The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 26, 1858, Image 1

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’^’'ronaa'vaar •- v *. : ^ ' 1 111 !j|lilK$lf" V :.;•(. . «’ v-. 1 . : • '■:;■ U ■ _ .&&£ :; iSf~ . — ‘ _—.' ' ' _ . M •; V > ■....'■ •. - ■' ■ft’ w *•‘BRKOK CEASKS TU-KK iJANi.KituUS WHK > LEFT FKEE TO COMBAT IT.' -jf.r, r ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 18-J MBER wo DAILY & WEEKLY, DUNG AN aYocNRANE. THUMB OF fiUMCRIPTIOlf. Dally iDtalllgenear, p«r au»«m l» ‘J™**! ®* w##uy, " “ Augusta to Atlanta. .171 Miles. .Faro :JS &0. GEORGE YONOB, Bup«rintendei.t 11ATKH OF ABVMIIIWO' Adsorbing to thaDelly Int»Ul(!»noer «m b* laicrtod »t lb* foUawlug r»U«>»r «qhcrt « UB One InterUoa, Jf° U Throe, “ Your, " X‘7- •Oeta. »t oo I it l to t 74 1 00 Oao Booth, Two, , M - Throe *' Four, “ Six, " One year, U OO I 00 10 00 11 00 .14 00 jit oo -'Oao week, » »• u ** • BpeoleleoaireeU wUl be Mje ferjeerix »«*« - -iltamsnti aoeupylag *..quartor, helf or whole Muaxiao Paisixom Tsai*.' Leeree Atlanta *.aily at 10 00 A. M. Arrivea tt Augusta, >t 7 i'll I’.M. Lav* Auiuna, ilai'y at. 2 30 A. M. Arrive* at Atlaa a, at ..11 36 A. M. EvKNINO PaHSKNUKR T*AIN. o**o* Atlanta, daily, at 13 00 P. M. Arrivea at Augurta. at.. 1........6 86 A. M. Leave* Atiguata, daily, at . .4 00 P. M. Arrirae at Atlanta at 1 04 A. *1. X3T Thia Road rune in connection with the Train a of the South Carolina and <ha Ksvan nah and Anguata Railroadt, at Auguata. (Dementi eeaupylng ^^AdvartiieaeBtf from traaetant pereena . “u«T StVrtUmratap.bil.hsd e‘ th. nine /rataaf*01ittttary notleeaaxeaodlngtanUnee ehar| ad ae aaterUeemantt. AnneuneingcandldaUa for et4ee, »4 t0, to he paldia adranee. . ■ When advertisement* are ordered in bott the. Daily, and ‘Weekly,' It per cat will be added *Profocclonnl Carte aeteaeeedlngalx llaee, lit V. '‘AdierUeetnenta InetrUd in the Weekly paper ' o»l» sill ho charted at formc^ataL Western ft Atlafttio (State) Bail Road. Atlanta to Chattanooga. 136 Uilra, Faro$6. ATLANTA; JANUARY 24,1867 NEW A MB ROT YPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC. GALLERY. pWSKffiBSiSTS Moaxixo Parsemo** Train, Leave* Atlanta, daily, at 1 46 A.M. Arrivea at Chattanooga at 9 48 A- M. iriiave# Chattanooga, daily, at.... I Sit A. M. Arrivea at Atlanta at. 9 33 A. M Niotrr Pabrknoer Train, Leavca Atlanta, nightly at 13 30 P. M Arrivea at Chattanoog* at 6 16 P. 41 LaaveaChattanooga, ni hlly, at..3 10 P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at. 11 23 P. M EF" Thia Road connect*ea:h way with the i Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the But Tennetaen tt Georgia ’aProad at Dalton, and ho Nashrille dc Chattanooga Railroad at Out- moo ga, Atlanta ft Lagrange Bail Bead. Atlanta to Weal Point.BTMile.y Fore -j>3 40 •i r A coortat would rupdritaBy Inform hi* ttUiUln the prodae* to ^^aAdiaM «y tothitr ftMgtolfeF b*«t »rr»fl|ri S*J HN LifhU lo ti*, abb of ibo Urgoit ond BopbI OmorA'B, aUo A“?.?T;7uJ parlor whtnUdiH oabboJoy on# or nr.... In ttiaalte. J ftfltM BOd. 0#llllO» Slf^'outWSlUdUliv^lhOTVrilli^ - '* r * u * Btl011 h* paid to tekteg Mornino PAMtMolR Train. i.mvm Atlanta dnilv at. 2 00 A. M Arrivea at Weat Point at 7 26 A. M Leave* We*t Point daily at 4 00 A. M Arrivea at'Atlanta at A 27 A. M Bveninu PABSKNoRt Train. Laavea aF'daily at. I 00 P, M. . ; ea At Wrat P-int at 6 2S M. Leave# "West Point daily at 4 30 I*. M. Arrive# r.t Atlanta at..........10 If, I* M "Thia Road connacta each way with the Montgomeiy dc Went Point Itallrnail. ’SSasiu'irilsaats: T***' ' B. a. room, 1. S. UtOBARD, e«;14,lT.M 4wtf NOTICE. -rvURINO my ebaenee from the Btete, Cpl (January Hi 1888 dwAra Seed! St Garden Seed. WB Kata* ab uboaI, cot oat oar (Area b/ocL OArden 8«#d» adH thoae who hare bought of ua here- toloie^an attcit to their fine guaUliea. Afcr- chant* from tho country, we particularly ln- chante from.the eou..«/. - r- - . - w Tito and hone .to tecure the r trado. .Wo would a'«o at* » It would Slio oak a liberal .here of petrondge from our citixona Call and i January I A, 1686 SUITU dtEZZARD. dtf ^NOTICE rnHB BheriirVRelM of Union county, now; l pob’iahed Ih.tha Jntelhgeneer ft Exemin- .. .1*. deonria.will hereafter be pub- of’at'VtiantaiOoorgU, wUi boreafter be pub- liihed in tho MounUin |Bignil, publlahed at U,b Samuel’S'WILEY, .Deputy Sheriff Of Union County, Georgia. January 16,1888 "if DOWNINaHILL CMUCLV. TA, GEORGI rriHB aubuibora offer at wholeaalo or mlaiU I a very eitenilyocolleetibh of Fruit free#, firauo Vinca, die., die. Elataio'ifna unt’ hy*" mail to alt appHeanta, ‘'““'-“'TETBRS.HARDEN dt CO., Atlanta, Georgia. November 0,1847 d4m. NEGRO 8HOKS! CHEAP! OHEAP ! an article —competition we defy either In ■ . - ■ Yankee Btedey ffceFfia Made, Home-mude, or any other mekoyand werraat them ea good at articleaehaeoTerbtxin oCbrcd In thli market «• State. _A»klndxof ^, nycheS and warraatad.. —' ! * s '--d 0 fowepalrod free of oharge 1 BOOT, Pcaohtieo Street DIMICK, JOYOB, A CO .’S HOTEL IlMTaweniar^ . P?Bft0WNik&l8AAC8, Proprietor# B> F. DENSE, Superintondcnh Jan 17 lUwty Do you Waaito Buy B00P f Do you. Wwt OhooRBOOKB t Do youPay BA8H &t B00k8! jTv.TDfUcvf* Eirrttore praciicc in ihe District tad In # w i«r CourU f this Curoful «U**nUun peiii to thn invrstisAiing Ltrid TitltB« t<4 the bu)inf, sddug And la* eating of t«Bnd (/ortifirAles I'/jmptms* giten to lb« coQectijn Ol *M eUim*. KjurgamoiB:—li>n. Wm. 8cld«n. Wwh* ingLm, D O; A Austin flmi h, " f #»hifjginn, l) V Hnn Wm Smith; Wa*hin(jU-n D (); H »n t Johnson. Daliitoora, Md; (f jv IV'm Salon,, WArrmitnn, N C; Rev Rd Johns an, Atlanta, Ua; W \V Gaines, New I’ilrune, 1*b. Texas RrrKBKycss—H^n P H Dell. 8«n Antonio; Juigo Paschsi, .Van Antonio; Jud tt O W Pasrhal, Austin; Hon P W Omy, Hous» ton; Prrlcins & Kerch, Hajuatrn. jsnuiry 7,18fi8. dwljr JOHN W. LEWIS, 8up«rint.inUnt. O and Joloi EtrorU AtlaLta, Jan* 20, 18&9 GEORGE U. HULL, Superintendent. . A./ONP8. B. D. B‘>YT J ON E S5&5H OYT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, >'fiire in Kile'* Building, Corner of Marietta aid Peach-tree Street,, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Jan 13 d2m f' TJIIACKETT. .VITUHNKV XT /V.a Law, HiHgiMjlJiorgfjK “'ll prvcticc in the f.illuwing couiUKai lloUKwe, CbJlMogo. Murray Gilmer, Whilfiel'l, (! .,d.<n. Walker D»do. References; M»j. W. Y il*n*e|l. M*ri- etta, Ilanretl A Bimprun, Marieltn, Jam'* it- Lawbun.F.vq, Dahlunega. /^Particular attentian paid to lh' coteeting busineae. May 78, 1887 d'tvly MACON & WESTERN R. R ~ -M ACON, Docember 14th, 1687. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Friday thd tStb the Iralne will he run ar follows: I .ears Macon l a. m. arr Atlanta 8 .18 a. m. Leave Macon 11 30 a m arr Atlanta .820 pm '. eava Atlanta 1* night, a.r Macon 7.18 a m. Leave Atlanta 13 m. arrive at Macon 8.40 p,m Tha night traiiiawill not be run On Bnndey*, The night tain from Atlanta connect* with tha Gantral Road at 9,48 a.m,, end the Bouth-Weetem at lI/O e.m,el»o with the Al- bany train, tri-weeklr, which Itaree Macon 7,16 a. m,on Monday#, Wodneadeyeand Fri d v r The aeon. Inin connect* with the Central Rood at 11,30 p.m,’ and 8outh-we«lern R. for Albany and Criumbti* at 1.30 *. m. ALFRED L. J’VI.ER, flap'b Dec 93,1867 ddtw. FOR SALE. A LARGE e*e,irtment of Virginia Leaf jfATobaceo, varying in prieo and quality, at ralau and whalarala, aa cheap aa the chcapeat. B J. SHACKELFORD. Ag'. Nor Id, 1867 dtf Now Route to the .Soiith-Wei llenphla k Charleatea Ratl Rnad Rempl*t*41 onsacting Chattanooga, Tenaq Oherleatoa, B, 0.: Savannah, (la.) and all North-Baitern Cities, with Memphlf, Tonn. WVThe that eohnaeilng Link of Kali-Road between New York end the Mlntnlppi River! ' Thia Reed I* new completed, 1 end opened for i tloi the regnlar traneportatlon ol Peaaenger* and Freight, and will afford more expedition and lea* oxpenro, than any ether route balwaan the North Beat and Soath-Weit. Puronqera and *hi| will “take lue netloa thereof, end gorern tl ealTeeeecerdlnglT." PMaehger Tralne leare Sterenroa dally at 13 ...... .... •• • • of tha train o'clsok,A. M„ (after the errlral ' • ‘Naebrille,), „ 7, P. M.i connecting with U N«D«l A from Oba looca and Natbville,) and arrirent Memphla »am# day_at “ mnoipai* utuio a*/ I, t . ..... coouerung w,ui Firet Olnw Steam Packet* to New Orleam. «nd all ether important point* upon thoVVutora riv- arl.e Good* consigned to Rell-Road Agent* at Charleston nr Seranneh, wUl he forwarded to MelnphD and other point*, by Bxpreae Freight **5aF“ Freight In charge of tho Adam't Bxprtn Company, t* carried orar thia route defly, by th* Peeeenger Train*. F. 0. ARMS, General Sup’t. HaaterlUe, Ale., April lit, 1S87. •Through Tloket* to Memphti, Ae., sold at Wilmington, N.C.f Charlcaton, S. Gq Auguata, 8evanaeh,Macon, Atlanta and Colnmbui, Go., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and NaihriUe; Taut. fea.To connect with tha Wcctcrn Trainc on t is Road, end, psisoDgers will taka tha Night Trains ” "hattanoogc from Wilmington, N. O.; Augusta, 01 and Nashvilla, Tens.; and the day trains from Charleston and Kingcrtlls, 9. Oq and Atlanta, April 1st. dtf. 8 M I TFT ft FRANKLIN, Pnduaand CwmhaUn MereMantt, and thalers Familf amt Plmtalisn Groceries, 4c. Marietta Htreot Atlanta, Georgia 0. 8HIT11. A. P. PRAfCICtlX 8MITH A FRANKLIN, WOtll.D respectfully aawnace t»o\\VV\ he atlteae of Atlanta tad »er-Ar-\- — r, that thay mtSB I optnlor. *n4 wilt t«p fa ■Adf/LV a no UK n irs, prism that wiU comp*:* as, ut i *h*r* of pat ■tore, a aptondld *tocX of F. which th* art. oOCrtag at | wultuy haa*a la th* ally, ^they’wltl gtra speetal eon. Lard, Hoar, Qrali . . .1 atteattoa to the eel# of Be Orala. Tobacco, Ae., Ae. - loUcited. enteCteh Orders. In the kiildisg formerly UAMPHENE Fluid! frofesgio^i ii)g eijls. 6% j a $bberiiseii)ei)t§. j ?)febjci jidbefc fig^rpe^i ' JAMES-M. SMITH, attorney at law i!OUH'i OS, TiJX.iS, DR. T. 5. POWELL,* |PFICE ovbt Smith t EmreT# Cru ; Btore, where bo can ta da*iog the day, aad night, nt h’i rtildoaroon tho coroa^ ol Coltioe tfJS 4 *“ nf,A INIELLIGENCER & EXAMINER JOB OP PIOB! TMIC PltOl'tttRTOK* hartag rxvntly #44*4 is the JOB DBPARTMBBT of the Biwb lishmenta LAKOB and YAKIEI) esortmeat of tha LatMl Sty If of PLAIR AH9 FAWCY High, Peters & €o. C0MHI88I0N MERCHANTS. aoa rti rcacnxti tn uu or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, <1R0C}:R[E8, rfe., Alabmm* EJfroot, (Huvtb of Ms JUcfti A «T6«Ur» t^ffol,) , Atlanta, Georgia 1 ukdp» et par for prodae* art prepared to orocote 1« a neat and work mao, ke manner, every deieriptloa of New Stock Coining In <SL©T^33^ . GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. Particular attention will ba given'.to the Print l»g of Circular, Way Bill*. Blank Not/),. Bin Head*, Blank Deed,, Bank Checks, Programme!, Basinets Oardt, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, tc, We ejpeetfally solirit the patronage of oor Irleodf In the city and country, aa<f arrare them tha tail orderr will he promptly and lallffaeturily etUnde*) to. «. P. Eddr & €»., (HfcciMdotuTor a. iijtxutrrKlTACO.) BOX. 103 NO tM FAINTING 8FFICS, rousf ▼. UK ABO-ATTORNEY I AT Law,—Colqui't, Miller,CJ tieorgin march 6 1887 wlv T OCIIUANK Jill --- a I.AMAll —.47- TOKNIEN AT LA VY-Mecon Oiorgla. o A, LOCnniNa. I. i»u*a Having aanucisleil thcmrolvii* in bueincu trill ilevuto thcmuclves exclutirrly to tho ^rectico of thein |irof««»inii [I7 twly LLMHJII. DAMFORTII- ATTOUNEX AT LAW-Kairburn, Georgia. Jufy 35, 1887. I twtf UNDEHWOOD a UAUiTSK Attorney* at Law, AtUuita, ^ , . . . . Georgia. LUTHER J, GLENN Attorney at L aw , Atlanta, ...... Georgia. WilUttend the Coorte in the Counties of Knl* n, DoKetlh, Kayetfo, Campbell, M«riweth»r, Coweta,Carroll, Henry, Troop, Hoard, Cobb, and Spalding. Boolx-Blxxclory, Corner of H hiUhall and Alabama tit., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. O. P. BDDY 4 CO;., Uuwiog j of t added to their -LA formerextenaive assort* went of BOO K and- J O B TTPB, CUTS, OR5A MKNT8, Ae., a very large variety of new meterleie, of the latest sty Us, together will one of Hoe'seelebrated Cylinder Preeeee^ ire more fully prepared thao heretofore, to give dispatch to all order! for work in tbeirline—whleh they will exeonU In the best style of the art, M fair prices for Cash. Particular attention paid to the execution o. PINE WORK for Railroad and other JointStook Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col erchanli, and others. Booke, Pamphlati, Catalogue*, Cireulan, Cards, Promliiory Votes, BUtnh Deeds, Checks A T W. HERRING 4 SON'S aetbrng Majrn • ifsetory and Merchant Tailoring c*tal!j' h meet; for Fall and Winter, all the btort styler. One of the best stocks of Cloths. Camtaerei ar e Vestings In Ceorgia, from whkl toatke a selro* tlen. BhirU,Drawers,Under Cements, CrevatF, Cent's* Hosiery, Olovee, Traveling Bhaeis end BUnkets. Tiilcr'fTritcmicg^.le^ for rale at the lowe»> p lees, to theensA trade,st W. HERRING A BON'F- 46 Whitehall sL, AUasta, Oe. Also agents for Singers Sewing Machines. (ilarkci (jriibb, CO.llMISSlUN MKK'IHA NTS. Agents for coiiectioii* bf uli kind- v And P«-«t*-r» in StCDK LIED. Mi 8? Ill VS’2 For Sale. A CONSTANT supply at tb# JcstJy ef’ebtted » CtlRKfJ U!LAtirdr*cw. f lrr» 1 fwdtctSot Bade ta iIgm •ftir..' S J.HHACKELTOHl /HiOCJilUKS. .vr; At Chet UsUad.oa vrbi!^*r M f^fthooe. laid *r4 Core aVwtrw l#v » *•,. *.U*ntt«a pasdia* axHifttMU ev*rj ene H*eilttaaf*w frvwyilf r»*4* t\ iv'^Vi 4rtkfta>Laa dcametly tltod—fm Cas*. T J (or Feed, ttieo, $2 per Ui/fcel. 5ept.7, dtf. Cf AB^EA OBUBB. ! Just liecfired. ’ f t'llK aaCvrr^M hi* fa ,1m, *a4,.X*r» f*/ ' * *• 1** pn**. TXrfeUevteq **CffJ**. . '■< Casks raw Linfced OiJ. (English ,2 - boiled “ “ do - 2 “ -winter Rtnia’doveapr’mOi 2 ** tt whaleOi 20 Bbls. ?emrine Oil Ta? Tanners. Who ts anti any Eye. . aerv'b txt iy. w.xrfJt.-, r.t*f. BbL5* Pike'* > #gtolia W tukey, )ta M-r-fc II. C'-AEKB A GRUBB, Mhisttey! Whukry! W'hlibey . vLARkr. i HR’ LD h*v* juft fvcwvvj *6 vHbu. Met!rain’s Extra Copjar I*btilled Com WL } «Vty. f'-r rsJe ebt*f. leareb 21. Rosin usortod Ya?nlai»*. |5 }»er cent Akyhol. Burning FhSd. Camphcce Spirit* Tarpentiiie. 20,000, lb- White Irad, a**orted. ISO Boxes Glass, assorted sizes. , fcs-EraJie*,ec‘-,reJ Pairu, aa* ,9 for Paipiers* ose. For sale by •' Atlanta, Mty t. 1KT A lI.yXi.XPI AIjZX. h wailacs.. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! Adjoinlug tha csrsar of Ala. A toji ttztklt, Atlmnta, O-A. ROH’T. H . MAY, flavin* removed hi* CARRIAGE SEPOSITORT to th. *t*v. elifi- *1* (Und oppo.tte the Wcbtfigton ilall.asd eclargedbis f*eUitiei,ii yrepsred toe Wallace k Rob iason 611 al) Orders with whleh he may be favored, en as good terms as eaa be obtained ie Aagusta Savanneb, with the addition of Fralgbt. Hintoek eabraoes Carriages, Conrord Buggies, 4 and 6 seat Rockaways, Slide Beau do^ With and witboet Top, No Top do., Whips, Ae., of the best mensfas- turt and latest st)U A share of patrot- age Is respectfully spirited, vr Orders for Family or Plauution Wajr»n» other vehicles filled at short notice. We are aise agent for Norwood A ftebirr' Patent Fan. Atlanta* Ca.. Dee. 4. 1*SA. CO MM IS SI G N fc MERCHANTS, ASII JJEALKKfc IS The di*osrai7 of this ITriling Fluid ni th* mait it rhwakal axMal lsnrwNi all ci- iat*icr*Uti»atoe»l..e, daeuh?/te aa* m 4 rrjf 1 m*. W Lam 4am rtmaV.'aiU a 1 j lea teem the pea. Wb-n wo tbiek, add a ihda It ehosldi | rala *ue It ehoutd am ba mix** with die* ! like, hotrivije h# pat iatv eleua hatria* aa* i kiqteeextri team tbs air vbta art la **». ltu TE.\A ESSKE I’ll o Dl : CE! hi * Cl a.: mmit th* ft *»!,*#,aad anal h* w* rire efMcioi alien U -a th* i*ie ol Sseoh. J eurrte*** ix iu quality by say iak meahUetcrvi L*.-J,TOur. Orels, Wh3»l'ey, ffShitr®, ie., Ae i ia Eirtq* ee Aueariea. (Job*igeiteui* etei*/dtu:i* eou-iiau. i Grieve aev eeefeetfeJly eefltttcd, a* w* rCJ /O-Prcmf.t : >- - -i -■ 1 .,e Oetre.; pot ey th* ah*r* Itk u low al our ofice, a* It ___J . 1 »« h« P«t *p it PhUadalpOa; fr»tca/«r ST; . M ,! W ..1. he ! .**!*** S 1 *. '*.*?*•*'**•* * AU *\ gmptti V WHISKEY’. WHIiKET: V*y. 14 COES KFAL jryrj^itfdjrjo t * MMSKOX.! a “ Sam k ‘* k Piano Porte Repairer andTo i. i. K -aXntHC Uil.j, _ 1 11 TILL attend to any ealLin kie 1 >» line of bcrinocs, seeb aareg* ' dating of action, covering of bam* • * ^ •. V*i! i% fOns i mer»,(fdud or ba/Sed,’ laying of Raw string# Vy TTA.U-5.n- kfVjTlXr' NEW BACON ! ^ I.* »T rf dnod New Bee‘^n. J* r*r~ I* tt WALLACE Ac ROBINBONX 18^ d if NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -AND- F LARD! LARD ! '*e.« eiul Dam-te. et I. tt dotrn peic**. >/* W.fiaXiCE A-. RJ)RIN«M.Y. entry 18; I PSP dlf ATLANTA, OA. /JIRB *nh*erih*r wouldiuireB th* <itl«ai of At vara*, xrumuivey **hi, euaiueHJ.tcnKe Way BUI*, Programme*, Hand aa* Shaw Bllla iFsiUtt, Ac., axe-mud et abort notice* ■ *, as.e OAtrutvu ■viaurtnoun, /rirPrliUng ta Goto and Httvaa Baoaas nlFx: - ' ‘ ' and Fxsot Conoaan lira, oe on Vcflnm, Batin Muilln, lo., don* tn hMUtlful ityl*. Having llk.wiia oonnaeud a Booh-Blndery with thole Printing EiublDbmact, they ar* pro pa.-ed to *iofnle orderr for orery dMorintiou of —w.-jjy—Rd. Dll. L. J. HQHKHT. Medical: & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, . . ... Georgia. Offircat hlirwldene*. G. J. YVKIGIIT. Attorney at Law, Albany, ...... Georgia. May Id. 1947. WM. A. lit Kills. Attorney at Lia\v,x (sjbellft, Worth Co., Geergie. Refers to—Md J. L. Harris, MiUedgortlle; Hon. A. II. lUmeli, Thomasvitle; Miller A 1UU, Oglethorpe; Hon. R. U. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Daonan, Atlanta. June 3-rtlly. JAUKI) IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney nt Law, Atlanta, Oeorcia. OUtoo, front room! orcr J. R. A 0. II. Wat- l*oa’» Store, corner Whitehall and Alabama et*. May 28,1887. MARK. JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Cartersvillo, .... Georgia. r.b.'UV 1X40. 0*vl> P. O. IIAKPKR, Attorney at Law,. Weit Point, Georgia April 19,1855. d,«t Hutcliin, A Young, A 11 o r ii e y s at Lstv, Lawrencevillo Georgia. Will praMlc* in tbs rouotiea of Gainoett, Unit Walton, Foriyth aad Dekalb. Any bu.ineu en- trusted to their car# will ba received g plei ora and attendad to promptly. NATHANIEL II. HUTCHINS,.Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. July 37; 1847. . W. T. C. Cnmpbull 4t Uro., — S URGEON andMaebehieal Pqu- ***ygm. tDb, arapranared l« perform aU BE«3g& operatlonr in the prafoe-elon with HJJITTTJ durability aad skill. par OSes over Alexanders DragBtore, White Hall it.. W. T. 0. CAMPBELL. , G.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jan. 2C d T\n. H. T. PIILMA.H having rr 1 f tarnoJ Irnm a *i*il to Virginia will n.- same th* practice of hit praleaaiou in the city of Atlanta and iu vicinity. (Jan be font biauflire al all huora, except when pm r c**imallj,enB*«eJ. iy tlffice WABHINUTON HALL, aepllbiwtf work in that department—Including RULING and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—In a ■tyle superior to eny evor before dene in thii sec tion of the State. Their Teals being ell new and 4e*l th* Northern marketr afford, aad tbeir work men equal to any in th* South, they feol eonldent of their ability to give entire eatiefaetien, and eonsaquentty hart no haeltanoy In lelieititg the ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ the pahlir. patronage of their friends and Da,Ordere for work, In either department ot their buelneer, from any part of Georgia and neighboring States, will mast with prompt titan lion. Atlanta On. Feb. 24. 1447. (diwly.) Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Ofall Descriptions* B I.A.N’iHOF M.I, nE8CHIPTI0.NS.cin be 1 i had at all time*, at the JA( DP Attorniea, Bherifl*, Clerk* of Court*, and Ordinarira.c*n be furniahedjat «k«rt notice, eny lamrile form of DEKD, WRIT, or PRO URNS which they maydeaire; and all FORMS ol legal instruments, commonly in u*e, err al ways on hand, to be sold at the lowest pricer. Arterit*. M w TTMTUMT” 8FOCES90R TO 6EX«0 * UWRENCF WILL OOXT/NUB TUB PRODUCE CON• WSSIOX BUSINESS. AT HIS SEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of All sot* Hotel, andnait doer to I alto* Ho***, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. *3.Theura*IF*eiliU**olUrwdto8b>pr*ri. imtar. ■poetfully .olieftoU- Oet. toth 1X80 A GREAT VARIETY. 100 Peachtr ea, 20 rent* each. 83 Plum* free*. 37J. cent* each - 36 Apricot Trine*. <0 cents, each B.lJheniea, 46 cant*, each 38 Apple trees, 24 cento-each 14 Pertitn Lilaek, 38 cenu. each 1300 Strawberry Plant*. 1 cent each 2' Dot. fragrant narktbust $1 dypen 40 Dos fragrant Jouquitl 78 cent*, do 24 llos. Doubb* Tjlipt. $3 dux 30 Do*. Doubb. Hj.uti'l $2 da- 98 Dai fragrant Iri* $t dot. Varieties of Strawberries, mixed. Horsy* Seedling. Eariy Scirirt, Prill* Queen- Napoleon. Washington. Nrfoon. For aal# *1 the Anotion Hmire. by Janl. 1878—dtf THOMAS F. LOWE. Atlanta Female College. rrtHE thi I Inatitutic MONDAY. HE THIRD SESSION of thi* ution w'll com nenc* .on iV, th* 18th ino. W’e have fitted op th* basement ofth# Pnahylerian Church with a new flier, and qour desk*, aflbrting a much more coamodl. ous and comfortabM room than tbs on* occu pied last year. We wilt occupy <hts room j*8( " ' BT"' iporarily till errtogroent* cen be completed * ttnflilii - fora pnbti*! J. U ROUERS, Pri*. far meeting permanent Colleg* Building*. I th* a*ma*« baretofora published. LARGE loLjflet received of alt site* and and me art* I off. Jin tj, dwrlf VERY itei mortrnm of thn «M.KAT,4Uo lanta asd vicinity thai be bar ccstlastlv on hand, at hi* Confectionery end Biking establish ment, all kind* of Confection*, Pastries, Fruit* fixe H* tl else prepared to furnish every deedriptien of plain aad ornamental Cakes, for wedding* or perUes, *t ihcrt notioo, and on xcaosuiciatlng tarms. Imported wioe* end hre-dle* uf *11 deieriptlenr the octave, whole er single, Ae. Sedifoetioa gives te every instance er at charge. All werh warranted. Toning by the Year done at Oedwced Price*. fO' AB enter* shoald ta left at Mesne, ff fl- Kun*’ furniture Stare, an Peeehtn* »t, Atlan ta, Ga. no*. 26, *M, dwly. Bacoa-Flour-Coro-Peat-Oale! 7 2 ratal* gr id new leaaeieee Boooa. 8,006 lh*. ge*d Scperffae Floor, 3,688 buehel* good White Cera, . 866 bushel* So. 1 Fra* for pfodring, ..ri.-TIone-yBoasht- ut ihv umv* of tti* Trsn^iw ^ ^ u ^ Dt to cxrkel B»nk« E.n.. K^muckv Or.F»t>«, i Wim for Cuk, or pad U cr 60 <ixj nois*. Hj HEABBOTT & CO. ; prtrtkcw Iv very ltrg*. I viS Stor»x3 Noetmher ! t, itSl id 1 Iriaii of Prtdureot lew reus. ,AU produce left — i with aw ii *• reft from Ira ae atayeeherWare Bird* Kye ].line. ! Hour* !a th* el^, aad eaa V* iarared If deeorwL We ere Agent* for th* (lie cl Mr. R I. Rc-gcr - . ... — PARR^^ Blrdr-ey* Lime, put op. in 4 bn.hri LatTt:.«, war-! March It- Frednet Bn Atlanta. Noe. JOtb S4S L. VALENTINO. d*w-t punMTPtmii: FilBNITlRE!! ^a,^ „ Xkrth ** fall Kftftrcre, »si c* foj^r^r acxli:j X* jusj other lic« fold |a tli» venrisi. Order* t; j TTTP twM . , sheCwload *U1 be C2t-! it kiln jrinei, be i\\ , g a &CO ! ** Ixrge k< rfSets I-dstth* JuJ^^p,th.K.|,.hme j i ' oJftftsry he wcnlti'aform county dealtr*that hell' “ orr V 1 *., tnf j .price* VT*t*r*i to faroUh cxaJiti at wb*!Mal«at26 >•:«* i» rm«t n S rr. <>.(gB^i?SSSaB^ v -«■ l. Moti Mr roond. . „ , - „^ Im j Orovra tccoopwUfd viiit vwt vul b* Order laeeompanled with the c**t or goodel-.y Mnr\ nuSt!'k-l 'r^C*.lBi w:ih gnod tioode. aad el low reference*promptly attended to. eAdreweCiat. , i. VuKwiWw/ | rat/*—tl the Sign of lh* Btg Bern, Peechtree. * — runf’ex'eet'4 V «<= WjQfZjfiSy j stroet,ChrrueemBkck. •aeaafaetsre* prite*. . j apSOJif DIMICK A MIX. j rpholsif ftng and" MnMrace ii* -o , .tabtUhriirni. I r T’HE itW^Vc hM(tf«.«uct^ 'cW4.tK ca:i 1 factcTtajr tf «r«w- aT Vj»6* *+» c-uStto rt frtn ftf fttsvr. Aid uti !otL« purs tL'iilX*’ Bllfi kltrr»ii««. *i; THK labftriUrf have c.c hacd Q |aod art sow epeoing a large aod kga cArcfullr lelectM Stock from the M* Northern Manufactories. Beat Safe., ffatdrebet, Boreeai, Secretar tt, Waibsundr, Eetatced* aad 'hair* of tap detlred pattera tad price. A ixe wrortawut el Ceatre, Work, Saloon and Toi.etli Tahl#*—Etagere’i.Cornarand Side—Sofa*, Tetc- a-Tete, ate. additioato th* above Urge tt'ch. we are revolving weekly nppfla*. The pahlie ore in vited to call aad axamtaa onr stock. - A. a J. 8. WI1.LIAM8, IBurinl Caere. ~4e a are prepared to famish Fi,k'» Metsllie Bari al Cam, at short notice. W# her* sevared tb* sorvico* of a competent person to tnend to this de partment. P. A. A J. 6. WILLIAMS, Knryx.'hX-dwIv Peachtree »r**t. Joseph Winship, COMMISSION' MF.UCHANT Tint THE TliRI'HA8E, --d Storage of Prodoc op pott* the Wmtera A A lien-' dr Railrnad Depot. November 11 £18*7 dewtf B UHK WHEATFLOrP, Osneburgs, rf ft Bnrj^nr fre^t ixa’.fT r-t :w »I ,>#r Vr-rlt lr S . A ft oJLVGO, ABBOTT A CO. SfpijaLtr. II, UU. . M. B1UKR. HOMCEOPATHIST. n FFlrE»J iiKo('2»* to llr. I’umrx ’i fir*, 'ppiftitf P. iii* Noveajbf-r 19.1-7 dm I i»aUd etse t«i . ri»tt- I >xat« i m j-* Uai, Bs’.r B« »*«r« lsA HI J Imp*. y'fCnJ v'rtstlfa axi l-f'aA!#otfc* » cf« * ^ Vfftec wftfc Bfi • * Y*fl 'Oilwiiw fiat t COOI) James HI Carter, i fiurUf * • *s J. Bslii: A. Oft. , I‘lc*h or. Beet It .Valletta • P. v TQCRS. Foravn t-dinf,’ A L'oinutissian "rr j clmnr. SAVANN AH. OA.. WrUePsxrf’Nrw Rij Sir*#*.—iU’.r!« ! If : \u&Sr<4t, 11*40 A tS. Liberal advances rwrJc on ail coji* iiortmenis. IUHRI.YCR —Tl’>tL. HtUoo, A CV. Jfti*ft 15^*r- *r!l. E*q.. F.oUt K. r*< t ShYftButh. C#*.--S ). B*»*rd. £i^., Haw, lU.; ?. h rtritf. Am.t f««C* i'.riSHlj EXLINC LAMER. lama; BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS I rot tra rtxx orrai Cosmopolitan Art Association: tbs rjucoci OusRcldorf Galcry of Paialln^! Pureheted at a Cast of $1 ?l\000! axd rourni’s world Koomo mrcsor THE GREEK SLAVE!! Rf-parehx*#i tor *lx Usoc^xni 6dttftr», wit* t«, verftJhftftdpftd niixr work# oTmfU in Psdziinf*, S’Xs'FUsrt* xcJ Bfoew, mspripc th« Tmalwau lo U l-T th* teWcriket* of tho Oitmoyo ; i .*4 Art Awcaim, «bo robitriU Ufort ih« ? 5*GiL. f Jfttftxry I5i», ot wUcki limo Utoowordi Ittw# or Srorcjurncv—Rr^ry rvtotWr _ TT* r^VTTigi ^gj iFUKJi>Jii * »U *4*’: 1 KSPXVll \£, t.v.'-r-.-KE. \7 R. SrKRLlNtl L.4NJ E , t»tt of tte U-, .iUtatefUce. ill ol»r livua, Muon, «?• aad U' j Zt*w# 6r £ oicr, Uu of Tu«K<jrt*, A L 10 xoet oil ^ier.di a 11 jom. wbore thv* for two hooired sci . . A * LAX IB ft* Pr»pn»wi. J jrca-icatp.*o!»o u> ft frw »ddomn U tho Dos. T.tftarrn Tolmrrn «*dvrf xnd CoonKfoauo GftDorto ToDacco, louacto, ^for0T«rytood^Un prid, 1ST rvcfttvtxi.‘inxllrv*. \ rrg.-nt*,* briberooconly rrccires ft »fUadid Um Tim*, hh^-^inpn, 8hirti»*r*. Frvtn ihr Mv»ntwir CoU«n M il!*; ri-ur otid Rice; MfliMf* A S)rrp 1QA Kfff Noil*; A Um amine Pandkv, All f>ir 8aU by JOSEPH WIXftHIP. jonnarv ft. l*ft® dtf BUTTER AND CHEESE. A IcdKOE supply on hand of mperkv 4«" S| ' ..quality, aad for axle by JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov 34, 1867 ilawtf SALT. K AA Sacks in store asd for aalo by y)UU JOSEPH WINSHIP. Nov fa, 1867 <Uwtt , „.. jFA6rvRED toOrde?Sourritap Lover Windup'. Ires* Work*. JOS. WINSHIP A 03 Ailaata.No» 36,1887 rwtiw inn! Iron! A LARGE Rtoei cf btoxvah Manual*. A.taiug aad Uin'-og Uanpaay's Iren, conj ataatly on bit’,al Maouforturri* line*, by JOSEPH WJNSBIP November M. 166a daw NOTICE. A LLpsraous talihtid' to tha astata ofO.D. ■TV Parr, lots of iferrey cocaty dccuarad, are re. qaired ta aakatouaadtata payetat and those '•• wadtoWq^to* aooartUt him J k4 ot T<*BACiO. ami-r.g which is t«xe* cf thx ju*lH ctiehrunl lLiad KA NSA* TWIS t . *uo,rior ,o *nv in tbi* • eiQ T FL.-«r. NEW AUCTION HOUSE THOS.’F. LOWE, Whitehol: near Mitchell St, Atlanta Gs l fit parUc .... « • of oE L’.sd# ItCcSiTto, Croeoorv Vt<«rchx:-n«F ftv4 No- pro#», rr i^ftcu'.Kco or Kan-Uj Ot A .*nS (ttntT:f«iiTftuU3di«dax*f mt»t4!f t to. ' i ICifflf’ THF. ftfthmfrxbcr ffujwi cprftlog ft PHiALB £CiUX)L ;» xi!ftftU % u*.»r Mr Jo*** WlKi-i/* la fotnsdj «<*capW hr % Je nceM,*ii{ fu» th* W Bui A' •} i« ibor-icj Lftxt in. •tntctMO* *'U U psrtrft u* i» ‘.jpy, *» iza hrftrfhei u#nft*fy tfti'pfc* Ca Ugh * - * -. ck .rw* B#t KicHiri alfthofttea; Cot x. W. iiojaisved; Tr,! « Jobfta: Joyt» m. k turd. Jftauftrj i,lS« dtw-otf $^10,000 Wanted! A LL ptrrocj ibdtbted \o tfct «cdtrrlge«d will confer a feror by wjikiog harntdiuo pay- iBoat, a# who abac* amove! mat! Uniwi IaCHKIuCTX A SJLLVKY. Pee 25, laid «iwln REMEMBER, S CR exlearitt sttk *f Dry Goods; Clothing. Furnish tag Goods, te., ote n or* offered st issd tricot for cash. Call *od *e* facy relrt*. HUNNICUTT * SUVK Dec 34, US? dwlm WHISKY SEAL offer* fo extra tVjqicr distil rd 4X"hi*ky. ™ * T»byV Soperior " Further, Wibhire-’* A Oliver'# ex'ru “ W M. tt. NEAL offer* f.v bale, fiObbb'e Pike'* Magnolia 'A|k> a lot of Fine Tobacco sad Swear*, bur Wreath. Cob* aod te* before you boy. ffitti), 4iw dollhr eagraviag, bat also, Ik, beeaufally iflaa- Wd TWO DOLLAR ARTJOUR- S Ai. cue year. Race rabeenber is •!*-> preceat- ed with * ewtics:* ia tha awards ef Premrata*. hy w bieb a voidable werk of An. ta Puntiagev rreripiert may be receiecd in edditfc*. thu giving la erery cuiarriber so eqnireleoi to the vail tn dollar*, and > certilawe , Atj or. c! ;V.e Itad.t.g II -Vagsiinee i* fan hbea.iarie^.i-1 Eerreviag aad An JeernaL desired. N« ptrtvn :< K.nriciwJ te a riagbt ehan- Those'takirg 1<« ■-re:sber»h:pe,-''r«m!tdr- 51 are eclitied loan extra Excreting tad ' Fail ranicoLr* of ihe Ariociatloik the -*ri Joarnal, which contain* over « did Engraving*, price fifty rent* per t cfa-cimen c-qiie* will be mat M alt pc: desire to .ubaorihe, ca receipt < itampr U rent*. Address 0. L. DERBY, Actaory I 444 Bswodety. Now f jr . WAT, U. BARNES, Hea^ Ssc'y Dee 24—dlf A ileal*. Georgia. Improved Cotton Gin mm Thrcahlns nachiuc*. TOt sedsreigasd hsviea nmered tkalr t.ijin X treat Mrena Chanty,fto, to Atlanta, tag :,*,• -.o ialwo tawr *U (Atrvn* aad the setSs gesrreUv. ik*t iktr etn co&usa* tha Itaaatsctsrisz cf CMteu bA* 0=1 Wheat Ihrrthtm eultolr ms*2 aitreAre ■tale Their Clalar* wen kawes iBO seirtnaOste treie4ta«eai(ia,8aath<hnltaa,*a4 AUborne.- *£ loporhotTvao*. Uisra*tp|4, North CoraSaa. The, areaaada af the vary tort material* t slim* U *ps*ed ta make tbre* seatexeat ,*J 4aiah>e.Tf yea afsc turret of equal reju doe, mm. w- wiB mU ft* igw #• ftftj Qtktt lifts- * wi wiQ fehw thfttn At cl f« tr»»<fauiii»fc OoaUftcU a>yl with our LiTKi3i or loeftUcftBU, ftr\j <fe*et ordar*. "-' v k —‘ ' —^ ft# totbftruod matt of woitb* WV All Gifts vmrtftfttod Vo »«fono wWL JUj Uf ax Abort .ftUMftsdtft ik oooWfttr. _ jwph mstar a co dank aukncv " Mo J^for Ii. Bonl <tf Cfmdm SOu^iM. OOc. »l HaIIoos A_ Robta4»y ^^ytr Fjjjsssassjsa»53J} i 4