The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 23, 1858, Image 1

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tt 00 .1 00 .10 00, 1} or It 00 *26 00 Dally Intelligencer, per enanm In advance, M Weekly, ■■ i HATBH O* AOVlOaTHlM? v Advertising In th.'D.liy Intelligencer wW be Intertedet. tbe following ratal par squor. of ton Pewter**' ““ ■ yir£ •* iw Si*. " Onevreek, .2 00 | Ono year, ' TSSielaloenttnoU wUl be mode foryaarly odver • tifomefiteeSeupying a quarter, half or whola -^SvM^rOOMMta from transient perseni naft b® paid in idTiwii , . lfl . t,_.i linrtiiinuttti publUHodfct th® uittft Drily, and w3jkly,26pet cent, will bo addod I V°Xha privUego^if yoarly advertisers 1* itrlotly ; ^SaiUdWtEolr. own }«n»dUU aad regular ^ofarilonal Card* notoxooodlngila ll««, *U ~ , /d«^t l lK'manti'na t «p«ltad* , t« t i“** 1 'i 1 ^ published tUlordered out and ohargod at rognlar **AdvartiscmenL inaortod .a the Weekly paper ? onli^U>^h^»idaU«rtna^ratoi^^^ N ^-ATLANTA, JANUARY 23 IB57 ' NEW AMB.ROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. Mar WuShri8trt.'t;.AU^O.o^n; «' r A. COOPER would raapacttully Inform bis sealifelike flclure. now made In c m ft £wonld «y to tbolr Wot- mon ara rMOKtltilly inr.ltwl texlve than » . jf, n,—particular atuntion will be paid to taking p p'riMo Winltbard times; Rall.faellonornocharrii Apparatus, Chsmlesis. Sleek, &c., fltroUhad to too *“*• ' M. A. COOPKR. S. 8. IXON’ARD,, n,otice. " T\URING my^ebseuce from th* 8taW, Col J^/John Collier will act ai myJawfuUUor- DOT# gJJanuarj 16,1868 8. FRANKFORD. 1 dw6m Seed! Seed! §eed! Garden Seed. _ WE here? as usual, got out oar r.lorgo slock of Gordon Seed, and -.RKthoeo-who havii bought of ua here- talRTwIttMt to their fine qualities. Mer chants from the country, wo particularly in vite arid hope to Kcuro theT lrado. Wo would a'lo a» a liberal, aharo of patronage tromo^-eitiwn. EZZARD. Jenuarvl8, 1858 i£ Mooxixo ranoaxuiti Tnaia.' Lugyes Atlanta tally at. 10 00 A. M. Arrives at Augusta, at .....7 nOP.M. L*avta Ausujla, dni'y at.J 00 A. M. Arrive* at Allan's, at. II 30 A. M. - EvkKlKO Pasjcnokr Toaiji. 1 oarer Atlanta, daily, at 12 (Id P. M. Arriaoa at Auguita, at .8 ab A. ,\1. Leaves Augusta, daily, at .4 00 P. M. Arrives at At'anta at 1 04 A. W. IST Thia Road rune in connection with tho Train.' of the Roulh Carolina and the Harm nob end Anguita..Railroad*. at .Augusta. Weitera® Atlantic (State) Bail Road. Chattanooga. 138 Milan, Fare $3. JOHN W. LEWIS, Soparintanlent. • — ■ Motututa Paosxnop.x Train. Loarea Atlanta, daily, at........ 1 4 & A. M.* Arrives at Chattanooga «t. ....9 4.7 A- M. Loarea Chattanooga, daily, at.... I Sit A. M. Aniredat Atlanta at 9 33 A. M • ' Nionr Pabsknukr Train, Leave* Atlanta, nightly xl 1230 P. M Arrirea at Chattanooga at 8 IN i‘. M Loarea Chattanooga, ni.htly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrirea at Atlanta at 11 22 IL M IT* ThieRoad eonacchnath way witlithe tltome Branch Railroad at Kingilon, the Esst Tennessee dc Georgia 'aPrnad at Dalton, and the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad at Chat- anooga, Atlanta A Lagrange Boil Read. Atlanta to Wert Point. 87 Miles,. Fare 4>3 70 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Motunha Panursoer Train. t.eareo Atlanta dailv at 2 00 A. M Arrirea at Watt Point at..... ... .7 28 A. M‘ Leaver Went Point daily at; 4 OM A. M Arrirea at Atlanta at. 0 27 A. M Evenino Pabsenokr Train. Learee at daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrirea at Writ Pint at 0 28 r*. M. Learca Weat Point daily at 4 30 P. M. Arrirea at Atlanta at. 10 17 P M cr Thii Rood tonnecu each way irilh the "ontgomery dc Weet Point Railroad. MACON A WESTERN R. R. MAttON, Uecembor 14th. 1857. CHARGE OF SCHEDULE. Cn and alter Friday the 18th tho [rain, will be run at followt: Leave Macon l a. m- arr Atlanta 8.17 a. m. Leave Macon II 30 a m arr Atlanta 7 20 pm eave Atlanta 12 night, a.r Macon 7 17 a m. Leave Atlanta 12 m arrive et Macon 7,40 p m The night treini wilt not be run on 8unduy<, The nigh*, t ain from Atlanta connect* with the Central Road at 9,47, and the Houlh-Weatorn at 11,30 a.m,a!ao with the At bony train, trirweeklv,"'Which Icavee Macon v,l7 a, m,on Monday*, Wednesday* end Fri< dare. The noon train connect* with the Central Road et 11,311’-end South-western It. for Albany end C.lumhus at I 30 a. m. ALFRED L. 1’VLER. Sup’t. Dec. 23.1877 ddtw. FOR SALE. A LARGE araoitment or Virginia Leaf Tohecce, varying in price and quality, at retail and wbelesale, ae cheap at the cheapest. 8 J. SHACKELFORD Ag*. Nor 14. 1877 dt;’ ’NOTICE. T TllE-Shcritr’e Sales of Union county, now [pub'iahed inlhelntelligcncor dc Exrmm- . „, at Atlanta, Georgia, wilt hereafter** pub lished In .tho Mountain |8ignal, publi.h.d et • D ^'8A'MUEL2 t .WILEV,Deputy Sheriff Of Union County, Georgia, January 16,1878 wlf Vow Koute to the South-*Ves DOWNING HILL iL mHEsuUsnbere offer at wholciale or retail, _l.av.jf) extensive collection of Fruit Free*, Grape'Vince, die., dec. Catalogne rent by mall' to all applicants, PETBR8, HARDEN A CO., AttenU',, Georgia. November 0,1857 •id® NEGRO SHOES! O B B i - O H B A P !! « . TO TH09B WkKTIRO A PRIME Ml article ef doublejiolo orweltrd brogona, lKw* wUll *ay,tbatwe now hareln Store' ' a hoary Stook, end all ot our own Manufacturing Which w* wUl sell RtlenoohU e palrjow.r than Tan*.. or any ether moko, and warrant them a* good u arUeieuhaeererbeen offered In thb. market or ***£££& rib bixq 0 . proportloDeblyeheapendwerranteS. * All roods pare hosed of narepalred free of ohargo At the sign of BIO BOOT, Peachtree Street Atlanta Oeoialo, DIMICK) jpyoB, A 00 „.,.br 8A0K u^ co re IX (Ml.' 4t' t by him 111 tho largest Inetl* lug in tho South, and - the msny terlni, ehco^nai hulled upon Mm hy. the t promiiier.tachoUre tav AlrimM, Tennee ISsStSS »W^S..“E« v ^ iSS5 *'-y l&Mlp. ite-s (T« Clouet. Urine or furl pewmrilyto Eli leg « desiring to here «i [ 0, SIMPSON—ATTORNEY AT mm ‘ l,AW Atlanta. Georgia. Niiveoib"r 8,1874 .dty J OHN V. HEARD-ATTOHA’F.V AT l.A W.—CJquitt, Mille r, Co iieorgi* march 6 1877 wlv L OCIIKANE dt LAMA It ~AT- TOKS'lES AT LA IV-Macon Georgia, o i. tonnRANc. J. LiKxa Haring auaocialed them,elver in fiurincM will devote tliemselvet exclnjively lo the practice nf them profession ._ |gsnl3lwly W ILLIAM M. DANFORTII— ' ATTORNBX AT LAW—Fairburn, Georgia. July 25.'857. t twtf •UN D KRWOODdt if AB I’Ts^ A 11 o r n ey 8 at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. O mct .on Whlteksltstreat *ver A. TP. Hell'* Jvw elrjTDUire. Mareb t'Xtlr, 1467: Hot. iv. it. Cantawnoi,.| |WutH*oius. LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at i<aw, Atlauto, . . . . . . Georgia. WilUttend th® CocrU Id the Countieiof Ful ton, DoKalh, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwcthar, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troop, Heard, Cobb, and Spalding. INTEItLIGENCEK WINER JOB OFFICE TUB POOPttJETOllH haring recently o-lded to. the JOB DEPASTKERT of the KsteV lifhmenta LA ROE arid VAfUF.I' ,*tfortm»nt of the Laful X'ylii ef iiMHhmtMvt *re prepared to ezeecte to * neat and workman, ke manner, every description of OR. L. J. KOUKKT. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . . . . Georgia. Office at.hliroiideDce. Ierticolarattention will be rireB to th® Print fofcf Circnlan, Way Bill*, Blank Hot*«». BiD Head*, Blank Deed*, Bank Check*, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, U, W® -ei-pectfally rolicit the patronage .of o«r tries<lr in tnedtr and country, and aerare them tha tall orders will biipfonptiy andsatiifactoriiy /attended to. (i PrEddr ^t€o., (8CCCI2ij6Rr f TO C. R IlA V!JdTKR**'00.) B3I. JOS KD m ili:!tlii3-«8?nCf. A.KV Booit-Binti ory, Comer of H hitehall ar.d Alabama sts,, ATLANTA, flECHaiA. G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney ut Law, Albany, . . . . . . Goorgia. Mny 16, 1847. VVM. A. HARRIS, Attorney at Law Irabella, Worth Co., Georgia. Refer* to—Maj. J. I*. Harm, Millodgof ill® {■ Hun. A. H. Hansell, Thutnasville; Miller A Hull, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. H. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 2-dly. _ L JARED iRXVIS WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. OfOce, front rjoir* i,v,r j. K. A C. II. W.i. Lee’s Sure, corner Whitehall and Alabama sts. May 28,1857. Menphta k Cbarlvitcn Rati.Bead Completed! snnMUng Chattanooga, Ten a.; Charleston, S. O.j Savannah, Qo.; and all Rurth-Eaetcrn Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. a* The last connecting Link of Rail-Road between New York and the Mississippi River!-jgt; This Koadisnow completed,< and opened for the rognlar transportation of Passengers and Freight, and irill afford more ozpodition and less expense, than any other route between the Xurtb Boat and Soulh-Wert. Pateengenand ehlppers will “taka lue notic* thereof, aad govern tin soiree accordingly.” Passenger Train, leave Sterenron daily at 12 o’clock. A. M„ (after tho arrival of the train Iron Chattanooga and Nashville,) and arrive at Memphis same day at 7, P. M., connecting with Pint Clue Steam Packet* to New Orleans, and aU ethe; important point, upon the Western riv ere.* Goods consigned to Kall.Road Agents at Charleston nr Savannah, will be forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express Freight Trains. . Freight In charge of the Adam’s Express Company, la carried over thie route dally, by the Paieoagor Trains. 7.0. ARMS, Oeneral Bnp’t. Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, 1857. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold at Wilmington, N. 0.) Charleston, 8. C.t Angesta, Savannah, Macon, Atlanta aad Colombus, Oa., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and NaihvlUf: ijuTo connect with the Western Trains on I Is Road, passengers will take the Night Trains from Wilmington, N. C.j Augusta, Chattanooga and Nashville! Ttnn-i and tho day trains from OharUston and Kingsville, 8. C.j and Atlanta, Go. April let. dtf. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Curtcrsville, .... Gcortria. fell.US. ISM, dkwiy t>. O. HARPER, Attorney at Law, West Point Georgia April IS, 1355. dXwtf COTTOH r jyiWCJtiBIRB 1 ^e., _ A. 1 nksiam eL‘ : ’ta troot, (Month, of tt» tUt*j% t A tlanta, Georgia G<*A TvooWm*® Mosey ttVaaliT'wf tor Profuoi it’iLQU (vMirki's, ;eo*, ^*.1, \K“. UarkeFlrubC COA1MISSION MERCHANTS, Agents for colicctioDs’cf all kind? And Ut.l.r, In — im Le, wm ',i l: w-- ~ / 'iuogj?iiiF.s: fee AUiM' Bggswliei irWUhaQ't *{£«., .t5-RS!»a5liTd.sdCo(r»Ivtt. n ■ . r.-. Itt/LiSdS gkid t' iff'?? VI. - ully HW.—Ymp+ni. 7 m . • .jre.i. ~Z ST J SECD-liAUsET JNew stock Coming In.! tust cr»* ei.©ir«0M® , Who wants any Byt. j l6 CTArk® t Grubb h»* !V» b*>*‘*a , .T P.j». i.ofeicl; I Of* they irill sMi krw. tWT- j gV GENTS FURNISHIAG GOODS, H ATS AND CAPSi A T.WVURBRIKO A- SON’S ClothFag Moon ..T", - vfkctory aied Merchant’Tailoring (tUbH L j for Fail acd Winter, All the lntert •tyier. i Cue of tbebeet itocki of Cloth*. Carmocrt-t u a j 1f»r V'artinge in Georgia, firbta whteb to make a idee* 1 ~ 5 #er r Sbirn,Drawer!,Under Oar*aent*,CraraUv i Wh t ! Wbiekey! >V falfrkcf j 15(j Gleir *** Tmeling^^ShawU and • & OP.’JSB have )oii' r reeotroi W f- ^ Jtist Mecetted. r PTI K aaderVJgs^hM fe r&r*, a*#* # n for X n pticfM. rM'fono^gaftUlAA. Cttdts raw Linfleed OU, (Enirlish 2 " boiled- “ ' f do >2 " winter Btrafn'ajKiresprmOi RtrJeyii ** ** U a . B WDAleOl eshortei Yamkhee. USpercegiAjeaVoL BnmingBMd. Campkesfr oft hiii.3. Pike'r H tUkkj, Jti»{ * re-:ciired and (vr'ul* li ' A j ^•AKKT.a <JBURB. ‘10 ’ 20,000 lbs'WbJteTad, assorted. Blank ots. ^*.1 T.HeF. Tri-mlngr.Ae., for afo St the lmv«,! p ice., to theca.* trod.,,t W. HERRING A BOX’S. 4* Whitehall su, Atluu, Ga. At,a agents for Bingen Sewing Machine.. Points, sad all klEXkSNS .LX X VaLUCH., ...wst. C KOklXtO-V ; Wallace i Robmsan .GENERAL r T COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UiltcUiiss !i Young, Attorneys at Law, Lawronccville. . ..... .Georgia. Will practice io tho couutica of Gwinnett, Hall Walton, Forevth and DeKalb. Any businer« eu- trusted to their caro will be received with ploar* ure and attended to promptly. NATHANIEL !i. HUTCHINS, Jr- ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 27; 1S57. ao:,y_ . addea iheir -; leciire .arort- o.jt of K and J 0 1’ TP : '7 TJ ,'OHNA ENTS, ., a r«i>5 arpr . iety » . ov m«te» ia. o/ t Utttti together with •. yf• IToe'i -.elebrated Cylinder Vrti.ei. J ire more fully prepared than heretofore, to ; dUpateh order> for worX inAhtltliujer-whieh ; they wili.r^ecuto in the beetttyle of the art, nt j fair priced for C«h. Particular attention paid t© the execution o* j FINK WORK for Railroad an lother Joint Stock Companies, Tmnepomti#>n Agent#, Baakr, CoJ-! legei nd School*, Attorney*, PubVe Officer } Merohanti, and other*. Book*, Pamph^ta, Catalogues, Circulars, Cards, Promibfory Botes, Blank Deeds, Checks Way Bills. PrognuA®ij Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ac., exe-t/oTatihort notice. pgr Printing yf Gold and StLrea Baoaaa and Faxcr Coiyfixu laxa, or on Vellum, Satin Muellh, ae., do/e In beautiful *tyla. Haring likgw i>e connected a _ oolt-Bindery with their J^indng Fitabliihment, they afe pre pared to yfeccte order* for erery deacriptior of work In nhat department—Inclnaine RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style superior to any tree before done is tbL tion of the State. Their Tool* being all new and of tbo latest paturni, their Stock of materia!* the bttt the Northern market* afford, and their work men tqaal to any tn the South, they feel confident of their ability to give entire fatisfaction, and consequently hare no heaitaney in soliciting the patronage of their friend* and the public. CSWOrder* for work, in either department oi their builneii, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with prompt atten tion. Atlanta Ga. Feb. 20, 1957. fdAwlj.) CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Ad j Dialog tha center «f Ala. ft Lcjrd Itnsta, ( p *>t*a v ^ AND DEALERS IX ROB’T. H. MAY, TENNESSBK FRODICKI CARRIAGE.! W. give ip «ial .ttenSvt t:, {£! i' R««, HhPOSITORYtotbe above ! Laxd, Flour, Grain, Wtipgtv. 2«.&•.*«• , k?..kc, ole ftand opposite the Wa*htegtonSS2r-3L. | OoMignmw'ts rerpmfuilj'' Ball, and enlarged hi* facilities, i* prepared to. SAT Prompt atrttiii t r<' fill ali orders with which he may be farored« or ss gwod terms as can be obtained in August* c SavK.ns b, with the addition of Freight. Hi lock embrace* Carria^er, Concord Boggier, 4 aad 6 teatP.ockaways, Slide Seats do., Fall Tops Jo , With and without Top, Pacbeey TopBag|ie«, BY2 k EARLiT t LatW *#:i ..v*.- ‘ U v .. ij.. } j-A \ WHIiKEt' visaskf- Tbe dlfoeri rerelt cf eb< erlnkxtt Raw frem ike rein wtsef. 'I Isb, Lnaiwajs b» pwt lot. Mj-t evrked from Um air wb. In- «2 M eanedc tc, sfoal. _ is it, qulitj bj .ay ii tl-rif. cr America, n Orleri art rerpejtfoJlj n » -i Or i.n f as nf li* livv. Iik tt low _ , »» t» fat ap is PhUa-folpkia, „ ,I j*»- Jt^l* enlj hjr Dra. Blggars A . WiSSii>s ! »i», Ga. B.S4 utUik* booksiorw. : j MweiS. 4lf. Hdlw W^a!; No Tup t ... Umers, Whipe, Ac., of the left Ciar.cfw- ture and la tee t - A ehar® of patrot- *ge Is respectfully solicited. >r iiL- Orders fer Family or Plantation Wegoci other vehicle# GUad at ibon notice. We are «i*o agent for hiurwood A P.obln#' Patent Kan. AtTa:. - Gn. t 1*^ . NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- CEA SKv-tEC DC W ATLANTA, GA TTiHE labsrribvr woa]4inu>rm lit chlr.niof At A laau and vieicitj that kt k.i eenvtasUv on r • kand, at kir Coa/ection.rj and Baking Muklisk- I ment, all kladr cf - Confoctioni, Pattriea, Fnitu Ac: g»4i .'.M. ,t.|.trrd le fnnilrk ererj 4*.driptica of plain and orn.rn.cul c.k.j, for wadding, or • tkorl nolbt.asdon VKommcduin, W’ •VV. T, O. Oiunptiell to. Ifiro,* S URGEON and Mechanical Den- Cista, are prepared to perform all operations in the profession with durability and (kill. fiff?Office over Alexanders Drugstore, White Hall it..' W. T. C. CAMPHKLL. G. P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 27 dtf D n. H. T. PlTLLIA.n having rc- turnclfmma Writ to Virginia will re sume the practice of his profession in the city of Atlanta and it* vicinity. Can be fou» d at hieofficc at all hour*, except when profeesnnally engaged. GT Office VVA8HL\GTO*\ HALL. aeplMwtf SMITH a FRANKLIN, Marietta Street,. .. Atlanta, Georgia French and Italian, PROF. ETIENNE LAM BERT FOR TWO YEARS PROF. OF MODERN ’ LAN0UA0E8 IN THE HUNTSVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, HUNT8VILI.E. ALAlt 1.80, BX.PBOF. OP THE WB8LYAN DIVERSITY. AT PLOR- ENCE, ALAtl AND LATE PROP. OP TUBMBMPHW FEMALE COLLEGE AND MEMPHIS LITERARY AND rcimtifjo iNffrrrne. &o ,*« ^ HB M&.8^ , i U f. Tuanr , D«.^‘^ Prom the flat-. ,«» n. SMITH. A. r. FBANKI.IX, 8.MITH * FRANKLIN, " WOULD iwpeetfuUyaoiKHinee t*j he cittern* of 4Uaot* ao-l sun Mg eunding country, that they arr[ tow receiving and opening, aad will fcaer ia „ra.a#pkadM Stock of fUY/Ll? onOCEtyKS, which tho are oUnrlrg it pHeea that wfll oowycta with any house In the olfy« jmil aak a share of (at ^Tbeywlllglve tpecia) attention to the sale of Ba id, Urd, iTour, Grain, Tobacco, ho., ho. OoMitumedta nepeeUuy'eeUeiuJa U3>l?orapt attentiou *iv*u to Caah Onlere. Bior® on Marietta etreet, in the bulldtof formerly SfWW-OiPiPWT. — VI v. i>, 1*1 nwvmkfr n, ISW • .« *.,—•• • » most mojerti' ) s'ylcs, and will Im said 88 per. cent lea than I hart ever before bean able to wit ... Cash.' Also, China and Queens Ware, Pitted Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Feike, Spoons, Toa Setts, Britain do, China Flown Vitos,'6(8 to which I would invite the it- tentUn of mjr former patrons and especiallj' tho Ladies to call and oxsmtne, T.R. RIPLEY Nor. 18. 1857 d/f SVSI’EiVBED «.i.VA Taken at Par GEORlifi TfAXIE L. f ITH B subscriber will «e]l eighth ten Xrgroe*, X thellouso and Lot whepeon h« now re des in tbe City of Atlanta, and a large stock of Family Groceries, payable in Georgia Kail Koad Dank Bills /nL r WT' sa/LM, nd rather thin mins . trade, at NK PJ2KOKNT PUl'MItlM nnUOMAS F. LOWE.—GENERAL < t.'OMMISSIDN MERCHANT, For the purenoao and eale of all kinds of produce Groceries and Mcrchtndie, will pa, particu lar attention to the roxcasncof Plar ration and Family supplies. CV All orders' ptomptly and faithfully st tcndeito:— ——— Office on South side nf Whitehi street, three tl-mrs r*.t of Miehtel| octl4dwtf /'TMPORTdNTINFOK.UAT J X^ltich mucti suffering in families may I he avoided, aent to married men ami I contetnp'lating marriage. Address itclnskfour stamps, Dr U. W Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 18, 1877 d.tav6m TION, hy I mdiesmsy I sml thowl :ess tri'J UBCOyfUE Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofnll Descriptions. B LAN us OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, eon be htd at alt limes, at the fPE-" 1 graarTB--:. Attornies, Sheriff. Clerks of Courts, snd Ordinaries, esn be furnished,,at sh,.rt notice, any lavnrile form of DEED, WRIT.orl’RO CESS which they msydeirr; an.IslIFoRMS ot legal instruments, commonly in use, ire al ways on hand, to be sold at th. lowest prices., M . w E. M. SEA60 SfCCSSSORTOStlGO t LATCRrMT WILL COST1XUB THB PHODUCE COM MISSI OX B PSIX ESS. AT ms XEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of AtUnU Hotel,»n4n#it 4oor toF *lton Hosm, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. f3.Thp®iiut >’*cilIti«#off«r*4 to Shipper# *>r4er# »M<trollT«olieitto4. Oct. l®th USA (ikw\j ) DANIEL PITTMAN, GENERAL INSURANCE AGE.V T OESrECTFtlU.Y Informs hls friends, that In FiftitUro Is will be found during hnsinert hours, the offleo ofMusrt. 8. Swta A Co., Alabama net, Atlanta. Atlanta, Jen. II CAM l'HENE Borning Fluid! A GREAT VARIETY. 100 Peachtree, 10 cent. rich. 52 Plums frees, 37J. cent, etch ___ 38 Apricot Trees, 40 cent*, etch 28 Cherries, 40 eenta. each 28 Apple trees, 21 cents.each 14 Penitn t.ilsrk.37 cenu. each 1300 Strawberry PltnU, I cent each 2t Dor. fragrant narkihutt $1 d.iwa 40 D,>t fragrant Jouquill 77 cenu. d. 2.*) U.>s Uout'b. Tjlipl. $2 dor. 2d Dos. Doubta Hy.uiiU i’s dor 17 Dos fragrant Iris $1 dcs. Varieties of Strawberries, mireA Horsy. Seedling. Early Sesriet Pritu Queen Nspdeon. Washington. NcAcn. For site at the Aueiion Houee.hy J.nt.l*.*8—.ttf THOM AS F. I,OWE. Jsnu.rr NEVJ BACON I raj ..J; -irirj Uses V. ALSACE a ROEl.V.Vi.VS. BACON HAMS; . .ijj.e e, 1-e ea‘c .1 Wa&i.ace a itomxsffiEx ■' 16 |Ki5 4,/ LARD ;TaRD I - Snd ftrreta.a: t vies prices' 1 ''' t.LACB A Ti' RINS'J.N. !«Sg t.< lirmi. Itnportsd wlner aad bri-lin of .it dcKrintsonr fer medical puperei.lcep. ^weyi oe kand. Alec, 1 . genuine Spanirb Cigars, .nd eboic.chewme To- •' Bmco—legether witk > Wge asrcrto.Dt of Tara,. Fancy Artie lea, Ac., Ae. Raving recently ratnreed from the Sortk, where 1 " in a On. track of Farcy Artldeiend era- 1 • I ! li nl Tlotu-y Honebt. We will l uj the i.or. cf the Ttit.r-t ;Bant« i.'e-.K-t.f.ctr isd New j«.»!•- fiEAf.O. ABBOTT A tin. oventSer il, 1.5; ^, t F.ney Articles, Ac., Ae. * Bit ,ls Krp Lime. Bering recently rstnrt»d from the Sortk, where , W t art Apen • . th- p i he laid ie s (nt track of Farcy Article! snd era- 1 Blrda-tye !,:ct, .ate: ie 5 t.n>h« ..rrtHr-a-. ry thing necestuy for carrvisg on hii candy mu i leaned full a.. and cf rane-t r onjdit, - ■focteryhe weuld>aforaeoraty dealerstkttheir, any .tree !u.t ,..,4 .n ti t okritf o.-dt-i t- prepared to furnish cenJiei at wholesale st }< ! the Car lead will he cited u i r. rr'cc"’ 1 -’ Piano Porte Eepairerard Tuner : ITTTLLattendte oaycailsiakis:. : >r llneof bariM®,s-rk etrtg- I 1 elsrieg ofsA«3c,tiTerfa>g ef , ir*rJ,(ftlt»3 oeti:f«t,i; : the octave, whole or tiegra.&e- Betiffocrioa grrea Is ertrj «. u charge. Allrrork warranted, g , ..Tuning by the Year ilonsns deduced crterS^®5 M&- Ail orders .iooJi i* left er Mtttzt. WS- jUtoto Fe^ejtare Srar*. en Peachtree tri, AUxn- , U, n»v. ?t.’M. d dwly. Bncon-FIoar-Cora-Feag-Oaiil' * ; .Itiltgord tow Tediueeee Beeec.- Ss.eto ft*, good Stotrffne n«r, 5.5M bitskeli goad ITMte Cere, toe htteheli Xc. 1 Pets for pledllat ttf balk da Ruck fiewd Oats, JM bushel* good White Core Mtti. Th* short attlriet srfll he sold u fair market Wire for Cato, or » or to day notes. Jty ; preraionee la very uryt, aid fw-21 Btoreal _ t kirde ol Produce ot kw reite. .All undoes left wttk tee ti oi safe from ire es rexy ether Wan Roum ie the etty, **4 eaa he hsrered If derirel. . C.D. PAEBCZ h_a._-.ijJ- Prednee Ere | T 6 MA Sl FACTIREB3 XX7 E x:t now rveertieg t , T? Jo< ofHmf ■ f tt. Ceil riki&iL J iciagw, Bm«l- 4 r * i.- g*, Teg*, Kil, tad ' ' ‘I a«e.-Tihufg C0HfHr-!frd wuh ihe^ Boct' a&4 which Wili u wM at fair xrieva* ee&te per poar.d. Order with to® sa*h or good eii p®f®rene«* promptly sttoxded to, L. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nor. SAth daw>r Mill Srooes Boltinc i lotUn, Kc. I — | »r». Kt»rr;r, k Trirrt> Rq 1 xr®rf ; Hd., lap^rur* t is r.-w._ o. . l... Si latoTlshment 5 ■ f !'HF »»t WFUatly . t If A. wod <j l 1 wir. it .Mi.ira*fn ard«r.panivd with Caah ®nffl b® , p:' filled wi&goud Gowriia. and at k»w ,.—it it)* j-igaof th® Big Ram, r«chtm^ ' i’^tnrUjUbferokv® Dk<k- DIM1CKAe MI*. i l' i»h« Uterine and Matlnisa si* tabTli ‘ c-«y vr<l»r. qwPiWw or PTTHim’UHB: FIRNITl RE!! — THS hev. eahacd gt ! %&£££,& ,k “ «**Wand ere now opening »lerg, and Be :t. s a Co. II lAle^faUy Peered brack from the /P ; ■ j WB&ri^Jbi Beit Northern Manufactories ‘ rr» a Scrf.c ?wf sl'h, fit I '*>ri5Rimidr>,*iiiunnu«L Safea, j **** S * J J - " >*■« Yjrx r-ic^* \. t., A. k j » wfeich 5?trr fafl Wardrobe*. _ SHAGO, ABBOTS A CO. Burin., j IS*;.- , 8 ’ W * t Wub,taod 1 DK M - BABffiR. Wsued. endj ^ »° M , «' 0 ?*T, H| S T - hair, of any desired pattern and price. A 6ne f Jr ( ILL si.d tn Dr J .cr.r. aerortmtnt of Centre, Work, Saloon and Tohette 1 ' Teblei—Etegere'e,Corner and Side—Bofei. Tete- e-Tete,etc. ZzT- In addition to the above large .rack, we reeetring weekly snpplies. Thef obtieere tn- rfice.f-pp.e.t.. Pettu November Sfi, i of; •AUTTlalSEo. ftac !ke t:e, r JJiiv rtla u j C-; a.'oibepureU SLEtJcata k,-.-„. rantad .aporior to aa» ert:-> v.,r .ffvjecin ice, • tee ce t-.-d. Hair Bo .vre a>; Pit 1 ■ • A'eesb. J-ltfc ft r fail re ykoar three'fcsA _ c rd*>ievdd8ri a Rreh«v Bair, Hath, Pteek evflrvc 1,-1 1 tar* i '-•COi* » a(^c{ viled to call and examine oar Fleck. K. A. 4* J. S. WILLIAMS, H*rt door to GlJbort A Clark#, Uw^btrr* *i. - KtUau. 4a! rBiirial Cnees. -Metre prepared to fnrniih Firk’a Metallir Bnri al Cores, at ebon notice. We have revered the j James Yi. iarter. } cf. -.he tftottoa. ia J. Sorcrc*#*# BaiUwo. >• JfarictU itrvU .* t oeUHwgf P. M. TOPTO. BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS! rocxra visa or rex j rosmopoiitsn Art Association. TUI FAMOUS , DutAeldorfGalerr of Painting*! For *T nrdll, F K t onimUkion.*'er Turduucd at a Corf o/#lS0,900: ehanf. 1 1 *K •erviee* of a eompeloDt perron to attond to thU do- nentnex/,*. partmart. F. A. k J. S. WILLIAMS, ^»> -J Nor Poachtraa *roat. w»:;. Ewe.. K^rt H SAVANNAH. GA.. *ri» Hicii Bw; Mrrrl— by i- iDCVOill. K-j; ) P. .S'. Liberal admnea t*a>U on Joseph Winship, COMMISSION MERCHANT. FiJK THE PllKi .4 A8E, |8a*' a^d 8t.->r%ge of •op pottv the W Mtem A Atlan tic Railroad ftrpot. Notf mS*r 11. 1 W»7 dawtf B ubk wheat FLOrP, 0«naburgt, , Y yarnA ‘ hhcsMinjt#, / Shirtihg* • From tbe M.kimiur . an t (7 iY*f. . . I bmr airal Mol ft two* A **yr« p IftO Kff* Xftilfe. . AJaatminf rindlo®, . AU f'»r Half bv JOsETH WIN8HIP, fanoarv 1W* dtf ; J Bay * —p»v.a®, Hatton, k L B T^unf, Kvq. S»ri , k*\.. K<to*, Ga.;F. xi. Dl.t AND FOR S ALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR OA.ISI3E, T- B. RIPLEY. P*S.—A liberal discount by tho Bbl. ^ »* ,w ' 4 | jS' BOPS, tl hexes (tie Tohaeee KeninniUiim. rpHKanbweribar Uvlaa th#«Aff*aey ftfltb A varioua lctoraor# OoTapauHM, for wbo*a b* ba baft lella*. takfwthU »MN«kI »f ratamlnf bU tUa-.t tohi friftiia fo-ibalr libaral i s»p#ctfuilr r*f uttoan*. t«> thwtu u wsiimna that fat » iwfi’tp hi# •necf***-, I'K. N-l- A'-wtVn. All 1 naa.1 «y ia rwe^uuansliaf »IV *»b»Cnnifwsa t kkouteutf-Waca, hi to ralwr ;U'.* m <>, i »oi theta Diwaptnr • l jJvw,e*ofilor • tb i*»« ii? .tjf Ht** Off in thl» j to* ‘ MAKKIU j AtUisU, Jal/1#;, I‘U’; | I'tro Inm.' rs t .* whey, I Ratio. no.e.ralllu A. - '' Hurtfortl V..c lu.Jt -isncj Co. thtpitnl S- eh.> fSO0.C, ! j) , Amii uIS.iXO ’ .F.tun In nr ncc L'nmnnny. Capita', Stock, i Awettv, 6lo,t*0 ChortorcJ InK, PlimnK Tuiiiruucc, Company. Capitnl.' S200.WO Aetotls. SIS.SM Insurance can be bad in either of the ire Oftmpacic* at ae low rate* at in any IWe Companieo, by appBea- N. L. ANGIFrRjAuent, the (netoMMere |K|£e ■ wm$ BUTTER AND CHEESE. A I..4KGE supply on hand of superior! quality, anil for eel. hr v — JtWBPH WINS HIP. ! Nm 24, 1*77 dewrtl tRUNe UMB, I XsAMA il ujtxriu * . J • I KNOXY1* '»'>*'• *EL. vfSrSrHRUbu L.l.'. ; r , isiecf-..It Ls- ivX tier Hue*, 3d»."oc t • u4 .-vncpi s Le- inier.Ute cf Tu.rvgtc. At eS6,»iti ie h*nc { to meet all trieni, aaj ro mer, st tbe Lea,: j lloove, ehere taty u»ve —Pi. afo»ac.odauot ; for twe fcu&irvd acd fifty f rrvetj. A 5. LaMKR, Prr;r;t*'.r*. Tobacco. Tobacco* • :i * T 1ST rccf.-ird dirt'Ct from Virgmit. • cbo.c< i.f L- -hl_t< TOBACCO, among wbtrh u a ,i« WN cf ttiwl r¥l»-l>ratrn! Braht! t K A ^.-A^TWfSr fupwnw ;8' ar*» tn lSr» - Wlf] T FI n\\ E- NEW*" AUCTION HOUSE THOS. F. LOWE, j Whitehall near KitcheU St. Atlanta Ga ! *T* r 1... ia adi ikhit^il# aKow# jartic ! - * vljhr ai'f&Ust® tto th# pcrct*>* wrft « of *1 J ansi# c: JTc-ltc®. CT9CW**- V#r»hat. i*4. N'e- i crY-era -‘.» Jtki'fr Faatli v.*+ .a*F«ft'a!)y roJiCitpj »ai pr.'»|x!f izi f*\h AXO TOW KJt’® WORLD ’ RR50T51D fTA'TCl CT 4 i THE GREEK SLAVE!! '*=r^ l R®»f arebated fer alx tecaaasd dollar*, witi ia. I vwral butt irad etim' works efart, is Painting*, Sculpt art* aad Br sea. ccmpriM tha Pra&iam*' t« tv a v uviad hr tb* Kbacnbcn ef ih® (faa*po> bur .fr: iafoasuce, who ttbeerik® befarw tb« •* ri ! oajry-UiS at wkid, tis» th®award* ' aiJUlsfpikM. 1'. Tra'a* or Scsacwrtio^—Kmy tabtsriher *• ' thrae* i* estitfad to %t‘ ~~ * ‘ ’ ar* ij ectitlad to loopy®*th®larva ef .'fftdrd ctfd Engraviag, estitfad ’‘Jfs&iftat Doi-tj,*' a^-otc a ocepy cf ih® C«caK>palius Art J r arti.1 c rear, alee to a ecniffeau la ih« award &.*; rtattsop, afaotc a fra« admlttka to tha Daj- rtiderf asd Ctoaapolius GaIfariaa. Tko# it ir tha*for av®ry (hr®® deUart paid, th t ra: **rib<r a*A oaly rrceina a tpfaadld thraa dt«U»r ftagrariag, bat al*o, th® bcaatifallj iUat* j rated TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- X AU one year. Earn her I* also pvteeau «i wiihaerrtktta la tbe awards ef »tick a valuable werk cf An, ia Pointing tw ficnlpture may be recciredis addition, thus giving T irery iabfcr.ber an epdrainrrmthe Taloeo i ve dniUre, ead e .-erliJcote gretie. Acy of the leaaing *1 -Yogavinos ie fare i»hod. inrtaai of Regrariag and Art Jettnul, dcrired, Xe period ie restricted to e single shore There taking ive memberships, remlttiof tl are entitled to on astro Eagre ring and six tick st Fall portirelors of tbe Arecrioriea are (treat i the Art Jonrnol, which coataios ever sixty snlea did Engrevings, price Utj cent*per namber.— i :e dotf SALT. - r, f \ Becks tu store afid for eels by t)» MJ JOSEPH WINBHjF. N.vr Jo, 1*. 7 ho wit SASH BUNDS'A DOORS - aNUFAGri.foED foorder, at oor toef iv o-Wtr Winehip'e Iron Works. JvlS. WlN'sHlP t CO Atlanta, New 1&. 1*77 mtwi Iron! Iron! A LARGE Stock < ktovroh Mtunalav luting and W'niug Company’s Iron, con] stanti, on’Ua. '.at Msnafoctutcrs no-a, by J08EPH WINSHIF NovvmK't II, l*5s dew- fclly TFTV »at«ento of«»inp a —-w. sratA*i ;u Atuau. BM»)ir tool x*Wb l^t Wir*ttP , ». 18 tbffh’Of fVra#r'A <**■**-r*vj1 >• Mr CtBlytrpt:. orvovstosisf tho *4 Mo.». *y i& .'»a;*rj oext la. •tFAicJicco will W to ycuaj Jat««, ic to# braschod u»o*Cj Uuctt la hlf h KtouL, aad t\ ** •.♦•'a,-hlSoi«ct a:'l oa*f the MJ »<oarjoDAi Upturn, tad iUo*lrativ'B* «tih apprate*. John j. or ‘Vnt R#ferrorKm- faiCiU** Acthotj iUv, Ct M Krv R#i. ruthari Jahs#!v*;Cc>L a. W. ba^aaetd, l>r. J. . W /oWxo; Jqd^T w u Vmrd. | Jtaaatj 1. * dl $*i0«000 Wanted! A LL p®r»tT»* ir.Jrbt®J to th* ctdanigtfd wUl u tf'Qiir a favor hy eukiag tsuB®iiai® pay- rnffooi* a* the alo.*® amonbt wait h®r»l#wd. 3VSSU>VTT A 8ILVEY. Dk J*. ns: dwlm NOTICE. V LL pereeas ledshtod to tho estate of C.. D. ■A.Pott, tale cf J/urrty county doeessed. ore re- uoirsd ti make immediate payment and those kariag deraiads will rattdec them in, accordiag tentefttMT M lo mb.erihe, cn receipt ef ive postage .tampf-li reels. Address • C. IS DERBYi Actuary P. A. R 545 Breedwey, WJf, U. BARSE6, HeaV See> Dec 25—dtf AUaeta, fleergla. REMEMBER, O UR extensive stek -jf Dry-V.odi, Oethi'g. Fttrntfkiog lined,, to., etc., arc vffered et rede.wd prices for cask. Coll and ore foryour eolvos Rl'XXlODTT i SILVEY. Doc 25,Dlf dwlm NOTES r\ r J.tVKOF FULTON & OEORfltA l ) KAl'.HOAll A Baaking Company, taken et par. for ell debeidoem, utd ell good. SuM by “ C.H. 8TK0.NG * CO. Oct, ITdAwtl. Improved Colton. Ota an Threshing Mnchlnc*. T BR vodealfotd koetvt nmesod their hinform • tram Unrgoe Cunnty, So-,» Atloato, beg leave . ta reform taetr ot! i-u-cv onl the evil:, rvjcrollv. that tfcar wfHocatiaa# th* Maaab®tvitt« tl Oettca Oiasaad wuftt Thw^ftr® oathrir cm! nimdfj »a*i# Thaix Umat* wattbm *cd awwnaUjS NvfwdlaCATrgteghovtkCMfaAtMd jUahama^S ; in port* ef Teres, UlreisolyrC berth Coraltao. they ,jv mod# ef the very bee; materials-1 -yrreis v .pared to tooke them eonvenlen'tana duresle. tf yen or, m wool of o p»40ettesOla«wkoof--*~-- 4er from no. sad ws wOhreB as lew nf.: torero U eqeol rSpetieo, seta too ptnhotor’s nddsoee o. ceorZsi et .Hocgt for Uoeapertotbe. vtth oar trove hns « foreUgestsierlu Y. hove w oloedoneert certiicatss he ta the rood r*:tr*o-re ef oar etna and Thmhlrt, eene cf eil.h nor eereoo -o v,-p!meUoo to Afewta. ", ja-toiSta. e.rt*ot«*to tssfoaawoll Ifojelr- tag Ot . fowl. etiee tad te to esskmer. ; * dmre irufHit* cts BANK AGENCY. AMatforth*Bank<f C**dc\ S CWfora- OtJcv at IFelUra A Rohiaeees Warehemw- •Bswsssasaaiiss*