The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 04, 1906, Image 10

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' MJPI - J hth A'l iiA i‘A WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lots than 2S eenta, the price of four lines. 8lx words of average length rasks a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertionst 1 time . . . , 3 times . • . 6 times • . . 28 times . . . 62 times , . . , 78 times . . . • 6 cents a lint. . 6 cents a lint. • cents a line. . 4 cents a fine. . V/z cents a line. . 3 cents a line. V: WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. A08 FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE (N8ERTED FREE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS. Address. I'. o. Rox 675. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. I*. SHELDON. FELLOW OF TUB American and Georgia State Association o. Public Accountants. Sbeblon Audit Co.. public accountants and auditors, 61#-6l» Temple Court. Eliminations, appraisals, audits. Local and long distance pnone 1196. BICYCLE SUNDRIE8. bicycles and sundbibSKabobst bicycle and sundry distributors In the South. Southern egente for Pierce, Tele, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for pur 1806 catalogue and price list. Alexr“' , “*- Elyes Co. WANTED HELP—MALE. month. Draughtin'* Practical Business Col- leg**. Piedmont Hotel block. 122 Peachtree. Bell phone 8S9. Call, ph< WASTED—YOVSO pharmacy. Apply Lucklc street, city. Dr. SALESMEN. COLLECTORS. BOOKKERP- ere. stenographers, salenlsdles, compnn- lon*. housekeepers, mechanical and technl cal help In alt linen placed promptly In po sitions; our facilities l»est; send for list. National Employment Association, 102-1023 Century building, Atlanta. On. WANTED—I’PIIOLSTEUF.R AND A ID'S tier to drive wagon, brine furniture to shop and take It home after It Is repaired, and collect. Cull or write City Furniture Repair Shop. 414 East Twelfth street WANTED—THREE YOUNG MEN collectors. Must know the city well, dress at once II. X. L., care The (Jeorj! WANTED—PARTNER TO TAKE ACTIVE part In printing business, either n drum mer or superintendent of manufacturing do psrtment WE HAVE A MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED l’BO pie and others. American Investment Co.. 704 Candler Bldg. Mortgage loans on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt atteutlon, ... Wrim or call 8. W.’Carson. 24 S. ’Broad”street. FARM LOANS—WE ARB PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE st very lowest rates. No delay#. Charles Herman, rooms 202-3 Temnle Court. OUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 6 per rent and up wards, according to dealrahlllty of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 8. Broad street. AN MAKE LOAN AT ONCE ON CJTV real catate; cheap money. Address “Cheap Loan,” care Georgian. mI trade to learn aud fair while learning. Keystone Type Foun 61 West Mitchell street. Iry. WANTED—BRIGHT MAN OVER TWEN- tv five for permanent outside position to assist sales manager, city and road; 126 weekly. Expense money advanced. Also two men capable of handling other sales men. Good par aud ndvnn amj dm rno Friday qualify. Apply after 9:30 n.- n i C. R. Graham, Kimball house. EDUCATIONAL WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND Conservatory of Mtisle. Mncgn, tin.—old est and nest. If yon wish to ntteud any time this school year, get on the wafting list now. Catalogues free. DuPont Gueriw. president WANTED—MONEY. WANTED—JOll WANTED HELP—FEMALE* OK. [Ood WANTED—WHITE WOMAN either young or middle aged wouimi* wages. Apply 165 Lee street, West Bell 'phone 415 west. AGENTS WANTED*, PICTURE AGENTS—SEND YOUR WORK to to for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Company. ISA 1'eters street, Atlanta, Ga. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER I’LLMIIER, Pboaea 1264. » B. Hunter 8t FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ANY- . will beat Robison Ac Barnet, IS U. Hunter. GET PRICES ON FURNITURE where else, come Jons them OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MATTINGS RE- dotted 5c n yard. "" 1 ‘ E. Hunter street. Robison L Barnes, IS FOB RAI.K-NICR <iAK STOVE. IN BUST of condition, cheap. If sold at once. Mra. A. I>. 1S« E. Fair •tri'l't. HUTCH llt.’l.nK FOB FAI.r. FI.ANTl.VO. Writ, for prlco ll.t. MoMIllou Howl Co., S3 South Bromt «twt. FOB SAI.E—BEST BUBBEB TIltR; workmanship guarantee*!. Georgia >•- blcle Mfg. Co., 60 and 62 West Mitchell at FOR SALE-TWO CAR LOADS FINE Brockway anrrlea, runabouts and depot wagona. Nothing better, made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co." 60 and 62 Weat Mitchell atreet. . *5 O SMITH PREMIERS. I® EACH-1I. Southern De*’— * N. I’ryor Ht FOR SALE-GOOD SECOND-HAND GAS stove. Owner left city. Call S Edgewood avenue, or ’phono 3794 Bell or 4794 Stand ard. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ^?S^^KINDS OF SALAULB school, law, medical hooka for cash. I. C. Gavan, 71 Whitehall atreet. ’Phone 1821 MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME ateol bank tafea and vault -doors: every thing In safe Une. IL W. LiUs, Agent, 24 S. Broad street. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPEUANDPAl NTH. ’’Don’t let ’em fool you." Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett k Willis) Is not dead cor missing, lie Is contracting wall paper and painting. Office and show room 12 East Hunter atreet Both ’phones 660. OLD HATS MADE NEW W .,.nr, M | |,|, A 4 once on good business property worth S3,- 6W. Address “Money Wanted/’ core The LOT 1 ""- JJOOK8AND stationery. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS our specialty. Fine stationery and of fice supplies. Headquarters for post cards and sou rent M. We sell *1.60 books for 60c (t ome and see them). We buy nil kinds 1L* giwMa school, law and medical tmoks. 77 Whitehall street: Southern Book Con- {gn. J. t. Gavan, manager. Bell ’phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES* WANTED-PABTNER IN PAPER ANU printing hunlnesa to take charge of book keeping and general office work. Must have a few thousand dollars to Invest. Ad- I HAVE *200 TO *300 TO PUT IN SMALL kind nnd nny- ART SCHOOL. WANTED—TH E PUBLIC TO VISIT Slippy a School of Art and Inspect por- vsugsrst 'UBSir- **-&*&• FOR 8ALE—REAL E8TATE. “'YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO BELL, pi*po It with u,; wo five It our iporlai •nil por*onnl nttontlon. If IF* worth tho —loo wo will ,oll It. C. H. Wolla A Co“ UM uirth Nutlounl Itsnk B0AR0ER8 WANTED. TjlE BON AIR. 3X4 IVnohtroo «t„ .ollolt* oiy>ovMon^rcMM^rUo[^nu^^tniim|^^ RIG PIANO BARGAINS. WE WILL PUT ON SALE MONDAY or. *• ,hp following; Every nlnnn near If ;r„: ,v,,r u-" u v- ,n a»»a om : rail . .M i have about eighteen high grade pianos that have Itecn rented fur your \ nn .' ] "" w " ««•*»•*« dlseon- i.lniie this part of our business, and In or- •Mt quickly these few sec- rlll offer them below Her Due *660 Kunbe Kqnure.. . *.*!!! '* 76 Due *5*m Brainbacli Mahogany Upright/ 2X5 »“• MM Brnmlmch Malmga’ny Upright. 265 One IfOrt Bush & Gerta Mahogany l prlght 'o; One *350 Bertel Maliogauy Upright.. . 2 Mahogany Upright p Mnhognny Upright, double guaranti . ' nn, L desfrei hnnge within one year f«i ur stock. S'" ""Holt tuning Mill roj,Hiring. •Vi iilniMi* will ho until mini ih.fiit piano paiii.oiih, Phnno hint Mnln. Xnilll Fnr.vlli Slr....t I sr. vnuiaivi W (JUK AND ISII* r*l*i ir*o. Prompt service. Bel! ’phone 2374. .Atlanta Hood and Iron Novelty Works, 389 Marietta , JUAi nr.nnn Inatolla furnaces Jn old bouses as well ” " ir If you hnv. Both 'phono.. MESSENGER SERVICE, FOR PROMPT AND Itr.I.IAI1I.K MBS- •ongora, *phon. a. l. A. Divio, and 1. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. ,f W. Yarbrough, 24 Auburn avenue, 1 — L Entrance Auburn ass* reka Pressing Club-Cleanlng-RepalHng. Atlanta ’phone 700, Bell ’phone 2475. 1064 Hhltehalf atreet, Atlanta, Oa. Membership *1 per month. 8EWING MACHINE8. rentbd-two dollars per month. either Singer or Wheeler St Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set or attachments. Prompt delivery. Both phone* 1883. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 7» Whitehall atreet. 8JOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED* STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterion Furniture house, 286 Peters atreet ’Phonea, Atlanta 2472, Bel! 784 weat We buy aoy- AW TALIONG MACHINE8. ALKING MACHINES AND RECO * Wholesale and retail distributors c. ♦or Talking Machines and Records. Juat received large consignment of machines and nr.* moan immediate attention ff trunk and bag .repairing. H. W. ROUNTREE St BRG. TRUNK AND 8AG CO. Retail and renalring. N “ Whitehall atreet. Phone 1676. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: C OM PLICATED watchea aro my hobby. Modern Ideal In work and dealings, H. Wnlter Lett, Room 1217 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 132 PEACHTREE ST., OPPOSITE THE Cnndlur flldg. B.II 2MB. M.n'a «ew«1 half aolM. He. D. T. WEST & CO., „„„ CONTRACTORS, .... BUILDERS AND REPAIRERS. N. For.ytu St. 11,11 (Main) 1001 and 2256. Atlanta 306 and 2206. HOMER L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER * 30V4 Whitehall 8t. Hell Phan. No. &HT. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS, JIALLWOODS, IDEALS and all other makes at hnrgnln pr cau sell you a register, suitable any bualne*a, at a price that can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. AramM*' ANDSpSh* 0,P THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. WEST END. HERE WE HAVE A NIUE 6 ROOM TOT- tage on lot 76x200. This In on "treet, nnd If you are looking for n home In \Y,at End It will jm>' you to a„ liila , you I'm' L RASH STREET. HERE WE HAVE A NICE 6-ROOM COT I'* »» g™«l lot. and right at Cnpltnl ■niin. Hnvn 122.,W |M*r month rvnt ror It. Now If you want a vnttagv homv on th. South alilv ulid In giNHl livlghlunllival thla la It.. .... >2.000 FOR SALE—TYPEWRITERS. thiiee No.77i7ITiTi7^^rTT7^ writing vonaitlon *15 vuvh. H. M. Aahv o Houthvrn Dvnlvra I., f. Smith Vl.ll.1r 1^ N Pryiir St.. Atlanta, On. INI'. Nil. fi'UEMIMlTON. I-'INET’ONdT tlnn and a bargain, *.n, ||. >t. Aahv Co.. Smitlmrii Dvnlvra, I,. F. Smith Vlalblv. “ ’ryor .St,, Atlanta, Ga. DR. W. J. TUCKER. MORPHINE AM at home, tv it fin i hiiMlnoM*; perinniK 1 treatment ... Tucker. 154 N. Ilr< lent a. G’lU.M HABIT U1 BED pain or detention front gunrniitos>d; free rapper. H*t, At- E. L. MORSE, - HU FOURTH NATIONAL HANK. , North SIDE, close IN. i ! five riM>tn* and hall; all eoi I eupleil bv oilier; tell nilnnteN i tiler mtlMIng; 13,10); *50) PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS MAHHMTA STREET SHIRK, cleaned and reshaped. 60c. i it"' Soft and stiff felt hits cleaned sod re- j l’ rl ” lot 25 by Us FOR RENT—ROOMS. TWO <Gt THREE NIUE UNKURMSIIED rooino In very dealrahle nelghborhotul. Phots* 5951 -4. 1 AURK IN WESTERN HEIGHT ! elt.v line; front* thr»*e *tre«q*; ebenp at SAM I-Si IN ST REE land avenue: : bahinee within il ITmnfcn s i Ills I ■ »i, i LOST—TWO POINTER PIT’S. ABOUT m« ttttix old; female, white Ixaly nnd blaek bend; male, white and Mark ImmIv with f blaek head *5 i 9S WnHhtngton atr Rtreet; p&\ Fill ifiH WAR! *>«•. This l« I DAfftY FARM. ’ r ’ " 25 YOUNG LADIES iiTiTiM WANTED: NICE. CLEAN, REGULAR WORK AND pound. (|OOI) PAY. FRANKLIN. TitK CLEAN CLEAN FKl7 , N A’l IOX A L I’APER CO.. low, elefl*)* anlt* *1 to *1.50. Pant* 60c. *»V7 hl.'/t \ r rp|i ytp Whitehall HL I’hvuvB, bvll fcu, A. 3ML IH'AA 1 l Ji Ol. GARDEN STREET. A BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM t’OTTAGE lot 43xl4n. Thin In right nt G«*orgla tnie, nnd I* \err eh.-up at the price7...*2.250 G It ANT ST It EKT. ” A UOTTAGK CONTAINING FIVE BOOMS - * ’ “ lot 60x126. Thl* cottage I* thl*. We you very elghborho.Nl* and In •• IBtle home '.......*2.260 KELLY S TREE T. MCI: 4 It* HIM COTTAGE. NOT ONE * ’ • 50x130, Thl* la In the .5n!BB sin th Kiimwnm A 9 RUOM IIOI'SE ON LOT 100»230 AND In half lilwk of vur llnv. Thla homo Iwa wntvr wnrkn. frail nnd plenty of abinlv. I ou run not Iinlld thv hnuao for tho nnmvy .tIMi IF ANY >F THE ABOVE Dll NOT SUIT YOU WE that we will In* td.-nxed to show u nre on the market for real e«- Imve any real estate for ha you. If you nre tate *ee ns. If y« *Ole Hat it with PAVER £• BLACK, Real Estate Agents, 315 and 316 Peters Building, Atlanta, Ga. BOTH 'PHONES 3619. The Problem ot readily obtaining good belp has been Solved moit utlifactorlly by tbo«e that have used the Help Wanted Columns ot The Georgian, a newspaper that draws from a list ot over 100,000 readers. C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 5223. *1,009—*500 rash and balance easy, will buy lot on nortlv side 60x160; nice and level with alley on three aides; one block east of Boulevard. Tbl» is s rare bargain nnd we nre offering It only for s gyick sale. $2.600—6-BOOM COTTAGE ON GEORGIA SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $1,600—50-FT. MYRTLE ST. LOT, BETWEEN 8TH AND 10TH STS.; EAST FRONT, LEVEL AND PRETTY*. LAST CHANCE ON THIS ST. AT ANYTHING LIKE .THIS PRICE. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THE GRANT PARK SECTION „ brand new 2-atory, 7-room residence, with all the city conveniences; on beautiful ele- vated lot, half block from the car Hue and tf* 7 *."!J nUt€ tor on terms of *659 cash nnd *30 per month. H HAND-NEW COTTAGE Op SIX rooms, with all the city conveniences, near Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for 12.809, on terms of $.150 < nsh and *26 per month. You cannot beat this If you want a home. A ilAllliAIN' lN A LOT IN THE 1-BKT- tlest part of North Boulevard, near An- rler avenue, 47x140 feet to alloy. Snap for 2,600. This I* the right place for a home »r n good place to build a house that will icll at a profit. >N GRANT STREET WE HAVE A GOOD 6-room cottHgc, with all tho city con- •enlenres, largo, elevated lot. Price *2,700. Easy terms. * »N OAKLAND AVENtJE. ALM^oT NEW RICHMOND AVENUE *1.^. WEST LINDEN STREET—NEAR SPltlNG service. Price *2,100. Term* $400 cash and *20 per month. IN GRANT PARK KECTIOSI-NICE SIX- room cottage; gas nnd watff.-; hnnl oil finish; elevated lot; cabinet mantels, dou ble floored; nenrly new; splendid value for *1,600. Terms. CONN ALLY STREET — NEAR PATH str*H»t school; well built nnd substantial cottage home, containing five room* and hall; all city conveniences; elevated lot, 60 by 120 foot to alley. Price $2,250; easy terma. STREET avenue, near Capitol nventie. WE NEED HOMES PcJ5 HaTe ON THE north nnd south side. ^ If j*oq have any thing for aale anywhere in the cltr let us know nlmut It. FOR RENT. . . ' 1,01 nn, ‘ 0)1(1 water: i>or<*c- Inln bnth. closet, sink In the kitchen; In a good nclghltorliood. nnd in good re- ix>lr; !■ quite convenient to Cnlhonn street public school. Rent* *25 i*»r month. ■ 278 South boulevard. THIS SIX-IBtOM COrrAGB, ON LOT w by 160, I* ou the weat side of North Boulevard, at the corner of Adams street has gns, hot nnd cold water: bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; In splendid repair; nnd In one of our best neighborhoods; !»e sides the six rooms, there nre two servants rooms In the basement; ulso plenty ol room for storage In the basement. Rents |49 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn Avenue, Both Phone* (It. Here Is a Good Investment. On Edgewood Avenue, near -Cornelia 8t. Here we have a lot with 125 feet frontage on Edgewood avenue,'running thru to another itreet about 125 feet back, with a small house In rear. This Is right' near sidetracks of Southern and Georgia railroads and is a fine place for some little Indus trial plant that needs to have a back door near an unloading sidetrack but does not care to pay the prices demanded for railroad frontage. We can sell this entire property for 12,800; it Is a fine speculation, and a choice place to improve on both fronts for big rental incomes. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR RENT! Have several nice halls suitable for secret societies or light manufacturing pur poses. For particulars See Rents $27.50 per month. LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. CENTRAL PROPERTY NO. 92 CENTRAL AVE. 50X83, ONE BLOCK OF WASHINGTON VIADUCT MAIN THOROUGHFARE BETWEEN TWO GREAT RAILROAD TERMINALS BOUND TO ENHANCE RAPIDLY IN VALUE, WE ARE OFFERING THIS AT $200 FRONT FOOT FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. i») UAWKO.'i 7-room h«ui<\ *30; price *3,000. TWO-STORY All convenience*. Up/ Good homo or Investment ’I’hone 2027. Atlanta Phone 1881, SALKS DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK. II. C. EVE, It. O. MKDLOCK. HENRY II. JACKSON. R. 0. MEDLOCK CO. Cor. Peachtree and Edge- wood Avenue. Bell Phone 3794. Atlanta Phono 4794. riTismmrvs—=rw<Ti—styiRoiu—nrirrm^s nenr Fulton Cotton Mill*, always rented *11 month: spend *100 and can get *15. *1,000 - 12-ltooM MODKRN I.OVR1.Y homo, North Houlevnrd; fine shaded lot, 93x2<V>. Will take smaller property a* part i»*y- CUTS STORK AXD 5-HOOM FOT- SViuih Pryor. Rent, Unr .mini, I30Q ;>nr. 0,000 TO fc’O.lMO—NORTH SIDK NKW properties that will pay 12 per cent on In* ‘Stinoiit. *63100—hplkxIhd HOME, SHADED, LOT Atnntn In n mill town. Has ne •use. barn und other buildings, three ten ant houses. Improvements all made within t three yean* nt cost of nlmut *7,000, nnd land Is worth *30 nn acre at lowest es timate. Adjoining land* are held at from *4) to *60 nnd *90 per acre. This I* a big * argnln for quick FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let us know your wants In this line you will lose money. Write or call for "Special Sale List.” We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. FOR SALE. A yery desirable building lot 53x171 feet, corner Highland avenue and Ponce DeLeon Circle. DeLOACH MILL MFG. CO., 400 Highland Avenue. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON 18 _ , practical stove and range repairer; beat work and material guaranteed. Doth phooea 6276. 61 8. Pryor street. *1.590—Hr YH 7 ROOM COTTAGE, BARN, it* Burden. 69 acres of laud, fine orchard, 1 2nd bushel* apples now 4»n tre4»s, h>- rnted tu a small town on railroad 40 miles from Atlanta. >2,350-6ROOM t'OTTAHK, GAS, WATRll uni bath, near North Boulevard, and IF bargain. . ANY OTHER I’RnPEUTIKN. CALL OR IH YS SEVEN ROOM TWO STORY oil 4a.*k*t»n * Brand new, aud II modern convenience*; »vj*h nnd buys modern six-room cot* on Capitol a\euiie. I* 1* up to 4inte .•rv ro*p4-ot. East front. Lot 60 by lla* nice shade. See this liefun* you D HVK-IIOO* Lot 121 by 175. CASH BUYS GOOD SEVEN-ROOM LOS r GOLD LOCKET, E. B T. on I nick. Finder FIVE ROOM COT- emit*. Cabinet man at h. water anil gas. •derail* priori hoi iv. m. Nichols^ax’d''a. ii. ooR'Eii. BELL 'PHONE 208!. WANTED — WE WANT FOR THREE CUSTOM ERS A NICE COTTAGE HOME IN WEST END. MUST HAVE ALL MOD ERN IMPROVEMENTS AND BE ON GOOD STREETS. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. IF YOU HAVE THE PLACE WE CAN MAKE A QUICK SALE FOR YOU. DO NOT WAIT, BUT SEE US AT ONCE. IF YOU CANNOT CALL ON US, .JUST 'PHONE US AND WE WILL CALL ON YOU. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COM PAN Y, 510 TEMPLE COURT. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WK BUY AND SELL HOUSE* AND LOTS on ensv terms. 186 Auburn avenue. PRIEST HAS ELOPED WITH WEALTHY GIRL Rome. Italy, Oct. 4.—Rex*. Father Vir ginia (’arones, rector of the Church of Bantu Marla Mnddelena, has left the priesthood and eloped to America with the daughter of one of hla wealthy parlshoners. The parents of the girl have asked the government to have the United States Immigration authorities detain them when they reach the other aide. TRANSPORT THOMAS ATTACKED BY FIRE Manila, Oct. 4.—Fire was discovered at 7 o’clock last night on board the transport Thomas. The crew fought the Are until 3 o’clock this morning. The Manila Are deportment was called to their assistance nnd together they held the Are to No. 2 hold. Tho flame's Arst started In 2,500 hales of hay aboard, spreading to the o«ml hunkers. The vessel la still being flooded. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. On September 11. 1996, N. P. Henley pur- nirised the iiitenoit «»f Richard Finger In the Ann of Hiuiley & Finger. .V. I*. Henley nHnuiiit>s all 4»bllgiftlons, and will eollect all debt* of the late firm. The husliituiH will continue under the name of HEALEY BARBERS* SUPPLY CO.. No. i North Forsyth St. , Stockholders’ Meeting. The annual nif*i>tliig of *tiM‘kholders of the Atlanta nnd West Point Railroad Company will be held In the office of the Company. R<K>ni No. 9. Atlanta Terminal Station, at J2:J5 p. in., on Tuesday, Octnltor lfitli. 1906. F. ll. HILL, Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICE, Wlftwnm Cherokee Tribe No. 1.—The members of Cherokee Trllie. No. I, are requ«**tcil to nmet nt the Wigwam Friday afternoon* at 1:30 o'clock to at tend the funeral of our brother, W. F. R4*eves. Funeral lit Woodward Avenue Bnntlnt church at 2:30 p. m. Burial nt .Oakland cemetery. All alster trlb«*s are Invited to Join ATLANTA MABKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially correctea by Atlaurn'Fruit and Proitueo Exchange. Lemon*. *7.50. Limes, 606275c. Pineapple*. I1.50Q2.S0. Bananas, straight*, per buneb, *1.6001.75. Cull*, per buncli. CALIFORNIA *ttUIT—Fancy atock: Kinertn peaches, per l»ox, *1.69. Mountain Bartlett pears, per box. *3.26. Gross plums, per crate. *2. Columbian prune*, per crate, *2. Rose Peru grapes, per crate, *2.00. Blue Mnlvolsc grapes, per crate, *2.00. Cocoanuts. |*er sack. *4.25 POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE— Live hens, 35&374c; frle*. 224£25c; broil. ef f>rcs^*d ^?rle», 18©20c pound. Dresse4l hen*, per pound, 14{?15c. Live ducks, Pekin. 35c; puddle, 26$274c. Atti*»t: W. II. ABROTT, Sachem. MARKED SLUMP SHOWN IN POLICE BUSINESS AFTER ELECTION DAT The closing of*the saloons on elec tion day caused police court to ex perience another heavy drop In busi ness, similar to the pronounced de crease during the recent enforced pro hibition. From noon Wednesday until Thurs day morning, a total of only nine cases were docketed by Clerk Preston on the recorder’s docket. Three of these cases were for drunkenness. On the day previous, while certain nt the saloons were open, a total of 48 cases were docketed. Thirty-four ot these were for drunkenness. IMPORTANT SESSION OF RY, COMMISSION An uiiUHiinlly large attendance mark* the Octolter meeting of the rallmad commission, which began Thursday morning. The first matter taken up for a hearing ns that of the ownership of the Wadley and Mt. Vernon Railroad. Resident* of Wrlghtsvllle, through F. M. Flanders, In-ought tlio charge that flu* Wadley and Vernon wn* owned by the Central ronil. thus throttling competition. Mr. Flanders made the argument before the commission Thursday morning. The commission will nrohnhlv 1m* In S4>s- ■Ion for two nr three days, as several Im portant matters are docketed for consider ation. All of the ujemhers of the commit)- * n floney.’ new,” rack*. 10tfll2'\ VEGETABLES—Irish stock, per bushel. *1.06. pound: In one*poun,l potatoes. No. t Cabbage (Virginia), l%c pound; Danish v.c. Lima 1 beans per pound, 6c; Navy, *2.10 per FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLO UR—Posters nntent. *6.00; Diamond patent, *5.25; Maseoutah 8tar, *4.70: fancy patent. *4.60; Red Engle. *4.15; Blue hlbnoti. 13.90; fancy, *3.90; spring wheat patent, *5.>» ttui CORN—Choice red cob, 72c; No. 2 white. 70c; No. 2 yellow, :::!red, 68c. OATS—Choice wnlte clipped, 4Sc; cbole* white, 47c; choice mixed, 45c; Texas rust proof. 60c. MEAIr—Plain water-ground, per bush*! 67c; bolted. 140-pound Jutes per bushel, G>; Short*, white. >1.60: medium. *1.40: hrmvu, *1.30; pure bran. *1.10: mixed bran, *1.95. HA1—Timothy, choice largo* bales, 11.15; do., choice small bale*. *1.10: do.. No. I timothy bales, *1.05; No. 2, *1.00; do., No. 1, cloevr mixed. *1.00; do.. No. 2 etuver iuueq, *1.00. 11.00: choice Bermuda. 75c. RYE—Georgia, #1.10; Tennessee, 90c. Bar ley. 95c. The nliove price* are f. o. b. Atlanta. GROCERIES. strong. •cvrir- Market Mark CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 15c; " ket r Stinri -llrorL. hams. 16c. Dry salt extra rll»s ng. I’ROVifHONS—Supreme hnms, 15c. ^ llforuls ’ strong. _ . . Dor* ham*. 19.00; Red arrive In two weeks. -Fancy fuU twins. 14%c. PROVIBIC ham*. 16 V»c. Cross hams. ..... «... bellies, 20-6 lb*., *10.66; fat backs, 8c; plates, ipreme lanl. *10.25; Red Cross, I'm. Drift compound. 7>ic; Red Cross, 7Vic. STOCKS AND BOND8. Bid. Asked Georgia 4*4*. 1915.. Georgia, R. R. 6s. 1 Hnvnnnah 5s. 4909.. Snow 1 slun i • present. TURNER'S TAX RATE WO ON TUOUSAND The new county of Turner will h: highest tax rate In Georgia In 1990, the nty commissioner* fixing the rate nt 120.29 ou the thousand dollar*. People owning property In Asblitirn, the unity sent, will pay a big tax. When the city tlX4»s Its rate, nnd the county nnd state rate of #25 Is tacked on. they will prolmldy to pay something like *r.O oil the thousand. Up to the time Turner re|mrted Jones county led In high tax rate, with 116.20 on the thousand. So far about 130 counties out of the 145 lit the state have reported their tax rate for the year. The preportbm of municlpall tie- •- “ M - h — — **-■- ..106 ..102% ..106 ..106 ..107 ..105 .1G5 Macou* 6s, 1910.... Atlanta, 6*. 1911 Atlanta, 4%s. 1922 Atlanta 4*. 1934 Atlanta nnd West Point. . . Atlanta and West Point Debt*.;207 Central Railway of Georgia 1st do. Income do. 2d Income do. 341 lucoine j Georgia 10*% Augusta and Snvaunnb. , Southwestern.. and A. 1st*.. . .115 ..11# ..120 ..112 ATTEMPTED ASSAULT, GIVEN FIFTEEN TEARS Culpepper, Va„ Oct. 4.—Oeorge Orlf- fln, the mulatto whose trial has been In progress In the circuit court for tho past two days, was seelcnceU to 15 ears In the penitentiary for attempted assault on n young girl of this county. Orlfltn has been lodged In the Alex-I their COMPLAIN TD POLICE OF PIN HEAD DUDES ON STREET CORNERS The Whlttnker-Coursey Drug Com pany, at Marietta nnd Broad streets, has sent a communication to Police (’hlef Jennings complaining of the con gregation of loafers on the street cor ners and especially In front of their place. The loafers nre snhl to be worst Just after nmtlnee and night [lertormanrcs nt the Bijou Theater. It Is complain ed thnt boys and young inon gather on the corners nnd make disrespectful comments on passing ladles. In ilie letter they are characterised ns "utigentlemnnly loafers." "young ci garette smokers” and ’’pln-hend dudes.” The police were*directed to give the matter attention nt Cnee. BOLD JAIL DELIVER! DURING THE NIGHT H| »••«-!:» The orglr.r andrin Jail for safe-keeping and during the progress of his trial, which made his presence necessary here, has been guarded by the Culpepfier Minute Men, under command nt Captain L. L. Slaughter. The Jury was out only u few minutes. Thomasville, Ga., Oct. 4.—One of the Boldest Jail deliveries In the history "f Thomas county occurred at the county Jail here Inst night, when three n»- gives, Will Patterson, Will Martin an 1 Louis Jones, dug through a btick wall with a spade. Five others would haw aped at the same time but It seems rve fulled them at the la.-t minute The men that escaped are notorious criminals. Soon after gaining th»*lr liberty they secured nn ax with whb’i they hacked the shackles from their ankles. They nre being pursued by hounds. PALACE IS ROBBED OF TITIAN PICTURE Rome, Italy, Oct. 4.—La Trlbunu says that a picture l>y Titian has been stolen from the royal pnluce In Venice, an imitation having been .tfl In Its place, him. HEARING FOR RAWLINS SET FOR OCTOBER 13 After correspondence with Attorney John R. Cooper, the pr;»on commission has fixed October 13 as the date for hearing the petitions for commutation of sentence for Jesse and Milton Raw lins. The commission will be In session on next Tuesday, but will consider other matters until Saturday, when the Raw lins cases will be taken up. The last respite for the two boys was extended ,o X .vember J. Whether or not anyone will appear In behalf of the negro, Alf Moore. Joes not ap|*>ar yet. Several letters arc on file asking clemency for TWO MEN ARE INJURED IN TROLLEY ACCIDENT A trolley car of the Georgia Rail way and Electric Company en r»*u l * to the Soldiers’ Home Thursday morn ing shortly before 2 o’clock, figured m a peculiar accident, as a result d which R. W. White, of 81! i street, Edgewood, the conductor, : M. O. Stowers, of Pryor nntl F.< ' streets, a pharmacist, were Injured. The car was proceeding out Decatur street and at the corner of Pleilrn mt avenue rnn onto a spur track, leade r to the power house a Block away, ti switch having been left open. T ‘ car struck the curve with such f*"• that both White nnd Stowers w • •* thrown Into the street. The Injur 1 men were taken to the Grady bospL*d» Neither was seriously hurt.