The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, December 23, 1857, Image 2

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W*wfc to taprt»Mi»M~fct DUNCAN A LOCHRANE “aSSST "tbSSTotwR IHTELLIGKNl’BR * BXAHIHKR DAILY, - - - WEEKLY, • - $6 00 - 3 00 .DEMOCRATIC TICKET hr Mayor, LUTHER J. GLENN. for •iideratm* u 1 fjABKDI. WHiraKSO. (it Weed | OCOBOK • Al-M* ,nul - 1 iniTimtoSi til W«r¥. fok sheriff. mm* For Deputy Shfrtlft. a 0 ORKEN * OSBORN. For Clerk of Superior Con it. DR, B. F . BOAIAR. For Clerk of Inferior Court DANIEL PITTMAN. ft Si£S*F RA WtNTU!LD Tot Latest News atftHIRP P AOE - •T«ii Itay.’-O" "ofc" * iD 001 cf * test «o read tbe odmmaniaarion ®vef t** “f' more of *Fair Yky.'’ sBORSAtiSamBR tfaunuraiA Static—Beening Soi*-*. j&The *f°Ho*i«r *»»tU «ere p*««i. e° £n, hi acted spin 1 «* thtt were lost. , ... Tie bill to -impltf* res pteedmf* •*“ * !iow of uarsdiuerL’ ia certain cam:?, *»-S wA.h toot other H3e ix-M ore.- far the f reseat A bill to prawn** tbe soil cf proving totriei oc the books o: tat reciiter»-p»H- •i A bEU to epjwint *» iospruur 3* wine*. fecr-paared- A bin facie relief vl put}fa ourt tu k«. p A bill to fix the fee* «f elerVi. sheriff.. oed all county cffi.-^a.'anrtaW and A biU IS extend *o Act at 1944, Ac. Mr. iiibece tnorsd to amend, r> that noth’”? '» Ht ibooW interfere with the p «ri ft;M f the A«g«3!» Car—I Coapnoy. "laelm'*- amends! cvecd. A bifi to anted the ntuehsint taws cf this State—poised. A bill to prescribe the n-'-F* of procedue la tints at taw and tortile, by the itc*' re- preseotatirea of decerned ptnooj litis,; a: of the State, at tha time cf dei’h—cai-ci. A bin ta provide far tar (pocri; trta'a a'- law and equity in certain ease?—pawed. A bill to appoint public adminie’raion and Guardians and to defioa their amended by Mr. 3tubh» so as to apply acij to Richmond, Bibb and some ether cuuc- tim—passed. - a bill to amend an act to authorize the Jndgea of tha Superior Courts of tin! State, ta ftant injunctions, appoint rccanrerr. Ac. A bffl to point out tbe mods of ascertains ing the reLt! and support to which widows and orphsne an enrit’ed, ont cf the eats of their htwhaafa and fathers, ic sues when testameotary or of admintstratico hare baen grauad, approved, 1356, and to allow appeals in certain easea—paised. A biU to encoorage penon* mairitg a will to ptuvid*a permanent fand for the colege- ats edneatioo of indigent young men Pass'd A biO in relation to witness*! t-Jt* in eriminal easea—pamed. Tbe Se«»te eoncorrsd in [House amend ment to the general appropriation MU. A bill to ooopeH Railroad companies in this Stats SO give checia for b-ggago in se parate pared! at any station to tee destina tion of the parsenger—passed A*iBWUfrilato tan duties of Jodrer in certain eatea Tbe Jsdiciary committee re ported a sobstitote which war vtopted, and the bill paired. A bi3 to aathotin n ta to be hr .-nget opoo Constables, without an order toon*—passed. A b<11 to proride fer caking (tier to land* when parties when bonds for titles ere Jet. 11 —pa-acd. - A Mil to allow parties .a Jsstirm foara to prose open accounts when net mors dun $50—passed. . A bill to extend the time of operatioo t f ^ an net to authorize biUe^of aaia to be prored Ac., appeorrd IS54—}»*«d. A hill to repeal an act, approred 1444, in relation to (heriff, certificate— paosed A bill to amend the attachmeot ac i gar- • •bment laws of tfau Sate—pa«e 1 »»• Mr Bnchaahn opposed the bill oh the groond that it wat eneonetitutisnal ’and called tor the decision of the chair on that point ^ Ur Vftird, the Preeident, eaid. that in eidiofftiegneatioa of order, that all bill* wen in the jsritdietion of the Senate. UIV» leeaezdoded by the oooetitution. or the rolei of the Senate A bill to appropriate monoy cannot or ?!- nate in Senate, leo.-ae the oooatitution, forbide it. A bill incorporating a camp ground or Academy cannot originate in tbe Senate, because the Senile adopted a rea- olotion prohibiting the intraduclion of auch bill*. Should a bill be Introduced to. ther rf theae purposes, it would be hia du ty to decida that the Senate had no Juria- diction. But he waa ca ltd upon to decide thia raw, upbn different ground. The ground nasumed here ta that the bill, if it pastes, becomes a law, it will be unconsti tutional. 11.. said be b:lirve.l the LrgwLs tare had no conatitntional power to change or alter the sentence of the prisoner from that of death, to imprisoment He amid without examiuind or attemp’irt? consider the c,inflicting authorities on this subject, which had arisen uodsr .the Ccn- etitution of tha C. S., and of separate States, Lit decision was rounded upon an interpretation of the constitution of Georgia which .ontiin-d i precision not found ei ther in the coastrutioo of the U. S.. or any ether State, in whjyh any decision had hec i node upon the question. By the oTlh sec. of the Jrtd atticle rf the constitution, the power to grant repriesc* lor offences against the St*:?, except in cases of im peachment. to grant pardons, and remit any part of a sentence, in all cases after con- rietion. except for t.-ruaon and murder, is giren to the Gcrernor. Tn such cajis it is daciared he aiay respite execution, and mike a rcrert thenof to the r . fI t General Astmlly by shorn a jarden may be grant- By the is: sec. of the 1st article of the constitu’Iots, ’he Lcgislatire. Ltecu- tire, and Judiciary deparnnenis of Govern- uient, are mode div. and each depart- r-atnt confided to a s parate b :dy of mails- acy. ap.J it i, d clared that n > .person or coi.ecuon of persons, being one of meso departments, shall exercise any power •operly altachcd to cither of the o hers, -_-cre.‘ in :ie tiahracea f serrtn expreuty per. •n.-.uU. 1 ho Legislator Iht» the power to pardon, and so much of the set trduiaTie”eoiStitut’ORsl They hi’e no power ’o place r.ito in the Penifmtliary. A prisene: can . nlj be placed in tbe Pemten -t-ty hj the sentence an j judgement of Court. T..ts b i g.e, on to declare that the p.-itoner betaken from the jail of fear- don co , and placed in tie Prnitentiar-, a d there deta-ned during hit na’ure! .ire. The power to psw • ii s ,e- t-cce belcogs >o'y to >h» Judiciary, and i, rot am. ng tie o*-rt expreerli t.'sc;,1 to the legislature >J the eonxtilation. flc there.jro be.ier-d hw*. 9UwU.*i the oil. pnse. and bscrnte a It*, t w*ju 4 -- aae-onstitutvooai. But because this wa-hisopiaioc, was it duty u i presiding officer, bo say that the -Senate had no jarisdictioo oxer it 1 No such power hre longs to the presiding cdficer. Should kt arrojpato to himself this power, his opinion would exclude from trie Senate the cons der ation of every hill which he considered an- oocxt/tutional. No snah power is. or ought to bo conferred upon a presiding officer, lie would therel-re decide that rhe ren-,'.' had jarisdiction of the biP Mr Sachanar. tope,J ’.hat me Prci lent would rtilcce Me decision to wnung, that it might he placed upon the journal*, as ae be lieved it to he a correct construction of the c jostiialioo, and the rule', and while he ms tended to vote to ctnfirm the decision, he wonsl appeal from it, that tue goe-iio: might be jellied ay the judgment ! t: ■ Senate. The decision of the chsir was made tbe judgment cf the Senate by yeas rf — naysT. The bill wax loai. I hare thos gir'n yia tfcr d~-.t-.Vc cf >i Ward iL iuli, and mil emit in .nu rep; these huh* which were 'oat. After mm*diaeaaaion lire ■de.-i'e pa-.wd the Hiw* IUilroad bill. b. .cas 49, cays 30. Ou motion the Senate voted to s'r.ks cut the clause in tbs bill in relation to the Lr natic Ajylont, excluding kliati .'rotn .1 oeaeti- of the tame. .. TteHsaiimiutwi b«ihiwmw>.') iiwwwwr>iipiii»m iiU"iiiiwfTg ments to tha general appropriation, and then took un Sanktirbillf for first reading. Adjouftxddjll 9$ lo-morruw mornin Cktur, Lfccembcr l Mr l-uffaau moved to reeon-ider the W bill, to cdlect a tax'hpi u all suit* ill CSfitt’, Lost j The House towns!,!• red ih» bill prseid to corejamsate certain voluiUc«s of 1846.— Mr Btgham wished trinraend U slightly This bill pwridea'llat tha Sfatoahall psy tho«e Toiuuteei* who sterc frooUerim-’ii. and not iuotud.'d tit fat appropriations. IInose than tco.;:tidcrd fix rwoiutKW lost, I,, rela'i.’t; t * the*, j lass >f :» certain number ’ ’C ! IT? Mr Uotk moved ‘o rtc.t'siJrr thol'if lo-r 0 titfine the w .'(ioru tertninu! of ihc Mttfc Trunk R R. Carried. The I base to*k up the h li tcreojidete’l in relation to the cowj-ustlt uf coftaiu rolun o^rs There wa! smuo dieenssion. on thii bi!.’ ao"! ? nc smSodmonti offered ; but as the bill was indefinitely postponed they would be uninteresting. A fill to d flue the number of Judges of the I-.fereer Court neci>*«ry to give judg ment when three are present, two can give judgment. Pa-sed. A bill to define the duties of sheriff;, cor- stables, Ac., in taking bonds for the forth coming of property—pnssrif. A biii to iueorporete certain gas light companies—passed. Uou-e co.'.enrreil in thcdcnatcumecdiucct to tiie Hiwassee Ruilroo.1 bill. A bill to lay out the county ut Wilcox from Dooiy. Irwin and Pulaski—pa»stJ. House lijcuroeil until 5J p. ut. AFTERNOON sEsSlON. Sc <er*! bills were taken xpand passed. A b.ll to change the line between certain counties, was indefinitely postponed eu ac- couiioftho Gosemor vetoing bills ofih same eharae’er. A hi 1 to repeul the act rtijairinj the State printer to euipby competent re;ior:ers of the pro* ecdiogsofine Legislature—pa-sed. A bill lo legal xs certain judgnsn t J of the Coat s of OMinary, and to provide fbt the p.-obant of wilti in certain case*—-passed. The House took up the Senate Bank Bill and e3u*omed 'i.e remainder of the afternoon ruitniod debate upon it. I will send to thii de>a'e io morrow, limey e of interest to your rei,''«ri. The bill Snell'- puse-t rithout amendment, hv yea- ’l l . nr-5'i Walker'* 5i*caragtta Expeditio- The If. S. mail steanship Empire City, Gapt. Gr’Sa from Jirw York ih,- 2nd ins:., cn 1 Hirr.ii* the Dili, rencc-: her wharf ut ut .„-W hour His morning. Ticmost mportant news per the Star ‘ c West it tS- annonheenietit that General Walker. - n the 'he '.’5th N .'ember, landed hue >c forues directly in vi. w fb'.? il.wpSxr 'gafr-ni s’eamer,’Fash.on, and arts Strengthening hi! poi. v-rt at iV.ta Arenas. Th; Fishi'n hresght this t i Aspinwa! 1 , whither she -uh-'equently pro eereled f •• a 1 , an! there avoided seizure a' ihe bar.dr . Com PaoMiug by ex'i-hlt'ng correct clearance papers trom the Mobile Custom hcusc Porri ARtSli, Orroins GaniTOw.x. Nureint-er 24 i buf Editura Picajunt: Wa landed at this paint this m. about seven o'clock, beinz 11 daysfr at M hile Bay. Y- u ore dmb’lcss apprised of the tart that Goa. Wald r was detained ; i that bay by the detention of the siemrrer Fi-'hiot, which was to cnr y him and ... Mi * ’emigrants’ t this pj.r.t.— Tbi* icttr.titn waa owing to several cduse*. Fit!*, m* ih- uitficuliy to procure hands to man the steam t. ,’ii.cj; were (a'ilt tngasp , d bn: would n t stay eDgaged. Thf"«- who Snr. lily jh'ppc '. were only kept on hoard by etoVionirg. sesitinehi-to-preveBt thrmferrar 1 avir.g the ' nwin? to >hii d'.Scuity th Fashion did not have New Orient,a urtil the morning of tha 11th, when sh • was ex. t-cted to leave the night previous After she lid leave, si e had not proreeded more than fire • vx miles down tbe river twf r. she was run into the bank, where she s uo k ontii brats c idd be procurred to pail .;-r off Wh ill near las tu.ctn, she was run into by another vc**e.. U«*.. after night wnen she got down to too mouth, and t .e captain co i- tlderin' it dangerous a'letirt g, ore r the bar, eccbor wns cast. crowing tbe bar, the nrx: morning, instead of steering for Mobile Bay she was r-n off to th’’ Pen«a a -!:;’ Owing to these delays and -ccMcitsslic o,.i not ire; into the Bay untilabant wx.n on the l.kb. Being heavily iadvn, provisiin* i.eing board for fair hundred men fir ninety day-, it was deeme- advisable to relieve feet o*f a part of her cargo. For this j arpn j both the Fashion and Keys were run up into (iatli-h Bend, where several'll undred barrels oi Col- Hanry introduced as making itimls at s oudi in dci ilhts and ler,djf the BBWWKSIU-. rldgo ami can boitxi* - On tha 18th—gun* **—Mississippi ride* and Mini# war# issued to the cotuptnitt, and 8ner that tha Fashion presented th* *ppc»tmn«* of,* fl aling (ptrisun. • N'otfiii g of importanco occatted up to the morning of Ibo Slst, when thptillw brokeTWavtogU’ »t the mercy of the wind snd waves for sev. ril hours. As tharo was a pretty stiff bteeio blowing at the time, our situation was somewhat perilous. Fortunately, but few knew 'h • danger to which they were exposed, Many Imd aer- ious doubts as to tbe safety of the Fifhion o'i first getting on board; but gbfi has car.. tied ui oil tiitough so ssteijh that non* who came out <m hst would hesitate to embark eu her again. Thu o ly objaction to her now U lack of epced All were anxious to gat to laud, uni with the hope of getting a sight at Cron Island, severe' remained up till after 13 o’clock on 'lie u'ght of th* 33d. We passed it about three in the merning, Between eight and nine on the morning of the 24th wo came in >i^ht of land Orders were then issued fair all those unattached to atut. themtelves. This led to th* belief that we were to be takenjdirettly to Greytown. About halt* past twelve we came’ in sight af Punta Arenas. Tlii, was evidently umntent’ona, as we initneiliatelj changed nur course and run off tithe eastward TVs ran down tho •horu to the ruouthol theC,dorado,a branch of the San Juan, which we reached a little after three. Without anchoring, thre boats were lowered, into which Capt. McMichad’a Co was ordered, under command of Col Frank Anderson. Dr Henley went as Surgeon, and t'apt. J 3 West as Commissioner— The whole i oinaand numbered forty, five men, nnd waj sefit up to intercept the river boats, if any of thetu should chance to he at Greytown and attempt to escape, on see ing Hi* leaner enter that pert. During the lanueiiiiig of the bouu and the embarks ing of the men, the steamer drifted out some distunes to sea. Linos were made fast to the boats and ihuy wetc towed in as near he mouth as it was safe for the steamiT to run. By half! past fiv , the boats were safely in the mouth of (he river. It was supposed they would have to row about fifteen or eigliteen .miles; hut it has since been ascertained that the di-tanee is thirty-fire miles. If this be th* case, the brats did not reach the Ban Juan in lime to interctp: the courier staricd here last evening But tc had no definite informa tion, as it w is only supposed that G-ncral Walker wa« nri board. As srem as tha boats were fa ry on the riv*r, the steamer I set out to heat town the .siiuru until cloven ! ohtlcuk at.cigUt, when cue was tn run into Ureytow liens. Sbiurday, Nut, 2i.-Sin<reU»e 25 th, *0& ing of importance bat tranrpMd. Tbe nw> lives iu Greytown are still ia a IJ “ stale of uneaalneMt bot kMi what courts Gen walker will puraae wards them. If tha Safitig I am uf opinion Jbfla general stampede from Ikh place. Tha Mali Costa Rican force stationed tbera baa been withdrawn. On the evening of the 26, k email party came down (tom the command ap tha rirar, after provisions. They report that they are in rowing up tha Colorado, tho rain falling in torrenia most of the time. They took possession, or rather position, on Lcofo**, formerly Kirkland's Island, which S xo tham entire omttrol o( Iho rWer. At s month of tho Oolurado JhJol Andtrsou took i natives prisonon, and used them ta pilots in going up. - This party retnrnod on tho 27th, taking with them supplies for the oommand for 12 days. He.dqiiarters present a tathor uump-like anpearanco. Some of the troops are station ed down on tha point, below Scott’s limitr, and tho majority above, being scattered over territory a mile and a half in extent, having sentinels pasted along at abort intervals.— Licit Col Swingle is Dually engaged in pre paring ammunition. Capt Whititer, Acting Quartermaster, is equally aelive in bis de partment Col Uenry, commander of thv royt, has Introduced rigid discipline, whioh 1 am pleased to sec, having seen the bane ful Influence of a * laxity of discipline Id Ototp. This morning Co! Rogers and Capt Fays soox went across the harbor on a bunting expedition, along the shore, and were fired into a short distance above Greytown, it i suppose! by tho C eta Ricans, who are en camped in that vicinity. Mr John Tabor went over to Greytownm the 26th for the purpose of negotiating for tits a pre*! held or owned by a man named Woods; bat failed, Woods rcfhsing to hire it on any terms, and would only salt for $1,000, cash in hand. Tabor and Wood hud some rather plain talk, and after the former loft, the latter came to the conclusion that hi! property w;h in danger, and it is rumored that he raised a company of Jl- tnuicu negroes for its protection, and posted off to the Saratoga to notify its commander of tha contemplated forcible seizure. I do n it knew that this is true, bat it is given a fact, as having oreated many baarty laughs in camp. At present it i- difficult to fay when ... shall leave hore. That will depsnd upon the arrival if Uto Henningsen. Wc have no boat! to ssceud the river with, except row boats, ft attempt to nseend with any number oi meu, will bo a tedious affair. At present ve bare no artillery. Tho guns left with Scott are under the protection of tha Saratoga's guns ; consequently we shall be unable to attempt taking Castillo until «t get artillery. Moxsoa. The Nicaragua and Cotta Rica War. T S—I neglected to elate that a bitter But before that hour arrived it i "»r ia f *" 00 » W W D B ‘he lake between dark fur he.- to run in, eonse- ! Co !> 4 "’’?’ kIi ° 11 «>“?an.l of tho Cor. quenU) s> Uv\ Oonsistilg ef everything ait DRT GOO ~ Togethir' with CAH URTAIN JfATSRIAItS, BOOTS AND SNOES, AC. Owing te the dseltno ft* n Ul ,“ ji’etc York Market, Wi have bean *# per than origin*! »»>< *r# *»ow rwdy to offsr U»t Greatest Bargans Sveretbred la Atlanta. (jo sail examiu* the prices ilsewhere, thin come and hoar our price* and you wlUboooni rinced where you can buy the Cheapest Goods. Bteaohed Homs, pan from J cents to 13 rente. Brown " " 4 “ 10 rents- Calicoos, 11 " 4 •' 13 cent!. Detainee 8 to 30 rents. And everything else in the same proportion. COTtlNQ, WRITE k CO., o e» Whitehall st, soar Roark's. Doo 33, 1947 d»tw2t j.g, isiata*/,.fti-■. **.,t.v.-|4*-4- ito'fe** ZEULARr \ Hieing , 1 St EX1 „ mtm D r We are prepared to offer otu frlennds rei* TrmTTT>T‘ ^gywicryagWi In oct line- Hatinf bought the etock uudar such fa?orable ciicumaUficaa aa to e&abU u to COMPETE SUCCESSFULLY irrrs amt House Is tie SMth. w ask is an exaadnatiaa of uur JMecjL ut ready and willing to give BAR* t. . ZBLLARB * McBRIDB. 18, 1S67 *f f-jjijf VINO sold to^fossrs, Zyllan * M«r . ride, my entlra Moek of Dry €r o o dl 8 % 1 cheerfully rocommand tham to ay old aua-> tomerj, to whom I shall aver feal indebted fer UrebtorMpaUre,...^^^ One of the best Stocks of HP m MLe & mm ^ ^ ^lh % Q| S HA W L S, .AND EMBROIDERIES, Ever brought to Atlanta fer sato, at greatly re- dusod price!, by ZKLL4RB A ifoBRIDK. Dm 19, 1857 <l»tw2t Doc. 14,1867 Tobacco, Tobacco," T UBT received direct from Virginia,* tbolo* J lot ol TOBACCO, among wblek ia a few boxes of that- justly - retrtoiled Bread . KANSAS TWIST, suptrior to wtoMjbl* [oclMdwti] T. FLOS WANTED TO HIRE. 12 or 15 Negro Men, to ] Work tn tho A IU too an Oald Min#-— ,1 Good Wigm will b# gtvan. Th# Moaty f Buperintendent, AUeUcai, Qa, ii ^^ Apply to m 6 awtlj* beCaUne ■ u.a»*a ««» no. av tun m, CVHBC* la.. V 1 .L rt VT* h*a* abV u-til \ x \\i u R can forcer» and tbe forces of Nicum-* taerninj. 25th. A - .oon as it was' light! ««*•. “ndertoxok to at trve the troop, •ncuglt to a:c,r.’cin our wlierea&uts, we I of Ntcan^tua cut of Fort nan Carlos. r lor thu purp -ao be placed one of th AFTERNOON SESSION S’lt* *'■ • r-iucid tne coDsidcratici; E.ur.v - A i' til'.. In 1 ii : too 2ui sod Jt icaened i action a'ltbor.fiog % brought atratnjt thtGoardia steered tor the Itnrhor of Greytown Wcdnetdiiy, Xcv. 25. —About 7 o’clock this morning the Fashion ran alongside of the old hu! 1 ; lying nt Pun'.a Arenas. CipL J N fi 'utt, farmer jg nt of the Transit Co , was cn lit* li'tik, and notified the captain of the Fashion not to throw out his line, as he would not be permitted to land. HD notification wts -. t heeded., Gen. \\ alker was on the i.ulk brfor* the steamer was made fast, and met Capt. Scott in a very cordial manner, which surprised those ac quainted with the cap'ain’s course nttertho Oo.t.i RicatS got poi ond time. purp.'sc lie jiiaced one of tho lake steamer? in the river, this side of that fort, and another on the lake. The lottpr be is in command of By this disposition of bis for cm aad steam *-s It** expected to cut off all supplies from San Carlos. He oalcuJafed without Ids ho t. in the first place he did not calculate oh having the whole-disposable force nf Nica ragua array*d against him, aud that ha could very easily ba cut off from all comma- nka’.ion with Costa ilica, in which event ho would have to r*!y solely upon tho force then an ofthe river the i with !lim ’ anJ ,lis 3U PP li[;S would have ' | to bn drawn trora Nicaragua. While on Wc had scarcely made fast when a l,i ut. I‘* li * r "'kud d rawn (0 heavily npon c tine off from the Saratoga, which vessel, Gimntaies for cattle, not only for his troops, we found lying in tho harbor. The object I ^ ut , l ” P a . v oR debts contracted nt Oroytowo was evidently to';ex mine tito Fasiuon's - ' 1 r ‘ ' name ol, Costa Riea, ’hat they refused papers, acd ascertain in what was sailing. The Lieut, went „ .... , ve-sc-l and toon returned. Capt. -Scott tncaf ' went off with the officer of the Saratoga, movement*, and then wen*, over to Greytown. hubtio-a to consult withthe l’. S. Commercial Agent While ho wEs . Oaenl, G'ett. Walker's men were all ordered on ah’ r*. and 'ook tip tlte'r quarters in the hutldin -s he.longiitg .to...tlic Transit Ormniny Tt.c steamer was drop- pe.i alongside cf •; riiccrerwhich formerly nelons*d lo G- u. ’.V«lkor, fir llte pur- , . . . „ . pos t tr;. faring her cargo to teat «,_ | the moat accessible point from Costo Ri- sel. capacity she I ll -"S er 10 b® plnndered. Lack tn his I 1 o prevent his forays it to the Depnrt- a constant watch is kept upon his ’ments, and he is prevented from fend ing out foraging parties. This has cat off Itis main resource for fupplita. A few days tinea (dauby attempted to land, at Granada with a flag of truce, but ho had scarcely got into hi, launch when be was fired into, and compelled to ffaui off in A hurry. He after wards sent tw6 boats ashore with a force to drive tbe Nicaragua troops from Tortogas, Fa lifao c she had cimmeneed di-clta-ging, fit. cr came from off ’.he Saratoga" se- hy Scott, and n.tiiied the Gapt. hton not to put any freight on , t ,i: c; . c Schooner, as she was claimed j by Capt. .' Mt a* his private property, and | also notified f, i:. Walker that hcott had j pr-.- -.ted against ii - occupying the premi- , s j ; rtncrly b !. ogirg to the Transit Com- J oar.y. for Avhicb it- claimed to he the ! Walker rlaiotcd ihesekeoaer aa hia I jroj.erty, while Scott contended that ha I held r. tt v. *,i, j virtue of a bill of sale from ti.* Gem-ral It i’h-r than have any I conflic with tiie Gutted .Stale, anthorltie-, t Gen. Walker abandoned the schooner and I removed h:s trcops from titc premises | claimed by Scott, and held nndor the fro nt,,vtonsry store, *»ere transferred t- the latt* r. This was noteff-cted unt I soraeiim: vf th® I in the night, consequently .the Fashicn faj Idil o A leave her auhonge until the m-,rr.- | ing ot the 14th. . ,J - I After get - ing under way, there waa, fartu- to be j catcly, no more icts or hjnder»c<y,. The j. ^ , , | led on of the British government, Tho j captain oniy claims American protection i when no British ve-sel is to port. Why j the C. S authorities should respect his I claim to ’.heir protection, is somewhat cur- prts ng to those who were denied that profetion, on the ground that they had right by engaging in iho • ,-t any inmate, rtvennecutter hating spoken the Paihmo,! ‘ *?&*'■* 111 who i, able to defray ae (.xpen..«, of (aidt ai sh* came into tho Ray, tbe dsy prev. ua I u c ’" sr T s ru gff-es of u toreign inmate, hot reftrees to Bettors concurred in Uoai* aaendmonu to toe iV.i. to. a. | |A hi f to in-to;potato me R.cbnion i tiiht Company. A Mi to lay out s new county from Dooly, Irvria and Paioski to be L.'.'-el Wilcox. The -Senate took up the II .... to,| to eo- A bill for tbe protectin' f rice planter, d»* the Athmu Med,cal College, with the sad seBeri in this S ate—pafccd A biii to incorporate tbe Marieiti Paper Mil! Company amcndeJ and pwo). Adjourned saul reorsing. SENATE. Miu.ra-.tTmu, fit., p Sat-rday, Dte ISth, 1857 i M’ Reynolds rf Newton, ntorej to r*< consider *o mu.. yeste-day’s journal aa relate* to the passage ot s fee* of Sfceriili, Ordinari ly officer*. Caine.;. Mr Smith, of Hancock inovcd „ stder *o tnucit cf yesterday's joornai u relates to the loss cf a bill to compel Jsdget of Superior Coprta to convene or.*v a year, to esubiiah rules of practice,' Corned Ut Psynu moved to reconsider the tiiil to aowad the act simplifying pieadn-g at law. ItjuL MatUr under final Coiuidcralion. A re* Action authorizing th* tosatruenon of a Branca R R to the Etotrth iron Work*. After some diat.usion the motion waa withdrawn. A racosaidered -i 1 rxempting certain article* from tele. Postponed. I urn of fit een tbou-nod dollars. Pm-e*i A bill to make raitd cer’aio record-. P*-!-e i. A fi... t, j-fi* ;haaa the M.i.ta.y I s; Marietta Mr Cone of Baity j utvlo a ,,/*• cv thia bill chwterirtie f hiatelf. || it w.« objected, that . .r. - V,; the State, He wtuid r»p j ti ,t i- ■ t • y c-oeije -y was cement to let her pass out wt;h-jut j V.v-r notice. It w,»oU have made but slight ' d fler-mee had the rtveoue officer, hoarded j ’he Fashion, as per papers were all ehiphape . i-nrrir.g tiie'tmit-ran's' The cutter ; ,.,| | j -p the ft ty a. the Fashion ja-ed out 1 , A* s •aa the -tcamrr »as fairly cat ’. , t »eu, and be.end the G-vermeni ins, j.'" j lattaik-n was formed, eompeed cf fare, tn I pan,*?, eortaining fertv lit. ce nter, each, rank ar.-l file Oil Ti.,a ft try and Lieut S S Tu’kcr,c rn:.-X',iing. The cjtnparitea were | officer* ! -■ Mh-w- t--wit: <’,mpany A. .4 I " 1< Mrt.honey. f.n tain; Ii W'a’ert and S \V Capt. — cott ha, done tins to . equally a* gre it an extent as any of tboss who were enrolled under the i)*tno"ritic banner of Nicaragua. If- j f, -sc, to he friendly to curse, arid wishes Iren. Walker sue* ■ as, art! says he it willing to do sll ia power to ^sdUt him but ha is the ag*:it o'' th. T:a -it Company, which will b ’Id ;•! • ■■■ -p n-ih e for the property left in hi- charge, liesjdas, the property is all that indemnify htiu for what is dun him by llte company, -o inr a, the Gilkev. f,:-*re*.ar.’! G-mpany B II j f.'ock’Ceptolr.. F MeMnlen aad W H We. iLei'ennnta Comijwty C. Dudley T Me np-my ,p*:ty t their , ll.cmel t’,titJ'i or, I. ileb G cat a- lloeltic, ■I Vi II II ■ H. It 0 St ok md O M Cm. mil to define the t Slat* to r,e t et-u-eu . i other coco- j ft a,. «.- 1, th: : j wild. As fiw him, b moved to re.;, n • run -t d in A- a.! Tbe ht.l p^ni b. -’*1 t fist. a’e s*Jj. * J I -I if V >! , i. ti n • - to,* r < t /, .(.,;y <• r . if F A oil:*r Acting Quarter , i... »r L.en! • ■ va •> Crmmsadirvg '/:t.-i * Dr J II flam 5 ■ .v-ry* “ Gpoe-V, '• D • • «: -g- f Y ,|. ;a a Tnuoi, D.uavlije, Kv. J'hn ID . ev M jrfre*.,,,r„ lenr.., ? \| Ut.l', it dl rd 0 !• n , R It '.reenie,., I.n-- V, , Jethro Jac*« ■■. Woodfbrd, ro ’• k' McDowell, S L ui;Jfn,ad ", f Accnst*. Lh. Go tgh'-B, r’.-rests are concerned, aid be as safe, if not m | in tt.e t- of tien. vVttlktr, a, 'in oi l ant. Scott - Judging ft, in fie anp'traces nf tiling! ince last Ju i. is making ? jy with everything moveable ‘ ‘ n a* *an find a market to” were obtained for 'he men and fsr storing provisions, arms arid ti •!* tbe 1* ir.t, ontaide of Capt On lie afternoon of th' work ot -»>'ii)g ashore tho was cointuenced aad continued er,-.i; uto aft-rnoon of the 20th. when it was completed. On the _ ,. convention was - d in ytown, for t.oc purpose ol r» modelling cipii govemme : T: e main Ui- party was defeated and hia boats cap ture, i. From this it will bo seen that Col. Cacty is completely hemmed in on the lake —caught in his own trap—and has no place or point from which to draw supplies, ex cept Omotcpoc, wltorp they nro hut hmitod. Tbe Nicaraguans have r.ot been idle in Ihe meantime. They have constructed a good road from Fort San Carlos to San Mequili- t), on tho lake shore, which enables them to keep tbe fort well supplied. Ail the river boats are up shore Castillo Ratmir. ' The Costa Ricans are in posses? •ion of Castillo, snd amuse themselves every Sunday by fighting sham battles, ono side representing Oon. Walker. The Genoral is defeated in overy engagement, yet comes at his ndrenary eaob euccsssive ,Sabbath. 1 doubt not they will find a real battle, result ing wholly different from their sham end. U. Asrixwau., Dec. 4, 1857.—The U. States steam frigate Wabash, at this port, by re quest of Cant Chntard, went down lo Ureys town yesterday. Com Paulding appeared somewhat chagrined that Walkor had landed so easily but I doubt if be will stop any vessel coming into Ortytswn with ‘immi grants,’ if her papers ere all right. A hoot half an hour after bo hod sailed, a mesflcnger arrived from the V 8 steamer Fit- ton, cow at Chiriqui I-agoon, with despatch es for the Commode re. The line at battle steamship liranswlok sailed this evening at shout 0 o'clock, for Greytown, Tfcs Fashion will coal here to-morrow, and sail in a day or two for Nsw Orleans or Mobil*. F W R Q t ' hou * uni.'iL Hery.t th* ih'-ir (iortu . WOOD'S HA IK REHTORATTC^—Prof, Wood, th* f»n/j7»nfe^. tllifiorertr of th* iovfelaabl* IWr Fo«tor*- .mi eoattoooff to lohor lo boholf of th* ftfllieUd^ Jl.s rntdlem** tr* Mnlrstaollf ffidraltt*d by th* *n^ I Aar.Hr.c4o pr*M t# b* f»r •ap*rtor t>» »ll oth*r* for r effi -.-lnic th# h*tr go th* h**!oftb* »f*d, tbffit bo* t4'«n*Uv«r*s! fot jinny j8»r*, to grow forth with u fonrh r ^ r *nt l:ixarUnc***wb*nbl*ffi**d with the *4w*tpof youth. Thrr* c%n b* no >!oobt thot It la ut» of th* (rMUat in tu* medleol world, I raelorot perm tffi-.tly gny h*ir to it* origin*l color, ond reffika* It »«««!' tb« U*o' ifut a>ik> tocturt, which La* boas Tory rf*'(rabfo In *!!*{•« of tho world—(kt Louta Mo-sl*ff HanUd. KoM hf *11 [frugal. ■tfiftnnon t* tindr-rctoofl to K _ _ ...... J J »»», f Aocoilit, On". V'h'vij,! 0 ! !> ». | J»n»i8c.u, rfthe H cr.lV rt l 1 l V 1 4 0I I M 1 r '- rl,n ’,/ h r Maywr, j did not xr.^mptny UAKttnj of .Sicar^u.T * '-o h** iii'Vjr Jntnteif objictionabl*. to tbn nous*: I kidmt, I> c- H-.b, H V M. j n winuA <h4t Col McI>.nRid, wIjo wu A bill t. toe act pa* «nl i«.',o. tot farmer y agent ft tr,* Tr.v»it I'mpony, it tu pr far i 1 ,-trial cf a arm. aid free per-ih' Vi-irex nf fiacer.d,, rtcstjni W K ons nf c i-r, It r capital rffsnc-,. Lari on ! R •.;*»*. rreigno). Tr,' taller gcrjtl'rnau th- tab A bit; lor the lute in the ri:s Mr ot providing for t e*l enrpe Ac. 'I inhabit* ta Thereeejt of the convention’s deliberations i tare not ’earnej. I nrnt ted to mcntioii in tbe proper order ’.hfci » r nimander of the Sara’o a f.'jp- tain L'balard, reqiiesu-l G-nrnl Walker to ret -to his toe . front visiting Grey- A recooetdered bill to cosapei tbs Judge*, and tbe biU ivst. to atoM to fans rule* of praetic*. Lost I A till far tbe eneoaragament of agric-J A rscpnsidsrsd House ball to uake tbe ; turn, mining, mv hir.sry As. Amended sad Uov. Ftaeident of th* Board of Trustee, 1 pwaed, of tho Georgia Unireratty. Pasted. j A rreointiem aqttorlkJrj th* Got lo pore A bill to eommato the paaiakmenl oil obare 150u copioa of R K Hioet‘Forae,’at Newton S.' Hawkins, ef tbe county eft #150 per copy. Adopted. i companies i-s expedition' Bet g on act; •agem nt of ac . ' -1 ewrgectx ousiness nos, Itis eerriew cannot . w;l fecdrpenstd with- j town, k ,f.!M i , Br gO'nt G Hornsby and Col Frank ; IJils wa# a rattier strange request, cun- ■ - ■!.' /» ■ Awiereun are with Gen Walker. Tbe en? | sfiering tho (act that l.. 11 lltea ht l been . ' . ; t,re force t« alxiut two hundred. Tbie may permitted to keep an ar force in that >10,1:11.:# was rtct.ivtd, corcidtred rsthtr «rt.*JI to ffle-t a landier ' pl-c'- If it it cl;' r If it it elsimod that Greytown II _ ' ttp-.o a htxtle (here; bout is more reliable, neutre port, whyia (.'oast Kt a not requited . bung mea ly good and determined tne», than [ to respvct that neutrality J J, it because t*icr the number would re who had only j our gor-rnroent is more partial to the peo- bean J‘ d to join tbe expedition ood^ excite- I pie of ar.y o'hei nation t ,.in our • own 1 — ment. And if lien Walxtr auccsedi in ! Facts wou:J sects to warraut such * sue* seizing any ot the river toils, the first lo- ! preion. T ho couree pursued by the officer lelligenoe.yoa receive ef bis operation* trill j of the deratoga ha* by no means elevate* o - . .--a ... j — be that te bat opened the rivtt to tha lake | him in the estimation of th* Amarieana Srsen *sw Y#Vk” klU “ w - ' ln F *“ Special Notioes, t8r- Wf! are *uthonied Lj annnunca tbe mm« of B. IOMN9 f )N •• an indtpen* drnt r*n*ii<Ute for Sheriff of C-'ohb County, at t!»* rruuinjf election, let Momlay ih fanua’y Ort» MANY VOTBRK WI •/« «atls>3rit*d Id atoAoeee H If CI.AKKE, m aC*e4ltl*l* fur Onontf tr*»nir*r. 4*t“ 'PO OATTI.8 DttAUCRS.—Tbr How York 1 yfaa “ kly Raws hss a full, fair port of tho No<* York t’aUIs ns; Th* report ’( worth twto. 'aitbfol ra sh week, s hscriptton pr;-, of U>« pap r. Only one d- «i a jwr- i N». 103 guns street. Publish'd at Dscombo 30, 1117 errors - I . ppo VARJ/8-tB^—Tits Jfsw York ITsekly 1 Bows is m oaosUsat lew York City popor for tMofery readlnx ft eeataios th* fulfill aad »»TrratttaSftB E c TO,. WR-.ffiSffi'Ssi 0 ” Dee 3.8,1IJ7—wit Amusements. $200. ATHHiEUMI $2001 Thursday Evening, Dec. 24. GREAT "EVENT ! TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS WOBTB 0» Christmas Presents! TO_BE-QJVEN AWAY 10 THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Of Mlanta FREE by PARROW & SWEENY’S SOUTHERN Burlesque Opera T RO UP E! Go to Mr. Pyle’s Jewelry Store and examine the GIFTS and buy your tickets. TICKETS TO THE "CONCERT, 60 Cia. GIFTS, FREE BILL PARROW.. CHA8.HdniHS.. Drc. 33, 1B57 Minsger. A rent. ■131 Christmas W eek! Brilliant Attraction! MURDOCH DRAMATIC CLUB! Takes this method of returning its thanks to the kind friendi who hare »o liberally patronized Its performances, and bog leave to call attention to tbo following attractive programme on Satorday Evening, Bee. 20th, 1867. New and Beautiful Double Dance! Loan of a Lover, la which Mr*. LEONARD will apppear. see>rogrammes iua December 23, 1857 d»t FIREMAN’S BALL ON WEDNESDAY EVEtNINO, ihe 33d of, December next, .* Ball,, will be given st the City Hall, fui th, of Mechanic Fire Company No, 3. MANAGERS Wm. Bame», W. W. Baldwin, C, H. .Strong. J. H. Mecaslin, Georg* Wins hip, W T Wilson, Geo H Daniel, Thomas Haney, IIGrankshaw, Capt. William KiJJ, J H Purtell, A J Barnes. FLOOR MANAGERS. 1 M Tov, G A Haralson, G P Campbell, J H Macaalin. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. Wm Barnes, John O Hoyt, A J Burk*. ft P Campbell, J MTny, J E fiullatt, C C lt<ides Nov. 28. [dtfaj SMITH » FR ANK-UI Product and CvmmMon Merchant*, and Dt alert (n Family 0*4 Plantation Qroceritt, ft. Marietta Hir.’ct, Atjantp* Georgia J. It. dSUTH. A. P. FKAHKLIH. SMITH Sk FRANKLIN, WOULD r**p*«t/alljr tnnoaoe* tfl h* eit!z*n« ct AtlanU *pd «or- *'»n«Jlof country, that the/ ar*| r*c*tflng *ni ao4 WtltkMp la *tor*. * *pl*o«Ud 'lock of FAMiL Y OROOBRlE8 t which the *r* ottering »t pric*« that will ffiompeto with any boo** ia th* eit/, *n<) a«k a abate of pot rooage. Th*jr willglT*tp*«lal atUatlaa to thoealo of Ba con, I-ard, vvntr, Grain, Toba«eo, A*., he. CaM%nafnts r**p*ctfor solIcitM. ^.Prompt attention gtren tn Cash Order*. Hmre on Marietta «tre*t. lo the huUdiag formeety oeeapied by C. I>. Parr. ~ * -U,W dwt NOTICE. ALL tbs Narrow bslongiag to tbs estate of AUsa B. Johnson, do, eaaswLwtUb* hired to th, kigliMt budsi, ketore the court boas* door in Uw city of Atlanta, on the firit' Taerday In Jsanaiy next, eonilsting of mu aid women, mi rax them oae very good pain Ur. J.n.JOlltfBOlf, ).. , W.U. YIROU80H, J 4** **• Don. 23,1M8 Aid i-JJk m npu DKM00RAT8.—Oaa af tba first dntlsn of a. a good Dsmcrot is to support Ut pony prose. Tho Nsw York Doily 1^4 Wrekly Newt Is aow well osukllskadet tko Damosralie organ a ’.1*3 Nsuso street, Bee. It, tl»T wit BANKTAfeENCY. A1®:X M Agent far the Bank of Camden 8 Carolina. Offleo st nuiaos A Robinsons Worth toll I corner of Hunter snd Pryor straots, Atlanta, a a. will givo prompt alioationto coUsctions gsnsrally SU0 8ACK* SALT. s t>r uigu, l’k-rxKS % NOTICE. "T* WQ woatha after date application will be madat* I tho Ordinary of Cberokce County, for leave ta ■ell theUnd belonging to the eetate of M. T. Blythe, ahof aald county, deeeaeed. D*e, 44, w2m. WM. W. W. FUMING, Adm»r. miscellaneous. More Frizes than Blanks. Every other Ticket a Prusel Registered Money Letters at onrBi|h Capital Prize $60,0001 ANDERSON A SONS LOTTERY, Qlt THE HAVANA PLAN OF SINGLE NU M B E R S t Jasper County Academy lottery t [By authority of the State of Georgia.] CLASS FF Draws 1st of January, 1868] CLASS GO draws 15th January, 1851. In public, at Macon,Ga., under tbe awom tuporin trmlanco of E. 0. Bulklcy and Josopb Wutormau, Eeqrs, Tlokets, Wholes $10, Halve* $5, Quarters $2,50. P8IZE3 PAYAULK WITHOUT DKOUCTTIOK. Only 30,000 nnmbere, 16,600 Prixeal nnTTItTM U]m } Prise ef *iajc«e I ” ............... - —....... ... 1,008 3 " IJKO sso— too 1,000 —100 10 too ” 4*0 Approximation... 15000 IXuisolM 60. 177,500 16.100 Prises, amounilns to ...... .^...sxtO.AW The 16,000 Prlx-e of H 60 ere determined bv tbs last Ilf are of the number that draws tbe Capttob-lf IS Is sn odd number, then svwrr odd number lleist will to snUtlsd to fi SO; If U Is sn seen somber, tkew sverr even number ticket will be enUUsd to U 60 In addition to Sapothar psist the ticket may drew. Bank Notes fif sound Bonks taken at par. . Cheeks on Nsw York remitted for prises. Address tr den for tickets or OsrtUeat ot Packages it Ttckata to AHBSBBON * SON, Kanagsrs, Macou or Savannah, Georgia. Morgan, Kirkpatrick, & Co.' - ’ .VINO opined n nsw Ware i room on Peach Tree Streat,woslg UslJlkSfr-J^l&M^kfi^an la aliits varieties. Chalreprefsr/klad;Loaafae t mg Hattrssssi tfdprlafs, Hail, Hore, CstteaaniB fibnsk— to, CAtU>BTI,BVai,tO., <Tl WtadowflbadssiWladowOartalnsJiasaaak, ’'trail lit Bands. Cord and Tassels. Loom, Ae.’iivl. WINDOW PATCHIfio, ifoijS* iofa rtrs-boarddo. ThaVatnisen. ’ tlnns tkslrBbop, Bosik of Georgia Railroad Smart, and srs prepared to do all kinds if. works with tketrbaatasM, rorkseuNtst citAm rAcrosr, DTbeyBarwialargedthsIrraansiaetarlDfshossatDsI Cabio. tWars.ot tbslrovsailafsstare laaayqssne tydsstrvd. _ rbe> a re now maintnstsrlsfandfinlahtofEutolM OrttofadsttaffampertoTU anyto hi had trim |ther (*m mieiSI. fldtf TMBORXANT INFORMATION, by XwWeh much suffering in families may be avoided, sent to married men end those f riosi: inteaplating Uiuriage. Addresa i josi txfonr stamp*, Ur. 0. W ADD18COJTBR Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 18, |887 . dfewfia r I'MOM AS K. I-OWE.—GENERAL ? I!OM MISSION MERCHANT, For th* purenase and sale ef ell - Unde of produce Oroeerlts aad March sndie, will pay psiticu- Ist attention to tbi.pohoias* ef PUnwtloo end Family aapolia*- ETAUeidsn promptly end feilhfttUyei tentlM to, Offios on South ride of Whlteh* street, three dton east of Miehtel) oetlfidwtf SUSPENDED BotUTM Taken at Pai das in tbs Oily of Atlanta, and a tares stock of Family Groceries, payable In Oeoigla Rail BwlBAnkBllH, nd father thin mila a trade, at * NB FER CENT PREMIUM MACON *> WESTERN j. MAHON, December 14th, 1847, CHARGE 0V 8CKXDULX. On and alter Friday the lath tbo mine wilt 1 be run ae followsi f l.r ars, I a. m. are Atlanta fi.lfi a. to. Leas# Macon 11 80 a m are Atlanta «** pan J nr* Atlanta 1* nighfi are Macon Y.I8 a. a. Leave Atlanta l*,:iOw.m. err Mseon «A» p* The night trains wiU not tun on Sunday^ nor wlfl Ihsy stop between stslious to take np Sf putcffps»n«ere. RT ( | . yL ,j B Use 18,1807 dIOi FEATHER*. ^^.r**s5fic5saij iietlMSmff tw.