The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 08, 1906, Image 14

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— ’HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. U F.nNESDAT. I'EMBEniwi. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONEY TO LOAN. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW TOLU BLANK AND build tbst dwelling bouse for yon. BICYCLE SUNDRIES, i-l! ik'ii -I. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST No ad. taken for less than 25 cents. Six words of average length make a line. The following ratea are for consecutive insertions: Sooth. Southern aaeots for I'lerce. **f. Snell and Hudxon bicfcles. Wrlte fwoor 1906 catalogue and price list. Alexander- Ely** Co. MONET ADVANCED H ALA III ED I’EO- pie and others. American Investment Co.. 704 Candler B!d(. Established J«0. WEYMAN St CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. parch*** money notes end lends money on Improved Atlanta property e reason* able rates. Bel! phone 768. Gould Bldg, cents a line, cents a line. 4'/a cents a line. 4 cents a line. 3Vz cents a line. 3 cents a line. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. IT,,nipt serv Ice II,Ml phone 5374. .Allonts IVnrku, :-X) Merlett. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Meeeenger Service. Call TJe on Bell Phone 4927 Mein, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. MONCRIEF— HE'S THE MAN THAT HEI.LM HOT AIR. Installs furnace. In old h-m.-os as well .. new. Hr prepare. s_ ntlaiU.f?» •*«« none. MoncrlefFuraace Co. Both phone. When Ssnding Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. MESSENGER SERVICE* FOR PROMPT AND FEMABLB •enters, ’phone 33. J C Brsnan. WANTED HELP—MALE. NIGHT SCUOOD-B OORKEGPI NO, Shorthand. TypawrlttBf. «rtr. only 94 a month. Dranghon's Practical Boalneee Col* tegs, Piedmont Hotel block. Ut Peachtree. Bell phone 989. Call, phone or write for catalogue. It will eoovfoc DraoaDon's Is the beat. SEWING MACHINES. RENTER-TWO DOL! AUS PER MONTH. Wither Singer or Wheeler A Wilson We rent only new machines of attachment*. Prompt^, dellve^r. fered; small expend* and prompt attention. Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. >. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 4H. 6 and < per cent. Write or call 8. W Carton. 24 8. Broad street. FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farm* at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company. Qonld building. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bldg. 12,330—THIS SIDE GRANT PARK have the prettiest cottage of four rooms, hall mid batb; has every convenience; wa ter. gna, thi th. sewerage. Lot 45 by 200: shady; Ideal little .home In a good neighbor hood, two blocks of acbool; }500 cash, bal- u»e Hke renL $4.‘">A—LOVELY HI’BLUB AN Il6ME ON ■■PHHPVHHV. one of ground, aervntit's bouse, barn. chick* yards fenced off. large orchard, yowng ui •rted trcea Just In their prime. Thickly i-ttletl neighborhood, not far from car line jSS Herman. rooms 902-9 Temnle Court. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend oo mjnOOjr payment plan! ho dotty; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 5 per cent and up wards/ according to desirability of lotn. W. A. Foster. H 8. Broad street BRAMRACn PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1*29/ PIANO CO.. 42 *X.» FOftSVTlI Both The Pioneer*. BRAMBACTf PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1923. WE WANT TODAY STENO-BOOKKEEP era, typewriters, office boy* and rooks. Glebe Business Bureau, 418 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone. Main 4399. LOOK! COME ON! MEN AND BOYS’ hair cut lie, shampoo 15c. alnce 15c. bond maaaajre lie. electric 29c. BweiTest afaop in city. Strictly firat-cliu barber*. Walker'i 3 Viaduct place. tf WANTED-STEADY, RELIABLE NEWS •ad Job printer; permanent Job to right man. State salary expected. Free I Teas. Qnltmao, Ga. WANTED-LAW TEACHER. . 2 HOURS dence; give terma. aft’ertioons on which you will receive student. Address Student, WANTED—-AT ONCE—FIVE 8TENOORA pbera: manager for laundry; commissary Hark; frietlon and hydraulic engineer: Al • lotbin* salesman; shoe salesman; assistant l»ookkeeper and stenographer; lady book- keeper: expert typewriters; girls to fold • Irculars; help In every line needed now. National Employment Association, 1022 1023 Century building. W ANTE I>—COMPETENT REMINGTON eiieratora furnished positions. Remington Typewriter C'o., 118 Peachtree street. WANTED—THREE BOTH TO WORK. |.f SPRING BED FACTORY. ROUTHEHN SPRING BED COMPANY. BELL STREET AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. to S7S. We are r ..... __ ... poaltlops every u*y. tf you wish a good position call on *us. Bellamy Business Agency, 133ft Candler Bldg. WANTED-YOUNO WHITE MAN' OF good disposition and steady hablr* to train for sanitarium nursing. Apply 32? Whitehall street. Whitehall street. 6TCVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGE* UBl*AlllKD AND Ml up. Expert Wlteno. Furniture house, 2M Peters strsel. ■Phone., Atlanta 2472. Bell 7*4 w»»t. Wo buy 10/ thing. TALKING MACHINES. TAT.K1NO MACHINES AND RECORDS Wholesale end retsll distributors of VIC' tor 'rethink Mnehlnen »nd Records. Just recetred Urge cons'innit-ut of inechlnen and orer 10,0M records. Immediate attention .Iren mall order.. We went tae nemea of ell talking machine dealers In the Hontb. Write for eatalugue. alexinder-Llyr* Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. ROUNTREE A BKO. TRUNK AND JIAO CO. Retnl^ and retiring. Nr Whitehall street. Puone 1 WATCHMAKING. „ „ TO THE TRADE: C O M P LIGATED wntchea am my hobby. Modern hieee In work and deuilogs. U. welter LatL ^loOGl 1217 Fourth Natfonnl Dank Hldg. Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 192 PEACHTREE ST.. OPPOSITE THE Candler Bldi Bell — * Ida. Men ■ newed half »ole«. Tic. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. COLD WEATHER IS HERE. We have the Goods, nEATERS. BLANKET# nod COMFORTS. We Can Have You Money. CASH Oil CREDIT. We Repair, Pack and t Ship. Bell Phone 17Cm. Bell Phone 1781. TUB 3. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., 41 and 43 West Mitchell 8t. typewriters. Second-hand typewriters of nil makes ir specialty. ’ H**t values and lowest prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, “l North Pryor atreat, Atlanta. Ga. SOMETHING It AND NEW ,, four vehicles . Call at 52 West Mitchell mid let show yon. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co. MAGAZINES AT BEST CUT RATES poaslltbs IKK)ka also; bt»ok* In sets by ataudard nmhors. on Installments, agents commission* w: catalog* free. *Co-opera* tlve Rort84C4>y!»fH Peachtree St.. Atlanta, WANTED HELF-^TCIW ALg. and eighteen years, to assist work: steady position. Address In own handwriting, with reference*, f. C. C., P. WANTED HELP—Mali and Female. BRAMBACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECHT PIANO CO.. « N. FORSYTH. AGENT8 WANTED. F—f rireet. Atlanta, th. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—TWO GENTLEMEN TO ROOM with board: near In; 110 Capitol avenue. Bell 'phone 5464 tnalu. sliced ham, chickens, eggs, flub and game. Garner Market, S3 Decatur street. Boll lffi, Atlanta 55u. FOR 8ALE-AN EDISON STANDARD phonograph, In flrst-clns* condition, prnrtl- rally netv. aud about 4') records, among which are iHipulnr and sacre»l songs nml Instrunientnl inuslc; must have cash and will sell cheap If sold at o»ee. 67 L. fair WANTED—MONEY. care Georgian. CENTRAL PROPERTY. All Who Hnve Bought Wifli- in the Last Year-Have Made From 'Twenty-Five to One Hundred and Fifty Per Pent. I WILL SUM. THE DUST LOT. 2*1 FEET street frontage, centrally located, for 9k).- 000: one-half cash, balance at 5 par cent per annnm. Also 200 feet on railroad by 2to on street, with buildings worth 912.000, for the small mi of 925.MO. half cash. Also 4<V) feet on railroad by 225 deep >r $to per front foot. Total 916.000. All the ttltove property Is worth not less von $115,000. Can take one or nil. 2.VM-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. THIS SlDE .. « _—9 pU . can't help but like It If you hare an eye to the tteautlful. Easy terms. J2.tiV, K | \-ItOO M Easy h <OTT. A(iK. 5JT this home, r,!>»'-siNu-nt)oM JAI'KSOS .STREET hoinr. on iit M by ISO. T. SnciicaTly Ink. of condition. Pret brand-new and In pli , tlest block nr this street, and you will agree- with na we believe. Easy terms. h.wo-nuab makiutt'a htSuEt AND J«»nes avenue, we have a beautiful flv room brand-new cottage on lot 381-3 by 120 t has water, gas and sewerage. Owner has refused to r**nt this at SIS time and again. This la something you ought to hvok after Very easy terms. . easy t l.’.iVO—NUAIt INTERSECTION SOl'fll nuc, we have tin r e In the neigliborboofl of tlvc corner lot. You will be atir- prised that this lovely cottage can ho had Cost over 97.WW, and is practically new. We will only give Information on this at the office, t'nu make aotne terms to right party. S. B. TURMAN & CO. 98.900—NINE-ROOM HOUSE (WITn 8EP.V •nt'a room In baaement); first class In all D’speets; fronting wist; by all odd# the finest lot on Myrtle street, between Eighth and Tenth streets. Built for home by present owner. If yon want some jg — - , blocks of Tenth street school nnd one block of Piedmont park),this Is yonr opportunity. Hewer, water, gas and electric lights. 93.750—SEVEN-ROOM IIOIHE, CORNER Piedmont avenue and Linden street: nil Improvements, and within two blocks of Peachtree street. 94.000—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE; LARGE THE GEORGIAN, A. J. WEST & CO., CENTURY BUILDING ’PHONE 1754. NORTH HIDE 1103115-200 FEET FROM »Nt fashionable part of Peachtree; mod- Shade and pret!y__lnwn. Two story UUTH HIT nest In Atlanta; hnrdwood tlulsli. No l*et ter surroumllngs; larje lot: bnrn. carriage hoosa. Actual i 915.000. fcAriltllEfc" ♦2J.00U, .Might grt It for HOME -l.ilf NEAltl.Y *» feet deep. Two-story, shite roof, splen did residence. Servants* Inlinestables and arrlage house; 115.000; number for IlS.OOi); Peachtree, near Ponce Del .eon avenue. NHTALOiUNT PLACE (iOOD L6fT street, or phone Bell 5367-J. MISCELLANEOUS. all-soon) cottage; water, gaa. nofee lain hath: |wved street, electric cars; 92.500; only 125.» cash, Iwtlance 925 per mouth. 999ft—SPLENDID LOT ON LUCILB AVE- nue, near Park street, West End. Improvements. S. B. TURMAN & CO. WANTED! Have customer for desirable vacant lots in-8th ward. List yours with L1EBMAN, Real Estate-—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME •teel hank aafca nnd vault doors: every thing In ante line. R. W. Ellis. Agent. 26 8. Broad street. THE NEW GAS UGtlT LINDSAY INVERTED SAVES GAS. INCREASES LIGHT. CARTER A GILLESPIE ELECTRIC « 4) North Broad street. 'Phones 500. NO. 35 CONE 8T.A SELECT BOARDING bouse for young men; one vacant room. T«7»phon> 77401.. tlrkfli. DAVID W. VARBROUGII. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. FOR RENT—ROOMS. ron HUNT-THREE OR MORE NICELY fuwUhed rooms with or without men Is. Deafnihle location. Apply 108 Trinity nve- nue. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. IF YOU nAVB PROPERTY TO SELL, place It wltb pt; ws girs it our special «nd prnxm.l attention. If It's worth the price we will sell It C. II. Wells A Co.. U64 Fourth National Bonk. ART SCHOOL. wanted-the prune to visit Slappy's School of Art and Inspect por trait* painted by bis large classes. Corner Peachtree and Aoburn. OLD HATS MADE NEW. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE. $1,750. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building, \ “BARGAINS.” Now Is a Good Time To build up a rent-paying plant for income purposes The cheapest land you can get Is on the west side, just beyond A., B. & A. Terminals, and this is the place to pet ETHEL STREET—BRAND-NEW: A LIT- Go loututy. fit for a brld*-: five-room mod cottage: 50 by 150; cabinet mantels . , -50; cablnpt ■ry room: rtn**t*. pnhtrh'S,. etc. verauda*; 12.350; om- half caah. WEST Hx D-r WD^’tO ify HE V BN - ROOM gus bnA'water. *porcela1n tub: large lot. On*y I2.&JJ. 91.000 cash, balance like rent. ROW IS THIS': BRAND-NEW tWI] can nell-for en*y. WEST • UARIUS—TWO S'COUY 91.500 cash, balance t’t'-TO duniuvm niuii, •iiirgt* iQii uisu, Can run for three y«ira; 91,600 cash, bnl an re eaay. ABOUT IT CORNER OF,.WEST BA ImW ker itid Ortue: close In; busloeas man 1 ., home. -Owner leaving the state. Well worth 94.DOO, but IMTO buys It.- AH XK tN V EHTM EN V T: HlX-ROOil Y’oti could not lmlld the bouse for 9L0<#; to say not hi nr of Ihe lot. - . NORT1D BGULEVARD-AN l-P-TO-bATE modern home; 95.000; one-half. cash. Woodward avenue, - n'ear PTEs arertue, eight-room two-story; up to date; 94,000; easy payments. « * N'bAU GRANT -PARK, ON'! '(MSCfUGlA r*AU tmn.Yl i .WllV. V.Y 4l4iUHUI(l avenue, running through .to Second atrtet. •Ix-rooin cottage; 93.650; * easy - payments with iiark for playground.' In-* pick ui— BKAf-TIFtX FCHtKEHT \ .\1aIiIKTT.V. DA.-CHOIOK HtIME: LOT ini by 475; ieven-room cottage. Modern In every respect. This 1* a bargain at 'ry respect.* This Is A barga! $6,000. / ■ , KEl.t.Y HTRKE't: SIN-HOOM COTTAOfi. with gat. water, porcelain Imth. Cln " llll f,HV, W Slvl, 1 • I444II I.U4U. 4-.441C pas* the door; only 12.650. Terms, If de sired. t. TKNT II HTKKBT LOT. HKTWKKN PIKD- tnont avenue and Myrtle street. You bad letter see ns about this. Only $1,250. (’ALL FuK L. F. BOWEN 1 : W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Bell Flume 2081. 54 ACRES IN 1 MILE OF HAPEVILLE, $2,000. 57 ACRES 6 Mil.EH ATLANTA. 2 MILE# ot East Point. $4.000. OAKLAND CITY. ON t'oltNER Lot FAC- lag car line; large house, $3,000, It - HIX-ltOOM IIOI HE AN(> DBI'ATI 1 store; right In town; lot 120 by 17.'*. $3,290., WeSi* North aViINI e-eigTit itooifS and Imth; lot 5ft by 176. *4.500. Moutii "hTiVe 1 . ImANb n'eW. ' fcfullf I.V). Hornet hi ng good. $3,- WHITEHALL I'EURACK. - SEVEN room*; lot 45 by 130. Almost new. Terms. ‘.850. AM AV-It EH FLORllW TrMHKR I .AN 1 D8. tit thla will Interest >*ou. eome to see ns. II. \Vi:‘UB, Manager Hates Department. high rente.. Let us show you some of these lots. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR FRASIER-SMITH CO,. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone :>o3o-M ,, ■ , . we bey and sell uousEs and lots .Keai HiStcHtc iijvervwherp on easy terms. 185 Auburn avenue. * Investment, Renting and Fire Insurance. 185, AUBURN AVENUE, BELL PHONE 3533 M: CASH FOR *0UR REAL ESTATE No nmtt.r where located, - rHlH NAN‘l»H~WANT REXETi;STATE ~ oeTIrTv T. J. LOCHRIDGE & CO., 416-17 Empire Bldg.,' Phones: Bell 1439; Atl. 1614 SUBURBAN 1 L0T8, WE HAVE FOURTEEN RUBUItBAN LOTH on the car Une -which we offer to .home builder* or Investors for the next few <lays_for Ihe small sum of $1 down gntl 91 iter week, without • Interest. No-taxes for . _ . e-nftKe center of the city. * Absolutely as ,*»/e ok n xavluga bank, and will double leas,than two yea*. Strictly in value In less,than two yea*_ white resident section. Call at our oftice. 416-417 Empire building, and let us take ymi out to see these Iwantlful lota. MflTW ^on iloMEfTklViiEfl iy oit ■ around the clt; rim ui'ickm city. sira: I.iht Vo Ur FBoRfi: wood cmetfiT which h„ Jo,t o-«twl on )f the city, \bc ee«t ride of the < T. J. LOCHRIDGE ic CO. »>"l 1 knoo Who it Is, 1 I here handred. — “'ll bW. your n|J ant to meet Li-n buyer*. I, on my (l«t. Do you K/O. pend your name en.l d*«crlntl,.u price of your property at ome. A HOUHK AND Djf FuU' on EHxaboth street. The lot’ lYwiMs ONLY $4^ m 1IWI I no 11- worth more. four-room bouse can will rent for $7.$n. L- built there whleh - ’ — - qnhk STRAIGHT TICKET ELECTED BY CLUB FOR RENT ■SZ COURTLAND ST.-TniS 3-8TORY room half-house, oo the east side of rourt land atreet, l*etween Cain and Harris streets, has gas. hot and cold water, sta tionary waahatnnd, sink In the kitchen. The owner of thla property expects to put It In splendid repair, fa In a good neighborhood In. month. ■tage, on lot 90x190, which lies lerekMM the west side of 8. Boulevard, between iBrjan atreet and Glenwood avenue, and la just ncroaa the street from the Boulevard school: has gns, hot and cold water, porce lain bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; la comparatively new, henee la In good repair.i Park avenuo car* one block away. Rent lift per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 13 Auburn Avenue, Both Fbonei <13. V. CHELENA, REAL ESTATE. 222-223 CENTURY BLDG. PHONES 5560. Only 96.000; 93,000 cash, balance to aul hflaer. RK ; 8 "Gtf&D' frfVftlf UrfN'T PhbPbHL IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OF Atlanta lietweeu the railroads, where there Is something doing very shortly, corner lot. 104x218; two old houses 91.600. C 1.6 HU in; ON TVuMe pT.—WITH 12? A iM/YTivrtT/t « L three minutes' walk of the new postof- Al)»IOfNTN(i LOT. #l.bOO. i® 0 *' A flwt-cla*« 4-rootn cottage; everything aM/iiv/Iavuvu i iW i , .p 1 down In the street ami pah! for; this prop erty will sell for good iirudt In'reaaonabfc ^ Price COLUMBIA AYE. LOT "'Simc VrUi’cn 50 FEKT NORTH OF steaiHSiW OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned amt re shaped f*>r 35c. Band* or sweats 25c each extra *■ ' * given prompt and car v r i-jf i ivvyrifni^ti mi i Ao rt»,» i room*, witp all the city COI1 MUb. HITLblDE, $2,250. near Grunt Park ear line A i>ei T.v.v, ,m TYt, » * t ni * y tv * v ■; lioiBc anil t’hcftp for 9w.8^M, ou ter M EST PEACHTREE LOT, i <«»u nu.i tz t»r mont* *■ ■■ - ;iU I’EEl NORTH 01’ a luiuiauf in a d MR. BURTON SMITH. $3,250. ori’Auh OF Six room*, with all the city convenience*. ' * perfect little erma of $350 month. You cannot beat ■ home. OT IN THE FRET- tlest part of North Boulevard, non. f lor avenue. 47x140 fe'-t to alley. Saai .*,600. This Is the rig* * ' 1 or n goofl place to bul sell at a profit. An- for E. L. MORSE. VrtlTRTH NATIONAL RANK BLDIS. TIOV 7:5 FEET FRONTAGE ON M'MILLAN ■tr.-cl by 175 f,.t. Iwek to nllry. Ruy nud fltylflf* It Into jot,, .nil you MTLI.i7bOE—AYENUtr-~i:i7iriTU065i iwo-itory; ,11 modern convenience,; lury. lot. Owner lenvlny ettr. Will ■nerlHer this nice home. Only 82.850. Keiy term,. m:e mi', oil l’iii'iS'V! and i u tl.t, ,’Ar.r.: The withdrawal of -C.-A. L'awlee. .« candidate for preaidant, and E. 1’. Btimn, candidate - for memberehlp on the governing committee,: allowed th- olectlon of the atralght ticket of oltker- of the Traneportatlon Club Tueydav without any oppoaltlon. The rluii room. In the Equitable building w. r - thronged all day with the members In- tereated In the election. The following officer, were -elected: rrenldent—John Aldredge. Lester Book and Stationery Company. Vice Prealdent—Fred L. Cha,c Houthcaatern paaaenger agent, fhlcar., and Alton. Secretary-Treaanrer—F. A. auditor Weat Point Route... Governing Commltt,,. W. E. Mobley, general yardmaster Georgia railroad and Atlanta and Wen Harry C. Mordue.,tariff freight agent. Chicago and Alton. Clarence May. pre,ldent. Spalding and M S’ and J l*dhlne Companj. E. C. Duncan, chief clerk general agent Southern Ralltvay Company. E. O. Mllea, prealdent of Mllea Com- puny, and w. 51. Itlcbarda, of 8. P. Richard, & Sona, held over a, old member, of the governing commute-. Ileal, SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. Judgment, R,nd,r,d Morning. W,dn„day NEW STOItK-AND THREE ROOMS CON nmtnh. l-oI triangular. 155 feet front nml 146 leer nn Another street. Rptendid Invent me,,, for 85.751. one-lmlf in el,; elu^- K Mnrtettn street. GI.EN.N WOOD AVENVE. XKAIf'' tilt ANT nearly new toltHMc: QFEKN VAR1ITL lie ronsultetl «|oe* not toll > Is no charge. Pi tier U«IgewooU a sy camp. all affairs of life. If *he s ii ml correct, thero « visit at once, for int! Ivy street. Gyp MADAMU MF.LL1K. THE NOTED EGYITIAN I’Al.MISV. tu be consulted on all affairs of life. She reunlt*** the separated, cause* a speedy marriage with the one of your ehoieo, give* names, date* aud fact* in everything per taining to life or no charges. Kgyptiau Encampment. !« Auburn avenue. WALL PAPER, {formerly of Burnett A Willis) is not dead nor missing, lie Is contracting wail paper end painting. Office and show room 12 Fast Hunter street. Both ’phones 610. DR. W. J, TUCKER, MOkjr-HlNE ANtl Oi'hjM iiabit ijored •t some, without pain or detention from BU8INE8S OPPORTUNITIES. APPLY TO OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 316 PETERS BLDG. Botli Phones 3519 nnd Boll 2249. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. ON LKaNT STREET WE HAVE A OOOD cottage, with all the city con sentences, huge, clevr.ted lot. Trice 92.700. Easy terms. ON OAKLAND AVENUE. ALM.-t NEW 5-room cottage, all the cltv convenience*. Grant Turk for n front yard. Trice 91.‘90ft. Easy terms. RICHMOND AVENUE - LAKEWOOD Height*, ort’.r half tdock from the car line: orand new, well bul It cottage home. Trice. $1,000. WEST LINDEN STREET—NEAR SPRING street; nice almost new 6-room cottage home; all city conveniences: good car service. Trice $2,100. Terms |400 cash and $2*> per month business; permanent cute gun run teed; free trial home treatment *eot in plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tnckvr, I6*i N. Broad street. At*, INDIAN LANDS—&». IsihIs In Gklahoniii homesteading D*tvtnli make aprdteatimt In |h •tr b> nml I Semi pplb-atiou blank. LoganviHe t;a. We have ail makes secouu-hauu and rebuilt Typewriters at price, to move them. It you fall to let ua know your wants In this line you will loae money. Write or call for “Special Sale List.” We maintain the best repair department lu the South and guarantee the beat work. SOUTHERN STATES writing machine co. 424*2o-2ti Candler Bids. CONN ALLY STREET - NEAR FAIR street school; well built nnd substantial cottage home, eontnlnlug five rooms nnd hall; all city conveniences: elevated lot. W by 120 feet to alley. Price 92,250; eaay * ‘rtu*. of the »M*»t plantations In Georgia. *The ho deseriptlou Is very complete, feel! 'Phone 2iC?V —- Atlanta Phone 19817 HALES DEPARTMENT: HOOK R- C. EVIL M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stove and range repairer; best work and material guaranteed. Both phones 527* 11 b. Tryvc. street. JtjOJ c;i’di. balance 935 month. 6 per ceaj. , .tm',ii. aVkni 1 i4—4*tt6Ti T K cornbr 250 f**et; level; 4 feet above lot 104* by Ktn*et: $2<4w. Trsx ■ ,1FF iftk-ATI'll STREET-FIVE. Rent* regularly for $11. tJRA'NT- 8TIIEET—SIX-ROOM AND WIDE hall. Built for a home by preteut .occu pant two years ago. Large level comer lot; *M)ft0. M. H. LUCAS & CO., 23 1-2 Whitehall. BELL ’PHONE »J4. COLUMBIA AVENUE - NINE-BOOM house, extrn wide lot; right In the swim. ,»t 97.00ft. and liath. six rooms; tinted wnllij ele vated lot and choice location, ot 92.250; pay able 923ft cash nnd 92fi per month. F,|"k<<aST west pfrXTTTfiiEi; veTiy home of nine main roams, slate roof, fur nace heat, tine lot; 911.teW. •fWG HTORY 5IODKHN HOI 8E"lN"VKR? best location nt West End: full also lot; re<liice«l to $4,030 for quick sale. a”NEAT LITTLE COTTAGE ON LAKE wood car line nt $1,250. M uT\tT»cent west TEAcirn:;:»: LOT Cft by 250 to allej*; beautifully shaded, buy It now at 970 per foot. Nothing better on the street. • t3.»0 BUYS CAUKFI I I.V BFII.T. NEW, two-*torr house oti Crew street. Here U foil valor for yotir money. Terms. roIlTIl HIDE COTTAGEH AT li.iou. AT' In ciTOr. ... B„., *4.750. nt *4.200. at *$.150. Either ffoml j itnr general, W. P. Bloodworth and . I the price. \v MUaII ' /i/tniww yoT'"w.\S't A TWCVUTHUV IIUI'SE OF ri^ht rooms. t'»,l|t ox.svfiv for. you. wllb Affirwi.d. Mo„ v. Mtatc, from Pulaski aupsilor court, baforr Juilcr Martin. Fort * Grice, for’plaintiff In error. John (*. Hart, nttorney general, and B. D. Ora- ham, eotlcltnv general, contra. .. •Grant v. State, from Pulaski superior M«rtlno:fort & Grice, for plaintiff in error. E. 6. Graham ro- llcltor general, contra. . Kelly v. State, from Baker auperlor c °uri. Judge 'Spence. Behton Odom John«o, fo plaintiff In error. S'S Wooten, aollcltor general, by I. J. Hofmayer, contra. .... Giles v. State, from Habun auperlor ??»«. Jud*0 Kinney. W, S. Parla an.1 H. H. Dean,, for plaintiff Ip error. V. A. Charters, aollcltor general, contra. Naah v. State, from city court of Hil ler county, Judge Buah. .William I Geer, by Z. D. Harrison, for plaintiff In error. N. I,. BtapletoB.' edUoltor, con tra. • • Wall v. State, from Richmond eupr- rtqr. court,. Judge Hammond. Austin Branch »nd Joseph R. Umar, for plaintiff in arror. Joseph 8. Reynolds, solicitor general, .and Salem Dutcher, contra. - • Nero V. State, from Bibb auperlur court. Judge Felton. F. R. Martin, for plaintiff In error. William Bruqmn, solicitor general, contra. Fitzgerald v. State, from Wllcoy su perior court. Judge Martin. E. H. Wil iams ana J. L. Bankston, for plaintiff In.error. E. D. Gt-aham, solicitor gen eral, contra. Taylor v. State, from Greene supc ; riot court. Judge Lewis. • J. B. A X. P. Park, for plaintiff irt error. J. K. Pin tle, solicitor general, tintf James I> .- vlson, contra. Whitehead v. State, from 'Muscogee superior court, Judge Ldttle. - D. I.. Parmer, for .plaintiff in error. S, P. Gilbert, solicitor general, contra. Rosenthal v. State, from Chatham superior court, Judge. Cann. Twiggs e Oliver, for plaintiff in en'or. W. W, Osborne, solicitor general, contra. Allen v. State, from Sumter supe rior court, Judge Littlejohn. William* A Harper, for plaintiff In error, r. A. Hooper, solicitor general, contra. McCrlmmon v. State, from C.ortee su perior court, Judge Parker. Rogers A Hpath. L C. Harrell, Lev! O'Sleen aud E. S. Fuller, for plaintiff In rrror. John W. Bennett, solicitor general, contra. Goodin ct al. v. State, from Spald ing superior court. Judge Reagan. J. h I'lynt and T. E. Patterson, for plaintiff* O. ft. B. Bloodworth, soil' - nire mantels, '-eluent plaster, til* honrtbs, ash pits. 1sttl> nml servant'* room, front ing prominent north aide paved street end , „ „ . ear fine? A visile t..t r«r n II:tie money. I Bell v. State, from Laurens superior Well. IPs yours st 83.500. * — — —- c - W. Shell, contra. Glover v. State, from city court "1 Valdosta, Judge-Smith. S. 51. Varne- tloe. for plaintiff In error. James 51. Johnson, solicitor, contra,. He* 11 V hltsfA ' fenn* T ane CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) N ATiONA L8. II ALLW GODS. but p4ea»e you. Cmsh or rooDthly pnymont*. Every rec- Uter guaranteed for two —“ iter mm ran teed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS 06’ ALL MAKES BOUQHT AND HOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cush Register Store, INK Uot'SK IS NOT \oil. Will *ell yotl tw« iimntU. tor $1,600. or n$# to :ir i-lu eiitern house* In heart of t!i* $232 |>er month, for 921.oqj. B uot Imllcatetl b.v preweu' r-»ttal« b: by pro! mi We •mt<*>n;c »* ’ ••h.tnco loi»ni<>u». »■ — * •*-— r 9D tH*r ' 2 »f *•»?- y. ikying ..r itK l»ave u u 11*-- fihI |>ropu*UJ to u*. * Why dikkTpatk Mit-i:>.\EUiiY Sick' ini; ubont U»<* nay other people bnibl own pet tbeorle* ••an , honne. We h »ve Imratiln* In lot*. 2nti WHITEHALL. M. II. LIVAH * TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN I iStfy court. Judge Lewis. W. C. Davis, for plaintiff In error. John C. Hart, attm - ney general, and Joseph E. Pottle, so licitor general, contra. Reverted. Daniel v. State, front Pulaski supermr court. Judge Martin. Fort A Giite. for plalnllff in error. E. D. Graham, solicitor general, contra. Dyas v. State, from city court ■>' AirteHcus. Judge Crlip G. <'■ Webb and G. R. Ellis, for plaintiff Ip error. Allen Fort. Jr., solicitor, contra. Miller v. State, front Tift eupeimr court. Judge Mitchell. R. D. Smith, for plaintiff In error. W. E. Thome*, so licitor general, contra. Llghtner v. State, from city court of Dawson, Judge Crisp. James G. Park* and W. H. Gurr, for-plaintiff In error. M. J. Yeomans, solicitor, contra Cress V. State, from Walker sup— ' rtor court. Judge Wright. John " ' Bale and Charles R. Jones, for plaintiff M — “ — aollcltor gen- coutra - —