The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 31, 1906, Image 10

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Want Ads Only I Centa Word No »«f. token for fete thin 25 cents. Six words of average length make a lino. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time .... 6 cents a line. 3 times .... 5 cents a line. 6 times .... 4Vz cents a Ijne. 26 times .... 4 cents a line. 52 times .... 3'/ 2 cents a line. 78 times .... 3 eents a line. We WiH Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call Us on Cell Phono 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will br Inserted Free. WANTED HELP—MALE. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. GRANDMOTHER'S SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CUtlE A NY CHRONIC.' sore, carbuncles, bolls, cuts, burus. tot ter, erysipelas, chapped bands, and Ups. plies, catarrh. Pore, clean and barm lest. Has been given sway for about eljjnty years. Recently placed on tbe market, druggist falls to furnish It. send us 23c In stamps and we will send you a box. post age! paid. Natloual Ointment Company, Atlanta, Oa. BOY fOUR FURNITURE From tbe J. B. Turner Furniture Co., .1-43 W. Mltcbell bt. Bell 1-bone 1757. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. We repair, pack an. iblp. TYPEWRITERS. Second-band tjjiewrlters of .11 mike, oor npedaltj. Beat rolue. and lowe.t price. guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Prgor afreet Atlanta, On. SHOULD rou HAVE A COLD AND A cough, take "Dewberry a Delight. Noth ing better. Druggist. »etl It. I MANGANESE SCREW DOOR BANK I naff-., tire-proof safe*, vault doora. U. W. Ellin, 26 b*. Broad ntreet. PORTABLE GAS AND W^li a W Oir»n. »« B.‘Broad .treet, ELECTRIC LAMPS , Reduced SO per cent tor the holiday WE WANT TODAY BTRNO-BOOKKEHP- trade at FREE SITUATIONS WANTED INSERT ED IN THE GEORGIAN If you want a position there’s no reason why you should be without it. Bring your advertisement to The Georgian office. It will be inserted in these col umns without charge—and perhaps get you work at once. advertisements are ONE CENT A WORD MONEY TO LOAN. Co., 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1*90. fered; small expense and prompt attention. ~ ttt real r‘ Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND: any amount, 4!i, 6 and 6 per cent Writs BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and anndry distributors In tbe Scutb. Southern agents for Pierce, Yale, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our lfctt catalogue and price Hit. Alexander* Eljea Co. «Sh SSESnS^n'tO^SSSA FRETWELL-JONES CO. Bank Bldr. Ball phone. Main U3». Electric Contractorn. 26 South Broa M. A. SHELTON. W A 1ST T R D—COMPETENT REMINGTON I DON'T FORGET M. A. SIIELTON IS A Typewriter t-o., us i eacniree eire«i. | 6275 R1 Pryor atreet. B nb& L °Atlaiita Ga®^secures I FOR SALE-TWENTY HEAD JERSEY positions for competent people In*'all com-1 „njilch cows. Apply to P. O. My hand, Wcet nerclal, mechanical, technical and Inc*. Enclose ci»mps for free list. WANTED-MEN . trade. Great demand for barber*, wage* paid. He* to o Few weel poor man. FOR HALE-FIRST-CLASS LUNCH ROOM TO LEARN BARBER | ..hibo confectionery store. Apply *” Top I Wbltclinll street. men aaSSS' W °. , tb‘^.re r n , .'l!!i: HORSE. WAGON. IURNES8 AND SMALL ks comniete*. Fine chance for a I elevator for sale cheap. 137 Bellwood ave* - * ' ■ " * 1 — Atlanta 'phono FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS , Reduced SO per cent for the holiday SACRIFICE SALE trade at FRETWELL-JONE# CO., AS FOLLOWS: Electric Contractorn. 26 South Brood M , hlll( . k pacing rondntcr. Jack BnrndleyJ ■treet. 'Phonen: Bell 1327 M, Standard .in-,1 by the mighty Uambetta Wilke— <09. groat pedigree—very fa.t nud very gentle; .. . ' —— I any Indy can drive him. WANTED—AT ONCE. 25 GOOD CABINET 1 makers; stendy work; good wages; trana- portatlon advanced responsible parties; | open shop., *- * * A BIG BARGAIN At $500.00. WANTED—A WOOD TURNER IN HASH I AfV AUTOMOBILE mid door factory; one who understand* i how to run band saw preferred. State I A White Steamer, 1906 model; recently thor- wnges wanted. Apply Box 463, Athens, Ga. oughly overhauled; new engine: splendid I condition. $1,200 takes It. Will V. Zimmer, FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for purchase money notea Straight loans made at 6 per cent and up* wards, according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster. 13 8. Broad street. DU8INE8S OPPORTUNITIES. THE CELEBRATED BARRETT 8TOVE8 AND RANGE8 In which the beat _ AROUND THE OVEN. . by government patents, manufactured by Atlanta Stove Works. Make your dealer get you one. FOB SALE-PROFITABLE MERCANTILE Imslnesa In one of the best small towns In middle Georgia, with the best educational advantages. For particulars, address Rox 26. Locust Grove, On. Wasted-one reliable person fN each county In Georgia to take stock In n corporation now organising for blgh-clnss manufacturing business, which will pay from 60 to 100 per cent per annum on Invest- went. Write for full prospectus and our renson for accepting only one subscription In each county, together with our refer ences; full Investigation will prove this the opportunity of the century. Address P. O. Box 297. Nashville, Te»n. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN on Marietta street. W. Jones, Business Broker,. 222-223' Century building. 'Phones 5660. 821 Washington street. PIGEONS. WANTED—AGENT8. I variety of rare pigeons to be ofcrowdrffou.m.on,. n llm finish; Jure* us for enlargement; fair prices, good ; 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pie- Jg® n D hffA? r hut eood „ cheap. Tbe Garner Company, 1*A Phi 1 .fi*!! fiS?® •tern street, Atlanta, Ga, I- nt the state .fair, have no ones. 1'rlxe winners guaranteed workln; time nnlv. A' few pairs of Giant California P I riers, Fly lug Squab and Show Homers, Kng- men’Without experience preferred. GaU to*-1 lj*h Pouters, Pigmy Pouters. Swallows, tween 7 and S a. iu. at 13-A Peters .trout. Arehnnaela. nirinlmcham Rollon. I'mlor A.k for Mr. t'nit/. | Tumbler., M I Tumblers, Swiss Mondnlnes. Red Curr.imix. Magpies. Dragons. Jacoldns; also Ruuts. Uiiut-Maltese Cross, Homer Cross for squab | breeding. The Best Loft Connected .With the Best Hotel in the FRETWELL-JONES CO., goutk T71..1 >i.% rv»Hto.ntAN ma Um.ti. r»_ -« I ^VUIU. Visitors Welcome. Kinibullville Pigeon Loft. The New Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Electric Contractor,, 26 South Brunt! ntr««t. ’Phonen: Bell 1327 M, Standard 109. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT Whitehall afreet. WANTED HELP-FEMALE. ELECTRIC LAMPS WANTED-FOUR GIRLS TO WORK b'ltdiTjr. Apply lo The Rloeter C pany, 3t and 46 Walton atreet. WANTED HELP-Male and Famate. PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Reduced 60 per cent for the ho] trade at FRETWELL-JONES C WANTED—8ITUATION8. irirni: imi in care Georgian. dng pi » No. POSITION WANTED BY pber with tlx years' experle flee work; reference furnished O. Box 204. Abbeville, Ga. A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN ST PORTABLE GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS BOA.-OERS WANTED. HITHER ETAOI ETAO HTAO 1AOINN ~ I FOR HALF—A WELL-BROKE YOUNG 8 nmre; Georgia-rained; bargain; must r | sell nt once. Address I\ E. Ungers, 16 N. rt j I’rjror street. Bell phone 313 Main. | ONE WELL-TRAINED LLMWRf.I.VN "1 classed setter hlteb. 3 years oi l; a good 1 hunter; stauneh and fine retriever^ the first | Grove, On. - FOR RENT—FARM8. FOR RENT-SMALL FARM 2 MILES west of CoIIego Tark ou Nownnn road. y|J. C, Woodward, College Park, Ga. "DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT" KEEPS* THE J BODY IN PERFECT HEALTH BY RE- STORING THE NERVE FORCE. ■ . | MISCELLANEOUS. 4 I " JXJU ~ r r nskAjvwvirt • WANTED—8RCOND-IIAND FURNITURE, I organs and household gooda. A. Springer, , 1 230 Peters atreet. Bell 'phono 2762 J. 1303 L. 1 r Franklin Cleans Clean. • j, THATS MT BUSINESa BELL 520. > J TAILOR 15$ WHITEHALL STREET. . HOLIDAY GIFTS FREE. JI THE ATLANTA DENTAL COLLEGE Op- J I eratory remains oj»en through Mnturdny, , 122d. of thla week, and after Wednesday, i 26th, of next week, continuously. The ” only holiday gifts worth having are gold * I and other filling operations, given free by p the Atlanta Dental College during the bob 1 Idaya and through Jnnnary, 190$. Corner Ivy Street and Edgewood Avenue. THE , ATLANTA DENTAL COLLEGE. [ 1 ° WANTED—MONEY. - PORTABLE GAS AND ^ ELECTRIC LAMPS Reduced 60 per cent for the holiday " trade at ■, FRETWELL-JONES CO., £ Electric Contractors, 26 South Broad 01 atreet. ‘Phones: Bell 1127 M, Standard t> PALMISTRY. la III MADAME MELLIE. !' THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST. can l>e consulted on atl affaire of Uf*. Phe reunites tho separated, causes a speedy *> marriage with the one of yonr choice, gives names, dates and Dicta in everything pec- * * tainlng to life, or no charge*. Egyptian , Encampmtfit, 83 Auburn avenue. w WALL PAPER. ru DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK ERS. MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT service. Bell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty works, 889 Marietta atreet. Installs furnaces In old houses as well as new. He prepares a cellar If you have none. Moncrief Furnace Co. Both 'phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS- sen gore, 'pboae 33. J. A. Davies and J. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either Singer or Wheeler ft Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both 'phones 1SJ3. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 79 Whitehall street. Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received Urge consignment of machines and oyer 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want toe names of *Mjera In tbe South. Altxander-Eljea Ca TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. I. W. ROUNTREE ft BBO. TRUJ1K AND BAG CO. Retail and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1571 8HOE REPAIRING. MORRIS PARK, 83 NORTH PRYOR , atreet Flue shoe repairing; vest leather and work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Bell 'phone 1443. ing plants. Plana and specifications rot Acetylene gus plant* furnished. George W. Moore, 24% West Hunter street. LOOK AT YOUR HAT. OLD STYLE SOFT AND 8TIFF HATS cleaned or dyed and re-shnped to late styles. Domestic and foreign orders by mail ““•* —press given special attention. Bus- % Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. FOR RENT—STENO GRAPHIC PRIVILEGE NEW KIMBALL HOUSE FOB 1907: COMFOBTABLE OFFICE; ES tahll.hed trm!e. Bent S50 per month. Ap ply Manager The New Kimball. FOR RENT—MANICUR ING PRIVILEGE E NEW Apply Mai WANTED —TEN THOU SAND SELECTED, PLUMP QUAIL CANNOT USE DBAWN OB 8IIOT-PAM* aged bird*. Will pay 15c nil this week. Prompt returns. Make shipment to the .NEW KIMBALL HOUSE ATLANTA, GA. and SEWING MACHINES. WE RENT ENTIRELY NEW MACFIINES with latest Improved attachments. Prompt delivery. Courteous attention. $2 per month. Domestic Sewing Machine Company, 104 North Pryor street. t'ourth Natloual Bank. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. GET YOUR LITTLE BOY A NICE \E HICKORY GO. 3N. 50-52 WEST LODOWICK J. HILL, 313 Century building. Bell 'Plume M. 1807. FARMS. GOOD TWELVE-ROOM COLONIAL esldeiice. In large oak grove; live tenant unes and stable*; 352 aeres dark, choc- itu clay lands; 225 aeres level; 5>) acres ixi tlmner; J.Stw tour-year-old peach trees, good coudtttou; 6 miles from Rome; 1 clover, alfulta, etc. through It; 3 inilei ion; Rome lull road runs from Rome. Will make corn or 1 to 1% bales Prices reasonable. Terms REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, wo are giving 25 per cent discount on all finished Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter street, oppo site State Capitol. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank HENBY COUNTY FABM OF 100 ACBE8, 30 acres original forest, 12 In bottom. 12 In pasture; balance In good state of cultiva tion; 9-room dwelling, built 5 years; ten ant's house, barns and stables. Convenient to churches and school. Price $2,500 cash. Make offer. Must be sold within ten days. i GOOD INVESTMENT LOTS We have five lots for sale on Her bert or Griffin St., near Simpson and Jones Ave. These lots are $225 and $250, with one big corner lot at $275. Terms $25 cash and $5 a month. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. Remember I sell those Houses and Lots on Irwin street at Auc tion at the Court House tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. This is your chance to make a good invest ment—one that will pay. STEVE R. JOHNSTON, Real Estate Auctioneer, 327 Austell Bldg.' E. PINE. NEAR SUMMIT AVE.-CHOICE 8-room house; all conveniences: built two yenrs; large, level lot. $5,000. $1,C00 cash, balance can be arranged to suit you. meats clown. HIGHLAND AVE. LEVEL CORNER LOT <50x150 to alley); $1,275. Terms $275 cash, and $200 year at 5 per cent Interest. NEW STORE AND THREE IlOOMS-TRI angular lot; near Marietta street; rental valuo $156 year. $1,250, half cash. COM IIOUHE; NECESSARY Itug-s five new tenant houses; all ■ounitton; 400 acres; SO acres bot- scres timber; well. v.sUnxd and e; on public road, 3 miles from ; good community; close to and schools; daily mall; plenty For quick sale, low price; easy [ (formerly of Bat nett ft Wilt 1st Is nut de*4 Co: bUM.ii, Hi !* ecniucriug wall paper t%-l»ifln£. GBlce and * ‘ ~ *" ‘-half bottom. crib: two-room tenant house; all in couilltion. Well fenced ami watered; to schools, churches, stores, etc.; 6 » troiu Tilton, ou Western nud *At- c railroad. Only $L(W). Terms, If de* THIS PROPERTY Is BETTER THAN GOLD BONDS WHY? Because it pays a fine in come, ia in splendid condi tion, is in the best renting section of the north side, is always rented. THERE ARE TEN HOUS ES RENTING For $1,650 per annum, and they are.going to bo sold be cause the owner wants to put the money in his busi ness. Each house has a separate yard, is well built and all occupied by very desirable white tenants! IF YOU WANT A GILT-EDGED INVEST MENT, TO LAST YOUR LIFE TIME AND HAND DOWN TO YOUR CHILDREN, HERE IT IS. Come in person and see us about the location, price, terms, etc. THE PROPERTY IS GO ING TO BE SOLD. “THAT’S ALL.” JAMES L. LOGAN & CO.. 40S Peters Bldg. FIFTY-ACRE TRUCK FARM. 7 MILES south of center of Atlanta; $2,000. Terms $500 cash, balance within 6 years.. SEVENTY-felGHT ACRES OF THE finest lund In north Oeorgla; net 10-room brick residence: water and nicrous substantial outbuildings; _ from Atlanta: 6,000 bearing Kll>erta peach trees; railroad station and stde-tracx on place: an exceptionally fine suburban home For li2,600. Call or wi lara. write for full partlcu- PIEDMONT, NEAR FORREST AVE.-A splendid 9-room substantially built home, leased $450 net. Price $5,000. $2,000 cash. SEVEN ACRES, 8V& MILES FROM CBN- ter of Atlanta, on McDonough (rnacada- mixed) road. $300, $200 caab, balance within 6 years. A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phone 1754. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED— Wo have $30,000 cash In hand to buy pur chase mouey notes. Submit yours. PEACHTREE HOME. NEAR PONCE PE- lH.*on avenue. Two-atory slate roof, hard wood finish, large lot. Owner moving away. Will sell for less than It would cost to built the house now. Will take suburban property In part or all payineut. MADISON AVENUE - NEARLY OPPO- site terminal station. 64 by 200, In the midst of a large number of wholesale houses. Money in this, pall for partlcu- ACREAGE ON PfcACHTREE—ORIGINAL CHOICE MODERN 8-R. NORTH SIDE HOME AT A BIG SACRIFICE. YOU CAN BJJY IT FOR $1,000 LESS THAN ITS VALUE. SPACIOUS RE CEPTION HALL, PAR LOR, DINING ROOM, BUTLER’S PANTRY AND KITCHEN ON THE FIRST FLOOR. FOUR LARGE BED ROOMS UP STAIRS. BIG CLOSETS, CLOAK ROOM AND OTH ER MODERN CONVEN IENCES. PRETTY ELE VATED LEVEL LOT. A VERY DESIRABLE SECTION, FINE NEIGH BORHOOD. THE HOUSE IS IN FIRST CLASS CON- DITIONAND WASBUILT FOR A HOME. THE PRICE IS $5,350 AND IT IS A BIG BAR GAIN. YOU CAN PAY $1,000 CASH AND BAL ANCE EASY. SEE US QUICK, AS THIS PROPERTY IS GO ING TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO, 408 Peters Bldg. FOR RENT DWELLINGS. 78 EAST NOBTII AVENUE, i Furnished.) THIS TWO-STOBY SEVEN-BOOM FItAMi: ° 1 ' I°t 6o hy 108, Is on tho north sl.lo of Lust North nvenue, hetwrpn l'encbtrp* nnil Courtland .trepta. 11ns four rooms on the flr.t floor nnd three on tho .ecomp everythin* fnrniahril except linens, china nnil silverware. Has uns. hot ami eoh' water, porcelain bath, closet, sink In the kitchen anil alnk In th. pantry; ■ errant's room In the yard reserred. Is hentctl hr hot air furnace; will rent to partlea without children. la a real nice home In flrat-chi^s condition, and In one of onr test nelitli- horhoods. I. now occupied by the owner who will take pleasure In showing you Ibrough nnd vacate when rented. win le«»e to October 1, 1907, at »S0 per month. 18 BALTIMORE PLACE. TIII8 TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT nine-room frame, on lot I) by Ln, which lie. lercl, la on the aontli of itubi more place, between West Peachtree nnd Spring streets. On first floor Is ana, hot nail cold water, alnk ia tho kltrncn nnd alnk In the pantry. On the aecoud floor is gas, hot and cold water, bath, closet, 11. trie lights, electric bells, atatlonnrc wash .land. Has stable and carriage bonne m the lot. Ia In good repair nnd In flrst-eho-n neighborhood. Weat Penchtreo ears one block away. Will rent on lease. W ill he nennt January 13. Bents 310 per month AND A LARGE LIST OF OTItl houses—all sizes nnd prices. JOHN J. WOODSEDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 618. HOUSES WANTED! FOR RENT. 4254 DECATUR; ONE WHOLE FLOOR Just the place for light manufacturing Also, single rooms. JOEL HURT, 231 Equitable Bldg. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. STEWART AVENUE—THE NEW CHERT nlley. IInuse~l. new and well btiflt end finished. Trice $2,250. Unusually easy ENGLISH AVENUE, WE8TEKN Heights—New four-room cottage, ole- ated lot, 41 by 177, to alley; city water. Good value for.$1,250. Dead easy terms. S. B. TUBMAN & CO. YOITU ATTENTION TO. AND I NS TEC* tlon of. the following properties Is rt- Knertfully lnvltr«1. The time to buy a cheap | § Hben the owner has >M*o of property Is wh< lefiuitely decided to sell, n any fixed price, hut Is hoping always to make It up ou some other THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL be sold. It remains for you to decide whether you will get one of them or not: EIGHT-ROOM. 2-.STORY HOUSE WITH all modern convenience*, on Capitol Hk-a. nue near Georgia arenue; east front, lot The lot and house.' r —g prtci $1000; can be bought for $4,350; R | a a first- class Investment. Terms $1,250 caab. bal- ON CURRAN STREET, NEAR IIKMI' hill avenue nnd Kminett street—Well built and substantial five room cottage home; built for a lumie; In section that Is rapidly coming to tbe front. Price $1,750. Terms. grove lots, 200 feet deep to nuother street. $10 per foot. Easy terms. NO. 316 E. (IKOItGIA AVE.—WELL BUILT nud substantia! 5-room cottage, all di convenieuecs: good value for $2,350. This .. i. chance to buy a good cottage home cheap. Owner leaving city. RENT INVESTMENT—WITHIN 200 FEET of Peters street; cherted street and car line. Three ue*v houses, built of good; occupied by good class of white outs. It Is now actually paying $8 per month, which la 10 per cent on $3,000. It la only a question of a short while when the business of Peters street will have to reach out on good little cross streets. If taken at ouce, $2,500 cash buys It. NORTH SIDE—TWO STORIES. NICK new l*room bouse; la-—* »—• — - to Piedmont nvenw lines; nesr Eighth Ili4 . forewent*: can be bought for very much ; large lot; convenient and Juniper street car ■treet; all modern lm- . bought for very much fesa^ thaiMt^la^really worth. Terms $1,600 COT- SUBURBAN HOME-FIVE-BOOM tage and 17 acres of land; Hue running branch; land covered with nice oak grove: east front, paved rood nil the way Into the city, ami only ten minutes' walk from car line; only oue and ooe-b&If miles from city limits. Price $2,450. and tbe laud alone U worth this money. Terms easy. Splendid neighbors, churches and public school Call for our rent and sale bulletin. ON DUNN STREET, NEAR LEE i...*, Gordon streets, we have a five-room cot- frige home; all the city conveniences; al- mo«f uew, and good vnlue for $2,000. Some terms can be arranged. . . .. — ng five rooms nnd hall; lot 50 by 120. Price $2,300. Also on same street, nice five-room cot tage on lot 50 by 140 to alley. Price $2,000. ON HIGHLAND AVENUE, NEAR SAMP^ son street, good three-room cottage; ulce lot; all liunnivemeutft down In street and paid for. Price $1,600. Very wsyterat BnAND NEW COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS. with all tin* cltjr •’•lurriflem-e.. near Grant park car Hue. A iwrfcct little hmne anil cheap for 32.SOO. 011 term, of 3150 ca.h ami 325 per month. \oo can not beat thla If you want a home. near part or rsorth Boulevard, near An* flier accrue, 47 hy HI feet to alley. Suap rer ItLMA Thla la tbe rlxht place for a home or n good place to Iralld a how. that S. B. TURMAN* & CO. 11 at n profit. Bell Phone yet. SALES DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK. It. C. EVE. Atlanta Phona UtL Have a great demand for houses in all sections. Are any of yours vacant? If s list them with LTEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. STATISTICS. . BUILDING PERMIT8. 125—H. Ruasoll. to build show win dow at 145 Patera ntreet. 350—J, W. Crawford, to ra-covc frame dwelling and build stove flue a 724 Weat Peachtree atreet. $65—R. A. Holbrook, to raise and f underpin frame dwelling at 272 Sunset avenue. 3772—T. It. Whitley, to repair Are damage at 263-265 Clarke atreet. $600—T. C. Sauren, to change store front at 1$ Decatur atreet. DEATHS. John Allen (colored), age 38 years; died at Grady hospItaL W. W. Smith, ago 64 years; died at 269 Courtland atreet. J. Engatron, age 40 years; died at 269 Courtland atreet. ■ William Caeaar (colored), ago .in years; died at 109 West Pine atreet. Thomas W. Lee, age 14 years; died at 167 Davla atreet. J. A. Vouther, age $6 years; died nn Southern train near Atlanta. Samuel Brooke (colored), arc 27 years; died at Chattanooga, Tcnn. Mark Johnson (colored), nge 1 year; died at 68 Delbrldge.atreeL Guaaie Pleasant (colored), age 24 years; died at 130 Bell street. Nellie Chapman (colored), age 50 years; died at 24 Emraltt atreet. Jennie Lynch (colored), age 46 year*; died at 78 Summltt avenue. Carrie Gauth (colored), ago 19 years; died at (4 Tatnall atreet. ■C. E. Loomis, age <5 years; died at Grady hoapltal. Ed Allen (colored), age 21 years: } died at Birmingham, Ala. - t Agnes Vaughn (colored), nge 28 years; died at 112 Ira street. Carrie Monlnger, age 15 years; dl->l of gunshot wound In head, at Grafly hospital. Thomas J. Phillips, age 60 years5 died at (1 Moreland avenue. Ella S. Howard (colored), age years; died of pneumonia at 219 La street. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. 11,750—R. A. Redding to J. A. P< lot on Piedmont avenue near Tent); street. Warranty deed. $170—W. O. Moore to Mrs. N. 1 Watt, lot on Richmond nvenue no Gould street $1,000—Mrs. Lorena A. Crockett a W. A. Etheridge, lot on Frasier stre. t Deed to secure debt! $5—Andrew J. Llnborg to Octobeli.i Gunhllda Llnborg, lot on Strong sir^i near Kennedy street Wniranty ■!<■•■, 1 $10—Susan E. Lee to J. R. Lee, J. M Lee, T. F. Lee, J. F. Sewell nnd C. \r Livsey. lot In land lot No. 245. War ranty deed. 6400—Hapevllle Land and Improve ment Company to Noah L. Jamer, Mi city of Hapevllle, Ga. Warranty deed. $150—Mrs. 8. E. Johnston to Lola Raper. lot in land lot 201. $1,250—0. H. Bray and Mrs Ns Bray to William Bryant and .'I Eugenia Bryant lot on corner of nvenue and Lakewood avenue. $450—Paul E. Johnson to Noah W Hamsun, lot on Dalbridge street J Jl