The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 25, 1906, Image 9

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THURSDAY, UCTOUBU 25. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. IDIOT GIRL IS Was Dressed iu Men’s Clothing and Can’t Tell Wliere She Wgs, yew York, Oct. 26.—A dramatic In tident of William Randolph Hearat'a Invasion of the heart of Senator Pat rick H. McCarren'* Broklyn strong- hold last night came at the conclualon 0 f his address In Masonic Temple, Gran ,l and Havemeyer streets, only a (e» blocks from the gas senator’s home- Mr. Hearst had put on his coat and •tailed to leave the hall when a man In the crowd, evidently prompted by McCarren, cried out: "Why do you expect the Democrats of Kings to sup port your Hearst Climbs on Tabls, Mr. Hearst stopped short and In a dash climbed back upon the platform. The crowd had already pressed forward and he had to fight his way through. Hastily removing his coat, he swept the crowd back and, there not being sufficient space there for him to face the audience In comtort, he leaped up on a table. “>Iy friends," he exclaimed, “a gen tleman has asked me why I expect the Democrats of Kings county to support me, and I will tell him why.” A great cheer swept over the audi ence, but halting It with a gesture, Mr. Hearst continued: Hit Statement Cheered. "I am glad of an opportunity to answer that question. I expect them to support ms because I am a Jeffer son Democrat and because 1 do not al ios- any hireling of the Standard OH Company to define my Democracy.” Here the cheera broke out afresh, and once more Mr. Hearst appealed for •Hence. scoundrel, McCarren. I do so because "But while i repudiate that corrupt I do not believe he Is a Democrat.” Repudiates Pat McCarren. “He is not,” roared the audience. “And while I repudiate him.” cried Mr. Hearst, "I ask the support of all honest Democrats of Kings county.” "And you will get It,” was the answer. This was the climax of the second night of .Mr. Hearst's whirlwind tour that Included seven .monster meetings In nil, three of them In Manhattan and four In Brooklyn, at all of which the candidate was received by cheering crowds. STATE I8SUES IGNORED BY SECRETARY SHAW. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 26.—Secretary Shaw, of the Roosevelt cabinet, spoke to a good-sized crowd of "silk stock ing" Republicans In Convention Hall last evening. He confined himself al most entirely to national and Ignored •tate Issues. Lieutenant Governor Bruce and Attorney General Mayer also spoke, abusing the candidate of the Democrats and Independence League. Real Estate Man Charged with Larceny and Cheating. A. S. Crumpton, the real estate man *tth office* In the Empire building, Who was arrested by Detectives Lock hart and Lanford, was bound over to the state courts Wednesday afternoon by Recorder Broyles on the charges of larceny and cheating and swindling. Hl» bond in the larceny ease was fixed »t 1500 and In the cheating and swind ling case at 1200. Crumpton la accused of the theft of ii ... ® n< * Pistol from the office of , • 1 Wilson, another real estate man !? the Empire building. He protested that he merely borrowed the chair and explained that the pistol was given to him by a negro. The cheating and swindling case con sists „f the accusation that Crumpton gave u Worthless check for *20. The Check was drawn on the Third Nn- Honk. Where Crumpton Is said o have formerly kept an account, but I™* he hod none at the time of wrtt- ™ check. This case was prosc- pan k b> I3p,ee,,ve * Spradlin and Kll- BOSTON PEOPLE WIN THEIR FIGHT FOR LOWER BATES Commission Decides for the Prosperous Thomas County Town. BLA CKMAILERS SHO O T A T WOMAN IN PARK E ATTACK AND LOOT MOROCCAN TOWN London, Get. 2S._Wlld tribes of the ountaln district; surrounding the town Auena, a *e»port nt Morocco, have " n ,he Utile town and arc Pillaging and burning. The Ii '.s are powarlaas to act. The continue unchecked 'and aid . je asked of the European powers. »ren" h PS h lVe b ** n ’Hspatched to the Euio|ieans ln *•** city have sent in.,." J'mssngcs begging their coun- J? ,ervc ntlon. The marauders »h ’ nl *5« surrender of all Jewish ttri. LT he latter are hiding, grief- fcrnan,?; J their homes. Unless the Wl-it n-i.t '.he mountaineers arc com- tan, IIP- 'hey threaten to burn the Pb'.i . , have the officials com- ” 1 o' their mercy. The latter are. In addition to deciding .against the Atlanta and West Point railroad In its. petition to add four mile, to Its ays tem, the railroad commission consid ered several other Important matters, The petition of the people of Boston, Gn., for a reduction in freight rates had been held up pending a possible adjust ment between the Interested parties. A letter from Frondsn Mitchell, repre senting the shippers, came stating that the roads would not agree to do any thing. The commission will, therefore, Issue orders for the same rates to apply to Boston as to Thomasvllle and .Quit- man. This means a big saving to the people of Boston. Moultrie people had also petitioned for A readjustment of rates applying to that town, but It was held up on the representation of the Atlanta,-Birming ham and Atlantic and Georgia North ern that they could satisfy the citizens. The plan of the Southern for a new *2,600 depot at Williamson, Pike coun ty, was approved, and orders Issued for completion of the depot within 00 days. Plans for a new *1,000 depot :it Harris, Meriwether county, to be built jointly by the Georgia Southern and Florida and the Central, were ap proved. The petition of a large number of Marietta rltlsena for a reduction In the fare of the Atlanta Northern railway, the electric line between Atlanta and Marietta, went over to the next meet ing. Public Spot in N. Y. Scene of Bold Attack. STATISTICS. DEATH8. , „ Mnrr C, Klster. aged « yesrs. died of Bright's disease at 150 Glenwood svenne. Sirs. Nancy J. Holtselow. oaed » jean. <lle<l of Bright's disease at sit Courtland street. •New York, Oct. 25.—A band of des perate blackmailers, fearing to bo trapped by a wealthy woman banker, whom they had forced by threats to go to Washington Square park, where they expected her to give them |2,p00, shot to kill today when they saw her appear escorted by a man. The woman was Mrs. Carmella Gunr- dlslnl, a widow, who runs a banking office at' 526 1-2 Broome street. She had received a number of letters de manding. the large sum of money, but determined to capture the blackmail- era. The latter took fright when they saw that she was accompanied and af ter firing several shots at her took to their heela and escaped. The boldness of the terrorists was remarkable because at the same park yesterday detectives captured five men whom they believed to be the ring leaders of the hand that has been spreading terror In this city by dyna miting. kidnaping and even murdering victims. All the inen arrested were armed with revolvers and knives. SENATOR CLARK HAS BROKEN RIB New York. Oct. 26.—Senator William A. Clark, of Montana, arrived on the Normandie. To reporters who met him on his arrival he made the announce ment that he would quit politics at the expiration of hla senatorial term next March. The senator la still nursing his rib, which wns broken while he was mo toring near Marseilles on September 9. INE KILLS SEVEN MEN; TIM INJURED Only One of the Victims Thus Far Identi- - fied. year*, 4IM At 190 heart failure i Annie Ilnrtf Orme afreet. John Parker, ngeu za yeara. uien tu w*.- sumption nt Fulton county Imrrueka. Charlie Brown, acrerl 50 yeara, died at Fulton county iMirrnck*. BUILDING PERMIT8. $100— Roaelln I'eytou. to make addition to one-atory frame dwelling at 145 1 arsons “ttKL-Mlm Henrietta I»o*ler. to n*ooyer two-atory frntpfe dwelling ut <6 Washington Dnn 8. \Vnlravcn. to build two- Htory brick. »tore houae at. 192 North ave- "*5w—Mrs.; H. >1. Beam, to repair brick store nt 10 Bartow afreet. **000—W. P. Inman, to repair .tore rooms corner Bronil and l.uekle street.. *1,600—IV. P. Inman, to make repair* and hulld new Imsement at 10 South Broad " pits'llrn. E. Varela, to bull,I one-room frame plunder bonse In rear of IS* Windsor * *StLl. T. Ilall. to build one-story frame dwelling In rear of 1S8 Tbtirroan street. WOMEN ARE HURT IN FIGHT ON CAR New York, Oct. 25.—Frank Spfnola, asserting that Abraham Wei.a had his hand In bin pocket, started a fight on the ThtM avenue ”L" car at Flffy- jnlnth street, during which wnmeu .were knocked about and bruised. .Worn*, wax arrested. ' PAWNEE BILL’S WILD MSI AND • GREAT FAR EAST ATLANTA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5. Old Show 6rw»j«Jiclnon ind final SI*. AMERICA'S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Over 1,000 Men, Women ind Horses Employed, The actualities of Frontier Life Vividly Repro duced. The Orient Transplanted to Your Very Homot. Ovtr 100 Indians from Different Western Tribes. Strange People from every Clime. The World's Armies Assembled. "Mountain Meadow Massacre.” "Hanging ef a Horse Thief.” "Burning of Trapper Tom’e Cabin.” ‘ Deadwood 8taoe Robbery.” Hard of India Elephanta. Drove of Egyptian Camele. Hard of Buffalo. Philippine Island Cattle. FRE8H FROM ONE MONTH'S NEW YORK 8UCCE8S Spectacular Street Parade at 10 O’clock a. m. Two Performance* Daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Rain or Shine. 8eata for 10,000 People Under Sun and Rainproof Canopic*. Ratarvad Seats on 8a!e Day of shew witbou t extra charg. at Whitakar-Couraay Drug Co* Broad and Marietta Street*. Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 25.—An official statement given out by the manager of the Cambria Steel works says that by an explosion In the rolling mill mine of the company last evening, seven men are dead, and two are pain fully, but not fatally. Injured. Only one of the dead has been Iden tified. He Is an American-born miner ifttmed Sampson Luther. It Is believ ed the other dead are all foreigners, as •re the two Injured. The explosion occurred In heading No. 23 a considerable distance from the Ill-fated Klondike section, where 115 men lost their lives four years ago. The exact cause Is not known, but It Is supposed that the gas was fired by the putting off of a blast. All the men when found had their safety lamps In prorwr trim, showing that the nccldent could not have been caused by neglect In that direction. No damage what ever was done to the workings, and the mines were In operation as usual today. WIRELESS PROBLEM SOLVED BY DANE Special to The Gcorgtnu. Birmingham. Ala., Oct. 25.—Miss Funnle Fennell's return to her home here at midnight Wednesday wn* as mysterious as her disappearance Tuesday night, and although the police have been working on the case far 24 houra, her whereabouts during hor ab sence Is still unknown. When Miss Fennell reappeared at her mother's home she ' waa practically ‘dressed In men's clothing.. She does not remember anything that Has taken place during tho day. Site says she recovered consciousness - a ehort- time ago. and found Itereelf atone In o strange.- room from which she fled. She can nnl locate the houde, and, dots not know how she managed to And her mother's home. A brother of -Mis* Fennell, <!. (•. Fen- 1 ■tell, had offered a reward for his sis ter qnd the police \verc running down every report with the hope of learning more detain When the room was entered nnd the girl's absence first detected, a general alarm was given In the house. A search of tho room revealed the fact that not a garment was missing and the clothes the young lady removed Tuesday' night were carefully ar ranged on the back of a chair. The mother • Is of the opinion that a man entered the room, administered chloro form nnd carried her away. Left Letter to Mother. On a table the' following unsigned note was found: Mr. and Mrs. Sldebottom:* "Well, as I Have tried so hard to get' Fannie, nnd now I havo got her at last, there will be no need of you all trying to search for her, for I am going to Europe with her. It Isn't for money that I stole her; It's for love and love only. 1 love her os-1 never loved.a girl Wore. I have tried to forget her since [ have been In this town, but couldn’t. You need not worry about her now. for we will come back some sweet duy. Now, don't worry about her, for 1 will, take good care of her. Well, you can call this a kidnaping, or taking her,, for I love her and ouuld not help It. Don't worry, she will be my wife. 1 will close, so bye, bye.” Window Glass Rsmoved. Members of the girl's family' say that the man must have entered the room through a window. Glass had been removed. The hall door was wide open when Mrs.- Bldebottoin arose at 5:80 o'clock and went to her daugh ter's room. The door leading from the hall to the girl's room was locked and It Is believed the man locked It after him, going out at the from door. Mrs. Slaebottom reiterated the story told yesterday about going with her daughter on a pleasure trip to Denver, Colo., and of the mysterious letters her daughter had received when they re turned. The letters bore Birmingham post marks and < said tho writer had seen the girl In Denver, fallen In love with her and had followed her to Birmingham for the purpose of marry. Ing her. Hsekman Found. The police are of the opinion that It Is a canard. Still another report was to the effect that a gatekeeper at the union passenger station has seen i young woman answering Miss Fen nell’s description board an early mom Ing train. Places all down the road were telegraphed to, but nothing defi nite was learned. A backman has been found who says he drove a strange man to the house about 10: to o'clock Tuesday night. He was dismissed, as he could throw no light upon the subject. PURSE=WELLS PAPER CO WHOLESALE PAPER, PRINTING AND BINDING INTI N OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS G 16 1-2 E. Mitchell Street, ATLANTA, GA. “UNCLE REMUS" IN PARTY AT CONVENTTON BARBECUE GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS Visitors Offered - New Tiea. After Meet- • ‘ ing- • After the Carriage Builders’ National Association convention adjourned at lowing schedule: Total liabilities *61.- 1 o'clock everybody started for the old government building, where "Chief" Joyner had -prepared nn old-fhshloned Georgia barbecue. The. feast proved a revelation to many of the visitors from the North who had frequently heard of such a thing, but naver had tho pleasure of attending. About 2.000 pounds of beef, goat, pig and veal, and great quantities of the beet Brunswick stew ever made, were served to the visitors. Beer and salad wore side dishes, nnd there was a bountiful supply. This occasion proved to bo the feature of the convention. In the receiving party were Joel Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remua"). Mrs. Harris and the Misses Harris, who usslsted Mrs. Marshall Eekford, chair man. Only on one other occasion has Uncle Remus” consented to leave the Wren'ifi Nest" to take-part In a social guthcrlng, ar.d that was tho visit of President and Mrs. Kooseveit to At lanta, when Mrs. Roosevelt asked the pleasure of meeting this well-known writer. Bankrupts File Schedule, Hpeclal to The Georgian. • Columbus, Ga., OcL 25.—The S. P. Thomas Drug Co. of this city recently adjudged bankrupts, have filed the fol- 110: nsaets, stock In hand, *85,000; fix tures, *5,000, and open accounts, *3,500. Arrangement Committees Selected. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 25.—Miss Anna C. Bennlng, regent of Oglethorpe, and Mr*. J. S. Harrison, regent of George Walton chapter, composing the execu tive committee of two chapters of D. A. R„ have appointed sub-committees to take charge of the various feature* of arranging for the convention. Will Entertain State D. A. R. special to The Georgian. Columbus. Ga., Oct. 25. -Extensive preparations are being mad- by the lo cal chapter* Oglethorpe and George Walton, of the D. A. R. of this city to entertain the state convention of the order which meets here on Wednesday, November 21. London, Oct. 25.—According to In formation received here today, an en ttrely new system of wireless teleg raphy was submitted to the Interna tional wireless telegraph conference at Berlin yesterday. It proved an Im mense success. It Is the Invention of Vladimir Poul- sen, of Copenhagen. Its chief feature described as the substitution of u continuous llow of energy to the re ceiver for the old .method of Intermit tent sparks. It Is asserted that this new device for obtaining continuous Hertzian oscillations from the electrlo arc solves Immediately the much- vexed question of Interference between stations working simultaneously. Practically any number of stations within range of each other may now, It Is stated. Intercommunicate without fear of mutual Interference. MAY ACCEPT CALL TO BOSTON CHURCH Biierisl to The Georgian. Dublin Ga.. Oct. 25.—Rev. M. A. Jenkins, who for the past live and a halt years has been pastor <f f the Dub lin Baptist Church, resigned the pas torate Sunday to take effect on the first Sunday In November. His resig nation was accepted with great re luctance. The church here has not bad a pastor in many years that was given up with as much reluctance. Mr. Jenkins has recalved calls from many different churches, though none has been accepted. However. It Is probable that he will accept the call' from a church In Boston, Mass. PRIESTS OPPOSING SOCIALISTIC IDEAS Wllkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 25.—Opposing the spread of socialism among the for. elgn-born mine workers of tho middle anthracite coal fields, priests nt the Greek, 8lavl«h nnd Polish Catholic churches here are approving the for mation of an organization to oppose the re-election of the Mine Workers’ Union officers who are spreading socialistic doctrines among the men. Cannon Rldieulti Bryan. Danville, III., Oct, 23.—Speaker Jo- seph Cannon last night made the open. Ing speech of the congressional cam paign in Ilia own district. He touched upon the criticism of organized labor and ended with ridiculing William J. Bryan's public ownership of railroad utterance*. 1 ATTORNEY GENERAL IS EXCLUDED FROM GRAND JURY ROOM K|h cI*I to The Georgian. Charlotte, N. C., Oct. 25.—Judge Brawley, of the Federal court In South Carolina, has made an Important ruling affecting hla own and many other states, to the effect that the old-time custom of the district attorney or pros ecuting officer being permitted to re main In the grand Jury room during the actual consideration of a bill shall not be allowed any more. Th* matter came up in Greenville several days since, when Julius Hey ward argued a motion to quash a bill on the ground that the presence of the district attorney In the grand Jury room was contrary to the spirit of the con stitution. Judge Brawley declared that while the prosecuting officer could enter the room to question witnesses, the said officer could not stay with tha Jury while deliberating. The matter ■nay go to the United States supreme court. . CONGRESSMAN HOAR DOOMED BY ILLNESS Worcester,' Muss.. Oct. 25.—The con dition of Congressman Rockwood Hoar, who has been III at his home ln this city for several weeks. Is reported as being about the same tqday. The real cause of his lllnoss la rheu matic neuralgia, and ulthough he may live for several days. Congressman Hoar's death Is Inevitable, according to Dr. Baker, his physician. Unfounded Claim. Thumpen claims to be a composer of music." How absurd. He's only a disturber of !t."—Cleveland Press. Fall Protracted Services. Special to The Georgia* Oxford, Ga, Oct. 25.—The fall pro tracted services began here on Turn- day evening, October 22. Dr. George W. Yarbrough Is being assisted by Rev. B. F. Fraser, of Gainesville. The at tendance this year Is exceptionally large. New Lodge K. P.’s Organized. Special to The Georgian. Athena, Ga, Oct. 25.—A new lodge of Knights of Pythlaa waa last night or ganised at Union Point, a working team, headed by the grand chancellor of the state, Thomas H. Nickerson, do ing the work In the three ranks. Some of the best young men of Union Point are charter members of tbls lodge. To Diieuss Freight Condition. Special to The Georgian. Athena. Ga, Oct. 25.—This,afternoon there will be a public meeting of the cltlzene, merchants and all Interested In the matter, and the preeldente of the different rallroade, that enter Athens, will be conferred with relative to eome arrangement* to Improve condition* as to the freight business In this city. Party Cruising tha Coast Special to The Georgian. Brunawlck, Ga, Oct. 25.—The gaso line yacht. Florida arrived In port here yesterday afternoon with A. M. Barber, owner of the yacht; J. M. Sullivan, R. M. Fulton and A. M. Foye, all promi nent business men of Savannah, aboard. The party after visiting at Cumberland will cruise down the Flor ida coast. Deduction, " 'The race Is not always to the swift.' Don't forget that." , "Ha, ha! You’ve been betting on the ponies again."—Cleveland Pres*. Atlanta, Go., Sept. 22, HO*. Herring Medicine Company. City. Dear Sira: I regard HERBINO'S CATARRH CURE aa an excel lent remedy for Nasal Catarrh, Hay Fever nnd other kindred disease*. Being subject to attacks of Hay Fever at the approach of Fall weather I have recently derived great relief from the use of this remedy. I have also prescribed the CUBE to. others who have re ported the most satisfactory results from Its use. I can heartily Indorse the remedy as being pleasant, sffectiva, yet- harmless. (Signed) A. B. HOLDERBY, D. D.. ,Pastor atoore Memorial Church. $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUG STORES PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE r POLICIES A re the moat up-to-date and progressive C ontracts to be found, as they protect tho I nsured, during Us life time, F rom loss of INCOMB on account of I llness, Accident or TOTAL DISABILITY, A omblned with the usual payment at death. M any conditions arise, such as an U nfortunate Accident or Ill ness happening To the Insured, adding an U nusual expense in addition to causing A loss of Income, which make the L ife Policy of tho PACIFIC 1 • MUTUAL a blessing. v: Ife Insurance has become necessity I n the business and social world, every jnan F eeling the need of protect ing his E state while be has the pow er to do so. “FOUR IN ONE” it the “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." Information upon application. J. CLEMENTS SHAFER, MANAGER* 413—114 Peters Building, ATLANTA, GA.