The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, October 30, 1857, Image 3

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Bitti Uunk of Mon. ATLANTA, (Ia.. ( OCTJOIB lOtU 1807. { I N view ufJH ffenorat suipenabm of t Hunk* in 110 Country, lb# un«lerifgnfi“ u* ILrtfituin.cfUio JJ A NKOF FUI/tON ha** onlflrcJ A eu*pon*i6n of payments bv the Dank- In doing *o, wo bate r ’ot acted hastily or unadviaedljTi hut bare weM cotwid eredthe atep we bare tak*n. We believe the intciostof our citiietw require it, and that they will s jgt.iin uu. To Dill holder* we remark, do not nell the note* at a sacrifice, as we are abuidintly able to pay all our liubiliiirn, which »hall lm do-ie as loon as the interest uf the community *h.t!l require it. Director*. A. W. STONE, B. W. HOLLAND, JA/2EDIKWIN WHITAKER. WM. EZZARD. •ctIUdwtf ~ A CARD- Messrs. Duncan tf* lAchrant:—We will lalio the Bills of tho Bank of Fulton aud giro goads at the lowost cash prices. October lUth, 1857. ttittlsr White A Co V A 0 T Do Id JR A'J M Wallact II W Court Smith A Fraaklin HarrUon A kuanl T Doonan Drady A Solomon GI ForeocreARtrawaR Dutt A Jack Cassia A Dc&ton 1 v T '"“* Tho* J Mah no Jackgon A lire W Honing A Sod V Hayden A Co A Alexander Oeo 11 Daniel B Browp W W Roark A. Heraehberg, Wtn. II. Jon**, J. A J- Lynch, Clarko A Grubb, L. J. Parr, Agont, Joso| h Tboinpsop t Q. Gilbert, J N Roach Ityan A Myers Luvo A McLcrnlo 1) Mayer S Frank ford Miller A Andrew. H Bmumuller J l) Lockhart H Huhlcnbrinl: I’h. Scblucbtercr, F. H. Coleman, Ferine, Drown, Accent, Malone A Jehuson, J. hi. Ihrdctt, Clark Howell, J. B. Morion, Cultunbuf, Woekly U. States Hail Line. r im new and »pleqdid*l<l*-wU**l*i*atn*liiri*' AUGUSTA IfiOOton*, “ *. H, \foonnixt FLORIDA, If00 tom, ** Isaac Caowau. ALABAMA, 1300 ton*, " C. K. ttcaurox, Will Leave Savannah Hvtry HATU 11 DA Y, Theecehlp* a r< among ths lament on th* coaat.aa- mrpftMfidln*pe*d, ■ifsty *r comfort—makio* tb*li pMBAgerio 60 to 60 hoar*, and ar* commabneo bj sktllfa! ^ArifalaodpolitcoOlcrr*. They offer mu * (teelrsblt oonveyencr to New York. Cabin Passage to Nrw York |’A Steersgi pa)»ti*Ki-to New York It PAliI.b'KOKD,YAY A CO., Agentatn Haranaab HAM’L lUTCljKJ.E.lU Uroadway ,.Yew York ^ATaonaU February 6, I860. sbin Passage from Charleston to Hew Yor $25,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York & Charleston Steam Packets Through In 48 to 53 Hour*. iSoml-WooUIy.j Tne new uteauuhip COLUMBIA, 1800 Tons—M. Ber ry Commander. ,N Aril! VJI LK 1600 tone, j JAMES AUG Eft, ]600tno» T DKwaoj Commaoder j 8. C. Turner Cumiaan’j MARION, 1500 tone, I SOL’lHKRNEK, 100C tr-n# W. Foster Commander. | >. M. Murray. C’mnzr/r. I,*Are \4;er’t wharres every Wednesday db Haturtlay arterthe arrUalof tbe care from the South A West “at high watt-r." ! Tables supplied with every luxury—attentHi «ud j cauticue commander*, will *niar<; Iravellerf by this j Line - very poeeihit-comfortandeoenuimodaticn. apply to HENRY ItISSROOK Corner of East Hay St Adgar'eMouth Wharf, Charleston, s. C. I Cabin Passage, $23. i Steerage, H. Q. Simms A Co., J/erchants, Ncwnan, «iu., ImtnelA Cunningham, Jcbn 6. Wright, Tomlinson A Barrel, Smith A Etnrd, Laxaron A Newman, J. Norcros?, P. Lynch, Uunnicutt A Btivcy, John Fiekeo, C. H. Stroug A Co-, Williams, Rhea A Co. Samuel Swan 8t Ce., ATLANTA GEORGIA BAKTBtBBS. And Dealers in Guld, Silver^ Dmnk Soles and Dome. :!: Exchange. Demand Kxchanjju on New irrk, Nrw < leans, St. Loui*, tfavauur.h, Chftrlcbluij, and -ill poiuts in tho United States. l.-ncurrun* Ii ;;.r Notes and Specie bought and s-ud. (doilt-ciur. mmh everywhere arid j.r voeds remitted bv Sight Draft vn New Vorc^r Npw Oi!r ms, >:i diy of payment, 8AMU8L8WAN .(HO. T-. XI JV. _ AUsntu, July I*. 1857 .. ,‘! x ’ v .f. BANK OF FULTON. Exchange Oflice of F, C. Barber. Tho noterof tho Dank of Fulton ^ro rtd itr.c 1 at this office by Sight Exchange < n Nc v \ ork, atono-quaitor per cent pruuuum, or bai.kaole funds cr coin at one-quarter per cent discount. i. C. BAR HUtt, Exchango Broker, McIntosh St. Augusta, On. I New Store, ilw Store. | Ita>'gainn! Bargain*:'. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! I fPUl b* undesigned l>Eg3 leave to inform tic JL Citixtns of Ai'ania nnd surrounding j cuunt-y, that he hw jnn opened a large ai„i well fe rried stock of U^MTLEMKN’S L\. DI1>’, Ml'hEH. Cli'l *EN and HOUSE I SERVANTS’ i.Ov/i * and SHOES, which 1 he mil ►c!l at price* o cor'-, ;; • w.tb tl.c Char- j ! *'**t'*»n hriJ AugU''i r-.arr 'J’hose. in want • of nuy kind of .’•• ■ mentioned Good*, -.vou'd di wi ll U p ii . . a Call r.nd examine li.a-L ck,Go «; vv.ll bo freely shown end | one toir- n.-I.ed. f ROUT. CARROLL, Agent, Opj'O-i eJ. \j. Lockhart’s Dry Goods Store, hitehnli Street, Atlanta, tia. 5 i 00 pair thi^k PLANTATION BRO ANS cheap un hnnd. Planter* would do ; well to examine them. scpssdw-tm | Jiht pfenm in the Same Building. Darin Millinery. ! r rUE nnderhi^ned wishes to infirm the JL Lulic.q .if Atlanta an l vicinity, that she j i.» now rectiving o aid ho lend iJ assort- meutof MILI INI*R ,r uttd? ? ANCV GOODS lor the I all trade, \ ' n will soli at ren* I scnablo prices. r ' - Mr.-. A. T. CAHKOl.L, Ag.nt. *N IL—BONNBTtt mad’ to order, also the j L'R.ESS MAKING businf* will l«* carried on. A. T. C. W FUiLTvS)^ A. W. STONK, 1‘rttidtni, WM. M. WILLIAMS,laiAfrr, ' niascTous. dm. V,’’.Holland, I A. Austkll, ox. Wu. Exeaud, | A. W. Stonh* Board of Director• mw*. ovary Wednesday ar.d %X'L^ : d±r,r.i Frinj, Family Groceries Discount Day*, Wodoesdayi a:vl Liturdaya. ! » Bank odju, daily, from 'J, A. M. to d. P. ,M. WM. M. WILLIAMS, - CueAiV.. ITHE BEST SELECTED I ASSORTEIJ STOCK Office of the Gate-City Rolling Mills L. A. 1)0 Ufa LAS. ri«l>. ATLANTA, GA., Oct. U'tu, *h*.7. T1IE Bills of tho DANK of FULTON. GA, will bo received’at thi-x olfico, at par, in pa>* ment for bills or otherwise. , rtl7dwtl L* A. DOL-GL.UL Fraud in every shape should he cr.s posed. Wo are led to thii reninrk by ii no tice going tho round of the papers, warning the public against a baao imposition in t!.< shape of a file imitation oftho»o very popu lar mod iciues, Dr. M'l.ani 'j \ ami) u or and Liver Pills. FI: min J Bros. Vittshuryh, Fa. arc the solo proprietors and manufacturers i i those justly celebrated romcdics. We \\\ u!J advise ourreadors before purchasing, to ex amine Uni wrappers ar.d ere that they arc signed FLEMING DUOS. Worms! Worm!*!! A great uiauy lcarnod treating Lavs been **ri:- ten, e-plainiog tbo origin of, and e!a*>ifjing the worms goseratod in the human syttoui. N arco ly any topio of tnodical science has elicited in re acute obeervatioa ar.d profound rc-eorcb; util yet physicians arc very much divided in oj ini. on the subject. It must be adtaittcJ, however, that, afwr all, a mode of expelling these worms, and purifying the body from their presence, is ol tnoro vaiuo than the wireit diiquljitions as to the origin, ’/ho ospclli-np agent Im? at length been .ound—Ifr. Ghana's Vermifuje, procurei b Fleming Bros. D tbo much sought after spe.-ifi and has nlruaUy eupersoded all other worm mod einss, its cllicucy being universally acknowlc.go'j by d)o<Uca1 practitioners MiT* Furch*s»*rs will be enroful to ask fur DB M'LANK’S CBLEDltATKD VKRM1KUG K, annufsetured by FLEMING BUDS. <•; J’lrrs- snna, Pa. All other Vermifuges in ctompariior art worthless: Dr. M'Laco’s genuit c Vorudfuge. also his eelobrated Liver Fills, can now to had at all respectable drug store:'. Sant. •/ -wu'ac *.-«» kt tig nature of PLKMISG BltO.S. IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA, '• * to bo found t t the “ Atlanta Family Store,' Is^® VVlillcliaJJ Slrccl. L.EORG1-, f.l, CAMEL, Propr:e:«*r. Atlanta, May 6, Sifl. Idtwy To tllo Citizoj ot't-rwinHett, Jacft- eon, FraijldJa, aud the adjoin ing countibs. J. -.V il.J r-'-prcliuJly ;Mv. r,!ir n-ftrn’.o.t thank. '* ' ' ll .-fr lUicnil y«ronft^e,ai,J wo boy. from : 1>.-' ' Mi:e. o. witbth, !w]- or yr»ct.,'.j, tv. W. Katon, nt I.r Wl! arc* ,ttt!t<t,izi',! tt aniidUitcc the name of D. S. lt)l!X.SI)\ a-, an in|wn candidate for fthtrifl of If 'Mi f'.imify. nt tho cu.uing election, I at Mm,ti n ir. Ittiin.-j nut M 'XV/VOTERS. A Paluablc Medicine.~Ittinn^ in pn. vnl orotk, no l(.u iliaaaixof onrlricniH.wlit) lave neen induced to try Proftaenr Ded.-nfli's Kleo- trie Oil for rheumatism, in c nsqueuccu of bavmjfaeeii this preparation atlvertu4Ju our columns, have oiltrd upon ut to slntttilio rc- sult til tin ir exfierioicn s. These perf<ir.3 in sure us that tf.eir thenrnatic giainj have Uen entirely cured hy a few upidications of lie- f*r.itlis • Electric Oil.’ and tuny hvomuirt’d it* uw io all who ure ulllicttil with tiny of the. diseases winch it is designed to cure. - I’rov. Advtr. It can be had of the ajp ntd here. Set; ad- aarlwmcnt in another coluuiu. Sep if," 1857 .1 it " lliir JkuOll I'orC'liollc In IIoi-ncs On Saturday Iota maV, the pr iparfy of Mr John IV. Rininm.ofltuswil fmint,, Ala’mna. wa.Tiol.ntly wiih cholic in the arc.: in l.'olurnbua, wu r.ry much iwollcn, .ml Iro n ail appcaranctacouM li.C hi' c short timr un- l.aa reliovcd. Two ouncM, liquidnicest]ni, I'l Rurclia Oil was adminUtcn J aad in fi.o min- uua relief waa jurcvplllil and in Incnly min ulna the animal waa entirely relieved. This new and valuable mixture » certainly a prat arquiailioti to the list of rcrurdie. Ii.'r- tofjrelirture the public, which, in addition to the many relief, it hat given man, i. now found to ha invaluatlo hr the< horae, in the cure ofbuta and cholic, and tho rataovu ol t.$s^a. and naval gvlhr W. have dona cur duty in aprcatlLig Us Rood tpnlitiaa before the public. Cal 1 in Uanfoiih, tt Co., or A. K. Ayer, and procure the nrvvr tailing temady—Chi. Sun. August 11, 1857 dtf jjf-' • ' — PIT* Hundred Local nnd Trnv cllliig Agonta VVautod. "vf — P*rtM frrwi W4 to It*, r-r S i ‘hi«*a. P*nn*rsnt rir.j>l»o»n-! qwftsd. ^ rjr^irtkw fwrticat ViuMiZuK,;*,*. ,SIAf KG SALOON G i KXT’LKMLN <’csiri*ig a gvod share. I hair ruuing. and sm-h othrr attention to u.r per* ns an rav be had in all fashionable bar . r’n »al > un, can be accommodated at all Ijoul- i y giving the undersinged * rail, at their saloon in the Tuft lL utu. They ure prepared t > furnish, at short no- lice. AX EXCELLENT BALL BAND. - !!. McUOMBS, I »te <! Milicdgeviile, Ga. JOHN WALTON, late of Augusta, Ga July 15, 1851 dtf House Furnishing Goods, TOMLIBSON & BABES RESPECTFULLY inform their friends an! patron that they are now rcooiring a vary large amort uent of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, conn!# Inginpart of C!o,»iu*r, Tin, Iirillnnnin nnd Jnimuniti Ware, Willow und Wood Wore, Wa ter C'oolera, (lird Cages, J-'isli- Ing Tackle " v 11 >, Trap?, Ac.; “STOVES >1 every pattern w.rrxnted to cer- lonu well. ((AS PfXTliHKS, (JloU.r, Umin. Ac., Ac.; OAllL'E.N EVOLVES .ml PUMPS, from th. Iluwni A Co. Jtaruifactnry, Albany.— Wo li.vo employed experienced eorkuon to carry an any dor.-ripliunof Copper, Tin aud Sheet [ran work done South, arid all order.- for Slilli, Hoof, ing, llnttoring, Oae end Steam Fitting wi”. meet with promptilumtnu. CiU ou.l examine our ■Inch, tint door loath of Hailroxd. tVhltehxllit., lign of tho Stove and Coifee Pot. Atlanta, May M.lfi&fi. dwlv. I in pro ted Col I on Ginn nud~ Tlirchliiiii; .H.-tcliiiiou. ' j’nn nnder-lgct-! having ivinovct th-lr ba,ievu J. from McrgAo County, <la., to Atlanta, beg leave in int.wra their old patronn Hud tho |>ublic reoenktlr, tliat they will coatiuu* tbs Manufactoring t.f Colton n.nwki.vl ’• hi at Ttupilirr* oa tin-ir uhuat extensive TU*tr Ciin* *r# w*-ll hm. n and unfrerMlhsp 1-roT.kl in fleorgU, S*utb Osrollnt, and AUbstra- *:* in I art* uf Trs**, Ui»»iutppt, Norlh Csrolin* Tb#r m«-Mit.jof the rery brM materisla m.i »i n|#nir *psr*l Li mske th»»ra eonvetiUnt ired durable If joy sr** in »sni »>f % if-HhiCotton (tin or wh*-*« thr*«h*r, or- «i*-r frohk ui, »n-l will m>11 s< low m *ot othsr Man- utactureM rfj'istit.n, an.t will delurr tbcmst the rrsid**oce or nrsrti»: R K. iwt irw of ditrf* f..r transportation. Cootrsets may bt mad« wltlj our trareUn* or local .VkojU. or bjr direct ordfr*. Wcliasrao atunJauco of c-tiif^-atcs a* to thr rood psfhneancf «'f our (i!m *n i Thrasotra, %c\uf uf »kLh 3jaj bo -a^o '•u application to A fc -» nt*. All 0"i« warranted to pvrfunn walk Hfralr. ono at short ..olir* ami Is the best manner JOSKPII Wl.NSUlP AC 0. Xollre, TIIE copartnerxhtp herctoloracilating het-*:<u Oeew A tiilbert, la hereby dlieolve-l by mutual c-.niefit. d. Dean will tattle die bu-ineua of the otmeeru. L. DEAN. L. T. OIU1EKT. The undmlgtted having thte day entered late oopartnenhlp under the nam. and firm of L p'* n * c<> :- »» I'mpared to earry on the ran* bind of builnw* hwetefore aarried on by J^enrt. Dean A UUbort at tb* Fulton JfUta. Augfi—wlm ATLANTA, OCTOBER 30, I857. LATEST NEWSC ARRIVAL of the steamship PERSIA. TUice l)nv* Lalcr. COTTON DECLINED I-ft TO l-.|. Nrw York, 'Oot, 28.—The Ilritiah and North American Royal Mad Steamship Persia, Cant. Judkins, has arrived with Liverpool dates to Saturday, October I7tli. Commercial. l.icerpvol Cotton Market — The sales of the week reach 2OT0OO bales, of Which 9,500 wero taken hy speculators, and 1,000 by exporters, leaving M,50(l Bales to the trade. The market had declined from 18 to i-4d., but the principal decline was in the inferi or grades. , The CO' » on Friday were 4,000 bales, and the market closed quiet but steady. The quotations are for Fair Orleans 9 5-8 Fair Mobile It 1-D, Fair Uplands It 3-8, Middling Orleans tt 1-4, Middling Mobile 9 3-10, Middling Uplands 9, ° [Me append the quotations and stock on hand by tbe Europa, of the Saturday- previous : Fair Orleans 9 3-4. Fair Mobile P 9-10, FairL’pIands 9 1-2,MiddbttgOrleans 95-10 Middling Mobile 9 1-4, Middling Uplands 9 1.10, The slock on land was 302,500, of which 109,000 were American.] T bo news by the Persia repor's a stuck ou band in Liverpool of 311,000 bale-, of which 103,000 are American; ConsoU.—There has been considerable I’.uotuution in the sales of Consuls, but closed for accettnt at Irom 88] to £9. Wane hater Jrnde.—Account# from the manufacturing districts uro unfavorable Tbe tales of goods are slow, but prices are unaltered. Liverpool BrcaJ.Inff* Market.—Tbe Flour market ts steady lor tho better qualities, but inferior grades have declined, and but little , inquiry for them. Wheat is steady, aDd the i market closed with an advancing tendency. Corn is firm. Liverpool General Markets. — Provision- are steady ; Lard dull; Sugar heavy and declined from 2j. to 3s., uu’tl holders arc pressing the.r stocks on the market. Nava! stores aro steady. London Markets —Wheat dull at 2d, de cline per 70 lbs. Sugar heavy at 2-. to 3s. decline. Money Market. Bank of England.—7he Bnllion in tbe Bank of England during tbo week decreased £553,000. Specie hy the Persia.— The Persia brought over £200,000, or near $1,000,'XlO in gold. General New?. Details of India news more promising. It is conSdcntly believed that the next mail will bring tbe news of tbo fall cf Delhi. Mr. Ten Broeck’s horse, Belle, has won the Now Market race. The ship Prince George from Mobile was abandoned at sea on tbo 4th of October.— T he crew arrived at Queenstown. It is reported in Loudm that Protidect Buchanan has written tooor Minister at the Court of St. James, pledging tbe United , States Government to the enforcement off the international laws. There is n fearful monetary panic at Lis- bon, the capital of Portugal, as well as at \ lent)a, the capital of the Austrian Em pire. Arrivals of large amounts of gold fr, m Australia arc announced in London. T/te banks in Holland and in Belgium have advanced tec r rates for discounts. ARRIVAL OF THE iiettctlff. &rr. 1 mi & fcG/s]i5SP-' Mew and Brilliant Scheme! oMUTXirpnizL $6«;oo«i! , TICKETS ONLY $10M; M l ,vm -? '"»ras **r i TT ..T. m a. A* s. swan I lU iHisaUaneoua. JEST opened a> ready for r nrsni 'vUawlux fie area «Ut he fir»w»>/*. ti* A* I StjO, U.eajerv of thaFortOiiMJ AoaSvoiy Up : l.rr In web 7tbolr tatlvti«a tor hov«ut-r, .»r., LtACOWM, flwtrilfi. to.jrhlrt eliytuyaa-.r* dsarrj llair prioeipal aNe*. Class Ol, 1. U to the ei'ty of Aufuxts, Os., te pah- lie oo i AT U HO AY« MOV. Tt Class G58, To bo Urswu la tbs Ctty of AugueU, Osdffils, :a psblie, ou UATtlBDAY.SOV. 14, 1»« Class 63, To bo drawn In the City of Augusts, (Joorglx, u, truNic, on liTbUDAY, SIOV. »lst, Ifiaj. , complete, eod I w tnv:in the put.;;, ,, t , i( tlli B.tides rny usuai itork • Hardware, Groce I listo on Lsr.d Min* k HUY GO j Gotuislisg of Muabne, .- bvsutiful o-d good. . Mantillettef and A good war" mm mem mi x a FasLiooab!* %ttd Fr Hats and fc, ! ScrrlcmaUe nnd good lo DOMESTICS, CAL! ■ Ar.d every other article, ainnet, j busb es«. In short, my stock it; aid ’b' price* trill he as low as lit f -d 'fi t Indies are pcrtictUvl* , i v tt,-.- ti cal’. U. W. COP T O ** AX r FACT l 1- \ \ r E are now reeeivirg a T T tar re lot of Sale Leath er,Caif Hhine, Lining-. BtnJ- fiA ingr. I.a-ta, Pega, Kit. and every thing conmetrd with the l! * busiueai, wbict. wtn be sold a: ! lla-h. All ctfoere arcompanied wi-.t : prompl'y filled with good Goode. —at tb* t-igu of the Big B-- ■ . vi.ivi, Cherokee Black. BpW'dtf DIMICI i *.“•-* r v •? it* 111Sffii lw|'|*ujrcfeuc antisxlfc of ail kiou* ^ (Jr x-trlfc* rxd MercLsodi* ? mih v 8Jj : *ttt*lilioD tothc tzXCHAifB of PU Family supple*. orders prompUy and it tende. to. Offs e on .South Bide cf White lh’«e .J >ort ea#t of Mitchell. c Class 64, To b* drawn in tht City of ArtguoU, Oeorg>- It public, Ml UATCHDaV, NOV until, HAT On the Plan ot SlfHsLE NUMBERS! \ 2UTUBUAY i* NOVEMBEK S C'H K M K : l Prtf# Of aco.ow* I i I’rlMs o 1 ter tt „f 'Jt.nOO 5 ‘ « l.VtO b b 000 I to . 3.600 I 60 . l .b'Xi 100 1,000 j APPROXIMATION PRIZIiil ot.... 10,1 c0 ;,oou 6.000 6000 20 stt 85; 1,600 “ C-AJ |lC<t,000 .» 4'jO smoua’.iaj U $3-0,000 vVbule Tickets 8IO; Halve Quurterfi 82-50. Plan of the Lottery Th* Numu«r» froa 1 to W.000. corr^«foo4iD7 tho** Nunber* on the Tlekst* prioteJ ri;* uf par pUeel i cneirclsi • Wheel. Thr first 4 52 Pri»es,»it3i!srl7,; r placed iu^snotber wheel. ed i a Jit heelMre th^n reToleed. from *.be wbrel of N’LDb*>r«, sod Prteli drswt Irora the other w aed I r re drawn out ar* oper d and exhibued in audience, and re*i*ter*-d b/ uuCoaniiA*io-j#*A . the IT;:* beinc pl*c*<l Ajaio**. :h* Socber drawn. .hi« - j.-rktiom* repeaUd u=til all th* Prize* are Ira* a Approximation Prize*.—Th* two prereed> ing aud thBtwo nucceedinp N uiot»«r» tc :LC*e c:»w ior i 1 • 5r«t T Prises w.u entitled to tb* -- A; preximaf.on Prises. For txatnpls: If T.cket No. U-i'. •:r*w« th* 6AO.OOJ J'riie, these i:cke> sacbcr^ l -4b. 11251, 11252, will each t* *tt :.ed t- Uj If Ticket So. 650 draw* tbe I25.(a>ij Prize this* Tick*!* numbered 545, 64v, 651,662, willeacn b* ta-.-.tbd t: |wv0 and k) on accor-djnj to tbe alen - * #cben.e • b.W/J Pntes of ISO will be determined by ‘.be cgMTt of tht Hamber that draw* tbe jvO.O f j Yr.u — Fur example, if tbeNcmber drawing th* : r :• en-it »;tb So. 1, then all th*Tickets where tb*- ber end*in 1 will be entitled to J20. if tb* Nucn - end* with S«. 3, tnen ail tit* tick*!* wber* tb* ’. ..l ber «nc* in 2 will be entitle J tot-6 and *e oa t< £ Certificate* of Packa^f will t« told at the fc’Jowic.; rate* which i« th* ; Cer.iflcateof Pack*|*of 10 WlioleTicknU f SO “ lOHalf ‘ 40 ■ •» 110 quarter 540 •* - 10 Eighth 10 In ordering Txckelz or Certificate-. Eneloi* yozr non*j to car addrees fer the • Tickets ordered, os receipt of which they w. 1 be ' forwarded by first tcail. Th* List of Drawn Nambers smd !‘rize» wi’.i b* seat toporchasers immediately alter the drawtrg. •®fc,Purchaseri will r-leat* write their s.^sb- tares plain, and give ihtir Pest Office, County 1 and State. i5®»Remembcr that eiery rrixeis drawn, r.r.d payable :n full without deduction. '<53~Ai! Prises of $1,Q06 and under, paid rx- tnediauly tbe drawing—other rrlies s* the ojnnl time of 3d days, in fali without Uedacuo: All commanieaticcs strictly confidcntizi. Orders ior Tickets should be rent in early. AddreM Orcer* far Tieket* or Certificate, to S. SWAN \ Co., August*, Gt. C igar and Tob STORE. rpMC8lTJ»CBIBEBbcg. «r. ianatab-fHi-,va J t.; inform th. Cttixenx ot A lUl* ThfVuShr r '" n<!ln ? v^untry, that he ha.jus- All tin to v. nted and e&clrr: ddrtiOD Ij former t JM. S.IOAR8 TuDAi’CO. i'MFP. i e’.vvrBS'xr MATCHt &C, A Which is off. -t.i at \\ halenab cv rLu . i ^ V33T JOw i'iilGSS, rofkor.adef j ring ar:t thing -7J. J 1'. rail and examine -j* msmskm .jt- rg ♦ & iHt Atlanta. }'h:cb H. SMITH-~ Smith \Y & Franklin, t F J P.rii'r* L H Wir-F. : JUBB lions L't i D rerp'ctfully announce to the euixens 0? Atlanta anJ tne *arroan- - •iLtry. • :at they tre no ts rctri^ng “and rg a:.-’, ’wiii keep m fb-r'.a ■-1 FAMILY GROCERISr, ;ci \ L i y rrt-tr.g at prices that nrLJ compurte w.*v • ukc in t; i city, ar.d a«k a thared rst- c. rbey w;!i give spexial ai:<r.U--' • . cf D.dCuN, LARD. FLO t L, OKA IN *-p<TtlCl : T **!;»-.U..J, aiide loCAu-H ORw The Comet haw Arrived. O H at le*kt tbe subscriber ha* received, *oz lor File, cbeaper than any other person in A" U, the Urred of ever oCcrrd to pobl.e, aa-1 take du* n:f Ice that 1 sell for c»». and at one prir*. J fa»ve bought taor* fto-*, ; n >r lf*3. *0*5 1 *tn detennine-l to fell then *c.1 lcr-k. snd I km *i.rc- you will be ploafed. i entire a few articles lielow aad bepe »oc.a • j for tbeas—*uch s Boots, C*>npbine, l tM**, Cracker*, ISABEL.. Charleston, Oct. 28.—Thfi stcam-liip Isa Lfl lias arnvfid, with ILiraca Kty West ilatvs to tbo 25th inst. Tbo re is uotltirt'- of marked ir.rorcst wor thy of communicating hy telegraph. The prospects throughout Cuba were fav orable for a large crop of sugo-. Illinois Illoctlon- Chicago, Oct. 2S.—The Republicans, it is oow conceded, have a majotity cf twelve the Illinois Legislature. Tcmieisec ifnlti'd States Sena tor. Xashrille, Oct. 28,—Mon. A 0. F. Nich olson nas been cYctfd United Sta’es Sena tor. , fL. OBAN, Hu. JfABKItAM, ) NOROROS*. ZatflatrOKB. New Orleans .Market. Xkw Ui-i.Kt.v-. Oct. 27.—Stic* of Cotton to-dny 5,500 bales nt iiuch-tngcd ptievs.— Middling 10 era's. The receipts for the past three days are 10,550 bales, and th, sales 7,200 hairs. Tho decrease at this point, compared with last year, ix 105.560 bales, and the decrease at ail points 187 000 bales. Scour.—Thi« article bus declined, aad fair is quoted at 6 a 0 1-2 cents. Molasses.—An immense decline is report ed in this atticle. Tbo quotations aro 17 to 19 cents. On the 23d inst., common to fair Sugars were quoted in New Orleans nt front 10 to 10}, and Molasses at 40 to 45 cents. Due diligence and oaution were cm, ployed by tbe Reporter, in obtaining dupii- eato me;sages from different news agents, and tbo telegraph reports wero substantially the same.] Business and Erehange,—There is noth ing doing in Exchange, and noimprovemen In business or monetary affaire. w* Piauos! Pianos'. Pianos! E keep constantly on hied an aiaortmout of pUin snd| elegxntly finiihed Rosewood “Coo* tr«" RUnof, with th* entire Iron Frame, tad *11 theUtost iicproromeoUwhich wo offer L r rile it tho lowest mirket price*, uni allow purobuert any rMsontbl* tlmo to tost thou. Wo are not agent* for any maker, but pur chat* Flanoi for our own account, and supply oureolre* from inch aaanfactoriu only, th* tn« nrument* of which gira u* entire sati»Vaction. Amony th* Piano* we lell, are tho*e of Chick* firing A Sons, Dojton ; Wo, Knabe h Co,; Bait)* more; Btainway A Son*, New . York; Newman, Brother <1 Sons, Baltimore. From the latter hoaae we aleo hare for vale their lately Inrented and patented DOUBLE jOUNpjNgjjOABD” XX lotprovanvut, acknoulsfigud Is k* tb. aius Uaiwriant tb.l bxi .nr bwa lotredurvd. W. bav. Mod neuttd bud Isotrusiwti for tala or birr, wd »ll«w lb. hlgbtit pries rot old I wtn. utvsta,, wbw fitro. I. oxobuf. Ar uv, XARTII A NICOLAI, (I millUM' Funllaro Rtan, Pouabtm inert AtUjiu O oo., Not, It, UK. - duly. Totia.-c. . A'eYxrf. Snarf. IUu iuie.* ■*; Whisk* j, Br*adv. W in* ’ Gin, Rea. C«>rdi*l«, Jlantifl*. w»rt» Pros J: LEES. Store c;i \\ hiteaill rtreet, , n thebe • ding kr.-c.M-:, a, I'a.i.' H.-K FULToA MOUSE, ATI. I VTA. GEORGIA P BY w. simfson & v-'. j. kil3y. rpHI. e . ■: cr., :hj, r.e wp-nej tr.vFUL- 1 Tt.N IF USB ... this Sty. iedgn m.- k:..c i: a:-, ocr. c ... ret.teg plsce for ihr L-iv.ll lie public who .nil lx-., them „.:h iht r pitronxgv. Over d.>me«ttc itT.irs ofthv House. M n ^iSsn K:i sv, tti.-s' ftpetirnrv xnj sai.t . h,-..\ ho,;ness. »re ». • Know a. w-t. orro-dr M-. T. C. Deal, thr.t e -rk. « ocr.l pr-inpt and a:-, .-m. , 0 th Th, FULTON HOI SF ’ heurr cn u.r fcte. : W C i-a:c.-. V. \V Roc.-,. A. W. C, Pfcrc. At ILU, \a:w\ i C. aitchitti. A-.lxnta, C II Sto-yJC.1, A:l,era A. Rtoe, AtiaaU, - Ii. Hey* A'ist-it. T 1! Crierr-to. A er'a. IV,. tarn-, Rhea 4 Co . Atlanta. ,7V F. C. Cxxpbelb Atlanta, | ThrfiUter A Lortiny, Atiantx. Tbo.. G. vvcci 1 . .N .weac, IVm. Walton, Atlanta. Dat’i-.i ,'lxyer, A'iants, W.;. Newt:fin, IV. [IcrriDg & sot. Atienu. L. let:. Ail ■ x 5 M 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 LOCK, M0 M0 iiOOtxO 5CC. Hooks. th* b*sl *bou: it. At th*corner ot Whitehall *l.'. Jki Atrreti, aof a good «*fou vzril for cuatonx-r« ; charge. WILEUM WRIGbT R«'»A January 6, IS'T a ti i'tie unJrrejgiifiJ ehetlxing for Kvery Laily. ‘ ^^epard'v Groat Benefactor. RUNAWAY T:; £ G ?. 34-ISSI f 11. i j 01C i L Rt k : EVER DISCOVKRF.I) 1.000 Boxes Retailed Montlilv. The H«ncfactor (* infkKibl* lex th* itancciiau* ft- <• raluf ()h»tructifn», Irrejalanti** friSror.* 'ai'.ing rf th* womb. L*ucborrb*a t r Wh’r.*b. l. ' a! thfdlwa***peruli»r tulemal** ThE* r*m*a'.T ha* nwvtr m a •me’* eat* '.vi> •. m r r- lerice th* llfnwi I hare r*;*ivch traar lrf.*r • rt r*c vaa*e<Utlon. which all ray “It i* th* : r*m*< ’ «* hav* *’■»•: oa*!*’' SicLn*« al »f.'aach, k**u^!r lancnor. debility, ^ic* m th* head.aid* and b*c- . ..-* rf aiT*’ t*. co*tit*a*4». fce , ar# «oni of th* *vru: :-;t* which anted irr#£uUr \l*n*turat»f>n. Thu renw.'v -* certain to remov* on* and *1! of th*«* »ytn]4cn!« mpn riant to Mnrricd Ladies and tUofic aboul lo marry! DR'.LELOSMER’SGELEBRd'l ED M"N THLY PILLS! Prepared from a prescription of Alexander Dvlrome, member of the French Academe cf Surge >na, and atlcodint phyaittxn to he: ,M» jeaty, the Empress. This invaluable ntedieine sets like t clmm in ril menaini.l JitBru : tiei, removing obstrut- t om, and bringing on the Monthly periods with pvnset re*ul»ri'v. lu >11 esses 'of .Nerv uu» Affeettona, Palpitation of the Heart. P.vut Alina or White*, an,I in fact in oil complaints arising from . dirordered ctndttiou I.n- hcalthy tettoo of the Gen it si ('runs, these Pills wiil effect . speedr anJ pertrxner.t cure They are put up in small plate glass flssls ev euiely saeled from observation, and ucempM, iodbrfuil direction* for use. Ptijo j ; ,, parlsge. ^ N, B,—Theoe ' IWb should not be taken be female* during the fir*: tKrte months d;r.f- nancy ** they xre inre to bring on miscarriage, but at any other time they are hamlet*. J. h Blandin. M. D,, only Agent for the United Slitu and Canadaa AIm just received at lh> IWtoi’t olTce a freah supply of Ricord’a Fvmalo Proffct .r— an unfailing pirvenlive ofoonceplion, andiuvalu- aide to Ihoa* female* who, owing to hatutv o, life or phytical malformation are incapacitated Irooi tale ro-prodtieuon. Price $2 sent by mail. In connection with thaw remedies, 1 havi con* intly on hand tho following yrorki: Mat Mo'a Manual MarriageGutdr, Dtaeaaeo of Ke maloadiaaaaaa of M aloa-Each work ia aubtlantial ly bound and beahtifully lUustrated witn cotoreo plain, and eonuin naarly four hundred page*, of reading matter. Mom wool pai l to any ad draaa anraoeipt of $1, and *5 canto inatamna All lallan addretsaj to Itno will roeaiv* my immediate attention; and Icltcra of imjurj Iwhan a po«Ug<ui tnelaaed.] trill bo promptly atteadvd to- J.K. OL \ftPIN,MV-D. Bjmcuab, New York.>, IM7, dwfitt do do do do do do do ',2 . oe^W-Tleta. ifvrS JV**#• ojmy tore: Vv Mr, oty^aaX. ' s=y Xwbn. r, Mr, tewwtoaa. ; ■ Year, 1^. ly a— CX^ -■-Ml . nHatfSrssifrt J-yffams ccflm of tU abort p. M to .* Mira at cur R*«k a JUilcstorw. raoo.v* tad forward aabacatean, muaaiL ” pAril *. j. }. RICHARD*, A Oa. - • Notice. ixzsr kt &sr ’ mmx rs.izr S Fr.'m tbe urdt reigrard jn Jacua^r my b x SOL, hr if about 2b yrare »f * •uiihl and rirg.uitJy LvarJ i t j r -c. ' ?ffr white lefth. He .n j »•> nr t‘ r urh tkr cout.tnr un*!'*? forced prrraiTs. i-.,-: th.’tv #um*vl n*3>rpfJA<’K PKl'K.a*! uBcerv.*- 1 in Uaii’a. where he *ba* been rub c v rmf'» ri ?..r «1.i *5*. 12 month*. Hr n; r.-:->r i . u in t!.o iietphborkaod cl .VtlaoU on .i# Stvtr Ri»fd abn*. FIFTY DOLLARS r.rirarj i*offered f * hi* appiehenwinn and *urb add ttonal rAra- j-rtisativn m J br fiver, a* i!.r trouble d his eaj»t i r may require'. K hr haabrrn hnrbwru by any n., audj r vf t of the fan u j.rjdured, thr } .-reon .cmjoj. inr^rmacon will Ik* rewaiJrd and *ati»6ed lor hi* lr,s;ble Le thr extent and ea'u* '■* thr negro A. F. POWER J*, acs'a, job t Iwff D. B. FLUMBsU CO., BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA WUOLKS.4LE AND&STAI1- nSALKSS IN liruxs, ^it'ti'f • , :5d Cheniiia!>, ; OY17 WOOL'S • >VE STI FF'S. O. r. Faint* and l*:.* * ;:‘ Anirle*. Var; :. i *» i Window <!:**« and Patty, tij*'* '' • f Fter.-’.-.and P«fu:urrj * J Y • : and S*ha«inj; tviap*. F.-.r L-fi-lh and Hmr Hruahea Pais * Ur u*:.i’a, and PenTtl Ins*-u>.r :> TPbl ^I'PPORTEKS or ALL ! KIN U* Sj 'v is ^na®*. Manufactured T.'barr\ * . i th# i*at« :7t s'r Prx j-netanr MeUiriiv *• 1 the Day, Suparktr Ink*, Pur. J V. met *nd RrandMwfcre M#-’. iral Purpo*r>, Extrnct It riavormf, Chict Tow •«t and Fancy Article*, ew Route tm the Soutk-West s. s- c i.Mi, *y;» w : ’. MisiaUv. j MecyX- a rx,rwtw |q X—< tJiM, y rite aulbir cf Jxat ifyia. ‘ ' TkatTtaaoga T«s; ciorf—too. S. t-traied—i, P.neOraycs. ’ . <'-■ iavar.nah, da.: ax 1 *2 Vattk-v - Huff y—by 13 :!d Ci'j**, »AX Hmcpkia, Tvr3. r.nfle—by C -M Ta# last evairtiag look Of w—n_——J Egypt aoi Nco^.-and Itct LiicJ t^lwaow New Tork u4 tb* MMwisol tbcrcfPni-rfTravvia River!, Ihia Roadiaaew < N -.kisgNew-bj r.rturc . by Ct*> Lev Tl. V... .':a5 sx era::, .• A J Da. c:;«,e, lia. ary atbavrosu bMwaaa tb* North •A bail ud South.Woe*. Pteamumi iklamn r F. .’sxrs. ; •••»*• tee aatie* tharaoJ, aad guvacT'tSamJ relTMaceurdisflj.** lURDsAiV Faaoaagev Tnum laav* SaavaMsa daQr at U at .- „ 7 "— Vc-oci,A Jt, (after tb* arrival .( ix, i-i. 'lor* Ncxx Ktsokfi. - :rcs Cttiiauon tri Xtiktfflal ml ant-Jj -riasiog bfotepkis aaao cay at t, f. .. , F-rr: Clast Staasa Parked to NfiwOrwJ. an! V cxru tt* Lreatfi, *3ta.fvr <*i list Eyt*. a-! fiO**r importaat poCats wpom tkiVaWnri*. DyMVar lerreef, by tic A ti* Htir ci ».**.• OaaL otmtirmeito laU.^4TZ-ITl , Ckactevu,. r SavZLai. JajtmfcrdSSj Tie Heires* at t?r*#r'-r-»' Kur v.< *»ua c Varowki. ..j —v i_: _ •orwwrfiWa Ste{ hfiu. tie refaJar tnwftrutMfi cl PtMMnn aad Freight, aad will aSord i -sbc-*t, by Kri. Ats ?, Viapkii and *tWr WfiiaU. by Train*. 7 Perm Lyle, by Lom;*« I-rr-l;.-. <trxor FrtrtnaB, by Mn. F. rA PacaibxU All I cr’sUr** wiikoit Mature, by tt rft F.t»b»fi5. CarvLs* Ya. Gtraary. :t* L nircreiUre, Tlreeloiry a?7d TU£- . 2;: ,r» s ; gvotnliy krowa. r>r*j Srett 'Aft—eenpir:*. Ccutpaay, temuriad^ZftStaJftZ fO-Tsmfin Uakavgaaf tb* J »r**7, ia exerted Passewyae Trulcx. K-Cq CkarteS^i. Tee .kmvn.-as P-—i Book, by Tate asi Saadv. j ~MocUT^«^l r > Als , -^^‘-^j^^ V' -.e- i Lady ft Hock f.- Jaly. less/ ' ,N| ' “* *»**»iD*: J.SICUARDS A CO. or We f^»d* cquallf a* »ow *» they can b« obittneU from any •im;}ar<v»’.*bl;xtcirui ■ n tLifi iccticn. Warranted fo Ik Pure, fWxA. and Genuine * L1* L -Orv'.*re trot a the i'ouutn prv'.apUy dllrj ned *al»tactHvn guaranlefid with r*'|«rd ^ ptire and quality, PUY^KUANS’ PKIWr-RlPTlONS will firoeix• ffiftMMSif ane.nt>«»n »i altbeoreof the day wc ; ^. |( v fno* t uwtf ~a7»lLaIir5T J so~ kh^xTi~¥5LQsu,lkk k UT Williams Rhea h. Co., (StecccMcrafu J. E. Williams cf- Cb.) J1SNKRAL COMMISSION llKRCBAKTS, AadjMcUrularly far lb* aal* of Onla, Raeoa, Uni, flour, Faatbara, aad Taasaoaoa Produc* ffiXfififly. Atbanaum bailiiagt, Itecttar tr*M,l "saxfirr 25 -* Nf'v aud I'opulnr Books! Roc. fv.-C.ti ofatife nae.ty S.ti. lieodrieh asticrcf Pete: Parity i Tales. Dr. Ksr, * Arctic Kxpiaratioos—a aew rup'-’ir Jfcrvli a llatcrr of a deru phtloeopXy ‘ ' Vulxj aad Cottage*—bv Cairert Vta'i total Reaainr of Rev. Asirew Fai'.er. -I : '7TV'S', Sana ni—Sorood Ser.ox. Advactsmasi JGuiosxrv Lxb.n ia Cactral Affica— by Rev. T. J. Bewtc. Appleton*# Rail Road daijo. .'un received and for rote bv April A. J. J. RICHARDS, A C». Paper Hauging*! A argv and beaitifulasecrtraoxi cf .albrapers, shadea aad Sre-scroeov. lost mce-ved lad fer rate at the feci A Marts Store of }: J j- RICHARDS A CO. New Hook A Muaic Store. T J, RICHARDS A 00., keep a Wboteeala al • and Rauil ebaap cask. Book, Mule Ttfiej Store, oa Whhebxllttreet, Atlanta, Oa. -*•-.^ri par mail promptly auaadadio. Establiakad Nav. 1,1S4J. gely Medical Books! A lfirga stock, aep*.-t*l!y ef tbfta* required a* r*xtb-«k», by tkts-.uJeaceu College jut raeaiw ad aad for aal* at U* publiabvn retail pricet. by 4 * oo. To euuaet with tb* Wat xd, paasang *0*. vrRmifigtea.1.. „ .. _ ana NaabviUn, Tafifig and tba dav Cbxriastoa and Kinpvilte, 8. Cg* ^ April lav j Upholfitertotf i tabu TBt eatecrlber haa a a faeltriec u arda . k free* ix. afiian vT - l" 1 ", >* IX* pur, IV JHJCt> aal* tuiuSZam yporiee ta uy article ewt cfia^JiiTS, have ate* aa band, uu- —" * . 9P Sylrri terUg Cewtele and UaMm. Atel PU 3. 3. RICHARDS Hay 1. T*nBAuu0, of Sontearo Hatbodiam,* v a teal liTiSi'ilssr,'- D -“ »■'- i(S«,re,«s , - ,,ic ' uw »*“- tats raoted tuaw H aay artii >•***. llureUNM kale 1 NoridiaaawaadfiUnl*. _ • *aj* w —ipb. trfeNfib him"f*n ft c f GOOD ^ 1 tt-j^aaaciases S€SP£.YJD£M> BmtJTM “ Txkea xt P*i fiEORfiE ITllSIEl. f Family Grocariat, payabla in Georgia Ran Read Bank Bflb and ruthar tkan mim a trad*, at * ONE PER CENT PREMIUM