The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 15, 1857, Image 2

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-Hflwf* Infringe."^ & Srniwt' : B Y DUNCAN 4 LOOM ATLANTA, ■aIoMqim ltrisr “TSB! nun or ths 11TSLU0XKU1S * BX4MIVBR. - --©AILY *<00 WEEKLY, - 8 00 ^•FOXlATJSSTSttWtSSJtTBntD PAOS /"■” WlUbe h*H to AlUaU, commencing Tnewtiy, tha 10ft, tad esding on Frida; fta 24ft October imtaat. Itntric*l- We an pleased to einte that onTbeatre U leterd by Hr. J. D. Harper for the Fair Weft. Mr-H. baa engaged afbU aadef- flcimt Stock Company from ftebeetThe- atrea of ft* . Union, among whom we are pleaaed te fereeirefa that popular aetreaa MreJD. B. Vaariroro. V-itora to the Fair will be gratified at feeing thii aanoanee- meat, The Theatre baa recently bean pat inaxcrilcnt order. ... The Meade of the Hoe. J. A. Joaee agxeeiag with him on the aabjeot of tree trade vrowU be gW to hare the opportuni ty of bearing hi» daring the approaching State Fair. The nacaamry anaagoaoeeta will be "«da to accommodate M* aaditore, if be will aecode to the teqcoot. T. Spalding Couty *Hae crowned iteelf wift glory « ^ oontroU” Soft U the laogaago of tbo flows gia Telegraph, mod «take pieaeore in en- doniogit. Fightingalmost agatoet hope the party draggled wift an energy ealon* t.r*A to eeeare eaooaw. aad command ft* raepecl of avary democrat white the la> diei ecntribcted by their preaenee at peblio meetings, an inepiralioo which waaimeiiti- bte. In DO eerttoo of ocr State, ia there a larger amount of baanty aad inteffiiawet »han ia Oriffia, aad ia the glory of the tri' otaph they deaene aAribate ;ft»the inter. m> tV*w otoifoUd for ecntribcted to tbo onergy by which that esceere was achieved. Bank of Kddlo Georgia- Tbe published etelament of this Bank, ia eonfox euty wift the Goienofi * ptwbafl. tioopfiwsd ia ofthii ptpiv, evidenota atoned, reliable, and healthy con* ditioa, insuring to all Bin balder* the am ple* guarantee of the tolreocy of ft* Bank. Indeed, bat few Banka ia so abort a period bsra arrived at the same degree of pwbBc ootrgdcatft Ia thee* trosblescmc time*, wkeomaathadderaitheEstore, aadeome of the etroageet ioeritotioaa hate bad to bead before the public preamse. it ia with gratification and pride Mr. Isaac Scott, the Procdrr.t cf.tfcia inatitotton, can look on tbeubtp miiftilfyolthtliikof Miil> die Georgia- Ia tbfr financial ability and integrity of bate Soort there 1* a guarantee equal to the gold aow tying ia hie vanlt. Georgia Bail Road Bank WhOrt fte aaapeeatoo fay this Bank of tpecit payments far ita BOla mwubeaeaorce of general regret, there u no neoeaaity for h olden of hifle to make aaj anerifict. We regard the ability of the Bank to inset aU its Sab tG tie* ai more tbea ample. From ita report which We shall pieaent to morrow, wa fad that ca the 29th of Septem ber, its liability* ere as Wtan- Circulation Do* Dapootora, Do* Corporation aad Agent*, Dividrodi oopaid, $675,402 40 110414 96 78,411 OS 19,147 38 9884,475 82 Since the date of this report, ft* circnl*- latica bet, w* learn, been redaetd $100,000. To gnareatea there Habitabilities, the en tire BaQroad, which'Cf*t over $4,000,000 booed, and io addi ton eoree $2400400 of other areett. Heaee the pobiie need not be coder any apprtfatnauo of any lerewbatertr. We are tare that the Hoc. John P. ting, President of the Bank wiQ employ awry agency to reaame epecie payment* at ao early day. The Election in Bibb. The present this sad talented editor of the “ Georgia Telegraph ” write* a aery iruthfal aad sensible article oa the aalgaet A “ The Election in Bibb” from which w* take the fid lowing admonition to lb* Demo crat!* party: “ It is arelees to cry over epilt milk, acri w* shall indnlga io ao erimiaalioo*. We only hope that the reeolt of Its* election— the iboc'.a of trismpb—ft* txelemarinne at joy—the teoat* aad jeers of ft* opposition, hate taught oar Mead* this lareoa: that io the Ivan, it ia beet hr Democrat* to tow the Democratic Ticket, .'at as bop* for be':— thiegi nest time. Let o* not be die- lear'.cned, botreedra to go into the next eoeteet end win each a triumph as shall blot out all recoilaetioo of ft* dieaetrone defeat uf last Monday.’’ TLi* diaertrosr defeat wa* out brought ab-.ot by the rote* of the oppoeitioa, as w* ere informed, but by the split ticket* of the Democratic party. Diaaatroei* it wu for the men who were sacrificed to this infideli ty to party. Tint, Cel. Nathan Bare, a gentleman of high order of intellect, e etroog party man, who baa oarer faltered* derorioc to.the principle* ef bis par ty, bat in rtorm aad coaabiae, wa* alike tree, and whoa* labor, talent, sod werriew, were no offered to'conduce to the iriempfa* of Democracy. It i* bard to see each s man fall, for hi* •mice* in tbe LagisUtan would bar* been important, hi* eoaarela needed, tod kit abili ty brought into requisition. Neat on tie list we find John J. Graham, a talented lawyer uf great experience, whoa* wisdom would bar* been tumped upon the legislation of the country. Bet “ it te let* to cry orer epilt milk " aod we pare by the Bibb election " hoping Utter thioge next time.’' gg^-Tbe Mayor of AogasU called a meet ing, yesterday, of (he merchants of that city, to tab* into oouaidermtioc its present S rial condition, and if pceriUt suggest a ffiaV^"buYphbHah tj£e wKmuftiratibn to from a some* entitled to eooatdeia- Slaer writing the foragaiagw* hare bad another -imminiiellnn iftreillnl to' (a, giriag rery etroog retatot ia oppoeitiw a wupenaton of rpede payment*, aod w oat at preaaot taking poeitioo on one aid* »f the other, w* lay both tidta before the puWe for their examloetioa. for tie InttlBgencir if- £nau'atr. The Konay Fenic- W* find caiettree te the aridkt of a finan cial diSeoltj calculated to oomplately eloee esety aTtsa* ef trade end alarm evary dare of cor dtteflM. The difltna* of rech e poriftm maal be enhanced by the radeotioo that w* hare brought there tronbla* upon ouraalvaa, that an anmerited aad anjuet euapirioa of oar own institutions hui ltd a* into this dieaetroa* coadtHoe. end except we reldeuly and promptly reren* oar potto tioa ft* cril entailed upon re wilt take year* ef toil aad labor to repair. The condition of the country I* prosperous Kent has the ftrmer.hnd more ample mean* to discharge hie Babffitiaa If the facility to <fitpow of his produot was not destroyed by hi* own tot. Thu Beaks will not extend teeamreodarioato ft* Trader to boy at loog the note* paid for the porch*** to the taller com* heft to the Bank for iperie, and the* wift good oops and a teaming bar rest L the Farmer find* himself a cable to get a doOar, aod meat eraatually lose the remits of tee twain month’s toil, for on til the Banking Imritatteat of oar State are guar anteed against tins ran, they will not and ought not to extend accommodation, aod without accommodation 1* extended the ten ram cannot get money for his prodoce. A* long** theBenknere retgected to this de mand for sperie, jsnt so long will ft* soon- try groan under its heavy difficulties. With plenty of crops, small amount of debts, and good reheat Banks within oar borders, this mania fir specie hat rendered the orop* ral- arieee, and the indebtedness burdensome. What do we went with sped*! Is it be anos* Bank note* are taeeeatei I Banks srs jnat an good' today a* they were one year ago. Wa had then confidence in their cor- reney—money amt plenty, and produce brought renumeratire price*; restore that confidence and yon enliven bnainere. money will begin to flow in the channels of trade, fad erery interest glow with the he*iof tc : cumulated energy end industry. The last returns of Banks in Georgia, evidenced a found end healthy condition. Under their -charters the bill-holder is amply protected; no ke* can acorns, aad with the eafeetguar antees for protection, w by wQl we foolish ly rate oanahes by vainly attempting .Jo cripple them. When New York facilities of Exchange ha* been cat off and this large aod rateable branch of their bonnes* im pended, oar interest wu end is to sustain them at home more warmly, and tvidecca mor * confidence te their 'man. Without wa do this the present panic roll ing cm as bom the North will not stop un til we are eobmerged aad dreg oat of it with car interest* almost annihilated. The country demands that it* interests •hall not be anifieed to a prejudice, and let all the Banks in the State at oeee unitedly, promptly,] tad with unanimity mpend rpt- eupafwtat. This is the only step that can ive Georgia boa rate. If Bank after Bank most be forced to this poeitioo, public coni- deoce will be lost end the balance maintain ing a precarious condition can only effect rate without adding to the beneficial results upon the commanity. A little Bank with little Issue may sarrir* re eripplre sur vive in a general slaughter, but it will be of no advantage to them, while it will effect the nun of the very telenets by which its in- fancy waa sustained—let ell suspend aod put their notes in circulation, relieve the country, give eras to trade and industry, aad Georgia will ride orer the warm spon which the interests of South Caroline now rock and may be wrecked. I^t the press and people consider this subject; it J* fmportaat—vitally, essentially important. Let the Banking interest* take it tp; we can see no other way to aobiev* the intcrot* which we seek to serve then by this method -which we in conclusion re iterate. Let all the Banks suspend specie payment, and suspend with specie in their vault! before their Bills ere depreciated. NECKAK. dt three violations to go ' it be, I* not the pablio at i maroy of the Banks, aad do or* the groat had* aad foeada- l and eeeurity which ■ to acknowledge that •umttits**, a monster oriels Ilk* mande. a cotteepoodlng effort to ohcoh it, we thirikH every grave and .vrigus ifuot “ to ao thorite a bin kl itution te nfuea to pay Itt blll* $nnity. V: It is bettered that there are many In Georgia, who by doiug a legitimate, eefe and undoubted business, bare never pteoed themselves at the mercy of aay panto or stringency that might occur In fte ojwtty and who will be able to wltbetand thh en- tia. Let there and all other* be tested by the prevailing adversity, rod let u* tee'who ere wSrhy of confidence te future and who are not. Let usee* who of them coodnct their bosteem no mte prtecipMs, and who, have inflated their credit to such an unwar- mutable extent, as to justify any panalty that a suspicions public may ftink proper to inflict. BAUD MONEY: !torehsu writ- setiase has sUeltal mors pipjbud isssartb; and *rs iwymueh divtded. la opUtos subjecr* It asst k« >»"•»«. IhM, *ttar all, a tasds at expaltlo* that* wormi, and purifying tbs body bum thalr pratenca, Is of ■era vain* than Ike wbatt disquisitions as to tbe arigts. Tb* axpalUsg agtnt bu at length bean fcand-Dr. .ttfioas'* prepared by Flaming Bros. Is th* taaoh sought niter epselSo, and bte already eupanadad all other worm modi- cine*, Ita afllcaey Mag auleanaUy aeknowlc-gsd by madtaalprsetlUonarr Ptnbtsen will b* careful to elk far DR. If LANS’* CELEBRATED VBRMIPUOE, stanufaelured by FLEMINO BROS, of Pirrs- acae, Pa. AU other YermifUgea in sonparieon ere worthleec Dr. M'Lana’e genuine Vermiftigc, tire his retabretsd Liver Pitts, can now be bed et all reaptctabla dreg etoras. Nont prewin, wMoui the eipealwre of PLKSdINQ BROS, _ M* WR ere euthorized to ennouacr the nem* of B. If. JOHNSON ee tn indepen dent cendldst* for Sheriff of Cobb County, *t the ensuing electioa, let Monday in lanuary next. MkNY VOTERS. GEORGIA VOTE FOR PBS8IEEET1866, AND FOB GOVERNOR AND 00NGBE8S1867. FIRST DISTRICT. C0UNTII4. Appling, Bryan, Bnlloch, •Barrien, Chatham, Camden, Clinch, Coffee, Charlton, •Colquitt, Effingham, Emanuel, Glynn, Irwin, Liberty, Lsnrent, Lowndes. Montgomery, McIntosh, Tbomae, Telfair, Tstnell, Ware, Wayne, 18S7 Governor. ElMtor*. 278 1S3 48* 283 1093 978 917 163 191 184 408 174 963 930 69 436 48 169 489 144 947 280 991 968 133 460 990 1445 186 171 93 199 106 178 983 109 155 191 4»- 443 96 155 463 110 191 195 131 1857 t’ongme. S 3 957 133 379 288 912 959 935 145 198 168 370 157 983 95 86 466 46 108 495 147 997 983 168 96 133 15 140 90 37 192 44 1002 96 133 9 ' 990 40 13 67 939 326 90 53 170 478 388 338 88 395 157 294 SECOND UrSTKfer: Crawford. Ciam. i New Fork Iodepesdeot report* the failure of ore bandrod aod twenty-two ef the large* boosts to the eoentry, tor ft* weft fading the 8tk test Since that date ft* sutber be* largely iaeraied. Baker, Chattahoochee, Ctev, Calhoun, Dougherty, Decatur, Dooly, Early, Let, Muscogee. Macon, Marion. •Miller, Pulaski, Randolph, Stewart, Sumter, •Terrell, Worth, Webster, 529 369 975 928 395 456 486 916 269 656 971 610 145 474 578 581 613 9 59 252 226 7701 *14 290 298 162 945 52-1 980 123 248 995 498 529 44 248 591 626 839 354 116 303 7240 453 320 279 251 266 396 419 299 950 740 274 491 153 417 656 558 701 233 227 213 555 38* 289 367 320 490 486 247 265 774 275 521 159 471 612 615 616 256 987 237 8120 163 266 181 115 204 453 259 64 934 756 405 491 32 217 463 554 797 341 S1 281 6365 THIRD DISTRICT. Bailey, Trippe. Frr the IntelRgmur <t Examiner. The Stringency in the Money Market j WhitSeid, —Measures of Belief Ham. Editor *.-—It is p reposed m tome quartos, at a mode of refief, for the parent extraordinary condition of boeioew matters io the coootry that there shall be a yenerat napetuion of ipeeit payment* by all the Bankr in Georgia. Before each a desperate *ure eball be resorted to, it will be well to consider the effect upon our people, and especially oar basicem man of such a move ment. It it believed that if this suspension were to take place, the Beaks would be ena* bkd to extend their eeeommodstions. to an extern eoflcitnt to meet and relieve the present prewar*. Will this prove true?— Woold not a soepeneioo, at owe enhance the rate* of exchange on the North, to a tre mendous extent—and woold not this fell heavier oc baemees men, than coaid well be endured? Woeld|not bankruptcy be brotgbt oo more rapidly by making a mao ,pay- teg bit debt*, pay tto or twelve per cent io addition ? Another effect of a eaeptoeioo by fte Benke, woold he to ylaage there teto • deep er debt, then that te vrtdft they an aow in volved. The coat of their prerent rite*, tioa aria** from a too extended ebtatettoo —too greet an expenrieo. If they now go on, to tomaae their diesoaMa with their epecie rx be eared, we ceaaeti ere bow that can remedy ft* evils now existing te tb* country, Tb* “proestoee to pay” ef e Bank*, are so »0fq aecrod than those of in divide*!*, aod they oogbt to be bound to redeem them aeoordteg to tew. Tb* Legit. Utoret that orf«ois*4 tbtti fa* posed all orotreary tod proper restrioteM a pea thf*i Tbftt win dtttntd table to the safety of th* pubBe. Tbs vio lation of there rertrfettooi, had revere peo- situs, as ftsir consequence Would it be • Butts, Bibb, Crawford, Houston, 390 668 3S8 557 336 846 990 567 387 959 378 604 2831 7741 228 576 393 841 384 538 301 785 315 526 697 498 481 397 640 659 5953 656 491 540 312 547 617 5777 Monroe, Pike, Spalding, Taylor, Talbot, Upson, - 597 478 381 486 318 5678 630 545 429 442 305 5712 591 465 360 472 316 5123 4a2 155 307 607 640 5803 FOURTH DISTRICT. Gartre'l. Tidwell. Carroll, 1023 627 . 1176 456 997 582 Coweta, 834 678 889 584 839 643 Cobb, 1285 746 1251 761 1224 603 Campbell, 663 502 754 448 638 506 DeKalb, 564 457 665 153 636 434 Fayatte, 678 537 734 155 585 608 Fultoo, 1064 893 832 911 005 784 Heard, 459 422 516 416 457 412 Henry, 648 798 591 759 612 736 Marriwether. 687 711 703 618 681 666 Troop, 335 979 412 1005 331 915 8360 7350 8516 6901 8008 6939 FIFTH district. W*ght H’p’r I’at'm Casa, 998 752 1205 751 809 819 3 Cherokee, 1099 768 1146 566 973 773 Cbat.oosfa, 498 435 506 386 516 332 CctOOfiA, 419 425 365 316 404 306 2 Dade, 239 208 240 155 228 14 207 Fannin, 626 119 571 152 573 118 Floyd, 892 770 847 812 697 705 t Gordon, 816 497 690 5951670 456 Gilmer, 902 242 ■ 820 161 858 158 •Harralson, 272 66 Murrty, 629 313 567 *40 603 351 Polk, 275 424 259 371 301 260 93 PauUing, 725 301 776 191 662 290 Piekena, 593 228 425 198.191 286 1 Walker, 1 fi7 ' 511 824 565,621 333 106 Whitfield,! 176! 733 598 170- 436 3 1 10446 6156 j SIXTH DISTRICT. Jack*on Simmona CorrapenJnu tfOa Charlatan Standard. From Waaklregtore. Washboton, Oot, 10.1857. The high complimont lately paid to the preeeot distinguished Secretary of Treasury by the Standard, bu been date apprecitted at • Headquartera,’’ and wag nobly deterred. The Treasury has been admirably managed, with a view toufiordlug all legitimate relief to the people durtogthe disks easing financial crisis. But tbero bate been some thing* which Secretary Cobb refused to do, in spit* of all the means used directly and indirectly to force him into measures. White ha would go to the very extent of the law te af ford relief—just at that point he was certain to etop, and oil appeals were utterly ueeless. Not the eligbleet infraction of the low would be permit, aod hence tbore has been no lit* tie umountof grumbling here among a crowd of contractor.., who have been swarming around tbo Treasury Department, urging that their shipment of supplies should be cousiaered a compliance with their contract sufficient to enable them to draw tho con- mot price and put tho>m mat iu circu'a- ttion. Secretary Cobb thought diffenltly. the contracts required fte delivery of cer tain supplies at certain poiuts, tbero tn be received and approved by the officora a p- pointod by tbe Government. Until this was ull done, there was nothing due under tbe lew, and nuless tbe law eunctioned tha pay ment, it would not be made, however muob he might be disposed to relieve the financial embarrassments of the country. Persons holding Government stock could apply with equal propriety for tho interest to be paid now which will be due on tho let of January next. They could do so with even greater propriety, for tbo interest is certain to be due aod will certainly be paid, out not so with these cargoes of supplies, though they be insured. They may bo lost and t e in surance companies may fail or defeat the policy—or the supplies may bo rejected on inspection, Indeed, when tho law is onoo laid aside, the chart and compass of the De- f artuieut would he at sea with a certain prospect of foundering. The Seoretary of \\ ar has a project on band of relieving the laboring classes who may be thrown out ef einf.l yment by the crisis in money matters, rht U-t Congress appropriated one million of dollars fox the Waabington Aqueduot, aud Secretary Floyd held a consultation yesterday wi)h Presi dent Buchanan and Capt. Meigs, as to the propriety of increasing the force on the Aqueduct works so as to give employment to allpersons who are thrown out of employ- indnt elsewhere, and thus enable them te live through the coming winter. This scheme exhibits a’degree of philanthropy worthy of the distinguished gentlemen en gaged in it, and while it will Teed the fami lies of these ])oor laborers, it will at the same time secure tbe early completion of this great national work. Mr. Bacbanan fully endorsed the plan, and advertisements will be published inviting all laborers thrown out of employhiwilTLyi the “ hard times,” to apply for work on the Washing ton Aqueduot. Ivxxho*. Wu cAufivt rsfrtll from calling thsattsn tion of our readers to an advertisement in this day's paper of the “Hair Rostoratlve" of Prof. 0. j; Wood ± Co , of St. Louis. It will be seen that he has nnmoroas certificates from persons of the highest character, to the merits of his Resto rative. From positive knowledge we are also enabled to say, that it is in every sense what it professes to be, and wo do not hesitate to pro nounce it the finest preparation for the head end hair which has so ftr been devised, by human in genuity. Wo have seen it arrest threatened baldness and restore to the he»d its original pro fusion of natural and glossy hair, and when tho latter bu be«n prematurely tinged with gray, we here seen it like magic, restore tho colors of youth and health. The ;dis!lnguisb*t propriety of this, we might truly say, miraculous "Resto rative/ - is that it gives the person who uses it, the samo head of hair that they wore In youth, thus acting In strict compliance with the rules of the first and greatest of all toilet makers—Na ture. No one who- has used it will hesitate to unite with us in this toatlmony te ita peculiar merits.— Corington find.) People'i Friend. Sold by all good Druggists. oclUdwi From Madison, Morgan Conwy, to TE7TLL leave Daily after fte arrival of the V V Day Train from Atlanta. MPiMnieiabyTiMk route will avoid Id to It haute delay at Union Point. Leave Athene et A o'clock, A. M, arrive at Madison in lime fos the up-trein to Atlanta, end down,train to Aaguate. Persons going to Milledceville, WILL AVOID 13HOURS DELAY AT MADISON. Dl*tance3S.MUcfl—Frerc $3.50. 8AULTER A IVEY. StaoiOreiui—Franklin House, Athena: and CampbeU’ajHotel, Madison, oct 16, '67. dassflw. SVSPJEJWEB BJMJYK Taken at Par GEORGE TTdINIEL. T HE subscriber will sell eight or ten Negroes, tha House end Lot'whepeon he now re sides, in the City of Atlanta, and a large atoak of Family Groceries, payable in Georgia Kail Road Bank Bills and rather then mite a trade, at ONE PER CENT PREMIUM, oet. 16, ’57. dtf. Carriage Painter. C !1 ARIXi P ABEL toga tooat r«*p«ctfuU7 to laform the eitlxtDii of AUaqU end lur- roundlBg countr/. that he 1$ fully prepared to «lo all kinda of t'Arrlafe Fainting. Fl$»«e five me a caII. I war rant uy work to pltaae, end my obarge to fire tAtia faction. Shop in th« rear of T. D. Lynea' Store, Deco, tur atreet. oct. IS ’M. $ din To the Public. N OTES gf the Georgia /fail RoAd Bank will be taken at par .for Clothing and Gentlemen'* Kurnniahing Goode, at W. HERRING & SONS oct. 15/67. d3t Runaway Negro. B ROUGHT to the common Jail of Forayth county, at Cumming,8op- teraber 13, 1857, by Jacob Martin, Eiq„ JClL a negro man il&ve, ty the name of Patrick whoaaya he helonga to Mr. Wiley Lyon* re- aiding near Canton, .Madison county, MUaia. Patrick ia a likely fellow,about Sfi year# old dark copper color, and wear* whiakera When taken up, his clothoa were ao torn aa not to admit of description. Ho ia about fifeet 10or 11 ineboa high, and weigh* about 180 pounda. Patrick aaya he weighed 208 pounda at the time he left .Miaaiaaippi, The owner u requeued to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise, he will be diapoaed of according to law. , WILLIS STAG08, Jailor. CcMMimi, Ga., Oct. 10th, 1167, oct. 15/67, w4l. ■MB msm purchase at A BALL will Uj bv ATLANTA I (JO., NO. I„ at fte < Hall, on he 91st instant, for th raisin,funitl In enable them n.w Bins, COMMITTEEJOF .ARRANGEMENT#. W. W. Baldwin, P.J.Immtll. A. J. Barnes, C. A. Hatalaon. W. A. Graham, D. Voung, Owing to the large number 61 ladle* who era expteltd from e distance, the Committee deim it proper not to imut tny ticket* to tha ladle*, but take this method or inviting end soliciting th* company of ft* ladle* gtnenlly. MANAGERS. VV. W. Baldwin, Hon.J. A. Hajdan, VV. A, Graham, C. A, Haralson, C. VV- llunnleatt, A J. Barnes, T. J. Malone, J. H. Flynn, W Barnes, Dr. N. L, Angies, Hon. C. H. Strong, Robt, Winship Dr. J. A. T.y, Dr. J. Gilbert, W. L. Board, 0. H. Jones. FLOOR MANAGER#, D. Young, A. J. Barnes, W. A. Graham, P. J. Immell, C. A. Hatalaon, W. Barnet, Atlanta, Oct 2, 1867 dewtd STATE FAIB To bo held in AtlfcntftOot. 19th to 24th *1.1. SRTICLKI STRICTLY TOR IXHIRIT10K WILI BE TRAMtPURTCD TERR. DOWN freights on Stock most bo pre-pokl at point of abipment on this Rood—to b« re» funded on return of Stock with Secretory Camak’a certificate that it wa* exhibited on the Fair Urouod. Return Fair Tickets will be sold et ouc- belf tbe usual rates—good from 16th to26th. JAMES M. 8PULLOOK octl0dl3tw2t Supt. W. it A. R. B. Who 6o,ooo May be obtained by risking $10. Halve* and Quarter Ticket! IN PROPORTION. Drug*! Drugs!! Drugs!!! T HE and«r$igned woold r$$p$ctful1y Inform their tunny frl*n !• and pntronB, that they h$ve Urgely iccrwi$«a thrtr8t»7«k of Hn>f«.CbtTBic$}f.F$int$. Oil$, jyiedow 01a$4, Perfam«ry,.7«noy Goodi nod $T«ry litiog $U*i uiuaIIj found in * tint clot* Drag &1ort, which ihoj willm11 $1 thoir ntakllow r$to$ for CAFb nr short tun**. Th$lr ntock of Wladoir GU>« iff tha Urftffl in thn Southern country, and from th* »drnn- igs/poiu terma of delivery, they.defy competition. Wu would Again caH the Attention of the public to Teylor'a euti-Dynpeptic Elixir. No medicine of lete /caw hA$ to muny Ardent friend* aa thia. Oat of tbe tbmifAoda of DjffpepticA to whom we here eold tbla Medicine, we beve beArdnone «»r it did them oogood, end wa know of ninny in thin city »od vicinity who, Bp Authority of th* Btait of Georgia. On tbe Havana Plan of Sin$Ia Number*. 30,000 TICKETS. 3,286 Prizes, amounting to $216.260,. Prises P.jr.61* Without Deduction. ANDERSON k SON, Ksnsgars. SUCCESSORS TO J. F. WINTER, Manager. Our Lotteries draw ia Mecou, Gt. (Emsl Schemes) oiory Saturday, tbd la Savannah, Ga (Largs Schemas) about the 15th of every month Olaancc Prsws Oct. 15th, 1857, at Armory Hall, Savannah, Georgia, under tho sworn suporln* tendenoo Of W. R, Symons, Esq. and J. It. Prentiss, Esq, Capitals of 660,000, $20,000, $10,000. $5,000, $4,000, $2,000, 3 prises of $1,000, 5of $500,100 ef $100, 100 of $50, 3000 of $30, and 72 Approx, imstion prises amounting to $3,700, . Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 SO. Look to your interest and compare this scheme with any other. Rank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Cheeks on New York romlttrilfor prises. Address irdors hr tickets r nr Certificates Packages If Tickets to ANDERSON k ION, Monigrei, Macon or Bavannoh, Georgia. Special Notices. Notice ALL pereoDS indebted te tho firm of J. A. THRASHER or .THRASHER A LOVEJOY, will ploa«e make payment to B. F. Botnar, who is fully authoriied to sottlc tho outstanding business of said firm, J. J. THRASHER, Ad’mr. of octOdwlm J- A. THRASHER. Admlnittrator’g Bale. T»n« lufm thtTawtiof hi thou I a. with ■ uuac uou«* And other baiilings therwon, And ecnUiniog two Acre*. flng to tb* AktAt* of Nimrod Arto. New Advertisements! GEOIGIA fiAILBOAO TASBHA.SMH FOR ILL DEBTS DUE THIS oct 15, ’57, dtf. Atlanta Atheneum. J. II. Harper, Manager. VVl/.i. OPEN FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY On Hotjflay Evening, October 19/A, 1857 With a Full and Efficient STOCK COMPANY, From the best Theatres Clarke, 398 577 487 603 473 138 Franklin. 1015 205 972 163 998 238 Forayth, 74* 576 798 458 750 506 Gwinnett, 867 817 1092 749 752 777 Hall. 690 671 696 451 732 512 Haber*ham. 107* 290 858 256, 437 876 Hart, mt 213 610 152 571 207 Jaek.on, 722 530 77 :t 453 402 524 Lumpkin, 732 567 736 468 915 330 Madison, 436 261 115 915 432 231 Rabun, 501 62 407 72 341 206 •Towns, 302 21 265 60 6 321 Union, 501 124 454 261 326 273 Walton, 721 554 684 450 614 516 9349 5366 9147 4831 7751 5957 SEVENTir DISTRICT.' Stephen., Hill, Baldwin, 364 397 300 266 345 381 Greene, 268 612 2£3 576 274 571 Hancock, JOB 464 306 427 355 393 Jonaa, J66 285 308 135 3*7 278 Jasper, 401 122 418 382 390 410 Morgan, 937 381 231 363 222 384 Newton, 685 854 *44 910 656 814 Patnaro, 351 317 353 : ' 294 . 340 310 Twiggs, 363 248 287 178 159 - 232 W llfinsot. 644 407 531 282 587 380 W*$hi8|tot, 1 ^ Ml 564 609 630 6471 I 4596 507t 443B 4512 4535 4800 AUphftMa Wilier, HUS. D, B, VANBUREN, THE ; Popular American AotresB bos been engaged lor thio occasion, and will appear every night. AS*American will copy till forbid. Atlanta, Oct 14, 1857 dtf Tobacco, Tobacco. J UST rscaistd direct from Virginia, s choice lot | of. TOBACCO, among which is • (aw boxad of that justly celebrated Brand KVNHAH TWIST, superior to sny in tbit City [oetMdwtG T. F.LOWE “Administrator’s Hale. nsnr of Cherokee county, will he sold Before tbe Cocrt Hone# door In tho Town of isnton. within i be leysl hour* of eelo, on tb* flret Tneedsy In December nest, lot* of I*na somber A''7, 031, 071, 10 serf* Afcyuth D*rt of lot M, 8 j sc.ree .Vonth wut of 60S. a- of f,2i fat AndfOln tbeladlitrlctof th* eecead $eo Uon of eold cotoly, a* tbo proport r of Willie 7Niek*r, let* cfesidcototy, deco eod, for .bo benefit of the k«re sad crad tori ofssddwjaste A 1 UtlllRXWOOO, Adm’r. Mtt.UW. wtm. NiM tur th* benefit of the beira and iri of CAld d-xNAAsed. Term* on day of tale. JOHN H. BOHN, Adm’r. oct. 18, '67. wlta, GKORGIA, DcKitlb County. T O all whom it may concern.—Whereai John Chamblee appli*» tn me for letter* of adminiAtra* tioa upon th* e»ut* of William T Fool*, late of aaM *y, deceaked *ff at* therefore* to clt* and admish all and tings* ... ..* kindred and creditor* of eaid deceased, to be and appear at oar Court of Ordinary to be held in Do* ~ on th* first Monday in December next, then and to kbow cauae, if any they hare, why Raid letter* should net be granted tb* applicant. Oitren tinder my head at ofilee, October 12th, 1867. ALKX. JOHNSON, Ordn’y. House Furmshtng Goods. TOMLIESOE A BASES ’ RESPECTFULLY inform their friends an* pstros Ithst they an now rooaiving a vary Urge assort cent of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, oonsls inglnpsrt of Copper, Tin, Brlttannln an* Japaunla Ware, Willow and Wood Ware, Wa ter Coolers, Bird Cage*. Flib- hroncktef— Notts, Trap*. Ac. “STOVES of ovary pattern warranted te par- wall. GAS FIXTURES, Globas, Lamps, . Ac.; GARDEN ENGINES and PUMPS, from tha Downs A C*. Manufactory, Albany.— W t have employed experienced workmen to oarry on eny description of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work done Sonth, and nil orders for StiUs, Roof ing, Guttering, Gas and Steam Fitting sriil moo t with promptattenlton. Coll and tximlnt our •took, firet door loath of Railroad, Whitehall ot.i sign of tho Stovo and Coffee Pot. — - Atlanta, May 14,1854. dwly. STATE of OEOUCUA, U,Kalb County, T O the OWk of th* Inferior Coart. —Joseph f. Clay of th* SSldt District, O. U. tolli beforo me e* ao •etray a *mall. Sorrel Mare, marked with the collar, right blod foot whiU, a star in her forehead, eleven o? twelve years old, appraised to be worth fifty dollar*. Given under my band and official signature, tbla 22J day of September, 1887. J. B. WILSON, J. P. y Book. . JOHNSON, o.!.«. GEORGIA, Gwinnett Cnonty. T O all whom it may concern —Two months after date application will be made to th* Court ef Or. dinery of aald county for leave to sell the Land aod Negroes belonging to th* octal* of Richard Whitworth, late ef said county, dec**ted. R A. WHITWORTH, Kx’r. oct 16, ’67. wfim Freih Arrival* At the Alania DHY GOODS EHPORIhU. Cutting, White A Co., HAVE just recoivsd s fine assortment of 811,K ROBES A’QUILLES, entirelv now UAYAHF.KE BILK ROBES, p|,ia and Btripa BILKS jn new aisles. Alto a new lot of Cloth sniLVelvet CLOAKS, wfaUh wain- site the Ladies te call snd examine, netted lor C., W. A Co.,09 Whitehall it. Something Mew! Ctrnnd Raffle, *80,000 W ORTH o' Property W bo Rifled for,— 250 Priioa, all ran to b. won by some bmly. Largest p,iia t s splendid sot of AfTLT.B snd 700 scree „f I.AND nt *$0,006. Chan, eee only Ten Dollar*. 7 ■r This Raffia will mako tha Ineky parson rich in a day. Tr, , 0UT luck', a fortune is a food thing to hast. For further nartlcVilareeoo handbills, or ad drsss J. A. Raster, Jr., at Easley, Pickens District, 8. C. Bend yonr money to tha same address, or apply i 0 TRHET A BALLARD, Atlanta. Os.. Depot G. R, R. Apply at or th* chanees may all ba taken. 9 rt H w ateveryntherwesk- Burke, 574 321 490 1831 623 Celambia, 372 435 456 342 361 Elbert, 51$ 384 524 354] 57$ Jefferaon, 3*3 361 353 376 406 Lincoln, 217 201 219 312 319 Ogriftorpe, Richmond, 495 825 381 1092 451 891 394 1143 495 789 Scrivan, 370 263 ' 268 167 277 Taliaferro, . 254 167 ‘ 236 109 290 667 318 689 259 671 Wilkan. •402 314 42$ 279 427 4971 4238 4*97 3818 5151 258 415 3U 331 200 355 1090 H2 122 288 <71 3890 •New CoBBit*#. / , gonou, rauytli Co.ety.—T. All VT whose It may concern.—Whsrsia Talbot Binehiand, Admlautnter upon tho sstals of Oil* rorStidUaad, late of said soaaty doesastd, ip. plies I* ess for tetters of dlsmiuloo from said ad ministration: These srs therefor* to eite snd admonish all perttes Interested, whether kindred or trsdlton, te 11* thalr objections, if any they hast, ia my ofieo sn of bstera tbo Irst Monday ia May next, why tetters of diamlsstan i boo Id sot bo granted ft* appUsast, at tha May term out, of tbs Ctart ef Ordinary ef •aldeosotr. Jl. BARKER, Ord’ny. oet. 5,’57. w5m • »pWO saoflth* after date application wfllba mod* 1 W ft* Coart of Ordinary af Cbarokeaeousty, for teas* te soil tbo load boiongteg te ft* estate of Sswysrs, late of raid oesaty, dsriasad. J08IAJI WARREN, Adro r. Jltj, 27, ’57. w2m. Memberi of tho Lagnlxtnre I Hoarding Houie. i fJAN furnish flftoen or twenty members of ths Legislature With comf(Htsbl* Roonjjt and Board, during ft* present stsst on of lbs Legislature. JAB. A, GREEN. Miledgrville, octl3dwlm OF TBB SOUTHERN AORIO U LTURALfi T ax Society sit) bold the assist m.«tl u. October 10th te 24 <•. Tbo Orstjoa will te msCo by Col. ft. it, Jeboeon.of Aperts, n Tbtrsdsy, 27d, St It O’efreb, A. M. rtsnlwss sold os Friday! sad. Tbs okesrs of tbe Central Jlathaed snd of oil tbo Railroads to Attests, ten il ben Ilf agreed to I'sreoss trkhUgTe tea* flteeh by RsUresd, mart lies notice st tbs principal sfltes of tb* Read Urea UAV* ia IllTHf * Aitlsles may te aaaefgatd te ft* tan af ft* Rstrsta. ty, st Atlanta. Tbs Society's dreys wtO senesf artistes fee ttelh g-tte Railroad Itepots te tbs NrOrmted. Im did ■•sen***" ■■La window Blxadta, ‘~ ®A Splendid VsfUty-oU ostepUtoSJi salytdaad for rate, very low, by April 3$. y.A.kt.i WILLIAMS, . I. WILUAUH.JNO. ROSAQ, BOLUNO'SIXDr Williams, Rhea M Co., . (Successorsfo/. E. William* <6 Go.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And particularly for tho tola of Grain, Bacon, Lord, Flour, Fes then, tad Tennertca Froduoo generally. Athsnram buildings, Dsestar fTttM near ft* Treat Houss, Atlanta, Osorglo. AtUnU, Nat. If. M. To Painter*. In a few days wswlllb* in rsclpt ofl$,UIB »f pure Whit. Lead—which as wf II warrant to 5. •f Yuli aeifU and pan. Allklnda of Colon jd Pslnter’e Brushes sf iriry rsriety. Also, ear- nlshei of a tnor quality than key. sysr.bsftrs hoen k.ptin tkll market. NsT.fl2.185l.SMITH A NEE AND. Li. Miller’fl Hair kavigorator. Tor itrsoglhantog, Rsetorise, Osrfctalse, and par- petosUire^bebessTyof thshslr. PrtSa'JS. ^r Bottle. It eradicates scurf sod daidrel: Imsartasi- fa ths nnratiy It 1a ledlipeoeetle as a Bern. 17-H.m, riianuiuoB for Sale. For tho purpose ties during my basinet* at 4 Georgia. I oiler for dh', the ptec* known t* to^ residence of Andsnon Ingram, lylngln' I neon and Lianna counties, containing $000 imat, 1200 opro, ft* belsnea well ftntond with oak and hiakosy. On tha shore place IS sn excellent dwelling, -a good grist mill, negro cabins, gin houss and screw, 4*3 *11 itecjarery out boUdtngs. Any on*, wishing such property wifi find It to thair sdvantegs to call toon on tharahaeribar, st th. reridtne. of Nimrod J. Brown, or addrare him at Cool Spring P. O, Wilkinson connty, Georgia. - ,. , mmbS’ingKam. October 7, 1857 . w pt> Negroes^ Tbo iubssribsr wUl pay estk for about 2Q l asp. , s’Bm%ah'l Atlanta. July 1*. dewlm. RTtuauon aa kwacher Wi A young gtntiamsn watts a ri Tnaoaxt, In mix* Pbiuo Hciool bally. Ha wistdacatedlnonoof ft* lUtutlona In tbs U, States. Tbt tort of given u te otorocter aod rapacity. fror-rttonpia^Mrew. AngutMlW. - Al Nt Ywuteg Mea Waited, I MMEDIATELY, lo latest in ft* Bon thorn and Western Bute., as sgsnfs. ftlaiy, 0 per man ft. and expenses paid,- Fat par. ticulan, ad drew, with rianlp aBcleeed, E. 8. GIBBON it CO, Exeter, b Rockingham co, New Hampah rt. Octotor 7,1*57 dSTtf litutU* Wxntod u g ImSt A NY pouon dorirent of tmplosing ft* eerekoeof steacto: teitfet nhargao * Common BngUsh Bcbgol, ton *• to ammo- Hbeneter, Morgan Oa„ •spdOdwtf Qtcrgis.