The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 10, 1857, Image 3

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Specia Nolticea. i»i'. St’Lnuc’i Celebrated Ver mifuge andXIvcr l’llls ■ST A nflfflitar combloaUnn, Viut very effectual, at tli** folluwliiK t»lll show; New Yo*X| Novcwbvr ’JO,18S’J.' Known,r, from exparieuce, the voiutbh, quaHtlaa I.r II. M /awe's Vermifuge imil Liter VIII’, prepemt li; Jlomln| Itroa., l'llibiirlh, I !,*>« for ebma time irnck cmwIilerR It my duty, and nude It my Ilium, to make than# article# kimwu wherever I went among my friends. A limit lime men 1 became acquainted with thecaio of a ynang girl, wboMeined tobetroub- led with wurme and liter complaint at the earn# lime and had been eitirerlng for emit# two monthe. Through my per*une!on eh# purchaeed one bottle nl hr. Sf/We Vermifuge, and one hoi of hirer Villi, which .he took according to direction.. The re.ult w„, .he pn.rnd a large quanUty of worm., and think, lhatoue tail more of the Fill, will ro.tora her to per. f.« health. It" turn. ami ra.ldonc. can h. learned , by calling on K. l,.1h.all, I>rnggl»t, coiner of Rutger nu'1 Monroe »lt®«jt*. Purchasers will be careful to uzk for Ur /lASeTcELEUUATED VERMIFUGE manufactured by Fleming lira,., of Flttaburgh i u. ail othor Vortuifugea in comparison nro worthlmi. Dr. M'Uno'e gonuin. Liver Pill., ■ ,1.0 bi. cololrralod Vermifuge, can now Ire had * . .it dmif gtfjrri. None ucnutne at all renpectable drug stores. •ci’MomI the liynaturc of Oct. 4 he tvjn ,[wl None yenuine FLEMING BROS. Hunk of Fulton. ATLANTA, OA.. ) i OoTOBIU llitli 1857. ) 1 TN view of the general suspension of t ! I Hank, in the Country. the underaigne i .. Director. 0 of the HANK OF FUI.TON ' have ordered a au.pon.ion of apeciu payments by the Bank. In doing an, we have rot acted , hastily or unadvieedly. hut have well cona.d- oredtL atep we have - alt.,.. Wo behove the ■f interest ofour citixei ~ require it, and tuat they will aratain u*. . , . , To Bill holders we remark, do not sell the note, at it sacrifice. n» wc are abundantly able to nay all our liabilities, which .hull bo done « soon ae the interest of tho community .hall require it. DlrcctorN. A. W. STONE, F,. W.HOLLAND, JAAEUIHWIN WHITAKER. WM. E7.ZARD. 1' OCtlBdwlf > - A CARD- | Messrs. Duncan (b AocAranrWc will 1 tnko tho Bills of tho Bank of Fulton nod '•givo goods nt tho lowost cash prices October 10th, 1857. Cutting White A Co P ACT Dodd J R 4 U M Wallace H W L oiart Smith 4 Franklin garrison 4 Ue.-cm ■Doonan lirndy 4 bolornc . [ Foroocre Agt MAwnn Ilutt 4 Jack g m ,-ln 4 Ronton tlonn K.wa eoK TUa Aaruc-mr wmt Pita.,—Wa aa tha attaottoa of atraugera asdelUaawto tb. odror tleemect pf Dr. Qaroriaoich, who lavarlahly earea a moat palnfol dlaeaaa, and ona that boa hitherto here regarded ..almost If oat entirely Ipeorebla. Tha rehuety laaimpla, not palnfal In apptlaatlon, and oo cheap a. to place It within the roach of tha pooraat. With auch an array of arldaoaa aa to tha aaccaos winch line stUndodDr. Cavanaogh'a treatment of tha dlaeaaa alluded to aa baa baas brought to our know), edge, we ehnuld he .log atari/ dlraleet ae a public journalist, did wa not bring tha .ubjecl promptly he- lure the pnblie, and art# wpoiUha aftllatsd to gteal, a trial —Cultuoo Daltv DOMomuno Pirn. Kuraaloln tbia city by A. ALEXANDER, Sbtriimtfifp Since. Cabin 1’ai/age To New York Weekly U. State* Kail Line. rpilK BKwand splendid ■ide-vbeaIatsaoiships *■ AUOl'HTA 1600tons, “ >1. H. Woodhuli FLO III DA. 1800 tom, “ Isaac Caowstt. ALABAMA, 1800tons, " O. R. Bomror, Will Leave Savannah Every SA TURD A Y. Theseshipssr»ainoDK theUrgeaton the coast,os surpassed!n «peed,ssfetj «r comfort—makingtbtlr passage*In 60 to 60 hoars, end are commanded by akillfu I, car«fuland poll teo (Beers. They offer a most desirableconTeyaoceto New York. Cabin Passage to New York $14 8teersgepasvsgeto Now York $b I’ADLEFORD. fa Y * CO., Agents! n barannab HAU L MITCHELL,13Broadway,New York. Savannah February 6, 1816. abin Fanago from Cbarleiton to Raw Tor $25,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York A Charleston Steam Packets Through iu -IS to 53 Hour* The t ■WoolsIy.J r steamship COLUMBIA, 1800 Tons—M. Ber ry v.<j imnander. NAHHV11 LK 1600 tons. I JAMES ADOER, 1600tons T DEwan, Commander I 8. C.'Tnrner Oomman’r MARION, 1600 tous, I SOUTHERNER, 100C tons W. Foster Commander. | F. M. Murray. Comm’r. Leave Adger’a wharves every Wednesday A Saturday afterthe srrlvslof tb# ears from the Booth It West ‘‘at high water." Tables supplied with every Inxnry-attentive and cautious commanders, will ensure Travellers by this Line every posslblecomfort andaocommodatlon. apply to HENRY MISSROON Corner of East B*y H Adgar’sSouth Wharf, Charleeton, H. C. Cabin Passage, 945. Kteerage, H. Thos J Malono , Jackson A Ilro W Honing A Son P Hayden A Co Aloxandor tieo II Daniel B Brown W W Roark k. Ilorschberg, Win. II. Jones, J. A J. Lynch, Clarke A Grubb, L: J. Parr, Agent, ib Thompson, v >seph Thoi Gilbert, J N Beach Ilyan A Myers Love A McLendon D Mnycr S Frank ford Miller A Andrew* II Brautnuller J D Lockbuil II Muhlcnbrink Ph. Schlucbtorer, F. II. Coleman, Ferine Ilrown, .4gent, Malone A Johnson, J. E. Bartlett, Clark Howell, J. 8. Morton, Columbus, JYew Books. Rivers, by Mrs. Holmes, author of “Tempest ad Buujhine." iolet, or theCross an ! the Crown, by MlssJMcIntoah. Life in Israel, by the author of Life io Judea—equal the 1'riuce of the House of David. Henry Lyle, or Life and Existence by Miss Marryat. Ivors, by M»"» Sewell—author of Amy Herbert, quadroon, or a Lover's Adventures in louiaiania, hv Cant. Mayue Reid. lejfiaie and the Revolution, by DeTocque r Adventure* in South Africa—equal rhe Old viUe Lake (inama, to Cummings. Adventure* Inthe Wilds of America, by Charles Lan- Abbott Smith A Hazard, Lnzaron A Newmnn, J. Norcrose, p. Lynch, a. Simms A Co., J/crchants, Newnai;, Ga. immel A Cunningham, John S. Wright, 'Tomlinson A Barnes, Hunnicntt A Silrey, John Fickcn, C. II. Strong A Co-, Williams, Rhea A C<n Samuel Swan & Co., AT L ANT A GEORGIA bankers. And Dealers in Gold, Silver, Hank Soles and Domestic Exchange. Demand Eiehongc on New York, Now Or-, Ht. Lottie, Savannah, Charlcaton, anil all poinU in tha United State.. Uncunent Ilank Notea and Specie bought andeolil. Gollcctiona jiihiIi- everywhere anil proci-ciD remitted by Sight Draft on New York or New Orlcnne, on day of payment, amutL swan u*°- ,DDV ; Atlanta, July U>.1857 “*w | f BARK OF FULTON. Exchange Office of F. C. Barber. The hole, of tho Donk of Fulton are redeemed at this office by Sight Exchango on New \ ork, at oho-qaarter per cant premium, or bankuh.o fund, or coin at ona-qu.rter^cr Exchange lir.ker, Mclnto.h St., Un. iMKWWLf o A. Vf. STONE, 1‘eaidtnl, WM. M. WILLIAMS,C’.i./.Lr, niuiOTons. Kt,y. W. Holland, I A. Austell, Uon.Wm. Eixaud, | A. W. Stone- Hoard of Directors meet overy Wednesday nnd Saturday at 9 o’cloek, A. M. Offering Dags, Tueedays and Fridays. Discount Dags, Wo-'uoldays and Saturdays. Rank open, daily, from 9, A. M. to it. P. M. WM. M. WILLIAMS. Cashier. Office of the Gate-City Rolling Mill* V. A. DOUGleAS. Prop. ATLANTA, 0A., Oct. ISth, 1857. THE BUI. bflbe BANK of FULTON, GA will bo received at thia olBce, at par. in pay ment for bills or otherwise. ctlTdwtf I<* A. DOUGLAS. Fraud iu every shapo should be ox posed. We arc led to this remark by a no tice going tho round of the paporn, warning tho public against a base imposition in the shape of a vile imitation of those very popu lar modicinea, Vr. M'Imhc's Ycnnifuyc mul Liver Pills. Fleminy Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa arc the solo proprietors and manufacturers of thcro justly celobratod romed'ioa. Wo would advise our readers before purchasing, to ex amine the wrappers and see that they are signed ' FLEMING UROS. pfF WE are authorized to ar.n^unrr the name of U. 8. JOHNSON c* u . >n * pin dent candidate lor 8h«rifl‘ of t'ohb County, at the ensuing election. 1st Monday in lanuary BPXt . MAWY VOTER? Books! Hooks!! Kthel Sornor*, or tho Futo of the Union, Lyjn Southerner. Spurgeou’s Life and Ministry. The l’rofeeror—by the author of Jane Eyre. Virginia Illustrated—by Porto Crayon. Schooldays at Rugby—by an old boy. Married or Singlo—by C M Sedgwick. Boat Life iu Egypt and Nubia, and Tent Life tho Ilolylan J—by the author of Primes Travels. Tho Dead Secret. Nothing New—by the author of John Halil&x. Furtuno ol Glcncurc—by Chas Iwsvsr. The .Magic Staff an autobiography of A J Dat KurekiVOiiroi-Chollc IdUoi-hcn On Saturday lael a mula, tho pr-iparty of Mr J ulin IV. Hanaotn, of Kuaaoll county, Alabama, wai violently attacked wjth cholic in the atrccl I It Columbua, waa very much awollen, and Irani all appearanoea could live bu 1 aahort time un- Irea relieved. Two ounces, liquid moaaure, ol Eureka Oil waa admlniatcrcd and In fivo min- utea relief waa paraoptihla, and in twenty min ut.« the animal waa entirely relieved. Thia uew and valuable mixture ia certainly great acquisition to the list of remeditu here lof.ire before the public, which, in addition to tho many reliefs it has given man, ia now I,iun.1 to he invaluable for the how, in tho cure ofbota and cholic, and tha removal ol lieldlaa and naval galls- Wo have done out dutv in spreading its good qualities In-fore the public. Galt m Danfoith, Nagal i Co., or A. K. Ayer, and procure the never tailing remedy.—C»l. Nutt- August l-l, 1*57 dlf ii Electric Oil."—Tho operation of thia Oil -moving rheumatic paisa and othor Ilia, Ii Indead ytoulihlng. Lika every goad article, It has Jih counterfeit, entirely melees; but tha praps Vy.tlon of Prof. Da Urath, of Philadelphia, has r ! V dead talilmonUU from Congreaamcn, Mayors Cltlee, ifarehante. Hotel Proprietor#; all of the I’hlghcit character, atterting iu bcnefieiel elTectt I a aaooa ruder their own oheervatlon- It can-b* . jiof dinagenU hero, eaaadrertlreroent in an ’ ,th r column. 10,1MT, dertf. Rio Mlgtakc! WooiralTaa* Oo’e Oeaeacl Uugflee era far eupa'I' taeay other Baggy sow la .... Try oaa and you will savor bay any athor atytaef flaggy. They keep a lirga ataek af thorn on howl at their Repository, Oiiffia, Gotrgti. hVT, is Ml. • wit. U00U6 fee. ilifleiicelr & Imm.s DUNCAfg & B LOCHRANE. ^ATLANTA, NOVEMBER 10^7857. Tatest NEWa Cotton Gill a and T Threiliing Naoliliiei. ^rea^u r,I * n ^ h * Tl ®8 rmoved thslr butiatM &/ D M Cou . nt J r '«»-. u > Atlanta, l«av« P*Won« and tha public fworrally, -- “V JL 1 * 1 Manufacturing of OAton J ^,I;*ffiL T1,rwh V. , . OQ lll,lr u * u ‘» «xUnalv# nria V* w . #n kD,,wn , ‘ n ' , universally an • D ' 1 Alabama--ala NortL Carolina. They a»w mad* of tbs vary beat material* and oo exuacM Isiparad to maka tham convenient an.l durabla. ara ia want of a rood Cotton Gin or a beat tbra*bar, or • dnr .rom «*, and wa wilUell aa low aa any othar Man ofMUrawofaqual reputkm, and wilUalfvar tbamat • v - —irehaaar s reaideuoa or nearest R. IL Depot free ... ^raasportatlon. Contracts may be made wi k? Ur * r * r *| l, Mf | or Afanta, or by.dlraet ordera. Wa have an aboadsncaof certificate, aa totbe*o<»d paformanca of our Gina and Thresher*, aome of wblch maybaactn on application to Agent* -3. All Gins warranted to perforin well Repair at short ~otlee and In the beat manner JOSO'II UIK8JHP A( o mi nt 111 Mi lIDtoritfa—a volume— Henry IV4 ol criran Almanac for 1857 For sale by J. J. RICHARD* k VO. Atlanta, Keh 18. u. Igconora D'oroo—by G P R James. The .\thelinga—by Mrs Oliphant. Aug 17 J J RICHARDS A CC To the Cltizes ot'Gwlnnett, Jack son, Franklin, and the adjoin lng counties. WB would respectfully flvo our Warm eat thanks ; f for thetr UboraJ patrons^e arn] wo hor»« from tha ganeral aatla/aotloo given in our former oto- ration* In Dental Surgery,to demand a large tiortfon of their practloe In tho future, We are now r«v calvin* a new and line naeortment of DenteJ Jfate- rlal, Instrumenta; and wo feel assured, with tli*. ad vantage of from six to teo years regular practice, we ean give full satisfaction In all operation*. IL IL, will open hla oflle again In Jefferson, the first of March next, and during his alienee this winter, a«l emits will be attended to address William W. Eaton, at Lawreneevtlle, Georgia. DIt. WILLIAMW EATON DU. ROBERT KATHON N CTtnlertalU* #fw TROUT HOUSE SHAVING SALOON G ENTLE.WEN desiring a good shave, hair cutting, and such other attention to )ur {arsons an nay be had in all fashionable barber's saloons, can be accommodated at all hours by giving the undersingsd a call, at their saloon in the Trout House. They are prepared to furnish, at short no tice. AN EXCELLENT BALL BOOM BAND. IL McCOMBS, leto of Miiiedgcville, Ga / JOHN WALTON, lata of Auguita, Ga July 15, 1857 dlf SESIjiIjING- off AT REDUCED PRICES, BY J. N. BE ACH, CORNER Ol-’ WHITEHALL * HUN 1 EK STREETS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B. All who want BARGAINS, pleuecall beforepnrduaingclsewh.- J. N. BEACH, Agent Of the HOWARD MILLS, Colombo*, Georgia, ii now receiving i supply of 4-1 Brown Sheetings, 7-8 Shirtings, Yarns, Twine, et Which he offer* to the trade at wholesale prices. Nov. 9 1857 dU Unm SaHawr ?iottrvice Kt. THE BEST SELECTED AKil ASSORTED STOCK OF Family Groceries IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA, ii to ha found at tha^ u Atlanta Family Store, ” m0.13 Whitehall Street. RORGEH. DANIEL* Proprietor. Atlanta May 0, 856. ldawy More Netv Books! Irving’s Lifo of IFashiugton, vol. 4—eloiing hie iniliuiry career. Lifo of Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre. Dynevor Terrace, by the author of the Hair ol Redelyffe. Tho Heiress of Urocnhurct, by Mrr. Ann S. Stephens. Currer Lyle, by Louiro Reeder. Grnco Frccuiun, by Mrs. Ford. Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters, by George Fitzbug}), Caroline Va. Germany, it- Universities, Theology and Reli gion, by Schaff. Things not generally known. Drcd Scott ca#e—com plot®. The American Form Book, by Tate and Sands. Godey’s Lady’s Book for July. Just received by J. J. RICHARDS A CO. Juno 20th, 1857. New nud Popular Books! Recollections of a Life-time, by S. G. Goodrich author of Peter Parley's Tales. Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations—a new supply J/orell's History of modern philosophy. Villas and Cottages—by Calvert Vaux. Last Komains of Rev. Androw Fuller. Spurgoon’s Sermons—Second Scries. Adventures and J/issionary Labors in Central Africa—by Rev. T. J. Bowen. Appleton’s Hail Road Guide. Ju.‘t roccivod and for sain by April 8. J. J. RICH ARDS/A Co. Paper Hanging*! A large and beautiful assortment of wall-papers, ‘bade* and firo-scracns, just received and for salt at the Book A .Music Store of May I. J. J. RICHARDS A CO. New Book A: Muaic Store. J J. RICHARDS A CO., keep a Wholesale * and Retail cheap cash, Book, Musle Fanny Store, on Whilehallstroet, Atlanta, Ga. House Furnishing Goods TOMLINSON & BANES RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and patron sthat they art now receiving a very larc assort uent of HOUSE PURNISUING GOODS oonaii ingin part of Copper, Tin, Brittannia and Japannia Ware, Willow and Wood Ware* Wa ter Coolers* Bird Cages, Fish ing Tackle. Neffs, Traps* Ac.I ^STOVES ;of every pattern warranted to per form well. GAS FIXTURES, Globes, Lamps, Ac., Ac.; GARDEN ENGINES and PUMPS, from the Downs A Co. Manufactory, Albany.— We have employed experienced workmen to carry on any description of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work done South, and all orders for Stills, Roof ing, Guttering, Gas and Steam Fitting will meet with promptattentlon. Call and examine our stock, first door south of RaUroad | Whitehallst., sign of the Stove and Coffee Pot. Atlanta, May 14,1860. dwly. Medical BookH! A large stock, especially of those required as t the publishers retail prices, by J. J. RICHARDS A CO ed and for t May 1. New Books* AKCIIC ADVK.YTURE; by Ep*n**r*ent. Mr«. South wo rtV« new book—Vivla. The Ilonler Itover; by Fmeraon Bennett. I«abel. The You aw Wife 014 Uive. The Day* of my LHe; tv Mr*. Olyphant, tirade Amber; bf . v, 7a. IVmniaoti. Two Year* Ago; bj Jtev. Cbas. Kmgaly. life llaturea trr.ra a Pare.*n*« TbwGoMen layacy: by a lady. Aurora l#elgh. by Mr*. Drowning Ttieodocia, -n>l Serlr*. Teatunony of the Korka;Hugh Mtllar'a last Yahveh (Xiri*t, or the Memorial Name. Iowa an t Miuneaot* Han4 Book*, all j ist received nd for sale by may ll^ * * - T HE Annals of Southern Methodism, a valua ble Book, by Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D. D.— Just received, and for sale by J. J. RICHARDS A CO. Atlanta, July 4th^ Harper'* WeVkljr. THE BEST! THE CHEAPEST I Specimen ooplea af tha abora excellent Papa to ba scan at our Book a Mail, itora, .hero wc racatra ami forward ■ubacribare namea. pArll *. J. 1. RICHARDS, A Oo. Lp hoi* to ring and Mallrm, *:« tabllihmont. riHIK anhacriber has constantly on hand, and mane- I faeturleir to order, all kfada and qualltloa of MATTRAWBS, from Ithe cheap Rtraw, Bhntk and Got ton, to the pure t'UJILKI) 11A1 ft Mattraaaaa, war ranted aapetlor to anr article over offered In this place. 1 have also on hand, Hair Isolators and Pil lows, Fpiral Spring Couchoe and I^uncea. Also the r fail to plena* those fond D. B. PLUMB & CO., BBOAD STREET, AUO STA, GA W1IOLK3ALU AHDRKTA1LDKALKUS IN Drugs, Medlcinns, and Chemicals, DYE WOODS to DYE STUFFS, Oils, Paints and Point**^ Articles, Varnishr* ‘ Window Glass and Putty, Giaas Ware. French, and .American Perfumer) Fine T»vlct and Shaving Soaps, Fine Tooth and Hair Brushes. Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS OF ALL KINDS gpiccs.Snutb, Manufactured Tobacco, all the Patent or Proprietary Medieinces of the Day. Superior Inks, Pure Wine* and Brandies for Med ical Purposes, Extract for Flavoring, Chico T ol- let and Fancy Articles, c*c. E7* Wc offer good* equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishmeul in this section. Warranted to be Dure, Fresh, and tienuine. Ky Orders from the Country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. PHYSICIANS* PRESCRIPTIONS will receive particular attention at all hour*of the day or n»ght. {*»•»*• 1 dwtf SWAN & Cjj.’S LOTTERIES- New and Brilliant Scheme I CAlTrAL PRIZE" $60,000!! TICKETS ONLT $10! | ryvfiE following Scheme will be drawn by 8. SWAM 1 k CO., Manager* of the Fort Galne* Academy Lot- Urv. in tsach of their lotteries for November, at AUGUSTA, Georgia, to whieh dty tl»ey hat• re- 4 Ibeir principal eflice. *>, Class 01, To be drawn in the citj of Aupulo, Oo., ia pub, . tic on SATURDAY. SiOV. 7. 1867 Class 63, To^bo drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on SATUKDAY,NOV. I*, 18J7 Class 63, To be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, NOV. ‘41et, |1b57. Class 64, To be drown in tho City of Augnita, Georgia, in • 'public, on ^SATURDAY, NOV. g|th, 1857. On tlie. Plan ot SINGLE NUMBERS 1! 5.4UI) t-neei! N* ' J one t>r:i. to e,,ry nine Ticket,. Magnificent: .t.eiuet To Us drawn SAUKDAY ;a..SOVi-i: SlCIHIEIMlE : 1 Prize of 000 iHiscdlaucous. New Spring Goods!! Jl’ST OPENED AND READY FOR SALE! M y SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS Is now complete, and I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine them.— Betides ir y usual stock of Hardware, Groceries, &c., I have on hand aome "election* of DRY GOODS, Connoting ofMualina, in extensive vanety, beautiful and good. And a large Rtnck of Mantillettes and Mantillas. A good oooartment of n mjt m- aar je: t ss Fashionable ani Pretty; Hats and Shoes, Serviceable and rood looking; DOMESTICS, CALICOES, And every other article, almost, in my lineol bu3ineA«. In short, my stock is good and full and the prices will be aa low aa living will af ford. The Ladies are particularly invited to give me a call. H. W. CO/ART., each ol 6.000 M *• of of 3.6CW 60 • of v f' 1.600 100 •• of >e« of.! 1,000 •• of APPItOXISlATIOX PR1ZK8 »« of 64'*) approxftnatJDg V> fA'J.OoO *r* ...IWO . . ... "00 ... WO •^6.000^ 10.CAW ‘ 7.000 6.000 a, 6oo I.6W 5 4» • anting t SJio.OW- tl'liole Tickets $10: Halrei Qunrtera S2-SO. Plan of the Lottery Th* Number, from 1 to 60.000, will tho.- Number, on th* Tick** printed on **pyrau ,llp. of payer, are *neircl*:! with .m*ll un lub*. a«»d pl The firit^Vj Prii*f,*imilarly, pnnt*U and *uctreJ*c are placed In another wheel Th* whweuar* th-n r*v.4v*d. acU aoumliart*drawn from the vbw! of Number., mu at tne^am* t.m* a ia drawn iron the ether wheel The .Number and 1‘r.a* drawn out are op«r vi and exhibited to the ■ and regiatered br ;u LommiMtoner* . the llliri , ri o f placed againrtth* Number drawn Tbi* operation l* repeated until ali the l*nxe» ate drawn •at. Approximation Prlxea.-Tte two precatl- e auO the tw<* »acc«e .,ug Number* to tbo.e drew ingthefirat 7 Yriv, will be entitled to the iJ Ap proximatioo rrit*. lor example, if Ticket No. 11-^v ■'.niw* the IrAt.OOO 1‘rire, thu.* Ticket* numbered 11.- -,i K a l -l. 11^>I 11J6.' will each be entitled to 6403. I( Ticket fi “fiW firA.e th.fi2A.000 ITU. thoM- cuiaberei W>. bu. Ul, W2. «ill.Ach be entillol 6-/Ki and w* on arc-Ttliogto 5.OX* True, of 63u w " ‘ figure of the Number t »P\ # - tbeNui i th*No. 1. then al uUlu 1 will be with N .chetne determine*! bythelaat raw* th* 6W.OOO l’riie.— drawing the 660.000 I'rue * Ticket. Where tb' itlexlto f'JO. If the Number blithe ticket, where the Num- ill be entitled to 6 , . , 0aod»oon to 0 f l’ackage* will be *.<14 at the folluv^ng Certi6ca' .-ate* which i* tLe n*a Certificate of Package of 10 Wb SUSPENDED ll.i.VK Taken at l’ar GEORGE FdAMEL. T HE lubacrilwr will sell right or trn Negroes, the House and Lot whcpeiin hr now n*- in the City of Atlanta, and a largo stock Family Grocerir*, payable in Georgia Kail Road Bank Bills and rather titan miss a trade, at ONE PER CENT PKFMllTM World •ada to match, w GOOD aleepli _ I aut also prepared to Upholder old Bofaa, Rockert, •and cover them with Hair, Cloth, Flush oft thn »li<»rt»*tnotlc*. at^torw In J Ncrrnwa’a Building, ant a, Georgia. cctlWwtf BrooatU, .Oil MR b- ,V. llrunrfi'.l! — UK «nd#relin#<l zroulJ respeelfullv Infonn A mane fllwi-Ie en-l relrone, Ibet tba, haz-e larmlr laqreaaea Ihelr elaefi nfUnix'.cbaBMmlal'alnU. oil., Win-low Plan la tha larfeel la tie Maatbere aaqntejr, ood tke aArea- UfMai term, ef fiellrae,, the, 4.1, MmpaUHaa. We wool-1 enlacail Ute sltenUaaof I be fablu. «a Tayloe', anl|.n,efepUa Dills. Na OWdlaUM of late !-ri h*< ‘",“*•1' arOeat hi^ aa tbU. Oal of me IhaaeamL ef PremNae «a whoa, wa kart ooM Ibis Uafileiae, w. bar. hoard oom ear U did them aaamel, tad wa laew of many la tbit ally and elaUlly wbn, from Ihe rrrae «f Iba xraee, haea kaaa nalorad to perfeeti.ealil.. Me*aylbeaalblad«hbr# where the lied .clue l> mile, and wa are boats, sad -VIHlrt cuaUadull>.a. Glea ui a call. 8RITU A K2XAIUX Nt. 11, fidwly. Whiskey! Whiskey! J UST rec«lv*d in Store, 100 Bhl*. Corn Wht#- k#y, which will b« fold very chaap. J. F. LOWE. oct« 27, 1867. dwtf OLASI OLASSn GLAS! *! 808 Boxos. W E have in itore one of the largest itocks of window glasi, ever brought to thia market nd wlU fell It at low figures for CASH. Call ud eee. apr» sMITH A RZSARD Books! Books!! Books!!! S ORGHO and Impea—the now Saxu Const, by Oloott. Moss-Side, by the author of Alone. Appleton’s Illustrated Hand Book of American travel. _ Three years in Washington Territory, by Jas 0. Swan. Frisoner of the Border, by P. U. Meyers* My Last Cruise, by Lieut. Ilabertham. Frtsh Leaves, by Fanny Fern. Temperance Lectures, Dr. Nott. Medical Infbrmation for the MHUoa, or Tree Gaide to health, by 0. D. Hammond. M. D. Life and Ministry of Rev. 0- H. Sjurg*«i v Life of Rev. Bpcncer H. V m*. D. l». Roeeof Avhurst, by Mr* Marsh. Just rtcei'cdaiid f r *e ! e by J. J- Rlt’HAUl'S A CO. oct-SIL.1667. MOTJSs O F HANK OF FI LTON A GF.OR-; \ RAILU 1 >A '* Hanking Company t ikm at par, f«<r * I dibudae to, and all goedx •dd by i\ II. 8TR0NU 4 CO„ Oct, 17d4wtt. Tickela f*0 10 Half ‘ 40 • • llOwusrter 40 •• 10 Eighth .. 10 Jo ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose your money to our address f«*r the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prises will be sent to purchaser* immediately after the drawing. ^Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Ofice. County and State. , •tag.Remember that every Prise Is drawn, and payable in ful’ without deduction. < 3^ All Prises of $ 1,1*00 and under, paid im mediately after the drawing—other Prises at the ual time of 30 days, in full without deduction. A'.i communication* itrictly confidential. Order* for Tickets shiuld be sent in early. Addre**! Older- for Ticket* or Certificate*, to S. SWAN A Co., Augusta, Ga. Mho WautsMoncy? tggsv S (j 0 , 0: 0 0 May be obtaiuetl by risking $10. Unix e» anti Quarter Ticket* IN 1’ROPORTIOX. ACADHMY LOTTERY. Hg Authority o f the State of Georgia. On the Havana Finn of Siujtle N limbers. 30,000 TICKET’S. 3.2St» I’rizo?, amounting to $*215,260. Prlire P.vabfe Wllheal Dedwrllu AKPKr.SON A SOS, Mana*t I sfCCKS80RS TO J. V. WINTER, Manager Oar Utter e- !f»w in (it. (Small Scheme, every Saturday, aad in 8»vanaab. Ga., ;Larg* S.Wc. about the Ulh .1 every month, Class ,dd Prnu* Nov l<Uh. I>JT, al t •firatry ilall S vaanab, Gaorgi*. unJexlbe .wore lenileuca of W. R. 1 ‘T “■> J ' * V00, ttfi.OOO. tUl.el'O. *4 »fi r « f »0* S rSeeL. *l.s**. »»«»»*• '•« Of *100,1 »of *»«, mo ot »•»*.«*• **«»»*• imatifc ■ tl ie. amounting to \Vholi‘ rickrta ^10: lUlvct, 5 u© lunik 10 your interest fttnl t'oyuqvri' this scheme with any irthCf. Rank Notes ot aoanJ Rank, taken at par. Cheek, on New York remittal (or pruea. AJdreat <rtier, (or tlobata or Caniteat- at rackagwa if Tlekeu to ANDERSON * SON, Nnnnfare, Macoa or Savannah, Gaorgin. RUNAWAY. 9^ From the undersigned in January 185 ra® my boy 80L, he is about 2b years of ag e ■li^hi and elegantly formed for a n/gro ^^tisrk amooth akin, prominent eye* an d "•large white teeth. He is paaaing through the country under forged permits, and the as sumed name of JACK PECK, as I underrtand in Atlanta, where he has been publicly employ* ed for the last 12 month*. He is probably.. >w the neighborhood of Atlanta, or on the State Rnad above. FIFTY DOLLARS Reward is offered f i his apprehension and sueh additional com pensation will t»e given as the trouble of his capt-re may requiro. If he has been harbor-d by any one, aud proof to conviction of the fact is produced, the person giving information will be rewarded and satisfied for his trouble to the extent and value of the negro A. P. POWER 8. aeon, iulv 6dwtf T homas F. lore.-general COMMISSION .MERCHANT, For tb purchase and safe of ail kinds of roduce Groceries and Merchandis , will pay particu lar attention to the rcxcHxax of Plantation and Family supplies. VST .All order* promptly and faithfully at tended to. Office On 8outh side of Whitehall street, three doors east of MitchelL octl4dwtf Cigar aud Tobacco STORE. T Hi’srBSCRIBERJbefriri re—-erf lily to inform ihe CiLxena ol A i^nll > r au- rouaJin, country that he haaja^ et d s i larfie audition u hi* burner fftockfie FISE CIGARS TOBACCO. V?n,. SNUFF, FIFES. SNNFFB0XE8, MATCHES, *C, &C V> hick i, otferoJ al \Yhoi«aaia or Retail at V23Y £0W 2BIG2S, Pereons deairing anything in my Ene Trill do well to call and examine my8tocl. ! * ».*r* par- chasing elsewhere. CT Store on White Hall 8twi< *» »-.utbe Intelligencer office. JOHN FIGKFN. Atlanta, .V.arch 18. 1857 dwt l r* nuxKiiN, }. H. SMITH, Smith & t’raaklin. TTTOrLD reepretfuHy to the $ | citizen* ot Atlanta c.*H the ram>und% ing country, that they are now moetnng and opening, and will keep in rtara.a apfendid rtock of FAMILY GROCERIS8, which they are offreing at pncea that will compete with any house in the city, and ask a share ot pat ronage. They will* give special attention to the sale c.f BACON, L ARD, FLOUR, GRAIN TOBACCO, dec. dsc. Concignmenls respectfully solicited. jJ5#* Prompt attention made to CASH OR DERS. *SQu Store on Whitehall street, m the bull ding known a* Davis* Hall. Atlanta, SepSSdtf R Kx and Coiorva '• SHAWLS! Sx CALL AND ! Tie ,hil* Slou > worroitas new sad fr. Cheaper than i-4 4-4 ^-4 U 10-4. 1- COTTON SHIRTINGS A. fror :: t saaufaetonee it l-» t -r.tlrr Ce*.*?t '»er*t*er?* / . and lH‘kUfi, together 'w.ta at ***if BOOTS AND Si L* Dry G »:»ir*iv • et sod euftmu Bank of Fulton. Statement Showing the condition of the BANK OF FULTON, Atlanta. Georgia. October lit. IsoT. Resources, Note* DDeouared, Exchange ct other citrefc dne ani rstn.zg t.-- matunty. Charlenes. Savannah. AcgufU. Ac.. Dae frem Bar.a*, on demard. Ca#h on hand, viz Geld and Silrer Coin N.-te* of other Bana>. and Caockr, Expenses, Banking House and L*t. Pum;tar« and. F'.xturef, *. ’ Outfit. , Liabilities, Of th* above Bull cf Exrr-r ge. ar Doubtful, bat rnppo>*d g *-i. Cons;ierei!tk*d, Capital Stock. 6 * per renL y*a:i n C TculatioD, Doe Depotitcre " Bankr, Dirufeedf unpa;«,* Profit/, STATE OF GEORGIA. Fulton .'cutty — Per-cnal.T * M. Williams, Cashier of the Bank c.f Fait .a. and made « true to the beat of their knevrieegv ani belief. j $37,777 u i».r«: 44 ; i Min <1 •*-.!(+ a j :,nt u,m IS j 13 !• S3 v.i ST i 2.m 57 it ts ttUAH 40 9.911 73 •• 4f« t* im,IN H 4S.8A5 H 11474 IS 4*«4 74 02 M 4441 H poarw 4. W. Su-ne. Prescient, and Wm ath tha: ut feregotug tuicaet: is juat and iv if October, 15*57. 'RrYTH. Xr-tarr Public. W. STONE, Premduet. WILLIAMS. Cashier. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A W. STONE, F-V HOLLAND A. ATS TELL. -• WM. F./y.AKD, JARKD IRWIN WHITAKER. FILM iiousk;, tTIAXTt, GEORGIA. BY V. SIMPSON & W. J. KILBY. T HE uoJemftied bavin, opened UmFI’L- TO.N HOT8E. in this city, iloaifn mi- kin, il an Ifrtwahlc rewtin, piac* far the travelling public who may lava, them with Ihcir patronage. ovrt the JauMatir affair, of the House, Mias Satan Kitav, whoar experience anJ akill in hotel huaineae. are well Vuown, will preaiJa. Mr. T. C. Duval, then clerk, will always he lounil prompt anJ aUemive ia the office. TheVl ETON liOrSK ■ tha nearest houae on the southwest aide of the Depot.— Servant, will be in attendance at the Depot cn the ani vol ol each train. Two Aral rate Livery Stable, are near whet* hotaea. coma geo, and baggies are for hire. The uniUnigiwd oak only tor a trial, as it» their intention to pipes, and merit a liberal share of patronage from the travel Un, public '.BY, 500 Young Ncu Wanted. T MMED1ATELY. to tra vet in the Southern and Western Sutra, ae agvnu. Salary, > n per men tb. and expense, peal. For par i •ulara. uddresa, with stamp wtdeaod, . . E. a GIBSON A CO. Exeter. Rockingham oo.. New Hampshire. October 7, 1847 dayrtf itlanta, t SIMPSON to K11.) plldawtl DANIEL. PITTMAN, GENERAL INSURANCE AG 1 > ESPXOTf ULLY iafarms hls fttonda 1\ future ha will ba found during hnsinst StranX Os., I tha office af Mason. Street. AGa* U. Atlanta, Jan. U (dawtf.) Notice .LL parson, indtibtal to th* tra of THRASUKR or THBASHSR J. J. TltRASBXB. Ad’rer. of oct9dwlm J. A. THRASHER. 1 “ " ' LIST OF STOCKHOLDER^: 5HAXt«. TJLLCI- aaoerry. Win. F.itir,'.. :r.’-t. Gi 10 lftl *1,000 Walter t.'. Green. New \ i-V. j •-’20 100 25.000 Wo. Mar#i*r.. Nrv ^ *k. 250 *5,000 K. W. Holland. Atlanta. f-M in 12,000 A. W. Stour. Atlxnu, r > 50,000 Jxred lr« ir. Whitak* V' • • **a. 105 10,500 Thos LvThomxf. truster . 4 100 too A. Anftell, Catnpbi. : r.. 10,000 Mcrid ith -Collier. At Jar-a. 10 A. W. Wheat, CompbcHlor 1 100 100 J A. Havdrn, Atlanta, 10,000 W. M. Wtllian.s. 100 10,000 .1. Fs. Willia:u«, Al. .r.’ a. 10.000 uTotcph Thomns*-*:.. Atlanta, T- A. Lvon», i>alU«« GrorpSk, UaI 10,000 100 T. A. Lyons. trusU'f. Dallas, Grcrfia. - CO 200 A. B. Forsyth. Atlanta* bs do 600 \\ . G. VorsTlh. .Ui.vnta, 5 do 500 P. K. McDanu■!, Atlanta, CO do 2,000 Daniel Johnson. Atlanta. .1 300 Mrs. E. NN Hanna, Atlanta, 6 do 500 J. R. Wallaiv. Atlanta. 15 do 1,000 Geo. Lvon, St n.. Atlanta. 10 do 1,000 John Farrar, 10 .in 1,000 Sam'l Walk -. 10 do 1,000 Jof P Lopn. Atlanta, JuM Calhoun, Atlanta. 1* do 1,000 10 do 1,000 Gabriel M Johnson, Campbell countv. •20 do 9,000 Ja« F Johnson, Joncsb. ro, 5 dO 600 1, J Ganrell, AUar.u, 5 do 600 A W Mitchell, Atlanta. 10 do looo G L Warren, Joneshvirou*;!.. «t do 600 W W McDanu 1, Atlanta,' •* do coo 1 0 McDaniel, Atlanta, 10 do .lohnF. Walton, Atlanta, 0 io 200 Scag-o, Abbott ACw, Atlanta. F J Forkcrson. .\tlmta. 10 do 1:000 fi do 500 j. U Davis, Atlanta, 5 do 50 Jos Wtntltip, Atlanta. 10 do 1,000 11 l. Comer, Atlanta, do 500 W C ParVt'T, Atlanta. 5 do 500 W W Roark, Atlanta, 5 do 500 W. Cl. Veter*. Atlanta, 10 do 1,000 Imtnel A Cuuninghura/- Atlanta, C. U. Strcrg A Co., Atlanta, 10 do 1,000 5 do 500 Z. A. Rioe, Atlanta, 5 do 500 a 8. B. Uojt. Atlanta. . F. U. Coleman, Atlanta, » Williams. Rhoo A Co.. Atlanta. ft 6 do do 500 500 30 do 3,000 W. T. 0. Campbell Atlanta, 5 do 500 Thresher A I-ovcjoT. Atlanta. 5 do 50* Thou. G. Simms, Ncwnon, C do 600 , Vn. Walton, Atlanta, ' It) Jo 1.000 % David .Mayer. AUaoU, ^ Robi. W. b;mma, Ncvtiao. 6 do 500 10 do 1,000 o w. Uarring to Son, Atlanta, i do 300 i. It. Dean, Atlnnu, h do 500 Share, 2070 •207 <