The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 24, 1858, Image 1

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BY DUNCAN ft liOOBCRANB. ERROR CEASES TO UK lJA.M£HRUti§ Wllh JL?J I.KPT FREE TO COMBAT I'l - JL r, , SEW SERIES, VOL. 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, IJ •OaU^ XntellifleneeL & flATLY A WEEKLY- ntlMCAN & t.OCHRANE. tbiims of »UB»oaiPTio»- . Drily InteHigoaecr, pu «*«■ t» ” Week!,, " lUVDt OK XDVKRTIHINQ- Adwiuing t» m Drily Inulllg.ncr wlll b. InitrUdot the f«Uo«U| rate. per « f UD line*. , Om Insertion, Two “ Three, " ■ four, “ firs, “ One week. 60 oti. I On* month, ft 00 Two, “ 1 16 I Thro# * 1 60 I Pool, “ • 1 76 Six, g nowoox. 1 00 | One.fear, "'““"'AdrortUomont* from p.r.«» 15 00 0 00 10 oo 11 00 16 00 16 00 “litri 5dw5itiVnU*pnWlshOd .t the sms IMHI ‘ "o'V^rly.dr.rtis.rsI. strlotly U tKlr ?*» 7 l»midl.t...d r.gnlu “dlonel Grid. not..«Ulng.Ull“.s, $16 wmaiumr"* ATLANTA, JA.NUAKV 24, 1867 NEW AMBROTYPE AND, PHOTOGRAPHIC. GALLERY. Markhams Now Iroii Front Building, Whitohri Sirs.'. Atlanta, Geo-gta. Crattcum ©lmtot-t) deorgittSallioadABanking Company August. IOAUsInW.. 171 Miles..Pose »» SO. OKOROPi YONflE, Superintendent — 3 Momiho PamikuRk T.ais. I,rare. All-nte icilj at. 10 00 A. M. Arrirr. .t August., T t Ol’.M. 1,-er-e AurusIh, d.i'y St O HU A. M. Arrives »t ;Atlan'i,'at II HO A. M. Kvkmnu I’asjkroxr Tsair. 1 ea«e»,drily, »t. I* * ,n P, M< Arrives nl AugusU. r.O A. M. Leerae Augusta, daily, .1 d «*. {?• *J- Arrives at Al'.nt. at.... l.Ui A. A. iy Title Knsd runs in 'conniction with the Trsi-s of th« Houlh Carolina and the Kami nsh and Augusts Railroads at Augusts. Western & Atlantic (State) Rail Road, Atlanta to Chattanooga. 188 Miles, Pare *6. JOHN W. LEWIS, Sup.rinlim loot ! 3?.vii)fiiig JistyMslityeois. | City ^dberiigetyeris. JAMES M-SMITH, - ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, TKX.IS, JRFTJUrli practice in the Di.trkt end In'er- VT rirC idiiUU f thin Careful attention prid u> the iuveatirsting ul fsand Tiller* to »hc buying, selling and lo cating of Land Certificate* Promptness given to the collection of aM claim*. lUrKiiKNurfl:--}! m. Wm helden, Wuh- iugton, I) O; A Austin Srni‘b, Wa»i»»ngt^»n l) Hon Wm Hrnith, Washington D C; IJ -n 1( Johnson, Baltimore, Md; Cov Urn Baton, Warren inn, N O, Hev IM Joi nt*'ij. Atlanta, (ia; W \V Gaines, New t 'rlcsn* Ln Tixah KxrxEKXCM—IL»n P II Bell, rien Antonio; Ju.'gc / i t»*clrel, .S'an Antonio; Jud^f (.} W'Paarhalf Austin; Hon I* W Gray, ll tua- ton; IVrkina Ac Ketch, Houston. January 7, 1868. dwly Morning Pabsknokr Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at... 145 A.M. A trivet at Chattanooga at 9 45 A M. Leaves Chattanooga, dally, at.... 1 .HI A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9 33 A. M Night Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta, nightly at 12 3ft P. M Arrives at Chattanoog4 at 8 IH P. M Leaves Chattanooga, ni htly, at..3 Ifl P. M Arrives at Atlanta at II 22 P. M GP This Hoad connect* mi *.h way with the tTloroe Branch Wailroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee At Georgia ai'roa’l at Dtilton, and the Nashville Ac Chattel) xvga Railroad at CL it- anooga, Atlanta & Lagrange Rail Road. Atlanta to West Point.87 Miles,.Fare Jt3 60 GEORGE G. HULL, Superintemient. _ r . cooper wouM respscttaUy laform hi* tAnal^l S?* ' ,nd th.l th.y »o4 .r.r.r.d t« prod... th° m/.‘ .rtlrt‘' .o<fUt. Uk. Plolurm now mxl. In ssr^ss?. rsus. M. A. coopgR, 1. 8. UiOKABO, m>v. u, ir.«s . NOTICE. D URINO my shsonce (rum th« Btata, hot Jubn Collier will set gnrj^jfe- Jjtnusty 10.1 811 * 8. FRANKFORD. dw6m Seed'. Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. , WE hsvn, ss ususl, got out our lugs s/ook of (Isrdnn Srod. «nd Llhoso who hsvs bought of us here- "ttest to their fine qualities. Afer- ehtnU from lho country, we li.rticulnriy m- vlt. snd hopo to securo the r trodo. W. would risosslTa libor.l sh.r. from our eltiuns Csll sud.“? 8MITI1 dt EZZARD, Jnnuarv lg, 1BBB dtf NOTICE. T HE 8heriB"s8slM of Union county, now pub'ished in th« Inttlligencvr & Enrain- ? n.n,irU. will heroafter he pub- «r sl Atlanta. Georgia, will hereafter be pub- liahctl in the MounUin IBignri, published »t Hsbloneg., Ocorgis Samuel 3. wiley, ueputv M Of Union County, floorgis. January 18.1808 wtf DOWNING HILL I Morning Pansknorr Train. Leaves Atlanta dailv at 2 09 A, M. Arrives st West Point «t. 7 28 A. M Leaves West Point daily at. 4 00 A. M Arrives at Atlanta at 0 27 A. M Evening pABHENosa Train. Leaves at daily st I M P. M. Arrives at Writ P hit at 0 P, M Leaves West Point dally at 130 P.M. Arrives st Atlanta st lft 16 P M T This Road connects each way with the Mnnlgnnwv Ar. West Point Railroad. DR. T. S. POWELL, O FPICK over Smith A Eisard'« Pru Store, 1 a found du ing the day, and ut night, alb's residence on the corne.’ ol Collin* ' Jon and Junes St eels, Alla: la, Jam 20,18iS dw3m W. A.JONfB. 8. n. H'»YT J O N E O Y T , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, '’Ifico in Kile’s Bnilding, Corner of Marietta and Peach-treo Streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA Jtn <3 d2m ~A "'"TUifACKiJ'rivvivrnrNiJY at L.\W, HtrigguMtGeorgia, ••II prsctice in the f >1 hr wing coil u tie*: Goiooaa, Ghalbiuga Murray GUmer, Whitfield, G *rdnn. W'aiker l) »dc ; * lUfertnu*t M*j. W. Y Hantell. Mari etta, Hanse!) Ar. Nimpson. Marietta, J::mrs It Lawhon.Esq , Dahlonega. ]&r Particular altentisn paid L> th«colecting bushiest*. Msy V8, »8. f »7 d* w I y IN' KLI.IGENCEU t EXAMINER fJiffh PetCrS & (!0. J O B OFFICE ! this S' ftopair.Tott h ■ r,g c*-' u*j r. added to thv Jfy DEPABTItSjrr of the E*ub liiumenta LARGE and VARIKH jaifcoruuent of the Latut StyU* of PLAIN AND FANCY -re prepared to execute in a neat and workman, ke raauner, every description of Particular attention will be given to the Print ing of Circular!, Way Bill*. Blank Notes. Bill Heads, Blank Deeds, Bank Checks, Programmes, Business Cards, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, to. We respectfully solicit the patronage of our friends in the city and country, and assure them tbataii orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. 7 (i. P. Eddv & Co. C0IOIBSI0H MERCHANTS. FYR rnc MTRCIASr AMP SALE or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, GROCERIES, &e., Alabama Btroot, ^cxfMtb of gtoae g W««t«rn twpoi,) A tlanta, Georgia New Stock Coming In GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W.JIEBBLVOd SON'S aothing Ma«u factory and MercLoct Tailoring e»ubh b maot, for Fall and Winter, all the latest sly'.es. One of tbebtst stocks ot Cloths. Catrimeres or * Vestings in Georgia, fnitn which to make a swlie- tieu. Shirts-, Drawers, Under GarmeoH, Cravat* Gent's Hosiery, Gloves, Traveling Shawls Blankets.. Tailor's Trimmings.Ac., for tala st the '.owe p ices, to theeofA trod*, at W. HE BRING A SON’S. 40 Whitehall sL, Atlanta, Go. AUo agents for Singers Sewing Machine*. -r_v tiiij ij,(5bciii8ciijCf)L‘. Tpift'Gpf 1 COMiHJSSIO.S MKU':i1AWm Agenta for colli.-ctio:;- of Anil Dealer* in BiCQN LIES. KSiSSS l? ill ■?/,"- niiOCHK 1 K>. ,vC At thvi Hium.i.. wSiiSKj ...... S3,Boot.ft. lAi*. XJMI < *m ajwvT• Uf s.-. laid to ciuorif2t38-a'« •. • Rructteof#* .. *e -leerefAslIjr JfJcdjei 'ftfetfisIMli For Sale. A C05 8T.4NT sorely of the hi*tlrce’eb*te K UR UK A OIL it wkcrieeal-Iter* tail Ant r^uetiem m *<ie to lit.** «!*}'r«? t> *,•*!* . H. J. SlU cKLLronn, .■T-HtX Just Heeewed. THE J UST received, a first ra>us/u;l» u Ba/iey. for St&i. trire, f J per Uief-eL ce f .<. 7. dtf. C4.ABK ri i GP.UBB. Who want! any Rye. Cti*!# k fimtk La« lit t,?)'. hr •*»', wb.rt iii.i r.u V/w ns,~. * nisktj, jo 1 -AHKR 4 GBUBB. Wlii.K^jr! R'hl.hej ! Whinkef » U C K0U1K6O6 I C. HIMPSO.V-A'ITORNtY AT y.LA !.A W Atlnntv tienrg’t. Xovfmb.r 8, I8M dly «T OIIaV V. mURD-ATTAuXKV A'P LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,co tieorgia march 6 18‘*7 wlv MACON & WESTERN R. R MAGON. Uoc«mtH*r I4ih. 18.67. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter Friday the 18th the trains will he run av follows: Leave Macon I a. m. art Atlnnla 8 15 i Leave Macon 11 30 a ra art AUvuta 6 20 pm egve Atlanta l2nighL a r Macon 7.16 a m. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 6.4ft p,m The night trains will not be run on Sundays. The nigh* t ain from Atlanta connect* with the Central Road at 9,46 a.m., snd the South-Western at 11,30 with the Al bany train, tri-weekly, which leaves Macon v,|6 t, m,on Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fri* days. The noon train connects with the (JenDri Road at 11,30 p.m.’ and Houth-western R. for Albany and Columbus at 1 30 b. ra. ALFRED L. i’VLER.Hup’L Dec 23, 1867 d&w. L ociiuanr a, lamai:~ai- r TOM MBS AT LA H-Macon Georgia. 0 A. LOOHRANR. ‘ J. LAMAtt Having assocuted thenuuilvrH in buvinese will •IcYutc themselves exclusively to the practice of thcirt profession [7*nJ3lwly W ILLIAM M.DAXFORTII— ATTi FOR SALE. LARGE assortment of Virginia Loaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retail and wholesale, as cheap as the cheapest. H J. SHACKELFORD Ag\ Nor 14. *867 dtf New Route to the Soutl&- v Vcs Hsmphis k Charlvstou KaU-Koad CnmpUt#d t Connecting Chattanooga, Tonn.; Charleston, S 0.: Savannah, Ga.; and all North-Eastern Cities, with Memphis, Teun. p3T The last connecting Link of Hail-Road between New York and the Mississippi River! JK/ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HE iub.rib.ti offer »t wbol.*ri. or r«t«il, a »orj extomivo collection of fruit Tree., the regular transportation ol Passengers and Freight, and will afford more expedition and less expense, than anv other route betwoen the North ’JITtrio'gn.’Mnt’bj mril to .II .pplicnU, fretol ch»rp_ 8 „ arden * co., AtltnM, Georgia dim selves accordingly." Passenger Trains leave Stevenson dtllv at 12 o’clock, A. M., (after the arrival of the train irom Chattanooga and Nashville,) and arriro at Memphis same uay at 7, P. M., connecting wkh Pirst Claes Steam Packets to New Orleans, and Nbvember 9,1867 NEGRO 8HOE81 _ CHEAP! CHEAP!! to TJ108B WANTIHO A an*hoa.o ta thl« .it, wlH ••>! »' good at artlcl. —compotltlou *a d.f, rithw ia M Yankee Slade, Georgia Slade, Home-made, •r any olh.r mako, and warrant th.m a, good M artiri.aiha«*T.rbMB0ff.rodln thii markot or Btata. All kind, . * an.* Goods consigned . .. Charleston or Savannah, will be forwarded to Memphis and other points, by Express. Freight Trains. Freight In ohargs of the Adam's Express Company, is oarried over this route diUy, by the Passenger Trains, F.C. ARMS, General Bap’t Huntsville, Ala., April 1st, 1*67. •Through Tickets to Memphis, Ac., sold at Wilmington, N.C.j Charleston, 8. C^ Augusta, Savannah', Maoon, Atlanta and Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and Nashville: Tenn. proporU«»8?ci»5 and w/tHroS®* Atlanta Oan.l*. DIMICK, JOYOB, A 00 -aap^wBaas» Vto t». tIH- *1 French and Italian. PROF. ETIENNE LAMBERT FOR TWO VBARB PROP. OF MODF.RN LAPlOUAGBe IN THE HUNT8VII.I.E FEMALE COLLEGE. HUNTSVILLE, ALA.t L80. EX-rROF. OP THE WB8I VAN UNIVERSITY. AT FLOR. KNOB, ALA>l AND LATE PROF. OF TUBMBMPHI8 FEMALE COLLEGE AND MEMPHIS LITERARY A N I) SCIENTIFIC IN8TITUB, Ac P ROF. L. will open elu*e« in th« ihore Langutge. in Uinta, Decatur, and neighboring ritlc II derirr.1. From the 0.1- toing niccea met by him in the l.rgr«t In.ti- tutes ot learniug in the South; and Wnw encomium, heaped upon him by the mo»l prominent tehoU" to8T'j' no “!!’ and other Elate, ho doea not heritete in prom- inog all wbo teiU Uko Ueaone under him a full and eccur-to knowledge of the language., both epritun end written. Thrfe ere uughtb, the Oral Hyrient. ' ' . . m Cleuee. Priwte leatohe wUI be gtoenifre* eqired at the rHdenc. of the puplla For or Vunher iiifdrmetion apply'tor letter or mrily to ETIENNE lXMBBRT perron tllj I 1MK Glance taught, "Anmironpln** copy. , ■ hotel] B- r.JlBMBB.Bgpnto** 8 **"' ill "take lue ootiee thereof, ud go.era UltN'EX AT LAW—Kiiibdrn; Geo, gin. July 26, i«.V (SOCCESOOR.. TO C. K. HA VI.mKR-fcO) ) EOX # JOB ND CARD ??JNHS8 flFFIGE, 1ND BoolL^Qlndory, Corner of H hitehail >tnd Alabama tit., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. G.“P. EDDY & C(£, v. TJvviog just added to tlttlr II former extensive usort- mentof BOOK and JOB TYPE, OUTS,-ORNA MENTS, Ac., a very large variety of new material*, 0/ tkcialttittylf, together wilt one of Hoe's celebrated CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoining the center of Ala. A Lcyd Street,, Atlanta, O-a, R O B > T , Ht M A V , lUriorremOT.d Mi CARRIAGE REPOSITORY to lb. ibcre eligi- oUit.od oppoiit. the WuMegtoii Wallace ABobitteSoa G Z N E R A L COMMISSION MtPOHANTS, Hall,and enlargedhu fvcilitits,t» prepared tor fill ml! order? with which he may be favored, cl Oj gM>d terms it ean be obuined io Augusts or Savannah, with the addition of Freight. Hi* stock embraces Carriages, Concert Buggies, 4 and 6 seatKockaway•, Slide Seats do., AND DKALEP. T E N N E 5 S h E I* 11 O I) V C K! We give rjattenu^t 1 r e *K' t :l Baed>i Lard, Flour, Grain. V. Lttfce?, i-1.*#•/*-„, 4^., Con<;gz.m«n*a re*pev:fo - - ■:1. Pr-tspt atto: rr * ’ i t * . cVdvr* Cylinder Preaees, than heretofore, to give UNDERWOOD fc. IIAU IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, . . . . . . Georjriii. QUICK .nn Whit.b.ll,tr.«t ovet A. W. n tUVJ.w Jisputoh to all orders for work in thelrlioe—which they will exeeuto in the best style of tbe an, -kt fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid to the execution 0. PINK WORK for Railroad and other JointStoek Companies, Transportation Agonts; Bank*, Col. leges and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officer Merchants, and others. Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars Cards, Promissory Kotos, Blank Dt-*4s, Checks flryStorf lion. \V. II. Uxotitwi rUith.ldSI. (dly) LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney si t Law, lUlnula, Georgia. WilUttend the Courts in the Counties of Ful* ton, DoKulb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta,Carroll, Henry, Troop, Heard, Cobb, and 8paldlng. DU. L. J. ROUE KIT. tMedical &, Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. Office at hirrosidence. G. J. WRIGHT. Attorney a t Law, Albany, Georgia. Mny 16, l£S7. IM A. II AltlUS, Attorney at daw, buai, rruiuaaorj nut**, oiaaa uerai, v,aecas Way Bills, Progrommos, Hand and Show Bills Posters, Ae.. exe*ot«d at ibort notice. y^r*Printing In Oold and Silt«a Baoesa and Kasov Coloebu Ixxs, or on Vellum, Satin Muslin, so., done lu beautiful style. Haring likewise connected a Book-Biiidprf with their Printing KiUhlirhment, they ire pro With and without Top, Top Baggies, . No Top do., Whips, Ac., of the belt manufac ture and la test rtyls A rhe»-e of patror - age i* reff-ectfuliyrf licited. Orders for Pamily or Plantation Wtgonr other vehiclos.filied at-short notic*. W’e are also agent for Norwood A Rnhii- Patent Fan. 10^. WHISXTT-: 2H00!:S r ;^ i-Tt 14 oterdfned has ia store, s»i offers for i Toe foJkrwfaf article*- \ CaAa raw Linked Oil, (Eng-Iiah - “ boiled “ “ do winter s train’d nnre spr'm Oi wna 20 Bill?. Knuino Oil fi- Tatinera^ llosii flirted Yazxdsaa. 95 \jQr cert SSSioL Born ing fluid. Cam piece, spirits Turpentine. 20,000 lbs White lead, assorted. 150 Boses Glass, assorted rites. ‘te-BrasbeVf eclcrrwd Poinu, sad sll for Pointers' im. Far salt bj XtUeto. May 9. 1IAI. 1 AlFXAXDrX iffii Tb. SU.or.ry of tU< Vriliif FI.i4 >u tb. rwslt of cheaieui UturpuMt .21 oto. a inkj '.s rtUticn ta tolw, dunhiliiy tad OOMJ 5— from tMprn. Wbra too Chirk, >id A liut. rua «aur. ft ibouU sat b* EalzeS viU oOm. Itki, b. pit into ctess hMtlro u>< I.-,! r ri<a ftt.M (h. in-.lwi no, ia IM. 16m tsk L .: crr-A* the etc! pea, tad o-Bot b. toryonoi is a, by uy ink tnbalmi it 2-srof. hr Aa«:ct. Orion irt mf«vfi2Iy K/EdUrf, u n ttU f-tvyu.! ibort Ui.tivt ii to tfita, uh to It yot oy is Pbiltit>[>,•% Btrws. or X T. gar slide oaly ty bn. Blgftn A OmliS. Al su. Ot. Sold ti tat book ttoros. K.rriS. Stf. ~ orjs*r^LAjeL‘Ksc— Piano Fort* Repairer and Timer • IT r ILL attend to anj calls la his • V \ list &f baelness, *aeh os reg- I { qls ting of ocutn, covering ef haxa. IT 9 Tfl A NEW BACON ! f J'» C.C *»ci: ifr.rj WALLACE drROBLVjrO.V& 'M8ie v '* dif pa.t 1 to execute ordeis for every description of ‘ m mm i ruling work in that deportment—including and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in » style superior to any ever before done in this sec- lion of tbe State. Their Toils beinr all new and of tbe latest patterns, their Stock of material* the &«<f the Northern markets afford, and their work men equal to any in the Sooth, they feel confident of their ability to giro entire satisfaction, and consequently have no hesitancy in 'eliciting the patronage of their friends and the publie. 5da*Order* for work,, in either department of their business,from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will meet with prompt etten tion. Atlanta Oa. Feb. 10 H57. fdAwly.) NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY —AND— MAWLJKMW ATLANTA, GA \ T HE tubtcribtr wooldioiira th» citU.t, of At, lull and rieinity tbai 6, ha, «-ut'J, o: 1 hand, tl hi. Confwtiontry and Ha'.ia,«uliSih. atnt, all kindt of Confc-ctlona, PaMri.a, Frntukc Ut i, tlto prtyartd to furnith every datthd^tioa of plain and ornamontal Ctkoi, for MtddiDf, or; pantea. at thwr. aotlto, and on aocoairar^ttitf ; term,. f ItnpofWd nine, and bn-fit, of all d.fcriptiat, for medical porpoM.,k»p. «!».,, on band. Aire, tnuoint SpanUb Cirarr. .nd choice cbtair. To bacco— Uyothor with a large acionmect of Tots, Fancy Article,, Ac., Ac. Haring recntJy rtturned from tbe North, abort belaid it a 6nt .lock of Finer ArtSdwtrd «rc- ry thing neoecury for tarrying oo hi, ctndy man | ranted fell cfactorybe aoold ofnrtn coenty dealer, tktt he t, , tor t.thrr ..c prepared la fornuh candle, at whole,aloa: Jf i the Car load cents per pound. EACON HAMS. " | t»BI> Clund'e.-i curvti Bsc->c Hsm* t * .) ! ptiet# »r..r'e, I.- e t e v.' kl.I.ACE dt f: 'B!\rO\ >. L- -jw ;c i<.5S i-j LARD ! LARD ! T N fur— u,-' ; Harrri* It- Vk *«, fry,/*/ Ke I " CE i P. h!N>- N Jencere If-, t-r.c t'J . covering < . . . . ceri, (felled cr buffed,)laying of etw strings kp i the '.-cure, wbcle or tingle, Ac. j Sidsfoettos given in every instance or ne charge. All work warranted. Tuning by the Tear neat ax ft*4ued Prices, P&* All orders sboui i u *fi at Mtsars. WfP- liam' rarultart Store, ^n Pesrhtrte ec, A tan. to. Go. n-f. ,?»* ’H; duly. inli gAad new Tennessee Bacea. lbs. gw*d Superfine Fleer, I,W4 btuheU go**} White Cere, 4***4jwabels No.J Pees for zhAx3zt, 4-Jti b-utbcl* Black Seed OaU, JM bushel* gevod White Cere Meni. t si-eve arurie* will be *«^d U fair market W-*ce f-.: Cash, er g»4 >4 os 41 day not**. M y prvret^-ax is very targe. *cd I vBl Store off » 11« i i .Tlont'y Bought. Bsnk* ...Ktr.xt.rVv c* Orieirxi aS£ \'iO, ABBOTT A r«i liorembet M, Jr^“ dj Ter J ****** mi twet a low rates. ; AH produce left e l* a# safe frea fire u : say ether Were so the rity, ui ce- be isnred If -Wired. C. D. PARR."-" Prednce Bre . ' Afajrh yjr- I T O ifTk A 11' A ( tFrees Hlrd* We ere f- d ew- j Birds.ejt Lime, pu Eye Lime. \ T7- E are now rrcening a T V ’*rgr lot of riuie l-cslb* w; ii !> butte: ltd of superi ■ RLF-^: ■r.Calf likins. I mine*. Bind- I * j logs. laAKto. Pegs, Kit, and ! i wry thing connected with the Boot and feb ■ \rz*u*r*L which will be told at low prices »il! be filiti l: kill __ j.- T co j AC order, acccmpentcd with Cadi wtB h. Atlanta. N/>r. X4tfc «*S Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Isabella, Worth Co., Georgia. Refers to—Maj. J. L. Harris, Milie Igcville; Hon- A. U. Haimolt. Thorn v.ville; Miller A Hall, Oglethorpe; lion. K. II. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-iily. JARED IRW1X WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta Gtuirifin. Office, front over J. K. A C. U. Wal. Uee 1 , --tore, corner Whitehall and Alabama IU. May 5S IS67. MARK JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cnrtersville, .... Georina Feb.24. 1H5« A.k«lV Ofnll ftescriiriiomi B EAN* 8 OF A L L DESO H ITT IO N a. can be haJ at all times, at the Examiner & Ulliireiiccr AtlcMi'PN. h'her.fls. OI*-rV? of t'«»uiu f»r*lttiari**s can b»- furnished, e rt i an> fuvrrite tor*., of DEED, \VZ ! !*.»)/ OEriS which thev i*j.if*in i. uiKt o!l<g)l i»Mrum'*'*'» > com. i-‘u i u**. w»vs«»n h»t»d, tc * • add a; h.* !o.*e* L. VALENTINO. d*»- T fuhjmiturb: FOR]) HIRE!! THE tcbirribers have ot, hsnJ id are new opening a large and Vjfr carefully •elected Stock from tbe M* Northern Mantifactarit-f-. *,»»* M Li Li BhillriJ. Besi Safes, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Secretar *s, Washstacds, Bedsteads ord 'hairs of ^ny desire pattern and price. A fine j \#*> rtmert of Centre. Work, Salome and Toi,ette . I»>*ies—Etagers'jjConjeTand Side—Sofas. Tete-' \-Tete, etc. m* Io addition to tbe above large stock, we 1 are receiving weekly supplies. The public are in ! rited to call snd examint our stock. F. A. A J fi WILLIAMS, Next door to Gilbert 4 Claris, Pvseh:r»* »t . . <ti*u, G*; j OIL M. RU1KR. HOMCEOPATH1ST. O FFICE a» J K . • m D* f*.-rar.>} fice.cqq» « lt prttif c ia; . November it*, IK."** d*** street, Cherokee Bkck. aplAeitf DIVICK 4r MIX. C phi Ixierin^ and .Maliratu, w, latalUlinient. f T'Hr e^Wer'Wr . a Und. ssf -ka«e L facu* , .tf te Crtta bade aad et.*A.ur« t .V'.TOJL^Ec. from tbs els*f aal s-v.or, otos jur# itmHU Hxlft u» *t« *r;icJ* »v#r r-t***xiu tits y c* u»4. Krir Be'stort a»4 PU «"*-K ffttof Coocisss it; Uxt^**. a!»0 Vm »< :fr+v;K *yrre Mattra*##*, Eed r t fe to »a‘.«b- wiieb »m« foil to pkaoetooM tool GtXK* • .** * ag 1 *= *V- ertiared to *, R/«ker* , net orsr torrt w.ti H*tr,Oitb. PlcaberiBroeLft I ifwvt »b*rts*»•ot-t*. « ^ J-NcreKws*» BcjM»g,i# A/an*eta «trm ! • , - l *r’ t »•!- D * T«*ry<4. Janies M. Carter, iauTo connect with the We.tern Train, on hit I " and, puiengeri will Uke the Night Train, " ' ” "* ‘ ChetUnooge P. O. I1ARPKU, Attorney at Law, Weit Point Georgia dAwtf from Wilmlogtort, N. 0.; Augusta, and Nuhrille, Tens.; and the day trains from Charleston and Kingsville, S. aid Atlanta, Ga, April 1st SMITH a FRANKLIN, Produeennd Commitrion Mrrfhnntt, atA Dtaun in Family and Platfoliui Qrarrin, iff Mericttn Street, Atlenm Georgia 1. N. BMITIt. A. P. FRANKLIN SMITH & FRANKLIN, WOULD rMpeetiuUy announce \ he citlxen* of Atlanta and *ur> low receiving anVonenlDg, sn*t will keep I splendid stock of FAMILY OMQCMUFS, ithapy boas* in the eity, and ask a sham of pat Tltejr will olya special attention to thasaU of Da m, lird, llour, Gr*lo, Tobacoo, ke., ke. ixnant* rtspvclf^ aolWted.^ , riattaatreat, In tba bnUdmg formerly occupied by C. D. Parr. Pooernber 12,1R6T 20 PaokagcjGlau Woro, JustEecoiveS Y th, 8ubKrib,r of the mo»t raoJern 1 e'jlre. and will be eelii S6 per cent __ t than I have ever before t>eon able to sell Toi Cash. AIA, China ami Qurem Ware, Plated Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fork**, B v Ira. tl Upeone, Tea 8elU. llritein ilo, China Flow r, Varoe, . Ac. to which I would invite the at trntinn of my lormrr peuone and rapecially th* Ladiee to call nod examine, T. K. RIPLEY. Nov. 18. 1867 d/f LAND NEAR ATLANTA aP*9Sb e<A Sam hnodrrt aem cf land near Allan dk batween Peaobtroaano Marietta j ta offered for halo, there are al?ty •ere* of very heavy limber, fort? acrea ot , exeelleot cleared land, about thuty a rm ta bottom. Tharo are tv* hnodred choir# trees,pf tbt Tory best oefoetion, beridea the fa MU.Lfimt a« can be toend od bargain will be fftvOn. . , <iA8.0.8LAUnUTKil a,n#etwWT. dtf TYARN81 Jw IT April 18,1656. I ItltCllltlH (t Youur, Attorneys at L ». w , Lawrcneovillc, Goortria. Will practice In th# counties of Gwinnett, Hall trusted to their care will bo received with pleas ure and attended to promptly. NATHANIKL 11.HUTCHINS, Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 27; 1S5T W, T. C. ('amiibril & /lists, are prepared to perform all in tno profes sion with operation* lurabilily and chill. iSj^-Otfioe over Alexanders Drugstore. White UalliL. W.T.C. CAMPBELL. O.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 2? D R* El. T. PULLIAM having rt turned limn a *i*it to Virginia will n- eume tho practice uf hi# prolesston in the city of Atlanta and it* vicinity. Dan be fout d at hift’ffice at all hours, except when pr rfoasi >nally engaged. cr Dffl.-e WASHINGTON HALL. #epl6dwtf CAMPHENE Burning Fluid! acreissoKrosttco t iawrf.v , WILL OOST1XVB THF. PHOhVCF COM MISSION III'SIS ESS. I'urwrardinn 6, Commiiriou *’er- cbaul. . SAVANNAH. C, A.. , Iflirial Capes. 1 Oi*U Jeue* Hictk, »ayMrm#t---;Utfly Rr.porit.iM4 for Ut »tvU»aad uoliare, with so* H'' • sre prepared to fnrnii'r Fuk’r Metallic Bnri by J. legertcU, Ls '» 1 .crtl hue tier works of arL ia Piitticxs. BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS 1 FOiktu V aaa'oriuK Cosaopditan Art Association.. THE TAHOTS Dusieldorf Galtr,’ of Pnintlngnl PurthastA at a Cot: Cf'Slsti.OOO! | AXD nTSrvK'i WC-RLT ILLS'OWXSD *TaTTI OT THE GREEK SLAVE!! I Croee, e, thtirt t. ;tir». W» te.e raearad t It' P.'S. Liberal adranrti cx si’.' * 1 vrvtee. of c eompetcNt r.n.0 teeuerd tt> thii dc* ,i jnnmiO. AT HIS YEW COMMODIOUS FIRE i***®-^-*' f.a.t i.s.williams, ‘ PROOF BUILDING, _x ■ :• ^ r%S,diM. Frost of AtUuta Hotel, and neat •!<*<.• r to ! tltoa Hcc*#. ATLASm, CKORGU *<k-Tt.- » • a*I Facilitie*ottered to Shi;, *r* «>rc*r» ipertfullj eo'.idted, IMI |Ath )RM MAl«tr ) A GREAT VARIETY. Hirt IVachtr ra, 20 cents each. T?+ a. 37J. ccniii each _ 7.2 Piums 38 Apricot Treea,4U cento, each 28 tjherric*. 48 cento, coch 28 Apple treeo, 2** cento each ' t Pereivn I.ilark, 36 cento, each 1300 Strawberry Plants, I cent eooh 2<,I)jx. fragrant narkthu«t"j}5l d»n«n 40 D 'X fragrant Juuqtiill 75 cento. d*> 2 • IV»» iVhubbs Talipt. -*£2 dot. 20 l!'*x. D«»ubb* Hrsuri I $2 dor 26 iVx Hagrant In# $1 dot. Varieties of Strawbcmeo, mix cj. Horays Seedling. Early Scar'd, P»itl# Queen Napoleon. Washington. Ne/son, For sale at the Auction House, by ■iant. l8.'8—dtf THOM ABF. I.OWF,. Rriignittioii. _ rarinan Insurance for whom ha ha herr v*tins. Uka«tl>i« mrthf.l ,f r#turalag hi# thank tobi fnao'ts f«r tholr liberal rolfon****. and woal jwctfuUv recom<«»«ot to them toroQUana that pat Jusepli Winship, —TaUrt.H-:: * B V'LH - l S ^ F>q., Itou#. ua.. P h • i Pointings, th. Prem.iia, . twirled ty ti. ra.KTtWr.ef th. Chem^.- JtwuUMj »l« nbeerih, heinie the oftnoiiy I,i?, et vhi.h tim. theeverie COMMISSION’ M KliC HAN’T, aa r.*K THE PTKI H tiE. • . 6 Nt"r«gt of 1*00.1001- ■rCOe >[> p-'-t* thr M Mem 4 Atlen- ttc Itenr.eJ l>?pot. jvnrmber it. 1*67 I'ewtf r.-UJNO ’.-INIEIt, ’frf ia TtJ,, or SriKeimoi-Ertry rahrariW i. Ar, :, tetitJM to e copy ef the Urg. US ’E B l’HK WHEVTFI.OfF, O.nehurge, KNOXVi 1 M r. NiEitu.Vi ti,.- U tie ifkcoc, v- ,e. N-ltf.. t : airr Ute c.f Toufgve. .* ( will »< La; tv rcoc: all net i‘ atu _c- ^a«;» ot the Lm il' Oh#. where they l*rt in.} it accviaaotioti for two hundred »rct t*tT j^-e.-ns, f A 5 LAMER, Preyrioauro ' Eagrtriag, catitled -Koaifost ; !>**•..i.y/ otoc t, a copy cf tb* Ccoaifolitaa Art ! :cnc year.sJoo tea cvrifieate u» :fc«*w»rt : . f rremium*, aIs? ro a free admUaioo to tb« Da*. . and C <em j-outaa GatWrioi. T has it it ms that for ev err threw detlan pa»d, fubseniar Lot Anlt rravir*, . totnUr out only receives a jpitodid three eu^rotieg, hut ol.o, the Wuufully illae* Yarns, bhcetinpa, 1 r*t#d •TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR J i C 'ffoe, nd P-0e: — Mola«»c>A fjrcp 100 Keg# Nails; Adamantine f’andlea. All for Kale bv JOSEPH WI.V8HIP. iannanr 8. 1*5® «Hf Tobacco, Tobacco. I -ST receded >hnct !r*m \ trg-Mt. a vh. sr it cl -TOBACCO, aau-ng which ip tw.vv* of tho* ju#t’y CtWfoa'.ed ]»t\ . N " t^TWrS - . *ra»Jra^^ir--^._xtoL_i: lb. - vm] T. Fi-t^AE. J E W ~ A U C TIO N HOUSE SAL. cue j tor • Each tubj-’r.xr :# at>. ;rw«&P S ed «ejfc a certicate ta the awards of Premiums, by | * fcich a rikiaabto work of Ait, to .Foieting tv Sculpture may'be received is adiitiua, thus jr-vtag to wary iukKr;t<r ta *u*iv*!«ei to the values EV THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St. Atlanta Ga BUTTER AND CHEESE. A L.1RRE >up|ily on bend of ,uporio> xLs»* : 1 L Huetitj, end to, rat, 6, JOSEPH W1N8HIP. No. ,1. 1R67 diwtl SALT. • tag** to hi# •uccaoaor, DR. V. U aSwIFR. AIM o##.! #aj m retsowmewunx alloftb# Crenpoala trmirconfidence, t» to r*f#r to ti»#4r rrp.vt», mu the-.r nronetnea* in rreismiinf to th#ir to**# by .a# Ut# fire ta thi# place. WM. MARKHAM. Atlanta, July l*t, 1*57. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER terms LOW FOR CASH,: T, R. RIPLEY. P. S—A liberal discount by the Bbl. Dm, 9 1»JT, • l »’ 11 I MPtlKTSKT INFtlNdfTUN, ty which muefi eufidnog infeaiUnmej • TWidnl.Mlit to ntnted ;nm .ml thote * pltunj numegf. Addraoe en> J i, ukopi.D, u. w dumscoiTue sa«i« Fire Iniurnnce Aecncy. Uavtni rec#i»#d tb* Afaacy of th* llnrifonl Fire Inturn tier Co. Cepit.l Stock, mnSjOuQ Avmu, cigooo .Finn Inturance Company. Capital Stook, $l,tX\1,tXk) Awetta, 616,(WO Chartorad 18lf. Pbtenlx lniurance,Company. Capital, $200,000 Arostts, 312,39! lniurance can be had -in either of the nbove Cnmpanie* at a* low ratea ta in an; other reiponnble Oarapamos by .ppHo*. tion to N. L. ANOIEIL Acent ■ Ik. OUUtae tew, ety, 1mm IAA #«k» in eterr ard for rale hr tMjMJ JOSEPH Wl.NRHtP. Not le, 1W7 SASH BLINDS - nuf AU tT A‘MD to order, at our a&op ^over Winahip’s Iron W orks. JOS. WINSHIP Ai CO Atlanta«Nov 25, 18.67 Vwtw» Iron! Iron! A LA RUE Stock of r. tow ah Mtnnafai# taring aod Company's Iron, coo} etantly ouha, - ,»t Manutactutrre pri*e. by JOSEPH WINSHIP Noverobrt II, HUW dar* Ur oa eqmivoitei *.« the voluee'* JL* * ar 4 a rerttfirete grab*. AryotvVT the te»cuag $exinea is fora i*bed. inateadof Ls^raricg and An Journal, destroL No perron is restricred to a siagU shore* Those tokiag five cemberahiys, remitting |l ore entltiei to os extra Kugraviag tad slx tiekec arttoalori :f the Areocutioa ore givesi a the * r: Joursot. which coataxns over sixty #r!«a i«i Facranap, price fifty renu e«r «u»Ur.— >i'cr.mco copies wUlh# rett to ai» pereocs who its.r* to subferibe, en receipt cf five postage yuepa 15 coots. Jddreoe C. L DEBBY, Actuary C. A. R 54S Broadway, Now York,or A RVVC time'. <.•*. W.V, H. BARNES, Hon*/Soc'y Ifoc 25—dtf Atlanta. Ovenda. Jtofmvrre#—H#t. ? Rm Richard JoknatcertVl-. W year*. /4-ire Ur; iIU-*- Jon care l. witii arj-kreju#. A* I IN GK 0,000 Wanted! A f A LL persoBi iudebte-i to the ut Jnreicrci will Aeoafer a favor hx’ making Immediate pay meet, as vkt above am ant mu t beraiaoi. aVNNlwUTTl SILVKY. Pee JS, 1S5T dwlat REMEMBER, NOTICE. W, A LL ptnm fnd.Med la th, rotate ef 0. P. Pen, late ef Mtynj ceanty daraarad, ara »• ijalrad ta nek, Imaedtate pejttct end thf.- h.Ttng d.maad- trPl render them Is, eeeerdiag to tew. to ae, In Atteata, Seeiia L.APAM.Xarotec. BwitnttW M O CR exte&iit. it- k of Dn/<HHl, nothing. r'~ - - - - _ FareithisgQoode, - tn., *.-e ndaraderiew for rath. Call aad to. f ry,-a Mine. HCSXICCTT 4 S1LVEY. D«»,U» dtrla NOTES S r BANK OF FUJ.TqS dfc OEOROIA KAILRO.xn A Backing ComcMiy. n at par, for all dchteia. m, and allcocda ffiddhy C.a. 6TUONG a co. OWiNOwU. Improved Colton Gin an Threshing Hachinea. T H 7 t "‘ r ‘ h,.terae X troa. Coectj, Ce., ta atlaale. INTI «h«u o-: rniwui th. Wkli.jra.rea,. 1 fbtft will Mnfln.a tba kf • N N In - _ . - - - - * ^ Tk»; r tftei era eaU kor.o u« ee. I, Centfie, tVielhCerdfte. ted Jkbeu. ti - Ot-i it terae, HlMbefgp, Nerth Cervtiee. Thra u» toed, ot th. ..rj tael euterfele e nnu. ;»trend t. make ttwe> raanotrat ,o4 derekU.Tf raa u. le .eel of t good Cot ki. uit.r .krat ihneher, «>- --.r ■ :,a 1 ra Ttff wd e. i-ra ef araatkR Uee- eter^rra. ^»,oei r,.ikt era rah dagrar thra, tl I>1« fd-TkeMC-. r~4«w,«Mtra,-. «.fcl).rat Ue. ~ «, tewed. t cherj. ter tree.rartetiOM _ mera. »f .«r Gu* eagTlMihut, Mof .L.k te~..-e»r^iMU.«k>d^,u N*_aus.e. war rented to pnltm wM. fUreu- laget ekon ..tire era late .V,b«-i Jraia-ti wis'Brpecn. UANK AUE.NC V, Mo Wall^Sj Agrnl/or tie Bant of Oanden S OinJina. Offite at U'ellae. i Rokiaeoee Wirehoara— eerier ef Outer aad Prjor etrraie, Atleau, Qa 01 finfnBptmlm U cslltjsca pacilip '