The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, January 27, 1858, Image 1

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AND . '“ ERROR CEASES TO BE IM.NGKKUUS WHK - •«* ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, » Sqilil'7 Metlifleneef. & ■£%!#>> DAILY Sc WEEKLY. ' DUNCAN &LOOHRANE tkaui of ib*»obiptiob. 2 Dally InUUiganear, par aaaum to •ivanita, •* Waakly, “ CraheUrwi ©(wtot*» Georgia BaSlRoad^BMking Company Auguata to'AUanta.. 171 Milea.. Fare Ijl5 60. GEORGE YONCIE, Superintendent AATKI Of1DV8BTWIAO. AdvartUIng In fta.DaUy InUtligonoM will ha lraartedat tha following ratal par « f UD tlaea. eo«u. $1 00 1 26 1 60 1 16 <1 00 On* month, Two, “ Thro# * Poor, " Six, “ Oho you, 15 00 0 00 10 00 12 00 16 00 *26-00 Ono Inoortton, Two : “ Thtoo, “ foul,-. “ tin, » loanraag— . ..... Special contract. wW;ho»ad. foryouly *d»u tliomanta oocnpylnga'qnartar. holf or whole '^a- litorHionotli from trunilont porooni molt ho paid In advance. ■ •• . _ Logoi oirortUomonU publlihodot,tho mm wtSfoblUiAry notlco.8Xo«»dingUnHn« oharg od m udrartUamante. AnnouncingeandidaUa lor offiflt, IS 00, to bo paid In advance. "wh’Jadv^fil.amentiiirqordered In taththo Dolly, and Wookly, 26 por ant. wUl bo oddoa 1 Vh'o' nriTlUM of'Voorly adv.rtUer. U -irUtlf Rmiw' to tfal! inn immodloto and regular b Protolurtonal Oud» notoxooodlngilx llaol, *16 ^*. r . t , n . n ,BotipooISodalto tlmowlll bo pubUabod till ordorod out and ohugod at rogular , *AdTortliomonti Imortod In tho. Wookly papor oolT will bo ohuxod at formo^atoa NEWAMBROTYPE and PHOTOGRAPHIC. GALLERY. Markhams N«w Iron Front BuIldlnRi Whitohsl 8tr4«t, Atlanta,'Georgia, n jt a COOPKH wouM rospeclfoUy Inform kls |8SHK» Do,Jh now P»pa»4 to prtana. th. m»’.t utl“o ooi Ufo-Uk. rfoturm no. mode to h «^r.a” S?«old»ytolMrM»dWhrttbiy taw;«.oftb.but.rr.o,.lfr “4 R14o «•'*»> 00.(0... IM oftta Urjirt «4'*»«t Cm.™*,, .Iw Manama Pamixubi Taxtx, 1 Leave. Atlanta uoilyot.........1000 A.M. Arrive. ot Angutta, ot 7 1*0 P. M. I,*av» Aueuetn, dtl'y ot .2 SO A. M. Arriroi ot Allan'*, of... 11 3® A. M. Kvx.visii P*SSXN0!R Toils. ' eevee Allotita. doily, ot I* tl® P. M. Arrive# at A ugurla.. ot 8 6® A. M. loim Auguata, dally, ot........4 <M> P. M. Arriveaat At'anta it 1 04.A. M. XT Thia Rood runi in connection with the Traim of tbo South Carolina and'*he Harm- nab and Anguila Railroadi, at Auguata.. Western & AtiantiolstateTSail Hoad. Atlanta to Cbattanooga, 138 Miles, Fare $5. Courts cf this Stole. Careful attention p'«id to the invrutifaiing of Land Titles, to the buying, relling and lo cating of Land Certificates. Promptness given to the collection of all claims. RxyxREsergt—Hon. Win. fteldcn, Wash ington, UC; A Austin fimi'h, Wsriiingtun. U Hon Win Wraith, VVaahingWi. L) C; Hun K Johnson, Baltimore, Md; l»ov IVtr. Exiou, Wtrrerr >n, N C; Rev Rd Johnson, Atlanta, Oa; W W Gaines, New t’rleans, La. TtX4s Kxfxrkmoxb—JJon P H Bell. Wan Antonio; Judge Faachal, .Van Antonio; JutLe G W Paschal, Austin; Hon P W Gray, Houi* ton; Perkins At Kecch, Houston. jariusry 7,1858. dwly JOHN W. LEWIS, SupsrintenJent. pAflsrffaitB Train, Leaves Atlanta, daily, at I 46 A. M. Arrives at Chattanooga at. ... .9 45 A- M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at.... 1 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9 33 A. M *N t ioht Passenger Train, Leaves Atlanta, nightly at....... 12 30 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 8 18 P. M Leaves Chattanooga, ni -fitly, at. .3 10 P. M Arrives at Atlanta at 11 22 P. M 137* This Road connect* oa:fi way with the tRorae Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee dc Georgia ''abroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad at Clint anooga, ^ Atlanta* Lagrange Bail Read.* lo Wet Point. H7 Mile*,.Fire $3 60 UEOROBO. HULL, Superintend.nt. Momenta Pa6srxokii Txaik. Leer.. Atlanta d.ilr at 2 00 A. M Arrire. at Weat Point at........7 0® A. M Leure. WestTeiot daily at 4 00 A. M Arrire. .1 Atlanta at •UR A. M Evemno Fahskkuru Train. Learr. at daily at I 00 P. M. Arrive* at Writ Pilot at 6 2S ,*. M Leave* Weat Point daily at 4 30 P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at in IS J" M or Tbit Road connect, each way willi the Mqntgomeiy A Weat Point Hailroad MACON A WESTERN R. R MAHON. December 14th, 1H57., 1T.M II. A. COOVKR. J. 8. IJtQWARP^ notice. D URING my abaenc* from the State,Loh John Oollier will Ml gilanuuy 1®. l»M dw6ra Seed! Seed! Seed! Garden Seed. WE have, a* nmal. got out our large afock of Garden Seed. and ___Atbiwo who have bought of ua here tX*™tteat to their 8no qoqH'!*?; chant* from the country, w * P» rt, t c "lV' r Wo vlto and bopo to aecure the r trade, we wouldX..£ a liberal .bar. of patron.,, from our cltixen. EZZARD dir CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE, On and alter Friday the 18th the trains will be run ar follows: Leave Macon l a, m. arr Atlanta 8 16 Leave Macon II 30 a m arr Atlanta 6 20 pm eav* Atlanta 12 night, a.r Macon 7.16 a in. Leave Atlanta 12 m. arrive at Macon 5.1 Op,m The night train.will ml he run on Sundoya. The nlgb*. fain from Atlanta connects with the Central Road at 9,46, ant! the South-Western at 11,30 e.m,al»o with the Al bany train, tri-weeklr, which leave. Macon 7,|6 a. m,on Monday*, Wednesday, and Fri day!. The noon train connect! with the ('entral Road at 11^30 p.m.' and Houtb-tveatern R. for Albany and C-dumbuaet 100 a. m, ALFRED L. rvgJER, Sup't. Dre 23.18®7 dAw. Januarv 18, 1858 NOTICE. T HE Sheriff'. Sale* of Union county, now pub'iahed in tbo Intell.gencer * Examinr ar at AilanU, Georgia, will hereafter !»■ pu!>- liahed in the Mountain 18ignal, published at D ‘ h, SA&liBL Sf’WILEY. Deputy Sheriff Of Union County, Georgia. January 16,1868 " lf FOR SALE... . . , A LARGE asaoilmont of Virginia Leaf Tobacco, varying in price and quality, at retaifand whelarala, as cheap as the cheapest 8 J. 8HAOKELFORD Ag*. Nov 14, 1857 dtf 6^*£>5. ytiififig Zstqblbtyqeffts. JAMES M- SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW twusrox, Tims, W ILL practice in the District and In'er- iur.C - DR. T. S. POWELL,’ O FFICE over Smith A Kstard's Eru . Store, ' IN i ELLIGENCEK & EXAMINER JOB OFFICE ! THR PaOPIllKTOflt , having rs^snlly a44«d to th« JOB DEPA.BTICBVT df tho BiUb liibtaonta LAEGB and VABIBl* orimtot of th« LatertStyl+r of PLAIN AMD FARCY -ro prepared to ezeeuto In a neat and workman, ko manner, ovary description of r P Articular attention will bo g| tod to the Print where Bv can *. o fuuad du iog the day, andj| 0 j 0 f at nigh*, nth's resldenceon tbo corno.* ol'CnlUn* and Jo* ea Street*. Atla. ta, Jan* 20, 1868 dw5m w. A. Junvb. «• »• UOYT J O N E S’&tH OYT, .•ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I'fftce in Kilc’a Building, Corner of Marietta and Peach-tree 8treats, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Jan 13 d2m 4“ T. IIACKETTrvi'ri iRKEV AT f\ t LAW, Hingg<Jtl,Ueurgia, *>ll practice in the following cutiriuSs: Cotimsa. Chatt»«gaii Murray Gilmer, WffluSeld, G.wlon, Walkcr Dade. Urfertnee«t Msj. W. Y Hansell. Mari etta, ilanse!l & b'impaon, Marietta, J-imn R' Lawhon, Esq , Dahlonega. particular attention paid tn the cntreli ng business. May 78, 1857 d*wty J OHN Y. HK.lUlh- ATTGIINEV AT LAW,—Colquitt, Miller,e» Georgia. march 0 1867 wlv L OCIJKANK A. LA MAH —Al- TORSIES AT LA W-Maom Georgia. 1) A. LuCHHAM. J. 1.A1H». Having associated themseive.a in husinew will devotu them--Ives eiclusivciy to the practice of thci-i -pr.Mes-iun |WHt3.lwray ILI.IAM ill. U.4NFORTH— W IL ATffipRNEX AT LAW—Kairbuin, Circulari, Wav Bill*, Blank Kotai. Bill Head), Blank Deeds, • Bank Cheek*, Programme*, Btuine** Card*, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, Ac. Wo -eipoetfully lolieit tho potronago of oar friend? in tho city and country, and M»are them tba tali order? will bo promptly and uniisfaetorily attended to. 6itij flciberiig^l'Depis. High, Peters k Co. COMMISSIOV MEECHAHT8. rua vat rcacaaa* asn sale or TENNESSEE PRODUCE, COTTON, OHOCKRIES, Ae., Alabama Street, (-SvuU ofXbt lUoot t tr»*t*rn Oryol,) i • A tlanta, Georgia New Stock Coining In •©"MTMosal GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A T W. IIERBINO & SON’S Clothing Maoa Jifartory ud Merchant TaBoricg wt^bii-b ment, for Fall and Vinter, all tho latent One of tbobest itoeka of Cloth*. Caa?im>cret sr a Vovting* in Georgia, from which fotruko a Pelec- tion. Sbiru, Drawer*, Under Oorment*, Cravau. Dent’d Hodiery, Giore*, Traveling Bhawii and Blanket*. Tailor** Trimming*, Ac., for raloottbe Jowtn | p Ice*, to tbeco*A trade, at W- IIKRBrNG A SON’S. 4® Wbileitll iL, Atlanta, Oa. ! Al/o agent* for Six.gtr* Sewing Maebuiet. — I Cut) ^5beriigeiT)e^. j 3V)edjci &3beMigeh)ei?i ' ClarkeA UrubT' ^ ■ 4 CONfiTAST.' dnpply of 'tba Jn*t!y ea)*6ata4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. S ■ l: r '' ltf - SA ?/*■*'• »l^«al»ar4r.imi An, Agent® for collectiMi-. of all kind.,! And Dealer* lx* BIS® UBS, KKB 0? ill LbU. : OROCKGIIiS. AC Atttmt HeUad t 09 Wbiirbell ^ A tBuHaM*. UhI and G*!rt.'alw*Y* ue. attwuowo paiito<sW»ngAXs«*Arrt *'*" ' , u-+x.ny:»s. tJrocr* *i>y wkitri, at i * REED BAULKY! J CST reciista, a Srst rate uti le of Barley lot br*4. frlta, II ptr testa. fept. r. dtf. CLAEKg 4 GKCBB. Just Received. r PJ!E f* nan, aadoSen tee 1. a; Ur* jr//t Tfc* D-ikmcf art4e>a. 3 Cn-L- rax I.inaeed Oil, (English 2 “ V/iilesl M “ do 0. - xinter itrair/A r Tre »pr’m Oi 2 M “ xhialeOi 20 Bbl*. tronuine Oi! ^ ^ Tannen. Who wants«ry Rye. Ctart* k Gniirfc h*4 J&if tn*:^ U tf -t ••**■.. whitJ. tbcj «:.l uii 'Ss* w 1«SL w Li>k«y, jo* 2UricciT»f oiid fur’wut > *• ^ AP.KK A GKUBB. .. , r __ y '" 1 —|gS if),000 lbs^White l^d, assorted. Wlairkt-y !■ Yi hiskej ! VV luOury t "v LA it K rl i GKUBit Lore ju*t received 54 Extra Copper Di?t.lied Core \YK. C LGfil.VjdjN Ci. P. Eddy k Co., (8CCCK3SOR3TOC R. lU.Vl.EITiJfk CO.) m, 193 hd Tmd Painting office. AND Bools.*!BlzLclbry» Comer of H hitchall and Alabama tie., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. O. P. EDDY & C.0;.> T_J*ving just added to their xl former aztomive aaiort. ment of B0 0 K and JOB TYPE, CUTS, 0RNA MENT8, Ac., a very large Tariety of new material*, of t\clnte$tttyln, together witl one of Hoe'acelebrated Cylinder Preaeee, d tbar^heretofore, to give Georgiii. July 25, 1857. l ewtf UNOBaWQOO-K ll.VUt IS, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, . . . . . Georgia. O rriCK.on yhltsSBarrastav.r A W lljlIUJ.w- slry Store. March l -tb, IS67. Hon. W. II. UNDkRW/yt LUTHER J. GLENN Attorney at Law, Atlanta,' Georgia. ire more fully propored diipetch to all order* fur work in tbeirline—which they will ezecote in theboctitjle of the art, nt fair price* for Ctlh. Particahr attentloa paid to the execntlon o* j FINK-WCRK fur Railroad and'othcr JolntStock ; CARRIAGE REPOSITORY A8]9inlsg the 'cerner of Ala. 4 Loyd Bn eel/, A tl/uata, G-o. ROB> Tg II . MAY, Savina removed his CAKP.1AOK HBP0S1TOHY to the above eUgi-C ole stand opposite the WasbingtoaJ Wallace A Robinson Ho sin aborted 7a?nia!i98. 1)5 per ceoi AeosoL Burning Field. Camp'hcne. Spirits Turpentine. 150 Boies Glasa, assorted 3iica. ^.Braibei, colored Point*, osd oil for Polatetz* om. Far uU by yqy 9. W7. A HBA! » mp®m im. The dineovory of thiz WriHsf Plate vu tie reeait of chcraicoJ ocridoat. IXjirptfM all eth- i^iiiion to color, daraHKt/ tad ooey rain water. It ehoold net be aired wish ctfce* Ink*, Lotaivayi be pot into clem bottler MM* itefA ccrkfri from the tlr when iot la coo. lbia • Hall, and enlarged hit focUitie«,i? prepared tor! fill all order* with which he may be favored, oc • - u good term* a* eac be obtained in Aoguri* or j Savaanab, with the addition of Freight. » ! Hitfctock enibrac* Carriage#, 4andf»*e*tRockaw Fall Top* do, Pa^ieei, fjdlar Wagon*, Corn**#, Cone jrd Buggiei, , Slide SexU do., With and withoat Top, Top Baggie*, No Top do., Whip*, de., , ! Tr . t _ ,,,, fo of the best macafaa- ! J .... k ’ * u • r ture and latcit ftyle ; — - A «hare of patron-' NEW BACON age l* retpectfidiy aoiicited. 4 ~y *r -f drime vt ir.> * > b?cr>n or Dfder* for Family or Plantation Wagom . Y.. , _\ e C0.MMISS10N E MtRCHANT3, AND LEALEES IN ,_ r TENNESSEE PRO I)U C E! Irk wi2 not eorrode the ateel pea, ood m n m4 be Wt give rpedal alter.ti r. !• the ttie c f Boclx. ) ta iu quality by any ink maaeta«Utred Lcrd, Tihor, Grass,, Td->.:-ro f lc., Ac. '■ in Earope cr America. Cccr.n.xcuf rerpcr.fc’.v • : -i>d. ! Orden arc rwpwiaUy aclicited, at we wffl Pr- icpt *tt*oriot rni »• « arh X rdcn : put &p the above Ink u low at our ofice, a* h : *£ it pot op ta Phila^pt l o, Bortoc* sr NY. . ., ^5^ Slade only hr Dre. Bigger* A tixL'd, At* * %. • v i ato. Go. at oil the book storm. ! .Marea5. o.iTPSStS BjX u baeut. WEIEEEY' WSISKET: ! a^;;H * a:.. aCE L r. COEN K£AL it 1 PiAno Font E^palrei and Toner other vehicles Oiled a: ibor; nntfte. We are also agon! for Norwood * Robin.' Patent Fan. Atlanta, (la.. DeelL.DwA. AlittVCB 4 ROBl.Ns Dlf dtf NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY -ANU- r LARD I LARD ! « and htm-fv. a’. I w d-wn price*, 1 WALLACE dr ROJMNVti.V rlf;|K5P d'f of betixen, each at reg- ) aiitfe? of action, eorecing of boat* 1 i tsert,(ftktd or baffedj'; laying of cewttriagi Vf t the ocUTe, whole or *:ngle. 4c. Saiiafacnoxt given is every ir.Waace cr ■« ; ebarge. All werk warranted. ; Tnwlwg by the Year done *c Rf«Jnc«d Prleta. j 1 All order* ihculi be leA al Me*ert. WiJ- ! iiAC? 1 Fnrnitsre Store, oa Peachtree it, Allan* to, tCT. 25, *15, dwly, Ba co u - El o ur-C aru-Pca*-0 at j { WiUattend the Court# In tho Countie? of Ful ton, DoKalb, Fayetto, Campbell, Meriwether, CoweUi,OarToll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb,and Spald^og.~*■ , X* j Companlei, Tramportatlon Agent?, Banki, Col* lege* trad School*, Attorney*, Public Offiecr MorcbanU, and other*. , Booki, P&mphleU, Catalogue!, Circulars, Cards, Promissory Holes, Blank Deeds, Chocks Way Bills, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills Potters, Ac., executed at short notice. Printing in Gold end Sii.vxx Baoirss anil Favct Colokxd Iaxa, cron Vellum, Satlt Ma*Hn, 4c., done In beautiful ityle. IlaTing likewi*! eocnicted a Hook-Hlndery with their Printing Esubliihment, they are pre- pa.*ed tf* ozccute order* for every description cf Nevr Route to the Soutli> l Ve» UflmphU k Charleston Rail Road Computed ! Connecting Chattanooga, Tena.; Charleston, S. 0.; Savannah, Go.; and all North-Eastern Cities, with Memphis, Tenn. ^3f*The last connecting Link ef Rail-Rood between New York and tho .Mississippi RtTdH DU. L, J. HOIIKHT*. Medical & Surgical Practitioner, Marietta, Georgia. Office at hisrosldence. G. .1. WIUGUT. A L t 0 r 11 e y at Law, Albany, Georgia. May 16. 1S5L_ ' DOWNING HILL eym/emm „ mllE aubaribara offer »t wholesale nr rylatl, I . fury exlanaiv* collection of Fruit rreea, tTrono " nfillBH the rejtnlar tranipnrtatlon ot Paasengors and Freight, and will afford more expedition and tear expense, than any other route between the North East and South-West. Passengers and shipper* them- Calnlofnr'aenl by mail lo all applicant.. ■alvei accordingly." Faraengei Train, leave Stevenson dally at 12 o'clock, A. M„ (after tha arrival ef the train, free! eh * r f > , BTER8)HARDEN * CO, AtlanM, Georgia. d4m November 9.1867 NEGRO SHOPS! , CHE AP I OHBAPH ^ . no THOSE WANTING A PR1ME fg> f 81 sre wHll aay that we now have l» ilora W aheavy Btook, and all ot our own Manufaetoring which wa wtir iell atUn cenU a pair lowar than any hooae In Ihla city will a.1 aa good aa artlela -tampaUUonw.dalYMth.rln . Yankee Made, Georgia Made, Homermade, or anv othar mak*, and warrant tham aa good a* arUolIa»hu.T.rbtan offatadln UUa oarkat or Stata. All kind, of ■_ _ proporiSnaiifyetaap a^warrantS p Xiiffoodapurchitredofuawapalrad fraaofeharga Al£«lgn ef^BIO BOOT, Paaehtrta Strait Atlanta Q.w.ln- DnJIUKi jqtqb. A 00 BROWN’S HOTEL, [Oppoaito the Paaaenger D-pohji MAOOWi GEORGIA B! F.. bAoWN a B. I8AAC8, Proprletrra B- F. PEN8B, Bnporintandanl. Jan 17 tUwlr Do yon Want to Buy BOOKS! Do you Want Cheap BOOKS 1 Do you Pay,CASH for BOOkS! Come HBBB to got your BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOK8I ! T HE 8UB8GRIBF.R h»» on band, (and ia daily receiring additluna Ihtrato,) one of UJ. largrat aid most extenaivo .lock oftkhool and M iaeellaneoua Dooka In tb«8t»^ which ha offer* for tali upon *h* mod raaaonaHe lerma-ConaWing to part ol 8mitha, Olmated. Bulliona. Andrawat Awlbona, fatkera. Com- atocka. Phalpa, (Ooodrich'a) Angela, Town*, iiiitallV01tara.8e,l^ ^OojpnrWn* Bn*. U.h and Ulin Grammar*. Engllah ra*J*ra,»nd s£s.“SL*;''sSwtt^ wssmmB, ISB-f SB Tbla Read la now eomplated,' and opened for —"ttr—' ■ ~gg| will “taka lua notlco thareof, and govern S and-Ni y at 7, P. M., connecting wish Firat’Clara Steam Packet, to New Orleans, and alt athar Important points upon the Weatern riv er..* Hoods consigned to Uoil-Koad Agents at Charleston »r Savannah, will bo forwarded lo Momphla and othar point*, by Express Freight Tralna. mgr Freight in charge of the Adam'a Express Company, Is earrled orar this route dally, by the Passenger Tralna. ' F. 0. ARMS, General Sup’t. Hnnlarilla, Ala., April lit, 1867. •Through Ticket, to Mompbls, Ac,, sold at Wilmington, N. C.; Charleston, S. C.; Augusta. Savannah, Maeon, Atlanta and Columhns, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.; Chattanooga and NaihvlUei Two. Wm.To eonnoot with the Western Trains t la Road, paaaangara will taka the Night Trains -- - - Chattanooga from Wilmington, N. 0.) Augusta, and NaahvUI*, Term.; and tho day tralna from Gharleatoa and KingarUla, S. C.; and AUanta, Ota April let. dtf. 8MITH A FRANKLIN, JVodaee and Comrofsnsn A/srcAonSs, ohd-/)sa.Vrs ip. Family and PhuUalim Umcnrt, ft. Marietta Htreot Atlanta, Georgia ), H. *MITtt. A. r. FRANKI.IN SMITH & FRANKLIN, WOULD rfipoctfall/aonooDC®* t« ho citato* of Atlaata ao.l •tort, a syfemlid stock of P*4*V._._._ Ji which the art offtriof at pr lost, that will comp*-!# with any botuv io ths eltj, ai»4 oak athar* of pat TC Th*J'wlU giva apodal attantlon to thf #aU ofBa •o, Lard. Hour, Grain, Tobacco, 4c., ko. Cnuaffoacat* mpeotfuy aoUdtcd. a^frompt altaatioa riven to Cash Ordort. Hror* on Marietta itrvst, in tba building fornirrly ecuptad by C; D. Parr.,, D»camhtrl2,184T •■-:y.:,dwt aoDackoges Olaga Wore, Just'Rcooivcd B' (Sill Y tho Suhaaiber of the moat modern' i e'ylea, and will bo tald 26 per cent than I have ever before been able Until Tot Cash. Alta, China and tjuesni Ware, Plated Caetora. Plated Candlecticlu, Fo'ike, Hpoona, Tea Sella, Britain do, China Flown Vase*, Ac- to which I would invite the at tention of my former patrona and eapecially the l.adie* to call and (xaminc, T. R. RIPLEY Nov. 18. 1857 dtf LAND NEAR ATLANTA s.a &!i WiU. A. IIAKKIS. Attorney a t Law Isabella, Worth Co., Geetgia. Refer* to—Muj. J. L. llarri*, .Millod^aville ; lion. A. II. Unnjell, Thom.uviUa; Miller k Ilall, Oglethorpe; Hon. K. II. Clark, Macon; Col. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. June 2-dty. JAHEIJ fit >V IN W11 IT A HER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. OfBec, front rooms over J. U. A C. II. Wal- lace's fltore. corner Whitehall and Alabama rts, May 28. 1867. ill A R K j oil N STO N, Attorney at Law, Curtersvillc Georgia Keb.28. 1856. l &w i! ATLANTA, GA. T IlKfubscriberwouldlniom tb*cltioen#<»f At j lints and vicinity tbai he ha> eonrtantlv on [ V/e hand, at his Confectionery an d Baking eeubfisb-. Bsi.k- ment, all kind* of Confections. Pastries, Fruits Ac So t i « l t^Ioucy Ron?lit. *■ the ' o*.c* ni ;b- Tccdc*f ri.t»;rky x.v< N*»w »V»etns. SE s f :OrVt 1 Ha I# also prepared to furniib every decAiption ; d ornamental Cakes, for weddiup or i rTV i“57 and BLANK B0 style superior to any ever before done tn tbi* sec tion of the State. Thei^Toils being all new and of tbc latest patterns, their Stock of moleriiti the best the Nortnsrn market? afford, and their work- men equal to any in the Sooth, they feel confident of their ability to give entire, satisfaction, and oonaoqnently hare no hesitancy in soliciting the patronage of their friend* and the pablie. kift*6rderf for work, in oither deportment ot ri)eirbuiinef# f from any part of Ooorpa and neighboring State*, will meet with prompt atien tlon. Atlanta Oa. Psb. 3i. !557. (dlwly.) %o<*#»nxac^ating | of plain an< partie*, at short notice, and Imported wine, and bra-lias of all dsscriptions I -- for medical purposes,kep. elwe ..... ; i .tivis {■*,4 new Tencaecea Beeom. t,W^ lb*, goof Superfine Flour, t,W4 bo*kclt r«aod White.Cora, fifiti "ucuhtu S o. 1 Pea* for nlodgnc, 44)« bufheD Black Baal Oars, 736 butbclx gC/M Wh’U Cora MtiL • Th« sbore arusVes wul be sold at fair naarkat Wise it>r Co-'Il or gtw>i Si or €4 day ootex. My prartic-ufe is very large, ax-4 I wHJ Storaau kitii Frodari*ct law met. {AH produce left with J. v* safe fo&a £ream aaay etherW*»— Besrt 1c tU city, and can be iararcJ H darirad. / C.D. FAKBCS h\rrb ix- FrWaeeBra for medical porporer.kep. alwayr on hand.'Alse, j oih.t lime .;iu .r.l, SiScSi (ititn bj i T gannlne Ppenirt Ctffara, -fid ehole*ehawltrTo- r „ Uti a.;. U f.Ui at fc!*. {.-Irra. lr \\ bocoo—together with s large awortmant of Toys,! •>.. A. a* CO. Bin*? Krc I.iinr. Amu hr IL'C sale of Mr. R L Rog f an'firk- qasIitr'tVlT 0*J|A A IF1C TXOBl" ^ TTT £ axe new receiving a tar I' lu of tioie I .rath- rram«h..hta. 1 *PS«# belaid in s fine ftcck of Fancy Article#and ere* J * 4K u ~- 4 < —— * - ofactory be wpuld ; nforo county dealer* that he i» 1 no-*, prepared to furuiih candies at whrieaaleat 5C > :*ealrr* cents per pound. ! %t>c M Order secompanied with the cash or good city . no* . referenoe#promptly atuaded to. * , L. VALENTINO. . *im*i*~ ri Atlanta. Nov. t dtb 545 4*»-r : pr-r- crytbing connaetec with the Boot acd Ml ;>:n£-es l which wib be eold al low prices A:- <ra*rt are<ar*paaied with Cash wifl b* \ -srocpDy with fcod Gocris, and at kwr } rsL-s—at the Sign ot the Big Bo»l, I’csehtne* ! rtreci, Cberokc%* Back. j apsAdtr nrvrcKAMCx. &TJJaJSrXVTJTLT2l Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! Of all Descriptions. B L AN K 80F AI.ImB8GRIISriON8.ean be had at all time., at the FIKVITI'R E!! TBE inbieribcrr have cn hand fy land are now opening a Urge and Vefe carefully selected Stock from the M* •NonLorn Maaufactorie*. 8ef.ttmV< *f. r.:* X Bcrtiv-r rSafe*. :fa ii at St r \ .>** ; r.**»•* rv y . A. I Cts. SEAOO, AF/DOTT k CO. . 11, U57. " •' ( pholaterine and Mattra** «» tablii ~ Beit Safes, \r Wardrobe#, Bureau#, Sac re Ur ;#, Waihsundi, Bed.*tesd# and | 'hair* of any de*lred pattern *nd price OK. ...M. tikur.R, 1 HOM CEOPATHIST. ' rv FFIGE-and Or. l'oin.-;j . S - j i l / fiev. r-p'i-vrttf Petti* 1 N cn eojin’r 20, 1S5T uivciy j HhtncnL ; 1 .IZ icbaenVr tu » s \uj>i. *t*i tuit i firrviae t* er'e*. aU \i%ie aorf c* j MkTUfrom vhe el-rap nisex aa4 ' :#tha yurt Ct'JUXO IUIJ* MatL-MMo. war i nyeno: u m.j arv.t** *-rtr rffendld !«» I Ur* k.a^ta h»>s. Rr**:«.-» a»4 F!l #i«ralspring C«»eket ui t-caag#*. xaotbe • iw>cvr*.te«ar*l?pri9g w-.ti M •>«■«'■ wince to jrieax#tiiw*e food James M. Car®. • T^rgATti, t? C;Su^?* eV r tt*rs Hiir, Ccik. 1 Attornicx, NherilD, Clerks of Courts, ar.J | assortment ot Centre,.Work, Saloon and Toiicrte j Ordinaries, can l»e fuTni*hcd,[at short notice, i Table#—Etogere**,Corner and Side—S«ifs*, Tctc- • an, fomri/r form «f,DEED. WRIT, nr i'KO .i»T«te. Jte. : CESS which the,- tn.jrdv.irf ; and all FnRMS ^*! n the ahev. large vtevi,.. j ol legal in.trumvnra. cnmmonl, intrae; art »l-iBpr^'SftSSS!-,. T .Vr ubl,c ways on hand, to bo sold at the lowcyt pricer. P. O. HAHPKH, Attorney a.t L a w , We«t Point, Georgia April IS, 1866. dAall lllltcHlu* & Yotiug, Attorneys at Law, LawrcnccvUlo, V Georgia. Will practicft in the fountlrr of Ovrltii. It. Hall Walton, Forrvth and HcKalli. An, l.urine.r on. trusted to their care will ta rocelvod with plear- ura and atteadol to nromprl,. viTir , vm n I SATHASIKL 11. HUTCHINS,.Jr. ISAAC M. YOUNG. Juljr 27; 1667. 1 \V. T. C, Oaiuiibell QURGK0N andMccbanifal Den- tlanta. 61 E. M. SEABO vited to call and examine our rtock. F. A. A J 5 WILLIAMS. Next Ooor to Gilbert * Clarke, P«»cktT** *t.. uUtu, Ga* SCCCJXSOR TO <KA0O k LAWRENCE WILL OOSTISUE THK'PROfiVCK COM MISSION BUSINESS, AT HIS SEW COMMODIOUS FIRE PROOF BUILDING, Front of Atlanta Itatel. and next door to F jltoo Boom, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. t3.Thea«aal Faeillti#»oflfred to Skipper*, iirder* •pectfttlly*ohelte»t. (k-t. lftth ID#. (d.kwly.) A GREAT V'ARIETY. Otlite, orr prepared t.> perform all oporationr In tin in prufoa-iion with dnrahlllt, and ahilU sO-Offieo over Atoiandera DrugStoro, White Uilit.. W. T. C. CAMPBELL. 0. P. CAMTUKLI,. Atlanta, Jan. i? At! D R, 2t. T, EULIA.UI having rv turnol lr»in a visit ta Virginia will rv- ■uino the practice of hia proloaaion in the city of Atlanta and iu vicinity. Can Ire four d at lti»tlflrf at all boura.ricept when profraainjallj engagial. EV Office WASHINGTON HAUL acplhdwtf ■HBi Itnrning Fluid! a. ONEbntandacmof (.id near atUn P<a,lvloghatarrea PracMrr.anO Martrlti • Roaii, li o(7*i—rt (or gala, that* ar* ring ’eetaeaf ear, krav, UmWr, (ortr eerveof " at cleared (end, about thfrtj «tree ar* fftra hu4tv/atarca ; Pan. » I8»7. , tael eebctlon, braldn tta a HIU. frre a. oa* 1. (00*4 FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER TERMS LOW FOR oasis:.: T. li. RIPLEY. P, S.—A liberal discount by tie Bbl. Wyil-t —- abovv, there lee* I ujrntan. A goal (aryidn will ba atm. 'I’OKTaNT JNFUHM-.TI'>N, by | “ ' lie* may I r JL 1 which much euffariui infam»1ir»m*j iw —■ w^jaf 8 ^--1 100 Prachrr fa, fOffntafecb. 62 1‘luma era-a, 37 J. ct nr* fafh 3® Apricot Trrra, <0 cent*, facb ;^ t'lifcetvK‘46 genii, each S8 \ pple trffe, 2 r fenu each l( Petal.n l.ilark, 35 emu. rarh 1300 Strawherr, Flanu, I ernt earhv 21 Dot. fra’rant narklhu.t $1 d.rtan 40 Hit. fragirnt Ji.uquiH 75 eenta. do 25 ILu. Houhba T.''ipt. $2 doa. • 20 lloa. Poalibv HfaurtH $2 dcr 26 Dot fragrant Iris $1 dct. Varietica ofStrawberrie*. tniird. . Horaya Stfdling. Early bcat'et. Rrilta tdoofn Napoleon. Wa.hington. Nc /tan. For »alf at the Auction Janl. I AM—dtf THOM AS F. 1.0 WE. Atlanta Female Cote. 3 ITUE THIRD8E8SION oflhia I Irwtitution vr'll com nem-e ton ON DAV. the 18th in>l- We have sued up thf haaentent of the' I’rr.bytrrr.m Church with e new ffxr. end new dfekt. affording a much mote eonunodi- oua and comfortah'f ru.rm than tho one occu pied tart year. We Wik occupy thra M.'m trmionrtly till arrangntenta f >u t>« fomplflf.1 lor Meeting permanent College Building*. Trim# Oioaame a» hvtftolorf pahli.hoi. Jan 13 d&w3m J. II ROGERS. Pns Wrapping Paper. LARGE loLjual reeeivfd of all aim and ile low. by. . WR KAY, AgaM ^\qual iiea, and lot .ale low. b, _ . -/Jai lattOfiB KSa Ian 22. dwtf ha avoided, aenlta married men and (how I ■ contemplaling marriage. Addreaa on- X rwMEamwum, Or U. W riUUlhCOJ5 B *Yi Nov* 12,1,1867 d&trtm VERY fine awortnuot of tha above, juai ta band on cOtaUnmant. Price (opr iNaw Book Star*, by Ji0ta,4wtf \vU. KAY, djtat. .Bnrlnl Caaea. 'Iff ace prepare 1 to furni.o Firk'r Mecaliir Burr' at Caaea, at abort notice. We have aerureJ the j wrleo* of a comrwtont person lo auand to thi# de* p&tawcu F. A. * J. S. WILLIAMS, j Nor ? c . 'o#U4wl» Pear hirer *r**L A 6w Korvvarriius At Cumiuiasion Her-j BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS I rlimif. . pcicstb vtut or rat savannah.oa.. iosmopoUtan Art Association. •Tie J-ava* Nm fls-r^latflv eerap- | «, fAMon , P. S. Liberal aoJr on aii cm.l Duivpldorf Gulcry of Painting*! aimmenU. j ' Purchased ct a Cost or'SISO.OCO.' KffnjlESTr^ —-allaa, Kw.c--. k C. . .'ctaJefet-1 . . - «~,vw. b f...q r.., F.taeran c» Ay i asp roerrj. a vroniji tewtm mrca«* J Sam. «a . C. H O-.-r 1-c .mrv j THE GREEK SLAVE!! CM-Vp raa to >. i p,e-parcoared for ux Lboaaaci aotiari, vii* aa. i it.-..- hundred e ther .arks of art, in Pafaliagt, ' eea-r-riirw as i Br*, cotapriaa the Fraaalaaaa ;e aa.nifd by the KbragiWra cf the Octa-vpo- ntuvo LaNJUt. eJV SC\ ’ . \ XjJh.jkO.jh t -=r'r>7TF?-E iniKUbatr.' Jt 1 <t-'V S-Sf*, T.‘V-uK. Joseph Hinship, cier Uohaa, Macon,. '-.r.;,T..-r La* AJr.-ciat:<». who avheenbe before ta* fvhrf Janaarr 1?>J, as ohleh time taeeaarda • idiahcpUcf. - Is nil cr Sctscasmoa—Every aaheeriher GOMMjresiON mkrchant. FOR THE PURCHASESEKfe |8a. • »"d Ftarage or' Prod tier .k**WI ! •pfwwts thf WrHprn & AtUn- j tic Railroad Dap<M. t T Noverabar II. 1A57 iUtatf efcr. lala of TuOtgec * ; xt. ta happy j tarredollara !, eetiiled «e a ee»» ef (he lam t«m«r.I!!mnd,ao.i -cer- ■: '=<. ..-,d S |'.fc-lci rkei Engrarrng.eatitiKl “Maelfit Hi tiw. rr tdio have -i.'rvimitftdaiK.a , iVfLoy/’alx.usa ropy of tha CoM&opoJitaa Art for buBslTfi acd 5. a $.-Lanier, ropy ol tha Cass-cpolitan Art ..a* y«xr, also to a crrtifieats ia thaaward At prticicm?, a*#o to a free aimmioc to tba Oa- fcli-r: oad Cc«j&opc»atxa Ustteriaa. | Tt -»t; i» teen that for ovary thm doUan paid, B UBK WHEAT FLOUR. Yarns. hbcrtinp*. 8hirtj,.c« : Front thr V.-ri^cr w Um T“BALVO. ( j>f that jL*t’> "n^ N 8AS T V\ |V r . tuprv r* UiiraUsi UrahJ r to any in ihta t n.tnsr NEW AUCTION HO USE Cott- bug* FI ur still if tee; Mola»*f»d: ftt rep 100 Kr<js Nail*; Alaraxnmif All tor ftalr hr JOSEPH WINS HIP. januarv ^ .l»f Tobacco, ToDacco* UST trtr.ud emei tram \ trouts, t fb*w j the *sb«frik«r not only re«airc« a ipltadH thrra : dollar engraving, Ut also, tba bcaotifaliy iUma«- TWO DOLLAR ART JOUR- h AU oce year, bach itbwnb»r it aba prweat- fh.i Wi.h a earttrate in the awards of Premiums, by a kich x ra!ua!U work rf Art, in Foisting ac >«Jpi9re may bs received in addition, thus giving ft every satKrito su e^ntraieur to tba values i+e JviUr*, aa-i a gratia. Ary ore of \h* hading $Z J/agaxines is fum I;iiNi,iaiteaJ<>i Fngrsring and Art Journal, defirt-i. No Is retrirted to a ringla ikrr , Tboh* taking fire taeabersKipa, rtmltHug f l _ I arr caiitied w ao fcxtr* Engraving and auticke; f & j bVl partieul r? cf th« Aaaocmiou are girtnl y Wr the Art JvurtJal. which contain* over sixty *pUu THOS. F. LOWE, Whitehall near Mitchell St . Atlanta &a ifi i*rri, BUTTER AND CHEESE. V 1..4RGE attppG’ ‘ ,n hind ot auperior quelitv. end for rale • v JOSEPH WINS HIP. Nov t-l, |K.*,7 direr. SALT. Z/\i\ 8aeka in aaoae ard for rale hv IU JOSEPH wiN&mp. Not ta, t®57 dawtl W rtaarmoed;t»i 5 ’- ,Speelurer. .vp-ea nil) ta cant to all peractu who if’.re to ruhHtitf, on reraipt cf 6va peeler* ' UthfO 15 cefcll. dddreea • 0. to DERBY, Actuary C. A. R * 5tS Broadaav, Now York.or W.V, H. BARNES, H.m-y See'/ I>ec 25—dtf Attaau. rirorgta- SASH BLINDS &. DOORS M ANu.BACTl.JtED to order, al our ahrp ! oeer Wtnahip’a Iten Work.. jos. wixsHip a n» ; Atlanta, Nov 26. 1857 d»2m S'JOjGGO Wanted ! A LL peraec ii,.lehtfd t. the anderri^n..! .arc. tier , luic-r t-y taaCihg immr-diaie pay- mean aa .he above .iuv.--.5Ut mml be rii-o-i. ;.INNIU TT*J sILVKY. Dee *5, 1567 ,ta lm Iron! Iron! A I.A RUE sto^k ol stowah Min,:*. (■ mm- Wm ' taring and Mining Uampany'a Iron, con] •tantly on ha. .at Manufactuicia pri e. hy JOSEPH WINSHIP. Noterahci II. 186a daw*' NOTICE. J^IXparroni_Iidabtod to llumtata of C. S. .amr, lata of Jfuivmy eeoMy dacqaiad, are ra- qtdnd (a wka teaadlata payment an* there uir QeoriD.' In J, FABB, Inentor. <vtf Iwprovcd Cartton Gin an TliioIUiig .Rachlticj, rpHF kx^ax mcnorwl tbrir 1 fromSU'npui U-aaty, Go., *o Atlaeu. bn I««y« U' »af<tam their oM tnirtm* anti tbs paUie (eoenUy, tbit tb*r*iUceatA&«*tbe kU&vfia«turiag«f Cottas. Uir.oADl Wkont ItiWiery cwUuir u«aa! extocaba oeaU TbrirGlpa »r« veil Leu«» uH *att«r»ulh p^vvd ia Unorrt*, ftoatb Carol fra, and Alakama. ate iapaiteof lava*. HUtittlpfi, S»nh tktrvUaa. Xb*y Art t v f the tonWai state nab a ' rtytTui wsraxvd to maUtbeo caaraniofttaod Oarohje. \t jo* ar* in woat of agvodCclua Gin orwbnat ib&btr. cr* be froa; u», o*4 *• wilt oail as tew as axy oUmf Itaa . fact.'are r» of e-jca l rvpatica, a ad WiU drin REMEMBER, O tiKcatecrii-M -h - : Pfv O.-u--;- Fsralahthg ttecJ,, tt., etc., art ...... ^ reduced price, for curb. Call, and tea fer veur-; l h‘-farahaw'e rtridenevoc aeare.1 IU R. tape, tree talvta. Ul’XSlfYTT SILVEI. ^.'Jranp',8*uaa<poiUi«, COabaetamaj Ua»ie (Cm ... •«hoe!tr4..:mtethKalA*MU,erbydi.-iirrd.r.. D * r,i i lsi ' d *. hu , V. h..r.e at amleaceol tertiC.5,. a. n, tr. * l«f.-no»oet eteartttsr ho*Thrvahvir, wmevTeli'a «*) he —a epplicttioB l» Apali WHISKY. \T/M. R NEAL offi - fur rale \ , 00 hbl> eitra lopper-d-.vl i-d Whieky. > extra lopper-du 60 .TehyV.Su|«rriot Farther, \\fU*h!ris'* * Onicre>*J Pika** Megnotia AUo a lot of fine T.-hacta and Segura, tow for caah. Come and K I /ta #1* I tae before you boy- it* %S^AUC>n* woxroataMtfcra (tag ox nhoot w.«tun tad la th «vvb:eVr. > JirFHd «T|SHO* a «*. JIAAh AliKWV. . j^Ha^ M. WT'tiMsioSg Jjcnt for the A**i yCtrnds* S Outli**- ’Ofici si W klUcs 1 KckfosoM ^WlhftSQ ,