The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 24, 1906, Image 16

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. •ATCBDAY, .NOVEMBER U. IMt COTTON AT CLOSE SLIGHTLY HIGHER Day’s Short Session in All Markets Encouraged the Bulls. THEY ARE CONFIDENT Claim Present Conditions Will Result in Still Fur ther Advances. notable lack of speculative offerings here. Mini In the first fifteen minute* price* •cored • net rim* of 17 point*. There wna a fair trade among commission house*. NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. rrlrete Wire to Albert * Cluj. Nfcw Ybrk, Nor. 24.—Liverpool at 7 to 8 higher, about as expected. On this basis we should open unchanged. ““A* general miscellaneous demand for Janu ary caused market to open better than ex ported. Uents Brothers sold the New York mar ket down. Journal of Commerce: "The movement of __ consignments In order to appesse buyers who are pressing them adds materi ally to the clerical work In the commission and Jobbing bouse*. The feeding process of tiuylng goes on. but ac'lers think It la dm* rtore i foellr.g among consumer* that price* l*e lower In the near future." Following I* the statistical po*ltlon of Friday. > cotton on Friday. November 29. a* made up by the New York Financial Chronicle: This Last I.n*t Week. Week. Year Visible supply . . .4.096,721 3.W7.SM 4.636.S61 Amerb-nn 3.301,731 3.006.896 3.712.661 In sight for week. 543.863 671.03 607.322 Mnee Hepteraher 1.6.166,723 4.622.9(2 4.971,«8 Port receipts. . . . *410.623 416.473 396,046 Port stock , export* 269,678 Inferior receipts.... 296.434 Interior stocks. . . 658,645 in<e» air Mliipment*. 262.911 Tntet mill f.1 kings. 375.028 American mills. . . 309,028 south. ('•uiNuiiipthm 47.0a) Nor. splu’r'a tax’s.. 100,840 .1.167,312 1.046.696 1.373.291 The feeling In the cotton market thl* morning whm more cheerful than for quite a while. The Liverpool market was ahont a* ex pected. the close l*elng 7<R8 points higher for option*. Following Is the range In the actlrs months lu Liverpool today: . Open, lllgh. I/ow. November ; ..5.86% 6.87 6.86 January-February 6.69 6.70 6.66V4 March-Aprll * May-June.. fee nr t* to very G.09d « was advanced . only 4,000 bale*. In New York. _ higher, sold off some 9010 points, rallied, and closed steady 3 point* lower to 7 points higher, the former for November. the close yesterday. The heart In cotton on two days during the past week controlled the futures mar kets aud were *ucee*iftil In forcing the nesday, the spot situation am. «...• ... creased taking* by Manchester spluner* lie- Ing the Influence* making for better price*. On Wednesday, the glnner*' report was Issued, the figure* lielng *.631,486 n* the nmount ginned up to NovemlM>r 14. agiiln*t 6.906.396 on Novemlwr 1. 1906. 7,501,1*0 In 1906 and 9.786.640 In 1901. The figures were claimed to lie bearish . which resulted In decllue* of point* from net high imliitn before ... report wn* Issued. After It* l**unuce, n sharp rally occurred, and closing price* were 204129 points higher than Tuesday’s close. The rcvlidon committee on limitation* met on Wednesday and revised the grade differences. The liears, having fulled w figures indicated over-produr Hon. turned to this Item of news, and on Thursday were successful In forcing sharp 9672*4 324.663 aim 210.698 473.969 136.969 271.791 631.749 New Orica II*. Nov. 47.000 113,446 suu 46.000 96,199 have been n points up, but-Is about as expected on New York. A special from Fall Hirer. Moss., to The Time* Democrat, aays: "Fall Hirer em ployees get Increase of 10 per cent. Other cotton mills In New England expected to follow the example." . Dun’s Kevlew aays: "Producers of cot ton goods are unable to make deliveries according to agreement, delays causing se rious eomplaInto from buyer*. The pres sure Ip due to th«» fact that there wan no effort to provide for requirement* until It became evident tuat uo concession* In prices could In* secured, and the manufac turer now control* tic situation. Lit tle attention Is paid to the fluctuation* In he governing factor being raw material. t„_ the time at which good* can be delivered.' Today** map Is excellent In no far a* the enslern belt I* concerned—doa r, dry. scuHonnhlc weather prevailing, but west of the Miaalulpnl river heavy and general ruin* have fallen, especially In Texas. In dication* are that much colder weather Is to, follow. Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively’s twenty-five years* experience of ed iting markets In Atlanta and the Sontb has rends him a recognised au thority In bis specialty- The Largest and Most Secure Vaults in the Soul RANGE RANGE OF NEW OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS liuaranteeTrust Go/of Ga. NAME OF STOCK. A urn la* united Copper. Atlantic Coast l.ioe. . Americas Sugar ttvt . Anaconda. . American Locomotive. do. pra(erred. . . . Am. StutUitg lief. - . do. preferred. • • . ‘blsou. do. preftrrad. . • . American Cot'on Oil. . Am. Car Foundry. . . Baltimore A Ohio. . . Brooklyn Rapid T. • . , Canadian Pacific. , . . Chicago A Nortbw’o. . Chesapeake A Ohio. . . Colorado Fuel A Iroa. Central Leather. . . . do. preferred. . • . Chicago A Great W. . Chicago, M. A fit. P. . g tinware A Hudson. . (■tiller's Securities. . Erie. do. General Electric. . . . Illinois Central Am. Ice Securities. . . Louisville A Nssbvlllg. Mexican Central. . • . Missouri Pacific. . • . 85 85 Total stock sales today, 488.50rf shares. m NAME OF STOCK. N. Y., unt. A Western. National Lead Northern Pacific. • . . New York Central. . . Norfolk A Western. . Pennsylvania. ...... People s Gas Pressed Steel Car. . . I do. preferred. . • . Pacific Mall. Heading Republic Steel Hock Island .. da preferred. . . . Lnlted States Hubbei. da preferred. . . . Southern Pacific. . . . Southern Hallway. . . da preferred. . . . SIoes-Hheffleld. . . , Tenn. Coal A Iron. „ Texas A Pacific. ... Union Pacific United States Steel. do. preferred. . . Ya.-Car. Chemical. . do. preferred. . . Western Union. •>. . Wabash. ...... da preferred. . . Wisconsin CentraL . do. preferred. . . , O 5 -w 2 i«n «i 38k SSrsa tiKif 75‘, 7.* 3I8U: 271* US'. 3SH 31U Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. INVESTMENT BONDS Paid and Held for Benefit of Investors $425,000. Under State supervision nod have deposited with the .State of Georgia $25,000.00 We sell Ten Year 5 Per Cent Bonds in denominations of $125.00 and $1,000.00 each at par, interest payable on each January and July. Surplus appor tioned to bonds at maturity. If desired, these bonds can be paid for in monthly installments; non-forfeitable after One Monthly ’ iuptulhnent has been made. 1 leauiiful Savings Bank Box Furnished Without Charge. Doposit Boxes and Storage Space for Rent at Reasonable Kates. 93?4 1 WRITE FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET. *5 m 'll PS FLASHED From Wall Street. NEW YORK. The following Is Ibe range In cotton fu- furea In New York today: WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY STATEMENT The world's visible supply of cottou. n* “ Ifester. of the Now f, show* an Increase .compiled by Recretary Orlcnn* cotton exchange. .JMBSW......... for the week Ju*t closed of 236.268, against decline*. The New York Commercial, lu Its ro- view of Thursday'* market, says: "The ring said that the rcvl*lon of grade* was uot sufficient • to protect till* market from n great Influx of undr*lrablc cotton, and consequently the market declined yes terday. The War* on the revi*lon mi Increase of 266,806 last year, nnd an Increase of 213.896 year before Inst. The total visible I* 4.036.336, ngaltmt 3.- 800.069 Inst week. 4.546,661 last year nnd 3.- 874.078 year liefore last. Of till*, the to tal of American cotton I* 3,260.336. ngnlnst 3.039,008 Inst week. 3.722.66! lust year and nnd 3,326,078 year before last, nnd of all other kinds, including Egypt. Itraxll, In din. etc.. 77COOL ngnlnst 701*000 last week, 924,000 last year nnd 648.000 year before lant. The total world’* vl*llde supply of COtt a* aliove show* an Increase compared with la*f week of 236,268. n decrease compared with Inst year of [610.326. and an Increase _ the world'L ... — a* altove there In nqw afloat nnd held In Great Itrltaln and continental Europe 1.869, iulttec claimed that thqr. had won lory, and. In spite of the - -- - 0 { expecteil vie- lory, hum, ii» iiiiiu ui mi- fact that the mnrket hud not expected n gsenter re vision. the trade wn* made to feel that something very bearish had occurred, aud the mnrket reflected thl* Idea. The open ing W’s* fit a decline of 4<|9 point*, and the market closed steady at a decline of 274132 point*. "Tin* professionals had the mnrket en tirely under their control frm i the opening to the flnl*h. There was never a day per- hap* when less of the buslues* paid 915 n hundred than yesterday. The bcnrsJn- sls|l*d that there was to lie a great flood street, and ....... -„ r ... ... Kouth wn* filled full of the Iden that the I'evlslfiu was n wheiue of the hears, ami the Southern bull* were frlghteued out of trudhig In thl* market drive at the mnrket nnd succeed nierlug price* down 19&28 |Ndnt* from th< • ,»p tin, Deccmlier selling •t 9.97 and January at 10.06. There was rally 11"in the low point, and 000, ngaliiMt 1,989.000 Inst year nnd 1.892.- 000 year before hint: III Egypt. 171.000. ngnliiNt 147,000 hist year and 149.000 year before Inst: III India 222,999. ngnlnst 397.- 000 Inst year and 187.000 year before Inst; and lu the Hilled State* 1.084.000, against 2.014.000 lust year aud 1,646,000 ye fore last. SPINNERS’ TAKINGS AMERICAN COTTON HeerotaW^fteiitir gives taking* of Amerl- an cotton;by tni spinners of tbs world as ini* wees, ins,vw inis year, against ; 000 last year, 318,000 year liefore last. ne year nerorc. this. Northern spinner* and Canada ojilorti) bate* this year, against 706.- a*t year and 710,000 the year liefore; 673.000, against 662,000 COTTON MOVEMENT DURING PAST WEEK •■haling price* were 10fjt9 point*. The hear clique I* hampered by the strength of spot cotton In the Houth. They ,- f ... Y ork cotton exchange I nr# run to cover easily on all aharji "follows?* * * u«nge, i The movetn^nt «ff cottou for the week nnd a* catnidled ^ liyr Hiiperlntendcut Dec. Jan. . Feb. Mcli. April May ,110.50 .10.15 .10.28 .110.49 .10.6210.66 10.38(10.34 10.19; IO.19-20 10.31*10.30-32 10.38-40 10.51110.50 110.54 56 10.62110.00-01 ■1 10.64-66 10.67110.72110.67110,67110,67-68 10.48 10.50 111! 10.37-42 10.13-13 10.23-25 10.31-33 10.47-49 10.53 64 10.57-69 10.61-62 LIVERPOOL. ige, 2 p. , yesterday e close. Futures opened easier. and dose, compared with Opening flange. Noverolier November-December. Deeemher-Jnnuary- . January-February. 2 p. m 5.70 Previous Close. Close. 5.86*4 5.79‘i 6.74 5.68 5.70 6.63 61H . . .6.69 5.681,4 5.61* . ..5.69 B.69H 5.62 . .. .6.70 • 5.70H 5.62' . .. S.624 5.71 Vs 5.72 5.64 6.74 5.73V4 6.66V4 Private Wire to Glliert A Clay. New Ynrk. Nov. 24.—The Imnk atatement today should In* a favorable one. with some Incrciise In surplus reserve. The Iranks NEW ORLEANS. Inr Is tb ’ Orleans have gained In excess of $500,000 through the week'* money movement, according to most estimates. The Financial Chronicle makes It 11.056.000. Money rates, however. N~ Dee. Jau.. Ii6.62 10.70 .'10.66 10." April May June July today: tl hi. 68” 110.76- 10.66 10.66-67 10.69-59 10.70 10.69-70 10.61-62 10.76-78 10.«8-7O 10.90 10.79-80* 10.68-73 10.86-88|10.79-81 10.94; 10.93-94; 10.84-S5 11.00-01 10.91 -93 U.09|ll.Qo-07|l0.97-98 f’losed stead.v. QIBERT A CLAY’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Orleans. Nov. 24.—In Liverpool the ndvauce of 7 to 8 point* recorded by op tion* wa* not fully responsive to the lin- — -ed I provement that occurri 4.O0O bale* which, while 10 point* higher In quotation*, may have coiitrllmtcd *omewhnt to the lack of nggresNlvcnes* that the for Igu market displayed. The continued dc with regard the leveling of differences he tween the various centers. The protection that I* afforded In a mnrket where the re- vision of differences Is susceptible to the law* governing supply and demand In con trast to a fixed scale Irrespective of the fundamental economic litw may find It* re flection In a further widening of contract prices, hut until the new level* are ndjunt- cd the process, of transformation may at time* l»ecoiiie Erratic aud apparently Inex- plalnuble. L. jJaNDERSON & CO'S. COTTON LETTER New York. Nov. 24.—The cotton mnrket today continued quite active. There wn* a firm tone In respouse to foreign strength. Hhorts here pnd In the South were fair buyers, consequent upon Iasn favorable weather predictions and bullish spot mar ket advices. The movement was fair, and some Interests were disposed to look cllaes, having apparently little In their position. The spot situation Is summed ns fol lows In The New York Commercial: "A prominent spot uihii who has Just re turned from the belt, where In* went with orders to buy u great deal of cotton, said Thursday: ’There I* no chance to get any cotton mlddllug or better. The buver* li Georgia ace paying 68 points over Jauuai) for lists of any nnd every sort of cotton, Every local buyer Is receiving telegram* right along from the big spot people tanking offers—even In towns where the hlg people have their own buyers. There Is no elm lice to get snythlug except tinges, but at the same time the low-grade cotton In Hie South Is not sandy, and It haa the IhnI)-, There Is not much ngnlnst It except Hr color. It Is splnnabli* cotton, and (In mill* will have to spin what they cun get There may In* u good deal of It sent b New York, hut If there I* It will nil l*» sold l»efore the end of the sea*on. There Is not going to be a lot of "dog tslla" to carry over, although at the same time then* has been such ■ rush to get cot ton ginned, and so much tin* Ih-cii ginned wet, thnt there is going to In* a greater j»er cent of gin-cut cottou tU«u e%er l*c Estimated Monday: 1906. 1905. New Orleans 13.000 to 15.1810 11.69 Galveston 23,000 to 26.000 16.249 Houston 15,000 to 17,000 13.155 Movement at Atlanta Receipts today.. .. Hnme dsy last year. Decrease Shipment* today 1.1 to Kmiiic day last year 1.774 Decrease 034 Htock on hand today 15.0T6 Runic day last year M.«K» 1,25*) Inert 3.317 INTERIOR .RECEIPTS. The following table shoos receipts st the Interior towns today, compared with the same day laat year: lloustou Augusta Memphis, Memphis.. .. Kt. Louis .. Cincinnati .. Total 1 22041 Last Port receipts 413,06*) overland to mills and <’au- ndn 49,113 Rout hern mill tnklngs (esti mated) 63.000 Gain **f stocks at Interior towns 29,593 29.515 Itroiight Into sight for the week 553.766 522,268 Total Crop Movomont. Port receipts...... ... ......3,002,948 3.733.684 overland to mills and Can ndn Routhcru mill tnklugs (cstl 211.753 193,27: mate«l) 6I5.0W Rt.h k at Interior towns In excess of September I. *‘**”6 r«*p estimate* continue to circulate freely, and they cover n wide range. Hence the onservatlre Interests are willing to play or Ncnlplng’ turns of limited proportion*, until some definite Iden enn be formulated relative to the probable extent of this year’s production. It Is evident thnt the short Interest In the market has Increased during he past week, nnd ns the ItenrsWIe- |N*iul largely on the weather conditions,' the glnuers statistics and the spot sltim lion, the future seem* quite uncertain. With n substantial bull Interest in the market at the same time, the chances are that activity noted recently will continue Indefinitely. COTTON SEED OIL. Close. Xoveml»er 39-4014 December 37-37’, January 35 35** CHANGES SMALL IN WHEAT PRICES Trade in All Speculative ^Commodities Very Dull Entire Session. Chicago. Nov. 24.—Closing prices for the lay showed wheat He lower, corn '»e up. >nt* He off to unchanged and provisions V4'fifl2*4re lower. Long wheat continued to come wheat iharvest inarves ... iroceedli _ quality la netter thnn last year, the crop heavy and that the weather Is favorable for harvesting. Primary receipts of wheat 796,000 bush els and corn 406.000 bushels, compared with 1.4567,000 and 699,000 bushels, respectively, a year ago. Clearances fort he day were 242,000 Imsli Is of wheat. 97.000 bushels corn and 13,000 bushels of oats. Cash grain transactions at Chicago were !0,000 bushels of wheat, 55,000 bushels of ■urn and 70,000 bushels of oats. The sen- Innird reported 2 loads each of wheat and corn, and 60,000 bushels of oats. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open. WHEAT— Dec.... 73* n May.... 78V4 July.... 7 COHN- Atlnuta. Nov. 24.—Apples arc well clean ed up, with the market strong and nrtlve covering the tiest variety and quality nt ailvnneed price*. I^uiona inclined to show u downward tendency ns to values hy reason of sharp iitnptl Grange* and grape fruit In liberal *up- pl.v. with uo change of note In prevnlllug price*. irwlng to favorable weather condition*, active with prices up. and strong demand prevnlllug. New York state grape* In banket*, espe cially Concord variety, selling readily nt notation prices. Catnw*ba grape* less n< the, with value* suffering the result. Mai- itgn grapes of the best marks are well elenuod up. with a demand sufficient to take nil receipt* nt fair values. Crnulierrles high and nrtlve. Florida vegetables, namely, pepper. eg$ plant, string lwins, cmillflou-er. fancy louui toes, okra and cucumbers, will meet ready sale for Thanksgiving demand. ( A better feeling III sweet potatoes, espe cially pumpkin yarn, prevail*. No change of note applies to Irish pota toes or onions. Cabbage slow Mile at low prices.- with quite nu accumulation In the market. Game of all kind* arriving during first aud middle of week was <liiui|K*d to a largo extent ou account of Its damaged eoudl tlon. resulting from unfavorable weather conditions. The egg market for several days has ilecelpts of dressed poultry, especially turkeys, have lieeii excessive for several ‘nys past. The demand for the t»e*t grades of table nnd cooking butter continues strong, with good prices. Htitabagu turnips plentiful and cheap. THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat dosed nuchanged. Corn closed HO** lower. Dae. May 43^ July... 44*» » liii February March .. M ay ..35 35** ,.35-35* .34*4-: OATS- Di*c 33V* May C4H July.... 32\ I’ORK- .Isn... 14.47*4 14.55 33*4 3IT* S3** May... 14.71 14.80 Dec... Jail... ( HIDES— !.lnn... 7.) | May Loulslsna. Mississippi and East Texas— Showers htaturday and probably Sundny. Georgia—Fair Saturday; Sunday partly cloudy. West Florida nnd Alalaimn—Partly cloudy Rntunlay. showers Sunday night. i -■ 1 West Texas—Haiti In south nnd rain or Below Is given receipts today and estt- ■now In north |K>rtlon Saturday; Sundny muted receipts for tomorrow: probably fair. I Today. Tninor. Arkansas—Cloudy Saturday. probably I Wheat 33 25 '* * * ‘ I'.trn lli) 1C. 8.6U 9.07*4 8.6.) 8.37*4 P.02*a 9.07V4 8.42*4 WEATHER FORECA8T. , i ASH WHEAT-- I No. 2 reil 74V4«75: No. 3 2 hard winter 73V44f73*,4; No :.*2H 7tftjt*»: X. SPOT COTTON MARKET. I.lverpool. s|H>t cotton dull and steady middling uplands 6.«0d; sales 4.000; Amerl ‘H *|HH'ulatb»n# nnd exjHirt 400; ro .... .. ctdpts I .TOO; American Atlanta, steady at lO^c. New York, firm at 11.20c. New Orleans, firm nt 1015-!(c. Memphl*. stcail it I vest on, steady at 10\c, TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. New Orleans Galveston .. Mobile .. .. Savannah .. Charleston .. Wilmington .. Norfolk .. .. New York.. .. Boston Philadelphia .. , 12304 1256 2765 3972 Jacksonville .. .. Toml. ,.| «tt)l | GIBERT & CLAY tlC ALABAMA ST ATLANTA. CA STOCKS. MONOS. COTTON. CHAIN. corrcc. provisions. MCHHCHS: New York Stock Exchange. I New Orleans Cotton Exchange. | Chicago Board of Trade. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COnOK—STOCK BONDS—GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter and market manual mailed on application. 21/74*4. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. and Sunday. Rentu 161 .22,000 Is possible the market may In-come quiet, and that no Important speculative move nient will take place until after the meet ing of congress nnd the reading of the prcyldent's message. . I tow-Jones' summary: United State* Steel mUes wages 10 cent* a day for un skilled Inlior. Dun's Hevlew says all niouthly records of foreign commerce were far eclipsed In Oc tober. ilradstroot’s says trade la actlre, as .. whole, with holiday demand opening earlier still pushed to the . _ . Thirty-nine roads for the second week In Novemiier show average gross Increase of 11.19 per cent. Twenty-active railroads dcclln cent. New York Financial Bureau: Copper Is still hold between 113 nnd 115. mpport appears ns yet toward 147. AtchlMou Is held between 103 mid 100 for the time being. .We believe these stocks good purchases on fair recessions. Paul Is still sold by the floor crowd. the range Is still llm! extreme. We would buy Canadian Pacific nnd New York Central on reactions. Erie nnd Southern Hallway seem to us marking time In a narrow range of trading position. would buy Louisville nnd Nashville scale down In case of any further re- cession. There la aonie supi»ort toward 146. Southern Pacific could, with advantage technically, sustain n further recession. THE COFFEE MARKET. The following table gives the. opening range nnd close lu the New York coffee market today: Opening Range. STOCKS OPENEO Lost From About One tc Over Four Points in the First Hour. GREAT NORTH’N WEAK Decline in Standard Oil in the Outside Market Chief Influence. New York. Nov. 24.-The market diotvsd a further reactionary tendency. The early dealings were characterised hr general heaviness and price* sagged moderately. There was an entire lack of aggressive Initiative on the part of the hull mntln- gent, nnd this encouraged hear traders to sell for a turn. Prououneed weakness, however, did not develop until bite In th- session after the publication of the bank statement. There was a feclde rally toward the end of busiueas, but the market doted weak. There was unexpected pressure in the slock market from the opening nnd priest n the first hour austnlncd deellue* rant ing from about 1 to over 4 points. "’ cnee la the decline in Standard oil la the outside market. Government l>ouds weak, oilier l*. steady. March... lay.... June July August September Octolier November December.. .. Closed steady. 5.95-0.05 6.106.15 6.20-6.25 6.25-6.35 .. ..0.40 6.46-6.55 6.66-6.60 6.60-6.70 6.70 6.75-6.80 6.85 .. . .5.90-5.95 Close. 6.00-6.10 6.15-6.20 0.25-6.30 5.40 IIMi 6.60-6.68 6.65-6.76 6.75-6.80 tk 80-6.85 5.96-6.00 {7.95-6.00 CHRONICLE’S WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT the . thnn lu recent weeks, with heavy, pre ipltatlbn In Home districts In the Missis sippi valley. • Picking continue* to make good prom-ess. and reports from some lo calities deuote that It la nearing comple tion. The movement to market continues liberal scnlo. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Seaboard . 23* i Seaboard Air Line, common. do, first preferred do, second preferred 5*» do, ten-year 6a 10)* do, three-year 5a.. do, 4s.. . 81 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. •hows The weekly Hank Association changes: Reserves, Increase. 12.031.75". Loan*. Increase, 34,070.600. Circulation, Increase, fm.*-* 01 *. MINING 8T0CK8. per Itniige* S3:’ Smelting 62'4; Tec Central 34; Shannon ITS; Blngha LJ. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOGKS, GRAIN CorrespoadeRt's Capital $250,000 REFERENCE, THE NEAL BANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLOC N»w Orl.nn, Ptook Lichan,,. ! IJTcrpaol Colton Am'il ><—r Orlren. Bo.rt of Tr«d». 1 li.lrreton Cottou El. TE WIRES TO A LI. EXCHANOER. Local «nd Long Oi.tnnc* T,l,phont 5298. C. E. KEPLINQER, Mtnager. >»P • »n«». I ! i-rivAt ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main 8S& ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Central Bank *« Trust Corporation Atlanta, Georgia. * OFFICERS. ASA 0. CANDLER, President. WM. H. PATTERSON, Vice President. JOHN S. OWENS, Vice Preiident. A. P. COLES, Cashier. WM. D. OWENS, Auutant Cashier. Condensed Statement of Con dition as called for by State Treasurer at Close of Business November 12,1906. i COMMENCED BUSINESS FEB. 6, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $1,304,820.36 Demand Loans 108,012.75 Stocks and Bonds 89,023.80 Overdrafts 207.62 Furniture and Fixtures *. 2,880.11 (In Vault $219,345.81 uasn (Due by Banks.. 486.052.81 705,398.62 $2,210,343.26 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $. 500,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) . 42,689.39 n ann .i+. (Individual— $1,013,584.91 Deposits (Banks 616,243.96 1,629,828.87 Rediscount 37,825.00 $2,210,343.26 ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. E. CURRIER, PrealcUnt. A. E. THORNTON, Vlc«-Preildenl. H. T. INMAN, Vlca-Preddart. OEO. R. DONOVAN, Caahlar. JAMES S. FLOYD, Aaa't Caahlar. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sts Atlanta Offices, 219-221 Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange. New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Live'rpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct , wire service. Correspondence invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Hustace. Mar. Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaults in the basement of the Empire (Building for only $5. 00 each pet annum. Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences You should not be without one. We • invits you to call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co.