The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, November 11, 1857, Image 4

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BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS a* ' S laattnL «ttaiaraa«c, CO/S, •»> Retail Dealers in DOmcatlr DRT GOODS, Beats mil Shan, Bonnets, Rib- Isnk.U, Flannels, Klmj, awl Oenaburgs, Shirtings, Calicoes Gin*- Hoarery. a beautiful Block of DRESS GOODS, in Bilk. Black and Colored •h* Latest Stoles in the Maikrt. «m Ore public that w» are opening * I are* and wtll aelccted Block I low for CASH. P. HAYDEN A CO bick are an prepared to call I HERRING & SON, SHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA^ rocotria* 4nt*», tfc* fcmot and bm( *R|at stock of Cloths, Ousteoros a»«J **, At., tar tooa»nata toy.* taairor »#*r, iwWwettorod It this eilr — **Jt modo Cfe thing of #*x m Kuiftetus. tisaU' Fuinlshiog Goods— td good atunf tbirts, st«. Also Rip stock of ThDor's Triwmtof* si t alert tolles. 3to Stood Btook of Goods (tear Utt, satraeing sttths Istsst sad ssorttpo • lov os THK LOWEST, f »r Cask, tad ftTO a bottsx auuls giro sat. aid bay Clothing before going to Herring's SOCM SRWINO MACHINES. An; ens wonting laforeutioa lirnttn .1 notin It |»y Mittal ar aMiarelar kg sail H. HERRING A SON. BURROW’S COMPOUN D. srssst 288*$ basbjtts „ „ , Certnlu eiuatlre j.r>?«ril-.. prodarad la taa peer •cuelatrJ tictlm sHUssaso, Life, Health and Joy.] i torn tsstsd ta tko St. George** Hospital,t IGfi REPOSITORY. •PIN, GEORGIA. -•JilHTERFIllT. / o,m to Parties Purchastn N. Pike’s Magnolia Whisker Claclaastl, Ohls. . soexfoetoref asd, r sftbs sSots brata I rorpoctfally iaforta bis nstocoon tad porekssers of this rasobtotod brand that thorn has appear*! ta tbs Charleston sad oihtrSwatW* mrkcu a coantorfsii of tbo abort Whisky, Wix* a wiscaoua ustauioa, bnadod r to kii brand; it tsailar t i under theaos* of rand; it postal a 3. S. Dyks’i Maja-riin Wbbky Cinstsnati .Ohio, aad other naxos similar w S. K. Pits. As thorn is a« party in this eity of ths nam«o? S. !7. Dyke it Li ia faded to impeso and deceira the** who voald porebaso tbo goariso brand. I sako this itatomoot to pat partioa oa ihoir gixrl, as wtrt art sot oral persons in tbo oasi ota vast asking ta laiurion, tad suing ay aamo with a flight sltoradoe. I kart analysed seven! samples of this raekttriot brand, and fown«i that it contains a deadly poison, this fact tioeo iapols ao to can- tiro tbopnbUc to pretoci thoo* who sra liable to bo decoirod, and prwreot tbo rrii retails xuosding tbo «so of bis poiseccos isitolioa. I also here by eanttoo tbo ecnnterfeiun of ay brand, that 1 will presicots thorn to tbo foil extent of the law Tbo BMaint S. K. Pike’* Mars Vila Whisky la distiutd from the bast qnal:*.:«o &( Rje aai Corn, and it warrant*! free from any dels ten ooa or ob- aoxiooi coapoos<i, it boing a part tnd healthy Wvorafo. Many parties hare recently eosccseta caking a brand of Whisky called Magnolia, bit they are aa imitation of ay sad* brand. » bo carefai and got tbo only gocoiso Magnolia Whisky rnads in Uaitod Dtatos, and <i-sulked only by sj BAM'L K. PIK£. 5o. II A SO Sycamore »t-, Cincinnaii, Ohio. Jens U-dawlr. - WOODRUFF Are receiving‘s every Variety of carriages—consisting Coache*, Side-Seal Baggie* Family Wagon*, Iioehawaya. No-Top Boggle*, Hack. Wagons, Top-Baggie*. sosiasas hack 1ROS AXLE*. for 1, 4 ks*i 4 Hoi The best and most durable cow ia ue? Concord Baggies, Harness, Whips, Ac., Sc. back »ac<ws. LIVERY STABLE-, Via Brake, ud Beak f ...U. and thS Itfnriuc Hospital, New York. Psrteas using It wUl Bad It to sgrss well with tbs •tomseb. ThlsvaluaU# (nsw la tbeis parti), sad Improved mods of Preparutlou, oooitasn«ts Itself to tbs spoolal aotks of TrsveUr*, oa amount of Its neat aad compact fern, Uu« bslag at. way a at band la pLacaa wbaie tba Afllittcd mljht be aaable to procare tbsattosdance of * pbyal clan, or the otberwlae HqaUito maedlsa, or where •veatf obtained, tosarittJss may not bs of that par quality so aecescaty la sfiMtiag # Speedy and Permanent relief, This Compound is prvpared with fbe purest drugaia a highly Coneoatrated •tatCy aad pa tap la a style of neatness (Juinrpasted. and at aa expense barely exceeding tbs price whleh s suffering patient would be compelled to pey for a physician's advice, also being palatable. Another rleoMnily great Advnutago It baa orar others, U that of occupying bat a trlHtn apace, it can always be eoarealenlly carried wltbou apprehension of Us being injured in any moons Tito Patient ussa it during tbo day, follows bla ordinary a vocation no danger of catching cold, will need no pbysleian, will save himself from grieved feelings by an expo sure, aad Bo Effectually Cured in a short time, and no ona wiser of hi* ra If fort unf its satire freedom from any mercurial the p-Nttaut, it is partic ularly Soothing and Healing. perfeetnesa of the preparation. Its almost testa form, Us pleaaant mode of administration, >Ue ease and certainty with which tbs ears is effected, its freedom from iuussa, claim fer U the continued patronage of the pabiie and present to the unfortu net# Argument* forltsuee aod preference over any remedy of tbs pres ent -Is/—which mast be and are I7nan*wcrable. A pamphlet accompanies this medielnt, containing fall and ample directions, to which tbs attention of tbs patient is earnestly referred, II psr Box, or six boxes for M. ONLY AGENT IN \TLANTA A. ALEXANDER 0 R U G G i S T Sign of tfaJAiyro i M 'or, WMle/iall Street HARDWARE & IRON r ORE! 3j* GILBERT, CLARKE & LEWIS, "GeeuicaSwedes', Aaar.cas uni Bodce-i, Horee-show, Roand, Square, Shew! sad Boiler rB05. Cast,‘Sortsan, Bli'trr aad Plow STEHL. Cut, Wrought aa i Horse*' shoo SAILS. Boiler !Uth>, Kutte. Wash* sn—Casscouaty aad EagUsh CASTINGS. Trace, Log, Wagon, Pump aa>i Ccauauooi CHAINS. Mill Irons. Blacksmith’* Toots. Farmer's Tools, Agrt. cultural Implemeats—c oc- s.i i t i c g cf Ccru-ehciiers, Straw Catters, PIowi. O-Oricrt from city aad country solicitod. Denlers'in St EnslishA American HARDWARE. CHEROKEE BLOCK,3 gfSACHTlUCS ffTHJQCT, Atlanta, Oa. Shi ; Picks, la, Hemp and ’Jetton Rope; TexcJe Blockr t • F*? jH lavi' * •» rtioalar teas*.> our i •.»* -e aad wo. •okotod:wok . i’.igle and D^toto 3afm : \ :i >, Rides, Ac. —cjajk*:. ; ’ F'xe En glish aad Da-:ii Twist, Tamiaated 3:»\4>irrel Pis tols, all klnd3; ’3 jV.’j P.epcat ers, Colt’s Net' M a Isl do. CUTTLRnY, sf all Riadj. Builders,’ Htassiespen’ uad | all kinds of Hardware, ktpi constantly on hnnd ~ i Atlanta,* Doe. IS, 1S5«. Tobacco, Tobacco, J C8T recoieed direct fr>a Virginia, a < * - e fot ot X^BACCO, aatng which ts a low boxes of thxl juJt'y D'aad KANSAS TWIST, repericr to an. ic t£j* eitj. [viitia'ii v F l.nw'F HOTICB. THE ONLY CHANCE FOR KANSAS! By iht Vtt of Dr. HARRISOyS ELECTEIC OIL. F OR ta* «r*if ?.>.viaa:ira. ta ib« Beck. 3:sm: or £li«. S*uralgrn, Sick. Ntrmi o? Kl* I cqi B#ada«bv; I>*af2*** Palsy: Nfpiaal Affections.- A.». -pnun bums Brcises. OL1 Cramps; BiL *,in« vc’.tc. Crumps a tns sujaasli. Palm tan on: iors £rts Vz * O'.'.. .« (-*■<'. f:r gay k:w4s of Rigingi: la- da—.a*r.-.n k.?. tbo .rwvtle-i Joints; WvmknAss of k-:v.s, :uff3«s»*r,Centractsd Maoris*. Chr'Jtv > XhJasy AffvCJon. lrar?*n». ks. caution. ?-* ir* »-. tr*t Kmrrlson't Electric OIL. TU*rs are otnsr m«.tic»a«s in tne wuntry purporting to b# ti.« tarn# but all without ay «-gaatar*, i.^ast a *re aiaimfi. gvsu:a« ZLE*. TRfrJ OIL, ola be bad at Wood- acon-Flour-t orii-Pea--uaij* • pouads go>! new T«3:e*»«ee Bacon. 20,Wl itL goc i Sanerftne Fleer, l,*4i boabelj gv>d White &.m‘. WO buabets No. \ ?ooa f^r p liLz ?. WO bushels Black See*! Oxu, 200 boihdj goed White Cora Mem- The above articles will k vA i a*. !x.t Wine for Cush, ur good M or 5* ixj *<.*«. My E rehouse Is very large, aci I will Store all •is of Produce ot low rate*., A.I yrednee left with tae Is as safe frea tre ta 'naay other Ware* House in the city, aai can be iirured •.i. desired. C D. PARR, Prcdsee Broker * Pianot! Pi an oh.' Pianos! W E keep eoasu&Uy on bar , an assortment of plain sc elegantiy ia:»ke*i fUscwood -Ten tre" Pianot, with .he enure iron Frxat, aad ai the la tot t lnpr>Teisea jwhica we offer f;r *-»>. at the lowest market prices, aad aii-.w purchaser* any ttaaonaole ume to test toem. Ws are not a;*cti for any maker, bo*, per chase Pianos for oer own account, *sd mppiy ourseives from sack taanafa*torlet only, tie .a- •trumeets of which glTs o.t enure «ati*£ac*.>-. Among the Pian-ot we \.*i to..** ■( Chic*, •ring A Sons, Boston . Wm. Knaoe A Co., Ralu- msre; Sttiaway k S<mi, 5sw Y'ork. Newman. Brother e Bona, Baltimore. Proa tea lattof iocr^ we also hare f.r tie./ lately in rented and patented DOUBLE M $0U ND]N G_B0 ARD ! 1 ax improvement, acknowledge-d to be the mot itBporthnt that hfi ever been latrodaewi. wetave g'xxi second L*sd instruxenu for sale or hire, and allow the highest price tor old i&nru* •eats, , whta given is exchange r <sr new onca. BARTH A ST COLA I, at WijJiamr' Pam lure Store, Peachtree inert Atlanta Geo.. Sov. J#, d«Cocell*m cow, ro# rn* couplets cose or covens COLDS, MTLVZSZA, ASTHMA, BROS. CHITIS, 8P1TTIMO OF BLOOD, A ALL OTHER LDSO C0MPLAIST3 TESD1SO TO COSSCMPTIOS. I I H ? f Tkispreyaration is getting! a to ateallavsr onryonn try. rbt anamoasUtters wereeeivsfrom oar rarioet agents.informing as of ears*offset*! In thoirimm«4t bvrr;’, Ifns iterv AtUou, Go- xrt...' not the r*sr imCough U*Ueic*BOw b*/oroth« Tcelimonial-S public. /I almost inr-trVai/y rtlUtti m%d not un HAR/ZhSiN'— ; v «7«enf/jr wroo tie very mortf eases. When al ' ‘ ’• ^ ;oo to ur. that !!**▼# iern gfl!*»*l otberC^egk preparations oavo fail*!. tbU bao rtlUrr P%.a« isai «bon^l*r. for s#ver»J { ;b« patient, as Dreggitts.deeUrtln lirdisiaesaoC Pby : ili o.t r>»» sy UdJ V) n; :»g.t for tr.e i iiritit»a testify. Ask the agentia roar oeares n/w. Hvs-.og o' yiar £>ct.«v Ovl. I sent < town, wbatkas Yni h.a ezperieaee of the effeets « and I’-.t » dag ■ aj bac l *o my cen.* I ,.*! tr.*J rrerythisg elseia tb* vgy of patent Mrdteln*«. and i.l fg.X ] *%n eherfcily rwv.amend year Cectre . . to *11 wko ssy to offLctol KbeaxatoePam-t Esec*:t.'i-y CIXTHA STZIFART. Car.ptoki trzo'.j, Oa.. sept £1, 1W? 12 ’r-T Off, aooa =• *st Spring Hy kn» a^-. for iorae »a . I hsd not to*« s»»rt. ve*k« Af'.er axasiag two mfi-y. GEO ^ 7HOVAL Atlajts 0% , veto 14. 1U7. 1)3, V A T*..« u to rjrf.'.tj that I h*»* town gffft-tted w.tb P.tfimeue -a m,r tank ac<! bipe f<.r tea renra, v i va.-ii i ti*ve tijrred greatly. ! ba*l not to*n »oui V'rfX '.r some atoetas, visa l tomrteno*} ;. sg ; < 0;L 1 ased throe Jof>e t whl-n il t»‘ 1 aa totter at toll **;.* auwTc/m Alum. 04., Oet. 14, HIT, r?.r W H a ?.RI r-.i< < to c*rt.fy • *.*: I have teea tffftotoJ »itk Jo. ■asiaiav-ey Ittooir.iUsmfof soeeral wo*0* Wyl iloU * a* ».fj - svoitona*: I b*i ar.t toon il-- **.t ' r ;r*«« csy*»;f wttbotit help, for throo v ’■« a“»*a*.»g yocr £Ukvt>c Oil a abort Usm * r *» . to >m eat.rt>/ retor«j at-ffaeeo The New Goo* • hare Arrive*. C ’ H. STRONG * CO., lure ,.i: , •iarre assortment of •TAPLE AMD PA9CY DRY GOODS, Consisting in part, of tbo foUowtnx article*. R ch dross SUki^ Ttr*rj 6iikr, All Wool Menac«g AJi Wool Delainat Ifacctmter Detains; Poplins, Alapacne; Bcccxetiser. j Ginghams; Printo; fc-vA,.! 11.-1 Urvra Siiif-J,., Shawrf , (Zkri.£ '■ *■ *" /» Piaineis; Lirieya Iriic Lstti: fabie Litmos; Cotton btripes, Hentocky Joecr. Satins; Caasimera, C»'.tb, Bosiery; Blankets by U*o toc*iaond; A spUfeiid ttock of Gloves; _ Drosi Irimmitgi. «A»UP®3.Tr«l9 A Wool, J and 2 Ply; Tapestry; Hall Carpets at redatwi f Kcre. Alt, » *1*4 reppl, cf cUeuxicn BR0GA58 Bocti *c.4Bb..M. W« Urii. cur cUfrlre u u4 ; uU.- u, ^ T , u kcmll. «4 in MtutMl «kn th>, lure mi pri. CM, Itkt tire, »U1 ta4 U u th«r iaumt V. V>, tna «•■ RuMmte, *• *re u Sc 1, Wkiuhkl BtnM,HarcTOM'ac>l4«taB4. Ccu h4m Ur AfMiU.lU*. 4*wl r /.lOICMamuiCocm-Vcnip.c. *j. g u 8re*c. d-iklMm-f, m lb. KUt. cf C 6. P'•CO. 4»«*.m4, »«i, u d. f.i ire Mini tfplidM (rta A DAILY COACH LKAVKH MADISON .‘t*nria*M Exuptoiy) /rlnck P. M. Arrives tt Eatonton .a Evening Leaves Eatonton, A! « o’eloek, P. M. Axmre kt Mk4uoa 11 i P vi ; W. A L. L. MOOEE. Run in connection with the Night Trains on toe (seorgit Rail Rond. • gust »2 _ _____ dwt * wines ' 4 -T7'.: (/•"{!* Cs tow to Wi**e, //}/**> Sr A H Hshissbrlak, or 1*M by the Dosen The Comet ho* Arrive*, O f. -rer. -U. nln^iii ku r-Ml.-l, u 4 tu u. -kMrer".kk* k.,kilrer ^nn u ktU. ta ’as U/|*rt *t*>tk of go'.d* over offorod to tbo to-. * a-.'J ta*# di-» sotot* that led le eoab oaly, *'• '* at CM yr 1 kavo boogbt mem pends !^«t 1 a tolled, a*t ! am Oetorm.s*i to tmH them. Coll *- 1 ">* aat 1 am saro /** r.O It ytested, t will w*ot./»o a f.v artlelM toWtw a*l mn t* m* «MV.Wfi •a' ter thorn—ooebM aage-or Alois Boo**, tkisaedfolno. If ho has toonsedingit forany longtb •f lias bs wilMoU yon IT Id THI BIST MSOICNK iXTayT. Below vogtvo ofew sstmeUfroo lottsrs wo haroro* eeivodlately rvfardlsgtborirtoos of this otsdlcins.- Dr. 8. 8. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga.,inyi;— 1 \ 4aos tun uring yoor Livtrvort and Tar rtry tx Kastrsty <e sty yvaettee/or thru ysars past, and. it u with pUaEurt that / itato my biUtf in ill irriXioUTToTTv sit orate ittian witbwbleblaa teqaatatod /or wbksk il is rttonmendod. ’* Mossrt fA’.tgoraldb Brooors,writing from Waynos rfJJ*, .V. C ,<a/—••TfcsLl srwortandfar Is becoming dally mere popular :n this oonatry, and wa tkji rvtr LT »o. AU wko kauiritd itrpoak in command- obU form* o/ ts, end say il is tsry beneficial in alUoimting tkc complaint*/or which il it r« OsrageaUsn«k*n<DUtrle;,S.C.,Ur.3. R.McFoli, 4sserM nt thaths-‘ates!: with great benefit it his ovn family, aadrsco-nmsndsit to his neighbors.'' He gives as lustoasoof a soero woman in bisTlcioJty, wbc had boon taffortag with dlseaoo of thsLnogs foryoars, attend*! with oovsrs ooegb, who was rsIUvod by tbs Liverwort aad Tar Bash are the good reports we hear of tbunodieto from all parts of thoHontb. For a report of tbs aa prisiageuroait has performed in the Western an Northern aad Eastsrsdutas, wo wosldinvlto the s«! fsrtag patient U read the pampbietwkUb aeoom tents oask Bottle Toall.woaay, lavxiorf.aavanorsl Trp the Medicine?! Be Warned tm Isaioal Asd neglect not that oesgb whisbis dally weakening yoar eoaetitatlca, 1 rriUUag yosr throat and laogt andt svlttagoa that dread disease ,Cosi^ mpttow. wkea *> toothing tad bsallM a remedy eon be obtained as Dr. Rogers Array of Liverwort and Ter. Iswars »f Coucurfsiuand Bast Imitations! The gmaiaeartislslseined Aoratw&osras,on tbo enyrared wrappertroand sack bottle. P rta* 11 per bottle, ovals bottle* for Rft. 8*14wboU« •aleeadretollby SCHOVIL * MEAD, HlCbortresBt. tot.Coatlaadfit. Uuls.H.0. fotiAstrrntt ti» 3omw »ini, uwbom tiior Zkktlk.AIUkUGk ; IU)Mk*CkEp/klik.rkOk W Jire, fUmtuOk. r W. I.I.ka, Cka.MlHuk.lik 8 HMl4k,TUIk*lM,Ok.; tUl*,UiuU, b Co «"'• ®* I A to,U.e»B l*| Bk.j K. Icm tiirlt. fu. MW (ini,J BROWN’S HOTEL, fOptXMilc lh* Pukhfar D-put.) MACON GEORGIA E. E. BROWN a E. J8AAC8, Proprwton B- F. HE.N8E. 8*p**iaUad«nL Jko 17 iawly TRUTH WILL TRIUMPH. Proof—Wo«t Polm Tostlniony West Potxr, Ga., 4pril ; l«, 1554. a oi rworeerj i vnm auaoii, aaa eauea rice tna ease of Gonorrhea*, tad yon e of jour Compound. I think I promlied 9w f tb# result, which is m fuUowa—1 On tbs 10th o on yoa for advice i gave mot to let yoa know i , began ndog Itaoyoa directed and soon found I eared luted ^t pottof tb* Compoaodonly, i over two months bar* ptuod and! ptreeivo no r< tarn of th* diseaso, U.treforel tolleve the carets permanent on« though mine was so long ttandlng and isrer*. I bars now proved by x t.* *1 that yn ta Cntn besilos I fee! t pound It a etrtoin, tafs, and permanent being entirely free from injurious effect* great deal stronger than before l took thsdt. will give ms great plsatcre to recommend it to my PILES! PILES! PILES! 77.ii hitherto intractable diieaee, of every form and in every itage. CUM® BY EXTERNALAPPUCATIOK ONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh’* Pile SalTe. V\7LLL never fall In gtvtng lmmmtdlats relief, and YY positively earing the wore*, and most okeilnatr eases of Hemorrhoid* or Pilot. It Is the ONLY INFALLIBLE REHEDY KNOWN her* orslsswber#forth* Piles, and It the result of yean ot patient study and Ibroetlgatlca Sufferer* from Pllea now have a remedy tt band whlcn will ' stAaYD the test or trial, without a fear of fal.urton Itt port, to do all tbo pro piietor claims for it. Fall directions accompany etch box ; and all that U recalstt* It strictly to observe them, and a csre liter tain to follow. Tb* proprietor refer* to th# follow!cr testlmooial* from gentfemeo of r ha rooter end tundtoy, who have voluntarily given their certificate* in it* ravor, in re gard to IU tScM-j to their ova coms. Bead them Th* followtcg I* from one of the most reliable eitl ' ' Treamre? of Cook coat Chicago, July most Mverefy And daring a recent and exceedingly painfal ettsck a friend procured t box of yocr Salve aodaiked me to give it a trial. 1 did to. Not, bowov* tr, with the expectation of bec»fittlng my disease, for truly, l bad tried eo many application* 1 bad loot con ftdeocoin all. B Jt in making o«# of yoar Salve, I am. •ofar* ' Itottnt JBrbUCneo. Woodman's Cherry Kxpootorant li tht Oral! Remedy which in taking the place <f at Other,. i s »country who,. nioltltudM tre kanukll, ratiie l oil by pulmonk^UiMMMtllCkOUoe.- It hcorerer; to onlkrgo upon *h* merit, ol k REMEDY, which, if taken in Umo, will treura mllj prerent the red conwtjucnccc too often trill a, from COUGHS, COLDS AND INFLUENZA, endtho rerioue TRACHIAL AND DllON* CHlAL effoctione that become when neeloctcd the PRECURSORS OF CONSUMPTION AND OF DEATH. Tho Beleem quiets the most violent cough in tho coureo of t few hours, entitling the patient who tnsjr hero been kept eweke night alter night by the contlnusl recurrence of paroxysms to ENJOY CALM AND REFRESHING kLEBP. It loosens the cough—reliovre tho tightness of the chrat-and r ipldly mitigataa all the eymp. loins attendant upon an IRRITABLE CON-1 DITION OF THE 0R0AN80F RESPIRA TION. At a family medicine, U hits already acquired a high reputation in tho west, and ought to oc- eupv a place in ovory farmer’s and planter’i raedicino chest. The following original letter was handed to us for publication; a remedy which can elicit auch encomiums, must be a good one: Ualtsston, Tixas, April 86, 1860. Db. 0. O. Woodman, New Orleans; My Dear Sir:—In justice to you and a duty 1 owe to a suffering, nnd I may say, a world of coughing people, I st«te what your invaluable Cough Remedy—your CHERRY EXPEC TORANT—hae done for me, when all other remedies hxvn foiled to give any relief. lathe full of 1817. living in Ml Louis, where I have resided most of tbe time for the Usteixtoen yean. I took a severe cold which settled on'tny lungs, and was confined to my bod, and dosed and blistered by doctors for several weeks, but finally gut on my legs again, but not cured of uiy hull couglriug, and rattling r tvl tickling in my throat, which conlinuop incessantly for more than six months, always the worst in the winter. My friends insisted I h d coughed enough to kill a dozen comracnunon, and that I must be in tho last stage of consumption. I uude up my mind that 1 must cough my life away. 1 left Hi Louie in December last, to travel and spond the winter m tho Houth.— When I called at your store in Vicksburg, you will recollect, I was coughing so hard I cq»ld not make my business known. You said you would euro roy cough. A a you gave me a but tle of your CHERRY EXPECTORANT, 1 thought I would not slightyou and your medi cine so much aa not to try it; and ir. thankful*, ness shall l ever rembmber the day I did so In but a few began to allay and diminish my cough and tickling in my throat, and be fore I had used moro than three fourths of the contents of that boitie I was entirely cured, anJ for weeks l did not even raise a cough, theugl expesed day and night, in all weathers, in tra* veling. However, in March, while traveling in North Carolina, I took a severe cold, end my coughing commenced again, and also the tick ling in my throat, at intervals: and before m> arriving in New Orleans, on tbo IT, last., on some night, my coughing would commence and conliuue for an hour or two. i soon pro* cured another bottle from you -uum less than two days I was entirely reiicvea again. 1 am now determined to always k.cp a bottle on hunt] and in tho commencing of a cough, a ve ry few small doses will relieve it entirely. 1 am now fully satisfied it is the Biar COUCH REMEDY now known to the world and it is a duty you owe tn the coughing and afflicted pan ot the human family, to yut so rxlu.ible a remedy within the reach of all. Its priiseswill soon be upon the tongueaoflensoMhousandsol joyful and coughlese, happy souls. iVj grcAt a remedy as your F.xpectoran: should bo brought before the public. I am.d-ar sir, respectfully your*, R. J. WOODWARD, of Hi. Louis, M CTFur isle by 8MITU A EZZARD.and Druggists generally. may 16, 1857 daw Cm Haitcut -pimcittc. CATHARTIC PILLS i JeaaJoJf*, s veil uu 1 mo«t eb«4rfally task* tlua ftstnaeot, believing It fine both to yceraelf aa.i «oeb a* may be sfflieted with this moat trying and pa.nfal dlttas*. 1 do not bestial* to toy that f eoa*t4ar yoar preparation *a lovolaabU remedy for tboPl *#. Most •incerely yoarx, 11. N. HEALD. The Hon. Richard Yale*, late member of Congreas from ihofiprlnc&eld, (Il.*.)dl*txlct.*ay*: JaektonvlUe, lil-^Nov. 16,1666 Dr. Tho*. H Cavtnaagb—Dear Sir: Ths preparation, Cavanaach’* Pile dalve, whleh yoa farniahed, I found of great terviee, prodaeiaf an *a*v and apoedy ear# > do not hesitate to recommend it a* sn lpvslasbls remedy far toe PUes. Beepoctfally RICDAKD YATES Th#tollovtof from Rot. B. F. Bristow,I*aaaAdent reoomm—dsrlnn In its«if: Jacksonville, TIL. December 16,16M. Dr Cavanaofb—1 conceive Jt to be a doty J owe to the afflicted to make known th* Invalaablo virtue*and remedialeffleieoey of yomr‘'Pil* Salve." I wa* for several week* *or*ly afflicted with that painfal and oathsooe dsaeo**, th* Pile*. After haring exhausted my patience In trying various prescription* of physl< etroBf recofameadaUcn of your Sol'' oy myf tho iton. Richard Yates. I was indacod to try It. 1 hsppy In saying an application of yoar salve for throo days perfected an entlr* ears. R«*poctfaUy yours, B. J. BRxSTOW. Tho following is th* voluntary testimony of sn eta nest pbyeldao with a large and extensive practice: Jacksonville, 111.. November IF, 1464 Dr. T. B. Cavanaagh—Daar Sir: Having for som* time hoard of tho carte performed by yoar PUo Salve, 1 recommended It to manf persons to give il a trial; sad they hav# reported themselves to mo as satirsly eared, or greatly relieved by Its aso. Tears, trily, L J. DUNLAP, M. D. S o, AagastSO, 1866. Is elty a few days ago, was saffe* isg Intensely with the piles. I mentioned my condition to you. sskiog your advice. Yourtcom- meo led yoar Plls Salve saying It would ear* me. I tried ft—the effect eras hamoduU, and I am now well. 1 believe it to bo, ns tt proved In my ease, nn invalno ble remedy, and a sue ears for that disease, the PUss, aad attach,recommend it to others. Y*ars, truly, J. W. HANSON, of St. Loots, Uo. AST Price 81 per box. Tor ule in Atlanta, by A AJexandsr f and br dragglste sad dealers generally Dr. T. H CAf ANACOH, Solo Proprietor, a*. 27 1847. fdhelv l St. Uais ffo. W ILI. JBBM.^7^T&.rsi da' September next, /(f t • 7be° embra 2S& halt, Caodtoa, tt&ap. ."iteach, Ca edy, 6r*•arT , Bauff. Xad for. Saltpeter,' fray*, lUtAiae, Caad^a, sr- Farskfeea, Byrape, Brilow*, Anvil*, Vice*, Indigo, Cfocsery, Glasswars, Look to ■»«*. re«» uirerei JloUoW'We**, nod sal] Whiskey, an the Broody, eubeeriber, Wtoo, and look Gia. at his Rnse. nod i C "•♦ale, Gaze, A see. piece, »Ws. for feu Cape, that yen tad Koosoewan, affor- fTuule, wards yea Kennys, have been ly. Jeaae, ehaafod^ bai aWAit it. At theecrnev ot WhitohaB nod Mlfohefl •trenu, end a gvod wsgoe rard foe csetomore free i “ 4 wiLluu wmuttoiS. 4*un i.UR ta HtRUthlB* for Every Lad*. iaepard’s Great Benefactor. THBGBsXTKBT fff&IOOIC A'L B*MK07 IVU OUCOVBBKO 1,000 Boxes Retailed Monthly. Tfca SkMfkdre t» (DfUUblk tat lk« iaaireikU rrere nJW OMwtlw, liHQlreWi, Trehre— Ct*ri tklUk, -1 Ik* —k, l*Mk*nkw«* rekn*^**4*l Ik* III ,w*|«**k»rl»f—lw 1k*n*M7kMamru,*ad«MM(ilM Is re-’ 4**f*v Ik* Min t k*r* ,***lr*4 nut Wturref rw—wklkk, wfcUk Hirer ‘ -• k»r, me sm4." IMkire* kl rtw , relrelk tk*k**4, ■; "UI*tk*k*MMi—I; M*klit*aw*k, hkk4n>», k» k*i«, rej ,*4 kk«t lore re* iireref ik« n*iJ; u * me k*4 k> *f tkare eywpwmi. x. reruxiia, jko. unu q, mum uu>| wuttoou, HbejtfcCo., (SucaaeemtoJ. E. ffilliamt & Co.) :««nm coMvusios msoohavts, AodjpwtireUrir&rtlwikl* of Orkla, tim, but, fow, ?«&«», u* Ireaatw* Pntom tor next. iU not Privately disposed if heap bidder, 826 acre* of land, ei , . okeo Spring*. This valuable and tifal plage should be known to appreciate it* valae— to# wntors are blnhlv affletcioas, eepeclAHy InfemaU *¥^7 Affectioas, Kraptfou of the Skin, he. th# analysis made by tho eminent Trot JMXVe, proved them risj.'Jar to the ChettJosham Pprlogs cf Fnfiand. Thothrlriag vtBego of Ringgold • o«ly IM mflos, aad th* But* Rail Road 800 ysrda- \e open land Is very forfeit, laeladiag on orehord of • seres of the most selected fruit—each as Apples, 'caches, Psars. Pleme-Cherrioe, Aprfoete and Grapes ow very promlelag. The balaoeo of the place Is well imberod. Terms, one third cash, the baheve In ots and S year* with laiereet—Time gfrea to gethor pros enterop. Alee tho trael of load known as th* dob* treat, sdjoiaiae the springs, ataoe. eentolaing 140 aeros— This is s handsome nid detUbfo reetdonco Tho Im praveaeents are aU good. The dwelling Urge, « beneee he., onhsrd, Tag Yard, and floe springs, 60 XUalW koa at teal, k,u IUa(rel< aa la,Ion alAfa, fcrtil* kal k*t u* alaaf to relireI., 4 a*U* rerel, Ulaaaa hrerOj Uakore. 4* Itont frw ore .print m Ikln tnct. Tnrau Tat tk* iwa hit*, reu. «n* kklf cuh. IM MlaaMla 19 an,CM. Till*, nU tM kko,* nuulM. TkarerewafreU U, 4* •MreisUoaSaa. J. 0. mirroN, Ajwt MloaM, 6a,Jal) '.I, IUT—4*art I. tkjler’i, HAT AMD CAP U 1IDH, b nun apaai. Urea lUxk .of fuhtaaabU UU tbl* and Vapa.Se. 21, Whitehall turet, aaxt dear la breaha A Bre/a Stare, aad wtB heap awreUktly TAYLOR’S AHYJI-WSlPaiPmi(D lie NO PATENT—NO HUMBUG, But will effectually Cur* Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Acd n majority of diseasoi arising from a diio: derod Livar and Stomach, such m CONSTIPATION, ACIDITV OF THE ST6mACH, Fluvinj of Blooa to lh« Held. Fulloeu < Weight In Stomkeh Heartburn, Sour Eructations Sinking or Fluttering at the Fit of tht Stomach, HURRIED OR DIFFICULT BREATH!.Vc Fluttering at the Heart, Dull Pain in the Heao Choking or Sujfioating Reneatione tihen in a ly in a poeture, Cold Fee* mad Hand*, Deprteev.. of A'pirifi, Frightful Dreams, and Sudden IFluehee of Heat. Persons, even suffering with Dyspepsia, with safety eat the most Indigestible subitnnc take one dose of the HLXXIH after it, and feel no unpleasantness whatever. Directions. Taks on# tabloepooc/ul throo times a clay, fif teen n-lnafes after each meal. Tbe bottle mail be very thoroughly shaken b« re each dose, an til the sediment Is in suspension. SMITH & EZZARD, Sole Proprieiort and Manufacturers, ATLANTA* GEORGIA. | |Price $2 per Bottle. ' Atlanta, May Oth, 1868 ~.!f«sers. AW-'A A Euard—l do certify that . hare been for many years afflicted with Dyspep sia, and in ite worst forms to live, and have tried from to time, all such remedies as have been re. oommendod, cot >nly patent medicines, but cucb as were raeommeodedby skillful Physicians, and have found none to girer*Ji*f for bot a ih'ort tlac, and was seeking to procure something for relief, when I was Informed of Tavxoiu Elixir, Jid having been so often disappointed m such as I bad tried, I did not eare to try any thing more, until through persuasion, I bought a bottle ot Taylor's Elixir, and in two days,|found a wonder ful change in my feelings. I continued ta and still improving, till fused one bottle, this has been more than a roar, and I have during that tim* had better health than I have enjoyed for 15 or 20 years before. I fsel safe in recommending it as a permanent curs for that disease. May 21. JOSEPH H. MEAD. Atlanta, December 10, I860, Muere. Smith A Euard:—To those who are in forested I would state, that daring tbe past sum mer and autumn I was severely affected with indi geition. It continued about three months—md stomach felt as if it had broken rocks in it—Iba* diArrhcsa continually and was much reduced. A this time I heard of Taylor’s Anti-Dyspeptic Kllx ir, I tried it, and received immediate relief. M food digested well and my diarrhoea ceased v onee. I can bat think it a very valuau.e emed for that difficulty ay 21 WALTAR M HATCH. , _ the internal viscera to purify th" blood stimu late it into healthy action. Th«v remove t. e obstruction# of the utoiMach, bowt'liver, and organs of tho body, and. by restoring their irrcgui.r action to health, correct. \rU< r *vrr ihc derangement* r.* urr tit* f. An extensive trial uf their Physicians, and Patients, bus si. wn :. ns cf dan gerous diseases almost bcy/u.i! l.« lief, uv.» :hcy ti--t substantiated bp persons cf ' t-jH * \ .il'” and character as to forltd the *i..m of t.:.!rulh. Thiir CCXtlff'&tM aro publi-.hvri in my Amrriciin Altoona', *,hich tht Apents below named err pleased to furnish free tu all imiuiring. Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to cure. Foil CosTlVK.vrs*. ~Take or twn Pills, or such quantity aa to gently move the howrls. Cos tiveness Is frequently tbe aggravating cause uf Film, and the cure of cue complaint is the cure of both.ON" person wa feel well while under r. costive habit ot t-nlv, Hcno* it should be, as it m be, promptly relieved. For UtsPEPfiiA, which i* sometimes the caiu.c of Cottivenen, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses — from one t j four — to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it. and the heartburn, bedyhum, and toullmm of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear When it has gone, don’t forget what cured you. For a Foul Stomauh, or Mur bid Inaction of the Bowels, which produces general depression of the spirits and had health, take from four lu eight Pills at first, and smaller doses afterward j, until activity and strength is restored to the system. Foe Nervousness, Sick Hpadache, Magma, Fain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, tako from four to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not oper ate sufficiently, take more, tho next day until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system.#; Don't wear these .and their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. Fou Scrofula, Eutsivslas, and all of the Skin, take tho Fills freely and frequently, to keep ths bowols open. The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminish and disn dreadful uteerv and sores haw? Iieon the purging and purifying effect of these Pills,‘and some disgusting diseases which seemed tn taturatr tho whole system have completely yicldori to their Influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself arourn" the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sv.rea, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleansing. To Pumrt tub Blood, they arc the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow tho seeds or incurable diseases will be swept out of the system like chaff before the wind. By this property Urey do as much good in preventing sickness as oy the remarkable cures which they arc. miking every where. Liver Covflaint, Jaundice, and all Bilious K ections arise from some derangement — either jiditv, congestion, or obstructions of th* Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate tho bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently under- 10 other cause. Indigestion is tne symp* traction of ths duct which empties tho bil* Into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into ths blood. Tills produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costirencss, or alternately costiveues* and diarrhoea, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to deep, and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes there 1, severe pain in the side; the skin and the white of eyes become a greenish yellow; the stomach addL tne bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, dysentery. &c. A medium dose of three sr four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three In the moniimr, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. 11 is wicked to suffer such pains when you can cu:e *hrm for 25 cents. Rheumatism, Gout, and all Inflammatory Fe vers aro rapidly cured by the purifying effects of these Pill* upon the blood r.nd the stimulus which they afford to tho tital principle of Life. For these ana all kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a Dxnnru Pill, this is both agreeable and useful. No PUl can be mado more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made moro effectual to the purposo for which a dinner pill is employed. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER A CO Praotioal and Analytical Chomlotu, LOWELL, MA88., AND BOU) BY A.Alexander, Atlanta, Ga., and Druggi rally. dec. 11,1 S60. dAw4*uiit eTJreka orT, Tho Greatest Discovery of the Age *» From the Columbus Sun. A new remedy recently introduced to ill public, is startling our community by th wonderful cure* that aro Icing effected by its use It has been tried incase? of the ino-t vio lent cholic, on sore breasts, crocked nipples, tet ters, eruptions o'tho skin, ulcers, sore legs, ul cerated sores of long standing, sprains and bruit e*, in evert instance where wc have heard of its being used it has proved to be a sure and speedy remedy. To its former high character, is now addedthat of the destroyer of the hot in that val uable animal, the horse Who would be with out so good n Samaritan for the ailments ol man and beast, as the Eureka Oil. It ran !*• had in this city at tho store uf A- K Ayer, and at the drug store of Danforth. Nagel & Co. If ia a discovery of southern origin, and is rr.anu factured and sold at wholesale by G. W. Croalt A Co, at tbe city of Atlanta, Ga. Read t lhe following note addressed to u* yesterday : Columbus, Ga., July 22,1857. I think it my duty to inform the public thro 1 your valuable paper, of a most remarkaLle cure which was effected on a horse of Mrs. King’s which was taken in Broad street, and pronoun ced-by knowing ones to he hopelessly affected with tho Bott*. I administered Eureka oil, and in a very abort time the homo was entirely re lei red, to the tatonishment of a crowd of spec tutors, merchants, countrymen and others, who had been attracted to the spot by the agonies ol the animal. By giving this s place in your col umns, you will confer a great fsreron man and beasu CHARLES V. SMITH. a Lrw ippply ef th* D*4to*t sad boit stylos of Hats and Caps, to wkUJt w* invito th* at too- tioi uf U* p«Ue. Tkt Uftaft fMb prfcfo ptid for fart, Atfo*U,M•; I, HIT. (Ovl Morgan, Kirkpatrick, & Co, ■H|H^HAVINO op*n*d a n*w War* on Peach Tre«8treet,wouId call tbe attontloD of the public to tkrirfltochof Psunafttwref*abrA£logCsbia*t War* lu alllt* vari*tfo*. CRafriof* vsry kled ;l/>aof*s. K*tU*cs*s of Bprlegs, Hair, Moss, Cot ten and yi * a ~ CAnPETI,RUG8,AC., M* Wlad«wflhaUos, Wledow Cortalas.Daasask, Corals** Rotas,Cord oa4TosssU. Loops, he., kt— WINDOW PAJJQMNO, Jfofcf* DO, rtitobeerdde. TbovsUJleo* otaarofftpavtate do ell bled* ef work copaootol wtthtbolf b«sU***,oa«bes maklMaad repairing For rniiiC.rt*ottoaJtebof*a/,Wo]out,*Ddott*rvoodCof. CHAIR FACTORY, %v**elArf*Ub*frntseeteet*r!af«bepMtD*.' x.: *m seoflvM*rffae'sorlfiueiCetUf *CTkefrfl. '» d*eteetKestoe4,t#f*tk#f wltb alhrlteiesol S »»ef their awnsaaeefatier*, la mjqeee- »w see • f*s tmrtag sad ielshi sgt eeata I *d /import*rte eeyte hi fell from th* Afflicted Heart! I celled to *ce « Lady from Alabama, who had come to Atlanta on a visit. When 1 tered the room, l found her silling in e chair with the glauda of her neck so much swollen end inflamed, that she could not turn her head to the right or left, to speak ao as to be hoar.! •cross the ror rn. I prevailed with her to try Bu r ka Oil. 8he consented, sod commenced by rubbing it well on the throat, and gargling Ire- 3 uently, and to my grral astonishment, in three ays she pronounced hrrae!f effectually cured, and left for Alabama with a good supply of the. justly celebrated Euraki Oil. Hold only by H.J.HIIAGKLKFORI), Nolo Ag't. Try It, Everybody! A Lady in this city who wu* awfully afflicted with Inflammatory rheumatism from th* bottom of the left foot up the same limb aide, both shoul ders. and down the arm to the ends ot her fin gera. Gould not walk, but Uy in bed tormented wi th the most excruciating poin day and nigh*. I recommended her tn try. the Eureka OR. Hhe readily agreed to do an atd commenced rubbing it on the surface three or four times a day, and in about five days she wa* entirely relieved of inflammation and rain. 1 was an aye witnc: of tho worn! ful rifoclM of this oil, arid affirm tbe above k be substantially true. H. J.HIIACKLEFOKD, Aren I. August II.IH57 ,|if Window Hhadat. A B,Utt4I.J VuWj—.11 .rapl«t.. Jut r* rtdud/re ula, wry.*, bjr ipU St. A. S S WILLIAM SLOAN & OATMAN PX.LSM IN Italian, Egyptian k. American. AND EAST TENNESSEE*aKB1 E TOMBS, UBNS k VASES. Marble Mantles AND Jfuvutehtufl pRartnc. Allordrei ,r«a^ljr'.tlW[. W.*mmwffMltiS Hri’t IUllrot4 U patent ywehtctncfc. itoLAkWdB'S CELEI!HATF.r VERMIFUGE LIVER FILLS. Two of the best Preparatlom of the Ago. They are not recom mended as • Universal Cure-alls, but simply For what their name pur ports. The Vbriwifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various anirn subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &e. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by (liumvYuj tlixoi. sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. Fleming bro’s, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Sole Proprietor,. hri i l; J-'uiUh h l tiord, AtlauU, Us. A Aipxamltr, " “ J- J. F. Woo<U»ary. <» -• Wm.Root, Mariatt, •• R. C. Ellington k 8on, Joneabor*. W. k C. n-nnett, FaysttovOl* “ J. Hotneter, Deeatar, “ 8. if. (irido, PsItnMto, - W. B. Swan. CatnpolltoB •. P.. N. IluMtll, Villa Rlaa, Camp & Christian, Fairborn, •* 14 Htilllwoll At Brown, McDonough " “ J. M.* Co.,Uton« llouotsln“ New and Important Discove: in tho Science of Medioine. P ATENT OFFICE SEAL OFOFEi Hriti.n, Difilome Jo rbarataci. ciun Jo I'urii, ami Imiwrinl College ol Mr rine, Virnns. hold wholci.I. .ad reUil Or. IS. A. HARROW, membor of th. Imp.! Collcgo of Vicnnn, and Royal Collrg. of 8 ?eon., London, who may be prreonally con. tod nt hi. rcidrnco, 167 Prion tlreet, f block, wcat of Tlroadw.y, N. Y. from 11 a, till 2 p. in, and from 4 till 8 p. m. Sunday, ccptrd, union by appointment. Trle.tciunr No. 1. t> a rcmcly for Rrl.x.tion, Spermatorrhoea,. Ml the diatrruing eonaequencc. oruing fr early ahu.o, indiscriminate cxceuu,ortoolo residence in bot climatce. It bu restored b ily end sexual alien,Ih and rigor to thoucai who aro now in tbo enjoymaut of health a tbo function, of manhood; and whateret m bo the c.tuo or di»|U.lificatioot for mairiai they aro oBixluilly subduod. Tilc.senmr lYryO, completely and entirely rnnUCSlra all trace. Gononharnd’oth in it. mild and and nggru.l forms. Gleet., .Stricture^ Irritation of tbe Bit dcr, i\en-rotemion of Urine, Pain, of tho Lie and Kidneys, and there disorders for re hi Gopnisi ej;d Cubeb. base re long boon thou| an anlidoto' Trlccmar No; 3, ia the great continental remedy for Sypbilia a: Sec mlary Symptoms, R also conatitulrs certain cure for Scurry, Scrofula, and all C sincjus Eruptions, removing and expelling ii course alliimpuritiea from the rirua sires to so ollogs therto eradicate the rirueof discs and expel it by insensible perspiration throw th" medium of tho pores of tba akin at urine. It ia a norer failing medy for that dare disinters which English Physicians treat wi Mercury, to the incritable dcitiuction of the p tirnts constitution, end which all tho Sareapt title tn the world cannot remora, TRIEHEMAit No.JI, a, and 3, are prepan in the form uflnaengee, devoid of tosto or ami and can be carried in the waiseoat pocket. So in tin cases, and divided in separate doaea administered by VsIpcuu.Lalleraan.Xoux. I curd, 4c, Ac- Price did each,or caeca in oi for iji!), which .area *3, and in $27 ease when by there ia .siring of $9, None aro genuino unless the Engravings the Heal, of tho Patent Office of England, Il Sealaof UieEcoloJe Pbaracia deParia, andtl frnpcnal Coltego of Vienna, are affixed upc each wrapper, and .around each **““ I— ■ ■ lions are liable to * law. Hpecial arrangement, enable Dr. Bano forward immediately, on receiving a remitt tbo tu and larger eize cue. of Prieaemar of caniage, tu any part of the world, aect packed ami properly addrereed, tbusansu genuine European preparationaand prutac the public from apurioue and peraicioua It AUrndance and conaultotion from IS a till 3 p. m. and from 4 till 8 in the ennui Prince Street, a few block, writ of Broad New York. ,pn| 1 >37 daw I, i the aerereat penalitica ol DE8IBAJ3LE CITY FOIl HALE! TUB undersigned oSfsra far akia a raids U0U8B aad LOT, ah Ms: iStraat. Tba lioaaa la built of brkk eunuias four rooms on tba first story, and above logrthat with a Urge dlatug ream t, aad also a Urn oallar and ear room. The Ueuse kaa authe modem couth oaa about it Thera b u lua wall of will tba 1st. Pmactlnu gtran Immediately, particular, hprdy to the lub.crlbsr on tha Li Augostlfi, IUT. J. 0. WHI1 • To Pnlnten. In a few dayawa will be Inrscstpt of 1|, •MU.U4. SHIXS SKUAS