The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 03, 1906, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. u;.mih.i: 3. L**i. 18 NEWS OF THE SECRET ORDERS Conducted by CLAUDE NEALY. ADOPT DIG CLASS OF PALEFACES A pood number of the chiefs of old (vnianche assembled around the coun cil lire last Thursday sleep to witness i he adoption of a large class of pale faces. Applications for membership are coming In fast and -It Is believed that the present term will be as pros perous as the preceding terms. Those, present were shocked to learn of the death of J. D. Kirkwood, a long ilnie member of Comanche. Mr. Kirkwood was sick only a short wlille, and died early Thursday morn ing. He will be burled Sunday mom- ln S committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions on his death. Comanche will soon Institute new features which It Is believed will great ly Increase the attendance at the reg ular meetings. The plans are In charge of a capable committee, net, and live ly times are expected In old Comanche from now on. The amplified warriors degree will be conferred on a number of candidates m the next meeting. ;grand lodge of Georgia HELD MEETING IN MACON; * MANY MASONS WERE PRESENT MRS. EDWARD H. VAN NORDEN. Popular Pocahontas of Silver Cloud Council, 'No. 1, D. of P. OF OF N^wa come* from Montgomery to the effect that the dam of Beavers of that city will hold a big initiation on tho night of November 15, at which time it is expected that fully 150 members will he added to the roll. The Beavers are very ontftusiaatlc over tho proapectg for the meeting, anil anticipate that It will 1>e one of the most successful sessions ever held In the state of Alabama by that order. It Is stated that the dam will also move into new quartern during, the present month. These quarters nave been fitted up In good style and will form a splendid home for the dam. organiser E. W. Tripp, of Atlanta, Is in Montgomery and Is taking an active pnrt in the arrangements for the ap proaching meeting. ON TUESDAY SLEEP Tribe Has Splendid Officers. Great Future Pre dicted. On Monday, October 29. last, the board of trustees of the Masonic home met' In Macon, In the parlors of the Lanier house, at 10:30 o'clock. The affairs' of the home, us shown' by re ports for the past twelve months, were carefully examined. All the trustees present expressed themselves as much pleased with the management and the work of the officers and employees at the home. In,the afternoon the trustees paid a visit to the home and carefully exam ined all Its. appointments and talked with the Inmates and fully informed themselves ps to the detailed manage ment thereof. In front of . the build ing the Inmates have prepared de signs of the different bodies, from the Blue lodge to the'Knlghts Templar and Shrine. While not completed, these de signs gave,promise of much beauty and good effect * The truck farm was Inspected and the trustee^ were pleased and satisfied with the good showing therefrom. The live stock, especially the fat and healthy .looking pigs, showed evidence of good feeding and good breeding. The home was found In a*neat con dition and the inmates seemed to be satisfied. Tuesday morning at .10 o'clock, the grand lodge met In the auditorium. There were at least a thousand Mu- sons present. Many were present who were not members of the grand lodge. Tho meeting was held in the auditori um because the grand lodge room was insufficient to accommodate the attend, ants. The addre*4 of the grand master was read and many suggestions were round ly applauded. Upon his eonsluslon he FORTHE MACCABEES WAS OIG SUCCESS i ipl^m Chippewa Tribe, Red Men, held an enthusiastic meeting last Tuesday sleep at the wigwam. § It was one of those meetings that a Red Man enjoys, where the members are called together to have heart to heart tulks, dicsusslng the best plans for the upbuilding of the tribe. Chippewa has some of the best work ers in Redmanshlp In its ranks. Past Sachem Charles W. Harris is the live, up-to-date chief of records and Is always working to enthuse the members of his tribe. He has done much for the order and enjoys the confidence of his brethren. Sachem Hollis Is also one of the mainstays of Chippewa. Mr. Hollis has filled his stump with a dignity becom ing the office. The tribe has made good -progress during his administra tion. S. Boorsteln, keeper of wampum of Chippewa, has filled this stump several consecutive terms and Is an enthusi astic member. Je-L. Fowler, collector of wampum, Is doing Ills part In the upbuilding of Chippewa. • Past Hachem A. F. Lee Is one of Chippewa's big chiefs and Is well and favorably known throughout the reser vation of Georgia In Red Men's circles. Mr. Lee has represented Georgia in the nutlona! body of the Red Men. The meeting last Tuesday was well attended and will result In much good. Several visiting Red Men were present and participated*In the meeting. Among the speakers were. Past Sachems Leo Fresh, F. F. Smith, of Comanche: L. F. Mull lean, Cherokee, and others. A great future is predicted for Chippewa. received many congratulations upon Its excellence and eloquence. After the committees were appointed the grand lodge adjourned until the afternoon, when it re-assembled and the entire body carried opt to the Ma sonic home. They duplicated the in spection and commendation of the true- tees, and came back expressing much pleasure at their visit. At night there was held what the grand master delights to call a "love feast." Many short talks were .made and several good songs were sung. In fact, there was such a feast of good things that It was quite late before the meeting adjourned. During the speech of one of the officers he reached a cli max both of eloquence and of enthu slAsm by proposing a Jewel for the grand r*aster. The suggestion met with applause alid was adopted unanimous ly.. On Wednesday morning the election ras held, resulting In the re-election of ? 1I the old officers by a splendid ma- orlty, giving a hearty indorsement to their successful term. In the afternoon the committees went to work-upon the business affairs of the grand lodge and the rest of the session was taken up with business details, except that held on Wednes day night, when the district deputies exemplified the degree of Master Ma son to a large and. delighted attendance of broUiers. . ... Thursday morning the reports of th* committees came In fast and furious. There .■was some discussion, but with the exception of a very interesting de bate About instituting a new lodge In New Rockmart. business was rapidly dispatched. About. 12:30 o’clock the grand 'lodge adjourned, with hand shakings and good wishes, and all went home looking forward to a good year for the order and a splendid gathering at the next session. OIL TRADE OF ASIA SPLENDID CASTLE HALL IS PLANNED FOR ATLANTA BY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS The Knights of Pythias of Atlanta have started a movement looking to the erection in this city of a splendid cas tle hall, ns a home for all of the local lodges. The movement assumed definite shape this week at % a meeting of Geor gia lodge, at which time a committee was appointed to take up tho matter with the remainder of the local lodges and Interest them in the plan. The need of a castle hall In Atlanta has been felt for some time and a proposi tion to build such a homo has been con siderably discussed. Tho Knights contemplate the erection of a building to cost about $25,000. u structure that would form comfortable quarters for ull of the lodges and also be an ornament to tho city. The committee appointed at the meet ing of Georgia lodge is composed of the following well-known Pythians: Carlos Lynes, chairman; Newton 8. Thomas, W. J. Govan, Foster B. Vary and WT. W. Durham. John l).’s Concern Makes Its Own Terms in Heal;' By RICHARD ABERCORN. London, Nov* *.—The America u oil trust bus won another victory, ■ml the a)iolls the oil trade of Asia. In the struggle between Mr. Rockefeller end Asiatic Petroleum Company nml the Burma Oil Company. K the Htandnrd trust has made Its own terms with the two lesser concerns and mode them tight on Its aide against whatever other competition ay be left. The threw companies will In the future Jointly control the oil trade of India, while their Interests-are to he divided throughout oth**r portions of Eastern Asia. Each company will have a definite sphere of operations, without poaching on Its neighbor's preserves, and the combination *t twfht * ,l,y °M w >*bioii concern tho Mr. Rockefeller hns made a great coup In getting control of the nil field* of llurma. which are among the biggest and rlcheMt In the world. GREATER ATLANTA TENT PLANNING BIG RECEPTION Tent No, 2 of the Maccabees had ■plAndld entertainment Wednesday night nt their hall lu the Red Men’s wigwam. The Southern' Variety Company, which furnished the talent, received the highest praise for the splendid program rendered. The nudleuce was very much pleased with the show and encored every number sev eral times. The principal features of tbe program were ns follows: Rufus Andrews' slnglug of "When Dreams Billy Ktoeka In a laughable monologue mid Ids song, "Central, Give Me Back My Dime.” Raymond Alley's songs, "We Never j Seethed Bo'Far Apart Before" and "Where the HI Ivor Colorado Weuda Its Way," were j well n*eelved. Claud Adair gave a very clever exhibition j of buck and wing dauclng. T. o. Counally sang "Thf Hea Is My j Sweetheart." Mr. Connolly la considered one of the l>est bass singers lu this section. Parker and Andrews ns knock-abont song snd dance artists were yorjr funny and KilOls Parker'dirTwtiite'.plundlil buck nn.l j Ca j.? BU , ( ‘ et "' I'uve beojl mlomed wing dancing. Introducing several new nml I difficult steps. There Is great activity among tho Maccabees nil over the country at this time. The cool wedther has brought the members around the "camp fires” again In larger numbers than ever. There are more socials, parties, balls, fairs and entertainments being held this fall than ever before during the same time. Out of the 5,000.tents more than 900 have held some kind of a social so far this season. The Atlanta tents are very much alive. Gordon tent has Just had ’ a vaudeville show, and Greater Atlanta tent of the Maccabees, No. 10, will give a big ball and reception at K. and M. armory, 101-2 West Mitchell street, November 16. The committee announces that this will be one of the biggest social events of the season. Grady tent. No. 3, has a committee out that is making arrangements for an entertainment and ball, and La fayette tent. No. 18, Is going to have an entertainment next' month at Its hall. WILL HAVE FRONT ON PEACHTREE MAY ELECT JUDGE DANIEL GRAND SIRE OF THE WORLD Scotland Yard has a new chief who well known in New York. M. Froeat, the new superintendent of the criminal Investt- K tlon department of the metropolitan po- e, has often vlalted New York, and of late years lias been alinoat solely responsi ble for tbe work dope at Scotland Yard In connection with American cases. "One of the smartest all-round detectives Sent land Yard has ever seen" la the verdict of Froest's career aa a .detective Inspector. Ills ability and peraoverauee were displayed In many clever captures, and his ready re sources never left hint In the numerous •tight eorners” in which he found himself. Inspector Freest traveled to Argentina to arrest Jsbes Balfour, tbe "Liberator" Hwlnder. who has Just 1»een liberated after teu years' penal servitude. To .capture this man Freest had not only to overcome the legal difficulties connected with extradi tion. but also the opposition of the people with whom Uid/our was popular. Being - _ . -JJOtiVO that took Balfour to tbe coast, Froeat did the work blmaelf. Another historic case in which Freest was active was tho Jamusou raid, when the present prime minister of Cape Coloi pesred with Hlr John Willoughby am. •a In the dock at Bow street police court, hbmc of the cleverest and most daring crtiiiliiHls of modem times have been brought to Justice by Inspector Froeat, whose appointment to succeed Superintend ent Hare at the "C. I.-D." Is regarded aa tho best that could be made. Ill his detective work Froeat was helped by his appearance, which was nothing like the typical "lynx-eyed sleuth" of romance. He looked like n successful business man In his ordinary attire, but bnd nn extensive ward relic of disguises, and when lnvi>stl sting a case in the country he often np eared as a burly, ruddy-faced squire. Queen Alexandra runs at Sandringham n model dairy which Is the most up to date for Its mIxo lu Europe. With till'd floor and walls In bine and white and fitted with the very latest and most perfect appli ances, It Is a wonder of sweetness and ef ficiency lu the lacteal Industry. The royal dairy maids are coquettlshly at tired In blue and white cotton frocks, nud picturesque caps nml aprous. The dellcloui nutter which Is churned at the qucen'i. dairy Is all stamped In her majesty’s Initial and a crown, and a great deal of It la sent ns a gift to the queen's friends. During the I*ondou season Buckingham palace received dally a parcel of butter ami cream cheese from tlic Sandringham dairy. A practical pension scheme has been ceutage of his wages firm contributes a generous nucleus. Tbe amount of the pension Is regnlated by the amount of the wages earned by the employee, and the age nt which he com mences subscribing: but the minimum |h*u- slon for men Is $2.75, for women half that sum. These sums are sufficient to keep orkpeoplc who Imre outlived their use- ilness out of the poorhouse. The members of the Arm. like most of .the big English firms In the eo«tMi and choco late trade, nro Quakers and noted for their ... - ~ philanthropy. Railed the coif the Fudburlcs, who estab- At the big meeting of local Odd Fel lows Monday night resolutions were adopted expressing the hope that Judge R. T. Daniel, of Griffin, jnAy be chosen to the high office of grand sire of Odd Fellows of the world. The complete plan, for the beautiful j J “ d * e Daniel buildlng, which-Atlanta Mason, will, *' retl anartdrcM before the meeting, a ml erect on the corner of Peachtree und — ■ - - ■ ■ ■ : much enthusiasm was aroused. Judge Daniel Is at present grand repreienta- tlve from Georgia, and has held this office for fifteen consecutive years. The Odd Fellows of Georgia believe he will win the office of grand sire, as he stands high among the leading mem bers of the order throughout the coun try. The plans call for a structure which j would be a fitting home for any lodge, Mlaa Kadlc I'ercivnl made a lilt Hinging i j n the South. In fact, It will be one of j ?ml T’ff.Vle^Nack 1 |n°a i ^lIi7lt/’ U * Mho rl'cel vet! I ^e most elaborate secret order homes a bee nt Ifni hnumiet from nn admirer who j in this section of the country. Instead learned through The Georlgnu that she was j n f three stores on the ground floor as I ‘sir. ami Mrs. M. F. Smith played several ^ b f<*" originally planned, there will ■••lection* on the mandolin nml piano. j bo only The famous Southern quartet. Parham ' The main entrance will be on Peach- j ••rather* nml Cointully, snug several new I tree Instead' of Cain street. On tho : M-i.'.-tlon* and two old favorites, "When former street there will ho a large,! «i,|,|»|. i double-door arch entrance, leading to a i tiring the Intermission 1 list I onimander | D>ninir thronirli to tin* i-pjii* of the l.eo Fresh of Gordon Teut made a splendid i haIi Hotng tnrougn to me teat or tne •"hire** about the Mapenliee*. i structure. The home will be elabo- _______ rntely furnished. ! An advisory meeting of prominent I Masons of Atlanta will be held Satur day night,, ut which the plans for ruls- I ing the funds will he discussed and de cided upon. The probable cost of the ! building will he in the neighborhood of $200,000. ON BIG MEETING IAL ARRANGING PLANS::; JUDGE DANIEL GUEST OF HONOR. Judge R. T. Daniel, of .griffin, was the guest of honor lust Tjjpfay night at one of the largest gfltaQtfngs 1 of Odd Fellows known In AtlffTTO In some ... | time. i The meeting was held In the Odd Thursday, night was the regular husi-. Fellows' hall, at Broad and Alabama "'■M meeting of Colonial company. No. D. , street*, and was Under the auspices rdforra Rank. Knights of Pythias. «"* of r tt pltal lodge. The hall was crowded * v 0 ’ r rmf All matters pertaining to the Thungsglv- t,M ‘ city and, in addition, man) \l»lt- »•* boll were placed In the hand* of the J Ing members of the order, following committee: Lee F. Terrell, otl* I Judge Daniel delivered a splendid u«J- " iiherspoon. Loul* Manly, J. E. Dickerson dress, which was greatly enjoyed by "»l A1 Crulckfchank. Ticket* were placed, aJJ present. The speech was an clo the hand* of all thq member* ami nt quern effort and was replete with points • uickshank’N cigar atores. If U planned to > arid information of value to Odd Fel- uiMke this hall notable among Colonial s lowshlp. ‘■"inpany's successes. The company voted tnmnlinouidy to nt- '•nd tbe lodges of the city lu uniform Whenever possible. They also accepted nn from Filiform lodge, No. 1J3. to In foil uniform next Tuesday night, -•Mist In conferring the amplified third also delivered an \ **' * vrT **d* Judge Daniel was followed by J. T. { Pate, of Llthonla. division deputy ; grand master, excellent address. Another splendid feature of thfc occa sion was the conferring of the second degree. Tile worR was #|onc by the drill team of Capitol lodge and was i In a Filiform lodge. No. 123. Knights of Pyth ias, held a most enthusiastic mooting lust Tuesday evening. Business was trans acted nud the work done with that vlru and snap so characteristic of filiform lodge. Knpreine Representative Hamilton Dong- la* made an eloquent and tno*t Interesting mid eiitertaiiilug report of the recent con vention of the supreme lodge in New Or leans. nt which matters of vital Interest to the order were considered. Many good talks for the x«h*m| of the or der were made on tbe principles and teach ings of Pythlnnlsm. which were of great benefit to those who heard them. Tiie rank of Esquire was conferred on three candidate*, who were dnly and thor oughly impressed with the Icshoii taught in that rank. The uniform rank was Invited and will attend next Tuesday night nud partici pate* in conferring the rank of Knight In amplified form. A large company of uni form rank men 1* expected to Is* present. The master of work says hi* team Is lu fine shape. Hampton lodge, n newly tn*tituted lodge fu Hampton. Qa., will visit Filiform lodge hn -till* ocehfilon, and u large attendance I* expected. “Tafts FULTON REUEKAHS PLAN GOOD MEETING Fulton Rebckuh lodge. No. 14, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, requests all member* to he present’at tbe next meet- Ing Wednesday evening. November 7. at 7:$) o'clock, nt the bnTl In Odd Fellows' Temple building, corner Moore and Decs- tur atreeta. Business important to all the members will bo transacted, and u general good meeting Is expected. It Is hoped no mem ber will miss this meting. Good aud Interesting meetings nre held at every aea- nhvay* t'lgnrs • and the iii*-iiiiN*r*iii|» n» •, . . —■ to a pleasant wlutei* in - l*nuil lodge. iMr new armory, low \\Y»t Mitchell street. • Visitor* were present from nil *ec- a large mini tier of social event* an* tion* of this district, which embrace* p.anuwl, which will nffonl the tiiemlier* and ; tho following counties: Fulton. l>e- 57 hjuSKi * ucka,k ' ciftjton anu BalSfrMge! OrnTnUt thi-! * The nicotlng was thotoughly cnjo> - grand lodge. . able lii every respect. FUNERAL NOTICE. Tint chief* nml member* of HI her Clond e i-i.WI. N«. 1. fh- greo of pocjili iire hereby by requested • «t the Red Men's V» u Kuuduy morn ing. Xoumi tv 4. at !• o'eloek, t«» attend funeral of Itruther J. It. Kirkwood. In terment Hill lie lu Hollywood cemetery. MHter council* nr« urged to intend. MUK K. II. VAN NOIIDEN, Pocahontas. slon. Come oat next meet etjre will be enjoyed ' ting a and yonr 'pres- L.' PHILLIP*. SILVER CLOUD COUNCIL NAD SPLENDID MEETING Silver Cloud Council, No. 1, degree of Pocahontas, held a regular session last Wednesday sleep at the wigwam. The meeting wa* well Attended and the council Is beginning to boom. En thusiasm ha* been stirred up Among the members und good work Is being done. The present chiefs of the council are Pocohcntuft. Mrs. E. H. VanXorden; Wenona, Mia* Autle Tuggle: keeper of records, Bister Livingston; cot lector of wampum, Mister Bernice Bradley; keeper of wampum, Mrs. F. F. Smith; Powhatan, <*. B. Johnson. MACCABEE LADIK8 EXECUTE FIXE DRILL Jenifer lllve No. 7 of tin* lanlie* of the Marrntice* had a very cuthuNbistlc meeting Tuesday evening in Maccnl»ee hall at Mari etta street and Ponder* avenue. ' Plan* were made for an active campaign for new members. Tbs drill team gave a splendid drill, vteentVM several Interesting and difficult .atvrmcnte. after which a nice luucb was served. EVERY SUNDAY Athan*. Ga., and Rttum. Only. One Dollar for the Round trip. Trains leavo the Union Depot nt 7:20 a. in. Cheaper to go than it la- to stay at home. Remember just *1.00 SEABOARD. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. one yearTnTrison ANO FINES OF $1,000 FOR 2 MOONSHINERS Mp«.'lal to Tin* U-orflau. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 3.—George A. Raynor and 8. H. Hall, white tnen •aid to own considerable property In Cumberland county, have been con victed In the Federal district court (or Illicit distilling. Judge Purnell sen tenced them to pay a tine nt 11,000 and to serve a term of one year each In the Atlanta Federal prison. NEW ENGLAND FARMERS LOCATE IN CAROLINA bpeclnl to Tbe Ueoralsu. . Wilmington, Si. C„ Nov. 3.—The Car olina Trucking and Development Com pany,, which owns 250,000 acres of the beet truck lands In eastern North Caro lina, hea just settled a colony of New England farmers and market gardeners near Whltevllle on the Atlsntlc Coast Line railroad. Hhoutd these truckers meet with success a large number of others wilt be brought South by the same company. Several colonies of picked foreigners have also been lo cated on trucking land a few miles north of Wilmington. NEW SLEEPER ON W. & A. R. R. TO CHATTANOOGA. Effective at Atlanta, October 27th, and Chattanooga. October 29tb, the \V. & A. Railroad will operate on Its trains. Nos. 3 and 4, Pullman sleep ers between Atlanta and Chattanooga, train leaving Atlanta at 8:50 p. m.. and passengers can remain In same until 7:00 a. m. next morning in Chat tanooga. returning passengers cun get in sleeper at Chattanooga at 9:00 p. m. and arrive Atlanta 7:10 next morning. C. E. IIARMAN. General Passenger Agent. ROUND TRIP And Cheap One-way Rates -TO- CALIFORNIAAND NORTHWEST Round trip Summer Excursions from all points East to Pacific Coast and Northwest until September 15th, with special stopover privileges, good returning to October 31st, 190fi. CHEAP COLONIST ONE-WAY TICKETS TO CALIFORNIA AND NORTHWEST FROM AUGUST 27th TO OCTOBER 31st. Use the splendid through service of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC from New Orleans, or UNION PACIFIC from 8t. Louis or Chicago to destination with Steamship Lines to Japan, China, etc. Round trip tickets account Baptist Convention, San Francisco and Los Angeles, on sale from Sept. 2d to 14th, final limit October 31st. WRITE ME FOR RATES AND INFORMATION, J. P. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agt., 124 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. R. 0. BEAN, T. P, A. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The foUowlnff**ohHluh» flfwraa publlahed only a* Information, and are not gnarant—d., I.T. Atlanta if. +.) Ar. Toceoa (K. T.) Ar. Spartanburg. ......... Ar. Cnarlottc Ar. Washington • • • Ar. Kew York. 12:01) nl g't 2:23 n.m. S.43 a.U). 9:20 n.m. 9:20 p.m. 6:30 n.m. 7:5o n.m. 12:07 p.tu. :t:5T> p.m. 6:40 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 12:00 noon 3:35 p.m. 6:08 p.m. 8:1$ p.m. 12:43 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 8:60 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:06 n.m. 4:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. CHATTANOOGA. CINCINNATI AND THE WEST. 1 13. 7. 16. | Lv. Atlanta Ar. Chattanooga Ar. Cincinnati Ar. Isoutivllle Ar. Chicago 5:30a.ra. 9:47 n.m. 7:49 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:10 n.m. 7^5 n.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 9:55 p.m. 8:10 a.m. 3:46 n.m. 6:20 p.m. ' \ JACKSONVILLE. BRUNSWICK, ETC 1 !«• 8. 10. i4. israsfittr.y. v: Ar. Cochran. . Ar. Jeaup Ar. Brunswick. Ar. Jackaouville 6:15 n.ui. 1 9:20 n.m. 10:30 n.m. 2:S p.m. 4:25 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 12:15 p.iu. 2:40 p.m. 4:to p.m. 7:10 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 3ESSSE dJasva S8SSSS :::::::::::: | 23. 1 *■ I is. l.v. Atlanta Ar. Austell Ar. Ttllspooss J Ar. Anniston Ar. Birmingham 4:00 a.m. 1 7:00 a.m. 4:33a.m. 7:35a.m. *. 6:20 a.m. 8:od a.m. .’7:48 a.m. 10:08 n.m. 40:15 a.m. 112:05 p.m. 4:26 p.m. 5:0n p.m. 0.-24 p.m. 7:38 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 6:16 p.m. 7:06 p.m. 9:30 p.m. ————“i- 1 —— n 30. 22. Lv. Atlanta Ar. Williamson Ar. Fort Valley 4:35 p.m. li Lv. Atlnntn 6:26 p.m. II Ar. Wllllnmaon 8:25 p.m. II Ar. Columbus 6:30 n.tu. 7:25 a.m. 10K» n.m. HIa 9:00 p.m. tnlnul Station. Thone 4900. ‘ PROGRAM FOR STAB NEXT WEEK With Saturday's routines nml night performance the Star will closo one of the most successful 'weeks It has had this year. The management announces that their next week's bill will bo even larg er and better than till*. Next week inoro vaudeville features will be Includ ed In the bill and a large musical pro gram Is promised. Miss Jennie Do I mar, the favorite contralto singer, will appear In a vocal sketch. Dolly and Dick Barry will do a song and dance stunt. Many new |,eoplc will appear and an unusuully large chorus of pretty girls will take part In the program. An Interesting feature of the bill will be the new moving pictures, which are said to lie of the best. Tills bill will be presented all next week, beginning at next .Monday's matinee, with usual matinees. cuoniug (lit Arrival *i.u of I’a* auuxur Train* of thy Following lU»*<i«: WkMSIttl AM, ATLANTIC UAILUuAl, No.—Arrive From— I No.—Depart To— • 1 Naibrllle.. 7:Mam(- 3 Nsshvllle. «:35 r~ WAITER GIRLS CAME BACK IN SHORT TIME J. T. William*, **ecretar>'-l!Yu*urvr of the Durand Restaurant Company, state* thut the report puhlUhed Friday ufternoon to the effect that the waiter* employed ui the Alabama street house had gone on »i strike following a dl*- turbance with a Yuatomer Thursday night, wa* an error. He state* thut but two girl* left and they afterward returned. FBNTKAL OF GBOlUitA ltAlfWl v "Arrive From— j Depart to— • Kavnuiiali ... 7:10a.m.[Macon 12:01 n.i J*ek*oiivllle 7:u0a.ra. bkvannuh ... »:Wa.t Miicoii ll. Wa.nj.jMacon 4:00 p.r Hum ninth ... 4:15 pan. Havannab ... 9:15 p.r Miicoii ,.— 8:10|Jnek*onvUle 8:» p.r ail. A St A AN u WttrtT rulM bail- •Selma It:40 atarMontgornery 5:39 am •Montgomery. 7:40 pmJ*Montg’m’ry.l2:46 pm •Selina.... . .11* pmf»8elmii....... W pm LaGrnnge 1:20 amlLaGrange.... 6.30 pm •Montgomery. 3:40 pm|*Montg r m'ry.U:15 pm ^ •Daily. All other trains dally except Sud- /it trains of Atlanta and West Point Uallrood Company arrive at and depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner of Mltcbetl ntreet anil Madlaon avenue. GKOKU1A KAlUtUAl). Arrive From— •Aufustn 6:00 i Conyers...., - •' .. 45:45 urn fm am •Augusta.. . .12:30 pm Llthonla 3:25 pm •Augusta 1:15 pm ^ Depart To— •Augusta 7:45 i Llthonla 10 ; os t Covington.... €:15 poi lly. All other trains •Augusta 11:46 i dally • HF AI JO AUD A lit LINT; UAII.WaV. Arrive From— 1 Depart To— Washington... 0:30 amBirmlnxbam.. am Abbeville 9:45 a ml Mon roe....... 7:20 aiu Memphis 11:43 am New York.... 12:'/) m ’ “ “ bevllle.... AM pm “ >hla 6:00 pm Ingtoo... 3.*00 p:u pbL —, New York 3:30 pm Monroe 7:40 Birmingham.. 7:45 .— Shown lu Central time. RAILROAD SCHEDULES and WHISKEY HABITS cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticular.* *eut FREE. _ It. M. WOOLLEY. M. D. Office 104 N. Pryor S» reel. New Court Houaa Completed. Spwlal to The Georgian. Muriixon. Gu., Xov. 3.—The new court house I* about ready to l»e turned over to the county. The contract price won $40,000. The building reflect* i-redll upon the board ot commissioner*. AWNINGS] TENTS UPHOLSTERY /'VAIER l VOLBERG ISO So. Farayth St.