The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, December 25, 1857, Image 1

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Bail]} |ntcl%tnccr. BY DUNOAN £ LOOHRANB. AN D EXAMIN E R ■ “ ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN KKA.MJN is LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—JEFFERSON NEW SERIES, VOL. L ATLANTA, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1857 UMBER 75 Hqillj Jntelligencei* k £xqVninelr. 'dailF^Tweekly. DUNCAN ftVoCHRANE. TBIIMM OF MU I) SCRIPT ION. Daily latsUlgenoer, per aaaum in advance, t8 Weekly, " “ “ $2. HAT 1C H OF ADVKIIT1MINO. Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be Inserted at the following rates per square of ton Unea. One Insertion, 60 ots. Two ;*i 00 Three, •* ; ;i 16 fo«r, « rr. z A 60 five, “ .1 76 One week, 2 00 One month, * )$5 OO Two, “ r "8 00 Thre« * f 10 00 Three Four, «? Bix, “ One year, 12 oof | 18 00 26 00 ! Bpeoialeentraets will be made for yearly adTer Usomont* oesupying a quarter, half or whole oolnmn. P9F Advertisements from transient persons must be paid In advance. Legal advertisements published at the usua rates. Obituary notioes exceeding ten lines oharg od as advertisements. Announoingcandidates for office, $6 00, to be paid in advance. When advertisements are ordered in both the Daily, and Weekly, 26 per eent. will be added l o the above rates. The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular business. Professional Oards netexooedlngsix lines, $16 per annum. Advertisements not ipeclflod as to tiiao will be published till ordered out and eharged at regular rates. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper •w>hr will bs ohanred at formar rate*. ATLANTA, DBOEMUKR 25. 1857 7 THIETY-FIFTH CONGRESS—First Session. Washington, Wednesday, Deo. 19. SENATE. ^ Ur. Crittenden submitted resolutions that consideration of the financial condition of the oounlry and embarrassments of the frcaaury. tho rafts of duly established by the tariff of March last ought to be materially Inareasod; and also in favor of a substitits tlon of a system of lioito vnbiatiou on ini. ported goods. The resolutions lay over. The Sonato rosumed tho consideration of the treasury note hill. Mr. Wilson said the closing hours of tlio Thirty fourth Congress wore devoted to ef forts to deploto the Treasury, ami they were now at tho commencement of the thirty Ef h trying to lilt the Treasury, which was now empty. Ho called atteution to sum-- facts connected with the expenditures of the tloreriimcnt lie thought Congress should revise the tariff, eo as to-rcstoro tho duties of iron, collon and woolen goods lo whore they were by tho tariff of ltJ-16. That would increase the revenues ol the country something like two millions of dol lars, and thus afford sumo relief, lie would vote for the issue of ten millions in tbs Treasury uotrs undor tho circumstauccs, hut uot for twenty. Mr* Hunter insisted that ten millions would not be enough, and it would he no catsary to pass another hill next year pro viding lor more, it had hotter bo done now, all at once. Other gontlomon expressed their views for and against the bill. Tho Treasury note hill was passed with twe amendments; one limiting tho operation of the act until tho first of .lanuajy, 18.W, and tho other prescribing the lowest de nomination of the notes to ono hundred del lari. The Senate, at between six and ecvcu o' clock, adjourned. HOUSE. The House proceeded lo tho consideration of the resolution of Mr. Bennett, offered yes terday, providing for the appointment of a select committco to take into consideration ■ II petitions, inomorials, etc., on the subject of a railroad to tho I’acilio ocean Mr- Barksdalo had moved lo lay the reso lution upon tho table. The question was taken up this morning, and determined in tho negative— yoas 04, nays 99. Without disposing of the above nutned subject— The House went into a Committco of tho Whole on tho stato of the Union, end re sumed the consideration of the bill author!*- ng an issue of Treasury notes. Without coming to a conclusion upon tho luhjoct tho oommiltee rose, and Iho House adjourned. Ono Sooret to a Haopy Life. nwe Vfcro in company tho Oliver Jay, •nyi tho Youth's Penny Oazottc, with a gentloman apparently fifty nr sixty years of ugoj who used in subatanoe tlui following language. Were I to live my life, again, I should make It a point to do kindness to a fellow* being whenever I bad the opportunity. 1 regret very muoli that my habit has been different, that 1 induct'd feelings so unlike . those whfoh lead to such a course of life. • lit ba« been too rouoh tnv way to let otha trttako caro of themselves, while] took Oare of myself; If somo little trespass was committed on my rights, or if I suflerod somo flight inconvenience from the thoughts i or selfishness of others, I was gn at or contradict this statement? Is there a girl or a boy Among all of them who can say, ‘I did a kind a»t once to my mother nr play mate, and wij* afterward sorry for it—it should have bun an unkind one.’ It in very likely that a kind net has boon illy re J iuitted or ntinconatruod; but if it was peis ormed with proper Mings, it h ns certain t) produce happiness v, tunshino is to pro* due* warmth We counsel our young Mends, then, to poi/o every opportunity of contributing to the good of others. .Sometimes a r nilo will do it. Oftener, a kind word, a look of sympathy, or an acknowledgment of aq oblumtion. Somclimus a lttiLe help to a burdened shouldor, or a heavy wheel, will be in pluoe. Sometimes a word or two of good counsel, a seasonable and gentle admonition and at others ssgg’stion of advantage to ,»« gained, and u littlo interest to secure it, wi 1 bo received with lasting gratitude. And thus every instance c f Linanc-.s done, wh f * ther acknowledged or not, opens up a little w« it spring of happiness in tho doer's own bronst, tho flow of which may be made per manent by habit. leOfts uv Fire.—We learn that the resis dence of Col. James K. Hruwn, near Fort (iaincs, was entire!)* fi,*o on Thursday evening h«\ together with tb<* entire contents, con-isting of furniture, bedding, clothe 1 ), papers, ate., and about fifty dollars in cash. 'Hie circumstances ns wo learn them, ore these: The women and children of the family were in a room up Btnirs, whipping cotton to make mattresses, and when the Hoor wusentirely covered with cotton, a spark popped from the lire into the centre, and kindled into a flutne before it was discovered. The women and children escaped with much difficulty—some of them beinir scorched, but not injured. No inen being 4tv the premises, little* or nothing was saved. Tho Colonel’s loss, independent ol papers, (the value of which cannot well be estimated] is supposed to be about three thousand dollars.—Cuthbrrf Reporter, IQuThc year which is about clos’ng has been more healthy in Boston than any year for a great length of time. M. W m. F, Leak, is an iedepeadent candidate for Governor of North Carolina. Cl'rtUCUCTO D(vcctoi*» Georgia Rail Road Sc Banking Company AugUbta to Atlanta. .171 Milan. .Faro $5 50. GEORGE YONGE, Haporintemlei t Moa.M so Passenuus Tax is.' Leaves Atltutn daily at 10 on A. M. Arrives tt Augusta, nt 7 eo P.M. l.vavis Augustn, dai’y at '2 3<» A. M. Arrives at Atlanta, i»t 11 0G A. M. Kvkninu Pamenuka Thaik. ? eaves Atlanta, daily, nt 1-00 P. V Arrives at Augurta, at 'G A M. Loaves Augusta, drily, nt I O'* P. 51 Arrives at At'ontn. nt 101 A. M. or Thu Hoad runs in connection with the Trains of the South L'arolina ami the Karan* nnh ami Augusta Railrcndi at Augusta. Western & Atlantic (State) Rail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga, IBM Miles, Parc $5. JAMES M. HPCLLOCK, Supentitcudent. »fr Train*. ^?rofcssi«M\l 6^irds. j'£rii)ffmj £s^biishii)ci)i,s., T. 1IACKKTT, M iuRKEY AT £ilu ftdbetfigeft)ef|t3. Murray Dade. Reference/; M»j. V\ . Y.lUu**ll. M etta, Hanaetl fit Himpaon, Marietta, Jaw** K* Lnwhon, K*q , Dahluneg*. J54T* Particular attention paid to the colcettng busities*. May 2H,j857 ds».!y I C. SI >1PSOX—AT K Y AT J. LAW TUB l»UOPRIBTl baring rac*ntly aide i JOB DEPARTMENT of . lirbrnent a LARGE and V MM*ortit.Uit of ths LaUitM PLAI« A4ND FAKCY U'KCIUU AMO iXLA or ^.Liw^ff^f.^X^.jlNTELLIGENCKR&EXAMiNER ||jfrh PeteLS & €0. th.faii.wingc.ui.ilw: 0»too.., _ VU| urray Gilmer, Whiifieht, tinrj'’1 JOB OFFAL/. E ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS. & « A lift 1 J 0,,x u L a MAH - *, LOCII It A TOHSlKS AT LA W-M.c IIBAttD-ATTflHSEV AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller, C*., Ge* *git march G IH57 wl v LO(!I IU \S Y.—A 7 jii Georgia lochsavk July 13, 1657 dswtf W ILLIAM M.BAMOHTII— ATTOBNEX AT LA W-K.irtmrn,; prepared to execute ic a r.est a&d wo ke manner, every deccrir tion of TENNESSEE PRODUCE, CO TTOS, G HOCK It IKS, dec., Alabama Btroot, (•>'**•- of -h* -t ft Depot.) i A t 1 a n t a , Georgia :JOO Sack. Meal, 1! p" '-c.c ttwhit, rtn, for , --•Si. UIOH, PBTKP.6, A .(gis tl.Wlf July 10, IH57. I N OF. R WOO D S. II Alt It IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia O mcf.on Whlt«h*ll»tr»>»t ov* rlryStore. March ixtb,Id. hnj* W. H. ■ W. Hill nxijue i GLENN PirtintUrattention win ..., en t0 th.Prir. logtf Circulars, V7av Pills, Blau); Bill Reads, Blank Deeas, Bank Checks, Prcjratnmet, Business Cards, UA.NlflilLLS, POSTERS, U. ( auvatwil Ham,. - «.!.,•{» cam»Dd burtr c^rtd Ilia '• *- j* 20 HKtlJ, PB7KRS A CO. " ATLANTA STEAM MILLS. \\ ■ * ■ ■ ^on#ux ut &s hand a Urgt rap- ' Fivor—B.-n fttd ELorts. •' * *a>h pr.^t paid fer Wheat at tit v J*..j*2&—d«m K PETERS ft CO. _ £Hy ! u,^ertise!fi)e)||g. , T I < K BE ClarkeA tirubb, COMMISSION' MERMIANTh, Agents for collections of all kind. And Dealer* la MU LIED. PtODDCi j? L. LZl, OliOCERIES. 4€ At tk«4 < Wbneftali St xtUxU. O*,. •^.Beeos. Lard *a4 Cera *Jv*t« tz Lead YXr*.t *tu*titjz paid U Ceadfmaeatj of er*rj tr 1 . Heaittaaee* pruaptiv abed#. Ordrr. r^»ci.'c..t olkeiteC. ** dearefaU/ ftifed—For liJL IKED BARLEY I J UST received, a flret rau artirle of Barley, for Eeftd. Price, 12 per kwrfteL Sept. dtf. CLARKE k GRUBB. New Lard. Tbwndenlgitedhave for *a!«,at vhcleraie 14 retail, »lot of fcoe NBW LARD. IW. I.IIM rT.AKKlt k GRTTRB lijedjcql ftfaelrti§eiriiei}i3. For Sale. r*d5et:oa« . . } of the Jo*t!y e«!«bete , J ]l. a: a ko>«a|# at dr* tall. Arte > tho# a »L:r!mlI wiln. H. J SUA CKMLFORD, j&rL. Who wants any Rye. »-k. k Ombt tu U.5 Zj! t.rE LUTHER J Attorney Atlanta, . . . Will attend tho Coarts in the Counties of Ful ton, DoKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, Henry, Troup, Hoard, Cobh, Spalding. ! friend* in t at Law, Georgia. | .t r »tron»ge of '-or ry, and arrure them :.y and satisfactorily d j OH. I.. J. HOUKltT. Mtitlicul & Surfiical Practifloner. Mariottu, . . . . . Georgia. Office at hiercjliencs. G. J. WKKillT. Attorn e y at Law, Albany, . . . . . . Geortria. May 16, 1-57. (i. P. Kddy \ (!o., fsr*v:i>-.-)?.-T' < p. j‘a <:.mmkCO ) IBooU-Bind o x~y, Corner r,J ff ktt'-.h'ill on>l Alabama tie., ATLANTA,GEORGIA. New Stock Coming In LC.VTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AM) CAPS, A } • IH-KRIN'i if c ON’5 Qothing Mann . ry ; ilrr-hact Tailoring ertobii*b laurt sty ‘ G . P. ELDT-& CO., 1} 0 O K a^d Morning Pas-e Leave* Atlanta, daily, a*.. ,. Arrives nt Chattanooga at.,.. Leaves Chattanooga, dully, ui Arrives at Atlanta at. ..-145 A. M. ...9 15 A M. . .. I .Til A. M. .9 33 A. M \\\>1 A. f 1 \KIUS, Attorney at 1. Isabella, Worth Co., Ucfas to—Mm. J. L. liar Hon. A. II. Uanse.l, Thoin^vi Oglethorpe. H. H. Ciari V>\ Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 2 - J:y. JA it CD III WIN WIIITAKKU. Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Dir.-e, fr i.t r. m« over J. R. ft C. II. Wal- la'#’.* Sl .rc. r rntr Wulier.-ll 1 Aia* k--u Hi. _M kj >,1867. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at L aw, Cariersville, . . . . Georgia, r-t toe Pi (). IIARRHR, Attorney a l 1. a w , West Point, . . . Georgia A|rill8, 1855. dlwtf lliiti liin- \ Vomit, A t t 0 r 11 0 y s a t La w , Lawrencoville Georgia. ■’“'t** f of Cloth 1, Carrimere# ac« \ : .. - t o, f.'oa *Ll h tc moie a *eler- •*, Dr*i»tr-. Vl ;tr 'jartoentt, Cravats, *••• ii i.ery, IraTelicg Shawl* ox.C - 7 - ri.rr. r r , A f-» tide at the lowest V.a 1- LRKTSG 4 SON’* •4 W'i.tebad il, Atlanta, (so. tpvrti f r e;nger* rtevi&g Maeh.rita. " SHIRTS, M AI'K t-. erder. A'.ri. a lagrert'-ck ef F,EA\ U Y J/A UL SHIR TS - r Land, tv W. HEHRUiG ft SON. *nportant Co Married Ladles and tho*e about to marry! DR DLLOrMKR> CELEBRATED MON- I f THLYPILU! ofAfcxUKl. > (w- Aci.mT< bexfrot.. V, h*r IU. ;eet;. the LmpreM. I r “* »!-j :,k. , chua i » »B mnxrukl tnStr. t| -,b« ree . »»»(•'* 0B ■ ' With ftma it ... , W4 ,,f yen. I <tux Affection*, Paipiuu n -A Heart, Flour 1 Aibu or Whit**, and iz f*ct m » ccepUma [ *ri*;ng froa a duordered crzc.U’iz t:.d -w- heaiihy tcuno of the Gemul Organ*, it*** PilJj wall efiect a *pe*dy *nd pertroriet: core. They we pa: cp in saoli pi*> lu« tmi •>». currtj coefed from otaerraucc, and tccoscpan- j led by full direction* fen use. Price $1 pet X, Them Pill* tbocld cot be taken be { female* daring the tint three month* cfpreg. nancy as they ere /are to bring on miacamage; ba: at any other time 1 bey are hannlew*. J.K. j Blandin. M- D., only Agent fat the United Stale* and C tenia*. WhUkeyT Whi.key! Whi.k.T U^i"? ‘.I ^ D ^’’* »®« * rsLA&KE k QR-7BB h.rt jut rw« .ft it btA of Rieonl , FeazU fVotocte—«a UBbU. Bzirt O.f ^r DuuM Con ! of coocptua, «d jn.i.k«j, ut tor nt. ch—y lurch 11. 1 “* v> ,rE » « »*>«, “"“(t <0 of it 1 1 . ■■ 1 ■ -ii — ‘U*ct piystcai toalioraation ere mcapacnated, jlIJlX M wxLLftCI... WM. C ROBINSON . re-prod action. Pr.ce $2 eest bj }\ allace A Robinsoo ^ 1 ^ con* anuv on Land the foUowicg work*: Mol- GENERAL mb' * Manual Marragefrinde, Dieeaaee of Fe» makwiLfeeasea of Ma>.aL»ch wort i« rabcunbaj j If and beacufully i^amked vnthcolored j ^Lxl Georgia Ham. LaREE ft GRUBB ha* ;u‘. rwoevti i Carwi Hast* ill 1 DLLS. Pike's Magnt.! vUrsMirsd and f.r'ia.e ty March 21. Wfc.kc*j, ju CL4.KKB ft GRUBB. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T EXX ESS E E“pRO Ol'CEi'""! T ^ OP.!.A I .VOTES . Terr urn I FBAXKOP ft L TON * GEORGI material. W KAILH'LftT »•* ibrated WEISOT : Cj-llnder Press iro more fully prepared tea- :.*rt:' :ort dirpatch to all orders f >: > ** .Lcir.iat- air prices f<-r Cath Particular .v.tcn: " p... 1 f the exe-t FINE WORK f .r i a j ar.l other J - .: Companies, Tranrpurtati * Ap:,i#. ask lege* mA ScbooD, Attorney,, Merchants, and other». Book*, Pucphlets, Caulogue*. C-::z1a 1 Card*, Piontiiaory Note*. BlankDo^da. Cl.vr ; Way Kills, Programme*, Rati a*- 7 . Show B: Potter*, ftc , executed sh-. r:: :.u. Dar.kir.g Company.’ r :<ar f : t’! :>i* du*-1 . and all g x>d« OOiVt ' rx.1 Z-zr.9%., v C.U STRONG A TO. ata,r# “ ,i ftT *^* A r . : ill FL Va!£> "''k7ki ' iamnu rei-Si’ ' ' | t.^nowflj r«w. t m j j m* Prompt aiutLcr givat u Ci*L Orderr! imrl lettees of icq ary [when a portage a eneioo*!,] *snll be prompCj - ■ , KJI A BAJLLET. iueadedtr J. K-BLaS'DIN. MM>. 7 A A 9 * !9 *yixuScK*sog&X50>* fyiacaae, New York. iwft7 J w€ni WH16Z2TY : »rt TLas^y. t VaLLaCi ft Just lteceiced. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! ;t.Lir»g the corner ci Ala ft L yd BtmU, AtlAnta, Gn. ItOiPT. II . M A Y • • r r .: ' vr ] Li* CAR-RLlt 3 b>: thit tvr 1.- Ju «... Ii. NATHANIEL I!. itUTCHtN 11. VOUNO.. > 1/tDOOTal, and .ainstimea oaod ltarah and reproachful laoguage toward, tho offender. Iio now intiiQed that my own happi- nMTai greatly itnpafrod by thli course, and my oonduot and a cample contributed to Hit irritation and unhappiness of otl.cre, It waa but the other day, continued the gentleman, that I wa. puaaing along the I iuaet,andacoeckinan waa attempting to drnw a light carriage Into a ooach house.— ■ lie tried onoe or twice without aucce.., and juat a» I Mine up, tho oarrir.;e occupied the ft thole .Me walk, and prevented my progreu* ' Tbo feDtiWa looked a> if it ought not to be , V exooil) ao, and there wu lometbing like a hint apology In hl« smile, It waa on my t' tongue to eay, ‘In with your carriago, man! and not let it Hand here blooking up the paaaagr-' But a better ‘inflnence prevailed I went to the ru.rjof tho carriage and aaid ‘Mow try again, my good fellow!’ while with the cud of my umbrella I gave a little t_. path, and out came the plcaaant, ‘Thank vo £:' air—much obliittd.’ I would not have tak en a twrnty dollar note foi the atreak of sun •bine that thi. one little act orklndnem It ew over and enlightened' up the ooacb- Xjan’i face. And when I look hack on my Intereoane ’ with my fallow men all the way long, I can oonfkhMly My that 1 never yet did a kind- nan to a being without being heppicr. Bo that Ifl ware governed by mere «<'9»b mo tive#, and Wanted to live the happiest life 1 could, 1 would net .imply obey the Bible “Tepl to do onto all men, tu l had oppon Alf thla «u nld with an air of alncerity con vie tlon, which wo caanot give W wi jomiMi of cv miftn sown Loavci Arrivci iiuooga, tp »f I vll. W.II. Kivailtshs* rtin“%. r .* , j 1 / Ollicc 11 Whi clnli kirtct, uur Alf.\i n* ' * 1 l or’ft UrUR 8lur«. May 13, 1X57 .lA%vtr,?0 Night pAs-rx.-Kii Tuain. Alin ula, nig filly »i....... I* 30 at Chattanooga nt HIS (-hnttano*»pn, ni/htly Arrive* at Atlanta ut II '-’2 I*. M 1 j fy Thi* Road .connect* ra r It way with tin* j |V\ • T. t'. ( aiuplicll , tHoino Dranrh Uailronil at Kingston, tho East : QFHOEOX m. iMcrhr.r.tfkl Den TonnusKo.- &(ioorgin Kai'roaJ at Dalton, anti I tho N'ahhvillo Sl Chattanooga liaiiroatl at Chat-, ‘ > .«' cr * , ‘ 1 durability *nu oisui. r-d''Jtheo u\er Alexanders Drag.-’t'lra. White Uufi i. . W. T. C. - AMPBKLL. , -v LM. i ‘vLt; tft.a f»: Tit s.-wizf ar-eoM rivr LtLseed Oil, i.Xcgliah boiled “ “ do i-tc-r cL-ala’dptre spr'a Oi “ . “ “ • VcaleOt e Oil fee Tanners. NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- >JL\GO, ABBOTT A CO. GROCERS kJSTD COXTISSIOV MIRC2AXTS. (aSfa^t>, JUvx't [Corner. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL if op om/iantly cn hand i kspply uf Fealhera. B*» c:a. Petit, Ltrd, Ficw, Moil ; i ” Com. Gala. Pea*. haat, P*— Utoe*, CftHtaf*. Cofir*. »u: 3'.' i Candle*, \V htakcj. Fite L.qu jra, Tabacc^. • o t , i »aricu* broads, &<Kia. Rope of oi. j “ * quaiitin. Brc*om*, Oftdar Wart, Groin Bar*. | * lw ' j MalcLrr, and a iarff /took oi Reger** crle^ j 10 ! hrsttd Blrd-Er* ouae. to* th. 20,000 Ibs’tYLite lead, asicned k,.n. All of which win be acid ot ize oor. 1 - - i &r mmod*ting tora* e;izer ! <; eo*h cec. zz- *.ry prc^ducft. Current Honey. W* arrtakitf tfithe f.f-'M Balk ) ilS a; par. a:».. the t..:s c-f tio Adtlk Luoiizi Bbll* ar.d tbo Bu.1 ci FJljc l ncurrent !1oney Bonpht. M f wr:i r -7 tho c^tn of tte Tczznepe Bar»fts, oV.. K^r.tuckv is-: >'»* f>rleaL*. *, ABBUTT 4 CO. N.'vtmbfr II, l?f7 erf &--:onod Yanuabes. 05 }<r cent. Aloobol. Bcrninj: Fhdd. Cos phene. [’arpentinc.l 150 Boxes Giu.--. assorted sires. 5M.Erwi.(!.; p.^u, »aj Cl uiict, Lt tit Per It a.. . t mtxsstzz ft 5* — ft" S JL . i 'j jC a -t. J.!:.Tt.-T y.... , M e , rz* A>i o. ;aym;*a; I:rz~ o*f*s aft iftc- r .iti :: uj easy ; L -- Wk '^\ 1 ft —- tc: i-: *c witi cist/ izXa tu; h'.»kT» :* {:i*.. : .e*.z t-vuiaj oa A tiro.. cprcj.a Atlanta & Lag7*ango Rail Road. Atlanta to \Vc»t Point.h; Miles,.Faro <f>3 5 Atlanta, Jan. 20 • J.P. CAMPBELL dtf GEOlHil* (». Ill'Ll., Haperinteud sSKJfOER Thais*. nt. Morning 1 Leave* Atlanta ilnilv nt • 00 A. M Arrives at West Point nt. 7 2H A. M I,caves West Point ilnily nt 4 Ol) A. M Arrive* at Atlanta nt tt *7 A. M Evening Paupknckii Train. Leaves at ilnily nt I OO P. M. Arrives at West Point *t ..(» ‘.‘S i*. M. Leaves West Point daily «t 4 30 P. M. Arrive* nt Atlanta nt 10 15 p M IT This H..n,I c < tlinerts each way mill the Montgomery Ac West Point Railroad. FOR SALE. ARfiE aks«)itinent of Virginia Leaf rying in price anil quality, nt J ^ retail and wholesaler, ns cheap ns the cheapest H J. SHACKELFORD, Ag'. Nnr 14, 1857 d.f T All. it T. rl LLI A M hat I / turne i from a 'uut to j rug* ^ • uiu>‘ lue practice of hu protraaion ui t' of Atlanta and its vicinity. Can be torn d at hisoifice at *11 b »ur«, when pr )t«‘«M unllv engaged. nr t)ffi WASHl.\(»TO.N HAL' seplftdwtf Fft Ufa 11 DcMTiptious. r >I,A.\K.s.tFALI,lJE^GKlPTIOXci c«.. : ) h« h*d .t .ill in. Exiiiiiincr & Intelligencer ; .titcctiou.. Pastrie*. Emits ar • r,; L-. ,: f-.—.h ...ry t Groceries milt SubK-rn... | ,.f FAMILY « Kllllls, .t , at 1‘rliiK' Coat. Will „.|| hw pre- nt .lock nl PI. VNTATl'i.N tlltd. n,l Frc.jht, for I! '. I thf Attornic, M.i riff.,rinkr .1 V Ordil;.r.«, can tf furni.h. !. «. on, lan.rite term ,.f UCI'.D,'WRIT.. r Glist-which they miy dr-,rt : »„J P. 1 Icfsl inorumrnu, cenun^ni, in n.-c. . wav, nil lian.1. to be wotii at l!.r inwi.t V.l.nia, M u E, M, SEA(rO, Frr. f -r. tr.o \ i.av u::s • WILL CuM. yn: J HE PROlJi L C »» lc* . a.vaTs ut hand. A.* Zt •ft ft -ft-re tt- .rtaes: cf I.-ri Birdf Kye Lime. ^T"« ars kgtz.ii .* tit sal* ci Mr R L P.oftrii Eiria-vy* L.s*. jx: uj '.z b bcsbtl harreii. va*. TiXiti ft.’, xtopurt, aid of ruptnor qaaiijy tc tzj otter rcii .r. tilf isarkat. Ordars tr ._e Car load r:- :e ift»: a*, kils yrica#, ly ’ ‘ S-, A. J- CO. Mill Stones, Bolting Clothe Ac. W » *r» *3: zfnu fer Wea »r*. Jdcrr.t ft 7Bz.U aert M. , laportvrs kzi fwi.ri .t. Ft:ah Bsrr. Ce- ! •*f1» kP 11 r*Pp«l M .Y. trrtet .Lt w„. r:t rrrrc-i* tte KL-. trrod -j: .:i .;.i ..t iz Lzrcj't tr Arrer. » Order* or* rttj-ecu*-.. 7-t vp via lUnlu »w, ; I-*- : ».S J., :.s l> a:" a *. t> :.r:uh J.; ■••st *’ :b* cask er gec-d rttv l. Valentino. . N T. V’b fib. T FUB.NITURE: T fC‘-“i A Gruii, t-. - /i.rtr. tta. ua. r: Mazclb. d: O.FTaSH^ Pi&lo Icrte Repairer &L.d Tvaer alxiizg rr tsfei. has. rnn tewiairp by A I.Af Tolwi IlntiUol Knit on. "i Cloorpriu lUtil- ouil J. lliinklng Conipnny. H< will likewise receive Jthe ‘'it;, of the .am.- i Hanks, in payment of debt! da* the elate ..! ", OiTur, deceaaul. L. J. PARK. oc'lTdwit A 2 r nt. AT HIS M:h OIMMODIOUS FI-Hi: I’Root' in ilium;, Front of v.ia- • . : «: ;:e it ‘ r ' . AT! AT TA. GEORGIA tW.T’ '•:*•••• vr.-Jr-r : i.y , Oft 1 . e , Kv\' Ft R A ITU RE!! SEAGO, ABBOTT k CO. Seyumbar, 11, 1557. VeDifton-ham*,Factorj Yarn, 4 Tallow. d-.-saa cboiee Vosiroa Hasis. 1 Ten bales Factory Yarx. 7tm Barrels 7allow. T" Foot barrel* Car Grease.— Fcr **.# Yt Arri: 11.SKAGO, ABKOTT. X[CO Satisfor.i t g.xtz. .z ererj iziixzst or a« thorp*. Aft. vrerk varrantai. Timing by the Year dene at Rad«c«d CSa4 Prices. Aft criers shosii be left at Me»ir*. '.ham*’ rar^iare Swre, sa Peachtre* it., Ailsa. u. Go. cor. 56, ’56, < t jy f Bacon* Flo u r-Co r Pea>-Oa ta T~ »6,5i3i. z ' i -*> Tezztftee Boros. •ft.f'ii 1 A*. r.» Fiver, r-aoheli Vt;:s Crrx. r»c*iel» No. 1 P#aj fcr jd.-dticfc \evr ltoiitc <o tlir Soutli-'Ves To Ulaziefa i era.—-We li..v.- . Snalt Alauttt.u tut r. t'.r.t «t vk . V. ;nd ■ *" ^ssheA -f«vi Oats, :: r taitRs good While Con. Mm!. Tt. SO T, iruc!« Will be >.!i »; <»..• W ft tor Cash, er rx>J M or M is. t tes. My prarehcass .» very lasya, aid I will t-teraad ui. of Pr:-iufs olrat.i ;Ali y^xiace ;.A _. .ilk me is a* safe frtta hr. as luyoiherWara Best Ni.nhmi Mauulactorira.. Forwarding As Commiolon jagr-1 u-ase ic eay, ui esi t. n.ufhl t; i«ind, chant. | ..... C. D. PARK,— ^ James M. tarter, Ua«s! Hags! Bags! r.i, SAVANNAH. GA., - rla laze* S*« a., t S:r»#t—^ists.'y fen Afareh 51. Pro iso* Bro r de*lrf t pa M«in|ihls ft ChtrLatoa Rati Hoad CompiptMt! Connecting Chattanooga, Tenn.; Charleston, P. €.; Savannah, Ha.; and all Korth-Kastorn Cities, with Meinphia, Tenn. ^*The last conneotlng Link of Rail-Road betwoen New York and the Mimsiipi i River! This Road l» now completed, and opened fot the regular transportation of Passengers and Freight, and will afford moro expedition and less expense, than any other route between the North Boat and Soutb-Weat. Passengers and shipper# will M take iue notice thereof, and govern the in- aelve* aooordlngl v. M Passenger Train* lea re Stevenson daily at 12 o'clock,A. M., (after the arrival of the train from Chattanooga and Nashville,) and arrlre at Memphis *ame day at 7, P. M., conneciing with First Clara Steam Packet* to New Orleani, and all other Important point* upon the Western riv er*.* Good* consigned to UaiLRnad Agents at Charleston or Savannah, will ho forwarded to Memphis and other point*, by Kxprea* Freight Train*. Freight in charge of the Adam's Express Company, Is carried over this route doily, by the Passenger Train*. F.C. ARMS, Oeneral flap’t. Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, lt>57. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ae., sold at Wilmington, N. C.; Charleston, 8. C.; Augusta, Savannah, Maeon, Atlanta and Columbus, Go., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville. Tenn. eounect with the Western Trains on t Is Road, pel fearers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.; Augusta, Chattanooga t id Nashville, Tenn.; and the day Uaios frem Charleston and Kingsville, S, O.j and Atlanta, Qa. April lit. 4tf. T O DEMOCRATS.-—One of the first duties of a good Democrat I* to support his party Th. N,» V.'k D.lly ul W«.kly L, I, now will hIiUIiMu lb. D.mocraile oriu. uf N.W York Cily. It U .a. ofth. but imp. mu of th. day. uon*nr. Bwd la j >ttr tub- Vuki Do. M. UM to Corn Lvrli.uiff Bair Manufarton. 125 & 127 Broad Street, N. Y- Now roa ty for th* Fell Tr*.!» Phcap lor Cash. 50.000 new 3 Hu. Grain Hag*, 25.000 •• 2 55.000 Secondhand 2 and .1,11a. In Prlme’Or- tier. 37.000 Seamless Hags nf all tho various kinds. Miller’s Hubs. * 4 . S' and 1 10 RM. IUf* 0Migna>1 crprewly for thvtr Trarta, ant tnanuUcturwl (rt»m uer t’rwr :itr., 1 Glased ricth. (warrant**! not to Blft Fl'ur ) tb « •. a n*w artlrlf »it w# <*4U tb* yartfeutar attention f Miller* .rid Fleur l»*al*rs Salt Factor!** »uppllt*i with Haj*, all ftsa*. 0**ijn*4 . prowlr for «** OtTAll orvi*r* ***fut*l with n**ta*ss an.l -It*- j patch.ii* usa n K (’I.4RKK, rropriator | Situation an Tuacliur \> anted ; young gentleman wants a situation as j TxAciiin. In some Public S« uool or j rivr.'f family, lie wa* educated in one «,f the be^i in stitution* In tho IT, State*. The best of relervuc* E ’ven as to character and capacity. For farther j formation please address VINCENT H. CALVIN, 1S57. Atlanta 0%. 1 CAM PHENE"! Burning Fluid! FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR CASH,: T, IL RIPLEY. P. S-—A liberal discount ty the Bbl. Pm. I, iur. duff ci bid* .i! T on A XI FAC T l RE RS. “'fti.uaJ, „ 4 ! P - & L ^ ! *£***“ on aU ««- | ^ jftTf SK •* r.~, A t« -ran.. . 1 toll. . RoM R T - -rr F*\ 5wraar.a Fst; Rime. 1 r a on arev #tc.»*k, we 1005 \\ 11.1.1 AN*, ^ 100 ft NeXT Huron. .■ () 1 ''!■ ' ' 7 ► M *r a » 'euT COBfi MEAL ir<Treee!Tf.!LV baahsls '-*** • - a.!.\u ijlsiiji, siknox'ijis.r’’ - .... 1 i-t .s-. t.atvta TX *TOTT8H " l 1 x.-.-J3P» etxsT. 1 K.NOXYH LB. T>'. V KEL-EE, M R. STEKUN9 L.tNIE , ut, cf th. la. r..,r HcttM. y.ttvc, wt axabaapac-L.. Rltrinl C Burnt. I BS*. lat. ef Taak.^., Al. xa wiU i. harry -I- • 't-'r. i' I*. Mnal’if Bari t0 mMt 111 tnecis am ev >»er* at the I unox .. . , y../‘ 1 |S .. House, where they hare ample accoxamc*dati. , 'C " 'or twe hundred aai fitly pereoas. S. AS. LANIER, Proprietor*. i t t. atTcno tc . S. WILLIAMS Pea-htre* »r*‘ 'IT Kr-mnal toil. lilt . M. K4IIKR. HOMCEOPATHIST. ( 'hTFIi'l! a-... K —m* m 1>t. r.-ffir.'v'a d- l lA.-v.Ti"‘■ <• IV PRODIGIOUS RUN EVERY 0.\Y fVtu, M'tabi, THAI HAS SEW TILE SOUTH-WESTERN .law 1 v j Dollar Weekly NEW CROCKERYTfPET I Jtt “ comB ' J ^ Mu,tw ‘^ f.v t‘ - er »r v—r Peac\irtt % Decahtr if ' Boot a&d 8h pTtcee f S’ WHKhR Fire Insurance Agency, Marin# *rc#irwi t*.* Agtacy 1 ’ tt» llnrtforil Fire Innumur,' Co. i Capital Stock, fc.D0,ito0 | Aaaata, C1S.000 I .Etna lnattran,-.' Compnity. Capital Suck, $1,000,'**' Aaretta. 616,iXh) Clurtorfii lsl9. Pba-tiis Inaumnrc,Cmnpnuj. Capital, $2.X',(W Auetta, 012,395 In.urttnc. ran Ra i.aJ in aiUiar of the ebov. Companica at aa low rate aa in an; other rejpcniible Oompar.iea by applica- lion to NL L. ANViIER’, AxenA nW-OBa. evar th. OlotUnx cl Urn, Unlw *ttx». o#Mtov.tioa MUti ittaatafatj I.UIl ft .^w -r‘U cent testl\rr. . b. f.o-4 a itOOD LA ' M< X ci CROCKERY, CHINA A HU I lil.ASR W ARE. a.aa SC.var Platai *■ « Cut’ery. Waiter*, Ac., ahich will b* stFAlR PilOKS. We Kuicit * csdi from he- art .n uant tithe abet# gocai*. ^ar.ts ,Nur. 25d. 1x57. dw3m. NOTICE. .1. pers.'r* iru«bted to the estate cf C. D. 'art, lot* > t Warray county deceased, are re quired to xsks tmmediaie peyaent and them having demands i rerder them in, acrurding to law, L ue, in Atlanta, Georgia L. J. PARK, Executor. December ft. 1657 dirtf "ilii Monday* $ lit Dec, 18577 Air ILL he rdd at the lam residence cf 0 D. \ V Tart, deoeoaevl, in the county ef Murray, all the pereoasd property cf said e*tam, coaiUt- tat cf Com, F odder, U-Ttee, .Vu!*e, Cattle, Ao. Sue to eocUaue from day to day until ail is sold,* n*•***- I Piuamiittn — trt Determine* lo Patronise It. rpHE "Rtwith Weetern Dollar Weekly” I printed on 24-3S inchee m oue, and is fu iA Original and well selected reeding ot t htg 7eel mceal character. It ia a Literary and Family paper.intended lo be ueefui. inatruettw and entertaining. In order that every family may not be deprived of it, it is Published at 81 A YEAR. | We meat have a large subscription list to sustain it. Send for a of ecunen copy. Address HFtiHES 4 Gl LLEV. Murfreesboro. Tenn. OF Publisher* will pieman copy col! 1st o January, and charge same to Uus office. November IS, IM7 dAwla leasts, Psg*. Kit, everything connected with the buainee*, wh:ch i (.-ask. All order* accompanied w-th Cash will be promptly filled with good Goods, and at low rains—at the trign of tic Big Boot, Peachtrew* •treet. Cherokee Bicck. aplAdtf DIMICK A MIX. JIST KECKIYEUI AGCOBDEONSI S rcu u dkJ hi th* Caatbt'.l Mta., ,ci oih«tra«llm4 MBucCoa-j pai.aa th, ,oahd cl th«a p—--rij tatia.-V th. huaaa rotca. Alia eth« Fnath A<«■». liMaa.Flauao., Yioltaa Rot,, uciun, FIbim, Brs;xa, TaabcttritM., .la. At! e! »hiah will be ili :hMf U> DOIt th‘, tlO.f, at H. EKAl MI LLER'S Msiic Star. Whitehall SL, itjt: «fth* i x Dms Mtil.'» _dwlj. Uphoi iterlng aad .nuttraaa Et labruhnient. Tiii ic!«tW ca.tu.tiJ . a har.i. aad esata 1 iaticr.tgu er^er, all La-i* *u-i caaituv* of M iTTKASYEftv tvxz the chnaj. Mraw, Shack asd Ccttoa. ;o tr.e pur* U KUaft IUI5J Mattraa^. war rattsu aap^.arf w aar artjciw •v»r cff*rw«i-a thU yiaca. I 5»tw a!*a o* baal. Ha.r Be^a'.sr* asi III —r». Sp ral ftfnaf Couchs* atui Lcaag-. A!*o the >rW rvacvrcvl Spiral Spria* ilattraa***. with Bed> it* to match, which awm foil to ?:$**• -JZoee fe»4 GOOD aisepisg. I aa *5*0 r rvpare 4 . to I’pWUtse *ii * Reek sra aaad caret then Hair Clsth, Ptaokmf Bk* l *t ofttac ahort«wtMUfs. hton* ls Y N ArVvata. it a. GL.AS! (iLAS&i! t.LAB! 1 $60 Reward. STOLEN from the suUcribsr. at •Big Shan lee, in Ccfcb cvuc*5. -a the »l^l of th* lit is/: , a Imrge bay A rouer light made, it? year* Land abeul Id kandshigh, has « ii:*..'• nhisior** heed and a mall Tamp *>a h ♦ jkouidcr, (ths left •koeldar I think I gn# th*abuts rsward Ac the bores and thief. Wirfi proof to cucwi kiai,