The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 09, 1906, Image 14

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14 THE ATLANTA GEORG TAX. G KORGI AN, Friday. xovfmhkr r.«c. Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word No ad. taken for less than 25 cents. Six words of average length make a* line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 8sell and Hndson flcycles. Write tor our 1906 catalogue sad price lift Alexander* Rlye* Co. _ 1 time . 3 times ., 6 times . 26 times . 52 times . 78 times . . 6 cents a line. . 5 cents a line. . 4'>2 cents « line. , 4 cents a line. , 3'/ 2 cents a line. , 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call Us on Boll Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted Free. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES, Prompt service. Bull plume *874. .AU«nta Waul And Iron Nan-tty Work., XI Marietta strfM t. * • - - DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. DOES AWAY WITH FERMENTATION end removes til cold from tbe system, which prevents all diseases. Keep nut (lie cold and do away with fermentation and you will need but little medicine nf any kind. Office. 23K Whitehall street. WANTED HELP—MALE. NIGHT SCHOOL—B OOKKBBPING, Shorthand. Typewriting. eta, only M a month I)raufbnn’p PrmcttoalBoelnet* Col* © &SB5i$SSL r«UI cane. It Wilt COBTlSCS yon that D.-sojWs la tbe host. moncrief— HE’S THB MAN THAT SELLS IIOT AIR. Moncrief Furnace Co. Bulb 'phones. Inatalla fornacca In old booses aa well aa aaw. II. prepare. a celtarl/yoo^ bar* none. " ‘ MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PKOHn AND £ > RELIABLE MBS- J. A. Davit, and J. SEWING MACHINE8.. UENTED-TWO DOLLARS HER MONTH. either Singer or Whaler A Wllwa. We reut obly O.W macUluco *l*h complete eot of attachments. Prompt ''etlvery. Both Jtbonei 1M. Blnger »*wl»I Macnlo. Co.. K Whitehall street. ntahlac bell ?. National alloa. 18231022 C.nturr building. BRAMB1CR PIANOS. ESTABLISHED M3. WE WANT TODAT STENO-BOOKKEBP trp.wHt.ra. office bnyi aa" s issri nair cur IOC, ananpoo missay* 18c. electric Mr rlta. Btrlcttr flrat-class I Vladnct plac. barber*. Walker's, Typewriter Cm, lit Pccbtree .tree!. capable <>f kindling big deala. N'< need apply. Addreee Apparatus. < gUm. ITTOUU DMU or WUUIHII I.VU1, nipi waiter., Immedlttrly: food warn to right partle* S E. Mitchell. WANTED HELP—Msl. and Female. HRAMBACII PIANOS. AGENTS WANTED. PICTURE AGENTS--44END YOUIt WORK lo m for enlargement; fair prices, food nalth; 16 bj 3. Religions and aconory ide- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. COLD WEATHER IS HERR. W. Can Mara You Monty, CASH OR CREDIT. We Repair, Pack and Skip. T PIANO Cv.. 82 N. F< TTPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of all make< . our apaelaRr. Bint values and lower prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogu ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, <1 North Error street, Atlanta, Ga. no NOTEL AND NEW IN Ooo anrrar; four vehicles In on*. Cell .1 El Went Mitchell and let na show you. Georgia Vehicle Mff. Co. MAGAZINES AT REST CUT RATES possible; books also: books In aeti ' standard author., on lastattmenu. <tg«. CQtmalMlop. off; catalogs fra*. Co-opera- lira Book Co,, bn, Peacbtre. St., Atlanta. BOARDERS WANTED. NO. x CONE ST.A SELECT BOARDING DR. W. J. TUCKER. MnWPflWTNir5Pff?HT^ PERSONAL. TmVII) W. YARBftOUUHT MASTER PLUMBER. PliopeflSoB. 20 E. Hunter St. FOR RENT—OFFICES. FOR RENT-WE HAVE THE BEST OF- building. LOBT. 8TCVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES. REPAIRED AND sat up. ExpeTt woAman. Patterson Furniture bouse, 288 1'oter. street. Phone., Atlanta 2473,- Bell 7*4 west- Wo bur any thin*. • ■ , - FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RKST-TlIBlJK OK MORE NICELY fiirnDIictl. room* with or without .meal*. Desirable location. Apply 108 Trinity are- nue. .FOR SALE—R«.AL ESTATE. and personal acteotlon. If It's worth the FOR SALE CEMETERY LOTS. FOR SALE-TWO . ADJOININJj LOTS, th-idmhlf iocat«d^ In Hollywood retnetery, Atlanta; l#*for *>ne; 'ITS for the two. Would exchange for plfho or beet renoon- nl»l“ offer. br.'.T. A'.vRpxton, Olnird, On. ■ ■ — ■ * "• " 'M* ' TALKING MACHlffEB. ;. r 4s tor TsUtlog Mschloee aed Uecorta Just at received Isrge cons'scmcnt of machine* ead g. over 11,008 records. Immediate atteadoa sires mall orders. W# went to# osme* of all talking machine deelens'lii the Booth. — Write for rats logs*. Alesaader-Blye* Co. TRUNK AND BAG eEPAIRINO. If. W. ROUNTUf.B A tlRO. THUNK AND BAG GO. Retail and rap* 1 rib/. So. 77 Whitehall street. Phone U«1 s. al WATCHMAKING. TO THB TBADB; COMPLICATBD watches are nur bobby. Medera Idea* la work end doeilnn. H. ’waltor Lett. Room 1»7 Fourth Nstfonal Bank Bldg., AtUola. S' SHOE REPAIRING. •• GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 133 PEACHTREE BT-. OPPOSITE THB — Candler Bldg. ... — N . Bell $2* Men * sewed hair eolem 78c. MONEY TO LOAN. u MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- . pie nnd others. American Investment f. Co., 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1888. WEYMAN * CONNER*. UQttITABLB. o Mortgage Inans ou reel estate. THE UNION SAVIN08 RANK nUTS • pore base money notes aod lends money ou Improved^Atlanta property a reason- l able rate*. Bell phone 7W. Gould Bid*. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to secnrltjr of fered; «ull canons* and prompt attention. . Only oe real estate In end near Atlanta. H. B. Turman. - * afg amoonL*R4? 1 iiM ptl ceeL ^Write 1 or tall l. W Canon. 24 A Broad otraet . FARM LOANk-wi A1IE PLACING * loans on Georgia farm* at the lowest rates over offered. The Stout hero Mortgage Company. Goubl building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-8 Temnl* Court. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on mjnthly payment phrai no delay; alto money far imrcbese money note*. Straight loaae made at J.per cent and up ward*, according to desirability of loen. W. A. Foster. irB. Brag* street. BKAMRACR PIANOS. FSTABLIHIIKD 1821 BKCHT PIANO CO., .62 N. FORHYTII. CA8II READY FOR I.OAN8 ON CITY reildenc* property. Atldrcsa ”Bu»luei*,” care Georgian. T MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANE9B AND CROMC . steel bank safes nud rault doors; every thing In safe line. It. W. Ellis, Agent. 26 S. . Broad street. SANDERS. SMITH & CONWAY, • Phones ,'>488, 412 Peters Bldg. 82.280—THIS SIDE GRANT 1>ARK WE have the prettiest eottuge of four rooms, bull and bath: h«* every convenience; wn- tcr, gna. bath, sewerage. Ixlt 45 by 209; shady; Ideal little home In a k«xh] neighbor hood. two blocks of school; $500 cash, bal ance like’rent. 84.00U-LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME ON baa seven rooms, water. Houm! W. M. SCOTT & CO.. 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” round, servant's house, barn, ehh’keu yard* feneed off, large orchard, young as sorted trees Just In their prime. Thickly settled ueigbborhood, not far from ear line. Terma easy. r..'»-H1X;ROOM COTTAGJ-:. THItt till lb Grant park, on elevated. level sbady lot. 58 l»y 150. This place is simply Ideal. Ion can't help but like It if you have an eyt to tbe beautiful. Easy terma. 82.8SD-HIX.ROOM COTTAGE. ON' «T. rnul avenue; on terms of 135) and 525 per, month, you know whet a lovely street this la. Good nelghltorhood. Let u* «bow yot tbta home. WK8T FKAUHTRKFHOME " OF nine rooms on large lot. House la Ideal in arrangement, beautifully finished lnalde and ont. Can make terms to suit right party on this, or .can rent to acceptable party either furnlafled or unfurnished. Ap- W. Ai foster, - Real Estate and Loans, I .»* ' . > * * h . 12 S. Broad. Atlanta between the railroads, wbc there Is -.some thing doing very shortly, corner lot. 104x218; two old bouses on ,t lot, with'room for four more. This la tbe glace to make some easy money sure. Price ci.OHE I.V. ON Ofeltfe ST.-WITrttN three minutes’, walk of tbe new poatof. flee. A first class 4-room cottage; everything u the street and paid for; thla prop- 111 tell for good profit In reasonable time. Home terms can be arranged. Price fl.SOO-NEAK' Marietta "Street a&d Jones avenue, we have a beautiful five- room brand-new cottage on lot 23 1-3 by o'): has water, gaa aod sewerage. Owner ban refused to rent this at $18 time and again. Thla Is something you ought to look after at once. Very easy terms. ETIIKL KTKKKT—BRA.VD-NKW; A LIT- tie beauty, fit for a bride; five-room motl- ern cottage; Da by 150; cabinet mantels in pvery room: closets, pantries, etc.; large verandas; $2,350; one half cash. W^"KKl>-TWO-dTOItY ‘ tJfeVENdUJOM —gas nud water, porcelain tab; large lot. Only $2.5oQ. 11.0)0 cash, balance like rent. HOW IS THIS? BRAND-NEW TWO story eight-room modern borne; one. block off Georgia nveoue. Have party that will take two years' lease, $3150 per month, which will par 10 per cent on $3,900. We can sell for $3,260; aay $1,500 cash, balance easy. wiiST Harris—two-story fi'-TO- ilate eicht-room residence; stone's tbrow of the Tabcrnncte. A lovely place for business man: large lot; $4,200; $1,600 cash. Can run for three yeara; $1,600 cash, bal- ance easy Now Is a Good Time To build up a rent-paviug plaut for income purpose The cheapest laud you can get is on the west side, just beyond A., B. & A. Terminals, and this is the place to *et high rents. Let us show you some of these lots. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. FRASIER & SMITH. Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUY ANT) SEtaL HOUSES AND LOTS on easy terms. 185 Auburn areuu*. HOW ABOUT COItNEH OF WEST BA- autl Orme; dote In; business man's home. Owner leaving the state. Well worth $4.500. but $3,800 boys It. $7,300—CENT UAL XVK. UOltNEK done In. 60x8). This la simply gilt dirt, good aa if it had gold In It. $6.3«f>-llKHT BARGAIN O.^ TllE NORTH side la ou fMIumbla avenue at thla price. Goaf over $7,000, and la practically brand new. We will only give information on AND-Nbw con* AG b OF HIX cash and per month. You cannot boat thla If yon want a home. BARGAIN IS A LOT IN THtJ PUKf- tleat part of North Boulevard, near An Thla Is tbe right pu or a good place to baud a I sell nt a profit. lace for boose that will a profit. ON ghANt street we have a uoob 8-riHMn cotta*., with all th. cltj con, venlencea. large, eter.'.icd lot. Price $2,700. *" terms. B. ALM-oT NEW conveniences, ’rice $1,800. Eaay terms. ON OAK1.AND AVEN J tlB. ALII, 5-room cottage, all the cltv con- Grant Turk for a front yard. JT Easy terms. RICHMOND AVENUE - LAKEWOOD Heights, on’r half block from tbe car lino; orand new* well built cottage home, I'rli’C. I!.'*>! IONNALLY STREET' - NEAR PXTff street school; well bnllt and anbstantlal ottage home, containing five rooms and all; all city conveniences: elevated lot, .0 by 130 feet to alley. Price $2,230; eaay term*. WrW. t'oh' A ltiaghlt-UrtN ortfWM of th. bcit plantntlona In Gtonla. Th. >tant.tlon la nnc, tb. price la right anti he d.acrlptlon la r.r, cotnp!»te. RcIPPhono 2H27. Atlanta. Phont lttl. jINDHAY inverted SAVES GAS. IST'REASEH LIGHT. CARTER A GILLESPIE ELECTRIC CO., 40 North Uroatl street. 'Phont*. 6000. DOZIER & REAMS. Real Estate and Builders, 403 Peters Bldg. PHONES—BELL 1789; ATLANTA 152. Bargains. i FARM OF 75 ACRES, WITH FOUR- room cottage, two miles oouth <>( Do- S. i B. TURMAN & 00, 82,600 - SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH •late roof; tiuWt of text material; 'alt uatetl on the nortbr aide; right near Atlanta Store work*. Atlantic compress, DeLokch'a mill and those other hi* Industrie*. The owner will aell on rerr eaay tanoy. tiny, KM rmh and balance <78 per month.' Tltta la a rcry attractlr* propoattlon end a hart gain. near Butler; ouly 5Easy paymnnta; Jot 60 by 160. ■ ' ■ 84.000—TWO-STORY NINE-ROOM HOUSE on Highland avenue. In ttne condition: near corner Jackson street. Thla I, a areal big l urgaln end we can sell on easy term*. If you hare 8600 to 1760 cash, we will trad# -end balance can be paid omeaay monthly Installment*. ^V 82,000—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON EAST avenue; not far from North Boulevard. If you can raise about 8250 cash yon may tak. thla house and pay tbe rest 120 per monlb. Tho place Is worth 12,600, and you get a hi* bargain If you buy It . 330 TO 400 FEET FRONT ON PEACH- free. In tbe heart of tbe beat of that beautiful ■ avenue. Will subdivide to rail purchaser, and make lota 234 feet 'deep. We are In position to make price, oo the propel ty that will attract buyers who want Psaohtrt, UotucP Come end pee us about ’• ' (I f s. B. TURMAN & CO. ... AN INVESTMENT; HISltOOM n«»ar Houtbcrn yards (North avenue). Can •ell for $860; $250 ra*h. balance like rent. You rould not build the house for, $1,000, to say nothing of the lot. north boltj;vahd=-A.n UP-TO-DATE modern home; $5,000; one-half cash. WOODWARD AVENUE. NEAR PARK avenue, eight-room two-atory; up to date; $4,000; eaay payment*. NEAR OUA.vr PARK. ON GEORGIA avenue, ruuulng through to Second street, six-room cottage; $3,(50; eaay payments; with pork for playground, la a pick up.* ERTiTTim F6kit^sf VJivKiW^of: A. J. WEST & CO., CENTURY BUILDING. 'PnONB 1754. NORTH SIDE HOME—200 FEET FROM | moat fashionable pari of Peachtree; mod-1 trn. Shade and pretty lawn. Two-story nine-room residence: $6,750. EolFflT fllfcfe U6m'e-onE of TIie fl neat In Atlanta; hnnlwooil finish. No bet ter surroundings; large lot; barn, carriage houw>. Actual coat 127,000. Might get It for $13,000. PKAUIITREE HViMK—LOT NEARLY 400 feet deep. Two-atory. slate roof, splen did residence. Servants* bouse, stables and carriage bouse; $15,000; another for $18,000; on Peachtree, near Ponco Delecon avenue. INSTALLMENT PLACli-floOD EOT; new six-room cottage; water, gas, porce lain bath; paved street, electric cars; $2,500; only $250 cash, balance $26 por month. Don't think of taking any step In real es tate till yon see us. MAKIKTTA',. GA.-d.'llT/icl: HOME: LOT 100 by 47&L seven-room cdttnge. Modern In every respect. Thla la a bargulu at $6,0i)0. v ‘ * KELl.Y STltHhi'fj.lirS KOOM t'O'I'TAOE. with ga>. water, porcelain luilh. .Care pose the door; only $2,050. Terma, If do sired. ■ TENTH'STftKKT idVfTBETWEEN PIED moot avenue and Myrtle street. Y<jji h letter sec* us about this. Only $1,230. CALL FOR L. F. ioWEN. ^ W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. good condition, water nud gas ou both good neighbors; nix rooms and bath—$1,600. NEW DOUBLE THREE ROOM TBNE men t house, reut a for $12 per month, can he-bought for $1,100. WANTED! Have customer for desirable vacant lots in 8th ward. List yours with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. OLD HATS MADE NEW. sweat* 25c each extra. Out-of-towti orders given prompt and careful attention. Beat work, 1 latest styles. * -a....* -• Whitehall street. Acme HatteiV MADAME MRLL1E. THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, can It,* consulted ou all affairs of life. Hhe reunites the separated, muses a speedy marriage with the one of your cholee. give* names, dates and facts lu everything per* . .. . j|sB WALL PAPER. tformerly of Burnett A Willis) la not dead nor missing. He la contracting wall paper end Minting. Office and show room 12 Bast Hunter street. Both 'ptioues M. BU8INES8 OPPORTUNITIES. FOR RENT tlf» HIGHLAND AVKNl’E. THU* KHVBN-ROOM COTTAGE, ON LOT •V) by HJ6, tvhleli lies idevated, la on th»» south nlde of lllghlaud avenue, 'at the corner or llnwell; has gas nml water: bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; hits Insratitau uvcuue ears i »nts $30 per month. 3411 NORTH ROI'LBVARD. THIS TWO-STORY SEVEN-ROOM FRAME l« on the went side of tbe Boulevard, at the corner of Forrest avenue; has gas, hot and cold water: porcelain bath, closet, stationary washxtaiid. tduk In the kitchen; lu a good neighborhood, and In good re pair. Ileuta $S) |n‘r mouib. JOHN J. WOODSIDK, THE REaNTINQ AGENT, 18 Auburn Arenut. Both Phones lit. TIIE (*ELEBRATED BARRETT HTOVES AND RANGEH Ate th* only Htoves und Knugt-s on earth In which tlie heat IWSNKH EM RELY AlioUNh THE OVEN. Fully protected by government INDIAN LAND.S~50»VA) ACRES INDIAN lands lu Oklahoma will lie «>|mmil for houiefteadlug Di^-ciuber 3 to S. You «‘au make spplf•'ntioii^ In (tenon or by malt Ki'ml KEEEH THE LIVER RIGHT. KEEEH THE bowels light, keeps the ktdnerN right. k**eps the heart right ami keep-s the uerv«*s right. Wbst more mil vo.i n»k or ei|H-**t of u meillrliie? Try n imjiIIh. anil should reward .ifferevL AppT/|u>V'lm fi-n rn till 11 siii’jl.oiw I !ni,!'"vv.' Ul \, Ui .16 Ceaturjr Uf.Jg. I mpilrnj. Hi' k' ni.,, Gvvnibii. I Wblphsll sliwu FOR SjVLE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-band and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fail to let us know your wants In this line you will lost money. . Write or call for "Special Sale List." We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee tho best sroVk. . SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-25-2G Candler Bill*. CENTRAL PROPERTY. All Who Have Bought With in the Last Year Have Matle From Twenty-Five to One Hundred and Fiftv Per Out. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court Bell Phone 1081. 84 ACRES is I MIUS OF HAl'EVH.I.E. 12.(00. 37 AcItKf! S Mil,EH ATLANTA. 2 Ml LI of Rust Point. 14,000; OAKLAND CITY. UN CORNER LO* FAC- lag car Inc: largo house, $3,000. DfccXfm _ hf.V-RUOSi " HunHE~ANl» .tore; n*ht In tuwri: lot 120 hy 178, 18,230. WiJS^n R'niAVkRl.TsPf: fiffitTtoo'yia I and Loth; lot 60 by 178, 84.600. s6t’TfT hTWE. BUASdNBW. Kltin 1 ! 1 lot 40 by rooms; 160. > 192. Something good, 13,. wIUtWaU, terrace ^ blivEN rooms; lot 45 by 180. Almost new. Terms. $2,850. 302.000 acIii'A kl.6ltir>1 TfffftKR IaS'IiH' If this will Interest you, come to sen us. J. U. WEBB, Manager Salts, tieprrtnirnl.' BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE. LOT .10 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH, $3,250. APPLY TO OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 316 PETERS BLDG. Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. HOUSES BUILT AND SOLD ON INSTAL MENTS. Bring us your plans. We will help you select a lot and your house will l )e built to suit you. One of our clients who lias money will take care of you. He wants business that is reliable, and we will take pleasure in ar ranging the details. You make a cash payment and the balance monthly. It is easy to get a home on this plan. Confer with us about it. S. B. TURMAN & CO. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. HHELTOX 18 i practical store and range repairer: brat 88 s “ 0, ‘ •*“" SPECIAL NOTICE. Dr. E. C. Cartledge lias moved hi. office to 1118 to 11-0 Fourth National Bank Bulldln*. Also, Dr. T. a. Cunningham. Eye, Ear. Not# and Throat, has moved bis office to 1118*20 Fourth National Bunk Building. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN RUSSIA AT THE PART ING OF THE WAYS E. L. MORSE. nil FOURTH NATIONAL BANK -BLDG. I WILL HELL TIIE BEST LOT, 200 FEET striN»t frontage, centrally located, for $46,- 000; one-half ca*h, balance at 5 per cent |M>r annum. Alto 200 teA on railroad by 2to on itreet, with buildings worth $12,000, for tbe small sum of $23,000, half rash. Also 400 foet on railroad by 223 deep for $40 per front foot. Total $16,000. All itic above propsrtj^ Is worth not legs than $115,000. Fan take one or all. THE GEORGIAN, OWNER. DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. lo 21 l*»ek. Office 2#* FOR RENT. MCE Font ROOM COTTAGE. ONE block from Capitol atcnuc. Hum ball, front and Lick porch, lot 5*) by 120; $U) j»cr month. ? (’. W. KDIM.VS, 17 Grant Bldg. NEW STORE AND THREE ROOMS CON- i-ted nud *U-rootu cottage: rented $27.50 th. lo»t triangular. 126 feet front and 163 feet on another street. Splendid Invest ment for $2,750. One-half cash; cloas to Marietta street. * fTLBN.NWOOIl AVENUE. NEAR GRiXT Minvi; nearly new cottaae; all conve niences. Lit 43 by 140 feet; $3»0<M. TVruia $5») cash, balance $26 month. 0 per vent. rXIOTol. AVBSCK-4:noif'K corner lot VK) by 250 foet; level; 4 feet above afreet; $2.5uO.^~ jlST OFF l>i:'l T ATl'R S't!tKKT~FlYE ru.mi coitago. Rents rogulnily fur $11. Prl.e n.OM. - GRANT STREKT-mX-IIOOM AN'tl WIDE hall. Built for a home by present occu pant two years ago. Large level corner lot; $4,000. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALL WOODS. IDE Aid) We can sell you n register, any bnslr ‘ Unt pleas auitabl ;an not help Eyery rtg. Cash or monthly payments. Ister mmranteed fur two years. SECOND-HAND CA*H REGISTERS OF all makes bought and sold. THE SOUTHERN Secoud-Haud Cash Register Store, By PAUL VI.VOORADOFF (.of (he University of St. Petersburg) }1IE eighteen months ago, tbe reyo- lutloti In Rtisslt might have been averted by a slrua* and clear-sighted government If It bad either taken the lead In the political movement nt the upper claeees end conduated It. Into the channelt prepend by the Zemstvos, or else If It had boldly played tho game of th* lower orders and overawed the Intellec tuals by tn authority derived from great democratic reforms. But, of rourae, strong and clesr-elghted leaders were required for either of these policies, and If tbe government had pos sessed them It would not have been driven to the extremities which render heroic measures absolutely necessary. The mesanro of Its atreogtb and Insight Is to be gathered among other things from woeral collapse of Its moat clever personality. Count Witte, who has only himself to thank for the universal dis trust and disapprobation bestowed on the colleague of M. Durnovo. Nor Is Goremykin likely to avert tbe coining crash. His record Is not better then that of Count Witte, nnd his abllltv certainly less, while hy bis side appear such striking re “— -- “ restme as ms toff. Bat. nrc of value now. ^ Event* are moving on by their own weight, aa It were, nml a kind of hlatorical fate rules the nrttona of tho protagoniata of thu great drama. One of two course* may l»e adopted hy <iuc«tlon* raised, or’ elriThe will try to pacify the naaembly by sweeping conces sions. The ultimate result is not likely to vary In either of these eventualities. Matters will come to a head more rapidly In the first case, while the main decision may be staved off for some time In tbe latter. But there Is sure to be a breach lu the end; nor la It Improbable that the crucial question of the disposal of the army may come to play a ** — —“ *“ aliout a strangle. Tbe lemlerMhlp of this force the sover eign can not give up without surrendering hhus« lf, and. on the other hand, the as- Kcnibly would be ever hnanted by appre hension In regard to such a force, even In the case of the widest concessions. Tbe «*omi»rotulse effected In this vespeel In Germnny nnd Italy are mainly tbe pr*'*l- nets of the great service-* rendered by the tuouurchkiti power lu i$*»th stated lo tar military history of the two nations. Already in Austria-Hungary tbi* case |s different, .is for Bussla, the l»e*t sOlpt!on-» theuiMohoi;. bill in the findings. The |»<$lnts ... „ IHU'SOI looke«l Into each other's eye* lu the Tanria palace have been brought up In hatred nnd contempt for each o:h->r--thi Nooks and Comers of American History By REV. THOMAS B. GREGORY. FREE-CONSCIENCE DEMOCRAT. History has Ha compensations, ami so out that In the vary year when atakl! Bruno waa burned at the ln Bon>* for conaclence sok- bora In Ihe Brltlah Isles the man who upon the shores of the New »“ destined to Inaugurate the day of absolute religious freedom. ,«o lla . m .t *5® Welshman, was born In I860 at the dawn of the won derful aeventeenlh century that was to ^ r „ k .i uch fnndnmental changes In hu man thought and life. *l*8Tee at Cambrldgi-. w , entered the mlnlaui. }hat wa* In perfect keeping c l e *n. life and noble purpose... hG-Vt’i!® 1 . ot unreason and blffotp, Archbishop Laud, took a 41s- Uka to W llllaina preaching, and the joune clergyman fled to New England. „ Boston YVIHUma was at lint re ceived with great cordiality, but lie soon found that the civil authorities In the New World were as tyrannical ns they Had proven to be In the Old, and to escape the bigotry he to detested lie went to preach In Haiem. But the Bos- ton bigots drove him from Salem. II- then ecttleff In New Plymouth, but hi- teaching there wa* anything but agree abld to the agents of the "Bay," and mm Plymouth he went back again to Thla greatly angered the "godlv" ones at Boston, and, being unable to answer his arguments, they made ar rangements by which Williams was to be kidnaped and shipped to Ehgiaml. Getting wind of this. William-; left hla sick-lied and "steered Ills course m the Narragansctt Bay and tho Indians." The savage Massnsolt made the fugi tive hla guest at his home at Mount Hope, showing him the kindness and mercy that the "Christians" of Boston lmd denied hint. Except one William Blackatone, Wil liams wa* the only white nisn In all the region to which he had fled, but Boon several others came to lUm frum Salem, New Plymouth and other point;, and In tile spring of 1636, on the beau tiful peninsula between tbe Moosha.- suck and the Woonaaquatucket was founded the city of Providence. At Providence, us the historian --f Rhode Island well says, Roger Wil liams and his companions establish- ! an anomaly In the history of the world, a pure democracy. Ignoring any power In the body politic to Interfere with those matters that alone concern Man ami his Maker. According to Roger Williams’ way of thinking, the magistrate should re strain crime hut never attempt to pun - Ish opinion. It was lit* will that "an and every person should freely and fully have and enjoy his nud their own *■■*■■■■■ B I Judgments and consciences In matter- ntm have now the upper hand k.ivc suf-. of religion, they behaving themselves ren d so long nnil so much In Hi - '..t«t rust. peaceably and quietly, and not using ^us»d u “^«tgci l i , ;-ti!ir..^!h« ; i ll r.7" t r 1 ^ othvr* tvh« onpo*6» thorn. A final tom ot no1 le Inlurj or outuai l Ktrencth mum cqpne Iwforv U.i*>l:i l*» ill- disturbance of others. Much has been vaid cuncernina the A fluid pngth mutt f’qnu* In-fun* R; .. -ed to proceed on If* fart l»**.* Far be it from ine n» unsuiun- rhit ill adoption of tlu* niilli-d fm^rnut pn- rV\ it. war *ir niMitliur . Thla $-f i r. th- ••.mb* of prliH-Ioli-ji wuj$j.l!i* I |-j r-viit b ilonuKv u-y, Atucri<*nn fwlernllm.i au-t Gv*naati »<>iTnHaiti, la m*ctfnar.v lu to :t»*t rlil of the mla- -blevoua iilHturditlea <*f the old regime. But l»jr and l»y the Rpaalsn nation will realise, as other nation* have done liefore, that n living organization cannot transform (tones and riuew* at pleasure; that the fu ture has deeper root* In the pant than tho present la luclined to grant: that, as tbe eiu|K*ror very proiterly nald the other day, there art* ble**lng* of order as well at of liberty: that public authority ami public force $-nnuot fte #H$*(N‘nK«*.l with, lo.iat of all In pert tain of viohuit v.ure*t: that Una- ids eaiimit give way l$-f#$ra the napiratioui of all the iiathuuilitlee i-otii«MK«liig it with out ceaottig to lie Unsafe. I way In which freedom of conaclene ; wan provided for under Lord Bfilti- inoro'a rule lo Maryland, but between ; BaUlmore’K government and that of Roger Williams there waa this all-ltn- portunt dllfetence, that, while the for mer went only.part of the way. the latter went the whole way. In Mary land only Christian beMefa were tol erated, and not even all forma of Chris tian opinion were tolerated, while in Rhode Island every form of belief wa* allowed. It would not be correct to aay that Roger William* did not caro what a man believed. He did care. He wm * very devout and ploue man, and be yond a doubt It pained hlta to And any one denying the opinion* that were a* •acred and precious to hU ac*uL