The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 02, 1906, Image 12

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12 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TCESDAT. nrTnriEn i!V*. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leas than 25 centa f the price of four line*. Six wordt of average length make a line. The following ratee are for consecutive insertions: f time . 5 times . 6 times . 28 times . S2 times . 78 times . • . 0 cents a line. • • 5 cents a line. • . 4y z cents a line. . . 4 cents a line. . . V/t cents a line. . . ? cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When tending ads. pay for at rates quoted abfve. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS. LET IJB DRAW YOUR PLANS AND, build your house. We can save you money. Address P, O. Box 675. WANTED HELP—MALE. MIGHT SCHOOL—B OOKKREIMNO, Shorthand. Typewriting, etc., only $4 a month. Dratigbon’a Practical Business Col- ley*. Piedmont Hotel block. 122 Peachtree. Bell phone RS9. Call, phone or write for catalogue. It will convince you that Draughnn's Is the lie*!. WANTED YOUNG pharmacy. Apply f.tickle street, city. MEN TO to l>r. t’ren wasted-good drug clerk and «Mln fountain tnsn. Single man prefer red. Don't want drunkard nor morphine eater. State salary expected. Apply P. O. Box 156. I’olgnltt. Ga. AT SALESMEN. t'OELECTORS, BOOKKEEP era, stenographers, salesladies, coin pan Ions, housekeepers, mechonlcnl and technf rnl help In all lines placed promptly lu no eltIons; our facilities best; send for list National Employment Association. 1022-1023 £ Century bulbllng, Atlanta. WANTED—PARTNER TO TAKE ACTIVE part In printing business, either a drum mer or superintendent of manufacturing de partment. Good "** Address Active, c * WANTKD-NEAT OFFICE HOY tWHITE) Apply 19 Century Bldg. SPFB K IIOYK AND YOI THH FOB IlAlT mv. Insurin'', nnd in.-r.-nutu^ otTIrra, it MU Hr. from II* In *21. IMInm, Biulnmm Agency. 1330 Candler Bldg. WANTED—TEN TRI’NK MAKERS AT once Apply Enterprise Trunk Mfg. Powell street* ami lleorgla railroad. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YVANTOD^KMIMMiYMKNT^ nogrnphe day The orglan YOCNtJ MAN EMPLOYED BY MAN! fuctinim; concern ns mink keeper, would like a set of Itooka to keep at night. Hef erences present employer. Bookkeeper. 61; Capitol avenue. •Y 1ST HTEXOGK APHEH—VOl'Kj sires stenographic posltl nud can furnish reeointiieiu H. B . care Georgian. bill.. Addrei AGENTS WANTED., PICTURE AORNTS-SEND YOPIl WORK to ui for enlargement: fair prices, good finish: 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner company. 13A i’eters street, Atlanta, Ga. David w. TAitnp.onoii, MAATKU I’LLM BEll, Pbos-s 1266. *> B- Hanter »t. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE CHEAP—BARLOCK TVI’K writer. A. It. Honlker, 516 Peters Bldg. ANY GET PRICES ON FURNITPRE when* else, come to ns and we will bea, them. Robison ft Barnes. 18 E. Hunter. OPR ENTIRE LINE OF MATTINGS HE- 'hired 6c a yard. Holilson A Barnes. 18 K. Hunter street. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCErT^a^LAUlEir^PEO- Established 1190. WEYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loan* on real -estate. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes and lend* money on Improved Atlanta property «• reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT0R8, W. B. FHKI.DON. FELLOW OK .TUB American nnd Georgia State Association of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit < o.. public accountants nnd auditors, 51 Temple Court. Examination*, appraisal*, audita. Local and long distance phone 1196. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributors In 1W South. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for pur 1006 catalogue add price list. Alexander* Elyea Co. CABINET WORK AND M0DEL8. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. Prompt service. Bell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty Works, 3X3 Marietta Installs furnaces In old houses a* well as new. He prepares a cellar If you have none. Monerlef Furnace Co. Both ’phones. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention LEND: or call S. W.'Carton. 24 S. 'Broad afreet. FARM LOANS-WE ARB PLACING loans on Georgia farms nt the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. Herman, rooms 202-3 TemnJe Court wards, according to desirability of loan. YV. A. Rosier. 12 8. Broad street. EDUCATIONAL^ WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND FEMALE Conservatory of Music •st and best. If you u time tIlls school year, 4 'ntalogues fret Macon, Gn.—Old eh to attend any t on the waiting I hi Pout Giiertf. WANTED—MONEY. once on good business property worth 13.- t». Address “Money Wanted, care The JJOOK8AND STATIONERY.. SCHOOL AM our specialty, . , ... Ice supplies. Headquarters for post cards ml souvenirs. We sell $1.50 hooks for 50c Come and see them). We buy nil kinds f salable school, law nnd medical booki 1 Whitehall street. Southern Book Col ern. .1. C. Guttui, luiHinger. Bell ‘pltou 1822. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. if vo?~ iiAnT^nuH^ETrrY^T^ plnce It with us: we give It our special and personal attention. If It's worth the II. Wells A Co., 1104 BOARDERS WANTEP. THE BON AIR. 3*4 |*enrhtree st., sollclti OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. OFFICE FOR RENT-HALF OFFICE IN FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING. USE OF 'PHONE FREE. J. f CARE (KORGIAN. BUSIN 55^0^f0RTU NIT? ES. WANTED—PARTNER IN PAPER AND printing business to take charge of book keeping and general office work. Must have a few thousand dollars to Invest. Ad dress Paper, eui•• Georgian. REFRIGERATORS AT COST. ItoBIHOX \ Barnes. IK East Hunter street KOB BALK-BEST BimBBII TIBB; workmnli.hlp Offl!'" hlcle Mfji. Co., do and 51 U r.l Mitt hHI ,1- SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, ' 510 Temple Court, Phone, Bell 2081. FOB BALK-TWO CAB I.OADh FINK IlnxkwnT mirrlc,. runnlimil. nnd dml wnron,. NotWm hdln wj* ««■«•» Venlcl# Mfg. Co., 60 nnd 62 West Mitchell street. FOR RALE NICK GAS STOVE. IN BEST [ WEST END. of condition, (heap. If sold at once. Mrs. • |,EI1E WE HAVE A NIUE 6 ROOM COT A. D. McLean. 124 F.. Fair street. j lot 76\2no. This Is on Gordon eet, and If von are broking for a home West End it will pay you to see this DUTCH BULBS' FOR FALL PLANTING. Write for price list. ** 23 South Broad tires McMillan Seed I’i befo buy ,.$3.-N WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. BAN'S STREET. HERE YVE HAVE A NIUE 5 ROOM I bit. uml right at Capitol SALABLE! medical books for cash. J. ; 1 Whitehall street. 'Phone 1S32. j WANTED—ALL KINDS school, Ii C. Ga van. If : efui "*d I22.5-. p want I In tage lm onih rent MISCELLANEOUS. elgltlHirliiMMl 12.000 f JAR DEN STREET. FUI. .'.Room COTTAGE on This Is right at Georgia nvo * |»rlee.... $2,250 VICTOR MANGANESE steel iMtnk safe* thing In safe line. :*?.!? v.„Md!!or.'' « > m. ! A DGTTAGB 'i'ONTAIXING* FfVK IIODMS " * r S. WALL PAPER WALL 1’AKKB I'AINTB “Don't let 'em fool you." Jim Burnett J( (formerly of Burnett ft Willis! Is not dead i - Dor missing. He Is contracting wall paper ! •nd painting. Office and show room 1. • East Hunter street. Both phones 650. I »*. this, .luat the pin v little home . $2,250 KELLY STREET NICE 4 IDIOM COTTAGE. NOT ONE eav old amion lothmim This is in the nelghlmrluNNls and Is very ehen|i MEDICAL. K ROMO PATH 1C REMEDIES CURE scalp dlsenses and make hair grw*. Kronra Medicated Soap makes you by- gfenlcaliy clean. (30 yeara auccess.) J. J- Kroni, specialist, Cl> “The Grand, At lanta. Ga. . „ „ messenger service. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS aengers, 'phone 33. J. A. Davlea and J. C. lira nan. 7" PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ODDER. 11. YV. Y'arlirough. 2V4 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave nue. The Problem of readily obtaining good help has-been Solved moat Batlafactoiily by those that have used the Help Wanted Columns of The Georgian, a newspaper that draws from a list of over 100.000 readers. * PRE88INO CLUB. I'RKRRING—ALTKHINO—TUB NEW EU utri'et, Atlanta, Ga. M«uber,bJl> 8EWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS I'BIt MONTH, pltlirr SfiiFfr or Wheeler A Wilson. Wi\ rent onlr new nineblnes with i‘om|»lete set of ntlnrhmi'ut.. Prompt ilellrery. Both ■phone, 1893. tilnger Bowing itachtne Co. 7!l Whltehnll ntro't. 8T0VE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND IIANGKK BEPAIIIKD AND Expert worUmnn. Patter,on urc nn— ”* " *— — 9JTf thing. ^ TALKING MACHINES. TALKING .MACHINES AND RECORDS— Ythnlcftnlc nnd retail diatrihutbra of Vic tor Talking Mnrhlnea nnd lterorda. Just received large consignment of machines nnd over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given ninli orders. YY’e want tae names of all talking machine dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexnnder-Elyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II YV. ROUNTREE A 11RO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail nnd repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1576. WATC HMAK IN G. TO THE TRADE: C (IMPLICATED watches are my hobby. _ Modern Idea* In SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 1.12 PEACHTREE ST.. OPPOSITE THE Candler Bldg. Bell 23$6. Me ns sewed half soles. 78c. D. T. WEST & CO., CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS AND REPAIRERS. 31H N. Forsyth St. Bell (Main) 1061 nnd 2256. Atlanta 306 nnd 2266. HOMER L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER & CORRESPONDENT. Whitehall St. 32% S. Broad St. Bell Phone No. 6017. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS, HALLWOODS, IDEALS and nil other makes at bargain prices. »e can sell you n register, nullable for any bindnesa, nt a price that can not help but please you. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 24 South Broad Street, Atlanta. Ga. W. E. TREADWELL & CO., Real Estate Agents, 24 South ltroail St.—Hell Phone 2644. Atlanta Phone 3803. BARGAIN SEEKERS, NOTICE THIS! HIGHLAND AVE . NEAR BoULEVARD- NJm* nn»iii 2 Mory luNiae; .splendid rondl- bntha, cabinet mantels, up oil ho SOUTH KIRK WOOD ,. fUSOv LOT 100x 230 AND 9 ROOM HOUSE In half block of in liter works, fruit ami plenty of shade $4.2m t tine entlug foi Hr the tv cut for $35; vnteil level lot is 4 r SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. 42.60A—OAK 8T.; *BOOM rOTTAOB; LOT 50xl$8: Ilea level; beautiful section, and we can make terms right to suitable party. $4,750—BETWEEN THE PEACHTREE8 we have beautiful 6-rooni cot tage on nice elevated lot. This la some thing strictly choice; can make terms If $5.20)—80x200, on 14TII STREET; LIES lovely; your last chance to get on this fashionable street at anything like this prl«y*. • $4.750—GORDON ST.; 8-ROOM 2-STORY splendid home, on lot 50x180; on car line. This is splendid value. You should aee It If you really want something good. I2.760-.IP8T OFF GORDON ST.. HALF Idoi-k on pretty street, we have nice 6- rooni cottage on lot 60x180. This Is an ex- eeilent proposition and we can sell It to you even Ir your purse Is sadly depressed. $2.760—NEAR PRYOR 8T.. WE HAVE A $4,500—8. PRYOR ST. HOME OF 10 ROOMS on large, shady lot; lies well und house alone Is worth almost this price, to say mdlilng of the lot. $5.000—C 1,08 E IN, JUST OFF WHITE- ImH; 11-room splendidly built home, on lot 52x175. We can make terms of $1,000 cash and hnln^ce easy. This Is splendid value. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stove and range repairer; best work and material guaranteed. Both phones 6275. 61 8. Pryor street. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate aud Loans, 12 S. Broad. cd lot. Price $2,700. ON OAKLAND AVENUE, ALMOST NEW live-room cottage, all the city conve- Iciices. Grunt park for « front yard. LAKEWOOD irand-n'ew, well built intalnlng four rooms and hall; nice He ated lot. 60 by 250. Rents $10 per mouth. >20 per tm»J>t_b._ IN GRANT PARK SECTION—NIUE SIX room cottage; gas and water; hard oil lliilsh} elevated lot; cnbluet mantels. timv;; i»r $1,600. •ONNALLY splendid value street ittnge ball; all STREET — bool; well built iMituining I'flea $2,250; eass- IIAWHUN HTKKKT—‘TWONTHlIV u-riNun house. All conveniences. Rent $30; price $3,000. Good home or In- ■Htnwnt [noposltiim. I.KONAUD KTItKKT-JI'ST OFF l’KTKKH SUBPOENA TO ALLEGED BANKRUPT. United States of America, Northern District of Georgia. To J. T. Bollard, in said DUtrJct-Oreeting; For certain cansea offered lw»fore the dla< trlct court of the United States of America wtthiiv nnd for th^ Northern District of Georgia, as a court of bankruptcy, we com mand and strictly enjolu you, laying all other matters aside, and notwithstanding any excuse, that you personally appear be* fore our said district court, to be hofden at Atlanta. Ga., In sold district, on the 9th day of October A. !>., 1906, at 10 o’clock a. m., to answer to a petition filed by T. II, Brooke ft Co. et al. in our said court, pray ing that you may be adjudged a bankrupt; and to do further and receive that which our said district rourt shall consider Jn this behalf. And this you are In nowise to omit, under the pains and penalties of what may befall thereon. Witness the Hon. Wm. T. Newman, Judge of said court, nnd the seal thereof, at At lanta, Ga., this 21st day of Septemlier, 1906. YV. C. CARTER, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 8TATE8 FOR THE NORTHERN DI8TRICT OF GEORGIA. In the Matter of I J. T. Bullard, No. 1765. In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. f Whereas a petition was on the 21st day of September. 1906, filed heroin for an fldJudl cation of bankruptcy against J. T. Bullard, nnd It appears therefrom that said bnukrupt Is not within the district and that personal services of the subpoena herein cannot be made upon him therein, now, on motion of Paul B. Johnson, Esq., attorney for said petitioners, it Is ordered— That service of such subpoena be made by publishing this order, together with said subpoena. In The Atlanta Georgian, a newa- paper published nt Atlanta, lu said district, mice n week for two consecutive weeks, the last of such publications to be on the 2d day of October, 1906; nnd by mailing a ropy of this order and said petition nnd subpoena to the Inst known plnce of nl»ode of the said J. T. Bullard 4n said district, on or before the day of the first publication. Witness the Hon. YY'. T. Newman, Judge of tjie said court, and the sent thereof, at the city of Atlanta, In said district, on the 24th dny of 8'eptember, 1906. (Seal) YV. C. CARTER NOTICE. • Notice Is hereby that the firm of MnnnfMetarlag Com* ~ ~ and T. P. day. The Atlanta Blank Hoof pany, composed of J. W. Bryant Cornell, has been dissolved this said firm doing business In the city of At iantn, Gn. Mr. Cornell retires. The business will he continued In the same name, to wit: At lanta Blank Book Manufacturing Company. This 25th day of August, 1906. J. YV. BRYANT, T. I*. CORNELL. THE ANGER OF THE DEAD. The moon was rising In the cold Nor wegian sKjv above the dark pine forest nnd '»egan to throw Its silver light across the landscape. “Count Axel Mnnnerbelm," whispered a voice, “It is tlje hour when your hnlludna tlon Is due to appear." "It Is the hour, doctor." One pf the men was young, with golden hair and beard. He was resting In an arm choir, and was quite pale with emotion. Close by, resting one of his bands on the back of the chair, stood nn older mail, with spectacles, whom any one could tell at a glance was a physician. The old doctor said: "The countess, your mother, has desired to consult the famous Dr. Lambert-Y'olsln, one of the most fatuous scientists In Paris. He Is here now. Will you allow him tn come In nt the moment when the crisis comes*;" "But there is no crisis, my dear doctor, any more than there Is any hallucination. It Is an extraordinary fact, which your reason Is not able to grasp as a fact, nev t tieless." "Yes, yes." replied the doctor. He s thnt It was necessary to humor the patle.... "You may let the French doctor come In If you so desire. Then lie shall at least ‘ * something for the large amount ny mother has undoubtedly paid him to come here. But tiobndv else mnv enter this ronj. You know that I cannot have more than two people near me. The dead doesn’t allow If." I»r. Arnoidson went over to the door nnd cry softly. His French collengui Kir* ontli. Special price -class white renting |i per month. Price $2,500. y for pres- OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATH cleaned nud reshaped. 60c. loft and stiff felt hats cleaned and re shaped. 26c. jF AXf !»r THE ABOVE DO Nor SPIT YOU YVE will be pleased to show DR. W. J. TUCKER. '1 RED FOR RENT MnurillNK AND Ol'II M IIAIUT •t holin', without p«tn or di-tonttou ™i No- I <•> BnHH street. < l-ooins, Dr. \V. J. Tuoljer, 15'x N. Hr.wil i«tr«-.-t. At lanta, tin. FOR RENT—ROOMS. .... BOOMSKOb'dKNT I.K M K X IN 'll K FIN I'll north at<ti- homo; all mod*rn ronvriit.nwa, A'Mri’,, L. F. W„ I*, ii. Box 779. •rvvoTm tiirf.b njfl i NFi uMsiiKD room. In very ilonlmtitt- it'-lKlil*"rh«>.Ml. Phone 6361 .1. FOR RENT—HOUSES. eottnee: t ™ - m new Lot 2Su liy ww. On tie, nf Decatur. Convenient Owner. ptM-stnr. Gs. till modern improvements, near Washington street. Rents $27.50 per mouth. IJEBMAX, • Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. LOST. FOUND. YOUNG LADIES LOST-a White'PtHNTKRTKML with j WANTED; NICE, CLEAN, lot’’un^lIoeBe* avenue. tf, D « R EG U L.\ R WORK AND RTL-gve^^ilr,,"' '■■GOOD PAY. - 'NATIONAL PAPER <’0.. 257-263 DECATUR ST. ritANKI.IN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL- low. eleana aulta tl to II.H. Fanta 10c. Itv tvhllelinll St. rhonea. Ill'll -'-D.A.-j 1 '' ART SCHOOL. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WANTED-THE PL'nt.lC TO VIttIT Klappy's School of Art nnd Inspect Por- . . . traits painted l»y hla large classes. Corner j WL RI-Y AND SLLI. HOI SES AND LOTS t*(achtree and Auburn. ou easy terms. i&5 Auburu avcuue. ON SOUTH PRYOR SPLENDID 1ft ROOM 2 STORY IIOPK1-: up to date? fine home or good rentlni 50x186. $4,150 buys thin. “* liiforiuntloii. 11A N DS( IM E Vi ITT \Ti K N17 A11 I. IV K IE al reel; 5 rooiiiM; iiiunt be Hold nt the It price of $1.65>. renting; lot us .ptlidi for FOR RENT. Piedmont avenue and Currier street; ha* gun. hot nnd cold water; por celain bath, elonet, nlnk In the kitchen; ill a goo»l neighl>orli«MMl nud in ginnl n-pnlr; Ih quite convenient to Unlhouu street pun lie school. Rent. $?5 per m^pth. 32 WENT FIFTH sfUKET. “ THIS 2 STORY. 7 ROOM FRAME. ON lot 1*0x100. which Ilea level on the south Hide of West Fifth *trc.>t. nt Hie corner o| Spring stri*et: has gas. hot and cold \vn ter: p4*reelaln bath, cloaet, Htatbuuiry wash stand. *lnk In the kitchen; lu one o’l our best tielglilMirlmods, and lu gootl repair; emlM outb. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THK RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonta (11. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We havo all makes second liaml and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let uh know your wants tn thla line you will lose money. Write or call for "Special Sale List.” We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee the best ,work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 42I-25-26 Candler Bldg. 11ihmi place cut rents nnd future ndv A CdllNF.U IN BhlLl.WOOD, lftt IIV 5S feet, with tiro old houses on It. for $!, 500. Good lot to Improve or hold for fu lure enhancement. Bell ’Phone 2027. Atlnntu' Phone 18K1. HALES DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK. It. C. EVE. REMOVAL NOTICE. I HAVE MOVED MY REAL ESTATE OFFICE FROM 3 EDGEWOOD AYE. TO 514 EMPIRE BUILDING, WHERE I’M BETTER PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF THE IN TEREST OF MY CUS TOMERS AND FRIENDS. HAVE SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS. WATCH FOR MY “ADS." E. A. NESBIT, 514 EMPIRE BLDG. PHONE 887. FOR SALE. A very desirable building lot 53x175 feet, corner Highland avenue and Ponce DeLeon Circle. DeLOACIL MILL MFG. CO., * 400 Highland Avenue. "Have y< difficulty of yo... The patient suilleil faintly, and was about to answer when suddenly be sat tip, his eye* stared toward the door and the other •ml of the room, nnd he whispered: "Be pilot now, 1 hear her coining. There she Is coming up the big stone atnlrwav. She lias risen In the pine forest, and she has dxessed herself In tin* night nud the niimn. Now she onens the entrance d04>r. she Is a the atitlrs. I see Hie fire In her eyes aw—she is here" The two doctors Involuntarily shuddered nervously, but the pntUuit continued: "I can see her beautiful arms, white as snow, through the diaphanous material of her ‘ ess. she carries a flower In her hand, a 1 rose, which I am going to pick up In little while. Her fare Is beautiful but pale, her eyes are turned toward me nnd seem to penertnte Into the depths of my soul. How nngry ghe Is. how Implacable lift Is. arid bow helpless I am fo mollify icr. Do not be angry, I see thnt you are angry. Do you wish us to pray? My mother will pray—no. that makes you even more angry and threatening—Aurora. I am toti much afraid, you knnw. that I cannot go with yon. Oh, she Is going now, she Is disappearing through the gnllenr— Aurora. It is all over, she Is gone. Did yon see her ns she • limbed from the rail ing of the balcony?" Without waiting for nn answer, he ran to the balcony, stooped down, gathered up something, nnd brought It hack tosthe two physicians, with the triumphant expres sion of n nervous nationt who Is able to prove the reality of his sensations. Between his tlugem he held a red rose. "There I* no doubt to me,” said Profes sor Lnnibert-Y'olHon to the Norwegian, when they were alone In the sitting rimin, whirl • “The! thing count I* ... anxiety to prove thnt his vision Is real, he concealed the rose somewhere and pre tended to pick it up from the floor, t'au *hny Information as to what iistMi this peculiar vision? Is thing In the young count's life I'lnln It Semi-Central Property. No. 105 S. Pryor St.—55*105, right on the edge of business houses; price $8,500. Nos. 156 and 160 Madison avenue—Comer lot, 122x 107, one block from freight depot; a big, close-in comer for $6,000. ; No. 283 Marietta St.—Comer lot, 97 1-2x116, one block beyond Sharp’s drugstore, iu good business sec tion; price $13,000. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. THE HOODOO ROOM By FRANCIS WICHMAN. John, in hla terror, nearly dropped the ahoe he waa busily polishing. "Did you ever hear anybody ring like that? The man in room No. 13 must have gone craxy. Why, I brought him hlr shoes an hour ago.” Again the bell rang, and cut oft hla monologue. Three times, one after the other; there waa no doubt It was meant for him. John ruahed up the stairs and to the door of room No. 13. "What do you want, sir?" A man with black beard, dressed only woolen underwear and slippers opened the door about an Inch and shoutrtl: "Why In the world don't you give me my trousers?" "Excuse me, sir; I haven’t had your trousers." You haven't had my trousers? Is there a special man to brush trousers In this hotel?" * No, not as far as I know; but I do not think that you have given me your trousers to brush.” “Of course, I did. I hung them out side the door on the hook over my shoes ” m "Well, I remember very well taking away your shoes, but when I took them there w*re no trousers hanging at your door." Kreuxhimmeldonnerwetter," cursed the man. "This Is a beautiful state of affairs. What kind of a thief stand Is this? My train leaves In half an hour,. You get me my trousers Imme diately or I shall make a complaint to the proprietor" John shrugged his shoulders. "It Is Impossible, sir—1 never saw your troua- s.” "Hello, John; what Is the racket up stairs?" The proprietor was heard panting, coming up the stairs. "Oh, It Is the gentleman In the hoo doo room ” "Nonsense; there Is no hoodoo room In this hotel.” Well, No. 13 Is a hoodoo room. If there ever was one. I have always told you so, Mr. Schuets. Now the gentle man says " “Say!" shouted the man, "It Is a fact, fact; 1 say that my trousers have been stolen." Stolen!" cried the proprietor, turn ing quite pale. "It Is Impossible, sir; nothing was ever stolen In this hotel." ' Hut my trousers nre not here " •I beg your pardon, If your trouser;* e not here " "I suppose you mean to say that 1 came to your hotel without any trous ers?" Oh, not at all. But I do not under stand. Could It really be a sneak thief "I suppose that’s what it Is or may be one of your guests " "I beg your pardon; there are only respectable people In this hotel." The man laughed aloud. "Well, we will soon find out. I demand that all the rooms on this floor are searched.” Searched!" cried the landlord, "that would ruin the reputation of my house! Please don’t speak so loud; I am ready to pay for your trousers." "It Is not that alone; you must Im mediately get me a pair of trousers, as have to leave." "Shall get a pair In a few minutes. John, run over to the store across the street and ask them to send over some trouaera that the gentJpmnn may select n pair." “That is not all," said the excited gentleman,” "In the trousers was my pocketbook with 2ft marks. I forgot to take it out last night." Thnt Is your fault, sir." Not nt all; you nre responsible for everything thnt Is stolen or lost In this house. If you refuse to stand the loss I shall telephone for'the police." The proprietor began to look serious. "That accursed room.” he mumbled; •John Is right after all. It is only three weeks since a guest occupied It and who ran away without paying." "Now, you better make up your mind In a hurry," the guest Insisted. "1 demand that you bear the whole ln sa or " "For God's sake, don’t shout so. I ready; here you are." "All right, that Is twenty marks, but I don't carry my money loose in my pockets. I must have a pocketbonu too.” "Of course, that was nothing more than I expected from you," saJd the landlord, emptying his own pocketbook and handing It to the guest. ‘‘Are you satisfied now?" "Yes, but the trousers." "There Is John coming up with a selection now." The guest retired to his room, and a few minutes later he left the hotel, dressed in an elegant pair of trousers] Just In time to catch his train, while the landlord looked after him with a sigh. The owner of the restaurant, "Zuin Echtem Pfaelzer Tropfen," was In verv fine humor when the proprietor of the hotel came Into the cafe. "How glad I am to see you. It's about time you showed your face again." "Well, I simply had to. J have had so much trouble this morning that I must have a good glasi of wine, so please give me a bottle of the best you have." "Let us hear what kind of trouble you have had.” "Oh, Just business troubles," growled Schuetz, taking a sip of the wine. "Oh. well everybody has business troubles." "You, too.” "Yes, last night. You can't Imagine what kind of a guest I had here. He ate and drank for 8 marks and 50 pfeM.Igs, and when he was to pay he did n^t have any money." ’ Well, you mean to say he left with out pnylng?” ’Yes, almost. That Is, he pramlsed to come back, but hasn't shown vp yet. I might as well give up all hope of seeing Him. 1 only wish I could sell the security he left behind. Say, could you, perhaps, use a pair of pretty good trousers ?" The hotel owner turned purple and looked at his friend In surprise. Y'es, you have reason to look sur prised. When that fellow left here he l“f* ills trousers ns security for the 8 marks rnd 5ft pfennigs he owed me. Ho said he had forgotten hla money, and ! first asked him to leave either his watch or a ring or something of that kind, hut he said he did riot have any. Then I asked him to leave his long heavy fur coat, but he Insisted that It was too cold to do that, and sai l thnt If he hnd to leave something he preferred to leave his trousers, and without trousers he left here, hut his coat was s * long that no one could tell the difference." Sohuetz swallowed his wlno In one gulp, then he smiled. "No, really one could not see anything." Ills friend looked at him and cried: "How In the world do you know that?" "Btcause the man who cheated you canu to my hotel nnd took a room there'for the night, and I, too, have myself bought him a new pair of trous ers and gave him 20 marks in the bar gain." "Scheutx, I believe my'Wine Is too strong for you." "1 wish thnt was It, but what I tell you Is nothing but the truth, nnd thnt Is what makes me so mad. Did you ever hear anything like It? Because the fellow could not pay you, what he owed you. he made me give him 2ft marks nnd the pair of trousers, which cost me 35 marks, and a good pofleet- book my wife had juat given me," and he told his friend the whole story. "When he had told everything, his friend handed him the trousers he held ns security, nnd said: "Scheutx, go home nnd give these trousers to John, who told you tl>ftt room 13 was hoo dooed; he deserves some reward." That Is true. I will give them to him, but after this there Is not going to be No. 13 In my house any more." hnd play. rather afraid of the part *h hnd received Instruction* iroui i»r. I^imliert-Y’olson, and she told him that ready to enter the momeiit the signal was given. Just then Dr. Lambert-Y’oloon gave the signal lug hi* fingers Into the hack of the up holstered ehnlr, was staring nt her nnd nt something or somebody very close to her. “There nre two; there are tiro of them now!" he rrled. Ills arms fell to his sides, nnd he col lapsed on the floor. The physicians ran to his assistance, hut the Count Axel Mnnoerheltu was dead. The attention paid to a rich widow ’s children somehow suggests that paid to a turkey Just before Thanks giving. there ......... which might "As 1 wrotd yon when we dccldetl to consult you. the young count has led a very romantic life. After Innumerable line affairs In Italy, Hpnlu and France, lie fell passionately In love with a young Amer ican girl. Miss Aurora Leigh. Ilow' far their love affair went I do not know, hut the count wa* not faithful to hla sweet heart, nnd she died from despair nod /«»r- row. After her death, the count rt»tlr*»«l to this place, and every evening aluee thou he ha* seen the mime phantom, until ln» 1* now nhsoliitelv convinced that hi* •lend sweetheart visits him to take re venge.” "It will, of course, be necessary to use said the • French er baths, plenty of ■|S4> nnd n dose of bromide In the enlng to Induce him to sleep. But, 1h*- les this, we shall try another means. f Vhat Is easier than to reproduce in real ty what he claim* to sec during hts hal lucination? We know exactly how tli* spir it Is dressed and how ft comes and how it disappears. Do you think you could find a girl willing to piny the part? The shock, when he diseoviws that there Is n real woman, may cure him Immediately.” “I have sometimes thought of this. Pro fessor. hut ! have never dared t«> carry It out because this castle is so far nvrov r yu any other place, and It would be Imrd to get assistance, should It heiumic neces sary. Now. that you are here. I think we could try. and the experiment will he no much easier. Iiecause there i* n cousin of the count, living only a few miles itwar, win* strikingly resembles the deail girl."* “We must try It tonight." said the French doctor: "It* eatt never do any harm, nnd it may cure our vouug patient Imiue-