The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 03, 1906, Image 10

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n o n o o a a O 0 O O O O 0£ O O O O O O O O O o 10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONO A V. DECKirriKIt : VJant Ms Only 1 Cent a Word No *d. taken for tees than 25 eente. Six words of average length make a tine. The following rates are tor eonsecutive insertions: 1 time , 3 times , 6 times »26 times 52 timet 73 times 6 cents a line. 5 cents a line. 4’/2t cents a line. 4 cents a line. 3Vz cents a line. 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call Us on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When 8ending Ada. Pay for at Rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. « II* YOU WANT A POSITION IN ANT lln<*. gnywiicr#*, place your name with ue. The men appreciate our- methods «>f fm n!help. National Employment Association. 10=2-1023 Century building. The PkLCcra. W A N T B f»—COMPETENT REMINGTON operators furnished positions. Remlnfton Typewriter Co.. 118 Peachtree street. 8TATEH MA .... n between ages of 10 and opportunity to see the world. ~ full luformntlc ter to Marine building. Atlanta, Ga. For _ let* Ice, 711 Austell WANTED—PLANING MILL. SAW MILL mlinen! nmt turpentine woods laborers; white or colored; good wage*. ateady ein idovineiit. Jackson Lumber Company, Lock- |Kirt, Covington count), Alnbnnin. WANTED. IN EACH STATE-SALESMEN to sell large line tobaccos; permanent po sition. Central Tobacco Co., Norfolk, Vs. POLICEMEN NEEDED-PARTIES DESIR lug to make application, can get blanks at my office. Applicants will bo examined next • Tuesday night. Henry Jennings,' Chief Police. THE WELL KNOWN HOLER SYSTEM of hnrher colleges wnnts men to learn bar- Iter trade. Juat opened our 22d branch nnd offer special Inducements for limited tlmcj Few weeks completes. PooUj — our diploma holders. Wsl— ■ tool* given. Don't miss this op|>ortuiilty. and Forsyth streets, Atlanta, advantage hr writing to L. lauta ueOtglnn. ’HAVE POSITIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING TO MORROW: BOOKKEEP ER FOR LUMBER, MILL ING AND CORPORATION FROM .$100 TO $125; DRUG BOOKKEEPER AT $100, WHO IS WILLING TO INVEST SOME MON EY; TWO GENERAL OF FICE MEN; MECHANI CAL DRAUGHTSMAN, $80; TWO TRAVELING SALESMEN, SPECIALTY AND DRUGS; GENERAL MANAGER AND SUPER INTENDENT FOR COT TON MILL; OVERSEER FOR SPINNING MILL; LUMBER ESTIMATOR; LUMBER INSPECTOR; DRUG CLERK; SHIP PING CLERK; COLLEC TOR AND OFFICE MAN; STATIONER AND BOOK- SALESMAN; STENOGRA PHERS FROM $40 TO $85; OFFICE BOY AND FILE CLERK. IF YOU WANT ANY OF THE POSITIONS IN THE ABOVE LIST CALL OR WRITE US. WE HAVE A GREATER DEMAND FOR COMPETENT MEN THAN WE ARE ABLE TO SUP PLY. NATIONAL MPJ.OY- iNT ASSOCIATION. | WANTED HELP—FEMALE. I WANT THESE PLACES FILLED TOMORROW: TWO EXPERT STENOG RAPHERS, ONE BE GINNER; EXPERIENC ED SALESLADY, FOR BOOKSTORE, ANOTHER FOR JEWELRY STORE; HOUSE GIRL, WHITE, $20 AND BOARD; ALSO HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER, TELEPHONE GIRLS, TWO TYPEWRITERS, ONE YOUNG LADY FOR SPECIAL WORK. NA TIONAL EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED wood lumber Inanecl C rnrs' experience a a buy arnian, care Georgian. uyer. Y A HARD- with several Address Lum- CITY EDITOR OR REPORTER ON A dally nnd weekly newspaper open for position on December 25. Thoroughly ex perienced and with best of references. Dot 334, Anniston, Ala. WANTED—BY A LADY OF REFINE- ment and experience, a position aa house keeper for a widower, or In a hotel. .Best EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY COUNTRY youth of 1ft. where there la likely to bo promotion. Address F. C. \Y.\ Station F It. F. I). No. 6. FREE SITUATIONS WANTED ' '. INSERT ED IN’ THE GEORGIAN If you want a position there’s no reason why you should be without it. Bring your advertisement to The Georgian office. It will be inserted in these col umns without charge—and perhaps get you work at once. advertisements are ONE CENT A WORD FOR S^LE—MISCELLANEOUS. A HOT AIR FURNACE. CAPABLE OF GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURB ANY CHRONIC tors, carbuncles, bolls, cuts, burns, tet ter, erysipelas, chapped bandi and lips, piles, catarrh. Pare, clean and harmless. Has been given away for about eighty yeara. Recently placed on the raarkot druggist falls to furnish It, send us 28c In ■tsmps and we will tend yon a box, post age paid. National Olhtment Company, Atlanta, Ga. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HAffr cleaned and re-sbaped for 36c. Bands or swesta 26c each extra. Out-of-town orders glveu prompt snd careful attention. Beat work, latest styles. Acme Hatters, Whitehall street. DR. W. J. TUCKER. business; permanent cute guaranteed; free trial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 151k N. Broad street, At lanta, Ga. WALL PAPER. PICTURE FRAMING. ANT SIZE on SHAPE.’ OVAL, CIRCLE. square or special; ail finishes. New desirable patterns. Difficult or uuu work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. We use good glass. Bell 'phone 1822. Southern Book Concern, 71 Whitehall street, J. C. Gsvsa, manager. office tuan. Address E. A., Care Georgian. YOUR EYESIGHT ahould not be ruined by the use of poor lights. Got the beat. “The Kent Light' la the standard. 69 North Pryor street. COLD WEATHER 18 HERB. We hare the Goods. HEATERS, BLANKETS' and COMFORTS. We Can Save You Money. CA8II OR CREDIT. We Repair, Pack and Skip. Red Phono 1767. Bell Phone 1767. TIIE J. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., 41 and 41 West Mltcbsll St. TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of nil makes our specialty. Best values and lowest prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue WE SUPPLY COMPE TENT HELP. NO COST. 'PHONE 3122. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT ASSO CIATION,, 1022-23 CEN TURY BUILDING. WANTED—AGENT8. picture aoentr-sknd torn work to iis for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 16 by 20. Religions and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Company, 13A " ters street, Atlanta, On. KENT INVERTED . LIGHTS represent tho height of perfection In gaa lighting. Sold only by Kent Light House, 69 North Pryor street. 'Phone 4848. TYPEWRITERS—WB HAVE HOME «PK- dal bargain* In Remingtons, Smiths, Oli vers, Underwoods snd Williams, which were taken as part payment for the new Visible Fox. Write for bargain list No. 116. But ler Typewriter Co., 717-718 Fourth Nation al Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE—MANGANESE SCREW DOOR hank safes, vault doors and fireproof safes. R. W. Ellis, 26 South Broad street. Jet .— ,— x (formerly of Burnett ft Willis) la not dead REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate oitr present location, we are giving 25 per cent discount on all finished Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter street, oppo site State Capitol. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and othera. American Investment Co., 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1190. WEYMAN ft CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8. 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attcutton. Only on real estata In and near Atlanta. B. Turman. any amount, 4V4, 6 and « per cent. Write or call 8. W Carton, 24 8. Broad street Herman, rooms 202-8 Temple Court lory, return It. and wo will buy It bock. Office 23H Whitehall street. ••UNCLE UKI6U&" BIRTHDAY," 25 CENTK at Cable Plano Co. Published by W. HU lory. New York. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for purchase money notes. 8tra!ght loans made at 5 per cent and up wards, accord*"- “ — •— W. A. Potter, A MILLION DOLLARS HAVED IN EYESIGHT ALONE. BESIDES the lienuty and the pleasure obtained from the use of the best nnd cheapest arti ficial light known to man—The Ramsdell- Wi'labsi'h Inverted Una lutmp (saves half the glia, gives three time* the light). Hold nnd put up for $L?5. Satisfaction guarnn- deed. FRETWELL-JONES CO.. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, 26 8. Broad. Phones M. 1327. Standard 609. useful household novelty given free with every purchase. We handle everything In gas and electric supplies. radically new- will aell at hnrgnlu. 617 practically new: will aell Century bldg. Phono 3460. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. Electric Repair Work SPECIALTY—PROMPT ACTION AND satisfaction guaranteed on every Job. We carry everything In gas and electric fixtures supplies. Wiring contract* solicited. FRETWELL JONE8 CO.. 26 8. Broad 8t Phones Main 1827. Standard 609. YOUR POCKETBOOK Is benefited tvhen you get “The Kent Light," an Improvement over nil other gas lights. 69 North Pryor street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TIIE CELEBBATED BARRETT STOVES AND RANGES .he only Stoves and Ranges on earth In which the heat PA8.VEH ENIRKLY AROUND TIIE OVEN. Fully protected by government patents, manufactured by Atlanta Stove Works. Make your dealer get you one. per week. The Garner Co., 13A Peters YOUR POCKETBOOK Is beneflted when you get “The Kent Light," an Improvement over all other gas lights. 69 North Pryor atreet. PALMISTRY. MADAME MK'.iJE. TIIE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, enu l»e consult**! on all affairs of life. Khc reunites the separated, causes a speedy marriage with toe one of your choice, gives names, dates nnd tacts In everything per- barge*. Egyptian KENT INVERTED LIGHTS represent the height of perfection In gns lighting. Sold only by Kent Light House, 69 North Fryor atreet. 'Phone 4848. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-SECONDHAND FURNITURE. organs nnd household good*. A. Springer, 239 Peters street. Bell 'phone 2732 J, 128a L. WANTED—TO BUY 59 FEATHER BEDS; highest cash price |»ald. Address Beds, care Georgian. FOR RENT—ROOM8. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS AT 192 East Fair street, secoud door from •ulr - - . FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. and personal attention. If It'a worth the FOR SALK OR RENT. 8-ROOM RESIDENCE IN COLLEGE PARK. OWNER HAS JUST MOV ED NORTH. BARGAIN. LOVELY LOCATION, LARGE SHADED COR NER LOT. FRONTING CAR LINE AND RAILROAD. I. C. MVRORY. 412 Peters Bldg. LOANS ON CITY REAL ESTATE MADE without delay. R. Bert Mitchell. 222 nnd 223 Century building. 'Phones 6560. MATRIMONIAL. YOUR EYESIGHT should not be ruined by the use of poor lights. Get the beat.^'The Kent Light" la the standard. 69 North Pryor atreet FOR SALE. TYPEWRITERS. SUBJECT TO rniOB SALE, WE OFFER the following second-hand and rebuilt typewrltera at prices Indicated. All In best condition. Some an good aa brand- new. Liberal cash discounts. Terms, If wanted. Examination allowed. This Is only a partial list. We can furnish any make at any price. Largest Southern deal ers. TEN REBUILT NO. 4 WILLIAMS TYPE writers; $50 each. LATEST SE- TWO NO. 3 OLIVER, IN ORIGINAL SHIP- ping canes; very latest; 865 each. TWO NO. 4 UNDERWOOD, 20,000 SERIES, slightly used; $60 each. ONE SLIGHTLY USED MONARCH, $65. ONE SLIGHTLY USED L. C. SMITH, |«0. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLKS AND 8UNDRILS—LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributor* In the Smith. Southern agents fo;* Pierce. Vale Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write fur our 13M catalogue and price Hat. Alexander Klyea Co. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT service. Bell ’phone 2374. Atlauln Wood nnd Iron Novelty works, 389 Marietta atreet. MONCRIEF— HE’S THE MAN THAT HELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnaces lu old house* ns well aa new. He prepares a cellar If you bare none. Moucrlef Furnace Co. Both ’pboues. MESSENGER 8ERVICE. FOR PItOMIT AND RELIABLE 51EB ■enfera, ’phono 23. J. A. Davies and J. C. lJrantn. 8EWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWQ DOLLARS PER MONTH. either 8loger or Wheeler ft Wilson. We rent only now machines with complete act of Attachments. Prompt delivery. Both ’phones 1191 Singer Sewing Machine Co., ?J Whitehall street. 8TCVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. 8TOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterson Furulture bouse, 286 Peters atreet. ’Phones, Atlanta 2472, Bell 794 west. We buy any thing. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want tac uainet of nil talking machine dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyes Co, TRUNK AND BAG REPAYING. H. W. ROUNTREE ft URO. TUI HI K AND RAG CO. Retail and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Piiotie 15*6. WATCHMAKING. TO TUB TRADE: C O M,P UCAtED ttatebe, uro my bobby. Modara Idea, In arork anil cleailuga. H. Walter Lair. Room 1:1: Fourth National Hank Rids.. Atlaota. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN'S SHOE SHOP. G LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIED- MONT. Standard ’phone 1784; Bell 2335. Men's sewed half.soles, 75c. SHOE REPAIRING. MO It l?18 PARK. 83 NORTH PRYOR street. Fine shoe repulrlng: best leather nnd work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Bell 'phone 1413. FOB ELECTRICAL CON TRACTING and repair work, or ga* and electric fixture*, 'phone Fretwell-Jones Co. Bell, 1327; Atlanta, 609. IT’S YOUR FAULT. If you buy a cheaply constructed Inverted light before comparing It with the genuine Welsbsch or Ramsdell Inverted, for which we nre agents nnd which sell at same price ns the cheaper make*. Remember, we guarantee perfect satisfaction. FRETWELL-JONES CO., 26 South Broad street. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUY AND SELL HOUSES AND LOTS on easy terms. 116 Auburn avenue. Executor’s Sale. On Tuesday, December 4. we will sell before the Court House door, at 10:30 o'clock, a splendid piece of residence property In West End, fronting on-Lee street between Gordon street and York avenue. The lot Is 09x300 feet. Also a splendid little cottage on Allene avenue In Bonnie Brae, lot 53x100 feet. Also a two-thirds Interest In 202 12 acres In Harralson county. This property Is sold for T. M. Armlstcad, executor of the will of George Beasley, deceased. “We sell Lota. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. WILL YO.U BUY A BAR GAIN 1'/. BLOCKS FROM THE A. B. & A. R. R.’s GREAT TERMINALS? LOT 53X200 Xo. 160 RHODES ST., RUNNING THROUGH TO CARTER ST. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND ROCK WALL ON RHODES ST. FRONT. THIS PROPERTY IS WORTH OF ANY MAN’S MONEY $2,500, BUT THE OWNER TS MOVING AWAY AND $1,950 CASH WILL BUY IT. YOU CAN MAKE CER TAIN IMPROVEMENTS THERE AND GET 15 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY. COME AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS —DEAD SURE I MEAN IT. JAMES L. LOGAN, 214 EMPIRE BUILDING. PHONE 4310 L-MAIN. FOR RENT IJO-AOIIK DAIRY KAItM FORMERLY Till Richard Head property, ou the Obi John sou road, 1 mile- northeast of Pleduioi.i park. .Sufficient pasture for 160 cattle. T. J. LOCHRIDGE, 416-17 Empire Bldg. Bell Phone 1439. Atlanta Phone 1614. 4 Houses—Rent for $24.00 month $2,200 8-room house, Capitol Avenue home ; $3,500 10-room house, Fowler street home $3,000 1865 1906 TWO NO. 4 FOX, AOK.NTS' PRICE |Iuu. We will aell for 133 each. TWO NO. 2 RKMIXUTOX. WITH TWIRL era; 125 each. ONE UNIVERSAL HAMMOND. $35. TWO NEW NO. 3 CIIICAGOH, $20 EACH. BAItLOCKS, $20 TO $49 EACH. BOARDERS WANTED. WE AUK SOUTHERN ItKADQUAIiTEltS In tbi* line. It's Just at caty to deal direct. Mall order* will receive the iaine attention a* peraonal call*. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MA CHINE CO., 424-425-426 Candler Building. WANTED—BOARD. I FOR SALE OR RENT. 18-ROOM RESIDENCE IN COLLEGE I PARK, OWNER HAS JUST MOVED. J BARGAIN. LOVELY LOCATION, WANTED—ItV COUPLE WITH DAUCill- SHADED CORNER LOT, fitting room mid two li!i i!» m « i I FRONTING CAR LINE AND RAIL* ■\ltb board.« ROAD large mi>! < lu the IVnehfre* R, Hir lly, with in* **ih**r Umnler*. A.blt.-w* lldeiitidUy, 3 R, care of Poaiutau Route 73. I. C. McCRORY. 412 Peter* Bldg. Greatest High-Grade VALUE GIVING FURNITURE STORE In The South A Guaranteed Saving of $25.<X) In Every $100.00 Sale. Any Suit of Furniture or odd piece of Furniture sold anywhere in Atlanta ean he duplicated at our exhibition rooms at The Above Saving to the Buyer. Mahogany Chamber Suits $75 to $400 Mahogany aud Golden Oak Sideboards, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, Fancy Chairs with hundreds of beautiful articles for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. P. II. SNOOK FURNITURE CO. Vacant lots, $1.00 down and $1.0C no interest. G-rooni, 2-story house, W. Linden aVeriiie $2,000 8-rooin, 2-story house, Boule vard ’ . $2,750 0-room house,-Sidney st... .$3,250 Good Corn Mill, 100 acres, two houses, 1 story house in fine condition $2,600 Vacant lots, $5.00 down and $5.00 month $300 AKcnts Greenwood Cemetery—$20 and $40 lots. 3-room house, Venable street; bar* Rain. Truck and Dairy Farms. Corn mill, fine water pow- I’eari street, 6-room house. .$2,000 5 1-2 acres with 5-room house; $1.- 000; terms. 5 acres on Howell Mill road, $600 6-room house, new, on Georgia av enue $2,400 4-room house iu Must Kud. $1,550 WEST PEACIITP.EE LOT, 30 FEET uorth of Burton Smith; 60 by 210; 83.251. COLOMBIA DJACKNT ELEVATED to n rock wall; $1.600, FDR ACREAGE AT THE OLD MVNA i homestead nnd for untold lota in the CoL Winter property APPLY TO OWNER. . B. MIFFLIN HOOD, 316 PETERS BUILDING. Both Phones, 3519 aud 2249. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth Natioual Bank Building. to Marietta atreet: 125 feet front, extend ing Unek to another street. Price $2.75'. Rental $318 year. Or will Ml separately, the store nnd three rooms for $1,260, and six-room house for $1,500; one-half tilth, with 7 per cent Interest monthly or nuiiunl SPLENDID NORTH SIDE COTTAGE IN easy walking distance: elevated, level lot. House In perfeirt repair; $2,990. Terms, $700 cash, balance monthly. ASHIIY KTHKET-8T0RE AND THItEi: rooms; on lot 50 by 100. Vneant lot. fn by 100. and three-room cottage,* on lot 6*1 by 100 Corner. Block of car Hue; nil for $1,669. Rents $15 mouth. gns nnd sidewalks by M laid; ! valences. Can get Immediate imsse*- *lon; $5,000; $1,000 cash, balance can be ar ranged to suit you. HIGHLAND AVENUE-BEAUTIFUL COR- ner lot, 50 by 150 to alley; $t,300; one- fourth cash. Balance $200 year; 5 per cent. This Is a few blocks of the Boutbvard. RIIODE8, CLOSE TO VINE STREET— Nearly new five-room cottage. Beutg regularly for $90 year. Price $800. another street; 92,000. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. most new, aud good value, for $2,000. term* ran be arranged. ALASKA AVKNLK. NEAR TiTOIILANIi avenue—Cottage home eontalniug live rooms nnd ball; lot 60 by 130. Price $2,50). Also oil siune street. . niee live-room cot. Inge on lot 50 by 140. to alley.^ Price $2.000. m»ii street.—Good three-room cottage; nice lot; all Improvement* down In street nnd paid for. Price $1,600. Very easy term*. JiUANHNKW COTTAGE OF ST3t room*, with all the city conveniences, peer Grant Park car IIno. a perfect little home and cheap for $2,900. on terms of $350 cash and $25 per month. You cannot beat t>»room. up-to-date cottage oil Luekie street $3,000 SEE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. A. J. WEST & CO.. Ceuturv Bldg. Phone 1754. CORNER HUNTER STREET ANI* 11AIH non nvenue; 54 by l‘G. Large enough f<» r the stores. This 1* safe, and will enhance till* If you want a home. A BARGAIN IN A LOT |N THE t'KKT- tlest port of North Boulevard, near An gler avenue, 47x140 feet to alley. Snap for $2,500. Thl* I* the right place for a bom* or a gouil place to build a house that will ' pro 111. venience*. large, elevated lot. Price $2,8JO. Ewsy term*. RICHMOND height*, o liar; hmml-ncw. well built cottage home, containing four rooms and hall; ulce tit rated lot. 60x250. Rent* $10 per month. Price. $1,000. WEST LINDEN STItEET-NEAK HPI(IM) wrxlce. I'rlf-f K.100. T.rui, 1*00 cub au.i — month. STREET — .'.EAR FAIIC “ ' iwJ mbiUntlnl CONKAI.LV .. street school; well Imllt cottage home, containing five rooms and hall; all c»ty conveniences; elevated lor, fo by 120 feet to alley. Price $2^50; easy terms. WRITE FOR A DEXC.'nTi-lTON OF OXM of tho l«it pkint.itlon. In Coord,. Tho plantation l» lino, fho prl» la rlsht an l tho .loaorlptlon la rory onmplofo. tell -I'bM. 2*5. . A. 8. HOOK. II. C. EVE. :RAI. ESTATE MATTERS, HEE A. J. WEST A CO. CAPITOL AVE: HOME. For Solo:—Good two-story, slate roof, eight-room house at low figure* For partii-uhnii See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St.