The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 16, 1906, Image 14

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Want Msi Only 1 Cem a Word WANTED HELP—Male and Female. No ad. tak*n for less thnn 25 cents. Six words of a verage length make o (ins. Tne followinq rates are for consecutive Insertions: t time 3 times 6 times 2c times 5*1 times 78 times ft cents a line. *> cents a line. cents a line. 4 cents a line. 3*/fc cents a line. 3 cents a lint. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger 8ervict. Call Us on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. Attention, Gas Consumers! The Kent Inverted Light hu many Imitation., but no equal.. Get.the beat. 69 K. Pryor St., Y. M. C. A. Building. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—BRIGHT. IN TELLIGENT BOY OF NEAT APPEAR ANCE FOR OFFICE BOY; MUST COME WELL RECOM MENDED. APPLY AT ONCE AT THE GEOR GIAN OFFICE. PICTURE AGENTS--KKNP TOUR WORK to us for « finish; 16 by tores cheap. Peters street, Atlanta, Oa. SITUATIONS WANTED. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. Rtnloguo nod pi leu lift. OLD HATS MADE NEW. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELT Prompt ferric*. Bril phone 1374. At Wood and Iron Novelty Works. 389 Mui MONCRIEF— Furnace Co. Both ’phones. WELL-EDUCATED mm* also. “KENT LIGHTS.” The standard of high quality. When you set a "Kent Light'* you get the very best light made—most light- least gas. 69 N. Pryor St., Plume 4848. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO 00UAU8 PER MON either Sluger or Wheeler & WUaou. rent only i — “ ion 'i • oa 79 W r bit eh* II street. FOR 8ALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. WANTED AT ONCE-5 OR 6 GOOD ACTIVE YOUNG MEN, NOT AFRAID TO WORK. C. J. KAMPER GRO. CO., 321 PEACH TREE ST. WANTED—OFFICE BOY AT ONCE. APPLY AT GEORGIAN OFFICE. The b:.Vtw«ui men appreciate our methods of furnishing help. atlotisl Umtiloynii Association, 1022 10*..* Century uuildli The Plcuecrs. - ; * PICTURE FRAMING. ANY SIZE OR SHAPE. o’vAL. CIRCLE. notion* or special; all flnlRlie*. New and desirable pattern*. Difficult or uunsual work solicited. Hntlsfnctlon guaranteed. We une k»h*i glass. Hell 'phone 1822. HoutUern .71 Whitehall street, J. C. COLD WEATHER IS HERE. We have the Goods. HEATERS. BLANKETS' and COMFORTS. We Can Hava You Money. CASH OR CREDIT. Repair. Pack and Ship. We _ la pair, Bell Phone 1757. Bell Phone 1757. "" JTb. TURNER FUHNITURE CO., THE 41 and 43 West Mitchell 8t. BECIIT PIANO Cv*., 62 N.‘ FOR8YTU. TYPEWRITERS. ennd-band typewriter* of nil makes our specialty. Beat values aud lowest prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 71 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. SOMETHING NOVEL AND NEW IN CALL AXp 8EE OUR HEATERS. BLAN- ket*. comforts and holiday good*. We re pair furniture, park and shin. The J, B. irner Furniture Company, 41 nod 43 West tchell street. Bell 'phone mil 1 WE i&mt. KAMI! Hl'K- dal Iwrgaln* In Remingtons, Smith*, Oli vers, Underwoods and Williams, which wore taken aa part payment for the new VDIble Eos. Write for bargain Hat No. 116. But ler Typewriter Co.. 717-718 Fourth Nation nl Bank building, Atlanta, (la. eet up. Expert workman. I Furniture bouse, 286 lVters street. . Atlanta 2472. Bell 791 west. We buy any thing TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND KECi Wholesale aid retail distributors tor Talking Machines and Record*. over 1 given mall < WrlS'—* TRUNK AND BAD REPAIRING. Whitehall street. Phone 15ft. WATCHMAKING. TRADE: P O U !• I, I C Modern SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN *8 SHOE SHOP. Bell Jena sewed half soles. 75c. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. SHELDON AUDIT CO. AUDIT 618-619 Temple Court. Atlanta. Ga. •Phono 1196. counts In litigation audited and rc _. on. Investigation for lawyers, chants nnd corporations a specialty. High est testimonial*. Correspondence Invited. “Kent Inverted Light.” The finezt gas light In the world. Thrown light down—beet for reading. (59 St., Phone 4848. bulKHng. v W A N T E D—COMPET ENT REMINGTON operator* furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 118 Peachtree atreet. WANTED FOR UNITED HTATEH MA- rim* Corps, men between ages of 19 nnd ft; an opjHirtunlty to aee the world. For full Information, apply In person or by let ter to Marine Recruiting Office, 711 Austell building, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—OFFICE BOY AT ONCE. APPLY AT GEORGIAN OFFICE. Forsyth streets. . Monday.’ November 19. Twenty-tbreo Mo ler college*. Trade taught. Capacity, 600 WANTED—PLANING MILL, 8AW MILL. railroad and turpentine woods latorrrs; white or colored; good wages, steady em ployment. Jackson Lumber Company, Lock- port, Covington county, Alabama. WANTED—NIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY I.'. G. Willingham A Co., 512 Whitehall street, efty. WANTED—LICENSED ENGINEER. ONE who also understands woodworking ma fhlnenr. K. G. Willingham A Co., 5u Whitehall atreet. Attention, Gas Consumers! Tltc Kent Inverted Light Ima many Imitation*, but no equal*. Get the beat. (59 X. Pryor St., Y. M. C’. A. Building. WANTED - EXPERIENCED CLOTHING wil«‘*niitn. Apply ut once. Askln A Ma rine. 78 Whitehall street. WANTE!*—YOUNG MAN. AGE BETWEEN M>tenteen and twenty, to assist In office work. Address In own handwriting, ultb references. C, t*. «.*., P. O. Box 78f. ft&YBER&f’R delight. KEEPS THE LIVER RIGHT, KEEPM THE bowels right, keeps the kidneys right, keeps the heart right and keeps the nerves right. What mnjc can you ask or expect of,a njedliluc? 'fry a bottle, ami should It not dtaltjvoujpcaae. return your bottle and we will buy It hack. Office 2SH Whitehall street. Attention, Gas Consumers! The Kent Inverted Light ban many Imitation., but no equal.. Qet the beet. (59 N. Prvor St., Y. M. C. Building. MONEY TO LOAN. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS _ cleaned and re-sbaped f«»r 36c. Bands or 1 SW« I'N :.5f 4'flfJl fill 1 Out • f N "1 !■ ! - j* given prompt and careful nttentlou. Best f* work, I*tc*t stylet. Acme Hatters, 6& Whitehall street “Kent Inverted Light.” The flneat gas light In the world. a la Throws light down—beat for reading. 69 N. Pryor St., Phone 4848. • FOR RENT— R00M8. 1. - FOR RENT-FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED or unfurnished; conveniences; private fam- lly. Best residence street. Just the loca- - tlon for refined couple or young men. Ref- , erenee* exchanged. Address Front, care Georgian. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. i TWO NICE UI'HTAIRH FRONT -ROOMS, every convenience; private family. 316 Courtis mi street. Bell 'phone 2920. FOR RENT — NICELY FURNISHED room*, very near In; all conveniences; pri vate family. Bell 'phono 2201 M. 11 rat* llnm atreet. WANTED—NICE COUPLE TO OCCUPY newly furnished front room, and two young men for another front room. In re fined home; modern conveniences. Alabama I'enple, 41 Houston street. Bell 'phone 3384 L. LOST. LOUT—BLACK LYNX MUFF, ON PEACH- tree street last night. Finder will please deliver to 460 Peachtree street and receive reward. — “KENT LIGHTS.” The standard of high quality. When you get a “Kent Light” you get the very best light made—most light- least gas. 60 N. Pryor Bt., Plioue 4848. ° * t PALMISTRY. tr m ^LXftC" nr "^ r ^ r t THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST. 7 can be consulted on all affairs of Ilf*. She 1" reunites the separated, causes a speedy l marriage with the one of your choice, gives names, dates and facts In everything per- b mining to life or no charges. Egyptian t Encampment, 93 Auburn avenue. r 4f " A A. J. WEST & CO., a CENTURY BUILDING. 'PHONE 1764. K ALEXANDER STREET-GOOD LITTLE n home; four-room cottage. Renting for 813 O per month; $1,300. a PIEDMONT AVENUE-NEW UP-TO-DATE “ two-story nine-room residence, best part p> of street. Everything first class; 87,600. \\ ht CRK8CBNT AVENUE - WELL-BUILT 'f nsw sight-room two-story rnlitsnso, with in 250 fret of reaebtree; only 14,500. J •LIST TOUR SALABLE HEAL ESTATE C with u>. We handle everything In rent w estate anil pnrrh.ra money notes and make ro re.niltoo. to lllf BUM IllUtIP. All Co., 704 Candler Bldg Established 100. A CONNERS, EC Mortgage loans on real estate. cini inivrcii, icvonimr «o *ecuriiy oi- fered; .mall eipeuie end prompt attention, only on real uniats- lu end near Atlanta. H. It. Turman. Canon, 24 B. Broad atrsst. Herman. room* ZJZ-2 Trran). Court. FOl’It PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on ninthly payment plan; no aetayi elen money for parcbew money notes. Btretfht loen, nude at I per cent end up ward., according to desirability of loan. W. A. Eneter. tS 8. Brand .treat. nitAMRACn PIANOS. EBTAIII.I8HKD 1123. IIECIIT PIANO CO., U N. FORSYTH, MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME eteel bank eaten end vault door*; erery- thing In eefe Una It. W. ElUs. Agent. 38 6. THE NEW GAR I.IG1IT LINDSAY INVERTED HAVES GAS. INCREASES LIGHT. CARTER A GILLESPIE ELECTRIC CO. t) North Broad atreet. Thuuca fiOod. DR. W. J. TUCKER. Sui^iiTKirxmrm trial home treatment scut In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, ltts N. Broad street, At lanta, Ga. “KENT LIGHTS.” The standard of high quality. When you get a "Kent Light" you get the very best light made—most light— leaet ga*. 69 X. Prvor St., Phone 4848. care Georgian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TUB CKLBBRATED UARRKTT STOVES AND RANGES An* the ouly Stoves and Ranges on earth In which the heat PASSES ENT RELY AROUND THE OVEN. Fully protected by government patents, manufactured by Make your dealer FOR 8ALE—RLAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPEUTY TO BELL place It with us; we give It our special and personal attention. If It’a worth th* price we will sell It C. U. Wells A Ca, UG4 Fourth National Bank. Auction Sale of Fine Furni ture at 20 S. Pryor. i Saturday, November 17. commencing ... .0 a. m., we will sell the finest line of furniture ever sold at auction, tii ma ly sell arc the hogaoy sldeboai . 825 to $100; a three-piece suit, worth, at least. 875; two mahogany IkhIs. a bargain at 923 apiece: two china closets, worth 825 each; four elegnnt claw- foot mnhogauy parlor tables, antique re - 0Bj ranging | n value from 839 to uuv golden oak ball rack, tho finest nnd handsomest piece of furnlturo In that line over made. You could not purchase anything like It at private sale for 876. A lot of rockers rauglug lu value from 83 to 813; one aet of ralsslou (four) dln‘ worth $2»>: a lot of popular-priced . suitable for hall or bedroom, In goldeh and weathered oak; two beautiful buffets, worth 860; an elegant Morris chair: two seta suitable for reception room or coey comer. In mlsslou or leather, something odd aud handsome; a lot of rugs, etc. These good* arc new aud consigned to ua by the factory to dispose of at auction at yonr own price. In second-hand goods, we will sell n uura- her of exceptionally flun iron beds, odd wHshststids. dressers: an elegant cherry »MK>k case, chair*, rockers, a fine brass piano lump, dsveuport. roll top desk, a large heater Raise burner), nnd many things too numerous to mention. We cordially request the nubile, cane- clnMv the ladles, to come ana Inspect the goods at any time before the sale, aa we open from 7 to 6. but sell only on Wednesday* aud Saturdays. If you need anything In the furniture line. It will pay you to attend tills sale. Remember. Saturday. November 17. commencing ut 10 a. in., rain or shine. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND 8ALV- %«.t. r» south Pryor. P. RKRNARIH Auctlontar. BOARDERS WANTED. TURPENTINE LOCATION IN GEORGIA Tor sale; 4) crops virgin timber; more to be had; near large town; plenty of labor; well established: profitable going concern. Write me at once. F. R. Graham. Box 286. Balnbrtdge. Go, “Kent Inverted Light.” Tha fine*: light lu tha world. . n- hast for reading. 169 X. Pryor St., Phone 4848. "\V A NT K D—OFFICE BO Y AT ONCF. APPLY AT nKOlWlAftOPFlOK. PERSONAL "DAVID \V. YaBUrOCGH: " j 31 ASTER PLl’MBEit. I*! 1 ..'iur; IiTm ::0 K. Iliutc. WALL PAPER. WANTED—REAL 1 ESTATE. ATTENTION! For Sale—A corner in the Third Ward that can lie made into a fine invest ment. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. SAUNDERS. PRATHER & COMPANY, 610 Temple Court Bell Phone 2081 Eat Utq ERF MILLS of East Point. 34. •/>. H IAKI.ANP CITY. ILN CORNER IX)T FAC- Ing <*sr 1ln»»: large tionse. 83.(00.' atore; right In town and bath; lot 60 by 176. 84.500. rooms; lot 40 by 193. Something good, 83.- If this will Interest you, come to see u*. . B. WKBh, Manager Hales Department. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” Two Good Lots On Edgewood Ave Between Jackson and Boulevard. 40x100, adjoins No. 368 Edgewood avenue, has 12-foot alley on side and a 20-foot street in rear; price $1,300. Between Boulevard and Daniel, adjoining the new brick stores, 50x93. with alley in rear; price $1,500. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OP Atlanta between the railroads, where there Is something doing very shortly, a corner lot, 194x218; two old bouse* ou the lot. with room for four more. This Is the jdace to make some easy money sure. Price Close in. On orMeJ bt.—witiTin three minutes' walk of the new postof- flee. A first-class 4-room cottage; everything down In the street aud paid for; this prop erty will sell for good profit lu reasonable time, borne terms can be arranged. Price 82.000. u It a&D-new Cottage of sDF rooms, with all the city conveniences, -ear Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for 82,809, on terma of 8350 cash nnd 836 per month. You cannot beat this If you want a home. faAltGAlN r LN^A-Lcii ~LN TUB 1'ltriT- tleat part of North Boulevard, near An- ler avenne, 47x140 feet to alley. Snap for ,600. This Is the right place for a home a good place to build a house that will •ell at a profit, [; it ANT STREET WK HAVE A GOOD ..join cottage, with all the city con veniences. large, elav:A«d lot. Price 83,700. Easy terma UN OAKLAND AVgNUd. ALUvoT NEW gia avenue and Linden atreeta, seven-room Mfifffe; beautiful front shade; lot 240 feet 10-foot alter; barn and out bnlldh|M THUKl-K AVC.NUL. WEHT END- Oue block from Lee atreet. Seven-room house, slate roof. Where can i well? Gas. hot and cold wi bath tab. Price 8^600. Terms KfcPLtfS HTittffct. WK3f -eSB-Iie t If til five-room cottage: must be seen to predated. Extra large ball runulnx ;h the house with large frout and mrches. Lot 60 by 177&. Price 92,- Half cash. Wo have i GEOitSlA AVENWBEAtltV. avenue. Beautiful eight-room two-story house. For quwk sale: 84.000. Terms. take a L6dtcm£vBuaamwtii; eights. Six-room cottage, ■ lot. House can not I* built iw Owner must havo quick sale; 8850 wo yearn nt 832.60 per •h It; 91.691 cash, balance vestment, w« have tenant for two years nt 933.50 r cent on 83,900. ,AHT IN THE DIED- moot avenue section on Tenth street; XSiHER AVENUE-TWO KTOltY IldllHK, with nil convenience*; rulduet mantels, bath. etc*. Ix>t 50 by 130. Price 83,650. Cau arrange terms. FACTORY SITES: MOST DESIRABLE IN FULTON COUNTY. CALL AND GET LOCATION, ADVANTAGES, ETC. Vatbu iwt, w Price. 81.000. AVENUB - LAKEWOOD 69x250. Renta 819 per month. WEST LINDEN STREET—NBAR SPRING street; nice almost new 6-room cottage home; all city conveniences: good car service. Price 82,100. Terma 8400 cash and 820 per month. £onNally hthket-"- NEAg- •tract Hhool; well liultt end auh,t,ntl.l rottngc bnmt. conUInln, fl.c room, «od K ill; all city conrcnlcncc.: derated lot, by no feet to alley. Price 13,80; cuy terms. WrtiTb’WihTTF COAL LANDS. 767 ACRES HIGH-GRADE DOMESTIC TENN. CO VL WITH VEIN 4 TO 5 FEET OR 6,000 TONS PER ACRE, WITHIN 1-2 MILE OF RAILROAD; \o GRADING TO CONNECT IS LEVEL; COSTS 50C PER TON TO MINE; 15c FOR TIPPING; $1.40 FRT TO ATLANTA; CAN SELL COAL F.O.B. STATION, $1.75. $17.50 ACRE. $2,600—WEST END COT TAGE; 6 ROOMS; ALL CONVENIENCES; LOT 50 BY > 127; . SPLENDIDLY LOCATED; RENTED OX LEASE FOR $26.00 PER MONTH. SANDERS, SMITH ' & CONWAY, 412 PETERS BLDO. PHONES 5488. It. O. Medloek. [}F ONE I. The , ,-^ht and very complete. Atlanta Phone 14&~ ^ALBS DEPARTMENT; c E. L. MORSE, 1114 FOURTH NATIONAL RANK BLDG. adjoining on lot 60 by 106. Houses two years. One block of car line. Rent regularly for 816 month. Price 81,550. ilUAND-NK\V MIX-KOOU COTTAOB lot 46 feet front, extending hack to an other street. Rental 916 month; 81,500. Terras. CAl'ITOI. AVK^rti—CUtilC'fi 1'OltSKlt tfeury (I. lacknoo. R. O. MEDLOCK CO., 418 Empire Building. REAL ESTATE FOR VALE. 13.750—NINE-ROOM TWO-8TORY MOD. Boofmnd? ° U<1 * ll “ tlei1 ,ot: n °Hb aide, unir n^BKiilT-Bboji, llott«e, HHADKD _lot. fine location. Inman Park. *SS ISjwo-HI.T.ItobSI ilofHk; Wrist i-aiu ni M VOTTAtJti; SHADED lot: SO by 170. O.I0O—Elf HIT-ROOM TWO-STOItV: Nli corner Angler nnd .ln.-k.on. KjOOd-uHNTItAL 1'OllS‘h‘lt Lof. 100 itv 100; near Empire building. fco*.— fouititooM; XTJPEE—xETii ict-5'~ 7 o lot, 4 feet above street; 100 by 260. Htr • i rear. Would cut into five lots: $2,690. GLENK\Vch>D A VI-iN UK-NEAR Git A NT street; uenrl.v new cottage; has nil con veniences. Ix>t 46 by 140 feet: 83,000. Pay 8509 down and 825 month. 6 per cent In terest POWELL STREET, .NEAR FULTOjJ BAG and Cotton mills. Prottv lot 50 by 140. Sewer, water and gas mains down. Side walk; $325; half cash. SolEm Hll)k I'OT+AOb; FH-TEE.N 1 minutes' walk from center; beautiful In terior finish; pretty lot; 93.100. Terms, 8500 ash, balance monthly CALL FOR L. F. BOWEN. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. FOR RENT » IRWIN STREET. of Irwin street, between Hilliard and Jnckson »tn«u; has gas, hot and cold wa ter: bath, closet, sink lu the kltcbeu; Is In irwiu Firwi mi* mr uwr; jarbwni street ears lialf block away. Will Ik* va- rant DeeeuitM*r 1. Rents |25 per month. PONCE DEl.EON AVENUE: NEW NORTH SIDE COT TAGE AT TENTH AND WEST PEACHTREE, SIT UATED ON AN ELEVAT ED LOT; WILL RENT FOR $35. THIS COTTAGE HAS ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, INCLUD ING ELECTRIC LIGHTS, AND IS ESPECIALLY WELL BUILT. APPLY OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD, 316 PETERS BUILDING. Both Phones, 3519 and 2249. nElson ' "h'th'bEt. 1 H'HKEft-mtMtrtl* mile from center of elty and five blocks of terminal station; ten-room, story and half bouse, targe lot. Would rent for tUJO a year, Price 83,760. S. B. TURMAN & CO. $2,500 - SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH slate roof; built of best material; uated on the north side; right near Atlanta Stove works, Atlantic compress, DeLoach's mill anil those other big Industries. The owner will sell on very easy tern)#. Soy, $C(r) rash and balance $25 per month. This very attractive proposition and a bar gain. , _ ■001 r; potceL.-- i closet, sink In the kitchen; U newly paper ed and palmed, and uew plumbing being INTfcn 'riUL^- C lii * * »t« • . AhkI »T4g<— i MW *'> Austell building. fMMALt. irifTir.'. ViiAr A*vkI «vsg .M V SHELTON, papi::; and iminth. .»*;u f-ft-l }or. ’ lint ■ HnrtKl \ WilUsi uu! » DON T 1 ORULT X\ A. MIULTON II k I «•*»- actlois wall jMper . practical alo^e and range repairer: nest j ** «Ml show (mm ui work sad unterUl guauicuroiL bulk phvots I Both 'Dbooea 658. . W* U 6. Prjo? street. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, J 2 Auburn ATcnut, Sotb Pbonsj «1» atrium FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We Lave all iuake» Kcond-liud and -ebuilt Typewriter, at prices to more them. If you fall to let u. know your wants in thl. line you will lose money. Write or call for “Special Sale List-’’ We maintain the best repair department in the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-23-2$ Candler Blfe - 31,000—TtVO-HTORV NtNE ltOOM HOUSE on Highland avenue. lu fine condition: near corner Jackson street. This Is a great big bargain nnd we can sell on easy terms. If you have $300 to 1730 cash, we will trade —and balance can Ih> paid on easy monthly ItiMnllraeiits. $2,000—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON EAST avenue; not far from North Boulevard. If •you can raise about 8259 cash yjr. may take this -house and pay the rest 82U per month. The place Is worth 82..7H), and you get a Mg bargain If you buy If. 360 TO 400 FEET FRONT ON PEACH- tree. In Hi* h**art or the best of that beautiful avenue. Will sub-divldo to s.iii purchaser, aud make lots 359 feet deep. Y7e are In position to make prices oi tit s nrepetty that will rttract buyers wii.i want Peachtree ^ornes. Come uud see ua about It. S. B. TURMAN & CO. botsK. SKZB 4 o, t : ner Pryur and Rasa. iw: S!4 MILES NORTHEAST OK ■toswellHI ii>io - *r\Vo w THIIEk-ltOOM ii'oWKiC . nnT ElM. M.r f.rtorr: ram. 111. i^-TWo TW6-.lto6M NKflliD H6l'si:s. urar corn.r F«lr .ml Klnc. Effo - HEVk.V.IioDM llol'wtl; ' WEST Pine, near Hprlng. falOO-HIXllOOM HOl'kbi WteHT in ker. urar firm., *>•'ACUEH IMPROVED, <»N IIAlll' cnr » l|P<| r Ralmout station. CALL AT OUU 6FFICB. "4U' KMPIUK: for any properties you wish to buy, sell or exchange. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUT AND BELL HOUSES AND LOf* on easy terms. 10 Auburn avenue. BRAZILIAN ENVOY Neiv York, Xov. 16.—Joaquin Na- buco, tho Brazilian envoy who arrived at New York yesterday, declined to tell the Immigration Inspector whether he ever dwelt in jail, an aim* house or Insane asylum, and whether he 1* a polygamist or an anarchist. The mat ter may be referred to the atate de partment. TEMPERANCE ONION L H|»i-Hiil to Tin- Georgian. Gailnden, Ala., Nov. ■«.—OwInK to the late arrival of many delegate.-, the opening reunion of the State Conven tion of the Woman'B Christian Tem- lierance Union wan not held until yew terduy morning at 9:20 o'clock, at which hour the president, Mr*. Mary T. Jeffrie*, of Birmingham, called the meeting to order. The service* were opened with prayer and music. The president stated that it was the small est attendance In the history of the or ganization. there being only about M delegates present, nnd urged that thev be not disappointed, but work bard nnd the meeting would prove of Inter est nnd value to all. $77,467^57.40 INCREASE ON MISSISSIPPI PROPERTY CHARITIES TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON The second annual meeting of tho member* of the Atlanta Associated l haritie* will lie held at 3 o'clock Fri day afternoon at the Chamber of Com. tnerce. . The report* of ofRcer* will show- the organization to lie In a splendid condi tion In every res|>oct. The main busi ness will bt- the election of officers. Will he l ^L l,i ^,!5“ t J2 r ia T ' P L ^ n *l no "'“"t of the other officers amt ,'Jraclor. WUI be re-elected president and that wtU be re-elected. fipeefa! to The Georgian. Jackson, Mis*., Nov. 18.—The final tabulation of the Mississippi assess ment roll shows an Increase of $77,457.- 257.40 over lost year, not Including tic assessment of railroad property on which Is an Increase of about JS.OW.-