth. State Fair her that time. Ware A Harper, 721 am Century Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Mortgsge loans on real estate. BANK BUYS ANTED—INSIDE WORK; WILL OO.V slder small Investments with services. II., re Georgian. I)MB WORK WASTED-COMPETENT typewriter operator desires copying to <1 o home. Address C. !>., care Georgian. I l|TUATIONS_WANTED^FEMALE. «^IUENCBn. l .IITE i NOORAUHEIt dmjh AGENT8 WANTED. WANTeV>—AGI^NTR— BOYIt AND GIRL* In .T.ry town In (leorcle .nd for midget cor,In Write for free ramidc. nnd farms. Autry Greer. Atlanta, Ga. 1312 Empire building. PICTURE AGENTB—BEND YOUR WORK to u. for enlurgement; fair price., guild Bnlah; 16 by 20. Religion, and ecencry tdc- tun. cheep. The Garner Company, 13A ig^jjtree^Alhg^mmamm WANTED—SALESMEN^ ySuNG~MAN' T<Y''8KLL~TO!LET AND laundry soaps to grocery trade; good "p R rtunlty for hustler. Apply to \\. r. tan, 6 N. Forsyth street. WANTED—TWO TRAVEMNi} SALESMEN ‘In Georgia to sell fruit ciders and gro cers’ sundries; $25 per week nnd expenses. Experience unnecessary. International ls- 14# Supply Co., Kt. lands. Mo. WANTED-A GOOD CITY SALESMAN ion salary contract. Address Sewing Ma chines. care The Georgian. WANTED ONE OR TWO GOOD SALES'- men for wholesale traveling position*. Ad dress Sewing Mndilnes. care Georgian. WANTED-tCOLOREP help. ... THREE WOMEN COOKS. FOUR CHAM hermnbls. three nurses, two dining room Apply Monday morning. hol'd a pla< ment Rnren G^Wn^L .if the dty. writ for y >14* S Hr- Southern Employ- Atlanta, Hdt Idione :U72 M. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER I'LLMHER, f*Sos*« 1256. $0 K. flnntcF at able rates. Hell •near notes and lends money Atlanta property n reason- ell phone 769. Gould Bldg. Only or S. k,h SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LENI any amount, 44, 6 and 6 per cent. Writ or call H. W. Carson. 24 8. Broad street: LOANS-WE •orgl re<|, ARB PLACING rates ever offeretL The Southern Mortgage Cbmparty. GoMfl building. * FOUR PER -CENT HOME MONEY lend on uinntlily pnvment nlmi: nn iln also money for , i Straight loans’ ftmdi wards, Iccnrdlug to desirability R. A. Foster. 12 8. Urtutd street. WANTED—MONEY. FOUND. FRANKLIN, THE CUBAN CL low. Cleans suits $1 to $1.60. 168 Whltehnll St. Phones, Bell I FOR RENT—ROOM8. Walking dlstnnce. Piedmont avenue. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. practical stove and work nnd material guurnnti 6276. 61 8. Pryor street. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don't let ’em fool yon.” Jim Bu missing. He Is painting. Offlc l Hunter street. Uotb 'phones 650. BOARDERS WANTED. ..... -ION ^IR. 3M Peachtree *t., sollc Inspection, comparison ami patronage. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS FIRST-CLASS UOCSES ! __ Call oa stroet. i rQR ART SCHOOL. WANTED -THE PURI.1C Klsppy's School of Art nn traits painted bv his large • Peachtree sud Auburn. should have high grade stena Ci Kent Sign Co, North Vryor i Phone 2328. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OR office fixtures to sell, see the Southern Auction and Salvage Company, 2tt South l*ryor. 'Phone Belt 2306. GET PRICES ON FURNITURE ANY- where .-tune to us an-1 we wilt U-ut them. H.iMvii kY Barnes, is E. Hunter. OUH ENTIRE LINK OF MATTINGS BE- <ln«“e«| Tm' a yard. Robison A Barnes, 18 !v Hunter str.-et. RENT—FURNISHED I THREE <>R FOUR FUR I DECATUR. GA nlshtul rtHuns for light tIful location; referenct L. E., Ilox 42»1, Atlanta required. Addrei FOR RENT—NOUSE8.Y FOR RENT «>R SALE—MODERN 8 eottnge; convenient to ear; on host stfeel out of Deeatnr. Ga. 280x500 nnd fruit trees. Address Owner, FOR RENT—ROOMS. EITHER UPPER i ! desirable bouse l j small family wh.» i phone 5010 Slain, Ht LOWER FLOOR OF ear enpito) to couple rill board owners I and 62 West Mitchell st. *■ FOR SALE—TWO CAR LOADS FINK » Brockway snrrle*. runabouts and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 nnd 52 West Mitchell Street. For kalk-xtlli. thie iipggV. THREE I NUUUNISIIED ROOMS. Iy papered; one furnishefi r»H 6 lilldrt-n. Apply 59 E. Ellis street. WANTED—ROOMS. Apply 61 Houston stir WANTED- IN REPIN home, within five bl.i i rtsitn suitable for light erelieeS glVell. Addr,‘M cure AUsutu Gwrglau. \ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITOR8. W. It. SHELDON. FELLOW OF TIIE American and Georgia State AaaoclkHon of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co., public accountants and auditors, &18-61S Temple Court. Examinations, appraisals, audits. Local and long distance phone 1196. ARCHITECTS. „ LET tlH DRAW YOflt FLANS AND liulW jour homo. Wo c.u Kive JOU mouoj. Art<lro«o p. 0. Box 675. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle nnd sundry distributors •** t«® South. Southern agents for fierce. Yale, Snell nnd Hudson bicycles. Write jo* °® r 1906 catalogue and price lift. Alexander- Elyea Co. ^ CABINBT CA WOBK r ^. RK NOVELTIF f> wWfeS ivorkofs® »tarietu street. ~ MEDICAL. ' FILER—PnOTIlUIHNG, ITCHING. AND liloovlln* ptli*. ourori without tho knlfo, ~ pain or trctentlon from business; cure guar- nntecd. Write or call today If you arc suf fering. Advice tree. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 154 N. Broad street, Atlanta, On. B MONCRIEF— HE'S THE MAN THAT RELIJt HOT AIR. lust/illn furnaces In old houses as jveii z ns new. He prepares a cellar If you have none. Monerlef Furnace C’o. Both ’phones. g MESSENGER SERVICE. . FOB PROMPT AND 1IEX.JABLE MES- sengers, ‘phone 33. J. A. Davies and J. C. Brauan. / s . PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. H. W. Yarbrough. 24 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- ' PRESSING CLUB. PRESSING—ALTERING—THE NEW EL* rekn Pressing Club—Cleaning—Repairing. Atlanta 'phono 700, Bell 'phono 2475. 1064 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Membership $1 per month. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED-TWO DOLLARS PBft MONTH. either Singer or Wheeler tc Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt delivery. ”otn 'phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 79 Whitehall street. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterson b urnlture house, 286 Peters street. 'Phones, Atlanta 2472, Bell 794 west. We buy any thing. TALKING MACHINE8. TALKING MAGI!INKS AND IIKCORDR- Wholesale and retail distributors of YIc- tor Talking Machines and Record* Just received large consignment of machine* and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. Wo want tae names of nil talking machine dealers lu the South. Write for catalogue. Aloxander-Elyes Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE A BUG. TRUNK AND RAG CO. Retail and rcpnlrlug. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 16«6. WATCHMAKING. _ TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches arc my hobby. Modern Ideas In work nnd dealings. II. Walter Lett. Room 1217 Fourth Notional Rank Rldg., Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN ’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LDCKIB, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men's sewed half aoles. 76c. I). T. WEST & CO.,/ CONTRACTORS, nUILDEUS AND REPAIRERS. . Atlanta 306 nml 2256. IIOMER L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER ft CORRESPONDENT. 3314 Wlllt.-lm 11 St. 3214 S. Broad St. ReJI Phone No. 5047. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) , NATIONALS, IIALLWOODH, IDEALS nml nit other makes at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any business, nt a price thnt can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payment*. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND* SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register ' Store, 24 South Broad Street, Atlanta. On. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff fslt hats cleaned tod re shaped. 16c. Bands or sweats, 25c each extra. ACME HATTERS. 64 Whltshall St PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. % II. W. Yarbrough, 14 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn avenue. SEEDS. GET OUR PRICES ON ONION SETS'? alfalfa. Crimson, Red, Burr, Alayke ana White elover, grnssoN nnd grain semis, i .McMillan 8t*ed Co., 23 South Broad street. DR. W. J. TUCKER. <• MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CURED at borne, without pa In *>r detention from > business; permanent cure gunrnnteed; free trial home treatment m-iit In plain wrapper, i l»r. W. J. Tucker, 154 N. Broad street. At- - lanta, Ga. ^ CW “ m t I FOR RENT! *> 37 and 39 Stonewall St. a Two 5-room houses. . These » have just been remodeled T and put in first-class eondi- „ tion. Rent $15.00 month. " See UEBMAN, Real Estate aud Renting, 28 Peachtree St. STOP PAYING RENT! - $6 BECOME YOUR OWN f LANDLORD! d< THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN fr CO. of Washington. D. C„ will sell you rr from one to five contract* entitling you to $1 n loon of from $1,000 to $5,000 nt 5 per cent simple interest, returnable In stunll monthly $1 Installments of $7.50 per month ou each $j $1,000 borrowed, enabling you to become your own landlord nml paying for your n home for less than yon are now paying = rent. For pr«»*poetns and plnn* of the com- * pany. address J. St. Jullen Yates. State , Agent, 321 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. J, HONKST, TRUTHFUL. HUSTLING *- AUK NTH WANTED IN KVEUY COUNTY IN UKOUUIA. n SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. I2.G0G—OAK 8T.I 6-ROOM COTTAGE; LOT 50x188; Ilea level; beautiful section, and we can make terms right to suitable party. $4,750—11 ET W E E N THE PEACHTBBE8 • have for sale a beautiful 6-room cot- on nice elevated lot. This la some thing strictly choice; can make terms if MATHEWS & HILL. 611-12-13 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. Atlanta 172 WE HAVE A CLIENT WITH M.000 TO - non. If pay a good In- $5.20A—80x200, on 14TH STREET: LIES lovely; your last chance to get on this fashionable street at anything like this price. $4,750—GORDON ST.; f-ROOM 2-STORY splendid home, on lot 60x180; on car line. This is splendid value. You should see it If you really want something good. $2.760—JIJ8T OFF GORDON ST.. HALF block on pretty street, we have nice 6- room cottage on lot 60x180. This la an ex cellent proposition and we caff afll It to you even If your purse Is sadly depressed. $2,760—NEAR PRYOR fiPT.. WB HAVE A splendid C-room cottage on level, pretty lot. which we can sell on terms. This la lu a beautiful block and fins nelgblmrhood. H.M0-H. PRYOR ST. HOME OF 10 ROOMS on large, shady lot; Ilea well and bouse alone Is worth almost this price, to auy nothing of the lot. We can make terms of $1,000 cash W. A. POSTER,. Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. room house. All conveniences. Rent $80, new and well built; no second-class mate- . good proposition for home or Investment. *rlce $1,460. Also 4-room cottage adjoining SEAR GRANT PARK-FOUR ROOMS nnd hall, on good else corner lot; close to bouses are being built—$1,500. Terms. Pryor street school; new 5-room cottage, rood lot; rents $17.W. Price $2,600. Good nice almost new 5-room cottage home; all •Ity conveniences; good car service. Price : mantels, double- with two old houses on It, for $1,500. Good lot to Improve or hold for future enhance- Atlanta Phone 1881. COMPANY, / 510 Temple Court. Phone, Boll 2081. NORTH HIDE, NORTH ' ROULEVArD. .A |, w room ootUgp, J11mt roinplotoil, on *ood lot ml In lino tiolKhlwrhootl. Thl« In n Imutv ml i-hiNUi at.. 63,000 WEHT i:ni>- k SIX-ROOM t’OTTAGE ON GORDON street, lot <6 by 200. Pan you get more for oar money? We can nrrnngc termw..$3.000 SOUTH lloVl.EVARD, in.v-r A BEAUTIFUL lot 66 by 150. Unit -.13,400 FORM WALT STREET— SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH AI.I, mnlorti Imi-oronmnlH. mnl i-lom- in; lot 60 130. Just the p1ni»e for a nice honit».|2.750 KTKWAltT avenge, ~ FIVE- BANS STREET, 7APITOL AVENUE, A NIC ottage, on good lot. This *»»«.. .. KEf.i.i worth ..$2,000 Y STREET^' BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FOUR-BOOM ■ott.K. on lot 60 by 160. Thl» la very iioar BONNIE HltAE. I'E HAVE A SMALL COTTAGE on *oml lot tb/it trill make n nice mile me; near enr line, and can make easy »»" 11,760 M DANIEL STREET- “ STORE AND FIVE ROOMS ON UOR- cut lot. This Is a good place for a l»usl- Now rented to gmsl tenant.. ..$1,750 LET US RENT HAT VAC ANT HOUSE FOR YOl can get you n tenant with ease, wish to buy or sell real estate, It Interest to see us. J. A. BROOKS, REAL ESTATE, 7 Fourth National Bai Bull Phone 1393 Maiu you have anything that .. . , teresf mi this amount call nnd ON THE IV. & A. RAILROAD. 17 .MILES from Atl&nta. nnd only % at uille from railroad station, we have a farm of 80 acres, 30 acres cleared and nianted in Elbert* peaches which paid $1,000 this year; 60 acres of wood, aud we consider this a bargain at 13.600.' $1.2S0-^Nplemlld 6-room house on the west able, all Improvements, -rents regularly at $12.60 per mouth, lias city water and gas. and is a genuine little bargain for the money. f2.4dO-TWO GOOD 6-ROOM HOUHR8 - IN ants, rented the year nrniuh. . mouth. If you have got any Idle money you want to Invest this Is the spot. ii.250-THIS IS THE PRICE WB HA^E for a thoroughly modern 9-rooui li otte of the best North side streets. nicely elevated. This section Is unsurpassed for pretty homes in Atlanta. Now occupied by the owner and a splendid bargain. We can arrange this sale, so thnt you will uot have to pay more than $2,500 cash. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. - We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to more them. It you fall to let us know your wants In this line you will lose money. Write or call for “Special Sale List” We maintain the beat repair department In the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bauk. DAIRY AND TRUCK FARM OF 50 ACRES, 33-4 MILES SOUTHEAST FROM CENTER OF AT LANTA. PRODUCTIVE LAND. SAME TENANT FOR PAST 20 YEARS; MACADAMIZED ROAD ; CAR LINE 11-2 MILES; SURVEY FOR LINE TO MACON NEARER; GOOD 4-ROOM AND 2-ROOM HOUSES; LARGE BARN AND NUMEROUS OTH ER • OUTBUILD IN G S ; CREEK AND SPRINGS; ‘-,000 BUYS IT. YOU CAN PAY $500 DOWN AND *500 YEAR WITH 6 PER CENT INTEREST “ON OR BEFORE.” TIGS IS A GOOD VALUE AND WILL LIKELY SELL AT ONCE POSSESSION DECK M- BER NEXT. 50-ACRE TRUCK FARM, 7 MILES SOUTH OF AT LANTA; $2,000, ON REA SONABLE TERMS. GIiOltE & JUSTIN, >215 Peters Building. FOUR ROOMS AND HALL, LAKEWOOD Height*; lot 120 by 160; halt block enr line; for n few day* at $1,050 spot cash; bargain, with good future. r.iiu, it nt only $3,000. 81X BOOMS, MODERN HOUSE, BEST part Jones avenue; $1,000 cash, tmluuco easy; see us about this. 204 ACHES ABOUT THREE-FOURTHS of a mile from Howell Station. If you want to double your money In a short time, buy this; only $100 per nere. at $14 |>4»r month. Kennedy street. EIGHT ROOMS; MODERN; CLOSE IN, on East Fair street If yon want a pjre home, close lu, see ut about this; only $3,- Ansley Park Sale. Next Monday Afternoon at 2;30 o’clock auction- Bale of 83 LOTS IN ANSLEY PARK. Plats at our office. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. W. E. TREADWELL & CO., Real Estate Agents, 24 South Broad St.—Bell Phone 2644. Atlanta Phone 3803. SPECIAL—NORTH SIDE. THIS IS ELEVEN ROOMS. TWO-STORY house, with two baths, six bed rooms, nue cement walls, electric appliances, closets In all lied nanus; sink, efoset; lu fact, everything to make this a model. To NORTH JACKSON STItEKT-A BEAUT! ful now ten-room house; modern.. Noth Ing better Dalit In the city. Pills aouse Is storui-sheathed, double-floored. Built by day work, llaa every eouvenleuce. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR LUCKIB street; bargain; $1,6»0. FIVE-ROOM AND TIIREE-ROOM houses; Plum street; $2,866. FIVE-ROOM NEW HOUSE. CABINET mnntels; hot nnd cold water. TWO FOUR-ROOM HOUSES ANT* TWO three-room houses, new, paying 13 per cent on $3,150. 1 TEN-ROOM TWO-STORY HOUSE. CRF.W •trc-i't: Inrgi' lot. Thl» I. ohcnii nt 33.500. CREW STREET - NEW SIX-ROOM house. Tills Is a little beauty. $2,237. SEE 1^4 FOR SOUTH SIDE '.PROPER- ty. West End, Edgewood avenue. Beau tiful vacant lots nt Inman Park. COLLEGE PA Ilk—EIGHT-ROOM TWO^ story house; large lot; $3,m COLLEGE PARK-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE; 96 by 160; $2,260. FRASIER & SMITH CO., Real Estate Agency, 185 Auburn Avenue. Bell Phone 3533-M. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY YOU WANT to sell, list It with us. We will adver tise It for you. We will send description .to all of our agencies throughout this und other states. Our entire force of seven hundred agencies will become Interested in whnt'you have for sale. Wo are rep resented In every state In the union, and we conduct n high-class resl estate ageu- cy. on strictly commission basis. Wo can sell your property, no matter where lo cated. We deal In city, suburban and country property. Farms, timber land or timber rights nnd business opportunity of all descriptions. On Georgtn avenue, Con- nally, Jackson, Luckie streets we have several nice propositions, either for a home or investment. A MANUFACTURING SITE 3 MILES from center of Atlanta. Southern rail road divides the tract of 66 acres. Join ing Mr. J. K. Ottley’s summer home. LET US SHOW YOU HO if IT Ofr TltESij bargains. Several corner propositions In the fourth ward, suitable for combination dwelling nnd stores or fruit stAnds. If you are loosing for such, see us at. once. COLORED INVESTMENT. ON BEDFORD i PLACE! NEAR CUff rler, we. have a lot 60 by 140; two hous<* can bo built here, which win piiy 16 j*r cent on the investment In less than six months; $75; easy terms. ON CHKSTNtJT STREET, WB HAVE A five-room house; lot 50 by 118; one block from car line. This Js a bargain for the money we are asking for It; $1,400; easy terms. ON EAST HARRIS, NEAR BUTLER, BE- tween Fort; a seven-room house, with water and gas and all improvements, ou Improved street. Only $1,400; about $460 ensh. balance like paying rent. ON HILLlAltll STREET, NEAR FfJIT rest avenue; n four-room house. In good condition; fl.UW); $200 cash, balance to suit. IN' SOUTH ATLANTA, WE HAVK TWO of the finest lots In that section; one ou Brown* avenue nnd the other on Maury avenue; 50 by 160. I<evel. Ready to build Oil It. IF YOU WANT WEST SIDE INVEST- meats, see us. We have houses, lots of nnv number. C’nn mnffe tonus to suit you. HERE 18 WHAT WE WILL DO. WE will buv you a house and lot In any pnrt of the city, or we will buy you n vacant lot. build a house to suit your own tante, and let you pay us bock at the rote of 17.50 per month. If you ask more, why let us hear from you still. We are pre pared to suit each of our customers aud the nuldlc In general. Notice Is hereby given that the firm of Atlanta Illauk Book Manufacturing Com. puny, composed of J. W. Bryant and T p Cornell, ban been dissolved this day. The said firm doing business In the city of At. lantu, Ga. Mr. Cornell retires. The business will he continued in the same name, to wit: At. lantn Wank Book Manufacturing Company and at the same place, by Mr. Bryant, who will assume aud settle all liabilities and re. celnt for all debts due said firm. This 25th day of August, 1906. J. W. BRYANT. T. P. CORNELL. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the ordinary of Fulton county, I, as administrator of th<> estate of W. E. Hcogln, deceased, will * P n before the court house door In Atlanta Ga.. on the first Tuesday In October, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the following lands Indonglng to said estate- A lot 50x100 feet on the southeast corner of Garibaldi and Mary streets, known m No. 206 Gnrlhsldl street. This lot ha* J f ood five-room house thereon with wide nils, front and back verandas. Worth for rent $12 per month. Also a vacant lot 60x100 feet on the south west corner of Windsor and Mary streets This lot Is In the rear of tho above lot. a house thereon would rent well. There |» «n alley in the rear of each lot. ibdjj I county. »bt* m ‘ cash. Title good. W. C. BAGGETT. Administrator of W. E. Scogln, Deceased LAVENDER B. RAY, Attorney-at-Law, J12 Temple Court Bldg. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Teia*—Dall«, and Hou.ton parti* cloud* and pl.aunt- Trier eloudr and cool, ban Antonio partly cloudy and cool. CUco, Fort Wortli, Belton nnd Templa clear and pleaaant. Mlaalaalppl-HattlMburc clondy and cool: bard rain laat night. Meridian cloudy anil threatening; hard rain yaaterday. Yaaoo —ity. clear and pleaaant Jackaon cloudy ml cool. Xatcbea partly cloudy nnd Icaaant. Alabama—Birmingham clondy nnd cool: rained laat night. Belma partly cloudy - -- - pleaaant; ahoirer* yesterday afternoon. Montgomery clMdy and pleaaant; heavy • ■ afternoon and laat night terday afternoon. Georgia—Columbus clear and warm. At lanta clear and warm; heavy rain last WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Generally clondy; 64 to 6S above. Northwest—Generally cloudy; (4 to 66 above. West and Southwest—Clear; 64 to » above; general rains In Illinois; local In utlo Valley—Clondy; 64 to 71 above; lo cal ralna. weatherToreca8T. tricta; light varlablo winds. Louisiana, Western Florida, Alabama and .. . . r . - - lah ‘Tor fair: light to ft _ irday and Sun day, except thunder showers In the i-ant nnd south portions; light to fresh south erly winds. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected bj Atlanta Fruit and Produce Exchange, lemons, $7.75^8.00. Limes, 60$75<\ Pineapples. |l.50@ZY>. Bananas, straights, per bunch, tl.60OL75. Culls, per bunch, fL00ffl.25. them from $150 up. ,OT NO. 10 INMAN PARK, THE. PRET- tlest lot sold recently by Roff Rims Jk o.; with eight large oak trees: one half cash atnl $10 per montl^ Price $500. FOR RENT. ierTuYNEtTsTUE^; THIS SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. ON LOT 60 by 2Ai, which lies level. Is on the west side of Haynes street, between lthndt'a ami Hunter streets: has gas nnd water, porce- In bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; has st been put in first-class repair; Mitchell reel cars one block away. Rents $35 |>er »nth. etta Street, a five-room house; lot 5<>\|»y 50-GOI.l.KGE t'AUK, tfOVH-ROOM ittage nnd two vacant lots; two blocks in ifepot: half acre of ground. iio—ORMOND STREET. FlVE ROOM attftge, ail conveniences; $200; balance per month. 61.SM—G HAN'T IG I.KT IIOIIFH AVKM'Tl NKAII I.**.- street, two-story ^*vei» rooms: nil enleiiee*. A little beaut*. Only $230: ...» UL-.. 774 BUOTIIKRTON STREET. THIS SIX ROOM SECOND-FLOOR FLAT, on the south side of Brotherton street, between Wnltehall and Pryor street*, has gas atnl water, porrelaln hath, closet, sink in the kitchen, stationary wnshstiind; Is lit g«KHl repair, nnd quite close In; will not relit to parties with small chlldreii. Rents $27.50 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue. ■ Both Phone* 111. Wanted—To buy a 6 or 7 room house, north side preferred; will pay $1,000 down, balance $40 per month. Prefer to deal with owner. Address at once, “House,” care Georgian. rack*, K „ VKGKTAIILK8—Irish stock, per bushel, $1.06. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCB- _Jve hens. 3&6'374c; frlea, 224026c; broil- ers, 150224°- “ icks, Pekin, 35c; puddle, 250274*. 1 hens, per pound. 12013c. Eggs, per doxen, 23c. Gutter, table — * ^ per pound, oney. new, 10c pound; In ona-pound potatoes, • No. I Cabbage (Virginia), 14c pound; Danish, ^Jmit beans per pound, 6c; Navy, $2.10 per Onions, per bushel, $1.25; cabbage, 14c lb. New sweet potatoes, 60c bushel. Kraut, 4-barrel. $3.75. FLOUR. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Postel's patent,'$6.00; Diamond patent, $5.35; Mam-nutnh 8tar, S4.70: fancy parent. $4.50; Red Eagle. $4.15; Blue Iilbnon. $3.90: fancy, 13.90; spring wheat patent, $5.W 66-50. CORN—t’holce refl cob, 72c: No. 2 white, 70c: No. 2 yellow, 60c; mixed. 684*. OATH—Choice white clipped. 48c; choice white, 67c; choice mixed, 45c; Texas rust proof, 50c. MEAL— Plain water-ground, per bushel 67c; bolted. 140-pound Jutes per bushel, 63c; Hhorts. white, $1.60; medium. $1.40; brown, $1.35: pure bran. $1.10: mixed bran. $1.05. HAY—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.15; iln., choice small hales, $1.10; do.. No. 1 timothy bales, $1.06; No. 2, $1.06; do., No. 1, eloevr mixed- $1,00; do.. No. 2 ciover mixed, $1.00. PLOVER—Uholee Bermuda. 75<\ RYE— Georgia, $1.10; Tennessee, «)o«\ Bar ley, 95c_ The above prices are t. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to iuimisllate acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR—Standard granulated, $5.20. New York refined, 44c; plantations, 5c. Market very strong. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuekle'a |t$.60, bulk. In bags o» barrels, i3c; gfecn, lOff RICE—Carolina 44374°. according to grade. New crop will arrive In,two weeks. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 15c; twin*. I4**c. Market strong. PROVISIONS—Rnpreme hams. 15c. Dors hams. 154*>. California hams. $9.00; Red t'fOM bams. 15r. Dry Mlt extra ribs. $9.15; bellies. 20-5 H>s.. $10.50: fat Mirks. Sc: plntesL Sr; Munreme lnr.1 HO l?U’ H.m1 (’i*™ Snow i WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather'today Is mostly cloudy and showers have occurred In the Mississippi valley and at most stations east, except on the Atlantic coast south of Maryland and north of New Y’ork. The pressure has Increased west of the Mississippi nnd In the northeast, while In other sections there has been a slight de crease, though there are no marked depres sions. The northwestern high Is centered near North Platte, Nebr. There has been practically no chango In temperature except at s few scattered »tn tlons, some of w'htch are somewhat cooler, w’blle others show a plus change. The conditions favor scattered showers la this section tonight or Sunday. B. MABBURY. Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours et.dlng at $ a. m., 75th meridian time, September 22, 1906. STATIONS OF DISTRICT. ^Atlanta, cloudy. . . •Chattanooga, cloudy. Columbus, clear. . •* Gainesville, clear. • • Greenville, clear. . , Griffin, clear. . . • • Rome, p. cloudy. . . • . . Spartauhiirg, clear. Tallapoosa, clondy. . • . Toccoa, clear West Point, cloudy. . . . T Indicates Inappreciable rainfall. CENTRAL 8TATIOX. ill pi Atlanta. ....... Augusta. ..••••. Charleston. , , , , , Galveston. ...... 14 11 6 30 14 16 8- 9 14 It 17 10 10 Memphis. ....... Mobile . . Montgomery. . , . . New Orleans. . . . . Oklahoma. Vicksburg. ....... Wilmington. . . . . . Dlat. Averages rery t ^ over the belt.the'past 24 hours. The nt>r:itur.»* «ti<»wed 00 material change’ titled over most dfsfrb ? • THE SUGAR MARKET. Now York. Sept. 22.-*-Local refined raw sugar markets steady aud Unru-tii* Dmdott l>eet market ipilet; 8epteni<» * 1041.■ — FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WK BUY AND SELL HOUSES AND LUl on easy terms. 186 Auburn avenue.