The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 5

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4 J, i»r« axuut£V HauMiMMr, A WOMAN'S FIRM VISI7 70 JUDGE BROYLES’ COURT; NEED OF MORE MATRONS By MARY L. M’LENDON. Very often I have been admonished -n till* wts*. when Inveighing against i'.m liquor traffic: “If you will lilt whis ky alone It will let you alone." I have thought thla advice might apply to the law (It doea not to whla- i.-y; alnre women have been deprived of their right* along that line, until I tvae eerved with a notice by two police, men to appear at recordar'e court on Wcdneeday morning at f:!0 o'clock to iratify agalnet an ea-gaa employee, alio had been caught robbing a «|.>t gna meter on Crew atreet a few nlghte lie fore, The two policemen and the leer of a 158 fine for failure to appear on time haetened my e(forte to reach the police barracka, although the rain wa* pouring and i knew Decatur atreet. my apeclal abomination, waa reeking alth gll the vile edora, rights end xminde, "Mlaery lovea company," and an I i callaed, when two fine women came In Later on learned that they, toe, had been ordered leamca tn«i ***»# «■« wwrcu to teetlfy agalnat the elnt meter thief. Their metera had been robbed aleo. We lied all that (rouble for nothing, aa the thief had been aent to the Tower on another charge and the cnee dlemleecd (rum the record*!"* court. After wltneeelng the remarkable way In which Judge Broytea dlapoaed of the , area brought .before him, I nuked the .liter* permleelon to vlelt Ml** San- ileraon, whom I had never met. an.1 nanured him that the W. C. T. IT. and I he Woman Ruftragtate had an abiding Intereat In any woman who occupied the pniltion of police tnatren; that : nose (wo ancle!lea bad Inaugurated the movement In IM4, had petitioned coun- i II to create the otnee and put In a good ... to rare for the women and chil dren brought to the elation for any of- tenae whatever: that we coneldered It absolutely neeeeeary to have a goo-1 woman to remain there all tha time. I, soon found that the chief did not agree with me, but 1 waa not eurprlaed at that. He la only a man and one brought punlebed ae are tbe vilest of men who have voted (consented) to be governed by said lawe and are nevertbeleee tbe moat persistent law-breakera living. The police matron’s department It apot. leaaly clean and aweet and ahowa that a woman of taata and culture has con- trol. There la no bath room, which should be remedied at once, and thero are other things that might ba changed to aid Miss Sanderson In tha discharge of her arduous duties. Only two young women were In the apartment, and one. a girl of It, had bar flna paid and waa permitted to de part, leaving her companion disconso late. u waa very sad. bu ' waa vary sad, but how much better then the conditions existing be. fore we bod our first police matron. of tha t It la drtadful to think of the many ne. gro women who are at tha mercy of the negro men end tbe policemen who have Jurisdiction over thorn. Miss San derson only looks after the white worn. and a shame -for man to control an en, and Is as absurd os It would bo considered for women to control men. Decency and good order demand u change, and 1 am mistaken In tbe worn. that black women, who have fallen Into the dutches of the law. are given the moral support of a whlta woman, who tee that they are cared for as they up under the old regime when "wom an’s rights" were not given any con sideration, I ait ua hope that the vision of all men will be cleared on this great queetlon. Then there will be police matron* In all places of detention wher women, w hether while or colored, are confined for violating laws they have had no hand In making, Women who ate will should be. In lift there were *08 whit* females and 2,054 colored females arrested. The chairman of the police committee as sured me, however, that "only a faw dirty drunken negro women are ever arrested, and when they get sober we (urn them loose and lat them go home." Like Chief Jennings, he believed, and said: "We don’t need a police matron.” In 1805 there were 520 white and 1.811 colored females arrested. In ten yean, you see. the number of women arrested In one year Was Increased to 84*. In the face of that fact we are told that we do not need police matrons. Woman Know that police matrons with the same power, the same privileges and the same pay should be In the Tower, In the stockade and wherever women and children arc detained. There should be two at the police headquarters so that ona could always be on duty, and not make the hours so long for one. and they ehould be paid as well as the men (fcllcemen. Let the women of Atlanta etand by their matron and not listen to the evil things sold about her. Some men want the job, and. as In other line* of work, they think the easy way la to malign her character and she will leave In die- gust and men will reap the reward. MAYBE REALL \ PEARSON; BUT HAD ANOTHER NAME I.iltlc doubt now exleta In the minds of detectives of the Atlanta office that < a plain J. Pearson, tbe alleged gen tleman pan-handler exposed by The Georgian, Is traveling under Ms real name, Since the captain has been In the Tower the detectlvea have learned that he sent a letter to England addressed to a man named Pearson thought to he his brother and probably reciting the predicament he was In. That he has traveled,'(hough, under another name the detectives have al ready reaebn to believe. After Pear son's arrest an account of the charges made against Mm here, together with hie picture, were sent to New York by the Associated Charities, and word has been received from' the charftv organi sation society of that city saying that Pearson Is well known and Is a pro fessional swindler. The Information la also to the effect that he has served at least one term In the pen In New York and that he was arrested a year ago tn New Orleans under the name of Sutcliffe. HEAVY TRAFFIC RATE SKIRTS To the 739 lot, we have added 100 skirts—not pick ups from here and there in the stock, but new. But value and price you could hardly expect, unless sizes and styles were badly broken up. Here’s where knowing and being on thle spot at the right time serves both you and us well These are new designs in Chiffon Panamas, light And more new Spring styles in Panamas. ' weight worsted mixtures and Panamas in broken checks, stripes and plaids. Good round values at 10.00, Navy blue, brown and blacks. , Worsted Mixtures in broken checks, stripes and plaids. Smart, new modes in the advance. spring styles to be* Skirts in the 6.00 and 7.50 class FUTURE DEALING IN PEACHTREE TO BE PROHIBITED TO BE BARRED? Ordinance Taken Up l>y Committee. on St reets Friday. The queetlon of protecting Pcnchlree hired from heavy traffic will bo voted upon by the streets committee of coun cil at 8 o'clock, Friday afternoon, The reeolutlon Introduced by Coun- - ilman Harmon, protecting the pop:| Inr thorough fare, newly laid with a«- l-halt, from the heavy traffic, except when absolutely necessaty, wae re ferred to the committee at the last ntsulan at council, ,._1 Alderman Hlrsch, chairman of the commute*, hns expressed himself as i.uorabla la the resolution, and It la ycnerully understood that the commit tee ae a whole favors the plan. The city attorney hae drawn up a reeolutlon looking to the protection, of 1’enchtree, which conform* to the law, ■md which will be effective, Thla too, will be considered by the commute. CLAIM* HE WAS ROBBED OF *300 WHILE IN CITY. Fpccial to The Georgian. U"ine, Gil, Feb. 1.—8. E. Rtrlck- t.iml, a well-known and prominent farmer of Prior Station, Go., la pustlcd over llte lose of *200 her*. He wa* |o'-keil up by the police and said he had Iwen robbed of the amount stated. I> la alleged that while In an Intoxl- '■ated condition he went to the resl- d"nre Of Patton Clark and tried to ■i-ak Into the house, and came near being shot. 3, House Passes Gibson Bill Without Division—Sub stitute Killed. 8p«clAl to The Georgian. Columbia. 8. C., Feb. 1.—The bouse t«x)#y paased, without division, the J. P. Gibson bill outlawing every form of future dealing. The bill as passed Is the sstne as the Georgia law on the subject. The house killed the substitute Ban ders bill, which was favored because It allowed legitimate dealing. The senate bus passed the Zanders bill. DAVE D. REED LANDS PLACE Lester F. Darla, the rating printer who accidentally shot Miss Gertrude Clark In the foot, while the two were walking on Peachtree street, near the Piedmont hotel, was bound over to the state courts Thursday afternoon by Recorder Broyles on the charge of car. rylng concealed weapons. HI* bond waa fixed at 1100. The young man admitted lie had the pistol concealed In Ilia overcoat pocket, stating he was fumbling with the weapon when It accidentally discharg ed. He explained the presence of the pistol In hla pocket by Raying he had Just purchased It and was taking It home for protection. Semi-Precious Stones Very smart effects are produced by tiic use of the .semi-precious settings now ho popular for bracelets, col lars, holt pins, and combs. The aqua-marine, topaz, turquoise, enamel, and sap phire effects are particularly pretty, lending just the becoming touch of color. The effects nre rich and artis tic when these delicate tones in blue, green, rost>, amber, and violet are combined with the green gold or French gray silver. , ,, We have a stunning assortment of these pretty atV • cssuries at the most reasonable prices. Maier & Berkele — * i i r\ n r 0 ian ibsrli in-J loh nsoh-l/ uDQse Lompaijx - — — — —— — — .—g 8- - ;■■■■— - — 1 — ■ ’ AMERICAN WOMAN GETS HER HUSBAND A NICE PROMOTION j tA \ n Mrs. L. Vernon Harcourt, whose picture bere appear*. I* generally credited with tho appointment of her huaband to succeed James Bryce as secretary of state for Ireland. She Is an American worn- THE SOUTHERN RETAILER IS NEWEST TRADE JOURNAL CHIEF TO TURN CHAUFFEUR \ BUBBLE FOR COUNTY POLICE \ The Southern Retailer made ita In itial bow to the trade Journal circle In Atlanta Friday. Il lookfl aa aoltd and settled a* though (t were a voleratt,Tin atead of the newest trade ppbllcatloi in Ihff rlty, Tho Southern Retailer In devoted to the Interest* of dry goods, email wgrea. haberdashery.^ clothing and similar linen. It It published at 304 Candler building, with a bualnetn office In Bos ton. DeStilm Doonan In managing ed itor of the new publication and C. W. Weaver Is advertising manager. Mr. Weaver wan formerly secretary and treasurer of the Nashville American and has hnd long experience In th»* business end of the Journalistic field. W. L. Terhune, of Ronton, publisher of the Boot and Shoe Recorder and The Apparel Retailer. U back of the South ern Retailer and his reputation as a trade Journalist Is known everywhere. The flr*t l«*ue contains a.number of big advertise mente of Atlanta concerns and several splendid articles of Interest to the trade. The opening of the new store of M. Rich & Bros. Co. Is de scribed In an Interesting article. i COLE, L, FOUND DEAD IN BEDi ONCE NOTED LAWYER Special to The Georgian. Cuthbert, Ga., Feb. 1.—Colonel Eu- genlus L. Douglass, a well-known cltl- sen of this place, was found dead In his bed yesterday morning. He was in hla eightieth year. 'Colonel Douglass. In his younger days, wan n criminal lawyer of great ability, but hnd not practiced law In many years, IUIIJ > f Ml tv. . He \\a» a Confederal* veteran. DIES OF PNEUMONIA AFTER WEEK'S ILLNESS. Mpi"'l.lI to The Georirlnn. Spartu. On., Feb. L—on yesterday evening pt the hnnto of hi* twirent*. Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Smith, near Jew ell*. In title county, Arthur Hmlth, Jr., succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. He had been Rick for about u week. He waa only 5 year* cf age. CANDIDATES ARE NAMED BY THE LABOR UNION. Special to The Oeorglan. Hume. Ga., Feb. I.—The Central labor body hue put out the follow In* men for councllmen for the coming primary. FI ret ward. f\ 14. Moore; Second anl. A. It. Arrington: Third ward. Kd ’ole. Fourth want, Captain Luke c. Mitchell: Flflh ward. Jim King: Sev enth ward, W. M. Gannon and U. U. Forks. CYCLIST’S TRAINER HELD A3 A LOAFER Terry Davl*. a young man well known about town and at present man ager end trainer for "Bobby" IValthour. the blcycll*t, I* held prisoner behind the bar* of tbe police station on the charge of Idling and loitering. Davl,’ bond wa* fixed by the police at 1100 cash collateral. Davie proteat* that he I* Innocent of the charge of loafing, declaring that. In addition to being manager and trainer far IValthour, he Ita* been working tor fd» brother In this city The prisoner ha- In hie possession u ■ontrart nlgned by hlmaelf and "Bob by.” In which it I* stated that DaVia become* manager and trainer for thol bicyclist for the year 1807. | Davl* will he tried Friday afternoon Half of forty-etx for Chief Turners horse. — To the tell-tlmber-and-green-pastures for the speedy animal. —— —— Not yet a while, but soon. For Chief Turner la going to mount hlmaelf on tut automobile. Now, - of course, all me men of (he county police ore not going to discard their hones and take to autos. Thera are some- places where the members of thl* crack organisation go that the horae still hoe the gasoline wagon beaten a country block. 8» they'll atlck to the horae. But Chief Turner needs something that will lake him over the county tn a day. Hla horae. although the best of the whole outfit, has a limit to hla en durance and thera-cornea a time wbta With the evil-smelling rad devil things are different sadll'a'only a < of being able to buy gaaoltn*. Chief Turner doesn't want one to ba: a scorcher and to seek Vanderbilt cups. j him* l He* wenra to^beVn’a^eltlol'to get ell over the county from the bridge near Roswell to Ben Hill, and keep In touch with how things are going. HI* friends think the oounty com missioners should furnish him a swift car. but tho chief think* that aa long as he he* lo furnish bis own hors* along with hi* men. he will have to buy an auto and h* la bow looking around (o find a serviceble one that Is within the reach of a man In moderate tiro rumatance*. FAKE TELEGRAMS FAILED TO FOOL WIFE OF ISAAC LOAFING IN STREET IS BAD FOR BOYSi 11 BE STOPPED] OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO O CLEVELAND TO OET O O *25,000 EACH YEAR. O a - o New York, Feb. I.—Grover O ©\<'levfland. former president of the O O t'ntted State*, haa been elected O © chairman of the Aasoolatlon of O © lelfn Insurance President*. lie O O will alao art chief counsel for O O the assm-lutlon. For hla service* O O he will receive a salary of I;'.*,- O © ooo tt year. It I* understood that the postofilrc department ha* announced that It wan prepared to tnntltute mall service on the Atlanta, Illrmlnghgm and Atlantic road an noon aa the nrhedule through to Hi unswick via Ln<5range had been arranged. Thin statement could not l» confirmed at the company’.* office*. It iwia Mated, however, that the mall earn to be used were of the very Inlcst pattern now being built In the United States. and the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic wan the firm to Introduce electrically lighted mall earn in the H out It. The aperlflcatlonM of the car* comply with all the request* of the Mall (‘Icrka’ ARaoclatlon and go even further In providing electric fane and life-protecting apparatus not furnished In other car*. ©000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOPOO WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL COMPANY have moved into their new More, 75 Peachtree atreet, where you can find everything carried In an exclusive opti cal house. The Ita Hard HI focal haj gained a reputation for thin firm In lean than 3 other house hae made In a half century. Not how cheap, but bow well we can aerve you. The trial before Recorder Broyl?n Friday morning of I«eo lease, of 173 Bouth Porayth atreet, a tailor, who came to Atlantu only a few- weeks ag». developed u unique atory of a remark able method used by the tailor to in dues hla wife to leave Greenville. 8. <\ their former home, and Join him her - laaac w an arreated at the Inattgatl oi of hla young wife, who finally came tc him three weeka ago, and who charge* him with failure to support heraelf and her three little children, aged 9. 7 ami 0 ycare. Inane arrived In Atlanta acme time m advance of hla wife, who. It appear*, did not want to come itere with him. To Judge Broyles, Mrs. laaac stated that while/In Greenville ahe received a telegram from Atlanta which read: "laaac badly cut. Believed he will not recover.” Shortly afterwards, *hc mild, thl* mu* followed by another wire, u* follow*: "least* In a dying condition. t*ome to him at once." Moth of them* telegram* were nlgned "J. H. Powell." Beet Hubby at Own Onrae. Mm. laaac did not come ut once, an requented. but Instead telephoned t > Atlanta to ascertain the true facte con cerning her husband's condition. To her Intense astonishment she discov ered that loanc was perfectly well ami ell right, that he had never been cut, end wae In anything but a dying con dition. Mrs. Isaac then remained In Greenville until It suited her conven ience to come to Attlntu. The recorder bound the prisoner over tb the state court* on the charge of falling to support hi* minor children and fixed his bond at I loo. Isaac has enguged the services of Attorney Ha ve y Hill and will fight the vase. Boys under 10 year* of age must not . about the theaters of the ell they will find themselves tn the' clutches of the law. Probation Officer Oloer has started a crusade against the Juvenile looters, of ; which there Is sold to be several bun- 1 dred in Atlanta, and Intend* to pat an end to this practice. All boy, under 10 years of ace caught I online about the street, hereafter will■ promptly arreated and arralcned be- I * (he recorder. All children of thl. fore see are Immune from punishment by the law. but unleoa th* parent* of ar reated boy, serve to keep them from losflne end hanelnc around tha thea ter*. the probation officer announces he will have the boy* placed In the Home for the Friendless by th* recorder. or the Friendless by (he recorder. Thle crusade Is the outgrowth of uuch complaint mad* lo Officer Oloer much by the management of the theaters and by clllxens generally. It Is stated that crowds of boys loaf In the etreets dally and haunt the entrances to th* theater. In the hopes of being able to get Jn oy some mean* to see th* show*. "No greeter Initltutlon con be found for the training of boy* In vice and crime than the atreet*," (old Officer i Slam- Friday morning, "and It Is the intention of the police deportment to establish a plan of prevention It poa- ruin In th* street* of thl* i _ want to *av, them. And we have be come convinced that only drastic meas ures will serve the purpose." ON BATURDAY OF THIS WEEK WE HOVE TO CORNER TENTH AND PEACHTREE STREETS. EVERY LUTE OP GROCERIES HERE WILL BE SOLD AT A SA0RIPI0E. WIL KER80N & BRO, 77 PEACH TREE ST.