The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 29, 1906, Image 10

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Want Ads Only Kent a Word No ad. taken for leis than 25 centa, the" prica of four lines. Six words of average length make a lint. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time .... 6 cents % lino. 3 times .... 5 cents a line. 6 times . . . . S!4 cents a Ijne. 26 times .... 4 cents a ine. 52 times .... S'/x cents a hne. 78 times . 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call AJa on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pa/ for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted Free. Li WANTED HELP—MALE... SIGHT SCHOOL—BO OKKEEP1NO. Shorthand. Typewriting etc., only 14 a month. Draufhon's Practical Bdflnesa Col* left. Piedmont Hotel block. 122 Peachtree. £85 nhone fitt. Call, phone or write tnr g italortie. It will convince you raugnon’a la the beat. BRAMRACII PIANOS. KENT LIGHTS. — OF qi; • _ leaat | in the end. Get the l»eat. 69 North Pryor WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. TYPEWRITER—ONE BRAND-NEW P08- WANTED-A HALLWOOD LEADER cash register; must Ih» In good condition. Will pay epot cash lor a bargain. W. J. Tlniina. Jeweler. 29 Whitehall street. WANTED—TO * BUY FLAT TOP*OAK desk. Must Itc In good condition. Ad dress Desk,.care The Georgian. MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME steel bank safes and rault doors; every thing In safe line. R. W. Ellis, Agent, 26 8. i Broad street. . WANTED—YOUNG MEN TO I.BARN pbsrmsc/. Apply to Dr. trenshsw Lnthle slrret. city. liar, aa/wbrrr. piarr jr>nr name wiib us. Tbr bnslnru mro apnrrrlM. mir methods of furnl.hlng help. National Emnlorrornt Association. 1022-108 . Centura building. Tbs Pioneers. LOOK! COMB ONI MEN AND ROYS' bslr cut 15c. shampoo 15c. since 15c, bund massage lie. electric 26c, SwelTest shop In Clt/.~ "Union barbers. Walker’., 3 tlanoct pises. WE WANT TODAY BTENO-nOOKKEEP- ers, typewriter* office tmy, nnd conks. OIaI.. n.i.lnn.. tlileasn US Kff tlonsl WANTED—RULER AND BINDER WHO can finish nud forward. Twenty per week. Wire when you enn l»e here. Val dosta Stationery Company, Vnldoatn, Ga. WANTED—THREE SALESMEN CAPA- Me of earning $80 a week; llbertl con tracts. Cull or write. Educational Publish ing Co., 16 Trinity srenue. \ peorsnee as anlesmea to handle mechanl- *1 proposition to mechanical workers. Ap tly to M. J. Brownell, Kimball house, 4 to p. m. and 9 to 11 a. tn. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN SION • Shop. Opportunity to learn a good busi ness; must l»e able to use bis head nnd his bands. Kent Sign Co., |)Vk North ITyor atrect. on the market for high class book men. Braud new but thoroughly tested. Salary or commission. Call or write. W. J. Gal lagher, 12.Trinity, avenue. WANTED-A MAN TO DO HOUSEWORK. Must understand how to Are a steam heat er. Good wages. Apply 821 Washington WK STANDARD OF (JrALITY IN GAH lights. Most light, least gas and cheapest In the end. Get the best. 6f North Pryor street, Y. M. C. A. building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. FIFTY GIRLS WANTED; NICE EASY work and good pay. National Pnpcr Com pany, 267-263 Decatur street. WANTED - WHITE CHAMBERMAIDS with experience, or women willing to learn. Apply Forsyth street eutrance Pled- hands nnd helpers. Apply ‘ KENT LIGHTS. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY IN GAS lights. Most light, least gas and cheapest In the end. Get the licet. 69 North Prtor Street. Y. M. C. A. building. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. COLD WEATHER IS HERE. We have the Goods. HEATERS. ItLANKKTN and COMFORTS. We Can Save Yon Money. . CASH OR CREDIT. We Repair. Pack nnd Ship. Bell Phone 1757. Kell Phone 1757. THE J. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO.. 41 and 43 West Mitchell St. BRAMRACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1128. BECHT PI/NO c^.. 62 N. FORSYTH. TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of sail makes Vmr specialty. West values nnd lowest prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. MORTGAGE SALE. FARM or im ACRE* UNDER moif and school*; ail the crops, stock and Im plements— everything must sell to satisfy : nnd Practice: PW paid: balance In $6 bimonthly payments; $4S Injya my Inter e»r. Box i.*j, Lavoula. Ga. 9 The bb-ni ITgli* "or r«-n<IIng »""ipn;. THROWS LIGHT DOWN, w N‘*fth l’ryor street, V. M. C*. A. building. THE NEW* GAR LIGHT LINDSAY INVERTED SAVES GAS. INCREASES LIGHT. CARTER A GILLF.SIME ELECTRIC! CO., 40 North Broad street. 'Phones 6000. THE FINEST GAS LIOlIT IN TIIE world. The Ideal light for reading or studying. THROWS LIGHT DOWN? 69 North Pryor street, Y. M. C. A. building. AGENTS WANTED. PICTURE AGENTS—SEND YOUR WORK to ui for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Coujpan/, 13A Peters strset, Atlanta, Ga. wanted—BOARD, COUPLE WANTS BOARD IN PRIVATE family; state location, convenience Immediately. II 23, this office. KENT LIGHTS. NOT THE CHEAPEST. BUT THE BEST of all gas lights, easy on the eyes; In creases your light; reduces your gas bill. 69 North Pryor street} Y. M. C. A^ building. WANTED—OFFICE. F. 31., care Atlanta Georgian. KENT LIGHTS. NOT THE CHEAPEST, BUT THE BEST of nil gas lights, cosy on the eyes; In- crensea your light; reduces your gas bill. 69 North Pryor street, Y. M. C. A. building. reward party giving It Into the Neal house. . viluii u4ins niiii'iii} (immi niHiu, n wmie pointer dog, with brown head and brown spots on hip. Answers to name of Spots. T-BITnfcn ON WERT PEACHTREE tween Howard and Harris streets, or t Harris street, between Peschtree end >. kVest Harris, a fonrlesr clover pin, nlmnt the slse of half dollar, with large dia mond In center; suitable reward If returned to Mrs. W. Montgomery, 61 West Harris street. FOR RENT—COTTAGES. FOR RENT—MY OWN HOME; SIX-ROOM rottage. All conveniences. Rest residence section. Special Inducements to acceptable party; on enr line: ten minutes* walk to •enter of city. Address Mrs. L. Bowden, Station B postofflce, city. MONEY TO LOAN. MONBT ADVANCED SALAIHED PEO- pie aad other,. American iDTMtm.ot Co., 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1890. WETMAN h CONNER*. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loan, on real ntatl. THE UNION 8AVINGB BANK BUYS on Improved Atlanta property a reason able rates. Bell phone 7#. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 TER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. H. B. Turman. ai’EclAL home fun:ia to lend; any amount, 4H. 1 and • par cot. YVrlto or ell 8. W. Canon. 74 8. Broad atrtet. FaRm loans—we aTiE FEacISo loans on Georgia farms at tbe lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgsge Company. Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-8 Tetnnle Court. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on uunthly payment plan; no demy; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 5 per cent ar.d up wards. according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 S. Brand afreet. HR AM BACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECHT PIANO CO- 62 N. FORSYTH. $25,030 TO LOAN ON CITY REALTY. Hums from $500 up. Address II. Bert Mitchell, 222 Century building. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE.. nud personal attention. If tt’a worth the itrlce we will sell It. C. U. Weils * Co.. UC« Fourth National„ Hank. THREE BEAUTIFUL ELEVATED LOTS In Analey pnrk^magnltlcent view; 46 by 276 feet to alley; Oft) each; city water, sew erage and street pavement. op portunity * for home or Investment. Hugh Richard sou. 1106 Ceutury building. KENTLIGHTS. NOT THE CHEAPEST. RUT THE BEST of all ga* lights, easy on the eyes; lu- creases your light; reduces your gas blH. North Pryor street, Y. M. C. A. building. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. DAVID \V. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. One “Ad” Sold the Place--- # , Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 25, 1906. Advertising Department- The Atlanta Georgian, City. \ %• Gentlemen: .. — I sent you an advertisement of one piece of property to run three times in your real estate columns. One insertion was all that was nec essary, as I sold the property at once. So you will kindly discontinue this advertisement and insert in its place the new one I am sending . you. Such quick, substantial returns from my advertisements are very gratifying to me, and I don’t consider that there is any better advertis ing medium in Atlanta than The Georgian. - d Yours Very Truly, . * . G. J. DALLAS. . DR. W. J. TUCKER. MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CURED at botne. without pain or detention from business: permanent cute guaranteed; free trial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 154 N. Brood atreet, At- lautu, Ga. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned nnd re-ibaped for 56c. Banda or eweata 25c each extra. Out-of-town order* work, .latest styles. Acme Hatters, 6Vi Whitehall street. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don't let ’em fool you.” Jim Barnstt (formerly of Burnett & Willis) Is not dead nor missing. He Is contracting wall paper and painting. Office nnd show room 12 East Hunter street. Roth 'phones 550. BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON Ain. W Penchtreo at. eoUdta lurpectlon, comgarlios and patronag*. ART SCHOOL. WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO VISIT Hlnppy's School of Art and Inspect por traits painted by bis largs daises. Corner Peachtree nnd Auburn. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE nEBT LOCATED LUMBER. COAL and wood ynrd around Atlanta, on Geor- gln railroad and Seaboard Air Line railway, at Mayson avenue. Edgewood. Ga. Also, ImproTinl nnd vacant property for sale nt a sacrifice. Owner In bad health. Coll or nhone, Atlanta 2527; Belt 8491 J. J. G. Foote. PALMI8TRY. MADAME MELLIB, The Noted Egyptian Palmlat, Can be conaulted on all affairs of life. She reunites the separated, causes n speedy marriage with the one of your choice, gives uainos, dates and facta In everything per taining to life or no charges. Egyptian Encampment, 93 Auburu avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS. LET UR DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build your houm. W, can aara yon monajr. Addrexa P. O. Box 175. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW YOUB PLANS AND build that dwelling home for you. It. D. Stafford, carpenter nod builder. College Park, Ua. BICYCLE 8UNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and aundry dletrlbntora In the South. Southern ngeota for lierce, Yule. 8n*ll and llndaoo Mcyclaa. Write fur our 1904 cattilogue and prlcu Hat. Alexander- Elyea Co. , MONCRIEF— ■ HE'S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Inntalts furnneva In old houses as well as new. He prepares a cellar If you hare none. Moncrief Furuace Co. Both pkonqa. MEDICAL. , KROMOPATHIC ilKJIEDIBJS CUBE acalp dlaeaaea and tuuku hair gtov. Kroin'a Medicated Soap uiakea you hy gienical)/ clean. ilO reare eucceea.| J. J. Krotn. apeclallat. «U "Thu Ornod." At- lanta, Ga. MES8ENGER SERVICE. . _ FOR PtlOMlT AND UELIAULE UBS- sengera, 'phono 5J. J. A. Davies and J. C. Branan. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS 4*Kll MONTH. * either Sluger or Wheeler k. Wilson. We reut only new machines wl»b complete set of nttaenments. Prompt delivery. Both •phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 79 Whitehall atreet. STCVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. 8TOVE8 AND RANGES ItEPAlUED AND net U|I. Expert workman. Patteraon Furniture hone*. IM Petere atreet i'honee, Atlanta 7411, Bell 7M wait. Wv buy any. thing TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINE* AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines aud over 10.000 records, immediate attention given mail orders. W# want cas names of all talking machine dealers lu the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. ROUNTREE fc BRtl. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail nud retiring. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 15?6. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches lire my bobby. Modern Ideas In work and dealings. 11. Waltet Lett. Room J21? Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINK’S SHOE SHOP. 122 PEACHTREE ST., OPPOSITE THE Candler Ride. Bell 2335. Men s sewed Half spies. «Sc. Phones 1253. 20 E. Hunter St. 1 gVESS'CST 3U. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. 6-ROOM, BRAND-NEW COTTAGE, NEAR GRANT PARK; LARGE ELEVAT ED LOT; ALL CONVEN IENCES, WATER, SEW ERAGE, GAS, PORCE LAIN BATH, STATIONA RY WASHSTAND; SINK IN KITCHEN. NOTHING LIKE IT TO BE HAD. 50x175, IN THE PRET TIEST BLOCK OF THIS LOVELY WEST END ST. IF YOU WANT SOME THING STRICTLY GOOD VALUE, SEE US. , $6,500~COLUMBIA& AVE 9-ROOM HOME, ON BEAUTIFUL LOT, 50x150. THIS IS WORTH MORE MONEY, BUT OWNER WANTS TO SELL, AND WILL MAKE GOOD TERMS ON IT. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and. Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OK Atlanta between the railroads, where there Is aoiuething doing very shortly,. a corner lot. 104x218; two old bouses on tbe lot, with room for four more. This la the jdncH to make some easy money sure. Price CLONK IN, ' ON dlt.ME * HT.-WIfinS three minutes' walk of tbe new postof- flee. A flrst-claas 4-room cottage; everything down in the street and paid for; this prop erty will sell for good profit In reasonable time. Homo terms cau be srrauged. Price <2.000. UHAND-.N'bW COTTAGE OF tfTST rooms, with all the city conveniences, near Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for $2,100, on terms of $330 cash nud $25 per month. You cannot beat this If yoii wsDt n home, A BAltdAlS iN A Lot IN fills PRUT- tlest part of North Boulevard, near An gler avenue, 47x140 feet to alley. Snap for $2,600. This Is tbe right place for a borne or a good place to build a house that will aell at a profit. 6-room cottage, with all the city venlences, large, elev ;ed lot. Price $2,700. Easy terms. . room cottage, all the cltv conveniences. Grant Purk for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy terms. hlriIM^S‘1) " AvfcNui: - laKiJW&od Heights. on*e half block from tbe ctr line; brand new, containing four i vated lot. 60x250. Price. $1,003. WEST LINDEN STREET—NEAR SPRING street; ulce almost new 5-room cottage home; all city convciiiencea; good car service. Price $2,100. Terms $400 cash auU $20 per month. street school; well built nnd substantL. cottage borne, containing live rooms and ball; all city coo venlences: elevated lot, 50 by 120 rest te alley. Price $2,250; easy terms. WlllfE PrtR A liERCRIPTION OF 6NE of the Itest plantations In Georgts. The plantation Is* fine, the price Is right uud the description Is very complete. Bell 'l*hone 2)27. Atlanta Phone ISS£ SALES DEPARTMENT: *. IIOOK R. C. EVE. WANTED! Have customer for desirable Vacant lots in 8th ward. List yours with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 2& Peachtree St. Al'COrXTIXO AND. ArniTINO. SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT* 014* 518 Temple Conti. Atlanta. Go. ‘Phone 1136, . Accounts lir litigation audited and report ed on. Investigation for lawyers, mer chants nnd corporations a specialty. High est testimonials. Correspondcuca luvitrd. A Pretty West End Lot We have one nice lot in West End, 50x150, with all improvements down,' for $1,000 cash. This lot faces east is between two residences, and has good trees oh it. FORREST 6k GEORGE ADAIR. Home On Peachtree Street For Less Than #10,000. New, splendidly bililt, 12-room house, furnace, wall? tinted, three bath rooms, fly screens and all conveniences of a modem home. Apply or address, OWNER. Telephone 1270. 303 Austell Bldg. HOMES. \ W. M. SCOTTi & CO., - , 1 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.’.’ CHEW ST. NEAR GEORGIA AVE.—A brand new 2-stonr 7-room house, modern and up to date. Only $3,250, and ou easy payments. NEAR SOUTHERN BV. NORTH AVE. yard, we have big bargain: 6-room house; only $850. Pay down $250, balance like rent, $16.66 per mouth. This house alone could not be built for less tbau $1,000. ON N. BOULEVARD WE HAVE NICE hnm*. In .very way anrh n ham, na one wonld like; up to date. Only 55,W0. One- half caah. THE ONLY VACANT LOT THIS 8IDE of Butler street, on Forrest avenue. Only $2,500. Easy payments. I,ot 50x160. CAPITOL AVE—FIVEROOM COTTAGE. near Georgia avenue. Lot 100x200. $4,169. Easy payments. MARIETTA, GA.—ONE OF THE CHOIC- est homes In that beautiful suburb; lot 100x475; 7-rooin cottage, modern and In every way a beautiful home. Baru, hot house, sheds, fruit and flowers. A gem. $6,000. GEORGIA AVE. NEAR GRANT PA1IK- Mlx-room cottage; lot extenda hack to an other atreet. 55.460. Ea«y payment*. WOODWARD AVE.. NEAR PAftK AVE.' Choice 8-room 2-storv bouse; new, modern and up to date. $4,000. Easy payments. KELLY ST—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE WITH gnx; water and porcelain hath; cara paat the door. Only 57.460. Eajy payments If • desired. OGLETHORPE AVE.. WEST END-MOD- ern 7-atory 7-room house; lot 49x190 to al- ley. 57,500 feta It. Terma If desljed. - 5 TENTH 8T., BETWEEN PIEDMONT and Myrtle. Vacant lot, 40x120. There are only n few left nnd this Is a choice x one. Beautiful residences are going tip nil around It. $1,250. 5 PAYNE AVE., WESTERN HEIGHTS— 7 good 3-room house, with hall; large lot. * room for another house, 80x120; nice grove; « rents for $6. Newly painted; $650. fboo cash and <10 per mouth. t | h ORME ST. NEAR BAKER-FOUR-ROOM $ cottage; doae to eat Hne; lot 50x150. Price $2,000. r AXG1ER AVE—T7VO-8TORY HOUSE, * with all conveniences; modern and In per- a feet repair. !x»t 50x150. Price $3,650. B CALL FOR L. F. BOWEN. e W. M. SCOTT & CO:, 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. n D 9 i » c FOR RENT. 421 PIEDMONT AVENUE. Til 18 TWO-HTOKY EIGHT-ROOM BRICK . on lot 49 by 129. which lies level. Is on the cast side of Piedmont u venue, Itttweeii Pino nud Currier streets; lias hot ami eold .wnter: porcelain Imth, closet, stationery washstaud, sluk In the kitchen; this Is one of the Sheehan bouse—Is tire one that has always been occupied by the family, hence Is In especially good repair; will lie va cant Novemlier 1. Rents $40 per mouth. 255 UnUltTLANIi STREET. F THIS TWO-STORY NINE-ROOM HALF house, on the east side of Courtisnd street, between Cain and Harris streets; the owner of this properly expects to put It In flrat-class repair. Rents $50 per mouth. JOHN «T. WOODSIDE, > THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn Avenue, \ Both Phonta (It. * A. J. WEST & CO.. C Second Floor Ceutury Bldg. ^ Phone 1754. \ PIEDMONT AVENUE-SPLENDID UP- A to-date new nlue-rootn residence; lieauti- foMot and floe surrouudlnga. Easy terms. woobWAhC aveNie-attIiaoti vfi eight-room home;, all modern conve niences snd In best part of street. Easy terms. $3,750. EI.EVENTII STRgET-ONi.V AVAIIJtm.E lot left on this magnificent wide atreet; f3 * 000 ' U 1 w Ui - BaBgaiS on PKAt iiritKE—oSti of the finest home* (hi the street: uear I*onre Deleon avenue; leas than $23,000. For iiesTLTHI list Vot'R reAL es- tato with u». aeven-room house Just being completed VERY NICE. talnlng five rooms and bath, on lot 50 by 80METIIING GOOD. Teachtree and Spring streets, two new & COMPANY, 510‘Temple Court Bldg. BELL PHONE am. S. B. TURMAN & CO. 1.000 fob a 70 hi 800; i WEST END. g. m. McKinnon; 520 Petere Bldg. (4.000—A AfcVKN-UODM MODERN UoMI on one of the finest north side sSiddi.- servant's room: lot 75 by 300 to nllev rwo-’ atory three-stall barn; car line. The whole In splendid condltlou. Terms. 55.(44—ON BoTKEVARD. .NEAR FTijT- rest avenue, mi eight-room house lu good condition: $5,000; terms. " ^ 53,ao FOR A NEW kl'I.f.MilIil.y IH'TTTP six-room cottage, corner lot to nllcv. ■» feet to cor lino; north side; teased n't til It Is a beauty. Terms. $53Q cash, bainnev like rent. 54.000 - EHOIT ROOM MODERN llorSE north side, servant's room; kimm! lot t 0 alley; car dine; renting at $27.a0. Terms. $1,000 ensha lialnnce $4') per month. *3.360 - BEAUTIFUL SIX ItOOM TWO* storjf house, new and modern: built for a home; north side; east front; corner lot; block to car Hue. Terms. \ 53.0*O-HF!iVE IS TltB CLOSE-IN Sl'llliril side home you have been brnkltig for m long. A sIx-rtNiin motlern cottage In snleu- did condition; nice level lot to alley. Great Improvements are under f«»ot. IxCsn thau five blocks uorlh <>f Candler btilldlux. Terms. Let us show you this, ns It Is worth tbe money. $4.006—CLOSE-IN Slx-KUUM COTTAGK, on Wllllitins street; good eorner lot: nrai- tlcally new, nnd In Imantlful couilfthm. Terms. *3.450—A CLOSE-IN fllX ltOOM COT'I'AiiB lu good condition; car. Hue; corner lot. Terms. 53,750—REAI'TIFli. EAST. lil'lN C I.DT «i.V Columhla avenue, 50 by 190 to nller; now < Imlng graded. Terms. - 51.040—THREE TIIKEEROOM NKIIIIO bouses In gotal condition: rent for $1H ,l»er 'year; never vacant. Terms. WANTED - A GOOD "SUl-lil SIHK' 1 salesman. lt. I1I.AIR ARMKTUOMI. Mnlramnn. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all make* second-hand and rebuilt Typewriter* at prices to move them. If you fall to let ua know your wants In thla line you will lose money. Write or call for “Special Salo List." Wo maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee tbe best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-23-26 Candler Bldg. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUY AND SELL HOUSES AND LOTS ou easy terms. U5 Auburu avenue. near Luclle avenue. Elevated. Cunningham place. <725—NICE LOT, ON GRADY PLACE. ern Improvements; In tine coudltlon: ou $1,750 - M’AFRB STREET, BETWEEN Simpson nnd Alexander streets. Five- •8,500—WEST NORTH AVENUE. UK tween Peachtree and “ * story nine-room house. $1,500-81 LorrJoj cottage. WEST SIDE. erythlng kinds of S. B. TURMAN & CO. - TREES. 1EW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, OLUMBIA AVE. LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF 50 FEET NORTH OF IR. BURTON SMITH, APPLY TC OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. *316 PETERS BLDG. 2249. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOODS. and oil other makes ut liargnlii price*. We can sell you a register, suitable for any business, at a price that cau uot help hut please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTER! 0/ ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND BOLD. THE SOUTHERN Secoud-Hand Cash Register Store, REAL SOUTH AFRICAN WITH PAWNEE BILL The South African village with the Pawnee Bill ahow- thla year la a new addition to the Far Eaat department nnd one that will be appreciated hy the many patrona of the ahow. Fortune favored.Pawnee.Blll’a foreign agents In aecurlng thla valuable attraction. M not only did they succeed In aecurlng the village with He native*, but their ruler ae well. With the rulera and the natlvea are aleo their queer Utile houaea and homea. In fact. It Is a vlt- lage In full operation tranaplanted from South Africa to thla country. At all the recent large expoeltlor.e the Afri can village haa been made one »f the strongoat attractions. However, they have alwaya lacked In genuineness and nntu-alneaa. The natlvea have Invaria bly been repreaented by eome colored race entirely foreign to South Africa, and It can be truthfully aald that the African village preaided over hy Chief John Tevl, with the Pawnee BUI ahow. la the Brat one that haa ever been reen with any exhibition In America COMMITTEE TO MEET The apeclal committee of the Cham ber of Commerce, appointed to I"°* Into the eatabllahment of a market ex change will meet thla afternoon at 1 o'clock In the offitfea of the Atlantic Compreea Company, In the Candler building. The committee la compoeed "f l "‘! members of every bualneea Interested In the eetabllehment of an exchange la. Atlanta. George W.' Parrott la chair man.