The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 14

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% . THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1907. UP-TO-DATE NEWS OF SPORTING WORLD NEWS OF SPORTS EDITED BY PERCY H. WHITING L DANIEL LUBY THROWING HAMMER DYER AND SPARKS CAUSING TROUBLE Infielder Bought From Cincinnati Lost in Shuffle and Mississippi Midget Will Not Sign. Bill Dyer nnd Baxter Spark*, two players on whom BMIy Smith In de pending for hU team next year, have a* yet refused to sign contract* for 190? and there are grave fear* In bn*ebull headquarters that these men will cause trouble, and perhaps not get In lino at alt. The whereabout* of Bill Dyer nml the question whether or not he will play In Atlanta are both sources of great worry to Manager Smith. Dyer Is the property of the Atlanta club, but up to yet he ha* paid no more attention to Billy Smith** letter* than as though he belonged to the Chicago Americana nnd hud n regular world’s championship swelled head. What this silence mean* nobody knows, but there I* no denying that Billy Smith 1* distinctly worried. If Dyer doe* not turn up. there I* n big hole In the Atlunta team and one that It will be* next to Impossible to till «t this stage of the game. . Baxter Sparks' case I* a most ag gravating one. Baxter did not pitch such marvelous hall last year as to justify him In getting puffed up. He was a pretty good pitcher, but no real loud noise at the twirling game. II- pitched In'20 games In the Southern League last year, won *. lost lu nnd tied 2. Thirty pitchers in the league did better, only 16 did worse On the strength **f the probability that Rparks-would Improve some this year Smith raised hi* salary |25 over last year. This made Sparks' pay pret- •ty high for a youngster. Hut Baxter Isn't satisfied and »*• holding out for mors. He writes Billy Smith that h* esn make more in the • bushes*;—mean ing Mississippi and Arknn*a*. wh» r * Baxter flourished before tin Atlanta team took him up. At first Billy un strung for telling him to stick to *,*the brush." If be liked t» *«» well, but h- dsclded on another scheme So he wrote Sparks that if he thought that In* was so good, the Atlanta club was 99 MUENCH& BEIERSDORFER THE PEACHTREE JEWELERS Diamonds. Watchss. Jewelry. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewalry Repair ing. 99 Faachtroe Strutt Atlanta. Ga. Bell Phone 1311. willing to • think the same wny and would pay tylm the sjtlury offered and a large ami lusty bonus If he would wjn 20 out of .to games next season. Sparks* reply to this proposition has not been received as yet. It would not he surprising If Sparks refused to report. For a whole year he was the property of the Atlanta team and during that time he was playing bull In the wilds of West Ten nessee, Northern Mississippi nnd (east ern Arkansas. Baxter's father 'i.t* money and the boy doesn't have t* work If he doesn't want to. HI* people are rather opposed to his playing nnv- way. And moreover Baxter would per haps rather he the best Independent pitcher In Mississippi than a pretty good one In the Southern League. At any rate, there Is a great possi bility that he may not sign an Atlanta contract tht* year*. In addition to Hilly Smiths other worries he has a had cold which keeps him confined In the Aragon nnd his health Is miserable, nnd bus been for several weeks. However, he Iih* begun to Improve nnd hopes to In* back In form In a few day*. FIELD TRIALS WINNERS. Special to The Geer gin o. Waynesboro. Ga., Feb. 1 —Cowley's Bride was the winner of the annual derby at the field trials here. Georgia Bose was awarded second place nnd Brandy ami Nntchei were declared tied Cur third place In tlie all-age stake the winners are. V^rM, NVhltestone * 1‘enrl, second, Gas ton's Borneo; Ihlid, Marie's laidy and Sport's Monk tied. -0 FOX TO MARRY ON FE BY 13 JIM WILL WED MISS SUSIE MAC- DONALD, IN ROCKINGHAM, NbflTH CAROLINA. Th* Invitation, ar* out for Jim Fox', wadding. It will take pine. February 11 at Rockingham, N. C, and the name nf Jim', bttt.r*he I. Ml.. MacDonald. Billy Smith My. go over to the wed. ding. (Tnrinnatl ha. ralcaed Corcoran and he now belong, lo th. Olanta. Th-' deal ha. been rloeed for aom. time, but ihe paper, did not change hand, until Itan H tt:H>, l,r Mreyitone, the fn.t trt*eu Imrer owned by Or. II Hhover, of ndl.nntNilli, I. to la* meed next mumiii l.y YORK FAILS , IN ATTEMPT CANT EVEN THROW KID BURNS ONCE IN THIRTY MINUTES. Atiout 130 supporters of tbs amateur fling game were pot_Thursday night at the Armory to see Dsn York throw Kid Burns twice within thirty minutes, which he failed to do. The articles of agreement stated that York would throw Hums and Young Glover each one fall In thirty minutes, but unfor tunately Glover, was (taken sick Thunujag morning nnd was unable to go on the mat, in order to keep front disappointing those who had braved the unpleasant weather ee the* match, York agreed to take on Hums nnd throw him twice within thirty minutes. % When Marry fctaten. who refereed the lusteh, railed time toth men went offer It hnminer nnd'tongs and In the first ten tnlU' ntra there was snute very pretty work ■. After' that It wun seen that the men were so evenly mstebed that It w«e sl tniposslhle for either to gel s fsll. At the end of thirty minute* nf bard ork neither man had gained s full and the tout was stopped, according to the agree inent. NOT NEWS, BUT VIEWS By PERCY H. WHITING, The more-money-nr-I-wmi’t plnv” cry in not Ix-inu heard in th<> Smith thim yesr hh loudly ns in yearn past. That ’n one advantai'c of the snlsfy limit. The players know that no manager in Ihe Southern Le.imte ran ifo over 42,700 n month. And they know when a manager says “I’ll pay you $125” ho moan. $125. Atlanta has two men, however, wlm are exceptions to this rule—Sparks and Dyer. HsRelinll has two “Manager Hilly Smith.” One heads New- castle team of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Despite. The other has an office in the Candler building, eleventh floor. The race track owners of Tennessee are trying to save the Kame. They have introduced n bill to provide for the appoint- ment of a racing commission. The bill does not mention betting, hut yon can pipe it off that that senepambian is located some- where in the said legislative woodpile. ATTELL VS. O’TOOLE? New York. Feb. I.—Matchmaker Mo- Gulgtu. of the XuthmAl Athletic Club, • »f Philadelphia, I* making efforts to put Abe At tell and Tommy O'Toole on In the Quake! city at an eaily date At- t# ll ha* left the coast and Is now on hi* way Fast. O'Toole I* ready to *tgn. hut Attell ha* not u* vet been heard fioin. As u touching evidence of the liberality of the Giant man- ageme.nt note the following: When Donlin broke his ankle in a game last year the club forced ita own doctor on him and handled the business end of the transaction. The doctor sent in a bill ao large that it must have staggered the Metiraw-Urusli-Knowles trio. Anyway they passed it on to Dojtlin. Mike pay, nor will he sign until the New York management has done so. And there the matter stands. The game of freezr-out which the City Park track of Now Orleans has engaged in with Stewards Murphy and Trevelyan has been won by the track} Both are now out and both frozen. Mur phy quit first. Now Trevelyan has gone. Whether they quit be- cause Ed Cotrignn, a chronic trouble-maker, maria it too hot for them (to switch the metaphor) or because the City Park stock-~ holdera have continually gone over their heads and nullified their efforts to keep the racing clean and to enforce ordinary discipline. Whatever the cause of these two resignations the fact that two njen of the high-caliber of Murphy and Trevelyan have been forced out does not tend to increase the confidence of the public in the City Park game, and this confidence was none too strong at best. Will R. Hamilton, of the Now Orleans team.picks Montgomery for fifth or sixth plaee in the league race. Right now the picking of the second division crowd is a lot easier than picking the winner. Hut our one best bet for Hrst place is Atlanta. The Eastern colleges are planning to stamp out the summer baseball evil. A committee has been appointed to report on means to this end at the next session of the Interstate Collegi ate Association. It will be pleasnnt to have the East in line. The S. I. A. A. has barred summer hall for college men for some years past nnd ao have the conference colleges of the West. Summer baseball and rleiiu college athletics have never gone hand in hand to any noticenhle extent and the further they can be separated from each other the better. John L. Sullivan, who is now 4fi years old. has written Dr. Osier that he will agree to drive his fist through a door an inch and h half thick, incidentally knocking down the door, provided the founder of the ehlorofom cure for old age will stand on the far side of the door. As yet Osier has not replied. How about it. Doe T Griff’s Highlanders Report On Mar. 8 Instead of Mar. 10 t l»li AntwP’sn Allil.-tl< lilt I I It'll* V g.ltlie* k'ur.lrn tonight I II.* tv nttrortpo i till. A'll'AlltlW.-f* lu ,PW T'luliwnt ii... ... { Just wbvn tin* N» w York Americans will report In Atlsnts seem* u rustler of souic uncertainty. Tin* first Unto announced wan March 1. later Griff tuunt hare decided this waa too early, for Match 10 was the next date glten out. Now, The New York Hun—erabhnl. tint '■curate In nil thlugt- *.iya that '‘Griff" will take his ('layers to Atlanta March 8. When Clark Griffith calls the roll, thcae inen will answet to their names: lltehera—Cheat* ro. Orth. I loaf. Doyle, Hushes, Clarkson and Hrockett. Catchers— Kiel no*. Thomas auU McGuire. 1 nDeMers—Chase, William* Elberfeld, Lit- Porte. Morlarlty and Yracer. outfielders -Hoffman. Conroy, Keeler and Itelehanty rtoiiM event*. i Mike Mnrtbt will again bate charge of ... . , ' . ... . 'the physkJT'' end »>f the tralulnr, with a It 1% expected that n total "f more than -A, I **' |>|.iit ?s will t ike IH.II In the uioiiater ' ” X as*lstant». Ml» .mailt A kale tmirttniiiciit. whlvli In, Griffith hn* not lii'ltcnted what his pinna ' to Itelil In Mllunuke*' Siltnl.i experiment with lot Porte In the outfleld. Iieeause 5*f til* heavy liattlnf. while Conroy utay go l*ack to third bate. The New York msuager expects much from Hrockett, the former Buffalo pitcher, who la. not only a first class boituau. hut Is n fine general player. Instead of traveling all over the country playing exhibit!*) games, Griffith will keep hla nteu In Atlanta for several weeks to fore making the trip to New York, with a few games to to played on the way North. Contracts will to sent to all of the nteu who have not signed before the end of the week. NAT KAISER A CO. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON VALUABLES. ,15 Daaatue St. Kimball House. tuny to. but It I* pint |mmr||i|c that he will Bargains in Unredeaiood Diamonds. DOPE MILL IS GtINDING SOME Fresh News From the Major and Minor Headquarters. cording to the preliminary sched ules of the American nnd National Leugue.*, the season will begin April 12, twq days after the Southern League starts. The New York Nationals will open the season at flume with Brook lyn, the Highlanders open In Phila delphia. Boston Americans open In Washington and the Philadelphia Na tionals in Boston. Speaking of batting for records and not in win games, they tell this one on Pete Browning*—and It Is so good It can hardly be true: When Browning wun playing with Louisville. Pete was seen nd town one night after a hard game us happy ns a dam at high title. * low was the game today T’aome- one asked him. ••Great.” said the slugger; "1 got four " "What was the score?” persisted the Imiulrer. T tlunno what the score was, but 1 go* four hits. Peaches.” Buck Freeman will bo signed by the Boston Americans this year on a regu lar 1* oeball contract, but not as a ball player ln fact he will be used tim ing the season as a scout. This player- Jimmy Collin* i* over in Hot Sprlnire boiling out. He Is "ofT" 12 pound* now and down to 1S1. He hojtes to re duce to 165 before he reports In Little Rock for spring practice. Clark Griffith will (>e back in New Yotk for the spring meeting of the American league, which (mLc* place week after next. He expects to pul through a couple of trades at that time. "Doc" Newton, the ex-Highlander, who belongs to Montreal «t present, says he will not report. He Is huffed because •‘Griff” let him go and claims thut _hU celeuKe was- the result of a personal difficulty and not becuuse of poor pitching. Kugenr DeMontrevlllc will breuk into the Kistern League again, nfter an ab sence of several years. The National commission has turned down Toledo* claim and awarded DcMnntrevllle t«* Rochester, wheie he played before go ing to the big league. tlon thl* spring that he Is going to glv ••Rabbit" Plass a fair trial at second base next summer. He want* Plass to make good and will do everything he can, consistent with good management, to put Plass Into the Job.—New Orleans Hein. llal Chase Is rllll holding out for more money. Bet he gets It. too; for If Griffith did not sign him he might better close the gates. Bobble Grogan, now ('laying with the Another Bunch of Junk to Pacify the Fanatics^ Dayton dub In the Com rat l-ensue. It Rt'lilns nulte h reputation these days a* « story teller. "Say." Bubble began, “you've heor.1 of Mike Kelly's trick of throwing u -citato tnlo the mitSetil ao »h*t • ban tunnrr would come In from third, thinking the bnll hurl been thrown wild? Well, they worked that In the Central I-cuirue hurt summer. "°ur catcher* were still all laid up nnd they had eome kid catching. Dur- tnK n funning bee one of the Terra Haute fellow u wa* telling about Kel ly « stunt. The kid Inquired carefully «» to Just hotv It wa* worked. " 'It can't be done,’ he nald. '"It »H done.' hotly answered the man tilling the «tory. "The colt didn't nrgue t*e question, but when Ihe game started threw a pntHto with nil hl» strength to the out field. The Terre Haute chap Who had ***" **'l |n * "><• etory dug home front "'I'd. The kid tagged him out with the bull. " 'I Ju*t wanted to tree for myself: It I* a good trick.' explained the catcher, while the admirer of Mike Kelly just Hiood around and swore."—Detroit GOLF POPULAR IN ATLANTA; FULLY TWO HUNDRED PLAY That golf Its* taken n remnrknble ln»l*l In Atlunta. nnd Hint tin*'popularity »»f tlx** • huH iiicr«***«*l rapidly since tin* «| if tIn* Hast laikc Ih'Io atblctli ■ tinnics Men's player. I. . * And nrlthe die* who tin Inlnly the piny with Any pie club hn. fifty more nn- not given. The 'hrl.tlan Association Ili'Dlltplete. list tiieiitlitiis the mnu? In have taken ti|» the gnine. «Vr- v tire fifty—|*crhn(*M more— who t*tusldersble regularity, i mi tit Saturday afternoon fhem* fifty playing lu Atlnnm. nnd the inimlwr Is lucresslng every dny. The month of Juuunry fural.b**l nn nuns- uni nuuttor of g<H*il golfing days, mi l It N tletutiffui if nay yenr-round «*uir*e In the '■'••iiitr* seeomnn»'l*t«*l nnv more play ers 'luring the mouth thnn did Atlnntu A partial list of Atlnutn AtUletl* flnl* golfers follows: II M Atkinson. 1* S Atkinson. II M Ashe. It Itlslr Armstrong. G»**rg»- W. Adnlr. Ia*wry Arnold, it It. Arnold. A s A'laiuo, Glarcnre Angler, rhsrien Sl- Guy MU'hell. P. Thornton II I* L M I T Pres . Ittikhton. Htr.vt. I.. News and Notes of Sport. *■’, '““c" ' nl . k .„ 0 f pealHetlr umpire, bee •lurlcd llunk O liny irululug fur next era- IIhbIi Huffy my, that InM'linll player, lr iEybMSKP r "“ r ° l ,ht Milam. I.. f. M«s*kel, ... .. F. M. Mlkell. K'l F. Ma ke courai* of tIn*...AL. lone. Itar..ld II Moorv. \V. !». Nm,h. W. rail In' Judg'Ml from I./ IN**1. II Phillip*. W |„ Porter. TIuhiiiim II. Paine, ('buries \V Phillip colt, t\ M ltmn«|Hik. It. •lr.. Daniel \V Itoimtr.i-. «» P Heott. p W Stone. II t\ St.M-k.lell W II. Sto*all. William K. Stone. J. S Sllt-er. P. Y. Smith. 4. F. Stoekdell. A. Thornton. W It. Tlchom.r. perry , Tuvlor. W .1 TIImiu. H. Y Tupper. 4r. 1,1 1 S p. William*. A. M. Whaley. Jt.lm Phsrtes When! lev. A I'.irtlal Hot «»f the inemtor* of the ’ Young Men's flirlHtlaii AH<"N-lat|on Golf : Plait, some of whom are al*,. member* of ; I the titlilt'll'* cluli, follow*: K II Thornton, j 14. 4. Lagan, ticorg- King. Dr 4 N. I** tpmsr. W v Oglftr'**. Dr. L. 4 Sprat-I j ling. L B Ifobiustm. M.a tmi Smith. Milt Altort Istoll, n younger brother of 'Tiij” l*l*'ll. the great swatter of the White Sox. hn* signed n - - ‘ ' Wlehltn hall Albert Is the the game. rontrsct to play with ths eluli for the eomlng sea*ou. third brother lo break luto Manager llnlil*. of the Memphis eluh, hna signed twenty three men for the routing nii'l snvs that It turdus tbe its- r the fin Older*. f 1906, has signed' wltti*^Terre* liante. ‘ irrvst help in puttlug tha T II F. ... I.umpkln . ilyid. Hernh It PniiiplN-U. S. M. Inuinii The I . esl ball t j ; Jock jjenrfi W. W. Ditidrum O. M. l.'-ngue has ndded s mighty ) by taking In MeKeesport. formerly Union* »* n plteh- In the .National la-ngue. Is to bv th* ler nii'l malinger of the clul*. The Her*.* Itevle stake. Tliomns llueston. the new pool champion, that Its ! bn* lw*n In fnst '*>ui(intiy only thr*** years. . | lie (*lay«*l In his Hrst professional tour- . uaiaeut lu St. I ami* lu IfeM. The Amateur Sp of Paimtlii. unde I Amateur Skating •Id futurltv ItUto. uU'l heretofore worth 110,000, alnnl at 91.*.5*V) hetvnftdr. j —— •— -— Fight fans all over the country are lm- hamploiislill** , pstlvntly pwsjtlng the_return of llnttllng M D llerrle llov.l. Dr 4. II K II liar vfonl, k. [IS put .. .. to i Nelson from Kurope. Tin y are all of th« la. opinion that Joe Gsn« should give tbe Hn**'— - - - th Ptapp. Arthur Pl irke. U M W K Chapin. J : Cobb. P. K. Currier _. ton CoDllie. Mlbon Dargnti. Jam.-* u. lbirllug W. T Downing. A F. Plttuliit- mourn. Ilarrv fiytin. It. M. Freeman. Jr.. I.vun p. pN»ster, J.'hn P Glenn. C. II. Godfrey. \\\ II. Glenn. II. M Grant. J. N limhlaisl J J (ohMlrmu Jr.. Ilownnl ib'hb'rt. J'thn M (itvgi'ry. Kwell Guy. A V Unde. Jr.. Charles Gut.-ly. A II. Ilayttes. W P. Illll Dr. MIehael Hoke. George F. Hurt. Pr.*l A. Hoyt. J. Harris. Jr. Ilarvey llnteher. G A. Howell. Jr.. Dr. Prank Holland. George N Hurt. Don It l|Mrri«. K. II. Inman. Churl'** I*. King. Jehu l». Uttle. \V •'nrtoll LsUom^. |»r $ llut'Sii _ D. Ilrown. | take plme this itfterii'N*u In the big oiieti » Battler a return fight. ett. Stuart | n | r tank at Montreal. In nd'lltlon to the I teur events, the progmm provides for • The r»*turn nf Itetmlt tn Hie grand dr- ‘ ‘ " bsuiplou- j cult means that li. J. Campau Is to m- j talu cuutrol of tbe circuit. nimtey. K. K t'othmii. A. Want Brutus J. Clay, GET YOUR LUMBER FROM E. G. WILLINGHAM A SONS liunlw.HHl n.Hirtns B apretklty. W> deliver promptly and guarantee uallffucilon. A full itock of Lumber. Rash. Door*, etc., on hand, Price* hr* right. 542 WHITEHALL STREET.