The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 03, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WEDNESDAY'. Ol' WANT AOS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leee than 29 c«nU, the prico of four Knot. 8ix words of sversos Isngth msks a lino. Tho following rates are for consseutive insertions: 1 time ..... 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cants a tine. 6 times 4Vt cents a line. 28 times 4 cents a line. 62 times V/ 2 cents a line. *8 times 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME8QENQER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ~ ARCHITECTS. _ LET US DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build jronr house. We can save you money. Address P. O. Box 575. J WANTED HELP—MALE^^ •nTTuT^sciiooL^n ookke hTTn^T Shorthand. Typewriting, etc., only $4 a month. Draufhon’s Practical Basinet* < ol- leyr*. Piedmont Hotel block. 122 IVnchtree. Bell phone *S9. Pall, phone or write for catalogue. It will convince you anon's Is Drniiffh the best. that Lurkle street, city. SALESMEN. COLLECTORS. BOOKKEEP- ers, stenographers, salesladies, compan ions. housekeepers, mechanical and teehnl sltlons; our facilities .. National Employment Aseoclatlo Century building. Atlanta, 1022-1023 WANTED—1’PIIOLSTRRKR AND A HUS tier to drive wagon, bring furniture to Shop and tnke It home after It Is repaired, and collect. Call or write city Furniture Repair Shop, 41«* Bust Twelfth street. WANTED. DAY WATCH MAN-ON SUN days only from 6:31 o'clock a. in. to 6:30 O'clock p. tn. Hive references. Ad* S. U. B.. care The Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- ple and others. American Investment Co . 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1B0. WEYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes and tends money on Improved Atlanta property a reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. BICrCf.ES AND SCNDIUES-LARGBST bicycle and sundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce, lale, J*gell and Hudson bicycles. Write for pur 1906 catalogue and price list. Alexander- “CABINET WORK AND MODEL8. cabinet work and novelties. Prompt service. Bell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Irou Novelty Works, 389 Marietta street. HE'S TnE MANTHAT SELLS HOT AIR. In.rall. film,rp. in Olil bousti n. well «. new. He, • cellar If yell *>«” "ene. Monerlef Furnnee Co. Both ‘phone.. MESSENGER SERVICE. Eon PROMPT AND RELIABLE ME8- Mn,en, -phon. 23. J. A. Dari.. sod J. C. Itrannn. PICTURE FRAMES. ~~~1 PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. *1. W. Yarbrough. 2V4 Auburn avenue, orner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 PER cent Intereat, according to aecurtty of- fered; small expense end prompt attention. Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. 8. w. Turman. PRE88ING CLUB. PRESSING—ALTERING—THE NF.W EU- reka Pressing Club—Cleaning—Repairing. Atlanta ‘phone 700, Bell 'phone 2475. 106V4 Whitehall street. Atlanta. Ga. Meuiberahlp *1 per month. FARM LOANS—WB ARB PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. WANTED HELP— FEMALE. WOMAN FOR HOl'SEKEEPERS I TION IN HOTEL OFT OF THE CITY. MIST BE EXPERIENCED. ACTIVE AND COMPETENT AND A WORKER. A HOOD HOME AND REASONABLE SALARY TO TIIE RIGHT PERSON. APPLY IN PERSON AT HOTEL ARA GON THURSDAY BETWEEN S AND I O'CLOCK. ASK FOR MR. BAINB. WANTED HELP—Mai. and F.mal*. SI TU ATI ON8 W A N TE D—M A LE. WANTETlT^RYT^ulTfRMTx PERIE N c' E SOI AGENTS WANTED. PICTURE AGENTS-HKND YOUR WORK to us for enlargement; fair prices, g«»od finish; 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Company, ISA Peters street, Atlanta, Ga. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTliU PLUMBER, Phones 1266. » R. Hooter SL FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. GF.T PRICKS FURNITURB ANY- us nml we will heat Robison A Barnes, 18 U. Hunter. OUR KNTIRK LINK OF MATTINGS RK- duced 6c n yard. Robison A llarnes, 18 E. Hunter street. FOR HA I.K—NICK GAS STOVE, IN REST of condition, cheap, If sold nt once. Mrs. A. D. McLean, 124 ft. Fair street. DUTCH HIT.IIS’ FOR FALL PLANTING., Write for price list. McMIUnu Heed Co.,> 23 South Broad street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. C. Cavan. 71 Whitehall street. 'Phone 1622. Herman, rooms 202-3 Temole Court FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for burrhaae money notes. Straight loans made at 6 per cent and up wards, according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 8. Broad street. CAN MAKE LOAN AT ONCE ON CITY real estate; cheap money. Address "Cheap I.onn,'' caro Georgian. EDUCATIONAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND Conservatory of Music, Macon, tin.— Old est snd best. If you wish to attend any time this school year, get on the waiting list now. Catalogues free. DuPont Guerrf president. WANTED—MONEY. MONEY WANTED—61,500 WANTED AT once on good business property worth S3.- f/O. Address "Money Wanted, caro The . .^.fiOOHhS AND STATIONERY. scTfi)oir'AN?rToiX^ our specialty. FJijp stationery and of fice supplies. IIend<|nnrters for post cards and souvenirs. We sell $1.50 iMtnks for G<V (Come and see them). We buy nil kinds of salable school, law and medical books. 71 Whitehall street. Southern Rook Con cern. J. C. Gnvan, manager. Dell 'phone OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. OFFICE FOR RENT HALF OFFICE IN FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING. USE OF 'PHONE FREE. J., CARE GEORGIAN. FOR SALE—TYPEWRITERS. 23 BARGAIN'S IN SECOND-HAND TYPE WRITERS. Yost, No. I. good condition $12.50 Remington. No. 2. work perfect 15.00 Williams. No. 2, perfect **“ Deiisumre American, brand new... American, brand new, w No. 3 Fox. old model, uli Williams, No. 4, good u* new..' 30.00 Smith Premier, rebuilt. No. 2 40.00 Fox No. 3. old model, rebuilt 37.50 Williams. No. 4, perfect condition 35.00 Fox. No. 3. In perfect condition 42.60 Williams, No. 4. good condition 45.00 bit rncters. 3. g«MM| 11^ new 50.00 S’o. 2, good ns new 52.60 IIJMms. No. fi. I7JV? 55.00 •nsinore. No. 4, 19650 57.511 Williams. No. 6. 35029 60.00 Oliver, No. 3. 103000 62.50 L. C. Smith, No. 2. 1500 66.00 Underwood, No. 4. 89713 «? 50 ""TLK R TYPEWRITER CO., 17-718 Fourth National Bank llldg. 1? l ;, ll, Atlanta, Qa. „r...„,8EWING MACHINES. BENTED-TWO DOLLARS PER SfONTn, nlthor Slnif.T or Whctlpr A Wlloon. — •nt only new machines with complai nt attachments. Prompt delivery. Both Phones 1893. Singer Sewing W hltehali street. stoves and ranges repaired. STOVER AND RANGER REPAIRED AND "et up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 288 Peters street 'Phones, Atlanta 2472, Bell 7W weat. We buy any* The Problem of readily obtaining good help has been Solved moat satisfactorily by those that have used the Help Wanted Columns ot The Georgian, a newspaper that draws from a list of over 100,000 readers. SNIDER & WRIGHT, Real Estate and Loans, 21 INMAN BUILDING. BELL PHONE 309 ATLANTA 991 SPECIAL! TALKING machines. talking machines and records- , w ®S? , r* <| le and retail distributors of Vic* tnr . Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and orer 10,000 record#. frumediafe attention 8 r pn orders. We want tne names of all talking machine dealer# In the South, w rite for catalogue. Alexander-Elyea Ca TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. JV. ROUNTREE A IIRO. TRUNK AND Rrtall and repairing. No. 77 WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watrlio, arc my hohhy. Modern Ideas In *"d»l dealings. II. Walter Lett. Room 1.17 hourth National Hank Bldg., Atlanta. SHOB REPAIRING. GWINN'S SHOE SHOP. 132 PEACHTREE 8T„ OPPOSITE THE Candler Rid*. nell 2336. Men , sewed half soles. 71c. D. T. WEST & CO., CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS AND REPAIRER8. 3IH N. forayth St. Bell (.Malm 1061 and 2266. Atlanta 306 and 2256. IIOMEIt L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER A CORRESPONDENT. 39H Whitehall St. 32(4 8. Broad St. Bell Phoue No. 6047. CASH REGISTERS. ' (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALI.WOOD& IDEALS and all other niukea nt Isifgnlu price#. ’* can aril you a register, suitable for any business, ot a price that can not help but please you. Cash or monthly pnymenta. Erery reg- !■!»*«: gunrnnfeed for two years. aWSES* ot ' THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CRUMB steel bank #afe# and vault doors; every thing In safe Hue. R. W. GUIs, Agent, 26 S. Broad street. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don't let 'em fool you." Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett A Willis) Is not dead OLD HAT8 MADE^NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt bats cleaned and re- Shaped. $6c. ni wbRihtii'HL SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. WEST END. herh we HAVE A NICE 6 room COT- fage on lot 76x200. This In on Gordon sfreel, mnl If you nro looking for a home III pay you to see this ,.$3,000 DR. W. J. TUCKER. ....... BAs* STREET. HERE WK HAVE A NICE 5 ROOM COT- tage on good lot. nml right at Capitol r'.w V ,n 'T# E2- 50 per month rent for It. Now If you want a eottage home on Ihe South side mol In good neighborhood this Is It,... .12,(810 . . GAIMiI.N Silt ELI A BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM COTTAGE ON lot 43x140. This Is right at Georgia me ry cheap at the prle«»,...|j,250 DeKalb County Lands For Sale 100 ACHES OF GOOD LEVEL LANDS; 40 iierea under the plow; 4«» acres In pnature; 20 acres In original forest. Splendid five- r«Miin house, large burn, ami * three-room lioiiHe with all neeesnary outbuildings. IIiIm In one of the most desirable pltu-ea of property in DeKalb <*ounty, and must he fully nnpreelnted Lm-ated within 400 yards of the depot, on the Hen- board Air Line railroad, nml only II miloM from Atlanta, by u g*M>d dirt road. Will sell or exelinuge for, Atlanta or suburban property ACRES NEAR THE Inn 1 tlmlit ABOVE PLACE. half under the plow; balance orlg- ‘ and pasture, with ordinary lm- nniveuieiiiH. «LmmI orchard nm Hue am or. Bargain nt $L4n»\ TTioTT l-'oUR ltoo.Nl ll Hildas ME. FRONT AND • two-room houNe I land; good water. with 10 fruit, etc. One half mil< board over 2,000 feet; al: road. This Is a little beauty, and Is *y for >1.5«w>. GRANT STREET. MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CUBED A . nt home, without pain or detention from ! . hiiKlnesM,' permanent cute guaranteed; free I”* 1 trial home treatment aent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 15^ N. Broad street, At-1 -V lontn, Ga. ! FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, at tan Peachtree; couple preferred. Ulmne 667 N. LOST. LOST—TWO POINTER TUPS. ABOUT months old; female, white l*ody nml black i head; male, white and Idnek ln»dy with l.lnck - $5 rawnnl If n-nmiw! tn V. .1. Stone. 98 Washington street. OTTAGE CONTAINING FIVE ROOMS ml hath on lot &»tl». This cottage Is mst brand new. We can make you very y terniH on this, .fum the place for a ■* Mob- home $:.J.Vl " KELLY STREET. ~~ MCE 4 littOM COTTAGE. NOT ONE "" “ and on lot 50*13n. This U In the •Ighborlmoda and In >cry cheap <1.500 SOUTH KIRKWOOD. room house on lot kmxsw and In half block of ear line. This bonne has a ter works, fruit and plenty of shade, on ran not build the house for the l>n, T - $L800 IF ANY THE ABOVE DO NOT SUIT YOU WK will be pleased to «how iH'St If : i that < the arke enl . sale lUt It with If you have anj real estate for ART SCHOOL. WANTED. pound; “ a tenant on. long HiASKUNTTltB^LBAfi CLEAN FEtr 1 LEASE I OR A NEW low. cloana aulta II lo *1.50. I'anta 60c. |>|7M IIIVfJ I 'A V r l' V 7 V 168 Whitehall St Phones, Bell 520. A. $gl IliLfl.Ml l O A 1 .A L A- I NO 20 TO-40,000 SQUARE WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO VISIT 1 Sloppy's ScU.hiI of Art oml In.pcct P»r-j (. ORN EK LOT. \\ IIIIIN trail, painted hy hi, tar*, classes. Corner , ..... , *'.ochtree and Xuhura. ( 1.350 FEET OF TERMI- ■■ -ljaruju- XA[, and FREIGHT I)E- FOR SALE— RLAL ESTATE. POTS. ANSWER. ii'VO I.' It AYE PHI 11' Kit TV T(T' 8EI.L. ; 1JT-TI m.'IJ place It with us; we give It our #peclal mid |>ersonal attention. If It’# worth the \\ r |' ^ (I P()R(tI \\ 140 ACRES 1 MILE FROM THE DEPOT g*n*d four room house and mirbuihRugs. 0|»eii land f«*r three plows. Timber enough to pay for the place; $1,790. THREE EINE EAR MS NEAR DECATUR. cornor lot; room can lie made for two more houses; the whole think for $2,600 ra,h. You know tbl# In a pick-up. ON JONES AVE.-A NICE 6 ROOM Cot' tage; new cabinet tnonteln: lot slotmn prettily; the car line I# going down on tnln street. Von had better hurry before It get# higher: con be bought now for $2,000; $300 cash, balance like rent. oS GRAY' HTllKET, CLOSE TO JONES prised na. Bargain here. Terina. ON GEORGIA AVENUE, ('LOME TO CAP- itol avenue, we have a good 6 room cot tage for only $1,850 cash. Can't be equated In Atlanta. SEE I'd ABGUT BEAUTIFUL LOT ON* gain. AT THIS OFFER ON IIILI^-NK’E. almost new 6-room cottage; ha# hull and nil ninveiilcnrca; nice allude; .'loan to Geor. Kin nvonne. They have the chert now on thin street and It will he a lirnutj. Yon can K«*t (Ilia property for *2,660. (food, enny terina. DO W; WANT' fiflUttTHlS'G Go6d) Yea? We large vacant lot _ have _ ...... .. Cherokee avenue cloae to G|enwo«Kl , lot 42H>175> for $1,250; cheapest lot on this nice atreet. OS-flollTfa faOt'LEVARft WE HAVE A nice 2-#tory 7-room houae, new: ha a all conveolencea4 lot 60x190; for only $3,750; enay terma, Thl# Is a fine proposition to own a home. DO YOU WANT A NICE HOME FOR A little coat? Here It la In Inman Park see. thm; nice i-room home, large rooms and hall, water and gns, large lot. east front, fine shade; don't think the price makes It undesirable; yon ought to see It, then you will know It la a sacrifice sale for ouly $2,- FINK INVESTMENT IN FORT HTREBT. Four g«Kxl 4-room houses, room for two more houses, only $4,50) for It nil. Looks good to ua. CLOSE TO THE CORNER OF GEORGIA avenue and Garden street we have u va cant It ft, 46x120 fo alley. There arc 700 brick on this lot; force sale. $575 will buy It Monday. WE CAN DEFER YOU SOME HKAUTi: ful homes on Jackson atreet. Call ua up; will tnke pleasure In showing you. NICE f UOOSrnor'SE ANDTlALiroS Kelly street, and you can see It la a bar gain. Only $1.85o. ON KIRKWOOD AVENUE, ('l.'oSlT TO balance like rent. IN THE PARK SECTION WK IIAVK A new 7-room house; well built of first-class material; houae has large hall; sacrifice wile. Must be sold at once. Only $2,600. You know this la a bargain. Then why don't you get busy and see ua nt once? SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. CENTRAL PROPERTY NO. 92 CENTRAL AVE. 50X83, ONE BLOCK OF WASHINGTON VIADUCT MAIN THOROUGHFARE BETWEEN TWO GREAT RAILROAD TERMINALS —BOUND TO ENHANCE RAPIDLY IN VALUE WE ARE OFFERING THIS AT $200 FRONT FOOT FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 412 PETERS BLDG. ’PHONES 5488. Renting. Jcntury Bldg. PHONG BELL 434. INVEST IN CUBA. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE SOME money In Cuban Investments, buying now while tne Island la harassed hy uncertainty and turmoil, and selling again after pea»*» “ttlet, a stable government and conf once are restored, let us know at once what your ideas are and bow much you would like to Invest, and we will try ami suit you. A member of our company, who a|>eaka the language, expects to start In a few days for Cuba to look up Investments for cer tain of our clients, and will be glad to rep resent anr others who would like to get an Interest In property In that wonderfnll; productive Island. Let na talk It over you. rfnlly with FOR RENT. above number on West Peachtree street, between Pine street and Baltimore block, you will find, first floor, five rooms nicely arranged for housekeeping; bns gas, hot and cold water, porcelain noth, closet, sta- 'enchtroe street oar Tine, this Is your portuulty. This property Is owned hy Miss Alice Baxter and the second floor apart JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn-Avenue, Both Phone* en. R. J. JORDAN, Real Estate, 401 Kiser Bldg. I WEST END. ON PARK STREET, WE Have n beautiful home of 7 rooms: nil con- nlences; large lot. Only $4.200. Terms. i ft yoI demonstrated Inst week by • made durltig‘tbe little disturbance we had. Wll.l. HE lil.Al) TO SHOW Yot: PKOIX erty nny time, either vacant or Improved. 1 n *' f\ n J ,B °. r nn / °* ®*»r. salesmen, who are Dr. Abernathy, Leo Little, J. H. McCleskev nml 1. E. Garrett. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Ga 44 ell Impr ir line. $5Q |ht id 30 i lid III i of In ml. .Tt nr i original tlmbr <un house and E. A. NFS BIT CO., Bell Phone 887. 514 Empire Building. . special , If It's worth the ■ price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co.. 1104 . I '■ 'llth N ; ■ I j. • T i' • 1 I'll Ilk BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON AIR. 384 I'en.htree st.. solicits WANTED—BCf pa TWO YOUNG LADIES DEM HE BOARD In prhate family «*r small boanbiig house near In: must be reasonable; references r»- • |iilre<l and given. Address W. L, I*. (I. Box fclT. 25 YOUNG LADIES WANTED: NICE, CLEAN, REGULAR WORK AND GOOD PAY. NATIONAL PAPER CO.. 257-203 DECATUR ST. WANTED — WE WANT FOR THREE CUSTOM ERS A NICE COTTAGE DOME IN WEST END. MUST HAVE ALL MOD ERN IMPROVEMENTS AND BE ON GOOD STREETS. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. IK YOU HAVE THE PLACE WE CAN MAKE A QUICK SALE FOR YOU. DO NOT WAIT, BUT SEE US AT ONCE. IE YOU CANNOT CALL ON US. JUST PHONE US AND WE WILL CALL ON YOU. SAUNDERS. PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 TEMPLE COURT. BELL 'PIIONE 2081. IN THU GRANT PARK SECTION A l.riaii.l new 2 »tiirj-. " rnoni mldvlicp, with all the city conveniences; on beautiful ole- lilted lot, half block from the car line am) great vnbn* for $3,850 ou terms of $65) cash and $30 per 1IKAND-.NK 'OTTAGE *sTS - city convcnlpn..... Grant Park car line. A perfect little 1 "tnlj'hcnp fur *2.*w, on terina of *360 cannot bent mntli. vnnt n home. A BARGAIN IN A LOT IN THE I'RET Host part of North Boulevard, near An jfb’i* avenue, 47x140 feet tn alley. Snap foi $2.6o<*. This Is the right place for a lioim or n g«Hsl place to build a house Unit will “ profit, RESIDENCE, BUSINESS AND VACANT n ierty In different sections of city, pay- rom 10 to 15 per cent. II al»<» Jjnve resident property that can lie sold on easy (tnyinent pUn. FAkMS. 160 ACRES 3 MILES FROM PIEDMONT Park. The Southern runs In »i mile on west side and the Seaboard one-qnnrter mile ou east side, and Is Just \ mile north of Imlt. Junction. About one half jmen and balance In onk, hickory and black walnut. The sand on this proper*! f» Inexhaustible and In easy reach, and Is a gold mine to any person who will put It on the market. Price. $76 per acre. FIFTY At ItES FIVE MILES SOUTH HE city, one-half open, nalance In orlglnnl forest with 3-room house ami ham. Price $50 per acre. TWENTY-EIGHT ACRES FIVE MILES south of city, with 7-room 2-story house, on public road. 2 miles from I-akewood cars. This Is an Ideal place. The mdghtiorhood Is thickly settled hy splendid ufass of people. Price, $4,280. UNK HUNDRED ACRES 8^4 MILK8 south of city on public roa«l. half open, balance In original for*-*! No Improve ments. Price, $1,500. In 84 mile of Central railroad station. (We Itl'.NlmEH ACHES MILES south of city, near the nliovc. No Im provements. About half open and In short distance of two rnllroifd stations. Price $1,500. SEVENTEEN 4 ACHES ON JOHNSON SIC Just *4 mile beyond the terminus of High land avenue ear line. This fronts east. I* level and all In the woods. Price. $3.500. m ACHES NINE ANIl A HALF MILKS Here Is a Good Investment. On Edgewood Avenue, near Cornelia 8t. Here we have a lot with 1:5 feet frontage on Edgewood avenue, running thru to another street about 125 feet back, with a small house In rear. This Is right near sidetracks of Southern and Georgia railroads and Is a fine plAce for some , little indus trial plant that needs to have a back door near an unloading sidetrack but does not care to pay the prices demanded for railroad frontage. We can sell this entire property for 12,800; It Is a fine speculation, and a choice place to improve on both fronts for big rental incomes. FORREST 8c GEORGE ADAIR. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let us know your wants In tills line you will lose money. Write or call for ''Spe.cial Sale List." We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. FOR SALE. A very desirable building lot 53x175 feet, corner Highland avenue and Ponce DeLeon Circle. DeLOACH MILL -MFO. CO., 400 Highland Avenue. DEAD. BUY A LOT IN HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY. I AM OFFERING 500 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS RIGHT AT THE ELECTRIC STATION. EV- ERY LOT FACES EAST AND A BEAUTY. GET YOUR PICK FIRST. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. THESE LOTS HAVE NEVER BEEN OFFER ED BEFORE. SEE ME BEFORE THE BEST ARE GONE. YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD. J. A. BROODS, 407 4th Nat. Bank. Bell P. 1393. FUNERAL NOTICE. WALKEtt—'The frlomls of Mr. nml Mr* William K. Walker. Mr. nml Mr* r are Invited to ntt<>n<l t |,4 H. Walker ,„ r .'eittdoueo.,603 Gordon street!" 1 fu”r? inent at Oakland. The following p-i,!,,'.’ jallliedrrra, and will ‘a. 96 North Mr. J..*,.,* men will art ray tu ... Mot'c . . Robert M. Stoke#, Mr. woody. Mr. Sam A. Wilson, Mr. A. Jenkins. Mr. W. G. F(irgn*ou and mV Henry Sanders. CHIEF OF POLICE FIRED 14 TIMES East St. Louis, III., Oct. 3.—The city council for the fourteenth lime has dis missed George O. Purdy from the office of chief of police and Instructed Lieu tenant Doyle to assume charge. Purdy rofuscs to vacate and Is upheld by the mayor. Factional troubles In the mu nicipal government are the basis for the dismissals. Lieutenant Doyle will not state whether he will assume the office. It he obeys the council he will be dismissed by the mayor, and, It Is slated, If he falls tt> obey the council that body will discharge him. DELEGATES APPOINTED TO GOOD ROADS MEETING Special to The Georgian, Anniston. Ala., Oct. 3.—In pursuance with a request from Birmingham, Pro bate Judge Emmett F. Crook, has ap pointed a eommltee of Calhoun eounty citizens to go to that city on October 17 to attend a meeting of the North AInham Good Ronds Association. The matter of good roads has been upper most In county affairs of this state for some time and Calhoun county has led In the crusade for the cause. Publishing Company Incorporated. Mo-lnl to The Georgian. Anniston, Ain., Oct. 3.—Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterdny nf- ternoon In the office of the probate judge by the Anniston Publishing Com pany. The capital stock of the com pany Is *25,000. of which *13,000 Is paid In. The purpose of the company Is to publish n dally and weekly news paper and conduct a general printing nnd publishing business. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially correcteu hy Atlanta Fruit igj Produce Exchange. Lemon,. *7.50. Llinee, fiOgfTCc. Pineapples, *1.606240. Bananas, straights, per bunch, tl.699i.ti Culls, per hnneh. *1.0061.25. CALIFORNIA rrtUIT—Fancy Itock; Einertn punches, per l>ox, tl.M. Mountain Bartlett pears, per hoi, I3 & Gross plume, per crate, <2. Columbian prunes, per crate. *2. Hose Peru grape,, per crate, *2.09. Bine Mnlvolae grape,, per crate, *2.90. Cocoa nuts, per rack, *4.25 POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Live hen,. 854f37Hc; fries, 22H4f*5c; Oral* '"•reorad fries, 18®20o pound. I tressed heue. Iter pound, 14@15e, Live durks, Pekin, 36c; puddle, 25627He. Eggs, per dozen,,.23c. Butter, table, per pound, 2062214c; cool, tor. per pound, I2ty@i5c. Fjonev, new, 8@10c pound; In one-pound racks. *1 OH 12c. VEGETABLES—Irish i>otntoes. No. | stock, per bushel. $1.06. Cabbage (Virginia), l%c pound; Danish IV. Lima beans per pound, 6c; Navy, $2.10 ptr bushel. , . # , 4 __ Onions, per bushel. $1.25. New sweet potatoes, 50c bushel. Krauts 4-barrel, $3ff FLOUR. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—PosteF# patent. $8.00; Diamond patent. $5.25; Mnscontnh Star, $4.70: fancy patent. (4.50: Red Engle. (4.15; Blue UM.noe $3.90; fancy, 83.90; spring wheat patent. $5.01 ft 6.50. CORN—Choice red cob, 72c; So. 2 whlft, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 6&o; mixed, 68c. DATS—Choice white Hipped, 48c; choice white, 47c; choice mixed, 46c; Texas ru»t- proof, 60c. • anas r *j nl n WRW v.o., 140-pound Shorts, white, $1.60; medium. $1.40; brown, $1.30; pure bran, $1.10; mixed bran, $1.06. HAY—Timothy, choice large hale*. $1.15: do., choice small bales, $1.10; do.. No, 1 timothy bales, $1.06; No. 2, $1.00; do., No. 1, cloevr mixed. $1.00; do.. No. 2 ciover mixed, $1.00. $1.00; choice Bermuda, 75c. RYE—Georgia, $1.10; Teunessee, 90c. Bar- York refined. 4Vkc; plantations, 5c. very strong. pnetfpb* hul 12c RICE—Carolina 4l4i$7Mc. according t« grade. New crop win arrive In two week! CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 15c; twins. 14V- Market strong. PROVISIONS—Supreme name. J5r. Dart bams. ir»Hc. California hams, $9.00; lied Cross hams. 15c. Dry xalt extra rib*. $9.M; bellies. 20-5 lbs.. $10.50; fat backs, 8c; plstn 8c; Supreme lard. $10.25; Bed Cum*, lflc. Snow Drift compound, 7*ic; Red Cross, 7%r. STOCKS AND BOND8. Bid. Atkrd. Georgia, *». ». »». *?*v,» ** ** ,.*w Savannah 5*. 1909 102% Macons 6s, 1910 106 Atlanta. 6s. 1911 106 Atlanta, 4V4s. 1922 107 Atlnntn 4s, 1934 106 Atlauta nnd West Point. . . .165 Atlauta nnd West Point Debts..107 Central Railway of Georgia 1st do. Income do. 2d Income do. 3d Income Georgia ... 1910,. ..112 ..106 111 10C>4 If* 4 Augusta and Savannah. . i>N GRANT STREET WE HAVE A GOOD rt riMini cottage, with nil the city con veniences, large, elevated lot. Price $2,700. o.N OAKLAND AVK.NUft. AI.M eT NEW 5 riHini eottage, all the cltv convenience*. Grant Park for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy terms. IIII 'll mi >N IT AVFNIK - I.AKF.WOIIU Height*, onlv half block from the enr line: brand new. well built eottage home, containing four rooms nnd hnll; nice de nted lot, hi>x250. Rents $10 per month. I'll*' *i.i hFrTnT 'ST LINDEN STREET-NEAR H. Mtreef; ill re almoMt new 5r<*un cottage home; all city eonvdlences: ginnl ear Nervice. Price $2,10). Terms $4u0 rash nnd $2Q per month, IN tlnlali: elevate*! lot; $1.6* arly rn.NNAI.LV STREET - NEAR FAIR *tr**et mdiool: well built and sulmtuntlal cottage home, containing five rooms ami ball: all city convenience#; elevated lot. So bv 121 feet to alley. Price $2,250; easy RAWSON a I- bonne. price $3.0*>i. iroiHodfloi Hell Phone 2127. SALES DEPART V S. HOOK STREET — TWO-STORY All ••mivenlenee*. R ✓ itiNNl home or lnvestine t *t M. A. SHELTON. n*l range repairer; b«#t work and material guaranteed. Both phones 5276. 61 fi. l'ryor st.-eei. FRASIER & SMITH, Beil Phone 3533-M nil rhlch li nnl f*»rest. of station for dolrj to Allow $4,500. - , place y business. Milk can Im* shipped its at 10 a. tn. and 10 p, m. 1'rlei A. J. WEST. II. F. WEST. A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phoue 1754.* than $20,000. WEST I'KAl’HTRKK—FINEST LOT .LEFT on till# l»«iuflf»il afreet, neur Eleventh street; east front. Just the right l * the right prl* UIIEEXKFEURY AVENUE—NEAR WEST End avenue; nice lot nt $25). and y name the terms. GIVE I'H YOFIl SALABLE l'BOl'KRTY; we will furnish result*. FOR RENT! Have several nice halls, suitable for secret societies or liglijt manufacturing pur poses. For particulars See Rents $27.50 per month. LIEBMAN,. Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. Will Recover From Wound#. Special to The Georgian. Spartanburg, 'S. C., Oct. 8.—Burke Smith, n young white man, who won "hot on the passenger train from Asheville severnJ nlghta ago during a riot among drunken passengers, will not die as at llrst thought. John Wheatley, a well known young man of this city, who was arrested on the charge of shooting Smith, has been re leased on bond in sum of $400. Smith claims that he was not shot by Wheat- ley, but was shot by a man wearing a derby hat, who made his escape. Long Distance Wire# Repaired. H peels I to The Georgian. Anniston, Ala., Oct. 3.—After several days and nights of hard work. Manager Keith Conway, of the local office of the Southern Bell Telephone Uompany, announced last night that the damage wrought to the telephone system In this territory, and particularly the long distance wires, has been repaired and that the lines to Atlanta and Birming ham are again In good working order for the first time since the storm last Thursday. Jeorglo C. Ic lst#.. . \. lst#.. ..265 . .115 ..116 ..120 ..112 WOMAN IS HELD AS RESULT OF DUEL I BROTMAN, THE TAILOR, RAPIDLY GAINS FAVOR Less than a year’s sojourn here, A. Brotman has made a most enviable record. Mr. Brotman came from New Orleans to the Gate flty and began a tailoring business at No. 3 East Ala bama street.. His policy from the be ginning was to deal absolutely honest with his customers and ft) give them the very best value that their money Would buy. By adhering strictly to this policy he soon gained the confi dence of the public, and his business enjoyed a steady growth. Mr. Brotman Is a practical tailor and cutter, having an experience of 16 years with the leading tailor# of New York, New Orleans and Washington. I). C. He Is now occupying two rooms at 39 1-2 Whitehall street, which he Is using as a work shop. He is also giving personal attention to altering, repairing nnd pressing, doing the. best work of Its kind In the Houth carries and domestic woolens at the little store No. 3 East Alabama street. Mr. Rpot man Is honorable In hi Man Supposed to Be Her Brother Is Fatally Wounded. New York, Oct. 3.—In a duel, sur rounded In mystery, early today iw the richly furnished apartments of Mrs. Jennie Smith, aged 27, at Bradea- hurst avenue, 155th street, Herbert Partridge, said to be the woman’! brother, was shot three times and probably fatally wounded. Charles Jahn, a young man "ho comes of good family of New Ro chelle, nnd said to be a stenographer for the Adatps Express Company, i* being hunted by the police. He tf caped after his victim fell unconscloul to the floor. Mrs. Smith, who. Is a beautiful bru nette, nnd a stenographer, is being de tained at the West 125th street pallet station. Standing on opposite sides of the table In the dining room, the ni**o fought the battle. Partridge waj armed with a long carving knife .md was making a lunge at his opponent, when Jahn drew a Revolver and Area. ELECTED TO CHAIR AT JOHNS HOPKINS. Special to The Georgian. Newberry, S. C., Oct. 3—WiIM'U Johnson Is In receipt of a telegram from his son, James M. Johnson. >• Baltimore, stating that he has been elected assistant professor of chetnM r f In Johns Hopkins University. -' ,r ' Johnson Js a graduate of Newb*rrf »*- - .. „ . , . College, and Is now pursuing a |"»st* .STw&iS''affik'lKr ™, *" John. Hopklri' IU ontlnue his post-graduate ' rn. dealings and | * n addition to ill# duties a# assistant Is worthy of patronage. professor.