The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 07, 1857, Image 3

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? BB"o. It rami bo n tvurit of lime, nod lit fruit* K“llioreiI tlirc.unli auccoailvc yeara eft IKiti. n. v nml Butebull tbia Imayars Kumcnt Ibr iintpimlni'indefinitely it’* Boin uirnn nr’iitt In it not rather on iiieotitive to npoedy action, ntiuiulaliij by tbe prompting* of patriotism mid philanthropy? But loo obligations u( tlm Ltfltdatunt rets, ujfun specml prnumia. Tlie-Cimslituti(„|imn- dowry. Artielo IV, Section XIII,declari's Hint 'Tin' ttri* uinl aojcnces nliall tie pronto- tivl, in tlm cntoblishmenl of one or more aominurioa of lourniug, and tho Legislature ahull, ii9 soon lit cotivqniontly may be, pin' niii'li farther donations and privileges to tl" sc already ojtSbli«tn'd, ns may bs hoofs' sury III si'otiro tin; objeets of tlicir, instltu- t:on; and it shall be tin: duty of the Utmnrul Assembly, at tboir next session (ilia*. is, too next session after the adoption of .tbe Oon* utitiitinn) to provide eueelual moan for tin* iinproveiiicut and permanent security of tho funds and endowment! of auoli institutions.'' Wbut bos been dono to carry iolo offoct Ibis clause in your Constitution? mnr little? it bug rufuronco mainly Vo the .State Univer sity, which bail been chartered in 176- r >.— lluoi'o, it is obvious, that it istbostvorn tla- "ty I'the General Assombly, to place our State University upon the footing contents plate 1 by its wise and patriot fc founders, or, in other words, 'give it such donations end privileges as may be neotsP.iry to sbdtirfi tho objects of its institution,'' Lmlo"i. '.he , avliolo ntlijeot ofoahcauoh is cohudctl-d to the (lenctul Assembly, .with tho possitive injunction to such action ns may be proper to supply Ibo wants of tho .State. Tim' i' intruded policy which i« ever standing at t lie door of tho Treasury, with a flaming iwo-edged sword, is but little better than moral treason to tho Constitution, Which, lb/ moro than half a century, lias I of yoar«, in the have bes nTfii BP? from ' which (in nlV- very soon sup ply tlm deficiency, nod render ns fndapnn dent of those iHotirant odvonlorersi from' otlmr States, who ar*''tou nfU'n host,tooor peculiar insiilttlinns. But onr noconeitic* do not stop Imre. We iiooii ta University proper. Such, iu loun dura designed onr nlavt Collcgn to l«r i and tlm Constitution, ned have shown, has made it obligatory'on tho Com-ral Asw-mbly to entry that design into effect. When touug iiini Intve been graduated, whither can they resuHh if they dciire to pursue u course of study, in lhi> advanced sciences'! Finding no aujtabl" Institution, fur sucti purposes, at Imme, they arc I'ompollcd lo -go abroad, or to iilutntmn' their high and laudable Hpt- ralions. The consequence i", that most of our educated men, greatly to tlia detriment of 'ho Commonwealth, plunge into polities, as the only path to dislinction, or permit their cultivated powers to rust in inglorious taw’, ‘ Tl at this, or cmiio other sebemo, for the object indicat'd, slioiild be adopted, obvious 11 all whd rcllict upon tho educational wants of the Stale. Indeed, pntt auempu demon- strut" tho hold which the subject has upm Jhp V"ihiic mind. It seems! nowovor, that tl cy have all been bnfilcil by the idea, that the pecuniary mcana cannot be furnished.— Hut Ibis diOiculty will vanish from the mind, if ibo resources and increasing wealth of the iStnte bo duly estimated. As a Georgian, I am proud to believe, that dm is able tone- cjmplisli whatever sip- dure nttoinpt, if tho "Ijoet bo Worthy of her renown, and within the competency of patriotic energy and en terprise. Touching our Federal relations, the fixes cutivo is in possission of in iniorrantion, that does not meet the ey. cf every eln-o pleading for conformity on the part of those I observer cf passing events. We have . who Bwoar to obey. Education is Ihc fri--"! indication of any abatement of abolition of tlm Statu. It will olevntq the peopl--. It I hostility to tiro institution of Southern idn- will diminis erimo and tho cxperiai! of exo-1 fat,; Tlie signs of the times forebode the outing the laws, it will prise ont tho poor 1 sunt" excitement, for the future, which Inis from the mire igto which innoocont poverty disturbed tho harmony of tho Union, for tin: Infellicidncci- & £jrqrniiiet*. DUNCAN & LOCHRANE. ATLANTA, NOVEMBER l, 1857. ■ ■LATEST NEWST Election in Marylaml., Nov. S, A, M.- At the Her' ti°o yeste.rdny nalurulj/gjj voters, in Ibis city, aaero greatly ohstfuctid in voting in American wards, and Amerieann were pre vented from voting iii Ifemoenttic-wards,— tuero w ere r o general contiiets, hut a great deal of disorder. Four-nicn, ii is feared, are fatally injured. riieru is a large increase in the American tnajority ira this <-iiy. The returns from diifcrent portions of the Stale arc very indefinite. It is.very prohalrla the Ueiiiocrats sue- dotilod in tin: "tii Cougreasiohal Di-trict. Ifeav Orleans Mm hi t. . New Oiu.K.ass, Nov. I, I'. M —Sal. of Cotton to-day o.fjllij bales, at an i igliiii ad- vniiee. .Middling ‘J7-H a It) l-l "aln. Fair Sugar fi a S ,‘t-4 eer.t-. Stirling n- change dull, and New A ..rh -igilI ?• a 0 per cent discount. .tlassaeliusetti Elect ion- Boston. Nov. 4. 'fin* elections have 1 resulted almost un iii- irrioindy in favor of tin- Republicans. . Vi-w .Jersey Election. T’kk.vto.v, N .1.. Nov. l. The Uciupitrats have carried hoili hraneli, i ol' tin* Legislature. iLomvCu; J»i SWAN&'CO.’S^TTEHIES- New and Brilliaul Scheme’ „ ’ OAlMTAl. j'KIZK $ « 0,0 00!! TICKETS ONLY $10 ! rpnt. ‘ulifwli** *il! t*df*wu hy*. .*vi I *|.J !»e**rrt<WtareJUi;-« U ?l£ l-r>, Jr, «-.•)»•** tlt~ir (wr N* r»< »• 1 • t V'fiJWijMAl ClaHH (SI, To u'.tvi n >1, iU nty o[ A upu»U, I '• HATIRIMY. NOV. 7. thl7 t.'iussToa, . T-» U JfMwu In ih« Ci»j of AtigoaU, (J»w>pjria, in j public, MATL'IillAY.JYOV. *, I *'7 lUt5ccllanct)U0. Vetv Spring ficotis!! JI'ST OPENED AND ^£ADY FOR SALE’ M t t-l.l'jM y Of HI'ltlMi IJOOU8 UJ i".w , u r,l,t r ,i,J f wootS reffsdfuHy • tire l.n'die I , . ,11 «|ot thwro.- - t;.«i.l«* Oiy Oou*j Hod, oL Hardware, Groceries, &c. t I Ikvo ii. I.»mi r»in< neVclioo. o( DRV GOQD8, (JiffudAing i*i Miiwliua, in ezu-ruhive %y, Irnmifo] *»d poo*}. Shi % large Hioeb of MantillettcH am] Mantillas. A •teartrarnt j A n nr m r ms wm Kajdiiootldc and i’jeUy ; ( lass 6SS, | Hats and Shoes, nnoocont poverty tins Hunk tliom, and place them on an iutel- lectuul equality with the favored * ns of for tune. It will dig from tho mind many an unpolished gem, to flitter in tho crown of <Iisturbo'l tho harmony i )n.*4 2j years. Hf.*ckonimr Delaware, which v,e niiiy safely do, n.« virtually a nonsKluvc- holding State, the equelibrium betwoer, the X-Tth and tie* sSuuth, in the Senate t.f tie ot cultivated society. It will itimnlato en-1 United States, is already pernmnently dc- terpriae, and direct. its crcrgie:-1-» prolitablo I “troyed. 'Hus inequality will bo rapidly objects. It will dignify 1 ibor, andopen now j increased, by the accessi-jit of the many i*«*w channels for capital. It will disinter the | State-, to In? fotmed. in quick Hueco??io from the public domain. What theu is the It will j future security of tho .South ? It is scaro •ray ot i to be hoped for, in the Constitutional ai d guarnntie?, whicli the .South lias si right to In a | claim; for the Free Soil ccutiuicnt, already in the offcondcricy, and totally n-^ardlcss of OoiiNtitntiutiol obligations, will be Ptillmorr pi tent ond fnadd'.iied into in ore intolerable insolence, by tho consciousncfts cf power.— It is, thcrelore. n painful trtit:, that, in tho pr>vent aspect of alliiir. J , onr hurcat ground of fi curity, is to be found in u political or* ^j;ui^ itirn, who, for the sake of the Union, will respect our rights. Sucii un organi/. «- ti**n now exists. It is compose! of die South nnd a largo portion of the people of the North, who, whilst a majority oi diif.:r from us on the abstract question of slavery, yet co-opcrate with us, in maintain ing our rights. So luug as it cau preserve its ascondaticy, wo nay exjKct security — Hut how fickle and unstable is such a roli*. . complishod in other States, can be dune I atii.r 1 How humiliating, to feel that the here. Upon so delicate and difficult a sub- j ('»,nsti*.n!ioi>, in its purity, has ceased to he mineral wealth of the State, ami addiuilli' to the productions of Agriculture, bring into tho field of science an arri mind that will adorn our escutcheon dazzc.tbo world by its achievements, word, Georgia must fail of h< r great i;:i; without tho adoption of a wise and compre hensive educational p< licy. Awuy, tlun, with tha* narrow « iuginojtf which begrnd- ' ges u dollar to such a cause, wlii o it i.4 often wasteful of thousands, upon objects tlmt|»os sera little or no merit. Go forward "boldly, firmly, liberally, to meet tho wants of the .Stato. Adjust your scheme to tho character of our population. Apply to the task yoni wisest deliberations. Impart to it the oh- went of solf vindication aud seif support, mako it simple, in its dctiil’, and depend ent, for its success ami growth, upon the voluntary support of the people. tan such a. system of Common .School education be devised? What has been ac ject, 1 prosent tho outline of a plan with difiidenco. Hut l make the venture, for v.imt it is worth, hoping that it may, at least, prove suggestive of something better. 1. Authorise each county, at its option, to be divided into Common School l*i p - • tricts, of such dimcmiOas, that chilirni can walk from their several boundaries to tho school-houses to bo locate 1 in the centre- the bulwark of our safety! It is hopi; a-moat r.gainst hope, to expect such an or- ganizatiors to stand ngaiust the growing strength of Abolition fanaticism. Uur friends in tho non-slaveholding .States are annually becoming weaker, and, in view of the large number of non*-davoho!dit)g States which inu-t be carved nut of the Territories, they must inevitably fall, at last, and leave ’2. L» t each District be cioihed with thn tho S utb, in a minority, to light her own power e( self-taxation, ‘-nd tho appointment' battles. Who can sa) how soon these events of a Treasurer. Let each District, by public meeting may not be precipitated upon u«? Fanati* lire the tides of tho Ocean, novor annually to lc held, Jeclarc what sum thoy j rests ; but, unlike tho tides of the Ocean, aro wilting to raised forCommouScbool pur- it never nbbs. i: will roll on to triumph, posos therein, to bo collected by taxation, as ; mdc?3 it be bntll*:d by a united South, re- thc Stato Tax is now collect)U by law, and j solved to ^preserve her rights or die in the to b.* paid over to the District Treasurer. •l.|Upon the Report of the District I rons,' urer to tho Kxecutivc, of tho amount act trugglo. T t such unanimity bo cncour- gid and promoted. A 1 * for Georgia, she has taken her position. We will pluui the ally collected, let tho Governor l»o authorised t’onstitution. ns long ais there is hope : w( to draw his warrant on the State Tmianry, will i * *-perato with our Northern friends for a like sum, to bn paid to the said i trict Treasurer, which, together with th money thus collected by voluntary taxation shall constitute a Common School tunil tor such District, for tho year, for which it may be intended. f>. Let the Common School District Trta surer bo required to giro bond and security, under tho approval of tho Inferior Court ot the county, for th • faithful application of tin* fund, and to mukeannuul returns tot pen orig nd, by such f>rgnniZ3l:<»D, we can e j nrc- rvo <<ur right-*; we will cling to the i. Union, us Img as it rlial! nh.iter us from a^gri --ion. itut it all tlieso fail; and we hr compel.'*-} to choose between dishonor, an-1 the alternative of the "Georgia Platform, do will lace the storm, with t'.c uullinching tirmhe-s of tho martyr's courage. In doling this communication, and rc- tiring from the Kxecutivc olVtce, I ax ail niv- si ll the occa-i« n t-i express my uufcigt -.-l AT AUCTION. wltlut I »:!»*< :u.-l ri( (III -.1 ja IN A WM RE, Ktc - '"1 .it Anctir.n t.»ih* birbMt tiid'l* k for rt*ft, lit room* I'KKWH, • -N WK.'VK.-I ; }•. m , of Which w.ll < ..f the VKA/BKK 4*-» . V* jnnnu** fr- • U y wnteU ot tbe »ory otkr . G-H H»r.J sn-1 !!«.*. Whtt«* T< v-a-Tcte Cjs-e^rel-'n . Cmu^.ti (*fti .-«/■!pT-;••• ;.» 1'<.t i»l il.'-Cr<nm au-1 &*!?..! »«*»!» .-.n ii. .-.A i'lainjr. .-uj j—r. T^«. uml !• •• ' C <Jot i i'.AD-l mi,| Wh;m 1'luin I*;cKlvl*i-h Flower ani M- '/o C--!!-*- Cu.j.« M-t*l ToaSLu. lttchere, «.«.*-!-te . uid T»-ft k<- . A.C. SATI itDAVi NOV. Ulet, |l »»r,7. Cl lass (14, r» u Ihr City >,f Auwlt. I ablic, «.n S \ TL It DA X, NOV ‘4*th, 1HS7 < )n lite I’lnii o) S1W6LEWUM8EBS1 s.«»3 i ■ _ * i «• ?"" t ;y ■A p -."Vi Hlil .. s ct 11 i .;.\nu.: AI-PHOXIMATIO.V I'KIZK* Ticket" Halves »fl; (Quarters ji-Sti. Finn or tlie Lottery -r. ts j tv.' cvrr^-oa’iiB^ w.ib brlA tlip 1 +r. »{* rlUrn- ’. «.*b till tut#* Ik£.J 4 .. Ur:i«*.'.3i. pr.ated kXld encueieQ BOHEMIAN CUT GLASS. inter*. Kinfer ItowU, Spoon H..lti#f». C..|«>^i,# , * *, Car 1 KocelTerc : Toilett S tL, I*it#hi *..• - J , Fancy Goods. .*1 nijfht-Ity, AI.t-iu »r. t Thirt».no-:r ' .11 H Jrrh. I,ev*r *rtl treach Clc k» 4 fttble Ue‘Ja. Work ra n»te;*- - «"• u. Cor .- , , ; atfA-S"*. N'urs--- ntIon Prixek—T:- AIm j.t tortru .-»lT#r Foiki, Ate u-.-r *ui* to mentiun. ai! cf which will *-# n /.h- UtP.-n#. Th*> U.lic* »r* invlU.J t- cal! an-1 i- Uilceth# War# befut* the fcT .-- aU j.r^.arcif.-r !a-1 .« >. J snACKb!.H'i::». Ac T:usr*». Arixuix, Not. 4 1867. ‘‘The Campbells are Coming '’ AT HEN BUM. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. /ill. (ith and 7lli, 1S07. ^JSMTIltEE NIGHTS ONI.V'.-^a RUMSEY &. NEWCOMB S WORI.D-RCNOWJtKII AND ONLY C n iu |) I) c 4 11 Minstrels. Till.** Company U romp »«c ! f FOURTEEN SI A It PERFORMERS. > .n «•:.•' iiation, the beet Nejtr»> Delineator* and C*-: e li nn c; the m st pleaeihg and best Voca!. ‘* hi. ! llalladiiiti : the moft diMingnirheJ and Lett In* Rtrumentni.-ts and Dancer/, nt pre.-ent erprsyre-i in theEth;opinnprofe?.*i«.n : and the Campbat!? now. as etc-r. offer a CHALLENGE t - the -»orlu i«» compare with them, together with CKKRILL'S J’.KASS HAND of ten talented Mu/irun*. which will play in front o! the Hall each night, previ^u# to opening the doors. "iAL. A-ltnis«ion 60 cent*. Doer? open at ' o'clock. Concert at S ..'clock. I’. A. CLARKE. Agent, not. 2, i<57. uU. ‘.uissber drawm da;/the7ic*.-t entitled to 120. tCM.&V. Prtie - tb*»v C<*0 J'r.t • here tie cue If the Naiate 1 wlllbeenmled t • h!r.b Certiaci lu a*, the foliowtc^ j :«tbe risk [PackAgeof 1 U WbcleTicifte.. .1-0 . .40 . ..*40 tho verdiv m partial hiotory*ar.d earnestly invt»k»- Il-av»nV ri-'b- esr bKs-infrfl upon my t.ative State. IIKILSOilKli V-.lUliNSON. wood’s (tomtive* ; . Woo l’s pro-i HLSTulU'I IV i;.—Of all the tho hair that have l-ren invet u.incatlv claire will certainly f tho direct jo; oft.-ay. 1th In bringing *>u had been prev tend that it will do this ind<*r I« a tr^u! tc tiiof which hir r<—:• ri jo root* ft th- ba r arc dost ower cun make them gr -w thorn ii any vitality left in the iill soon renew the lair . It htu dono thD reytit rcujcilic.- had fal'cd.-* I* i- ihf in a'l -’ftso 1 to mako the »-xpcr' ing the bc.t i f dandrut , • • tho hair it h .> i Patriot, 1.1 hj* all good Dmggifts. * But tbit, nor «n; other system of «lncu'> ti n, cm be carried into effect, without u vast increase of tha corps of teachers.— Ifjw ca.i the rcqni.ito nuntl'er th' supplied! I bo mode is snuplo, if tho legislature will respoml to tho promptings of a liberal spirit. tVo have several denominational Colleges in Georgia, founded by prirato entepruo.— Why should not tbo Legislature endow an Agricultural Professorship, in one of eaoh denomination, upon tho condition, that it will educate gratuitously, a spocifiod num. tier of young men, in each Oongreretoosl Pistriet, to be seiooted at the Legislature may direct, wHb shall piodgo themsoltos to teach n given nomber ot .ears, after their rrnduauon, In (ho Diitriot from which (hey were Mieutod? This will rapidly supply dnentod teaohoro, native horn, nnd sympn- ,'ng with Boutbsrn interests and institn* ■ns. , , A* an additional moon* of obtaining na live tenoben, let tbo State educate, nt b«e own expanse, in tbo State University, one young man, Pom eaoh county of the State, to lie eboeen by the Inferior Court thereof, Mdto bo pledged to teach a glree number. t’lr.t I'ln,- 1/ laU. Wu.«l .In, pally pc inferior C’ouri,on tbe first Monday in Juti- , gratitude tor ’be con'idenee repo-e t in me nary, in eaoh year, aacompaniod yvilb vou- liytli, j p'e of Georgia. That I may have oliera for bis disbursements. [committed errors, I rcudily admit: but cn- Tho advontagesof this plan are palpable, i scion* oflmving endeavored to disohargo my First,it is simple; secondly, it uddrvs'esi's duties faillifully, 1 elirerfaliy commit niv ►elf lo the voluntary action of the peoplti of | administratiun t, ' each Disiriel. if they wish a school, they can havo it) if they do will not lie forced upon them. Thirdly, this optical to tbo voluntary principle, will li'get thought and debate, so that, ii'rejected nt lir-t, truth will finally prevail, and tho syst m bo adopt ed. it will therefore prove to tio growing MifiTiiulicatingsoli'-sustainin" sy6tem.F,mrtli ly, it meets the objection which is sofortni- dnblo, that, in somo .cctiens.tho population is so sparso, tlinttho Common S, 'icol system is impraeticabio. It i. intended to operate only whore thcr. arc inhahitauts, and even then, alone upon the condition, that they arc willing and ready to do their part towards it. Lastly, tboaboencu ol sobool privileges will no longer deter immigration to destitute re gions. This plan will invito immigration, and thus soon fill up the uninhabited fbe- triots. It may be thought that the adoption uf such asyetem will, at tutee, create a de mand for money which tiro State Treasury cannot meet. That itjwill require n consid erable sum of titouoy is obvious; hut tint so much os to deter from t ie evp-riment. Ii will qotbe adoptcsl in every coun'y "f tin State, at first—much lees !>;. • > ty S -i, •! pistrict. Many will not havo the population: ninny ‘will reject it, for years, until thoy h ,vu discussed it tbronglily, undrisen ton proper appreciation of education ; many mire either front inability or disinclination, will impose on themselves a very light tax. Therefore, tho amount called for, trom the Stats Treas ury, will,tin tho infancy oi tbe eystem, be comparatively small. Besides, iu tbia par ticular form, it need not bo per|ietual,-- When it shall have diffused population awl tho tileasinga of education over tho Htato, it eon bo modified an experience may show to ho necessary. The great desideratum, for the pros'nt", it to nronso our people to tho importance of the subject. When this shall have been accomplished, thry will not stop iu weigh dollars and cents against cducu- SHAVING / *1 ENTLEMEN” <’< l J hair cutting, and ■ min SALOON j.rtM tn«- nil - thcr ,d thi. kwr.';»* a rival.- XV.-re New A-lrartiaa usic-i' At the Atheneum! Commencing Monday Might Nov- 9 FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY! WArrOH'S ITALIA, ANU TUB Italian Fautodui. 10 Hal! •• llOQ-i lOHp'h'.n • .. .. Inonbrrih'j Ticket* or Certiorates, Keelofc Tour taocev t«- Ticket? <?r-iered. ca n^eipt forwarded V>y first mail. The List of Drawn Number? and Pr:ic? will be lent to|iurcliaf«r* immediate!? u?u;i tbe drawrrjr. .^-Purchaser? will pleai- Frit* raeir ligna- turor plain, and giro -. vcir P»?t Ofhcc, C■ aaty and Sute. Remember that evert Prite i? drawi;, uud t.atable ic full without deduction. ’iSfc.AU V:\zcf o: *1,000 aud under, j aid !x- oie 1! »telj after the driwlng—other Prise* u; the usual timo of 30 dny?, in full without deduct.ud. All eomnsunteatioBi strictly eonfidenriai. Order?!. r Tickets should n* sent in cariv. A-! :rr-» • r’.fr* t>rTick*:* <-r Certificate*. t*> S. .SWAN vt Co., Augusta, Ga. itddffs? for the *rh:ch they wi!! le ; S' rv‘11av»!- »ji«! good lookir% : DOMESTICS, CALICOES, • «' vl'-. almost, in my lineot L short. my stock L good and full ' , |.'i • will I-- as low os living will of- ■T' ■ -.- ar.' jrartiailerly invited to ii. W. CD/.Ml T. RUNAWAY. ttyKr'-in ' <uf' i*raiK(icd jn January 1U67, * is v > HOL, ht u aL>out veareof t^e icht and * !*itar.Hy i» me-1 fur a nefro • rk Airj. prorninentejn end -fee white te«*ih. Heu peaseeg ihrouKb n-tnr •.n.jv'r f Tged t^rrmt*. and tLe rs-* <A JACK PECK, a# I UDiienrtaLtd - ’.a. * her* he Jja* tpuUtdy rniploy- h Ii2 inonlh*. He i> prubably nyw jn t )** fieisrhiF,Hi.kmI id Atlanta, or on the S^tate Kuad Siou. FIFTY DOLLARS Reward Uoflered f r hi* *i prencnnon and «ueh additional e-utn- pen-a 4 i r> will U* given at the trouble of lip capt re may reqeixo. ]f he ha*l»w;|j harbored by any oo*, aud j»nw»f ij convictico of the fact is pruluced, the psmjn giving iulormaton will bo rewarded and *ati*fie«i fur LU trouble lo the rilent and ralu* of the negro A. P. POWER H. a con. lulv Odwtf IIOMAS F. LOWE.—GENERAL CfUMMJ.^TON MERCHANT, For th purchawt and Kale uf all kirnli of roduee Grocenea and M» rchsndt* , will pay particu lar attention to the rrv'RafS of Pjaxianon tad Family aupplie? Ct ; All order* promptly tad fa.thfulif at- tcndei to. Office on South side of Whitehall street, thrt»- ij r* t i?t t»f MitcheJL .»ct J4dwtf ligar and Tobacco STOKE. rPH£ Cl BsGKlBER beg, tr. rer «vi' lUj J tuinfurmthe Citiiensot .f ut- .-■■ur.djijg counL-T, th«t he b*. jus* -► i * , !Hr;p »dmti"n i j lu> framer tsiaci. & I lSI. CIGARS TUBA'GO. SNUFF, I'li’EH. - K.NSFF BOXES. MATCHES, *C,*C -ATileh is oilt-rvi at Whelroaie or Retail kt vSSY SOW r?aieil l P *.-•; • J* »; anything n:my Lv^~ril! do ■a. j . ra’.i ..i.! • lamiiit mr Stc<... ".orDpor- t on W hit* H a! Street,qv>?fc2 tbe JOHN PUKEN. y'arch -‘J***? iert G AI3\fB t LOCKHelRT'K .Being determine] to redu'---- mv Stock ■ f F.U!-i V.IVTfS I'SV COOBS. Before going Korth. 1 propose to sell tinv xrtid-4 in mv line nt ic t o onewt, forCaib. J. fj.' LOCKHART. Atlanta, MovemierT. 1857. .1^-wtf iftisitllfUitl SSEATBMBAmSni **■* w erai-e3><rajjB!»fe' A? T 2&£ m-7 Z1UIT: D? L E3, WRITS8ALL STREET, CORNER OF MITCHELL ST. T rhoiang <•: rp- su Imeilijcnl Plinth & IVaiikliu. \ l^OULD reeprctfully iLaounee to the \ I ntiren* ut Atlanta .anu tb* aurround-. u f . ) Th.- ■ pr.'|.: I.I-, Who W ants Money siiii May l>c obtained by risking ilu. Halves and <f uarterTickets IN PKOPOKTIO.V. L'.v£-!P'ii!ii «3DTJMTiT' ACAD EM X' LOTTBRY. fiy Authority of the rs'u/e ot Georgia. «»ii tlie Havana Plan of Single Numbers. 30.000 TICKETS. i-Jl'.'M". entry, that '.ht*y are now rtC-i’ing and and w til k**p in fxnrv f a splendid sL'ck a-i FAMILY GROCEK’Pr, ~*h»rh (her i are o.’lmr.g ai prici* that wj!f compete with any hoUK in the city, and i*k .» *t»ar* >'l |*wt> ronacr* Thcr will r t u- n\ attention tn th* sal* ct imVu.n. lap.d.fu h r.grain 0 U 0 -®|r I fOBALX-O. Ac. *e. Cnnwmarntt rcapcctlury auicttpo. Z£~ Prompt at^Htih-n msJe toCAbH OR- DEK>. Store on Whitehall street, .r. thebuil- i.r.c Lr:wn a» Davia* Hal!. .Vdar.ta. Sep*>«ltt •&<■* c' U.* Ugbf oi tb- New Yottt Mark«*. acd : «< tMrosr tnorij ctr<.xtr.i f»*reUf utciui tLaa *T*r Wet* cfkrt-: , ALk'ia SAVE YOUR 25 OR SO PEE 08hT. Great Bargains in HIGH DRY GOODS. L ITccrv-wi ATiic K> b*» f«»i Plate aat ?:rt» ! %UX> Arii-.Br '-•>< .Lack V*-;rr r- .» »,w>*- s.y. - Vi* Zi * - r. n. trio> *• za uu - • x<*9 - .. la- ?-■ 30 • - " «*■ r: - !»,« - ■«.*, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS !'! SH AWLS !!! CALL AND SEE FuK YoURSElYES. Tm whoit Hu-i-.r rarra-b«k tad trc»h Cheaper than the Cheapest! Z-i <-{ tl M 104. 12-1 VTi..:?*ee2r'Wa cotton shirtings and sheetings« i-~i matvfaewi.*-#lath? ct^etry. Cottot r is»*t-crx*.yi»*i ar . i -r.}- i". E... 4 - •'* i. f, auj Htaaltu. tupthw * .*-6 •* »i _ ’ BOOTS AND SHOES tt»htk .» cct3y>;e a»d t—sate*.*tr,^ • a .- w ; --i CUTTING. ^TTITr. <l- ( • '. /Am vl' C• -ar»»r V-t;'r * . L * IBank of Pulton. Statement Showing tl.e ccind'.tioc of the BANK OF F! I.Tf ,*N. Atlanta, Oc.urr.a. IX-ioF- r 1st. 1 - ii'. FILTO.N 001.SE, \\ l’.\i KI.I.KVr IIAM. KOO.'I RIMb It, MrCOM B.^. In- r: Millclttr'ille, G i. j JOH.\ W ALTO A'. bteci Auitu.u.'Gi U 1 July IS. IM7 .ill | THE BEST .SELECTED: ASSORTKI) STOCK OF Fami 1 y Cirroceries 5 l.\ TilK CITY OF ATI.AXTA, \ i , to bo (.0 ill C | “ Alhiiilti Fttmih/ Sion." j 200.13 • WUIJ-ltisU street. I KORC.'IV f> A NIKI-, 1 ri.’v- ti'nrenntin^ t" Prlvrm Wllhoni Drduc ANDERSON A SON. Manager* -rCCKS.-ORS “ T" K. WIN TEH, Mac Maeon, Ga. .•* ■ aG-ut the 1 Nth ol ClafiR ad . i6tb. ijjj. »■: > Tt rtmoat. B. ATLANTA. HFOKUI A. BY K- SIMPSOH te W. J. KILBY- HE t:nd»rcign*dhaving ojwnod theFUL- N H< l >E in thu city, deairr. n-a an acnr-thl* r*-:jne plac* Mr :m • ; i : ic wb't .nav layer thrm with ibur h* .’.vaieauc atTair* of tbe Houoe, M K .. - .. who*, i i^ritnca anJ shiil are w» U kn >re;;, a-li pres:. M*. I' rk. wdi ; * • ?'- A»-pr rifliOtS (a » i s|0; llalvoe. A o * !nt t vn.l atti-ntjv* m th* office. FI LTO.Y HOUSE in thf mar n th* wvotbwftat -«jdr . l lh* Drp.n wnl W m attv iidwf'C* at th* Dcjot cn ,«a •-1 earn tram, first rate Livery SuW**» are * ear where carriage?, etui !uggu» are fer hire. und«r*:gned a«k tor a tr.ah a* it .» r.trriti.T. : ■ p'.*a?* • and merit a lil**rsi * j atr.'nag* l?em the ira«*liivc public, >IMP^hN A; KILilY. Ncm** Etchacge on cumst cit.ea. ase ntnizg Cnarl»ton, Sav*£i.ah, Augasra, At., Pc* frt= Bank?, or drmajxh Cash ot bard, v.r. G..'d aad .** v«r S ut f other Bark?. arJ CW L Kxpensok. Katkinc H*-e«e aao Lot. Funitsre -ved Fmcm Ootfit. Pre:» i Resources, - R .11* < LiabiUties. STATE OF OEOBGIA. V- WJU.LOI5. ' An. Fi'RAYTH. N A W. STOXV-. w m. r./y.vKi'. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. F. W. H' lJ-AM' AAKKI' iKtt :s V. iilTAKF.' LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. . i" your mtorost an mi-itre this -I'ii'-mo with any other. I It ,rt r taler. «: I b :l l , for IIAMKI. PITTMAN, (iENKRAL INSURANCE AGENT t K-PKOTFl LLY .af-rm? fc.« frwnd?. tr.atis l V- .sure her.;., b* . urd-suna: rufiiao* h u:». .• :»* ♦ cf Mr‘‘r«. >. ft. .- A Aiibuti A tii At’.* a. May < 1 U ANDERSON A SON. M&n.-vgfn nOOD: A PANORAMIC VOYAGH FROM Boston to Bomo AND ICOMK AGAIN FROM Names to|ftew-York rpillS l’aintint h*. .pldltli'l ' iew# »( Life | in Italy—ita icvnrry, cilivs, chunh,», illuinHittami, v,ilr»nic i-ruptton.. ,p,ut. ul Urn carnival, h.mlilli, sutiurv. bica>»lion. ami cairiokitiu. i»olh natural «t"l arlilivial. and It u univanally cmu-vJii.l ta hr lha m».t alvganl, iuureatin., anhUrna f.vhibitinu n« prwcnlnJ In tha notice of the Amcrirati 1'0- pie. A lleeeriptive Lecture by a genii, man thoroughly acquainted with the country, Kihibition every nitM at 7 1.3 n’dorh; Wednesday and Thutaday allerno,me, at ,'t o'clock. Ailmiaalnn .0 canto, Uhildren 3-t cent,.— DeecrjntW* ph tmplete far tala at the door 1)R. a. D. BBAI.E, Proprietor and Manaxer. I'ROf. 0 KHAE8A, Agent AUtali, Nor. 7,1M7 dftt I louse I'll ruishhitr 1 rood. TOMLINSON * B'ANES RKSPKOTFVU.V inform their ir;,-nj, j.atr„n that they are n-,w r<s-elving a very li axort ,,1'in of HOUSE FURNISUIN cor elf ingitipari of t'oi>l>«'r, Tin, Brittnnuia nml Japiiuuiu Ware, Willow unit Wood W are, Wir ier Coolers, Bird Cages, Kiilt-, iug TnekU< Setts, Traps. Kc.\ ~fiTOVKS *ol every pattern warran*cd t * per- (ortu well. GAS FIXTURES, Globe?, l/.inr*. A*.. .1*.; GARDEN ENGINES aod ri'MES. from tbe Down? A Co. Manufactory, Albany.— We have employed experienced workmen to curry on any i|e?criptionof Copper, Tin and Sheet !r n work done South, and all order? tor Still?, Rocf. log, Guttering, Ga? and Steam Fitting will meet with promputtention. Call and examine t ar ?t-vk,fir?t door ?outh of Railroad Whitehall?! , •i^fn of the Store and Coffee pot. Atlanta, May W.tS&A. dwly. C'arrlttsd Fainter. \o(f<o ALL ; tr-M > in ic-Ut 1 t the firm -.1. I A THRA>11 KH - r THRAMIKR A ! j LOVr. lG\ . wiil plcn*c • , . , *ikc p;iynn n! to I l;. F. U ttnar, wh.» i-- fu..y niith ruod t-» | : *.'t:.o th' '.’.'tnndingbu-in^*'.* * sn.i firm. .1 ,1. Till'.ASHKU, Ad’iur. cf ouri -dwlm .l_A. THKASHKIU AGO You lie Won Waulvil, I MMKD LATELY, to travel !tt thr S-uthcrn aii.I Wuliiu Sutcji. as a;*nu. Salary, $l<> per moil th anj expen.v'? pa. I. For pa?- ticulare, adtire?*, with ptamp cnclc*cj, F. S. GIBSON A* CH. Exeter. K >ckn cham oo.. N«w Hampehin*. (YrtoNer «. JS5? 6*nlf I>. B. PLUMB w BROAD STREET. ADO • reapeetfultr Ia» faforta the uiv-lmf - Afi«nta : uotry, that he t» niutv-lkaf €»>un..», — fully prejii^f to Uu3a i-f Carrfa|e Paiatlnr fteaae gtre n»e a call I emr*. rant my work to p»*a«e, e«*l my charge to firm ntl*- lacline. bhop ta the r*M «( T. D. fijeea’htora, Dmc. tur Etrea-t- eel. U CT. dl»* LAAVSHE A l’L'HTKL, licicliaiil Tailors, irmruiiiu strket. ATLANTA ti .«E«k IIA VM ON* ',,,-l . due ,- rl - ri>-K (Iruslal -i G-,,«* wv,i that th-) Will naksupmtU »«) l.n-at «yl« of cat and ftduh Try them sad m* if th*y don't giro ou rtr*. aptl6dtf Wliiskoy: , 1557. IVlthke) ! i\ 1”0 TEA l orn Wbi?- •Id very rh#a|K (iLAS! GLASS!! GLASP! aaa Boxes. K Ivave in ft ore or,* rf the largeet ?toekf of Yadow g'tar», eker Iwongh* to thi* market nd wil'. tell it at '-«» r.gunu for AkSll. Call ndaee. apr^o sMITU A KZIARD. W TRUsdiEri. Drttgs! Urns*!'. Drue!!! n> UK noJf ret j tied wouM rtapeetfully Intcna th*ir I many fticoda aarf p*trvo«, that tK'f here hUT«ly tporraaed' tb?l» at»<ek ef t>np vCbeolc )* Oils, Window G’*ah». tVrfnmtry, Fancy Ucwfle eircy tfelageta* usually favo i in a first eUra Ikar jjVu« wMah they mil sell at their usoallov !*Wa f.w cw- h or abort tUaa. Their ateek ot W»»d*w lh»i la the krgeat ia tbe fiantbere eenntry. aad frora ike advaa- tarewaa tenet ef detimy, they defy cempetlt.oo. we vnU awnla «%U tbe attanthm of the paklie t« TayWw’a antbnyapepUr Kttair. K.v eredtolne cf late yean baa m aaaay atdeet frteeda ea tkl*. Out <4 tee (beamed* ef Dyapeptiew to wh<ae we bafe eeU tbia Medicine, we have beard none my \\ did tkue eeroed, aed we knew ef aaani la tbia city aed viaUftj arW fhsm tbe wene at tbi grave, bare twee re stored u perfect beahh. W* say there thing* bare wbeve tbe kedfetee is made, a ad we are keown, aed 'ehaTW* coatradietieo. OtveaaeeaU. BfcmntszftARa eet II,’*7. . . Oewly. iswtfri CO., STA. QA '.VIIOIJCSX UX AND KVTAII. I'KAI.KR8 IX Pnius. Me»i ; t-5. -Ad t'liemicals. DVK WOOL'S OVE STt'PPP. Dainta an.l F.\r/ Artiri«'*, Y arruehre Wmo.'w Glare and Ptitty, Giae? W«n French, and Ameriran t'eriumen f»..e T'O. t and Shaving Stapa, Fine r t *'th and Harr Hruihea. Faint Hruehee* Su-Ctca! rn-i Ik-ttfal InstrwcrUs, • l PFOkTERS OF ALL KINDS Sr ice*. Sr.uffi*. Manufactured T.ffiaceo. all ih* Patent or PropneUrt Medieinv're • the Day. Superior Ink*. Pure Wjr.e* and Drandieslor A!ed- teal Purpcw**, Extractfo? Flavoring, ('htce T in let and Fancy . — ArticJea, CvC* ry 'Ve offer fo*id? equally a» lew a? they can be obtained irotn any emttlar fetaMuhtneut m Uu? Aft'oon. Warrantut to be Purr, Frr*\, and Genuine. Qf Order* from the Country promptly filled and eaUataction guaranteed with regard to price end quality. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS will receive partreular attention at all hour? of the day or night* l*** l <IW‘ SVSPEAODMM BJMVK Taken at Fai GEORGE H. y DJNIEL. T UB .uba-nhc will wllrightut tfa Ncjrort, Um Houro Uhl \M whopoon b* now re in tb« City of Atlanta, and a lam atack ** Family Groce two, payahta in Georgia Rail Road Bank Bills anil rathw than mis, a trade, at ONB PEK CENT PREMIUM iZiT.i. VlijntJ. Ga C. G n. New N art, . XcwY.nk. F. W. H Vtianui. ! \ S' - . \' -.nt.a. Jared It* W : t, V intt. |The- L.Th mae. truaw*. A. Me - i . k- A. W - \\ eat. Cs* l . J \. >h> Jen. tl- . W . M. V\*i ,1. F. W iua«. V.'u.'.i. .W-j.h Thomp- n. C’.ir.u. T A. I.vor.i, ]>Ub«. ti- AH T \. Ly,tr .«:,v llaiu*. tret \ H. I* r.vih. A''. W. G: Vorsvth, Atlanta, 1' E. McDuuc!. Atlanta, liurrfcl Johnvct.. A'.lxr.ts, Mr-. E. W. llanni, A'.lanu, J. K. Wallace. Atlanta, i,rr>. l.yan. Sen., Atlanta, .lefc:, Farrar, Sam’l Vfilkrr. Vulton,'county, Joi P lo-can. Atlanta, JasM t'. ihciun, Atlanta. Gabriel M .Ichn*.'n, Campbell co Jas F J ahnson, Jones boro, 1.J Gartrell. Atianta. A VV Milcjtcll, Atlanta, G I, Warren, Joitrsborough. \V \V McDanie 1, Atlanta, I 0 Mcllaniel, Atlanta, John F. Walton. Atlanta, Se»t;c, Abbott A Co„ Atlanta, F J rerkerson, Atlauta. I, H IUvis, Atlanta, Jm Winohtp, Atlanta, II L Ctitricr, Atlanta, W C Pallet, Atlanta, W W Roark, Atlanta. W. G. Peter*. Atlanta, Imnel .t Cunningham, Atlanta, C. H Strong A CL, Atlanta, A. A. Riot, Atlanta,. S. B. Uojt, Atlanta, F. H. CuSetnan. Atlanta. WDItaint, Rhan k Co., Atlanta. W, T. C. Campbeil. Atlanta, Thnaber A Lovgjoy, Atlanta. Tboa. G. Simme, Nevnan, Wm. Walton, Atlanta. David Mayer. Atlanta, Roht- W. Sterna, Newnan. tV. Usrring A Son, Atlanta, L Uean, Atlanta, do do do do do do do At dd do do do do <1- - '.000 !?.'>- oO.OOt) to" 10.'X-) If Q 10,000 10,0-XI 10,000 10.000 100 •:oo iOO .*00 S.'iOO I.IVV1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,IV0 tJOOO 3,Ct>0 too soo • «00 too 80S 1,000 iOO l;000 hoo M i,vOO 300 SOo 500 l.Oti' 1,000 500 ?tat 5C«i 5*0 - r.Vt ' 500 6ta* I'.V-O. XO l.C*W hi/ 1 itX> tiftfj