The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 05, 1906, Image 14

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14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word No ad; taken for (tea than 25 cents. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: t time 3 times 6 times 26 times 52 times 7$ times . 6 cents %, line. . 5 cents a line. . 4’/s eents a line. . 4 cents a line. . V/z cents a line. . 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For, Messenger Service. Call Us on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted Free. WANTED—AGENTS. PICTURE AGENTS—SEND TOUR WORK to us for enlargement; fstr prices, good finish; IS by 20. Religious and scenery pic. turea cheap. The Garner Company '•* Peters street, Atlanta, On. 13A FOR SALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. A HOT AIR FURNACE. CAPABLE OK heating a church or large school bouse. Will sell cheap. Apply to II. M„ 22, care GRANDMOTHER’S OR. W. J. TUCKER. MATRIMONIAL. luoulnl paper published: P*c. *< S3 fee; many wealthy. A. G. tore, Box 16)0, Denver, < 'olo. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENT of refinement, unxlou* to marry choice opportunities. Address G, Box 81a, Waterbary, Conn. WANTED HELP—MALE. SALVE. GL'ARAXTRKD TO f'I.RK AST CIIROXIC sore, carbuncles, bolls, cuts. btorns, let ter, erysipelas, chapped hands and lips, piles, catarrh. Pure, dean and harmless. Has lieen given away for about eighty yeara. Recently placed on the market, druggist falls to furnish It, send us 23c tu stamps ami we will send you a Im>x. poet- age paid. National Ointment Company, Atlanta. Gn. ... Hoe. anywhere, place your name with The business men appreciate r ‘ of fnrnlsblL'g help. National — AMorfatlon. 102MMS Century The Pioneers. PICTURE FRAMING. AST HIZR OR SHAl'B. OVAL. CIRCLE. ■nusrc or special; all finishes. New and desirable patterns. Difficult or unusual work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. We use good glass. ReJI Jphoue 1122. Southern WF WANT TODAT RTF. NO BOOK KEEP era. typewriters, office boys and cooka. Globe Business Bureau. 41* Fourth National Bmk Bldg. Bell phone, Ifalo W A N T E D—COMPETENT REMINGTON operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., Ill Peachtree street. an opportunity to see the world. For l»er trade. Just opened our 22d branch and offer special Inducements for limited time. Few weeks completes. Positions Wilting ••nr diploma holders. Wsges Saturdays, tools given. Don't miss this opportunity. town after training. IkiihI. Good plot Holt. P. O. Box Must give surely IG Y YOI'K FURNITURE From the ,f. B. Turner Furniture i'o., 41-43 W. Mitchell St. Bell Phone 1757. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. We repair, pack and ship. TYPEWRITERS. Second hand typewriters of our specialty. Best values ai prices guaranteed. Illustrated all makfs id lowest catalogue TYPEWRITERS—WE HAVE ROME KPE- dal bargains In Remingtons. Smiths, Oli vers. Underwoods and William*, which were taken as part payment for the new^visible as part payment for the new visible Write for bargain Hat No. 116. But ypewrlter Co.. 717-718 Fourth Nation* GENTLEMAN WISHES TO young lady of refinement, objei mony. Address A. D., Box 332. Atlanta. BUSINE88 OPPORTUNITIES. AND RANGES Are the only Store! and Range In which the heat PASSES AROUND THE OVEN. Fully protect by government patents, manufactured - - l ,fl Atlanta Stove Works, get you one. COOK STOVKS-SEE OUR LINE. PERSONAL. DAVID \V. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St, Electric Repair Work l SPECIALTY—PROMPT ACTION AND satisfaction guaranteed on every Job. arry everything In gna and electric fixture* and sopplle*. Wiring contracts solicited. FRET WELL JONES CO.. 26 M. Broad St. Phones Main 1327, Standard 6)9. FOR SALE-MANGANESE SCREW DOOR l*nk safes, vault door* and fireproof safes. It. W. Ellis, 24 Mouth Broad street. WANTED—CLERKS FOR OFFICES, AM slstnnt bookkeeper. $40. $60; male nteiiogra pher, $65; youths for offices, file clerks, typewriter operators. $15. $20: necouutaiit familiar with cotton mill work. $15). Bel lamy Business Agency, 133) Candler build im position* for competent people In all merdal. mechanical, technical and special lines. Enclose stamps fur (roe list HP ——<81 Also men for branch offices and state managers; good pay and advancement to men who can qualify. Apply 10 to 11 a. in., 201 Prudential Bldg. WANTED HELP-FEMALE. WANTED—TEACHER FOR FIFTH AND sixth grades-In public school of liecatnr. Apply to L. J. Steele, secretary, Dec*inr. YOUNG LADIES WANTED TO FRED cylinder presses. National Paper Com- l*sny, 257-243 Decatur strrht. four. Apply 23S Washington street. Pryor street. AT ONCE—EXTRUT STENOGRAPHER to take charge of oqr correspondence; ex •erleuced stenographer as second steuogra- »her; salaries im object. Comuiercinl, care bis paper. SITUATIONS WANTED. .WANTED-BY A LADY OF REFINE- meat and experience, a position ns house keeper for a widower, or Ijn a hotel. Best WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WHO 18 not afraid of hard work, a position at anything honorable. Drug store work pre- UNCLE REMUS' BIRTHDAY." 26 CENTS nt Cable Plano Co. Published by W. 1111 lery. New York. A MILLION DOLLARS HAVKD IN EYESIGHT ALONE. BESIDE! 1 lie lieautv and the pleasure obtained from the use of the best and cheapest art! tidal light known to man—The unmade!! Welsbndi Inverted Gas Lump (saves half the gas. give* three times the light). Sold and put up for $1.76. Satisfaction guaran deed. FRET WELL-JON F.8 CO.. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR*. 26 8. Broad. Phones M. 1$27. Standird 609. A useful household novelty given free with every purchase. We handle everything In gas and electric supplies. FOR KALE-AUTOMOBILE. 1904 CADIL lac. 4 passengers, top. gas lamps, etc. practically new: will sell at bargain. **“ Century bldg. Phone 3460. FOR MALE-NICE STOCK OF BUY J. G. Adair, West Point. Gn II ALL WOOD CABII REGISTER—STOCK room. Mouth- Vest Mitchell MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, ■gnu* and household goods. A. Mprlngei Peters street. Bell 'phone 2752 J. KD3 1 WANTED-TO BUY 50 FEATHER REDS highest rath price paid. Address Bed are Georgian. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. gedat prlcVwt'win aeliTt' cT lI. Wells * Co., UuS Fourth National Bank. TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE—THE representation «f some good Southern or Western commercial house wanted »>.. „ luan of excellent ability. Thoroitglilv fa tnlllar with the state* of Georgia mid Ala bama, having traveled that seitlon two years. Best of references. E. J. H., care Georgian. I.ADY MTENOGRAPIIER OF TWO yesrs* experience wants *«mh| tmsltlon. References at to character and ability. J. care Georgian. WANTED—POSITION BY MAN WITH over twenty years' experience in nil kinds of office work, from manager down. r. ||. W., care Georgian. BOARDERS WANTED. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED TEO- pie and other*. American Investment Co., 704 Candler Bldg. WANTED—PLACE AS DAY OR NIGHT watchman by young man who ban Imd misfortune to lose one leg. Can give best of reference. Addresa B. Klngry, Gu. A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN AND flee man wauts a position. Abtlltv referent** wlU be give care Georgian. • Add res* E. A. WANTED-BY AN EXPERT DOUBLE UN try bookkeeper. a posttlonr In some whole sale bouse or manufactory. Am capable id taking charge «>r office. Am strictly per*te In e»ery partb tilar. Am not fdoyed. but would make * change Jaw wiry 1 If salary Justifies. Iflghcat refer enre# fundshed from former employers. I ••an meet parties interested st any time for conference. Address Lock Box ITS. l.»- Grange. Ga. position or some kind. Soda water di« pettier or si lunch «-ouuter preferred. Good* reference*. Address G. tYj* Y'onge street. R. j'. O., 1 Chamberlin street.' •Mutely Printer, Lock Box 4. Imvonfn. Ga. MAN. M YEARS OLD. AND HAVING buatnesa course anil beat «,f references, but too lame for day labor, wants job n* night wat'hiiuju or nt simply clerical work. dress U. L W.. care The Georgian. ’ EttabRsheil 1*W- WEYMAN * CONNERS, EQUITADtC. Murtgage loan* on real estate. » rt: or call S. W Carson. 24 8. Bread street. MONEY TO LOAN ON URAL ESTATE at very lowest rates.- No delays. Charles Herman, rooms M2-3 Team!# Court. Straight loans made at 5 per eeni and np* ward*, according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 8. Broad street. OLD HATS MADE NEW. sweats :3e each extra. Out-of-town orders Ctxeu prompt umt careful attention. Best * latest styles. Acme Hatters. 415 Whitehall street. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. R TWO FURNACE-HEATED every •-••uvenifnee. with private ‘ ‘ * cpluu. Kcfrrvuc. Ap- ■ iii, iTiii r.c r.i» li i irtii i a io i, can be consulted on all affair* of life. Mhe reunite* the separated, causes a speedy marriage with the one of your choice, gives names, dates and fact* In everything per taining to life or no charges. Egyptian Encampment, 93 Auburn avenur. MADAME MELLIE. THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIMT. . n be consulted on nil affairs of life. She reunite* the separated, cause* n Speedy •UU the r - of youf choice, gl In everything f barge*. Egyptian STRAYED FROM FARM NEAR VININOS, Gn., November 2s. one Hhctlnnd stallion, with white and brown spot*. Address W. II. George, 7'W Prudential building, city. Reward to finder. LOST-FOUR-LEAF CLOVEIt IlltOUCH. green enameled, with pearl center. Re ward If returned to Georgian office. LOST-BULL PUP, 3 MONTHS OLD; white, with brown on one aide of head. Return to 19 Bedford place nnd get reward. LOHT—ONE LARGE LINK GOLD CHAIN, old-fnahloncd bracelet. Tuesday, *it the office of The Georgian. Return aame to of fice and receive reward. WALL PAPER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 2 BICYCLE SUNDRIES. 2 Birvcr.KS and bundricb-larobst bicycle and sundry distributors In the * South. Southern agents for Pierce. Tale. Snell and Hudson ulcydes. Write fur pur 1904 catalogue and price list. Alexander- 5 Elyea Co. ~ CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- ER8. ’ MODELS AND NOVELTIES: PROMPT ? service. Jtell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty works, 389 5Iarletta street. MONCRIEF— • HE’S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnaces lu old house* as well aa new. He prepares a cellar If you have noue. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both 'phones. MES8EMGER SERVICE, roii I'Bom-r and vemablu meh- •rnecra, ’iihoDa U. J. A. Datlca am! J. C. Dianas. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLIAKS PER BIONTH, either Singer or Wheeler A Wilson. We reut only uesAmachlnea with complete set of attachments: Prompt delivery. Both ‘phones i&O. Singer bewlng Machine Co., 79 WbiteUsll street. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIREO. 8TOVEH AND UANGE8 REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 2Jit Peters street. 'Phones, Atlanta 2412. Bell 794 west. We buy aoy- thing. TALKING MACHINE8. * TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wbol»-*ale and rerall distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Jast received large cona'gnment of machines and over 10,090 records. Immediate attention given mail orders. We want toe name* of all talking machine dealers In the Mouth. Write for catalogue. Alexandcr-Elyea Ca TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. KOUNTHKB A BBO. TBUSK AND BAD CO. Iletall and r.nalrloj. No. 71 WUteball atraat. Piiuna 1571 WATCHMAKING, TO TUB TBADE: COMPLICATED watebna nro inj holthy. Modara Idaaa In work nnd deailnsa. D. Walter Lott. Boom 1717 Fourth National Bank Bldr. Atlnntn. SHOE REPAIRING. MOIIRIH I'AIIK. S3 NORTH TBYOR street. Fine *hoe repairing; ln**t leather and work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Bell 'phone 1413. FOR ELECTRICAL CON TRACTING nnd repair work, or gna and electric fixture*, 'phono Fret Well-Jones Co. Bell. 1.127; Atlanta, 809. * IT’S YOUR FAULT. If you buy a cheaply constructed Inverted light ik*fore comparing It with the gen'ilne Welsbnrh or ltnuiadcll Inverted, for which 1 we are agent* nnd which sell nt same price n* the cheaper make*. Remember, we guarantee perfect satisfaction. FRETWELL-JONES CO., 26 South Broad street. MEDICAL. KROMOPATH1L REMEDIES CURE scalp diseases and make hair grow. Krnm * Medicated 8oap makes you hy- eienlcally clean. |30 year* success.) J. J. Kroni, specialist, (18 "The Grand*" At lanta. Os. I OPIUM* MORPHINE - GUARANTEED home cure: $x nnd testimonial: $15 with- , out It. Free trial to physician*. Dr. J. 1 F. Rough ton A Co.. Atlnntn. Gn. i WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. . Don’t let ’em foot you." Jim Burnett (formerly of Buruott A Willis) la not dead nor missing. Ue Is contracting wall paper nnd painting. Office and show room ti East Hunter street. Dot!) 'phones 5M. ENGINE REPAIR WORK. FOR AN ENGINEER. MTKAM HEATING •nrutii* repair work, engine room work, itor repair work, eoniiiitiulcnte with W. Moore, 24V* West Hunter street. FRASIER & SMITH. Bell Plionc 3533-M REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, We are giving 25 per cent discount on all finishetMtal- ian and Georgia marble^ also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter street, oppo site State Capitol. BIG FURNITURE VALUES AT SNOOK'S. NOTHIN*! I.IKK IT KVKIt SHOWN IN Atlanta. Prices In all kind* furniture will be Mcmcillnnnl In the extreme. Don’t throw your money nwuy ut blghj»rlce store*. We 'guarantee to save buyer 2.» per cent, or $25 in every $1(0 wile. It s worth your time i Investigate tltl* challenge. KAI'HKIt COl V. CHELEXA, Real Estate, 222-223 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 5560. TICKLED TO DEATH. A NICE HOME FOR A XMAS PRESENT. THINK OF IT. Phone us. No Trouble to Show Them. NORTH SIDE. WEST PEACHTREE—Beautiful 10-room home, oil large, ele vated lot: owner going to Flori da : speeial price for short time only; very reasonable terms Quick action is needed here. NORTH BOULEVARD—9-rnom modern corner home; big bar gain; only $5,200. 10-room .corner home; every ORREST AVENUE—9-room north front home; n beauty; in 8-room cottage; tinted walls tape, $4,000. ORTH BOULEVARD—Brand- new 10-room modern; two bath •EST PEACHTREE—8-room, east front home; good proposi- NGIER AVENUE—New ' 10- room. two-story home; ace me room, two-story; close in; tint- A West End Lot An unusually fine lot in West End adjoins No. ,61 Queen St., 50x150, East front, gas, water, sewer, sidewalks and paving down. Price $1,000. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. REAL ESTATE SALES MAN WANTED. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE MAN CAN SE CURE A MOST FAVORA BLE CONNECTION, AS WP HAVE MORE BUSI NESS THAN WE CAN TAKE CARE OF. OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY BY A MAN WHO KNOWS THE BUSINESS. ONLY A MAN WHO CAN SELL PROPERTY WANT ED. JAS. L. LOGAN & CO., 214 Empire Building. FUNERAL NOTICE. KI.VG-Th; friend, and acqnalntanc, „f Major 1. Oadadeu Kina. Mr. and Mr. Alex C. Kin, and Inniliy, Mr. and Mr.. jtllT. r. Kin, aud fnnillj- and Mr Mra. Harry tt..Young are re,pecifuli r rhlltpa eathedral tomorrow, Iteremb.r «. nt 11:50 n. ra. Interment nt Oak land. Cbnrleaton, 8. C, pnpera plea,. E. L. MORSE. 1114 Fourth National Bank Building. prettiest and most modern 6- io ineottnges; large lot; best home; $4,650. NEW 6-room cottage near Boule vard; all conveniences; $.500 ash, balance easy; $11,000. TlKS HO ill AXTTiOO I.KATUKW t'omiKH |.45 iiiin iiavi'.ncouth. oxi.v... Altl.Olt SCITK »•«-, Snook’s Furniture Speeial For Todav. null of furultn ••an b«> ilupllo riHiiit*. 3d nml !>S N. Broad str*>«»t. $l>0 MAHOGANY $20 Molt HI S (' IIAI It ONLY $12?&5 ).)' SlIlKllOAIlilS ONI.V. tun IIOI'NP nl.NiXQ taiu.'kh .. W. H KT I. K AT 11 l'.lt I I I AlltS i :»2S * if) I i.OA'rliKlt Ikis'kicTts oni.v *TS I iTna l.lisnYS >1)1.50 WKATIIKIIKK OAK IHXlNU SHITS Ann i WK AUK SlTTFFlNii l-THNm UK Al.l. over the Mouth nnd Having buyer* big money. Don’t wall nnd don’t plaes your ov- der before you ^Hdii|di<iite an; nlt ii at *'hov rooms nnd sav Ids EAST AVENUE—Slodern 6-room cottage on large lot; easy term*; $3,000. SOUTH SIDE. CENTRAL AVENUE—Close in, brand-new 7-room, two-story home; easy terms; $3,850. WINDSOR STREET—Close in, 6- room cottage; all modern con veniences ; terms; $3,500. MONEY IN EQUITIES. UNENCUMBERED REAL ESTATE, GUARANTEED DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS, . OR CASH TO EXCHANGE FOR UNENCUMBERED PROPERTY. FULLY PAID, NON-ASSESSABLE, GUARANTEED STOCK FOR SALE. the sjore and three rooms for six-room house for $1,500; one-half cash, with 7 per cent Interest monthly or aouual SPLENDID NORTH SIDE COTTAGE IN easy walking distance; eleratod, level lot. p^ r f ect repair; $2,900. Terms, ASHBY STREET—8TOUE AND THREE rooms; on lot 50 by 100. Vacant lot. 5> by 100. nnd three-room cottage, on lot 3) by 100 Coruer. Block of cor line; all for $1,550. Renta $13 month. one-half cash. POWELL avenue. gas and sidewalks STREET. NEAR KIRKWOOD Lot 60 by 140. Sewer, water, ‘ laid; $525. EA8T PINE STREET. NEAR JACKSON street. Choice eight-room; large lot; all conveniences. Can got Immediate posse*- SAMPSON STREET-JUST OFF HIGH- land arenue; lot 50 by 150; $450. Terms, $75 ossli, balance within Uto years. If de sired; 6 per cent Interest. HIGHLAND AVENUE-BEAUTIFUL COR- ner lot. 50 by 150 to alley; $1,800; one- fourth cash. Balance $230 year; 6 per cent. This Is a few blocks of the Boufcvnrd. RHODES, CLOSE TO VINE STREET- Nearly new five-room cottage. Benia regularly for $90 year. Price $$00. another street; $2,000. S, B. TURMAN & CO. TOUK ATTENTION TO, AND IN8PEC- NORTH ATLANTA LAND COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. ON DUNN STREET. NEAIt I.EE AND Gordon streets, we have a five-room cot tage home; all the city conveniences; al most new, and good value, for $2,000. Some GRANT PARK SECTION—5, 6, 7-room cottages; all conven iences: ranging from $2,000 to $3,- 000; very easy terms. BASS STREET—5-room cottage; terms: $1,750. $113 i’ll AMBER SI IT * %si» money. $75 WARDROBE tELEGANTi $30 $«t BRASS BEDS ONLY <39 i5» sihEboahh. iTni.y . ...K, ft) JKUVIS MAUTIN BEDS ONLY to SEt lEatiiku IHNINl! .•IIAIIIN i EEXVHEU foTt ii •> *IS 51 ETA 1. BEDS $.3. $4. $3; WORTH ALMOST double. TfiiKisfi iir>CK!;n to 65 Mnllltls- ('ll All! fc ilAHOHANY CHINA CI.OBKT. $3*) }A I'lllNA l'I.OHF.T HICASS $;» only $50 tC MAllmiANY l.l lilt A lt\ TAIII.P tv,' MAIIilit ANY'cmi'I'oNIKH.. rjs MAIIOHANY O I'. WAIIIlltollKS. hi i.xikir nnn [mssSEus only ti-. $23 I*. II. SNOOK I'lrUNITI'RB CO. The most | only 5 imt rent «f imr nub'*; oi p.vv 3t |wr vent: you fail mal fuh-uldtlon. Don’t throw yoi •ney away at high price furniture store •mpvtlto bid dre**er*. Iwok- hvam nnd Icle of furniture sold lanta * 311 be duplleatet Having to the buyer.. chlffonlei beds- I*. II. Mms.k Ftirnl A. J. WEST & CO.. Century Bldg. Phone 1754, rriH’IIASK MONEY NOTES WANTED **V have about $39,000 .:i*h | tl hand to In go-Hl pur<-lia*e money note 1 *. If yau • any. pleaie? *ubtnii them. ACREAGE ON PEACHTREE •st. fronting 273 fei hnndHotne resideme Spalding; $|0.OJQ. iedmont • Ill«-•‘•ItIIf III ll d right room FOR RENT. DODD AVENUE- story, $2,750. -6-room, two* CE XTR A L A VE X U E—3-room, two-storv: east front; corner, close in; $4,000. , near Highland avenue—Cottage home eontalnlng five rooms and hall; lot 50 by 130. Price $2,500. Also on same street, tilcu five-room cot tage on lot 60 hy 140, to alley. Price $2,000. ON HIGHLAND AVENUil, S’EAR A AMP- son atr«*et.—Good three-room cottagu; nice lot: all Itunnnements down In street nnd paid for. Prbe $1,400. Very easy farms, BRAND-NEW COTTAGE OF ML. rooms, with all the city conveniences, near Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for $2.1100. on terms of $$50 cash nud $25 per month. You cannot beat this If you want a home. BAitG.IN A ^LOT ”lN THB for home renlences. large, elevated lot. Price $2,$90. line; bratid-new, well built cottage home, containing four rooms and hall: nice ele vated lot. 60x253. Rents $10 per month. CAPITOL AVENUE—Ten-room mansion: worth $11,000; see me quick; terms; $9,000. WASHINGTON STREET—12- room corner home, on lnrge ele vated east front lot: bargain ; easy terms; $6,000. Frlr., 11.0ft). WEST I.INHEN M I1EET-NEAU Bl'KINO • trret; nice «lrao,t n.w ( room cotta,, bomc; all city ronrcni.ncn: noq car aarvlcc. Uric* I-.I00. Tcrnia KM caab and |2*» i»r month. CONN ALLY STREET - .NEAR FAIR street school; well built and substantial cottage home, containing five rooms and ball; all city conveniences; elevated lot, W by 12) feet to alley. Pries $2,250; easy ■peciiuiiy tnviifu. me tune to ouy n ramp S lece of property Is when the owner has eflnltely decided to sell, and will not stand on any fixed price, but Is willing to st leant half way meet your views as to the value of the property. For business reason* people sometime* have to lose a little money on n particular piece of pronerty. hoping always to make It up on some other Investment. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL Im sold. It remains for yon to decide ... 0 f t: whether you will get one of then* or not: EIGHT-ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE. WITH all modern ronrenlencea. on Csnltol are nue near Georgia avenue; east front, lot 30x200 feet. The lot and house, according to surrounding prices, la worth $5,750 to $6,000; can be bought for $4,360; It Is a first- class Investment. Terms $1,250 cssi, bal ance easy. NORTH SIDE-TWO STORIES, NICE, lines; near Eighth street; ii|p niiu ii Her™ ui in mi, uue running branch; land covered with nice oak grove; east front, paved road all tli* way Into the Iry. and only ten minutes' walk from car worth this tnonej. Term* eaay. Pplc. neighbors, churches and public school. Call £T our rent and sale bulletin. S. B. TURMAN & CO. W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral and Farm Properties, Atlanta, Ga. BOULEVARD HOME. ROOMS, TWO-8TORY HOUSE, ** * lot 63 by 1*9. vlth «U Improvements: Ice $5^200. Tbla place Ii >at beautiful section of s located on the the avenue, and nough out to msko It most FOR INVESTMENT—NEGRO PROPERTY. NEAR HEMPHILL AVENUE, FOUR two-room houses; all rented; ou lot 12S by r •• t.aa - 127. Price $1,500. Term*. EAST GEORGIA AVENUE—6- room cottage; $2,750. l-rim. ft'RITB FOR A DESCRIPTION OF or thn tint plantation. In Gooriln. th. plantation la lino, tbo prlco la rlxht aatl the description Is very complete. Pell 'Phone _2027. Atlanta, Phone U3L DWELLINGS. EAST PINE STRKL... STORY EIGHT ROOM FRAME SUS | GRANT STREET—Near Georgia avenue. 6-room modern corner Piedmont a water; #nhlnet bath. *iatl« t. wink in the kltrbcu. ary wni>hstsud. This I* n very •• of our i»e*t l*«»*t of repair. ileal ruble liotue. Is in iiKigltliorhood*. and In tb I’otirtland avenue mr* half blo^k Will be vnennt I >ci-»*mlH‘r 31. Rent lenw only. per moiltit. .OT 21 EAST RAKER STREET. I’HIS S|\ |(ooM rorTAGE. OX ulont 4) by 100. whh-li He* level. tUe north !•• tc of linker between l>4clitM»i» aiitl hy »treet*. Tin* owner of ** pro|M«rty la preparing to put thl* hotim AVENUE - SPECIAL , up-to-date, iM^iuti-1 ». uirge lot; 57.5-*ju , . la pvepa. III lb- very licit «»f repair. It I* close Iii i| In a ««H*| ii>>lg|iI>ot ' imi’I. WII! In* re.nij- • oceupdiii y n huh December 15. Reiiist SoO I*cc ironth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, TIIK RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both riiones 61$. cottage; tintetl walls throughout: easy terms; $3,000. AUGUSTA AVENUE—Brand- new 7-rooin cottage; modern in every respect; $3,850. Phone us and we wil call. Salesmen: V. (.'HELENA. T. M. OIDDEKS. CAPITOL AYE. HOME. For Sale:—Good two-story, slate roof, eight-room house at low figure Fyr particulars See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Routing, 28 Peachtree St M'UAMEI, STREET. NINE-ROOM TWO-STORY nOUSE. with all Improvements. Corner lot; 6J by 10D. “** * * sfrable. Price $3,500. Tcrnia. nnri .... _ The location of thl* place Is de- The house has two large perches. HEMPHILL AVENUE. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE—THIS IS A NICE little place that is convenient to the the balance like rent. ( UR It IKK STREET. NEAR PIEDMONT. SEVEN - ROOM COTTAGE, STORM- sheathed, double floor*; ln*tantan*ous heater and all convenience*. Price $1,500. WEST END PROPERTY ON PEEPLES STREET. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE WITH SLIDING door*, large verandas. Price $2.45*A T^rni*. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SOUTH KIRK WOOD. NINE-ROOM TWO 8T0RY HOUSE, WITH nbadc, fruit and flowers. Servants house and stable. Lot 10) by 218. One Be sure end tee this W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral and Farm Properties, • Atlanta, Ga. / i