The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 29, 1906, Image 16

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IB THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, BATl'BDAT, SKPTKMBEK 3, 130 State Society. Macon FI rat Vice-........ Dr. A. R. Holderby, Atlanta. ftocoud Vfce-Pree.: Dr. B. C. Peete, Macon. Secretary-Treasurer: • Dr. W. T. Jones, Atlanta. Annual Meeting In • May. 1907. at Macon. ■ SOCIOLOGICAL EDITORIAL COMMITTEE—Rev. C. B. Wilmer, J. D. Cleaton, E. Marvin Underwood, Dr, R. R. Kime. Officer! Atlanta Society. President# Dr. R. It. Kime. Vice-President: E. M. Underwood. Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. E. C. Cart ledge. Regular Meeting on Second Thursday Night of Each Month at Carnegie Library. By E. MARVIN UNDERWOOD. The distressing event* <>f the pant week have completely filled the minds of all Atlantans. Here In our city the aoul has run the gamut of human pas. •lone. We have seen the manifesta tion! of fear, vengeance, hatred, folly, Cowardice, depravity, cruelty and crime, and yet again we have seen Valor, nobility, manhood, virtue, fidel ity and love. All realize the evil done; most are thinking and working to right the wrong. It will be done. "Res nolunt dlu male adlmlnlstrari.’ 1 It Is not the purpose of the writer to propose or advocate any line of Conduct as a solution of our great race problem. This problem, though old, is •till unsolved, and will probably require years of our best efforts to reach a satisfactory solution. It Is the supreme problem of the Southern student of so ciology', and our best minds must de vote themselves to It. Rut let us rath er today, while the memory Is fresh, consider the lessons to be derived from the recent outbreak of lawlessness In our city, and let us do so In a' brave, optimistic way. The experience Is not all bad—there Is "a soul of goodness In things evil.” It Is the function of the student of social questions, us It Is his duty, not only to see and denounce the evil In society, but also to encour age those who are endeavoring to over come Jt. One of the finest qualifies of the Atlanta Spirit is Its hopefulness and cheerfulness and the indomitable determination to overcome all obsta cle*. See how finely she Is proceeding to wipe out the disgrace of the last few days! Past carelessness Is being remedied by present zeal and energy. Let this sight give courage to any doubting or pessimistic friend. Atlan ta has bravely borne the evil of the brief mob rule; she Is now nobly striv ing for the "soul of goodness" hidden therein. Can any good follow In the wake of a riotous mob? Will Atlanta receive any good from her sad experience of Saturday and Monday nights? How emphtalc was the negative answer to these questions that came to me while viewing the awful spectacle of the mob of Saturday night. Nothing could be more horrible than the sight of the wild terrified flight of the Innocent vic tim, whom I could not aid, and the savage pursuit of the depraved and In human mob. which would not listen to reason. I looked and saw the ma jority of faces were those of mere youths. I tried to reason with those near by and found minds clouded and passions heated by liquor. No faces seemed to me to bear marks of that chivalry which purposes to defend the honor of women, but rather was there present evidence of depraved souls ■which had lost the beauty of virtue and delighted In violence. That mob seemed an irresponsible, yet irresisti ble force, which was bearing on to an unknown goal, directed only by chance. Cowardice was covered up In numbers and needed only slight danger to un mask It, yet Jt spent its force un checked, upon the weak and unpro tected. "A mob Is a society of bodies voluntarily bereaving themselves of reason and traversing its work. The mob Is man voluntarily descending to | the nature of the beast. Its fit hour is night. Its actions are insane, like its whole constitution. It persecutes a principle; It would whip a right; It ■would tar and feather justice, by In flicting fire and outrage upon the houses and person* of those who hav these.’* Such was the mob that so In Jured our beloved city. Can we dis cover any good to be derived from the experience? Certainly we can, and we are already happy in the discovery. "The minds of men are at last aroused, reason looks out and Justifies her own, and malice finds all her work vain. It Is the W'hlpper who Is whipped and the tyrant who is undone.” The best of our citizens have awakened to their responsibility and our officials to their duty. Reform has already begun and a moral cleansing of our city Is in progress. Municipal and Individual prosperity has impeded moral Improvement In our city. In their efforts to promote and nroperly care for their rapidly grow ing and successful businesses, our best citizens had grown apathetic to the duty resting upon them to zealously guard the moral welfare of Atlanta The sentiment has been—I am too busy for politics, some one else will look aft er that. The result has been tlint this most Important work has received little Attention. Our city officials. In their zeal for and pride In Atlanta’s won derful material prosperity and devel opment have underestimated the ne cessity for careful consideration and discussion of the morality of our city. They have underestimated the value of municipal morality us an asset and have, either for want of due consid eration or for revenue, permitted con ditions which have produced our dis grace. But the mob has taught us all our error. Each worthy citizen and of ficial has hud his own responsibility impressed upon him. We all realize that the paltry revenue received from the licensing of Immoral places not only does not pay for protection against unusual outbreaks, hut not even for protection against the ordina ry lawlessness and disorder originating in such places. All worthy citizens heartily indorse the action of the city council In its efforts to rid the city of low dives. The financial loss to Atlanta, caused by the riot. Is Inestimable. The money thus lost In disgrace would have been sufficient to buy new parks, establish new schools, found reformatories and beautify our city—all of which are po tent factors, not only In elevating the moral tone and culture of a city, but Also In lessening crime. How grieved we are now that we are offering re wards and expending large sums of money for the apprehension and pun ishment of criminals, instead >.f con tributing the same amount to Institu tions that would prevent the develop ment of such criminals and which would bring safety and beauty to our city. But let us turn away from regrets of the past and eagerly take up thv wtjpk of the future. Let us turn sHf-cen- sure into determination to cornet mis- | takes, apathy into thoughtful activity J* of good citizens, ignorance Into know!- ' l edge of social needs, individual -elfish- j f« ness Into municipal liberality, abuse officials Into praise of their n*w zt and reform work and Into a determi nation to support them now and hold them to a correct policy in the future. Let us not regret our great loss, but rather accept It as the price paid for the lesson we have received. Truly we are to receive much good from the experience, It has cost us dearly, but if we learn the lesson, and there i* ment In our city, the cos* has not been too great. The fact that the majority of the At lanta inob consisted of boys under 20 years of age impresses upon us the ne cessity of checking Juvenile crime. Fifty-five per cent of criminals are un der 20 years of age. It Is our duty to study local conditions, to find out the causes of Juvenile crime and then erad icate them, to study our Juvenile crim inals, discover their needs and reform them. We have begun such work In our Juvenile court and probation system, but It Is a mere beginning, for the officers are hampered by the lack of equipment and imperfection of the sys tem. However, much good Is being done along this line, and we should urge our city officials to make ample appropriations for the Improvement and development of this feature of our city government. One of the most prolific causes of Juvenile crime In Atlanta is the en vironment met with while working or loitering in the city streets and public places. Groups of Idle boys, neglected by Indifferent parents, are found all er our city at all hours of the day and night, on the streets, railroads, in front of bar rooms, In the cheapest gallery of the theaters and other pub lic places. The history of 96 per cent of Juvenile criminals show previous had associa tions. Most crimes of Juveniles are planned In such company and they take great pride In the "dime novel" style performance. Saturday night I saw boys without coats and collars, with blood-stained shirts, sleeves rolled up he elbow, hats pulled down over the face, sticks and boards In their hands, running at the head of the mob, reproductions of the toughs or villains they had seen In some horrid melo drama. Other boys are kept on the streets and sent Into disreputable places by the character of their employment— such as news boys, and messenger boys —and In this way are cursed by their environment. Such boys should be protected by ordinances which forbid their entering immoral places and which provide punishment for anyone sending them into such places. Idle boys and loafers should be kept off the streets, especially at night, and no boys under 16 years of age should be allowed to enter theaters unless chaperoned by some responsible per son. Mr. Gloer, our excellent proba tion officer/ says that the gathering of boys In the galleries of theaters and ten pin alleys. Is one of the greatest evils he has to combat In Atlanta. But what shall we do with these boys If we run them off the streets and keep them away from public places? Shall we force them to remain at home? We must first see what kind of homes they have. In many instances It Is much better to allow them to stay on the streets and to visit the public places, however bad this may be, than to Imprison them In their miserable home*. Statistics show that 96 per cent of criminals come from homes cursed with alcoholism, vice or other social Ills. Only 2 per cent come from homes classed as good, and 20 per cent from those classed as doubtful. Many of the homea classed as good or doubt ful have a positive evil Influence upon the children because of the Ignorance or neglect of the parents. Many chil dren, either because the home is the bleakest, or most detested place In the world to them on account of unsym pathetic or neglectful parents, or be cause they are actually driven awayr, roam the streets at All hours of the day or night, while their parents are In total Ignorance of their whereabouts. It Is sad to contemplate how little care and thought Is expended on the rear ing of children. Most of them rear themselves, and the wonder Is they succeed as well as they do. How for elgn Is the Idea, even to many parents of good intentions, of expending thought and care on the subject of the play time and play grounds of their children. Upon no one does time hang so heavily as upon the child without work* or play. He must also have play mate*. If parents do not provide whole- some recreation and necessary asso ciations, the child will supply the need with Buch past times as he may, and with such companionship as chance affords. Before condemning children to such homes we must see to it that parents furnish better homes and that the city provides places for their play and games. We can do a great deal toward bettering homes by counsel and advice, and where this falls, by the enactment and enforcement of strict sanitary laws, which would promote health and furnish clean breathing spaces for children. These measures would force parents to do their duty at least in part. Then the city must do its part. This means that we should right now begin to plan a system of parks and play grounds for Atlanta. It should be the policy of our city not to sell any land which can be utilised for park purposes, but on the other hand to buy up such property whenever possible. Especial attention should be given to the poor and crowded sections ht the city. Many small parks in such sec tions would bring the city large re turns in the Improved health, morals and happiness of the beneficiaries. It would be a capital Investment, even though the city had to borrow money to make the purchases. Many children could be cared for and probably turned from a criminal career by transforming all school yards into play grounds under the direction of competent di rectors, who would inculcate right ideas of life. An experiment along this line was made this summer and worked admirably. There is no reason why this plan should 'not become a perma nent feature of our city government. The experience of the recent riot should tench us to be unstinted in ap propriating money for civic improve ment. Increase taxes, or borrow money If necessary and let us have a model city. Lt It be clean, healthy, moral and beautiful. Now Is the time to act, while the public sentiment will sanc tion such efforts, and after we have once attained this goal and people have learned to consider such conditions as necessary and normal, no one will be so rash as to advocate the abandon ment of such a policy. METHODIST. FIRST METHODIST—Junction Peachtree nnd Ivy streets.^ Rev. Charles E. Dow- iiinn, D.D., pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Public worship at 10:55 a. in. and 7:45 p. m. The paator will preach at !>oth hours. Subject in the morning: ‘The Cali of the Orphans;” In the evening a contin uation of the series of short sermons on "What Is Worth While ?” The special phase for the evening will be “Is Wealth Worth WhileV with a prelude on "Lessons of the Riot.” At 3 p. m., there will be a niass meeting of Juvenile Missionary So cieties. Junior League nt 4 p. m. Senior League at 6:45 p. in. Mlslsoiiary topic, with Interesting talks and music. Sunday is rally day In the Sunday school. WESLEY MEMORIAL—Corner Auburn avenue and Ivy street. Rev. Frank Eakes, r iastor. At 9:30 a. in.. Sunday school rally a Interest of the orphans' home. Special exercises by the school, assisted by the or chestra and chorus of fifty voices. Cornet il«) by Csrroll Hummers; vocal solo by rofessor Boatman, musical director; ad dress by Colonel E. W. Halford. Hong Ice at 7:45 p. m. Preaching at 8 WEATHER BUREAU, 56 YEARS OLD, WAS FIRST PROJECTED IN SOUTH A Little Sketch of the Beginnings and Growth of the Great Science, and Its Relation to- the People. By J. B. MARBURY, Section Dirsctor. It has been said that the'weather bureau was neither an invention nor a discovery, but nn incident, and that the incident came about with the In troduction pf the magnetic telegraph. Observations of the various atmospher ic elements have been made for ages, but ft was impossible to utilize them to foretell coming weather changes until telegraphic communication be tween distant points was established. 'The birth of meteorology ns a phys ical science dates from the Invention of Its essential Instruments, the barom eter und thermometer. Before these discoveries thero existed only desul tory observations of the weather un recorded save in the folk-lore of un skilled persons; yet this took such firm hold upon the mind that many of its proverbs still regain In common use. 8tartsd at ths South. Ah early a* 1838 a record of temper ature and rainfall was begun a Charleston, S. by a Dr. Lining. Theso Charleston observations were followed by a series of greater or less extent and completeness In various sections of the United States, being the out growth of private interests which of ten flagged in the absence of ‘any di reding Influence. They were irregu- •ases und were not pre- lar In most served a* public records. The era of systematic observations dates from about the year 1789, when a series wus begun In Bermuda by Hon. Jonlah Meigs, commissioner of the land office. In January, 1817, he suggested to congress the passage of a resolu tion providing for the keeping of me teorological records at the different land offices—these records to he sent to the general land office at the close of each month. He failed to secure the sanction of congress, but with the aid of a number of his subdrdfnates, carried on the work until his death In 1822. , The next system of observation established by the surgeon general of the army In January, 1819, and has been maintained to the present. With In a few years, the subject which wai oo unimportant for the consideration f congress In 1817, had attained a rec ognised position as entitled to public upport. Professor Henry Takes it Up. In 1849 the Smithsonian Institution began Its great work In the field of American meteorology under the direc tion of Professor Joseph Henry, who gathered up, from all available sources, past records of Umperaturt nnd rain fall. Thus it was that in 1870 this In stitution controlled all the meteorolog ical recotdi* nt this country. Up to meteorologist* had confined themselves chiefly to the collection of lata and study of the physics of the atmosphere with reference to the "law f storms." The general law r>f Mo- ms had been investigated by prominent lentists at home and abroad, but their demonstration on the broad field f America and their practical applica tion to weather fotecastlng awaited funner and more exacting research. In 1831 it was first declared by Red- field that storms were great revolving whirlwind* that turned fiom right to left about the progressing center. This fact coupled with Franklin’s discovery that all stotrm moved from west tv» east In crossing the United States, formed the foundation upon which the present work of fotecastlng l* based. The First Forecast, v The earliest attempt at publishing predictions of future weather seems to have been In 1838; In this reports Pro- Henry stajes that when the map 1 rain at Cincinnati in the morn- | ing It was considered an Indication of ruin at Washington the next day. The development <*f the plans of Pro fessor Henry were interfered with by !h» civil war, but the Idea was revived by Professor Cleveland Abbe, now of the wca’.lu-i bureau, then director of the Cincinnati Observatory. In 1868 Professor Abbe succeeded in Inter merce In the project of dally weather predictions, and begnn the iNsuunce of the "Weather Bulletin of the Cincin nati Observatory,” which lasted from September, 1869, to January. 1871, when he was called to Washington to assist In the formation of the forecasting service of signal service. The bill creating the United States weather hurenu, or signal sei\ice> as it was first called, was passed by congress February 9. 1870, and this new serv ice went into operation November 1 of that year with about thirty stations fully established. During the first 20 years of its life the weather service was under military control; its chief was an army officer nnd the observers were regularly enlisted men. During that period Its progress was slow and the demand for a strictly scientific bu reau, unhampered by military regula tions, resulted in a reorganization of the service In 1891 and the transfer of the meteorological work to the depart ment of agriculture. At Its Inauguration Its purpose was the warning of storms upon the Great Lakes and the Eastern seaboard, but by natural extension It has become a bureau of record as well. In 1874 the Smithsonian Institution transferred to it all the meteorological records col lected In a long series of years under that system. From that time the weather service, In addition to Its fore casting functions, has developed into the most comprehensive bureau of rec ords. Its files contain almost the en tire mass of observations from the earliest times, and additions are con stantly made. t Work of th* Burssu. The weather bureau today Is known to the public chiefly through Us dally forecasts of rain or fair, warmer or colder, nnd Us estimate of the utility of the sendee Is based on the accuracy of these predictions. These predictions are of great commercial value, but If there never was another forecast Issued Its value to the country would far more than justify the expense of main taining it. It is impossible to estimate the true value of the data secured by this Important branch of our govern ment. These data supply information relative to rainfall on the various water sheds of our streams, so neces sary In guiding engineers In the con struction of water powers; they de termine the conditions of heat, moisture and other elements of value to farmer or home-seeker; they form an Impor tant basis for Judging the various claims of different localities ns health resorts; they put valuable informatlor Into the hands of physicians In dealing with epidemic diseases; In short, <he benefits are far too numerous to sum marize In an article of this kind. The work of the weather bureau has become o closely allied with climate and agri- ulture that one can not be considered apart from the other. During the past ten years tl\e arms of the weather bureau have been con stantly spread out over the agricultural Interests of our country as never be fore. Storm Service. Statistics prove that one storm tra versing otir Eastern coast In the ab sence of danger signals would leave not than three million dollars’ worth of wreckage. This is simply the money value of the property placed In a posi tion of safety as a result of the warn ings furnished vessel owners and mas ters, hut docs not represent the value f property saved. A few years ago a evere storm from the West Indies wept up the Atlantic const. Warnings of Its approach were sent to every city along the Atlantic seaboard from Key West, Fla., to Portland, Me., fully 48 hours before It reached the coast of Florida. After the passage of the storm it was estimated by the officials of the Savannah and Charleston boards of trade that more than three million dollars’ worth of property had been saved to those two cities alone, to say nothing of the loss of life which might have resulted had the many vessels kept In harbor put to sea. This one forecast proved a saving to two cities I alone of nearly as much money as U I required to maintain the entire weather service for three years. The people J. B. MARBURY. of the severe cold wave of February, 1899, 36 hours before its arrival and In and immediately . around Atlanta fu)Jy*a quarter of a million dollars’ worth of property was saved. In this city are half & dozen floral companies whose Investments aggregate 1 more than one hundred thousand dollars. With out the warning of that one cold wave their entire properties would have been destroyed. Cane Growers Depend On It. Sugar cane, the most Important prod uct of Louisiana, is peculiarly sensitive to low temperature, nnd Is easily de stroyed by frost. Whenover frost warn ings are received from the weather bureau all available labor Is utilized In cutting the cane and placing It In a position of safety. In this way heavy losses are averted annually. Some years ago It was estimated by the governor of that state that nearly the entire crop would have been destroyed but for the timely receipt of a frost warning Issued by the weather bureau. This means a saving of several million dollars to a single state. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are saved to the orange growers of Flor ida nnd the raisin Interests of Cali fornia every year. The warnings are of untold value to the commerce on the Great Lakes, rivers and oceans, to say nothing of the overland transportation The saving of perishable goods In transit benefits commerce, and theso benefits revert to the producer. Any damage occurring to goods en route from the producer to the consumer Is at the cost of the producer. In the early spring timely warnings of frost are sent to the rural districts and dis seminated a* widely as conditions will permit. Telephone an Agsnt. Owing to the Increase In the rural free delivery and rural telephone ser vice, supplemented by the co-operation of the various railroad companies, the weather bureau Is now able to reaeft the Inhabitants of the most remote ru ral districts on the day the warnings or forecasts are issued. In Georgia ful ly 50 per cent of the white farmers are able to avail themselves of these bene' (Its. We can not-lift the veil and forecast as to the future possibilities of the weather bureau, but -can see dimly through the mist as we-judge the fu ture by the past. Did the public realize 35 years ago what its records. Its.daily forecasts or Its storm warnings would prove to be? Certainly not. It is cov ering a wide field of usefulness, and year by year the experience of former years Is built upon, and the future re search and discoveries will certainly add much to our present knowledge of meteorology and the usefulness of the •ather service to the public. „ .. . _ _ , the mstor. Epworth League devotional serv- ee at 6:45 p. ni. Wednesday zt 7 p. tn., Bible School Teachers’ meeting. At 8 p. in., prayer service; at 9 n. m., church social. Noonday prayer meeting every day from IT to 1 o’clock. TRINITY METHODI8T—Corner White- hnll nnd Trinity avenue. Dr. J. W. Lee, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. morning sermon br Rev. Howard Crumley. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday st 7:30 p.m. WEST SIDE METHODIST—Rev. C. L. Pattlllo, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. *“ Orphans’ home rally day service ut 11 ST. LUKES METHODIST—Junction of Powell street and Hereon avenue. Sunday school nt 9:30 n. in. Preuchlug by the pas tor. George W. G finer, at 11 a. in. and clety at 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. WALLACE PRESBYTERIAN—Corner of Walker and Stonewall streets. Rev. T. Cleveland, pastor. Subject at f 11 a. Riches;' school at 9:30 n. p. m. Wednesday. ening, “Wisdom.” Sabbath Prpyer meeting at 7:46 preach nt both services. MOORE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN— Corner of Luckle and Latimer streets. Dr. A. R. Holderby, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Christian Endeavor nt 6:45 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school ut 3 p. m. Morning prayer meeting nt 6 a. tn. Wed nesday prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Stew ards’ meeting Monday at 7:30 n. m. Open air meeting at 4:30 p. in. nt Pine Knob. JEFFERSON STREET METHODIST—B. K. L. Timmons, pastor. Preaching nt 1! u. hi. and 7:30 n. m. by W. M. Ilunton and J. W. Harris. Sunday school nt 9:30 n. m. Sunrise prarer meeting. Ready Workers’ meeting Monday nt 1:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. in. Ho- linens prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. ui. EOLE8TON MEMORIAL—Corner Wash- ington nnd Fulton streets. Rev. Isaac II. Miller will preach nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Church’s Mission/’ Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Epworth League at 6:30 p. in. coonrr sireet. uer. mure mini, pastor. Preaching hy the pastor Sunday Ht 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Missionary meeting Friday night. Bllile school opens next Wednesday. GRACE METIIODIRT-Corner Boulevard and Illghlnnd aveuue. Rev. C. C. Jarrell, pastor At 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. Bar- aca class, Pbllathez Haas. At 11 a. m., ‘ \ 7 n. m. Epworth aching by the pas tor. COLLEGE PARK METHODIST—Or- plums’ home day will be observed, the regular preaching service being merged Into the Sunday school, which meets nt 10 IIEMrtllLL AVENUE METHODIST- rrenrhtng morning nnd evening by Rev. W. A. Parsons, presiding elder. Public official board mooting Tuesday evening. • Charles O. Jones, D.D., will preach at 11 a. m. uud 7:46 p. m. After the morning sermon, the communion. Sunday school at “" *- Deaf mute class taught by ... *•. . ...-nolle. It will be rally day and orphans’ home work-day reporta will be re ceived. Woman’s Foreign Missionary Socie ty Tueadny nt 3:30 p. ni. General prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. PARK STREET METHODIST—Corner Park and Lee streets. Rev. M. L. Trout man, pastor. Residence 174 I^c street. Bell ’phone 78 J West. Sunday services: Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching nt 11 n. m. oud 8 p. m. by the pastor. Wed nesday evening prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST. SOUTH RIDE BAPTIHT—-Capitol avenue Weymnn avebue. Services Sunday nt Emmett Hemphill in charge. Services every Sunday nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school and special song service nt 3 n. m. Prayer meeting and chorus practice Thurs day at 7:30 p. ra. NORTH A VENUE PR ESB YTBRIA X-A t corner of Pencbtree street and North ave nue. Rev. IUchnrd Orme Fltnn, paator. Services nt 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Men’s League nnd teachers’ training doss at 10 a. m. Young men's BIhId class at 9:30 a. in. Covenanter^ band zt 4 p. m. Christian Endeavor nt 7 n. m. Ladles' circle Thursday nt 4 p. m. Prayer circle Wednesday nt 8 p. m. Sermons by the pastor. Iter. Charles R. Nishet. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Young People’s .Society at 7 p. rti. Mid week prayer service Wednesday nt 8 p. ui. CUMBERLAND FRE8BYTERIAN—Cor ner Harris and Spring street. Rev, George II. Mack, pastor. Morning service nt 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. No serv ice nt night. Sunday school ai 9:30 a. ni. ■% CONGREGATIONAL. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL - Rer. Frank E. Jenkins, D.D., will preach at 11 a, m. on "The Call of the Riot." nnd nt 7:45 p. m. on "What is Heaven?” Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Christian Endeavor nt 74:5 p. ni. IMMANUEL CONGREGATIONAL—Rev. Starr C. Williams, pastor. 1’rcnchlng nt _ -» **•*“ ~ Sunday school ••l.tjr find Sunday school teacher. 1 Ing at 1 o'clock p. m. ' .. c JWfS T, .. AN ■ antTmhwonahy ai, UANCB-Itegnlar xerrlrcx In Alliance h«IL i.% North Broad .treet, Mundav after noon and Medneadny afternoon at l o clock. Rer. Iloliert J. Brnee, of Florid, will preach Hund.y afternoon. Young nwL plea nervlce Thitnday night, begrnnln, with street meeting. ■ ENGLISH LUTHERAN—Church of th. Bedeemer. Corner of Trinity nnd Canlfei place. Morning service with sermon on missions by Rev. Harvey Clarke, of Hum" HmnkH, Japan, at 11 a. m. Sunday school nt 9:30 a. m. Evening service with sermon by Rev. K. C. Crouk nt 8. THE MILLENNIAL DAWN BIBLE CLASS will hold Its regular weekly Bible study In Woodmen's hall, 122 Peachtree street, on Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock Noil-denominational. MARIETTA STREET CONGREGATION- AL—Rev. W. If. Tillman, paator. Preach Ing nt 11 n. in. and 7.:30 p. m. Sutiduj school nt 3 p. m. chrTstian. FIRST CHRISTIAN—44 East Iluntei street. Rev. II. K. Pendleton, pastor Preaching nt 11:00 a. ui. and 8:00 p. m. Bible school at 9:30 a. in. Christian En deuvur at 6:45 p. m. WEST END CH R 1ST I AN—Corner Gordon nnd Ibinn streets. Rev, Bernard I*. Smith, pastor. Preaching nt 11 a. ni. nnd 7:30 p. m. HOWELL STATION CIIRISTIAN-End of Marietta street car line. Rev. George W. Mullins, pastor. Illble school nt 3 p. ra. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. COLLEGE PARK CHRIST!AN-Itev. Q. H. Hinnant, pastor. Illble school every Lord’s day at 10 a. m. Preaching first Lord’s dsy at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. (Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity.) CATHEDRAL— Corner Washington and lutiter. Very Rev. C. T. A. Pise. I).D.. .ean. At 7:30 n. m„ holy communion; 11 i. m., morning prayer and senium; ut 6 p. in,, evening prayer and senium. Sunday school at 9:45. All other days: At 7:30 a. holy communion; 9 a. m., morning pray- . 5 p. m., evening prayer. Wednesday and Friday: Litany at 10:30. ST. LUKES—396 Peachtree, next tc Peachtree inn. Rev. C. B. Wilmer. D.D.. rector. Ati7:30 a. m., holy communion; li a. nr,, morning prayer nnd aermon; 8 p. m., evening prayer nnd sermon. Sunday school at 9:45. Friday: Litany at 11. 7:30 VI Evening prayer nt 8. s erry, m., holy communion; 11 a. nr, monl ml sermon. Sunday school at 9 Friday: LlUtny nt 4:30 p. ALL SAINTS—Corner West Peachtree and North nvenue. Rev. Z. S. Farland. rector. At 8 n. nj., holy communion; 11 a. ni., morning prayer nnd sermon; 6 p. m., evening prayer. Sunday school at 9:45. Wednesday; Litany at 10:30. In charge. Morning prayer and aermon at AWNINGS TENTS UPHOLSTERY /*\AfER 4 VOLBERG 130 So. Forsyth St. I and WHISKEY HABIT* I cared at home with* nt 9:30 a. m. B. Y. P. U. nt 3:30 p, dies’ Society at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday. Praise service Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. \pfiHTHRN HEIGHTS BAPTIST—French- Ing by the paator, V. C. Norcross, at 11 h. in. nnd. fc30 p. m. ffUndny school at 9:30 SECOND BAPTI8T~«At U a. m. Dr. John E. White will preach a special aermon. The meeting Sunday night will be for the young men of Atlanta. BAPTIST TABERNACLE—Rev. W. L. Walker will preach morning nnd night, iu the absence of Dr. Broughton. IMMANUEL BAPTIST—S. A. Uowan. i tor. Public worship nt 11 a. m. and 7:3i iu. The pastor will preach at both i vices. The morning auhjeet will be "The Lord's Armor.” The evening subi< FIRST BAPTI8T—Corner of Peachtree and Cain streets. Dr. W. W. Landrum, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. ni. Ser vices nt 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Morning CENTRAL BAPTIST—Corner Garnett „ml Forsyth streets. R. L. Motley, pastor. Services nt 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Preach ing by the pastor at both hours. Personal Workers' Club at 7 p. in. Sunday school nt 9:30 a. m. Ladles’ meeting will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. once Wednesday night. JACKSON HILL BAPTIST—North Jack- son nnd East avenue. Rev. 11. H. Connell, of Ihniglnsvllle, (la., will preach at both services 11 a. m. and s p. in. It is espe cially desired that all the members of the church Iw* present. Sunday school nt 9:30. Prayer meeting service Wednesday nt 8 p. tn. Thursday afternoon nt 3:30. the Ladles* Mlpshmnry nnd Aid Society will pack a mis sionary Im>x at the church. MISSION OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS- Woods nvenue, near West Peachtree. Sun. dsy school every Sunday at 3:30 p. in. HOLY COMFORTER—Corner Atlanta nvenue and Pulliam street. Rev. Gilbert Illggs, I). D., In charge. Evening prayer nnd sermon at 4:30. Sunday school nt 3:30. Friday: Litany nnd choir work at 8. ST. ANDREWS—Corner Glenn nnd Kent atreeta. Rev. Gilbert Higgs, D.D.. Iu charge. Evening prayer and aermon at a Wednesday; Litany and choir work at & Sunday school nt 4:30. Morning prayef „ holy TRINITY—Decatur. Rev. C. A. I.nngxton In ehnrge. Evening prayer ami sermon at 4:30. Wednesday: Litany and address at 6. ST. PAULS—Newnam i charge. Evening 4 by Rev. It. F. Di Rev. W. J. Moody CAPITOL AVENUE It APT I ST-Preach ing by the pastor. Rev. John E. Itrlggs. it 11 n. m. and 7:45 p. in. A band of or phan* fr«»iu the Baptist Orphans’ home will present at the n. ni. service, and also it the Sunday school. If possible. Junior uulon at 3 o’clock. IjhIIc- clety Monday at 4 p. n meeting Monday at 8 p. m _ Ing Tuesday nt 7:45 p. m. Prayer meet lug Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Senior Bap tfst Young People's union Friday nt Missionary So Ha men prayer Teachers’ meet- permanent awakening of the best ele* ing the Cincinnati Chamber of Cum- Georgia were given timely warning* ST. MARGARETS—Carrollton. Rev. R. F. DeBelle In charge. Morning prayer aud sermon at 11. MISCELLANEOUS, THH ATLANTA PSYCHOLOGICAL SO- OH. r\-Robert Bryan Hnrrlson, president, will meet Sunday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock, at 122 Peachtree street. Subject for ills- mission: "Mirth as a Body Builder.” Ten- minute talks by advanced thinkers. A beautiful musical program will be given utidi r direction of Professor Walter F. Grace, Including piano, vocal and violin numbers.. The society hits been Invited to hear Dr. W. F. Cheney nrench nt the Uni tarian church nt 11 o’clock. Visitors are always welcome to the meeting of this so- clety. YOJ'NU MEN’S CHRISTIAN AHSOCIA* riON—Corner Pryor street nnd Auburn I venue At 2 o clock, building open. At k. Bible class, It *v. C. J. Oliver. At 3 o clock, music by association At 3:30 o’clock, talk bv Rev. At 6 o’clock. HiUdlng teach' orchestra ... Lynn It. Walker. MR. DOOLEY ON THE . POWER OP THE PRESS (P. F. Dunne, in-American Magazine for October.) Th" printed wurrudl What can I do against lt? I can buy a gun to protect me against me tnlmy. I can change me name to save me fr*m th’ grand Jury. But there’s no escape fr good man or bad fr'm th’ printed wur- rud. It follows me wherlver I go an" sthrikes me down In church, In me offlee. In me very home. There was me frlnd Jawn D. Three years ago he seemed Insured against punish ment ayether here or hereafther. A happy man, a religious man. He had squared th 1 llglslachures, th' courts, th- pollytlclans an- th' Baptist clargy. He saw th- dollars hoppln' out In lvry lamp chlmbley In th' wurruld an" hurryln' to'rd him. His heart was pure, seeln' that he had nlver done wrdng save in th' way Iv business His head was hairless but unbowed, lvry Monday inoi-nln' I read Iv him leadin' a chorus Iv "Onward Chrlstyan sogers march- In f r th' stuff." He was at peace with th' wurruld, th' fleah, an' th' divide. A good man! What cud harm him? An’ so It acemed he might pro ceed to th' grave, whin, lo an' behold up In his path leaps a lady with a peii in hand an' olf goes Jawn D. fr th’ •all timbers. A Imly, mind ye, dips a pen Into nn Ink well! there's an explosion, an' what's left Iv Jawn D an’ his power ivudden’t frighten croivs away fr’m n corn Held. Who's afraid Iv Rockyfeller now? The' prlsldlnt hits him, a goluf caddy overcharges him an whin he comes back fr'm Europe he has as many pollsmen to meet him on th pier as Doc Owens. A year ago annybody wud take his money. Now If he wanted to give It even to Chancellor Day he’d have to meet him In a barn at midnight. . . Down they come, the*e here Joynts that have *et on our neck* fr year* not crushed be th’ hand Iv th* law which happen* to be busy in their pockets at th’ time, or shot out be th* bombs iv a rlvolution or even Hglslated out be Congress, but smashed be wan tap Iv a lead pencil be a man or a wo man that has about as much money as wud buy cuttle flshbone fr their cana ry burrds an’ doesn't want anny more A cry goes up, "Here comes Ray- porther Baker,” an* th’ haughty Insur* ance magnates break th’ mahogany furniture an* th* quarther-mlle record In a dash f’r th steamer. A novel smashes th* beef thrust an’ a blow fr’m th’ relentless Faber Number Two knocks th* props out fr’m undher th’ throne lv Rooshya. A young fellow comes along an’ writes a novel an’ th’ vll Ian Iv It la th' Boston an' Maine Railroad. Th' villlan iv all modhern nove a Is a corporation iv aome kind, a packin house, karosene He facthry or a railroad. Th' Boston an’ Maine rail road la a handsome wretch that enthera a peaceful New Hampshire village with its cursed city ways, deceives th’ hee- ro ne with a false bill lv lading, forges th will an' acquires a morgredg on th' old homestead,, but It Is foiled at last by th author. The state iv New Hamp »h rc arises as wan man so' It seems, an calls upon th* young fellow to run fr governor. None but writing men need now apply. FT th’ first time In thirty years we have a prlsldlnt who Isnt a lawyer, th* well known an’ pop lar author lv ”Alone In Cuba,” "Pri- X?. t r?. J <:orryBpondenceM < 97 volumes), •Wild Beasts I Have Met In Wyo- mlng an’ Washington." ”Th’ Winning Iv th’ West an’ How I Did It,” an’ so forth. Th’ hopes Iv th’ Dlmmycratlc party is divided between th’ iditor iv a Nebraska weekly an’ the iditor lv a New York siventy times dally an* a few at night. Whin a state wants to lllct a gov ernor or a city a mayor they don’t go ns wanst they did to th’ most graceful tax dodger In th’ community f’r advice, but apply to th’ pollytlckal Intelligence office set up be me frlnd Lincoln Stef fens. No wan can get a Job without a charackter from him; "Grover Cleve land, honest but grumpy; don't get along with other servants an’ Is dis posed to lecture his masters; tndus- threous, but not very bright; wud make a good Judge In a probate court; since lavin’ hi* last place has been keepln* bad comp’ny.” "Thaydore Rosenfelt; excellent man lv all wurruk, honest, sober, but a lit- * tie quarrelsome. Sometlpies thrles too hard to please all his employers at wanst; wants to do too much fr thim at other times an’ has been known to compel thlm to take a bath when they didn’t need It. Wud make an excellent watchman fr th’ front dure, but doesn’t pay much attention to th’ back lv th’ house. Very well satisfied with his present position, but may have to make a change.” "Wlllum Jennings Bryan; has been a second man fr year*, a position to which he Is well suited. Wud like to Improvs his con dition. Cheerful, economical, but not to be thrusted with silver.” CRIMINAL OPERATION WAS CAUSE OP DEATH. Invited to attend ttioi (TIITUTI OF CHRIST—Weat End ne. Bible study at 10 a. i U . French I hr CHURCH ° FOUR FATHER iFiiitarisn) °rner Lain nud Spring Htrete*. Lay w*rv- ce* Will be conducted nt the regular tnorn Ing hour, 11 a. in. Sunday Kehoot at 9:45 1ST—1‘ CHURCH OF CHRIST, KCfEXT* V/Vk Btr r r - "Christian ‘L* ./* subject of the lesson *er- S and nr, September 3)«t n n . m. nnd m. Wednesday, testimonial meeting Reading rooms. 812-814 English- American building. Special to The Georgian. Havannah, Ga., Sept. 29.—The coron er’s Jury impaneled to Inquire Into the death of Miss Alice Ormsley brought In a verdict that the young lady came to her death as the result of a criminal operation performed by a person or person* unknown to the Jury. The de fendants, a white man and women and two negro women, were not put on the stand. The verdict of the coroner’s Jury will have no effect on the status of the defendant*, and their cases will be taken up by the grand Jury. The bodv has been shipped to the father of the dead girl at Wilmington, N. C. PRESBYTERIAN INMAN PARK PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Janie* R. Kick leu, will pi »rmw nt fl n. m. nnd 8 m. Hnndsy r i bvanobi.icai, X-Tlle trl "ornutt Virro 'l . . !} 'V ' ojllirw-nt. |m.tor. (Wv To what do you attribute your good health and remarkably robuet condi tion?" "To regular habits and early retir ing." "Then you have been *o iltuated that you could carry out the«e excellent rule* for the pi-enervation of the health?" nreai-li- "Oh, ye». I wa* In the llllnol. pen- Htin.lijv Itentlary for li years."—Cleveland l'uuug 1'eople-, Mo- Plain Dealer.