The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, December 15, 1857, Image 2

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KM* Iglelligwd- & DUNCAN A LOCHllANE. ——■ccagsasessss ■■ .yiX.k-.iiej ATLANTA, GEO., TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1857. TKiun or Tine UrnUIOEHUBK ft EXAMINER. DAILY, - $6 00 WEEKLY, ------ 8 00 — FOR SHERIFF. mm+ m* For Deputy Ufeerim. 0. tt 0BBKN ft OSBORN, For Clerk of Superior Court. DR. B. F. BOM AB. For Clerk ol Ioftrlor Court. D A N I E L PITTMAN. Tor JVraiw.wr,—-0. U. WAUACE. Per imyr.-J. 0. FARRAR. AW 3totodr.-Y. F. WINFU LIV AW Tmi Retxircr.—A. J. COLLIhR. tor Coroem~h. R WHITE. tG»Zar Latest News rs E E T H I R"P PAGE. The Executive Xuuioa. A> the Exscutive Mansion, in Mllledge- vill*, Governor ted Sri Brown here been extending bcapttilitire to the member* ef the Legislators, end Tisitor* it the Capitol, on t generous scale. fflt Wednesday eight, we partcok of ea elegant te well as aabstantial rapper, epread far aomethrae hundred guests; and on Friday night, we attended the Reception Party, and a more brilliant and pleasant one, we hare new witnessed, sltbough we hare attended many, at the Mansion. The reception perries of Goreraor and Mrs Brown, we ere pleased .to kern, hare be come quite attract)re and popular. Insteud of the old annual, or biennial ' Lae*,' at which hospitality war abused, the present Goreraor and his notable Lady hare insti tuted Friday night «e;ption*. where not enly the laahienable and * fast” may be certain of enjoying s pleasant night, but when tkesedate, serious, and religious, are also sure ef spending an agreeable hour or two. At all then parries, “Wine and strong drink" compose no part of the refreshments, bet instead may be found wholesome bee- stages end an abundance of the luxuries end comforts of lift, wherewith to satisfy the most fastidious. At the reception te which we refer, there war quit- a galaxy of heaaty, as well ee a large number of the a ret intelligent, and inteUermai gentlemen of our State. Success to the Go renter fur instituting t raw order of things at the Execuure Man sion. There is not, we will rrnturt the prediction, one of bis prtdecee ors bat will uqeeli&ediy approre tie change. The Ex- eeurire Mansion is no place forierelry and dissipation at anj time, much leu should it be so, when ladies are incited within ite wall*. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE MnuDoxnuA D»- fl* *8W. SENATE. Mr. Whitaker moved to reconsider (he action of ytsterder, in relation to the lose of the Georgia Air Line Railrbed bill. He only wished to reenrrect it in order that i might be acted on at some future time--*- Tbe motion mu carried. Jfitttsr under jinal Consideration. A resolution to appoint u commltttee of threo to inrestigale tire affair* of the State Rsad end report to the Goreraor. Mr. Strickland offered n substitute, that the liorernor appoint a committee of three for this purpose, who shall report to the Legislature. Mr. Buchanan did not want tbu Governor in any sray connected with this a Sal-. He wanted a full and fair investigation, and as the substitute did not giro the committee full powers as the original did he opposed Mr. Reynolds of Ncwtreu proposed to let it Be orer till the consideration of the bill to rest the gorernment of the Road in a Hoard of commissioner-. Mr. Tucker ohjec'ed. . A charie hsu beco made against the Road uffirinls. It was due them and the State th I the inrestiga- lion be made at once. Mr. Gibson offered so amendment, op> pointing J. P. King end K. R Curler on committee. Rejected. On motion the cucber tire: uiu struck out and S proposed. Loot. Four—tsro from rech Coegrteiiooal Dis trict proposed. Lost by yeas ninely—nays The Murdoch Club. FIRST NIGHT OP PERFORMANCE Tbe Murdoch Club, to the great gratifica tion ef our eitime eho here for many months been deprired ef theatrical ester taiemeata, made their first appearsoc* for the winter season, on Saturday night lest, before e crowded, intelligent, end fashions Me sadieeor, a large portion of whom were (air bailee, grace, and intellectual matrons of oar city. The play selected for the oc- Meson, was the popular, nasties! drome “Buck Era Scxox," Miss Fssrr Mu.' ton, as Satan, and Him Scs*» Wux. as Doily “Mayflower/ both of whom sustain ed now admirably there artistic reputation ■non the hoards of scrtcal of our norther: ‘William/ tbe leading ebaracier in this ime, wee represented by Allan-, la's popular fhtrorite, Mr. Wnuoa A. Ooatca, an tmcUestr who rirale 4 store " of more than oocsidsrahle magnitude, aid whose Mate for tbe drama, ae well as hietri* ccie talent, has done to much to iot^rest, instruct, and amuse ear eitixers, end whs ia oar Udioot winter nights, will, wt'hope, both ae manager aid in hie ferorite leading characters, enable ue all “ to drire dull care away.* We need aeerceiy here add, ’bat hk “ William ” wu the true hevtai, bold, end frank mtlor, the author of ihe drams designed him to be. Mr. Wn. H. “Goat Brain* wee, at steal perfect in hit pert, and in hie acting. We nerer knew him to foil, that word it tux m his vocabulary. Wbai be aadmtekee, he succeeds in, consequently. "Gnat Brain/ wee played to the life, and to the delight ef the eodienee. Mr. Butts's ’* Doggram" su -xctUeni, aad Mr. Yssacsxx's ‘ JcvJb Ttetj," we bare nerer seen tarpotsed. Io truth, for we camm, Vo tbit (ketch, speak of every one of our becoming young " Mo/djch-,’’ mote then ordicary ability was displayed by all, which giree asnrance of s premia tag aad successful folate. At the 'drop of tbe curtain,” load end sctbemeeflr calls were made for Mr. Csoice. who appeared before the ao-'ieere, aod dr- Etstd a seat, appropriate, end happy ed- dnm; ia which he al-ided to the kiodotm ef hie Atlanta friends, tbe far./rs they had bestowed open him, end baring gracefully returned hie ecknowledgmes’s for tbe seme, retired amid (hoots of applause We did not stay to see the afterp-ecs, * State Secrete," bat we learn that tbe mme euectas attended ha representation that did tbe tret. We ere gkd of it, for n eridm ees that tbe Clab, k a first rate “Stock Company,” that merits, what wa doabt not it will secure, racctm gratifying to iu Maa- ager, end to each individual member there of. Our dtiaeoe. if they do not UoetoUy patronise it, will lose more than they will Forged Bonk BsUt —Laet week on indi- odoal girieg ha name ae James H Diels wae caogbt aod placed in jail in Chicago for prating off forged Bills oe rsriooe Banks ameag which were some deronf r.strd as the Fanners end Merchant, MiUttorrSl Georgia.—There is no sock Huns in tt i io Georgia. The sabs It title of Mr- Strickland, yeas l J nay? 97. Tbe rote oa the original stood yea- 39 — nays 14. Special order of tie dty was a bill to test the gorerntneot of the State Rad io a board ofcommimiooert Mr. Paine of Telfair moved to lay the whofc msthr on tbe table. After ionic dis- this motion was lcet. Mr. Fatnbro of Fpotn read hit sab-titute, a till to create a W 4 A R R Co. snl sell two thirds of the Rood to §a d t ompeoy Ac. The Senate adj turoed uottl three o'clock P M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Ooerry of Raodolpo, mored tbe iu* defieite pcetpcnemect of tbe origioal bill and Ur. Fambro’s subititute. Lt?' by yeas 39, osye 67. Mr. Cone of Bulloch mored refor-mee of the whole matter to a special c ramittee of one from each Congressional District Lost by yeas forty-two—nays fifty-seven. Snate adjourned to mee’ at 7 P M to read bill* ie<xcd time, HOUSE. M: iter under f.nal Ccniider at son. Abilllo aboitsh theCiy Court of Atlanta. Passed. A bill for the protection^tf mill owners. Referral to Jai. com. A bill to incorporate the Southern Mu- tool Life Insurance Co., to be located at Augusta. Passed. On motion of Mr Smith, of Towns, the rules were suspended in order to take up the neolntion instructing our members in Congress to urge the passage of an act, to extinguish the Indian title to the reserve lands in this Stare. The resolution wae adopted. The bill for tbe reciprocal relief of the citizens of th’s State, was referred to Jud. com. A bill to exempt from poll tax a 1 person* oxer 45 years of age. Lo-t. A bill to lay out a new county from Cherokee, Ccbb and Forsyth. Lost A bill to authorise the issuing of dLuu executions in racarien as welt is term time. Passed. A bill to appropriate money for the pres* •errat.on of the Pubiic Records Past- A bill to pretent the filingjof petitions for Ccrtiorrari, unices it is upon affidavit that it is not for delay. Referred to Judiciary com. A bill for the payment by the State of 50 per cent, of the bills and judgments f ended on the bills if the Bank of Dan in. Laid on the table for the present. A bill to allow Potman Thomasiu to oc cupy a portion of Tybe* Iatand, for tbe purpoeeof --xperimenui.g in the manufac. tore of salt, Thia bill with, a resolution to hare a portion of this Island eoreeyed, passed. A bill to amend the ux-iaws of this State. Passed BUI to alow Sheriffs to be elected twice in succession. Refr.-ed to Judiciary com mittee. A (rill to appropriate money for the im provement of tbe old portion o.f the Lunatie Aajiutn. improving the grounds, kc. Pit ied House adjournel till 3 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. A resolution »lth regard to the incorpor ation of Churches, Ac Referred to Jud. com A hid to repeal the bail laws of this State. Lost. House adjourned to meet at 7, P M. to read bills second time. totol Aeodoni,—A kxsadrr ilodiford, say rise South Westers News, wee ran over by the cars between Albany sod thia plate, and killed instantly. Us was walking on the track, end being deaf, did not hear tbe noise of the ear. Tbe engineer supposed, be would of course get oat of tbe way, made DO ol. fort to atop tbe,can until tootsie. Eornejtneu.—Goodness and carne-tceee ue nearly the same thing, in the language in which tbe btole ass written there was one word which expressed th-rn both; what, we translate a good man, in Greek is liter ally cares:. 'The Greeks felt that to be earnest was nearly identical with being good But, however, there is a day in life, when a in an must be earnest, bat it does not follow that be will be good. “Behold the bridegrom cotneth : go ye out to meet him !’ This is a sound that will thunder through tbo most fast locked slumber, and ronse men whom sermons route. But that will not make them holy. Earaestneae of lift, brethren, that u goodness Wtke in death you nuut for it is at earnest thing to die. Shall it be this, I pray you 1 Shall it be the voice of drath which first rays ‘Ante." at the very moment when it saye. “Sleep on ftfevtr!” Shall it be tbe bridal train sweeping by end the shutting of the doors, and rim discovery that tbe lamp is gone out 1 Sha<l that be tbe firs', time yoo know t at it it in earnest thing to live J— Let US fee! that we have bees doing; learn what time is—sliding from yoo, and not stopping wt.en you stop learn what sin is; learn what nesrr te “Awake thou that sleep, cat’ — Ra.y. W. HoUrUun. Vote on the Opaibni Bill Ice*.—Awtry, Bailey, Barrett, Barton, Battle, Bette, Bell, Bigbam,Christy, Clarke, Coleman, Craft, Canton, Dinkn, Duncan, Everett,Fonaio, Fortner, Fnjdcrck, Fuller, Gay, Gilbert, Glam, Gordon, Griffith, Oro retuteine, Hall, Uamts, Harkneea. Harris of Cobb, Harper. Hays, HtUjer, llitnv, Holli day, Holmes, Hopkins. Howard, Hughes, Irwin, Julian. Kansu, Kendall, Kimbrough of Harris, Lane, taunby, Lee. I/mb of Greene. Marshall. -Mattox, McCants; Me Connell, McDaniel, MoUregur, McLean, McWhorter, Mill edge. Jiizcll. Moore of Clarke, Mott, Ones], Phillips, Pitterd, lteid Roberta of Cbtrokee, Roberta ol Bctiveii, Schley, Smith of Talbott, .-iti.-h of Taltnalb Strickland, Ta’iafi t.o, Teyo-,Terrel, Walk er of Clark, Walker of Henry, While, Wilkes, Willis, Wood, Worley, Wright, Young.— 88. Auy/— Black. B-gg«». Brantley, Brass- e^Caoton. Carter, Chapman, Cook. Cura ble, Danin 1 . Diamond, Embry. Fain f Fun- tun, Fain ef Uuioo, Fucannou, Findley, Fullmore. Graham, Guy, Hardy, Hardeman, Uokleo, Jooes, Kimbrough of Stewart, Lneii of Cuihooo, Lewie of Hanc ck, Lick ett, Luffmao, McAfee, MoDorald, McMil lan, Mcrchieon, Minis. Moore of Glynn. Myers, Neal.Owen*, Pickett, I’owell. Price Prceti, S!*ffielJ, Shelton, Sheimuo, Smith ofCowolta, Smith of Towns, Sprayberry. Tomlinaon, Wall, Webster, Wvainiorelaud. —51. Tbu b this momentous, deeply agitated matter settled for e little white, at least, af ter a full, exhaustive; elaborate discussion, by the best talaat in the House, by a pre ponderating majority against it. It has been an exciting struggle indeed, and the whole State bos felt breathlessly interested io ils fiaai i-rae. Tie sopportcr* of the bill have b« from all the sections of Georgia’s un- traversed and unchecker d railroads desti tute of iotarnal impruvemeut, their agricul tural and commercial resources undeveloped laboring under marked disadvantage for want of c <o:rnercial fucililities. and pertrnac - iously and unwearyiogly clamorous for etyuul rights, privilege? and benefits with the res maiuing developed portions of Ihs Stale. The opponents of the measure have been the flourishing populous trade emporium* ef the State, Ibe two great coio'sal railroad monopolies and their tribatariee, well esta blished upon a s.un-l basis of remunerative trade, resulting from the enjoym-mt of ex traordinary commercial advantages, and whoee atnnal golden karve-ls would be m»- teria'ly decreased by the establishment of rival rood ; and all the lections lying imme diately upon the line, and deriving their value from the prosperity of these monopol ies. Which of the two great conflicting par- ties bare the best and most just foundation for tbeir etaitrs. I will not prelend to decide, it is’a matter requiring tbo combined aDd unbiassed wLdaai. talent, discrimination, statesmanship and palrioii.m of the legisla ture, ia their h.ghcst sovereun capacity, de- iiOtaritg fit the interests of tbe tcWr Com- oioowtalrii, ar.l b end by a solemn obliga tion to promote and advance tbe public \reaL Another cLsa bare voted ogainst the bill because they were opposed from principle to omnibus' measures, founded, as they a e, upon the iniquitous, eorrupiug system of • log rolling." They were un.villi'g to iup» port a measure which they condemned, to gam the uicc*» of one which they approved and some of tbe enterpr»:s contemplated in this bill they would saact.on under re- coi.- sidcratioas. The rnaiu fundimsntal positi m of th- ad- vocaus of the bid, ;s, that ins government has established the great principle of “State aid and as she has aides in its develop-, ment of several pirtic ilar ;octioni of Ueor. gia. ihe is bund, ts sn indiscriiainating pa rent, wassivt ia developing the other unde vsloped sections. and to refa-e this aid, is to refuse to tbow stcti'.ni their rightr, and be- side', the State hat unqualified safe security against loss The lea ling position of tbe opp. nen'.t of theta astro is tint', the principle of “Statq aid" involve* a dangerous violation of the natural and'-onttitutioual rights of theeiti- x ns ; tnat till- measure forces a taxation of certa n ctbzeni and corporations, for tbe b nefit and promotion of enterprises directly confi a iigwith 1 ,-eir own interest* and pros perity : »nd i: places l e b'a’a with her im mrnse credit, in the altitodc of a competitor with private capital, which ha* a etrong tea dene/ to cripple private enterprise. 1 have thus very briefly alledsd to the contestant* in this exciting struggle, and presenlevT, thsir ieaiJmg arguments, y>ro*nd eon. The revolt of the momentous and pro traeted srarfire ha3 bscr, a triumphant victo ry for to- • netaies of the “omnibit,' and a signal dsf at for its friends' Whether t.,e General Assembly have act ed wisely and patriotically n this matter, is to be decided b) the people whonrthey rep rwent; and each legislator must be prepared to be held accjuntable for his sction, by his eonstitusney. at home. The bill was only scotched on .Saturday night, but this morn ing it wa* killed by a decisive final blow On Sarudiy night a large number of the fobky uamberv got leaye .f obveoce for ihe bal ance of the revsiou ; still tliere was a quo rum left. Bit this morning there was a y ntta. "ttatlrrl;ph>i‘.taltoi'’ of them—an ajcuinruenl, tint Jit) .f that respectable, eery nersatary, though outside branch of tbe Gensral Avaersbly. Whatever may be said of the eulightuient acd information they have imparted upon (hegeierai mroaurei before tbe legislature, there can b- no doabt that th* hotel keep ere, atnuncroctju, caterer-, oyster saloons t/sr r/isc. Ac . should bk under heavy obli ga'h n- to thvm. fir their lii»er»l patronage Old generous distribute n of their surplm funds in ihe-t tight times. I give th»m a c-irdial farewell, ant wish them p'.casuit jiurtsryt home , and hope they will find their fomdic veil, ami b able to satisfy their c.-nstiloents with the docharge flheirduty. Suicide at U. 0. Frea eott was found d ad io his room at the Baita lloure, ywixday looming. The ter diet of Ihe Gororner't jury was that he came to iis death by ukiag morphine and lead- snum* He was or. ninerent practuow o- '+* turer on rn-dwme, and arm cl iu Jrdisea spoil* on baturdsy. Join Bhania. — Uent. Derby, (J-bn Fbariix,) Topngrspblcsl Engineer, now el Mohde, Ala., is suffering from so scute din order of tbe eyes, which it hr feared may de- Moy toe sight entirety- AJuitJttdgtaent Trantlated from Ike French Just before the death of the Kmperer Nicholas of Russia, an affair occurred, in wl ich tbe firm justice of hi* chatsotcr ws* nobly displayed. Tbe child of (gamekeep er attached to the houae of a atvero and cruel nobleman, s veritable Nero among his aerfa, w»« ao unfortnusle as to break the log of a Utile dog belonging to the huot'og pack of tbo catato. Tbo ooblcinan, furioui # seized tho child, dragged him into hjs armo« ry, vj with the butt of a pistol shattered hi* skull. Overhearing the tumult, the gamekeeper hurried to the scene, end found himself io the presence of the dead body of bu son, aod Ihe murderer standing near hia vict in. *\V .a it you that killed my child f de manded the camekeeper. iu a voice broken with despau. 'It was I.' •Why did you sot' ‘Because he had broken tho leg of oue ol my dug*.' ■ Recommend your soui to God 1 Vou oro about Io die Tbe lordly aasasain tried io grasp anoihe, pistu,; but before he could succeed, tho gamekeeper, with au irou hand, liirew him ou hi* knees. ‘Ueciinmend your soul to God 1—1 tell you. that he may luive pity on your *oul— ; 11 such moil tors have soul* 1’ •Mercy I Pi y 1 Help!’ cried the noble man, snuggling in vain within the terco grasp which held him to ibe ground. ‘Do you want gold ? 1 will give you ai much as you can need' •Gold will uot stop tbe flow of blood T •Do yon wish your free lomT You shall have it 1' ‘Liberty will not realoro me my child.’ •Pardon me I Mercy I Help! To the rtaouo 1’ Attracted by these cries, a doieu *«rfs ran to defend thtir muster. Hut at the sight of the corpee, of the Talker's despair, they comprehended all the horror oi the tragedy which had jus: passed in that blood-stained hall. ‘Help mi, my children,' cried tho noble- muu, ‘defend u.u 1’ But uot a voice was heard; out un arm woj extended to help the murderer. ‘These houest men have not c:u* litre to rave you,’ said the gamekeeper. ‘They are here to judge auJ assist iu tho execution of ytur sentence.’ Raised him tfcoD he bound bis arms, and made him sit down. Tbeu briefly recounting ml the act* of violence and abuses of authority ol which tbe nobk- man bad been guilty, the gam keeper, trans formed into a judge, subjected him to a long interrogation in presence ef the body of the murdered child—terrible aod silent evidence of bis last crime ; then addressing tbe serfs, he demanded—'What puniihmeut should tbi* man receive?' ‘Death T replied with one voice the mem bers of trat tribunal of justice, ‘but who will take upon himself the office of execution er P ‘The fatber who is now childless!’ answe red ihe gamekeeper, and, repeating a third time, 'Recommend your aoui to God,’ he plunged the sword to the biit iuto the nobles man's bre-sl. The same day he delivered himself up to Ibe local authorities, but tho Emperor, on being informed of the affair, or? dtrel that he should lie set at liberty, saying : ‘This man his committed no crime ; to a dog the death uf a Joe. ’ Sobakje eobaticheehaja emertj. The Solitary Horseman. Many year* ago u solitary horseman might buve been seen rifling swiftly toward To.e !o, Ohio. The suu had just set in the western horizon. 'Two* die close, in short, of election day, and the solitary horseman wav a c -urt-r from au important township in Lara* coo ity. The returns from every township in tho county but tbo one we speak of had been hiard from nt Toledo, and the vote of tbi* vary township wa > needed to tell how the county bud gone. o At length the solitary fconeman arrived iD Toledo, and reined Ins foaming steed up before the Indiana Homo. A big crowd— Domocrat* and Whigs — rushed eagerly a- found him, and shouted for the 'new*.' ‘Better time,’ said the solitary horseman, poking at hi* wateb. 'was never made by a lire bo*» 1 Filteen mill's in thirty two ruinuiee 1 What d'ye think of ihat, gen' men ?” asked the 1 orreman. •t’u»* tlwjnrse, 1 "yelled tho eqcited crowd, how has toar.ahip gone r ‘Gen'men,’ replied tbe solitary horseman I duremember. It went either Whig or Democratic but I’ve been *) taken with the spaed,of lb i» ’ere hoss, that I forgot it ; bat. genflmen, rising iu iiis saddle ar,d fra- tieully waving his whip iu the air, ‘you rmyjuvt res satisfied on ouet point: All. H—LLCl.V’T BUT THIS UOOl " They Say, They S-iy,” Xeter say it.— Toward* tbe close of hisremarablelilc.when prostrated by paralysis, Aaron Barr 1*7 mi % bod of riokucsv, an attendant said to him: ^.“Colonel, I wonder now if you wero the gay Lothar ia they *ay you were?” The old man turned his eyes, the lustre of which w*e nndiinmed still, toward: the friend who made the remark, and lifting Liv trembling finger, said in hi? quiet, imprea »i»e whi*per. which still lin.ors in Kr oars, and which brongbt tears to her eyre, twenty years aficr, ns sue repealed ihe word*: "They isf.lhry lay.’ tBiYsav! Abl my child, luw long aro you going to continue to use those dreadtal words? Those two I.rib, >rd* have done mire than all other*.— Never nse ihem, my dear Never use IbemT A Dreadful Spectacle. It will be remembered ihat the Russian line of battleship Lefort htdy capsized at noon day in the Bay of Finulund, carrying down twelve hundred, of whom nearly foor hundred were females. A wri ter in the London Timer from St Peters burg, says : “Suc'i persons as were on dvck nt the lime were of course at once washed away, but the divers found no less than 1,100 corp-es in tho cabin* between decks, and in the hold ot the vessel, all clinging to some portion of the limbers of ihe ship, or to each other The horror of this fearful sight appear to have been aggravate I by the circumstance that the houies were al ready far gone in decomposition, and, with few exception', the eyes were wide open and glaring. The effect of lint dreadful spectacle on tbe divers was such that one of tiiern was totally unable for many days to recount the gha-tly scenes he had witness ed 'town in that hive of putrefyingcorpstis, and n Ins p-rsistent refuial to repeat his visit there, wa»ser.t home." To 'graphic dispatches from fit. Loob, dated 8th met., stale* that ao eje- prto had pused through thate ty for Wash* ,,igton with dataitcbev from Col. Johnson. The Republican publisbe* advices ti the 31 "f November. The Mermans had stolen in hundred head of cattle in light of Major Alexander's camp. It was *uppo*ed (bat Col. Johnson lava concern rated his forces with those of Major Alexander. There was much suffering for want of provision* and clothlcg., Th* lierect alto waaled forage, and were giving out Govern / Gumming and Ihe other officer* were d' trrmined to enter Halt IaAc City, if pvnsihle, whi st the Mormons vie detr* mined to make to iiltoce. A skirmbh ,be- taecn Major Alexander ind lie Mormon* bad taken place, io which a few of thejlaiier were taken Co 1 . II ffnun. who left For Leavenworth tlie-lovt of uctober, bad riacbsl Su Loelr hut he brought no cews about the Utah Erpcditlon. We see it Maud in aetersl of tbe JVoiw (A* MilMgniBo Recorder. The Bank*. A bill hat patted the Senate to pin ride against ihe forfeiture of the' several bank charters that huvo auspeuded.apeeb payr mem, and it has been seat to the House rot their concurrence, but has not yet been t'a* ken up. It passed by • majority of SI volts, and contain* tho following provis ions: The let lection legallxee the bank aus- penaions until tha lath Not. 1856. The 3d sec. gives bill holders 10 per cent dama ges for the failure* ofa bank to redeem their bills in specie when demanded. The 3d authorises the Governor to withhold judicial proceedings against the suspended banks tiU lfith Nov. 1858, except in eases of in* solvency. Tho4th authorizes the Governor to hsvo the cbarlcrs of such forfeited as shall not resume; and also, that in the event there it e general resumption of ape? cio payments by the banks out of the State before the time referred to, the Gov. shall require by proclamation the bunks of this Slate to. resume in thirty dtys. Fifth should specie payments bo required under oath (durirg the timo of suspension,) io meet ihe demand on execution, the bank is required to pay the same. Sixth—Tho banks ate required to receive their own hills, notea, or certificates of deposit, io the payment of debts due them.— SeveoiL—No bank to, bo entitled jjto tde benefit of this act, which shall send any purlieu of it* capital out of tbe Stale for tlie purpjee of baying note* of any kind.— Eighth—No bank allowed to loan money, in trey manner, at a gicatet rate of interest than seven per cent per annum—and con* tri'.ji? for over that rate void. Ninth—No bunk, agent, or other officer, it allowtd to discount or purchase cole* or other eviden ces of debt at n greater discount than the rate of for eu per cent. Tenth—Bams are prohibit*':, from selling exchange, except sight exchange, at a greater premium than one per ccutum—when the bills of Mid bank are tendered (if not intended to resell.) ex cepting foreign exohange. Eleventh—The afhdavlts of bank officers, in tbeir semi-ac- oual report* shall state that tho provisions of this act have not beon|violated. Twelfth— i’t rjury may be established on bank efficars, on affidavits io their reports. Thirteenth— No suspended bank allowed to declare a great er dividend than at the rate of seven per con tain whilo it is impended. Special Notice*, Kd to ft&Qoooce the cirredtJat'tS •ltchim A oh IstauksiUnciU*aretNauteytoJtnarr »it. V* 1 TotSis Votsr* ol Faltou County. Fellow Citium :—Doing a Csndldati for re- etsetion to the office of Olork of tho Iafsrloe Court, at the (Malax eloetlon in January next, your support at th* Bailol box will b* thankfully sosir edby your ohodiect sorvant nro. 18. id. 0. M. PAYNE. yW WQ.are authoritrd to announca tha nams cf B, 8. JOHNSON as in Indepen dent candidal* for dherlff of Gobb County, at tha ranting eleclUm, 1st Monday In lanua-y sen MANY VDTE1I8. WJf i «ethnr<ee4 to enoouno# II M CUKKK) ee » Un llftte for re flection fbr Ooaety Trwpurer. dftwtf. New Advertifleraeats! SMITH ft FRANKLIN, Product and Commistion Mereh-tnU, and Dtdtrt in t'amti) ami Plantation Grvctritt, $c McrielU Struct Atlanta Georg a J. n. SMITH. A. P. PRANKLIN. SIV^ITH & FRANKLIN, ’ WOUIJD respectfully announce t«*^ the citis<|M «f Atlanta and »ur- reuodioc country, that they an. now receiving Ami openirg, en-t will •tore, a aplendht stock of FA MIL Y G IlOC F III EH, which the ere offering et prices that will compute with any house in the city, am) ask a share of pat roness. Thsy will glee speelfel attention to the set* of ft»- con, Lard, Hour, Uratn, Tobacco, Uo , Ac. Uonsignments respectfully solicite«L *3.Prompt attention giren to Cash Orders. Store oa Marietta street, in the building formerly occupied by C. D. Tarr. December 13, 1S67 d«rt ^muSemcnts. iHisceltaneons. NKGEO SHOESt CHEAP! CHEAP!! - TO T1I08K WAHT1KQ A MlartlcloofdoublMdcor woltod hrojjnna,# aX * miwo Will! baj that wo now liavo iu Htortr K c heary Stock, and ait ot our own ManufActuring which we will loll at ten cent.* a pair lower than an J houso in this city will loll us good an article •—competition wo dofy either in Yankee Mudc, Georgin lMittlc, Iloiuc-nxniln, or toy othor mako, and warrant them s* good a, arlioloaihaeoverbeen offered iu thia market „r State. All kind* df Boot* t*> Blxoon proporlionably cheap and warranted: All good* porcharedofuarenuired Irceefcharxe At thaiign uf 1110 HOOT, IWhtree Strroi Atlanta (lourgta. DIMIGK, JOYOR, A CO Morgun, Uii'kpnfrick, A. o. ^AVINCI opanod u now IVnre room on Poaeh Tree Btrcet,would .. , „ . , -r.llthoaltontionolihe publi to thelrStoekixt P‘iirnlturt,embracln*i:*t,ii l *t B >r* le aim* rarletlr, Clialr, i.lorerj klu.t I..ILU [*■ ™ *«”“•»•Mgrin**. H»lr, Mum, Cotton endfijl , CARPETS,, VT Wlndcw.ShaUsa, WiD.lowCurtalns.l)ftin»ak, Com Rands.Cord sn.l TasssN, hoop?.. WINDOW I'APKHINii, liOL.-K Du Fire.bosrddo. TheystiUcoo tinuo tb**ir ^hup, *SWA o/ Utoryiit /{(til mad Sami re, .at.\ r c P . ^, ! p • t *‘ ,lo du * 11 k,n,, ' , of work connected with thoirbueincHs.suchas mekinjatiil .-opairiug Krr ^tnrOs tnaklng Wftttresues. Upholstering, Ac. They ktejnlBoon hand MtUlic BurlsJCusws.snd make, up! ftrencrt^otte* Uahngauy,Walcui,Andi>ther woodCof* nuni FACTOUY, nTnty*.avA-vnlArge.JthelrinAuuinctu:in,-4hopRstD»! CkV.i ..loAo-iupplr Morgan’i , orlginsl'^)ttitgn , htlrb titni i ; i Rientlle'igtsad,together with ftlrart.d.ra • f fbdStfcvsL*’” 1 ‘ hjlr,,, ‘' c '“ 1 ' jrA eturc tnanjujuar. raejtaron Ct?ttrgujoii», farsuptirint to COMING Arrest of Tuckerman, Ex-Treasurer Eastern Rail Road, for Hail Rob bery. SraiNortiLD, Nor 30. W.T Tuckerman, formerly Treasurer cf the Eastern Railroad at Boston, was arr, si t'd last night at New Haven for mail rob bery. He is now in jsil and confessea hi* guilL Bostox, Nov: 30. The arrest of IVm. T. Tuckertban it is thought will explain the robbery onhe Ha- ran mail for the State of Maine, missing about the 21st of Nov ; also tbe mail from Portland for iV. Y, and the mail from Bos ton for N. Y., all missing on the New Ha ven land route about the same rime. Tho missing Havana mail contained about five hundred letters, one hundred of which were for merchants of Portland, and doubtless contained many remittances. The evidence against Tuckerman is deerr. •d conclusive, and it .s understood confess, es his guilt. Uis operations were mainly on Sunday nighl trains. Ue would take passage at New York with a large trunk, in which a carpet bag containing clock weights to make it heavy, and during the temporary absence of the baggage mastir he would steal a mail bag and depoait in his trunk. He acknowledges haring 3800 werth of stolen postage stamps. Five hundred dollars in bills on the Lee Bank oi Massachusetts were found upon him. The Philadelphia mail for Boston, with other*, being missed, the several Railroad Superintendants on the New York and Boston route, the Postmasters and Special Agent Holbrook, have been for several weeks on the alert, and hare now probably captured the robber. The amount of the robberies is supposed to be largo. Tucker man will be examined at New Haven to* morrow. Mobilx, Dec. 11, 1857. Sa'es of Cotton for the week 10.000 bales ami tha receipts reach 17,500 against 31,- OoO bales for the same week last year.— The markot close* firm at 10 cents for Mid dling. The stock of cotton on hand and oil shipboard is 80,000 bales, showing a de crease of 31,000 bales. Nsw Orlkaxs, Dec. 11, The sales of cotton to-day are 3,000 bales. Tho quotations are barely maintained.— Middling 10|alOj cents. The sales of ihe week reached 31.000 bales, and the rec ipts 58 200. Tho stock on hand is ‘.£>7,000.— The decrease at this port is 139,000 I sles, and the decrease at all the ports 330,00). The Sugar market is firm, and the Corn trade buoyant. Freights are drooping — Sterling Exchange 3) to 5 per cent, pre- m urn and sight Exchange on New York l to lj cunt, discount. Confirmed.—The Hon. N. Clifford, of Maine, hat been nominated and confirmed by the Senate, to Ihe vacancy on the bench of the Supreme Court. newspaper* 'bat the President ha* removed from offic* John McKtoo, E*q, kb* district attorney of Now York. uietde.—We learn that a man named Howard Wilcox shot himself last night at a h"ustof::!!-famo in this city.—dugueta Uiepilch, l)tc. 10/A. EVERYB0DYC30ES TO SEE IU MV P, fli G REAT~EHmLESQU E Op ora, Troupe! Atfl) Southern Minstrels! A T HAYDEN’S HALL, Atlanta, Oa., II'ED- NESDAY sod THURSDAY EVENINGS, Doc. 16 tala ml 17th, 1807. Embracing lha fol lowing 11*- of uonpproachablo Talent. OLD JOE SWEENY, SIGNS. SOL. J. M. CHASE, DICK SWEENY, SAM SWEENY, MAST. PARltOW Aod tbo Southern favorite BILL PARltOW! jUT-AdmiMlon 60 Cent*. Door* open at 6 Performanca to commence at 7 o'clock. CHARLEY HARRIS, Ag’i. December 12, 1867 dtt /'T-'IPfllT.lNTINro/.Mr TPJN, by I I .1.which tnucl; Buffering infiira|e»mny I I ha avoided, noil in married ihr[1 iii j ihn,,. I I r-moraplnliiig iharrisgo. AJdrius cn-J/ d'»i igfour stamp, Dr if W. AlilllSOOHUlE Uroobiyn, N. V. Nu I", l«'7 d&wBm npOHAS I\ l*OWE.-Gj;.NEl(AL •l t'OMMISdlU.N .MERCHANT, For lire piircnatd and anlo - f all kinds of produce lirurrrits acd Jlurchendia, will pay particu lar attention hr tho porch* ■* of Plar.iatinn and Family auppl ts, 15’’ All urilera promptly and foithfullv tends.: to. Office cn South side nf Whiteha alt three d tors east of M ich to IJ "cllt I COMING AGAIN ! Wednesday and Thursday Eve’g*, Deo 16th and 17th, 1857. RUMSE Y & NEW COM B’ S WORLD It UNOWNED AND ONLY Campbell Minstrels, BRASS BAND! T HES/ANAUKRS, Itreu/ul fbrU>*lr libatal patron ftlwft/1 b««towe<l by the clUxftBti of Jtlftnt*. beg IrftTf toftDoooncffi TWO MONK CQXCKKTH, io tbeir rout# trora ChariMtoo to NftthvU.lir.'t D which occasion tb# Programm# for each Concert will he entirety new. Door# open at 0 .Concert at 7 o'clock. Admission ) cents. ]'. A. CLaRK, Afeut* Jec 10 tlGt FIREMAN’S BALL _ ON WEDNESDAY ■ F.VEYING, tho -Jl ol Ducemhcr next, a IJd/l, will begiren nt the City Hall, fir the benefit of Mechanic Fire Company No, 3. MANAGERS Wm. Barnes, W. VV. Holdwio, <!. H. Strong, J H.Mi’casiin, (JeorRe Winship, W T Wilsin, Geo H Daniel, Thomas Haney, UCranhahaw, Capt. William KidJ, J H Purteii, A J Hornes. FLOOR MANAGERS. J M To*, C A Haralson, (■ P Campbell, J II Meraslin, COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. Wm Barnes, John fi Hoyt, A J Burko, 0 P Campbell, J MToy, J E Gullsti, C C Rides , Not. 36. [dlf.] We learn from the Macon Meuengtr that Gov. Brown has app tinted Col. Henry G I amar. Judge of tie Macon Cireut, in place of Ffoa A I’ Powers, resigned. Irik* A notice appear* in tbe rit. Louis papers of Wednesday, signed by E. G. Van* over, to tbs effect that be is ready to receive application* from p-rsons deairing to emit grate to Central America. DoS'N young lady in Cmoinaati, a few day* -inoe, d.ed from . bleeding at tbe nose. While standing, the blood rushed from both noetrili in a stream. New fee for Rallletnakee—The Great County (Wii.) Herald of the 18th alt., say* that Seth Maker, a eurloua naturalist, resiifo lug Dear Beetown, hi* a spot of ground set apart for melons, on his farm, oral near it there is * well known den of rattlesnake*.— He has tamed these snake*, and by bo me myslorious power* in tbe spiritual d-part* ment of icience, i* able to oonjure them at will into bis melon patch tojruard tbe eitne from uninvited intruders The snakes have been in his service all the fall, and discharg ed tbeir duties admirably. Wiscomin is going to be a great coantty. fatal Vulcanic Eruption.— An account of the erapt ion* of the volcano Amoe, in one of the Sanquir islands, near Borneo, has been fundihe I by tbs Datcb resident at Monado. There were two separate erup tion-, one oa the 2d March ana Ihe other on rite 171b. Tbe rmiition of lava, stones and ashes was so great as to obscure tbo sun and produce Mtal darkneasl A vie! -nt hurricane and ligblning accompanied the <- ‘l-ns.— A whole village waa deolroyed. e* an immeate amoant of grow'ng -early 3.000 persons w< re killed. The Jenning't Erlote.—Mr. Jo'm Martin of Linden bora pat in possestioo of this property, wblab for so very long n period has been wititout a recognised Mr. Tbe cash be inherits amounts to tbe gignatiotum of 800.000.000, while hit income will be 81.200.000 per anonm. Tbe lucky Inheri tor has been wretchedly poor oO hi* prtce* diog life. He it sow wretchedly riob. CAMPHENE Burning Fluid! AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR 0-A.SH,: T. E. EIPLEY. P. S.—A liberal discount by tho Bbl. Dec. 0, 1867. <l«tf TVelttrUfTft 2®VCCt01*0 Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company AugOktn loAtlaoti. .171 Miles. Faro $0 51'. GEORGE YGNGE, Superintendent Monsiso PxsStXORl Train.1 Leaves Atlinto daily nt Ill 00 A. M. Ariiv.««l Aujrurftn. nt 710 p, jf. 1,'cv « Auausin, dui’y nt 2 30 M. Arrives at Allan a, ai U .10 A. 51. Kvkninu PabsknueiJ ffuiH, 1 eaviu Atlanta, ilaily, al 12(10 P. Ms' Arrives at Augu-tv. at 8 60 A, St. Letter Augusta, daily, at | (p 1 p. Jf. Arrive* ai At anlt at... P04 A. M. r?" Thir Road run* in conmCiiun with the Trc: 8r,f Ihe Mouth Carolina anti the Savan nah mil Augusta Railroad*, at Augu»ta. Western ft AtlanticTstatoTRoi 1 Road. Atlanta ts Citaftanooga. 138 Milea, Fare $5. JAMt-re M. rePCLI.OCK, Buperintcndcnt. Passxvoxr Train, Leaves Atlantt, daily, at I -15 A. M. Arrive* at Chattanooga at g py Leave* Chitlsnooga, daily, at I 30 A. M. Arrive* at At'intn al 9 33 A. M. NmnT I’avbknoer Train, Leave* Athmta. nightly at 12 30 P. M Arrive* at ClmtUnoug* at Kin 1'. M i.e-vu*Chaltviio'ira, ni.'htly, al. 3 III P. M A Hire* at AtYuuat n 22 P. M. CF" Thu K j.vl e ina.'i i-.-a h way w th thu tHome Drench w.iilraad hi twngatou, ihe East. Tennvaaeo A: Guorgin ‘ai'r.ia I nt Dalton, and ’ •he Nashvill,] A; Challanooga Railroad at Chal- anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta Io We*t Point.87 Mile*,. Faro .$3 50 e GEORGE G HULL, 8in>erintunJonl, Mousin': Panhksocii Train. I.eaten Atlanta daifv nt 200 A. M. Arrive* at‘Writ Point ol 7 28 A. M. Leave*West Point daily nt 4oOA,M Arrive* at Atlanta at, 9 27 \. M Eve.vino Passenukx Train. Leaves at daily at I Bo p. M, Arrives at West Print nt 0 IK M. ■ Leave* Wot Point daily at. ... I :lo P. M. Arrive* it Atlanta at Hi 15 P, tj, ■ OF Tbi* Hoad ronnec'v each way nith tbe Montgomery ft'Wcet Point Railroad. Macon & Western Railroad. Maeun to Atlanta,.. .103 Mites-,**Fare $4. A. L. TYLER. Superintendent. Morninu Paksenoer Train. fjcaves Atlanta daily at 10 30 A. M, Arrive* *t Mirun al 1 15 P. M, Leivei Miean daily at 2 (10 A, M. Arrive* at Atlanta ai 9 15 A. M. , Nicut Passenok* Tat in. Loaves Atlanta nightly at 12 00 P.'5L Arrive* it Macon al ROif A’.'M, • Leave* Mae mi nightly al 12 15 p. M, Arrives ai Allan a at 0 05 P.M, -VS*. Tbi* Road eonneebi al Macon wlh tl e Central and Houth Wealem Railr>n jr*» NOTICE. A LL peneni indabted to tbs netatn of C. D. Parr, lata of Jfurrsy ennoty dneuied, are re quired to make immediate payment and that* having demand* will nndar them In, acrurdieg te law, tame, in Atlanta, Georgia. L J. PARK, Executor. December 6, 1867 dwtf Oa Monday, 21st Dec. 1857. W ILL 1>« fold At the lat« roiidonco of C. D- Purr, deceived, ia lb* county of Alamj, all tho perional property of laid MUt«, oonaiat- inf of Com, Fodder, lloraea, Jfalea, Cattle, Ac. Sale to cootlooe from day to day antil ell I« fold. L. J. PA It It, Kseontor* December 1867 dwtf Tobacco, Tobacco, J U8T received direct from Virginia,! choice lot ot T ( ^DACCO, among which la • few boxee of that justly celebrated Brand KANHABTWIHT, superior to any in thia e. [octMdwif] T. FisOWE. GEORGIA, Forsyth County. To all WhotA it may Concern. W IIKH/JUI, Jf hn r. Wofford applies to in ter* of tioardiaaeblp oi Dt« pervoM aod taUte* ofOeory* R. Weft, aad Xatily Went, orphaaa of Jaoe* M Weal and Mary Ana We*l, kte of laid eoaatf, de- Theee are therfore to ette aad admonlih all per*oea latertated to Ate tbeir otyeUidxn. If any they have, ‘ J n J 4B0mr y I n«t b II. BARKPt, Ord y, GEORGIA, Gwinnett Conty. Guard t*tfe*» cf dli Fetnuary T« ef mI*I ecaaiv Iter, ith, l<«7. Dee tth, U67. hie bard W. Mania, etll apply for - from aa/d WeardUnthlp at tbe ot tb# aeid CXiart of (Miaary, o. T KAJUanuir, oid y. wlm OKOUUIA, For*|tb Conaty T WO MON TH8 *ft«r Isle, I *b*ll apply Io ibe Ceurt n£ Ordinary of Forsyth coun ty for ksve to nsU tb* LuJ* aad negro* be- longing to lb* estate oMJoi. Wiley 0. Hatch la*, lata rf asU county dnsssvd. Mil.EM W. BUTTON, Adm’r. Novsmbtr 4lh, 1857 wXro atcamfeUtp 3Uncs* Cabin Puieeco to New York $25,00 Weekly U. State* Mail Line. T ilK a#w aod «pl#odid»ide-wheeIateaeubip«* AUUUSTA 1500ton*, •• il j». Woo:.«c , DlfCll n.OKIDA, 1900 ton*, *• Ibaac Caowru. ALABAMA, ISOOtoea, 11 C. R. .Sauer, Will L«ar« Savannah Faery SATURDAY. TheaenhlpBartanoBi theUr^eiitoa tbe eoaat.anv <arpaM«dlo#peed,uafety er comfort—makior tueir paMagioio 60 to 60 honre, aad are eommandi’d ty •killfa1,earefaUndpoUteoffleer*. They offer a mew deeirablreoaYtyaoee to New York. Cable Pauaga to Saw York %% Ateerar*pa*«aae to N#w York $6 PAUMbFOKI), FAY * CO., A(tot« n ^avannak! rfAM’l. KITCHKIX,13Broadway,Nav York, ffavaaaah February 6. ISbft. abln Fata age from Char lei ton to Haw Tor $25,00. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Maw York A Charleston Hteam',Packets Through in 48 to 53 Hours. iBomi-WooUly.) 5 TbffuaeirsUMMaahlp OOl.UMDU, 1100 Tuoa-lf. 0er- XuUI VU U 1600 teas. I JAMES A DOER, 1600 tou TPEwaa. Commaader I 8* C. Tamer Coasuo'r MARION, 1600 tone, 1 EOCTIIRKNKR, 10CC tmi W. Foster Conwaadsr. | V. M. Merray. Cnarn’r. afterthsarrlvi M at high water. Alee Leave Adgov's wbareoe oyery Wcdneaday * SaturdayP arrlvahf tbe ears from the ffr>otl b A West Tabfte sappttod silk etorj laawfy-atUatWt ui aaatlowa sowwaadere, «r(U eaiure Traralier* by thk Llpeftwory poealbleeomfrrtaadaaeowiawdatiea. Applyta IfENRY MISROON Ceraer af East Bay k dd«ar '• doatb Wharf, cbarlectoo, t. 0. Cabin Psni|«i i« gUArngA, t.steg, ^