The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 21, 1906, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word No ad. taken for lest than 25 cent*. Qix werot of average length make a fine. The following rates are •for consecutive insertions: 1 time 3 times 6 times 26 times 52 times 78 times , 0 cents a tine. 5 cents o line. Ay 2 cents a line. 4 cents a line. V/ 2 cents a line. 3 cent* a line. We WiU Sond for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call Us on Cell Phone <927 Main, or 4401 AFanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will hr Inserted Free. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. GRANDMOTHER’S -SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURE ANY CHRONIC sore, cnrhnncle*. bolls, cate, burns, tot* ter, erysipelas, chapped bands and lips, piles, rafarrb. Pure, clean and harm less. Ha* been *1rrn nway for sbont eighty years. Recently placed on tho market. If druggist falls to furnish It. send us C3c In stamps and me trill send yon e bos, post- age paid. National Ointment Company. Atlanta, Ga. WANTED HELP—MALE. XT A N T i: It—COMPETENT RUM INOl ON operator* fnrnl*lie«| posltlour Remington Typewriter Co.. us Peschtm* rtrrot. KATIONAtT F.MPl.oN MEM ASS’S. l«vrj- T: Century Bldg.. A*»ant*. fin., eeesjio* positions for ootr.peter t penpb* In nil '’••m- menial. met haflfcal. t#ehn»eal and special liner. Enclose srninpH for free lief. tlst tnbornnelc, 9 to 1 \\.\svct>~m7s trude; Pir went »«>oned our 23d l»rn #Inl Inducement* 1 nun paid si: t- l-V - ....... , before completing If de*Ire«l; reliol- urslilp include* tuition. t'n>b.. dlpbunfD and s***ltions. Don't mis* this rltanc*. /.’all or write Muter Itarlwr t'ollpgr, cor. lluntcr niiil Fortyth effeeiM. LKARN* Kj7,N PAINTING AND MAKE * over $3 dolly: no experience neeesmry with our pattern*; learned In two hours; full narll.-ulare for stump. Harper Art Co., Fayetteville. Ufl. BCV TOm FFRNXTI7B8 * From the J. H Turner Furniture Co., 41*43 W. Mitchell Kt. Hell Phone 1757. . NEW ANl> SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Wo repair, pack and ship. ~ t ||'fwrTt!: R 8. Second-hand typewriter* of nil niakea onr specialty. Dost rsloer and lowest prices gunrnuteed. Illustrated catalogue "T.NVI.K REMt* v# BIRTHDAY.* 25 CENTS :*f Cd»d<* Plano Co. Published by W. llll- lery, New York. SHOULD fOF HAVE A COED AND A eottffh. take •*l»ewl»erry , H Delight. Noth ing better. Druggists sell It. FOR SAM* CHEAT—4 TOT WAGONS. 4 open wagon*. 2 cabs. Central ■Carnage Co.. So. II Piedmont avenue. mil top and one standing desk and several office chair* and three «»ftt‘-e mg* to sell cheap. 2d S. IIroad St. It. IV. Kills. PORTABLE GAS AND .ELECTRIC LAMPS Reduced 5tt iter cent for the holiday trade at F RETW ELI .-JONES CO., V. FLOODED WITH REPLIES ATLANTA, GA., December 20, 1906. The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen:—Please discontinue the want ad for a book keeper inserted in The Georgian to run daily, as after two insertions we have been so flooded with replies we do not care to run it any longer. Yours very truly, THE PHILIP CAREY MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DAVID W. YABBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THU CELEBRATED BARRETT STOVES AND RANGES In, , I AROUND TOE OVEN. Full? protected by governmo-t patent*, manufactured by tiro ami receive reward. I/OST—IIANDHOMK ffCOTTMH RITll 51A sonic ring. Return to Georgian o~‘ get reward. item'* of Beauty, lias mrly tall, collar with name on. Reward, If ret* I Walton street. Krnert Hctmxe. SAVE YOUR EYES. WANTED AN •>! FIFE |M»Y. TMKI.V15 to D*»jrle*»u tear* of age. Apply to K. G. M.ith<*«*n. proident T* cb ecl.ool. WANTED- TIFI HUMAN AT* TICK SHOCK of the Fulton Foundry and Machine work*. Kirkwood. On. Apply to XV. L. Hancock, manager. PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS I led need r.o per cent for tho hofUfuy trade at FRETAVEIiL-JONF/ CO., Klee trie Contractor*. 2d South II road street. 'Phone*: Hell 1*27 M, Standard 1509. tuTTiku WANTED-WANT a FIRKT- «!u** iTwt gnido m*lo teacher for “• * country *elu*d In Walton county: v 2 rctitH p* r d.iv pi-r t upil nb««v the puli nrljonl ,(•• Open Mr*t Monday In Jtuitin Apply St cm-** to B. II. Jenkins, HncreLt «.f Trust*****. It. F, p. 4. MonhM'. Ga. WANTED-A GOOD KMART BOV j packing bon**- u«# thn<*keep<*{\ Mttat *!«> St plant. T. It. Saw tell. P*k Wh'tehnll. Sit') WANTBP-HW’OND-IIANK FURNITURE. Franklin Cleans Clean. THAT'S MV BUSINESS. BEDE WO. studying a pleasure and re lieve* eye strain. MON ay TO LOAN. Monty advanced salaried pku pie and other*. American luveitairot Co . 704 Candler Bldg. U HV MAN A CON.NRK3, F.QtJITABLB, H»rtgag* inane on real estate. TAILOR 1C6 WHITEHALL STREET, j io’SkV Atlanta Store iforke,” get yon one. Make your Coaler V TO LOAN AT 6. 6 aXD 7 MS ft i Iff, Interest, according to security of. ' ! ****** suiaU axpeDse nnd "protnnt atfontloo. ""htdarehlp ln Kmitheru Short [ <j r fr ml estate to tud over Atlanta. COOK 8TOVBH-K|CB OCR RINU. WB put tfmtn in your hoitw, SI cash nnd Me per weal:. The Garner Co.. 18-A IVtore street. PORTABLE 7VAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Ileducml r*o per cent for the holiday FHjynVELL-JONES CO., Electric Contractors, 26 Smith Broad street. *Bh.*nea: Bell 1327 M, Htandard 609. Carson. 24 8. Broad street. roa 9AL£—Ru,AL ESTATE. FOR CHRISTMAS A NICE LINK OF POPVLAK TRirFD Table Q«n lauups that make desirable present*. Kent liiglit House,69N. Pn-or St. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. IK YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO «EM.. place It With us; tre give It our special and psr*onal nttontlon. If It e worth the price ore will sell ft. C. U. Well* A Co., 1104 rourth Nntlnual Bank. at very lowest tetea. Herman, rootnt 2te-3 To mole i Vert. also money for purchaae money t Ktralglit loan* made at S per rent am wards according to desirability of W. A. Foefer. 12 * Broad etrert. FOR CHRISTMAS A NICE LINE OF POPUI.AR PRICBD Table Gas Lamps that make desirable presents. Kent Light House, 60 N. Pryor St. OLD HATS MADE NEW. WANTED—KN FKUIENVKD girl .i* uurae. Two fltlJdrer •09.A IVnchtree. B, OLD g<>FT AND STIFF FELT MATA cp-aneil and tc-ehnped »r 2be Banda or sweats He each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt nnd careful attention. Ueet work, latest styles. Ac mo Hatters. 6^4 Whitehall street. PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Reduced 50 per cent for the ImRday trade at FRETWELL-JONES CO.. Klectrlc * ’ontrnctore. 2d South Broad street. 'Phones: Hell 1327 M, Standard 609, SAVE YOUR EYES. THE KENT INVERTED LIGHT MAKES ratlin, mill tluilrlni! n (ilMfiir# «ml rm H.t.. ... .Iratii WANTED HELP—Mai* and Famata. SITUATIONS WANTED. MADAME MELITE. TUB NOTFD KUYITIAN l’At.MIST, ran !*• eohsulted «»n nil nffalr* «*f life. Khc reunite* the nenarntel. <nns«>« u spee«ir marriage with tin* one of yur choice, gives iiamc*, date* ami fact* In everything per taining to life, or u« charge*. Fgypttau L'rtcnrapracitf, 53 Auburn nrtnuc. THE BEST LIGHT. THE KENT LIGHT EXCELS ALL Om ari is nrath.M, Lrllllanr/ and ecorunof. 69 N. Pryor St. Phone 4848. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. GET YOpR LITTLE BOY A NICE WHITE HICKORY GOAT WAGON. 60-32 WEST MITCHELL ST., ATLAN TA, GA. CHRISTMAS SFGGE8TIONK ARK ALWAYH IN OR- der at thin season of glft-umklug. We art* offering th* very beat suggestions for practical, useful and desirable v GIFT THINGS, the kind that are appreciated for veara t*» come. We ***nnt every proepeetlre buyer to OUR HOLIDAY BARGAIN LIST: •1IER.” KXPKRtr.M"KD DnPAIlTMFNT HTORK ndvcrtlulng manng»r mid nffln* man. ago m. now *uuploy«-l. (P'slres new connoetlott uUrnt F' brr.ary 1. I^ugrr opportunities thi» Meet. Book * * ' Andrei Ad Man. The PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Redueod 50 P< DON T EXPERIMENT. GET THE STANDARD GAS LIGHT-THE K-nt IJjlit li«« prm,n to lie Ihe moat ■ml.fectnrr llelit. Increase llsht—de cree, g*» HU. WANTED—HOUSES. FOR KCIKKORK KRTK. All In elegant pln*h lined leather case*. Set of »ix pair finest *t«N-l *cI*sor#. .|6 3 • Set of live pair fln**Ht steel srlfttart..*<!.•» K»t of four pair finest steel s'-lssors....93.00 K*»t of three pair fluent sde-l aclssorn....$4.73 Set of two pair flne*t steel aclssora lb loldlng pluah line*! leather cow< 12.75 »'AllVINO HET8. • |t> silk lined rase*. Three-piece carving set. 'Ntag, with silver trimming* PDV Thre*»-pl#*cc caning »ot. *tag handle.. 14--w Two-p'eco i-arviog »d. etag handle |fl.O0 Tn^o piece bird carving *et, stag ham j SILVER IM.ATKD TABLE WABF ! • KEEN KUTTER” oxldi**d ellver, hollow bundle knlvra ami forks; tlnest on the ] market: guaranteed for ten years—•.30 “KEEN KFTTEK'* trlple plat«sl knlve* . forks: net Rodger* "W?," *♦•! nt f*-»r the holiday j ANTED Make et» elP n» t< FRETWELL-.TONES CO.J Kl^vtrlc f ontrartore 26 South Hr/wd ‘Phone*: pell 13”7 M. Ktandatd WANTEO—AGENTS. FICTCBE AGLNTF-KF.ND YOUR WORK to t.f for eolarrtment. fair prices, goo*I IlcUh; 16 by 20. UC‘ * ' lures ckcap. _ I Viera strett, Atiaura. Go. DO 5 0V "'WANT*510SKY7 H Balia U an absorb-nt ti#«Moeu ease. It ha* born sold fJPccn druggists and agent*. Sen*! CJ Answer He OR ki\ t;oD>i FLAT; b?i. * se. or.. ,r third floor.; •t. Bent references, j -|.j orgUn. HIM.” PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Reduced 5«» pet* cent fot the holiday trade at FRETW ELLrJOX ES CO.. Electric FontractoiT, 26 South Broad •troet. 'Ph* nee: bell 132? M, Standard FOR f* from 7T» cent* fo $2. • ry mi" gaaraniecd: $I.3l» to |3. dy Rafetv ruaor, with twelve blade*; r out pie to |1.^» — JRssor streps and bone* from 23 cents to FOB HALE AT A BARGAIN—HARNESS factory and tannery conveniently located; new buildings nnd up-to-date machluory. Addfoa* "Factory” care thl* paper. HARDWARE RUHINEffS FOB HALE AT a bargain: goo«t reason for selling; write rjtiick, Rowley Hardware Go., Union, H. W A NTE LACK KM ITH TO R ENT F? * It- nlshed *hop at College Dark. Hplendld opportunity, fall at atom of >W. J. Har ris, College Park. A REAL GROCKKV STORE BARGAIN. Has to be sold nt ouco. Hoc W, Jotics, Business Broker, 222-233 Century Bldg. Phones 5566. BOARDERS WANTED. THE l?c»N AIR. 9*4 Peach tree at., solicits Inspection, comparison nud patronage. WANTED—BOARD. YOUNG LADY. BUSINESS WOMAN, BEST references, wishes *><Hird In select board ing honso or private family, near lu; north , side. Select 4, rare Georgian. BUSINESS DIRECTOBV. BICYCLE &UNORIE8. CICYCLEb AND tSbMMU^h-LAROCST bicycle and sundry dialrltutors in the ffeutn. Southern ageuta tor Pierce. Yale, Snell and Hudson oicyclea. Write fur our 11<**» cuntiogue ami price Hsu Aiesaoder | Elyea Co. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- MODRIifl AND NOVBLTIB8; PROMPT fe.rrlc. 11,11 'phon, 2324. Atlanta wool au<l Iron .Novell!- worka, M Marietta ■tr«(t. HIVS THE HAN^TlLaV SELLa HOT AIB. In.tall, furoai-v* la oW hauan aa wall aa new. Ila prepare, a cellar If poa bar. none. Uoucrlef Furnace Co. Botk 'pbuuoo. .OR Pn SLTO MM. scoter., pkona 3J. J. A. Oarleo a ad J. C Uranao. __ SEWING MACHINES. BENTCH—TWO DOM AUS l'KH MOMTII. either Blnftr or Wheotor A Wllaon. Wo rent onlr now machlata with conpl.ta.aat of attaenmonta. Prompt iletleerr. Both #9B*gai a?^! r w TALKING MACHINES AND ItKCORDB- Wboleaalr and ratal) dletrlhntora of Vic tor Talklot Machine, anil Been rill. Jnat rceelrwl laree cona'ganent of atachlnaa nnd orar 10,000 record*. Immediate attentloa (Iran mall order.. Wa want tat name, of all talking machine dealer. In the Month. Write for cataloane. Aleiander-LIjrra Ca. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIIING. H,W. ROUNTREE A BRt). TllUhlf AMD _BAG CO. Retail and repair!n*. No. 72 Whitehall atreet. Phone 1ST*. WATCHMAKING. . _ _ TO THE TKAOR: C O M P 1.1 C A T E.D watches are m? bobby. Modem Ideal Ik work and daa'.lnn. 11. Walter Lett. Room HIT Fourth Notional Bank Hide.. Atlanta SHOE REPAIRING. MORRIS PARK. 22 NORTH PRYOR ■treat. Flna shoe repalrlnc; neat leather and work cnarantcod. work called for and delltcred. Boll 'phone 1441. INSTALLING AND REPAIRING., ENGINE ROOM APPLIANCES. BLKVA- tors, pumping machinery and attain hast ing plants. Plana and specification* for l Acetylene gas plants fnrnlsned. George W. t Moore, ?41k West Hunter street. LOOK AT YOUR HAT. OLD STYLE SOFT AND STIFF HATH » cleaned or dyed and re-abaped to late style*. Domestic and f4irelgn orde-s by mall b nn<l exure** given *p<H*lal attention. But* try, 2*4 Whitehall atreet. Atlanta, Ga. C SEWING MACHINES. WE ItLSV ENTIRELY NEW MACHINES n irltli Intent Improved attachmeutn. * Prompt delivery. Cnnrteoua attention. $.’ ~ per month. IKjmeatlc Sewing Machine Company, North Pryor street. MEDICAL. *»0 *«iaei L •IT ..Tmoro oii-. Til •J»!I»P*!. *m>j a ■e -e tkauooo uwf ct> •»«•!» #ll»oinei» u ill no# uRooi •!*»» paiuipon , ■»«(» Jikfi 02»m pan aoonaaip d|cja i« sun.* SaiaNRati TuixrdorcoHx h» ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. B SHELDON AUDIT CO. ? PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT- » OUR. 1 T 51S-51# Teraple Conrt. Atlanta, Ga. 'Plume UM. , A Account. 4o ruination oodltod and report. I ed oil. Invest!,atl»n for lawrere. raer-, s chant, and corporation, a specialty. Ulnb-, f vet teatlmonlala. Corre,poodence InrltoiL j h REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, wc are giving 23 per cent tiiscount on all finished Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter street, oppo site Sf ate Capitol. W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral and Farm Properties, Atlanta, Ga. SUMMER HOME—FRUIT AXD CfffOKEX farm; I mile from court house at Elll- Jay. tin., noted summer resort; onn.fourth from city limit*; SO acre*. 60 No. 105 South Pryor Street. Lot 55 by 105. Price $8,500 Let us show you this piece of central property. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. ANSLEY PARK ' CHEAP. LOT mile under feftco; good three-room house, stable, smoke house, etc.: two line spring*, 2w pple nnd peach trees. This Is In the best pp I eg rowing section of Georgia—the land of milk and honor. Only $400. Title* o. k. IV. M. Beott A Co.. 210 G*»uld building. Ymi'*steelTTotTp*mbn:: wf7iuve several goo* I cotta ire*, easy walking dis tance of the mill, that we can sell from lso » to 12,2*0 on most »ny term* you tuny desire. Yon had better cell of ’phone nud let u* show you this property. Why pay rent when you can buy n home on such easy terms. We also have several vacant lots In that locality that we can interest you In. Boulevard. ON HILL STREET, WE HAVE A NICE six-room cottage, new plumbing, cabinet mutife!*. screened throughout. Thin place In near Woodward avenue, nnd hnlf block of car line. Well worth the money asked. Call nud let ua give you price and terms ou this. ON PEACHTREE CIR CLE, NEAR PEACHTREE ST., 100X220. CAN BE HAD FOR $1,500 LESS THAN ITS VALUE. THE OWNER WANTS TO SELL AND AUTHORIZES US TO CUT THE PRICE IN ORDER TO REALIZE. LIES BEAUTIFULLY; EAST FRONT. IT’S, LIKE A PICTURE. FINE VIEW THAT WILL NEVER BE OBSTRUCTED. IF YOU WANT A LOT IN THIS BEAUTIFUL PARK THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE. MONEY TALKS HERE AND IT’S UP TO YOU NOW IF YOU WANT A GOOD THING. ■JAMES L, LOGAN & CO., 214 Empire Building, Phone 4310 L, Main E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank HENRY COL-NTY FARM OF too ACUF1 Si .ore, ortKliml form, 12 In bottom ' li n pasture: telnnco In *ood stair of cult to. tlou; .-room dwtlllug. hullt 5 j„r.- ant ■ Uonao, twiru, anil ,table,. Conroalrat to .htmlioa anil toluol. Fries 12.600 Maka olfor. Mint be aoM within ten E PINE. NEAR SUMMIT AVE.-CUoirn S room hotiwt; all cotirrnloncfa; hunt t«-» para; lariro. Irvol lot. 15.000. n/o, C ,‘J? bnlanca tan !>s arraneml to ault you ' NORTH AYR. JUST OFF JACKSONsfZ ProttT leval lot; lt.400; all ,tr„t liopror^ ments dowu. HIGHLAND A VB.--LEV EL CORNER LOT (Wriso to all#*); »1.275. Torra, |T5 ,V,h, and KOO jear at 6 par rent lataroat. NEW STORE AND THREE IlOOMS-TRI. Biimlar lot; lloar Marietta atraot; rent.l value #155 ywir. #1,260, half cash. 57.0) oaab, balanro within 5 jaara. lantT;" Ij'.OOO. ''iwmi SEVENTY-EIGHT ACRES OF TUB (Inoat land In unrfh Georgia; nmrlr n,-iv 10-room hrlclt roaldanoe; n-atrr and an. rotia auliatnntlal mithnlldlnn; 22 nillr, place: nn c*c*-|u for l<:,600. Cull Inrs. lings; El her ^rtdt-1 write for full partial! PIEDMONT, NEAR FORREST AVB.-A splendid 9-room mihntantbilly built horn** lease*! $450 net. Price $5,000. $2,000 rasb.' SEVEN ACHES, IVi MILES FROM CEX- ter of Atlanta, ou klcDonough (tnneada- mixed) road. $800, $200 cash, balance within 6 years. rooms, hall, china closot, pantry, cupboard, loroehtln bath, marble slab waahstaud; In ’act, up-to-date In every reaped. Lot . nn* from street to street. Place next door sold for $n,$00 last month. I am author ised to tell this place at $3,650. Cash $600; balance to suit. I HAVE A CUSTOMER WHO WILL PAY $5,000 to $6,000 for a nice seven or eight- room two-atory bouse on West Peachtree. “ rou have ench for r I call and see you. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. BECA1THE OF TUB VERY RAD WKATI! on the SOtli, we have postponed the salt of the twelve farms nnttl Saturday, the 29tt »y of December, so that on that day wt 111 sell- nt auction on the premises Colo- pi Joseph If. Johnson's famous "Moun- tin View Farm.” This plantation coutalm ..bout 6<X> acres of splendid farming ant timber lands. It has been surveyed am! “*• "‘'ed Into twelve good farms, ranglni — from 15 to 154 acre*. Ever> farm has both open and wooded land nnd run “*— —ter; nnd nearly all have aomc i on them. This property la In Pe Kalb county, and within 14 milea of the * *-~use In Atlanta. We are going to o the highest bidder without ro of Peters street: cherted street nu*l car Ins. Three ti**w house*, built of good ma* erlat; occupied by good class of white ten ia of Peters street will have to reach good little cross streets. If taken p. $2,560 cash buys If. ?N 8TREFT. NEAR LEE AND Gordon afreets, we have a flve-rootn cot ie: all the Hty conveniences: al- r, and good value for $2,000. some * venae. tistUtge itng t1 pe $2.3 FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. 675 PEACHTREE STREET. THIS TWO-STORY EIGHT-ROOM SLATE roof frame building Is on nlre targe lot; on the east side of Peachtree street, nt tho co,Tier of Vonce DeLeon ovenue. Thin Is the residence of the lute Colonel Ltvlug- ston Mims. Has beautiful flowers and in every way a very desirable house. Has gat, hot nnd cold water, stationary wash- stand. sink In the kitchen, and sink In the pantry on the flrrt floor. Ha* gun, closet, hot and edd water, stationary washstnnd on the second floor. Has elec tric bell*. |Jn» furnace for steam heat. Has three-room servant's hnnso Klteherf with dumb waiter In basement. Will lie vacant Decemlier 20. \ Rents $100 per month. 445H EDGE WOOD AVENUE. THIS SECOND-FLOOR FIVE-ROOM FLAT la on the south side of Edgewood avenue, at the corner of Hon el» street; la brand- new. hence In first-class repair. tip-top flat, nnd In every way first•*- Has iiorcetaln bath, stationary wnshstatuL rloset, •porcelain sink In the kitchen. Also ha* go*. Edgewood avenue can pant tho door, llenta $25 per month. JOHN J. WOODSTDE, THE RENTING AGENT, It Auburn Avenue, . Both Phonea $11. *tn*.'t. g*ml three-room cottage; nice ail Improvements down In street and Price $1,000. Very easy term*. RAND-NEW COTTAGE OF SIX lUtoMS. with nil Coe city iimvenlencee. near Grant irk **ar lln«*. A perfect little* borne and leap for $J>Y), on t*-rm4 of $SV) ••ash and 5 per mouth. You can not beat this If >ti want a home. W. E. TREADWELL & CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents. All Classes City Property and Farms. 24 South Broad Street, Bell ’Phone 2644. Atlanta 'Phone 3803. CONTRACTORS AND HOUSEBUILDERS, NO TICE THIS. WE HAVE CLOSE IN LOT 100x150, FACING TWO STREETS, FOR $1,850. GOOD RENT ING LOCALITY. YOU CAN BUILD 5 COTTAGES (5 ROOMS EACH) THAT WILL RENT FOR $18.00 EACH EASILY. THIS SHOULD MAKE A 16 TO 20 PER CENT INVEST MENT. SPECIAL. WE HAVE A MER CHANT'S MILL LO CATED' AT AG WORTH, tub following pkopbuties wW* GA. THIS IS ONE OF TI IE i w&fl5V‘.lWJ?VS«ir*“W CHOICE MODERN 8-R. NORTH SIDE HOME AT A BIG SACRIFICE. YOU CAN BUY IT FOR $1,000 LESS THAN ITS VALUE. SPACIOUS RE CEPTION HALL, PAR LOR, DINING ROOM, BUTLER’S PANTRY AND KITCHEN ON THE FIRST FLOOR. FOUR LARGE BED ROOMS UP STAIRS. BIG CLOSETS CLOAK ROOM AND OTH ER MODERN CONVEN IENCES. . PRETTY ELE- VATED LEVEL LOT. A VERY DESIRABLE SECTION, FINE NEIGH BORHOOD. THE HOUSE IS IN FIRST CLASS CON DITION AND WAS BUILT FOR A home: THE PRICE IS $5,330 AND IT IS A BIG BAR GAIN. YOU CAN PAY $1,000 CASH AND BAL ANCE EASY. SEE US QUICK. AS THIS PROPERTY IS GO ING TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 214 Empire Building. Phone 4310 L—Main. S. B. TURMAN & CO. YOril ATTBNTIO.Y TO, AXD, I.VSrEO tlon of. the following properties U' *• pectfnlly Invited. The time to buy a «•$<*• aero of property la when the owner w* ' 1/ decided to sell, and will not »W»J - fixed price, but It willing to at one-half way meet your view* s* to to* •alne of the prooerty. For business lonple sometime* nave to lose a ‘jj. BEST EQUIPPED MILLS 1 — X. IN THE SOUTH: IIAS i\ K LV." WALL PAPE*. Kt’t#Gn. ; TIGNS* FROM OtH IMMENSE I STOCK rEMEMBEIl we will *:or»* and deliver auy i erti* !<• you may select free of eharge. — , BUY X**W. WALL VAPEH *v, r .BS? zrg? Z'A'taZrtYat r^rsa- DB*t vr 17. .iut. for :i cot. |, ,; |*«r lal.aln*. lie I, roBir.rtin, wall pawr •■rllaliuCo, >Um. tii and naluiTa*. om« aaJ .»aw rm*. U - 1 ' L'a.t iluacar atra-i. Koia '(iHaiN-a 4Ml THE BEST LIGHT. 9 PORTABLE GAS AND i ELECTRIC LAMPS j W ‘* nl ,nr lh " h0UU * y THE KFXT LIGHT EK..F.L.H ALL OTII- FUETW ELIi-JONES i’O., 5 pn It* nerttn«?»*, lirlliuuey atnl economy. Kle tric Contractor*. 26 S >uth Broad ( SST- ■ pbow,; *“ >*-• K> Piyop st# phone -1848. i THE TOOL CO., s: marietta street. Glfwslte PO«toffice. l)OX "^EXPERIMENT. get Tin: .standard g.\» light—the K»-3t Light Una pr#»ven to \* nllsfarforr light. lucn'Sse Oa W-MUtagton street. jurt| Bl ?2fO sPWSVW™*;. beyond city limits, a hue j ?(X)M MODERN COT-!" home on beautiful lot for jTAGE NEAR : ST. CHURCH: TO ALLEY. OWNER ON<h - VATOIL CAPACITY, 10,- °J0 BUSH^. BRICKj^S^^lSS MILL BUILDING. IE ! • -aS. balauw «t»r. sale eht»ap. Sec I ki nrmiAN HOME—FIVE-BOOM ' 0C tag** and 17 acrei of land: a ,nmi bratfli: Inn.l .mvarad wttti 4 4f)ril | i *>n«: front, tHived road nil the leln. nud a)Ulv ten lulout*** wm* * - ^ \\A LIEBJLAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. I WALKER j J'OU ^-^ABARGAiN • LOT 50x2001 1 s ABOl J III Is AT .vi .\uijrjl.* owner WISHES QUICK SALE.l5J^5J^ PRICE REDITED FROM I /.g /,>*v ,v . v-, i .M*■ ■ .•i-» 5(K) SEE US- DONTi BKsT BARGAIN IN A VA- ,tr " ,r ,,>nt » n ' 1 u '’ llr,ln ’PHONE. “ * ! CANT CORNER LOT ON | —’ FAVEIi & BLACK. N. BOULEVARD, $50 PER I 313 and 316 Peters Bldg. I FRONT FOOT. 1 s. p. TURMAN & GO.